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reas HENRIQUE MARTINS LABELLA COSTA Fev/2018 Engng secon cous CHEMICAL ENGINEERING PROGRAM ENGINEERING ELECTIVE REQUIREMENT August 2016 ust engneting courses at ho 200 or higher evel and cant nce sina courses ‘hat require ie sor Ergneorng resaarch ced he 40 level higher mayb used ool Ws reareren \Upto@ cud of ne 480 or Che 35 may be akon ors grade, Seyend at Cne 40 o Ge crata mst be ken pose ow isa sampling of popular engineering wees among the ay angering curses a fit is Fequrement. yeu have ay qvstons, contac be Menigomery at smomngom@unh ad, POPULAR COURSES THAT FULFILL THE ENGINEERING ELECTIVE REQUIREMENT ame «10 ame aa ‘One 087 Engr 405 oe si7 Ge 88 he 538 cee es Gee 270 cee 3s Cee 402 cee 5077 ‘ESENG 967 ceesa6 ECS 200 ECs 264 Eees a4 ECS 370 Design and appeatins of ‘orate Quartatve prysictegy Probe slung on "oubleshooing th woroace ‘engineering sates sre bom ‘hing Advanon drat study, sarc, Seecal probs Biochemie engineering PPharracseaengneanng Shtsteal ans reverse hemodynamics Reguatary nsee fr ents, ‘Sameers, &manepes Scstanabe ongroorng princes Sotateal mehess or ata ‘hats end uneorany maging Enirnmenil eng paneles Environment! mieroboogy Enorgy itesrucce systoms Indust ecology Dierteatherates Into slecron reuts Propanmng anéinedicton a sucures ata sbuctvos and aborts Eletiea crcut,eystoms, app Engr 255 Eng 258 Engr 360 Engr 388 Engeari Man art Er 458 oe 201 TOE 265 oe 422 Ie 425 use 242 ‘BME 10 useat2 Meat Me 240 Me 250, Me 433, rio muescpinry eng sroject Per mentorhip in ear design Intl expesence feng Intermediate nutleopinary ‘gear prec Numareal maths fr sngincors ‘nd sem, ‘Adrarend muticisinary ‘homeerne proves sonore dae making ‘peratorsmadelng Probably ard statis for Etrepreneushi Ceanmenutedug ond ysis of mate ‘Srucues oneal Design and appeatons of ‘omatera Poherc mses Ine. to dypance and brane Design and ranclecung (CAD) ‘vances engy soutons ‘Sustainable seg of toehrelogy Irv fo nucle engineering and radologialsooncas. CHEMICAL ENGINEERING BSE Plan Requirements ‘Subplans RG0s22 ENERGY SYSTEMS ENGINEERING CONCENTRATION rece FA0S1610 (09052008), Raszz4 Energy Systems Engineering Concentration estve FADS [atoer008) tN 0O10 Teenie Elcves tNonzo Poeyrtew RGS7I4 ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING CONCENTRATION Etoctve FAs t610 (099000) ROS905_ Environmental Engineering Concentration tes FA06 1610 (090808), 10010 Local Lint rom CEE 4288526 (ik cerns he) 10020 Tecrical Electves 160090 Posey Law RGS713_ LIFE SCIENCES CONCENTRATION tet FACT (91057208), ROs304 Lite Sciences Concentration EEecive FADS (9103/2005) IN 0010 Requred Curses WNonz) Seeive Causes [RG00s0 MATERIALS SCIENCE & ENGINEERING CONCENTRATION, ‘MociveFAca610 (0052008) ROS650_ Materials Science & Engineering Concentration [Eteave Fao t610 (9/5/3006) WNoD10 MATSCIE 350, 10015 MATSCIE 430 uns Lime (maken exceptane hers) 0020 Eesives RG9031 MECHANICAL ENGINEERING CONCENTRATION oon reuse (oss) ROSES! Mechanical Engineering Concentration Ereaive Fasitet0 (0105/2006), WWoo10 Requred Courses Woo1S NECHENG 2003 unis Limit (mak no exceptions hes) 10020 Electives Ln 0020 N30 Nos (Noor Noor tNo0e0 Ln 090 CHEMICAL ENGINEERING BSE lan Requirements (One cour rom BIOLOGY 162, 163,172 174, 195,207, BIOLCHEM 416, 65, CEE Excess BIOLOGY, BIOLCHEM, CEE maken exception hte) Mattie 20 o 250 (Cor ta an tum Grade Exenss MATSCIE 220 250 EngnerngElcivee ‘atancod Nath. Sdence, Engineering, or Other Tactical Elves (ants) LUmtot Research crass (69 ung) Excess Advanced Math, Sdlee,Engasng of Ofer Tactical Elects (mak ‘Gro curse oui CHE (200 lve or ger) teave FADS 1500 (0906/2005) inane 10020 0000 Noo Noor Noo (Ope couse rom BIOLOGY 162, 163,172, 174, 195, 207, BIOLCHEM 415,515, CEE Excess BIOLOGY, BIOLCHEM, CEE (make no exept hate) Matec 220 or 2500 Engineering acves ‘Advanced Math. Slonce, Engineering or Ohor Tec Electives (6.0 ant) ExzansAavanced Mat, Scions, Engineering of tor Teale Eoctons ‘Ge curso oue CHE (200 lve or ghar) RGO219 CHEMICAL ENGINEERING RESIDENCY, GPA REQUIREMENTS, Etec FAC1560 (07812005), Ra4706 [Chemical Engineering Residency and GPA requirements Etecive Fav? 10 (atz/2000) tN o10 tNo020 Wand Miri 30 unt of acral ours a th 200 vel er ihr Niger GPA. See your Sepormertal eof the caret caleaion #NEC and REP. ates apace on Yur vansap and your major GPAs lees than 200, Senora Echos [No Used fo Graduation Requremert Wirsva, Fes, cmp, Not or ‘red Lest Than Moni Grads (ake no exeon ete) neve wo4/1670 (o¥097008) wani wane 10020 0040 ‘rim 30 ns of technical courses athe 300 vl ohgher [Major GPA. See yur doparertal edi fr ha correct nln # NEC and REP {des appear on your rar and your major GPAs aes han 200, ‘General lactvee| Nt Used fr Graduation Requrement Wihravals, Falures, Incomplete, Nol or {Creat Lacs Than Mtnimum Graces rake no expt hts) tecive FAQS/1S60 (0018/2005) ‘woo10 tN 020 Nooo iru 30 undef cecal courses at the 90 vel or higher Major GPA. See your departmental sar forte core eaeuton NEC and REP feces appr en out tance an your major GPAs os than 200, Genera Elev | Net Used tr Gasuaton Requreman, Wanorawals, Fai rect Cees Than nina Grades Raaros (CHEMICAL ENGINEERING BSE Plan Requirements (CHE 215 (enteral vaste) (GEM 216 (Cor igher (CHEM 216 (enteral vantr) ose nan nm Gres (Chea 20! and 242 (CHEM 200 or 251 (WATSCIE 242 or PHYSICS could be used as aerate) OR Che eo 21 (orale ess ce Ema pons ae) Related Technica! Subjects Etecive FAIO810 (09072010 woot Nooo Nooo tN 0080 tN0080 Noe tN o08s re cae rom OLOGY 16, 6,172,174, 18, 207, BIOLCHEM 5, 56 CEE Exeate BIOLOGY, BIOLCHEM, CEE (maka no excepts ee) MATSCIE 20 350 (Cor gne Ls han tum Gade Excoss MATSCIE 220 0250 Engnentng Elves [Exess Enginering lcves (keno exeapon here) ‘CHE 400 and 06 ‘mace FADBN710 (0002/2008) inane 020 Nan Wvonso twos Wwoore voor 1 0000 1 0080 ‘Qa esr rm BIOLOGY 162 16,172, 174,185,207, BIOLONEM a5, 8, CEE Excess OLOGY, BIOLCHEM, CEE msksna exceptions hate) [MATSCIE 220 280 (C= or higher oes tan ner Grace, Excess MATSCIE 220 250 Engneetng Etcbies ‘Advance Math, Scenes, Engineering, o Othe Technica Elcves (0 ents) {imo Resarch Gras (50 unt) Excess Advenced Math, Seance, Engineering, Other Technical Elects (mek no ‘excepts hore). ‘neces ouside CHE (200 level or higher) Related Tecra! Subjects tal ute tectva wncet670 (0192008) tonto 1 0020 tN 0090 tN odo Noo tNoora wn 0075 tN 000 9090 Noto oe care rom LOGY 16, 6,172,174 15, 207, IOLOHEM YS, S18, CEE Exooss BIOLOGY, BIOLCHEN, CEE (make no exceptions hte) srtacatar matey seine a satus eRe [Excess Advanced Math, Science, Engineering, or Otner Technical Electives (make no ‘One cure outite CHE (20 ove ar ihe) FReloed ect! Sutjects oa nts ecive FAOT/660 (091082007) CHEMICAL ENGINEERING BSE Plan Requirements campus: mich RG = Requirement Group Serer UENG RQ= Requirement 5 IN ine rogram: Pl 2500s RG.s210_ CHEMICAL ENGINEERING MAJOR REQUIREMENTS ect FAO/1560 (0918/2008), RQE70s Program subjects ‘Eecve FAIOMBT0 (0007/2010) {WN0010 CHE 20,330, 341, 242, 943, 34,360, 485 (C-or ihr) [0020 Lass thr Mim Grae 10030 CHE 460,468 0040 CHE 487‘ (CHE 488 and 429) N00s0 CHE 48 ane 400 ree Fac 10 22206 tan en, a, 0,04, 280 (Cog ‘hom Caasmotinnnat ni ese) ‘ose | Gaetan sere Nooo CHE 47 or (CHE 448 and 40) 0050 CHE 436 and 489 _Etecive wvoWt670 (1/03/2008) {NO10 CHE 230,290, 241, 42, 349, 34,960 (C- oi {N.0020 Loss than hmmm Grade tivo0s0 CHE 460,468,487 eve A0S/1550 001062005) W010” CHE 230,390,341, 342, 249, 944,260 (Cor ge) {0020 Less than him Grace (0030 CHE 480,468 407 Ras704 Advanced Chemistry Eretve wnoa/taro 0032008) UW0010. CHEM 210 (C- orhgher) OR 0015 CHEM 210 (oneal ete) Uwon2d CHEM 211 (C= orhigher) OR Uio025 CHEN 211 (onomal rane) 0030 HEM 215 (or igor) OR 10035. CHEN 28 extemal ane) N00 CHEM 216 (Cor ger NOD45 CHEN216 (extemal Parte) {IN 0050 Lees han Mineom Grage fake no exceptions hes) {UN D070 CHEN 260 or 21 (ATSCIE 242 or PHYSICS co! ba Used as atamaties) OR N0000 Erones GNEM yahoo exeapons hare) Efectve FAD/1560 (0916/2005) {N'09t0 CHEN 210 (Cor her) OR IN OD1S CHEN 210 (oxtemal ane) {IN 020 CHEM 211 (or ghar OR IN 0028 CHEN 21 extemal ans) [0030 CHEN 218 (Cer gher OF M Computer Science LSA MINOR Program ‘agement ngncze 2007—Summer 2018 Guide OMPUTENSEIENEE Electrical Engineering & Computer Science Department Welcome toe Electrical Engineering a Worting owas your hinarin Computer Sconce ‘mare toamployers Ara CS nr, you ae weleome and encouraged) to schedule an apport wih your [ESSA Facty aver each rm ashes on your sopress and seokaavee abo seademes a comput. ‘ated caver oppor, The LSA Ce Mine open students COE, Sel ot eaten “SA, Schad of ‘Musi Theat & Dance, Stamps School ofA &Deagh and Rost Schoo of Gusnass, Susers wo are ‘eceving eye Computer Engnecing, Compute Stone, Osta Selene, andr Elestcal Eyecing (ot ‘Sy eaminatono hese lors) ay ot desire «CS Mine. Getting infomation about the LSA Computer Science Minor ‘Sluents estan pursuing an scam Mino” Camper Sconce should mest win a CS-LSA Facty ‘onsor nthe CSE Undergraduate Aaising Ofte 2008 Beyer Sg. North Campus Sides sas Cnt soho mate br opartment ips nee mchadueecsundeadutes in Declaring the LSA Computer Science Minor ‘Avene yo dose, you should have stated the prerequists to th Minor, and ener ave taken previously Cr be eran and aang ne o mere a the cre courses nthe center. You must sae bn goad ‘Seademictanding and have eared mao, You mus deters bar you cn rege fr amy oe spproved ftecves. To declare stderts may eth sowed a sdviang appormert sng te nk shave compote Me {GStuo: Deseraton Request om alow 22 weeks for procatangy ha faoo MV ‘Course Prerequisites tothe Academie Minor (2 courses eae): ite MATH 15 sh 120A, oy couse hat oss the EECS 203 perequite Pogramning EECS 18) ENGR 10h, er ENGR Tt Academic Mito Program (16 cross ofcourse a flows} 1. Thvee Core Courses (rests ac) Si08 20 Dace hea (or MATH AB) ECS 20 Prograrrng od racy Oe StCUEE ECS ast Dm Shucures an Ager 2. Approved CS Minor Elective Course: One cores is 708 of posible you would earn 07 9 23 240 373 pot, 1b, The purpose of GS points i to ere that all stdens come ta ab pepaed td low safe ales and uielins and ar efficient and ina che ssined tars in ely mar. Atte besnnng the lab ‘ession sour GSI will check your I aotbook for completion of the prelab portion of you lb ‘otchook pases dese on CTaol on the Lab Notebook assghment description) Noe: te rela ‘nang ts your otehook wil mothe graded otha ine. a rater when the noteook pes are lected llwng the completion ofeach experiment GSI pnts wil be assed se 0 = mexcued shsnes I= tended, but not prepared or unsafe, 2~ tended, bt ot repre or unsafe, 3= pepared sed enpge and 4 = outstanding, © A shortsrvey willbe eolested onlin the sta at weeks fhe erm 2. Quizes. Nive short quizes will be administered dough the online homework system and two longet ‘ulzze abe sdmintered nab 4 Ontne izes wl correspond othe prea questions fr each experiment ano ering progression assignments onthe ole homework system relted to speewoscopy and lab technique topes Sapling nine qizaes are usually due onthe day of lect ding the serond week ech sxpetoet fae ps wala be given fr onlin us except the event ofa lang frm excused ace, ie tose ‘ar perfor completion or 7 das. Dot wat stil the last mine compete thers 1 In uz | wilncade questions fm Exp. 13, bt wl primarily focus on Ine pecvossopy Ia Jab gue? wil incade questions fom Exp. 7b wil primal focus on NMR specacony, 3. Lal Notdook snd Worksheets. Throughout the tern you wl be equied to minin ab oebook and Submit worsheets containing questions corresponding to exch experiment Lab taba ages pec attached andexpernental worksheets wil be due 14 das followang the completion ofeach expen Noe ‘metcook pages ill note eal for Ep 6 (pectrscepe unknown) 1 The lab notebook should tea compete eeord of your exptimens, Spee guidelines fr wing in ‘your nabook wl be povided ina handout inthe sures fader onthe CTool te, Nat eof ‘he wring you don Your Ib norebook mathe completed pron othe ar of cach exponen Tog il nt lime to proceed wih a nen experiment if tht portions 0 complete on orl oe (GSI partcipanon pont for coming o lab unprepared | Experiment worksess wih question perining to each experiment will be posted on Cok, 5 Sapling Prtab Assignments. Sapling preah assignments are designed to help yout fly sap he basie ‘hemisey piciplesunderiying the experiments tobe performed. For each pela asignmen ou wil Be Fequced to ead your lab manual and answer ery bse question tha es your knowledge on ec exproent You wil hve uliited chances to solve each problem Pel assignments wl ede om they of the lecture of eath new experiment (with the exeepion of Exp I) Mae wp ell mt be ven or elie prtad assignments exept i he event of @ log orm excused absence, ine he are apo fo compl or at ‘es 7d. Dot vat unl He ast mint complete hem ‘here are several fictos considered when determining you semester grade. In order to acount for arading dffeences betwen ab section, he aes foreach lb secon wil be anesed spare No [Sveage pot total ypicallycaresponde to a8 Your semester grade willbe based on the pit heme elon Assignment Type ‘Soto Participation Pins 1. GSI points 13 lab sessions @ 4 pt each ~52 ps Hp 2 Delicer questions 40 5, 5 Pripst strveys > @ 10 peach = 20 pt. izes 1 Online quizes 9 @ 5 pts exch Sp 2 Lab quires? @ 50 peach Lab Novos ‘Experiments (15,8) @ 10 pt. each ~70 7 mas Worksheets ‘Experiments @ 20 pe, each = 160 pe 1609. Sapling Preah ‘8 Prelabassgnments @ 5 pls. each 40 Tour a Note: Deparment pai indienes theft step in ingring about the scurcy of «fl gd shoud be Airc to te lend nsctor of the couse The ital ingiy sould take place within fs een Univesity business dys of he fst fl em following the ein which the pated grade wae wed ar thisinguy, he sade snot sated wh the naruto’ respons, the ste ay chaos ote a oma luge wievance. To inate a formal grade ghevane, the stdent should comic the Associate Chir of Undearaduze Sudies (ACUS) ofthe home deparent of te ere im question before the ena heft vwek of lasies inthe Fist fll tm allowing th term n which he drat rade wae ised Academie Integrity Colleton nthe lorry setting is encouraged; however all writen work must be your ann. Aeademic nscondct wil eau na grade of mero onthe aignnent for which thes place Chesting tau may ‘esl sn fling the course For more information pease rend the infrmation st the LSA Site fo Academic Imegity for examples of academe misconduct and. ther oman. Henrique Costa i ciass Searca [ere aac at cine Search by SchoatCotage | seecnrcnne se orden cen Browse Course Catal 1 Browse Course Catalog . Course Detail Course Components ase ecu compu ton Ato care ‘Aeacemic orgaizaton Eth Emons dence ‘evaory Prevequste gh Stet math, sya, nd cheery, Tcl onered a Wet course aeibute Uncered rat oh SAN Secs (5) escrpon ‘al Waring — Reve fhe sop eee tl weming lacing gehen of mtr and atrapope grenout es, hobs ation Batre, semester ak Cire th decane f ble readin method hr cam to pote ent. pe eaptscamichpeteeraneEPLOYEEMRUSINUL FRAMEWORK AGSTARTPAGE NULGELCONTEXTOPARANS.. 1 arth 114: Global Warming ‘Winter 2014 (1 credit) ‘Lecture 4 1045:00 pen 7TH Starts Tuesday. March 11 ‘Meets in 1800 CHEM inal Exam: Tuesday, April 22 (4 105:00 PM in elass) Instructor Jamie Gleason Classroom: Chery 1800 Office: 415 CC Lith Buling (Dept of Earth and Environmental Sciences) Office hae Th, Spm (el glasomich ek) [No Testok (shor readings aly. to be sstgned ding lass) Course description: In this couse, we wil review the sient evidence fr, ane causes lob ‘warming We wl also examin he consequences of global warming, andthe projections er re lima change on society. Finally, we wil ook tho the projected eatcomes of reeahouse ta bul Inthe atraspere can be understood within the context of Farth’s ps imate Lecture Schedale Date Tepie Read ‘Par The Physical Science of Global Warming Mach 1 Toston to Gloal Warming 13 Th The Greenhouse Eft 8 T_Anthropogenie Greenhouse Gases and Chmate Change 20 Th The Carbon Cycle und CO; Emissions 25 T Foss Fuss and Earth's Carbon Badge, 27 Th Ears ce Age Climate: Past ae Prolog? Pare Hy ts & Projections Climate Change athe Arce 3. Th Climate Chang ia the Ansetc 41 Global Warming and Sea Level Rise Th “Dangerour"Cimate Change Part IE: Scenarios or the Future Radiative Forcing and COs The Foreest ce s* PM) tigation SatepesClss Reve Final Exam April April 22° EARTH 114 Final Exam 4:10-6:00 PM (1800 CHEM ‘Course especatons: Sten willbe evaluate based othe Sal exam (10 pins) and fev shat signers quizzes (10 points each fr a maxis otal of 40 pot) The ial exam wll be ‘omprhesie and wil nelad bth mule choie and rufa question (santo ll over many lecture material and ocasionl reais posted on CToole The Sal exam eked for the inal eso the semester and eaot be made up fo any eason excep duet exensating ‘Seumstnees hat have ben enmmuminted tte srt nace Quizes wl be announced send of ie, and wil be aa the lass CTool site For 24 hous Each quizhas pre-e ie mit (30 mines to ke itonce you sta), and wl be Grade letroncally eter grdes wl be determined wing the following grade sale TPerenige Laer rae ® ties Be Sino € ma FP Class Search © Glass Search by SchooliColloge ~ © Browse Couse Catalog ong nch serene EP OYEENRUSAU! FRAMEWORKET.AOSTARTPIGE NULGEL7CONTEXTDEARIMS, Honque Costa —— | emt ces | sere tor caves by schol eaege Browse Course Catalog Course Detail seu cout ENGR 100 Intro Engineering a 9 & nr rgneerng ainerng nearing Uno Ee nae rat ny Engineering 100 — Introduction to Engineering Section 100, Winter 2014 and Materials for the Design Implants and Medical Devices Faculty Dr. George T. Wynarsky (Office Hours: after lecture'T, Th Materia Science and Engineering 2042 Dow Building 7635109 ‘womarskv@engin umich ey Dr. Blzabe Hildinger Office Hours after lecture till 4:45 Progam in Technical Communication by appointment (realy available) 306 Gorguze Family Lab (GFL) 159062 ‘seinchi@umich ody Evoice hours: TBA Discussion Instructors Dr Wymarsky and De Hildinger Class Information (Lecture section 100, diseussion sections 101-104) Lectares: Tuesdays and Thursdays, :30-00, 1200 EECS Discasions Sestim Day Place Insrustos 1 11h 12304130 3150Dow Dr. Wonarsky in 1th 130230 3150 Dow De. Wynarsky tos 1TH 1230-130 136 EWRE Dr. Hildinger tow 1m 130230 136 EWRE De. Hildinger Course Objective ‘The objective of Engineering 100 is to provide an overview of enginering that introduces first-year students to the professional sills required of working engineers Enginering 100 will demonstrate that sucessful engineering is no achieved through {echnical experise alone. Our hope is that student wil realize eaty in thee programs that effective engineers must also sce the “Digier picture” and develop stone ‘ommuniaton, teamwork, and moral reasoning skills Engineering Theme Biomaterials and biomedical devices have been developed to the point that they can sucessfilly replace parts in the human body, Examples of orthopedic implants inclode {otal hip and knce jin replacements, spinal ise spacers, and temporomandibulr (iW) join replacements. Examples of biomedical devices include pacemakers, ania hears, and cochlcar implants. We will examine various engineering aspects of these Jmpln systems with particular focus on mechanics and materials. However, opie will cove’ abroad spectrum of integrated engineering disciplines. As the term progress, you vill fxm eams to investigate and analyze a particular erthopedic implant or medical device, culminating ina final oral and writen preseatation in which you wil provide a design recommendation Throaghout the course you willbe asked to present your findings i a varity’ of formats, incluling homework problem sets and oralwritten reports. This class will inroduce you ‘ot broad range of communication situations to help prepare you for professional work Required Course Materials Coursepack, Engincering 100, Section 100 4 Practical Guide to Technical Reports and Presentations, 2 edition, Bary-Khan, ildinge, and Hidinger, Pearson, 2010, Course Grading 900.000 points AtwAE 00399. Boa jo Cer 600499 Diebe 00 E Distribution of Points (see handout on course website for additonal detail Indiv Individual Writing Assignments % Technical Homework 65 Evans (Technical) 28 Exams & Quizzes (Non-Technical) bs SelFAssessments 20 Parsipation (atendance, engagement, cauree evaluation) 25 Tok 600 Team Projet Deliverables Proposal 15 (Oral Presentation 1 50 ‘Writen Report 1 30 Progress Report 2s Oral Presenaion 2 100 Final Writen Report 100 Self-Assessment 0 Peefermance/Documentation 50 Toul 400 Course Tota: 1000 NOTE: Instructors reserve the right to adjust final grades onthe basis of parteipation in teamwork. HONOR CODE POLICIES “The fllowing policies have been agreed upon and willbe used by all sections. Engineering 100 Honor Code Poticy ‘The Collegeof Fnginering Honor Code is statement of ethical ‘standards by which the faculty and stadents ofthe College of Engineering ‘cnduct themselves. You are bound by the provisions ofthe Honor Code ‘iorance of tis no excuse to infinge upon i The Engineering 100 student is expected to read the Honor Code. For details regarding the Univesity of Michigan's College of Engineering Honor Code, please log ‘onto the following URL: hp mich, Mn Among other things, the Honor Coe forbids plagiarism and dishonesty To plaglarize iso take and pass off somes own the ideas, writings, of nother. The Honor Code itself states" is dishonorable to receive ered for work which snot the result of one's ow efforts” Therefore, ‘every inividal assignment must be prepared by the student whose assignment iis, and each stadent mus do his or he fair shae of teamwork, However, in Engineering 100 you ae often expected to co-author reports and assignments and to edi team deliverables. This equitement may raise ‘questions about what constitutes edhical se of other people's woek and What erosies the lin into plagiarism. Therefore, the faculty of Engineering 100 have promulgated the following rules to help you work cooperatively in ths course without violation ofthe Honor Code These rules cover common situations, and you are expected to fellow them and any modifications of them induced by your nsrictors. These rues are ‘ot exhaustive situations arise which cannot be foreseen. In such ses, ‘asin any other, guidance willbe sought inthe language and spit of the Honor Code itself Plagiarism Policies | No individual student oe eam may hand in as his ots report oF assignment any product that includes work done by any ether party: accordingly, no individual student or team may have anyone ele help ‘aft the language or prepa he anes of a rept or signer 2 Am individual student may consult with other students concerning the ‘onceptuaizaton of an assignment of any kind, but hat individual Imus generate the written solution by working alone. You ae encouraged to consult De. Wynarsky daring office hours for help on hhomework problems and other engineering topes You are encouraged o consult Dr. Hildager during office hours fr help on ‘ny communication assignment or problem Individual team members may co-author team reports snd ther eam assignments with otber students ona Engineering 100 team. All of ‘the co-authors’ names must appear on all copies of any team or group assignment. Tf student’ name appears cn eam report this means ‘hat student has fairly contributed toi; iFyou allow a teammate’s name {to appear ona team report to which he or she has not fity contributed, then you have breached the honor cade, 4 Individual students and teams may enlist she aid of another person to proofead assignments for grammar, speling or punctuation unless this ‘nas been expressly ferbidden. See the handout on permitted use ofthe Sweetland Weng Center. 5. No individual student or tam may use infermation fren any source, ‘whether published or not, unless that source i credited Participation in Teamwork Each student must do his or her fir share of teamwork. Each student ‘must takepart inal aspects of a team project. research, data gathering, ata analysis, and drafting and revision of writen text Handling Data wih Integrity ‘You may not falsity or misrepresent methods, data, results, o conclusions, regardless oftheir source Unfair Advantage ‘You may no posses, ook at se, orn any way derive advange fom the solutions of homework or exams prepared in prior years, whether these solutions were former student work products r solitons that have been made available by faculty, unless the Engincering 10 faculty expressly allows the use of such materials DISCIPLINE AND. SLITY POLICIES Discipline Policy ‘We expect you to complete all work on ime, Ifyou miss deadline on an individal assignment, you wil be penalized 50% a day (ram the beginning ofthe classi which the assignments de), you miss a deaine for an exam, a final oral presentation, oa writen port on a projet without a rir arrangement with the Engineering 100 ead faculty, you wil likly receive aero for hat assignment or exa, Depending oa the importance ofthe project, his may result na falling sade forthe clas. In some circumstances, we may accept legitimate excuses and make arrangements for you to tum inthe work at. I you know in advance that there may bea conflict that wil kep you from completing an assignment on time, you mast diseuss your options wth your discussion leader ora faculty member before the assignment is due. You may be asked to funish a written note tat has been signed by an deniiale person who ‘will vouch tothe truth ofthe cteumstancessurounding the excuse. Any ‘uation that results in aprawacted absence from school or seriously sopardizes your ability © complete course work will be referred othe [Engineering Advising Center for consideration Acceptable excuses: 1 Medical emergency Death in dhe family (© Other excuses deemed acceptable by your led instructors. Unacceptable excuses: (This is mot an exhonsive lit: itis lustrave) 4 Homework, et, was du in anther las and you did not have time to ish the Engineering 100 assignment. You do not get along with your team members and so decided not 0 ‘how up foc team meetings © You were nervous about making an oral presentation and skipped that par. 41 You had serious computer problem, © Your printer broke down Contested Grade Policy ‘Ifyou are nt satisfied with a grade, you can request that we tke another Took att. However, such requests must be accompanied by a ‘memorandum fon you explaining why you think your work merits & diferent grade and his must be suboited within 8 week after you get your assignment back Aer a week, no e-rade requests willbe accepted, Disability Policy you have any disabiliy ax defined under the Americans with Disabilities Act that might incerfxe with your abil totam in assignments on time or inthe form required, please contact yout lead instructors and the Office of Students wih Disabilities at the start ofthe term so tha arrangements can ‘be made to accommodate you. Incompletes will not be given for this class exeept under extremely extenuating circumstances! Class attendance It is extremely important to attend all classes — your primary resource for many topics will be the lecture and your lecture notes. Course grades can be affected by poor class attendance. ome Coe Clg class Soares Henrique Costa ee oe FF lass Search by SchoouCotege srenorduase [ono ocanes by sco ope Browse Course Ca Course Detail a Browse Course Catalog un couret MATH 116 calculus 1 couse Components ere agate C ‘evicryPrevemuste MATH IS ‘ype onert a, Wer ong, Sumer course Atibate dere cat ony LS Hat Son Ani) Description of ew: geomet (ah); aerate), Bae mA), ert eros Stet i deve he eng, wig and ueteig ils swale eiy wor cert. Tepes Ince eis ot irtegaten, penne fern, ase, iy kr mich agen OVEERUSEN FRAMEWORK PT AGSTARTPAGE NULGRLICONTEXTOPARAMS.. 11 ‘Math116-011 2014 Insteuetor: Daniel Barter Ofiee: E184 malls barteri (OMice Hours: MoWe 1112 Texts Caleatus by Hughes tat, Gleason, eta, 6 Eatin, publsied ty Jul Wiley eel Sean Cateula‘or: TES4, TENapite or equivalent. Iya have antler mode, yon wl be responsibie for knowing low to use i. Bing your ealelatr t las each days to the Uniform Bene ‘Course Web Site: hip://anw math sa mich e/oorses/116/ “Ths site has important information inching te Student Gide a homeware eis. ‘The wr ste willbe updated with rxam rooms a oer inlrmatzn se the semester progress. Homework: Daity homework will be asignot frm each section that we comer, These sige ‘eats wll he workel on the web, sul the wel lem wl cot 85 of the Ex {Componat of your al rae. I oer tla well clas, ynt ste up wit he Aaiy assumes vat, you wl he ae regula tn banner ean ‘au alge porto of yur oe ge wl he basse Uns rnp sian. Quizzes "Ther wil be shoeweekly quizes, Nomakmip quizes willbe give, but wl dep ‘om west score when Tempe fn rs Uniform Exams Fist Exam Monday, February 10. 6 73 pm Second Exam Monday, March 2 6-730 Final Exam Monday, Apel 25 S10 am 100 ana Dates forthe exams are fed. General, only students with regularly shfll lass are gecommodatd at an allerate tine. Anjooe with tga sled clas ring ‘thee exam times should let me kuww as soon as posible. Make pls now tobe ti ‘hee dates are in your calendar. Note that trae! fe wot ule exes o have a fecie,yr cae grade wl be pen {Chonting: Do no cheat. Ifyou dat on a gue or eam, yo ik fing the course Grading Policy: All sections of Math 116 use the sae grading guidlines to standart the ‘olution process. A complete explanation of the grading pully is given in the Stunt {Gude onthe coarse we site. Lock under the heading “Grecing Spot Jn Class: You are roquived to come to class. Stents who do not attend their Math 116 lass rarely succeed the conten gop ark we eau this das Inte and develop cane Inport astomerme wl ie given las dy sve responsible fr this tformation, Shold yon mis a cas, please be sure to ‘other impotent uration frm a lasenae ‘You rms bring your book and your eaeulator to elas each dey, We wl se he ites frequently dung clase ‘Came to clans ote? Math Labs Pree tutoring tes the Mathematics Deputies Hours: Meulaythrxgh Thay Hat = 4 yn atl 710 pn Friday’ tet pa Silay 7 pet cation: Eset all Bit Any stent with a documented disabity should costact ue as soon 8 posible so that we ‘ean disuse arangranents to ft your nee 0 [seanereves | Hi Class Search _F Olass Search by SchoolICalege © Browse Course Catalog Uc 280 Undergrad Research cousa Components Laine aie fectanen Regus C compos on ater Comp ‘evisoryPreveauate ——fretarsmcnt ye sadn, Typeaty oer Fol, eo Sxsum, Sum « ‘Add content tree Cone Regard ¢ penn Unenpadit Repech The cous fe eechexerence eet (aca ede any he Unrate coe intended fr us hen department aged at cameo ser ee. mega nk adpepronesEMPLOYEENRUSIENU FRAMEWORK AGSTARTPNGE NULGBLICOUTEXTPARAMS.. $1 [Osmenserseve | TF Chass Search [FF Class Search by SchoolICotlege Browse Course Catalog ow Cute al Henrique Costa (em Browse Course Catalog Course Detail eu courit ‘CHE 230 - MatsiEnergy Balances couee components Dutton acorn tere ecutes ender croup ainering ‘Academic Organization Chesca Engage ‘eicry Prerequite Enforced Preveguete 1 10 nH 10 58) 190 ara 115 19 56 0 760 185 296 11) (8 ewer Beseition lel systems. apnenng obi hing ne ell ce, (istonothemedmance. rede chi egrening at eres ne 230 yas ra 2014 Material and Energy Balances Fall 2014 Hr lamny Pcper of Chom Paces, ed 2008 ing RL Roza, ly New Yak. sed) ‘Scent wentnkto accompany Ely Prope Chem Proceso nd ‘Sesion Tne wn, boat 02 aamsatgm oT Seco mos tAoz0pmTOKEWRE Lyn secede te tao zt6m 18000" etn ‘SUNDAY sues, 24m, 1200 CHEM PRACTICE Opfona sessions by strona Aes (snes Mak Mee) PL GiegM Tater tar GtsaWA NeRE ghar lym secon st cede res Sarai ost isa Eietin st ene Deepa Mat daze scr rfeee (OFMCE HOURS: tng 8814) Prot ater Wot, Amat cargu (ea 180) yom secant ‘Wes, 2pm Nor Dow 280, Ths 430-5 bp Now 108) James Saran Tues. 4305309 Cerra Argel 120, Tur 1230 30p Nh DOW 118) etetn \Wee 130209 Noh Dow 140, Ths 330-430pm Not (Col 2018) Linsey Aer “Tues, 679 USL, Ths, 7pm UE eked ‘Ws 7m (USL, Tas pm (UCL (at tc har ae helt n te basa ‘neg Ci Ean. he CN Hoar Seca nl ring, nde Seprmet pes es in fr stents, Mar tas wl be som 2: Monde November 3, 67305 Fal Esan: Mendy December 15 4:09-6:05 ‘course omsecmnes ‘Sar te Cuma iang Reta presents pap rapa on a process. nd nen, ee eetanh rosary aspects tote Shout preorestearng sve od eetate tty chogues = i ler ne ee ey aes aig eh a pas. ~ SEetreinetra ge parets tye ens on ~ "Selo eoptoa famcing amy wh eu of rial roca Ss, 0 Sb sre mass Ad ene, ‘oles arma sre pasa other volp oma sy acl oer in prtssorl race, cud amar th IIE coe ther nao: Homme 50 Sts a, owest ade wl be oped Precs 50 nsen 10 anton 25. (05 recaontecne: 10-5 Couse Evan) no ad aoa SA Aah ABLDE Tan a “etlpome 25 LECTURE SCHEDULE Subjetto change ue___tae neat ue sme 0 onsen Weep, ntetn te chemical ngs. he 20 sats mmamuaen i oansena Cacao, Fou 5 Uns alata, statin, chap 1.2 Resume ety ra, ersetton od oats Sse Paes and Process als MSepL® Mass, lume owt chemes! Chater compton posse, mere Shane: Edam of ta Beas Weg 10 Maeslbotrce bases, owchats See 404.38 sup 12 atx ns potopg sie Ashe a a Sep 18 ans and booteapg Weep 17 Mion nt proeses ore 44 (oust 97) F Sup 18 Indust Panetcarer Oportnies we sen. 22 eyo nd bypass ena Weg 26 Salinas on ace stone seas aan nab HN Tsay set 28 laces on oc systems Msep.29, Soutometettes nt stomtalces sec 47 Woe. EXAM (6-709) ne clas ‘hate eae Ss Moa.6 inland so dents ec 6082 aac Muto Suse 08.18 Snelecorsonnt Fase eam nd FOd17 —Gestnuidsysters—one condensate S606 Woe. 20 Gasdgidsystems—Muicmponent See 64 Stns (aute 2102 ‘Shas: Ese an EBs Faz mstcmponen systems Woa.29 Enmaytancas an canyons 74 monde kh aboot te abt ants itabeendy une AMZ (63:30pm) no clase Woe 5 Taleo memos at e075 ‘State stncson Nasa ras Now 4 Chae intmpert eas ek noc 17 Phase ange pens sac bane ues 1197) Wow 19 Phaseehangecpertans how 21 Marga Soon 0.05 0 ‘Sec les Raat Passes court 129) FOe.5 Thewoctemsty fsouons exe ase ape ented edb neste TE i ey Mee 8 Faseand contain sos te 1 on, ee 18 FINAL EXAM 09pm) ‘Youre not lomo possat, ok us, or nay way dere advantage ram work nt done by you cig sons nom he nse Ys ap hoves acr pel sang eg heneon esos a ‘You are expected st up each problem on your own tore mesting ta» ou. Wa shudehs nae spears th Scolar at ‘fetes tae has paged Sage fron ‘remanent on oes please cane one ages shld ebm he a cs 6a on dy ay a ane et ue win 0 ‘hp wm stapes rns me tan cst pe sae ee fnen nonce atone soa "ues and your nae GROUP MW WRITE team urbe an team mer names shes ame motor he sks “ew cae) Soon shou be wien ney ad soon shoud be bane Pages soso rnc oe aes ‘Sera ac satpro es atta por ah a earn ot Tre 5430p NCRC Css a egal ere Late hanowh ib seated 20 poh fea Moher ‘= Sccepted ate 430 pm on the ona ate “Ten pins (ot ot 10 be sutras rom our HW grades fr folowing vltions nation a pls at fr ince shuns, Notstapeg ot boxing ia aners Excesively messy iting hat hard epher Problem munbers ratte (mode) eciation umber nissng nt astetowe oped sar ‘The wil be wo 9a ean an ne tal xan. A xan wl be open bck. You so be aod Ibn noo ane Sneed seat ents or eqns. NO edna aes (as eel amas uses, homework nan cher a (rete) wt toned ute ome, ar ‘Sulqdzes wie rnd under tape sf Egioetn Hom ata Yar te eens soe ees pe ‘rrecnved at rt cama rare Cacao ay vs th hone Code she ting exch vat qu: Fae = pick ab atone Nt ea o ah ese ore hat exam or que. Suspected veto hare sa baht othe leon sao the Hone Cau Ingen er pag ei es Ses sa nh Pe There yh ere a ety ns Team Projet: wlan ast en tm projet ng he Semeter Your pets wl gra on ene ove anual of esr equnts r yradng 3 hore, ao uo eam mu ested in wing within on week fen ase. ‘ta rege eet tach tn ae eon the wo ob pad Ite dct srr cP es tat ‘quent wnat honored Nhe ere ssnmen l begets we gre an reo acta pores ay atte t essai academe commodo tat ay be ote suet wih dais, Requests aca ri as hin ee ete sae, ct roan ge et Trench ek soa yay pesos, "SN [Saomo | Di Class Search FF Class Search by SchoauCollege © Browse Course Catalog opr nich atpcterononvENP OYEENAMSCNU FRAMEWORK AGSTARTPAGE NUL YCOMTEXTOPARAMS. Henrique Costa ae a) [ses toreisoee feo or deste by schol alee Browse Course Catalog. Course Detail suse curs Lit MATH 215 -Muliv & Vector Cale course Components Lbartry agent tecire egures ‘Academic Oganention ahaa Oren ‘evry Prevequste MAT 16,156,178, 186, «206 ype one at ey, og, Sumer cour Atribute Undead ct ony eseition tare an Veto Ck Tp nde veces ant seta functons arte geo snes, surtces ah sade; nein Ire 2 pbos veta iel an integiton res Tascam, ‘Stotee Theorem, and Goes Trem, The wee nb sng MARE oe. +® Back Math 215 main gage Math 215 Course Information [Textbook i cover Chapers 12 divough 16 of Malvaable Calculus by James Stewart, th edition {nk io publishes) Use this xisonmap to convert between editions you are using the TM or fh edition [Course Math 115-116-215 isthe standard Callus sequence taken by the majority of udenls [Description | tending to major in sience or enginering emphasis n Mah 215i on concep and [ving problems rather than theory and poo. ‘Topics [Vetors, Vestor Functions, Functions of Two and Three Variables, Paral Desatives Malle (Covered | mera, Caleulus of Veto Fie, Line Integrals and Surface Interals, Grec's, Stokes and [>ivergence Th Web |Graging | lomework: 10% Write Homework: 10% Lab work First Exam: 20% Second Exam: 15% Final Exam: 35% Gateway Test: Failure to pass the Gateway exam will result in #13 letter grade edition from your final grade (for example, from A to A-) [Academic [In cases of cheating during an exam or (et, the initial decision of whether cheating | integrity [has occurred will be made by the proctor or the grader. The penalty, which s decided by the course coordinator, will range from deituction of 13rd of a grade toa filing lerade. IF the penalty isnot aceptabe tothe student, the cheating incident will be referred to the LSA Asst Dean's office. This ink describes LSA policies on academic inesrity and misconduct Working with other students i the clase on homework assignment is remit and encouraged. However, the work you had i for evaluation musth entirely your fown. Cheating wil be reported to the college administration, [Maliple [all sections share the same schedle, homework sas, and exams: However, grading ie [Sections _|separate and cach section may have a diferent curve, We wil ty to minimize difference in |rading between sections as far as possible Students should attend the section m which they le enrolled Exam Policies ‘Calculators and Notes are mot allowed during the exams, ‘+ Exam dates and times are frm. You may request a altcmate exam filles, family ‘emergency, serious and unavoidable confit with some other elas. However, poor planning on your part or conflicting personal travel plans are not acceptable reasons. To _| equestanaltemate exam, send an email odivakar AT]umieh[DOTIede. The eabject of the email must be YOUR NAME [EXAMLIST], with EXAMLIST being a subset of Exam, Exam, and Final. The body ofthe email must give your reason forthe request. ‘The most common reason i course confit Explain your conic leary. The alternate ‘ecam willbe on the me day and at 400 pn forthe midterm exams anda 800 am for the inl, + Universiy policies regarding religious exemptions will be followed ‘+ Students with VISA/SSD forms, see the nes item. you neod an aesommodation fora disabili, please email a Verified Individualized Seviees 'and Accommodations (VISA) fom tothe coordinator (Avakarfatjumichdetet) within the | rst wo weeks of class. Please use YOUR NAME [SSD] asthe subject line athe email The | (G4 Haven Hall issues VISA forms. | ‘The 215 coordinator will catact you regarding your exam rangement audition othe lectures, dere isa lab each week in a computer room, Lab classes will cove five topes. Each topic runs fortwo weeks and hasan csnpoent anda enpncat nthe. componcnt students will wok together in groups of fur to salve pralensin the lab Jnanual (which is available on the Jab page). n the component students willtake ts to resent solutions to problems solved ouside of lab time, The component ae based on, [component material. Your atendance ofthe lab clases as well as presentations daring the B fret wil be graded (10% ofcourse gad), You will NOT beetalatedon your | Jndcrstanding of Mada in exams. Atte discretion ofthe lab nsricto, ab tne may be spent lon disussing writen or web hamework problems. tien Homework ‘There are several writen homework sis. Due dates of written homework are included inthe — | jail sullabus and are also announced on the course homenags. ‘The Written Homework should Ie handed in, to your lab instructor, atthe beginning ofthe lab class of the dueday I you lab | class meets on Tuesday, then your due day is Tuesday. f your lab lass meets ca Thursday, | ten your due day is Thursday | web omewori ination writen homework sts, dere are sich homewank sa The due dates and times fe indicated in daly slabs, Start Working on web homework as carly as posible. You are [towed six temps foreach problem. Answers tothe web homework st willbe availble lpproximately a day afer the due date The fist Set, Set, i an invctory se explaining tow tousethe system, Sc 0s grade like all eaters, See Web Homewath FAG for kommonly asked questions. (Gateway ‘Test Forte open and close dates ofthe Gateway test see the Daily Schedule. Vou tan sat aking ie Gateway test fo practice during the fist few days oF lass To take thetstat home, allow | fe link Gateway Tes You can take the Proctoed Gateway Test al the Gatewey Lab (EH. [poco Yom ean take te test mulple umes, but at most tice ada Tor each dey when he Jvebsitis open. The test consists of 7 questions, and you nce to answer at lest 6 questions | Korey to pass the test Failure to pass the Gateway exam wil result in 1/3 grade leducton (for example, final grade changes from A to A-- The purpose ofthe Gateway test storeview single vanable calculus, [Base (Classroom, siquette [Prerequisies Nat 1G 156 0¢186 - a Ee Respect your instructor and fellow stadens. Come to the lass on ime and stay tl the end of ne cass. Clas participation is encouraged bu students should not discuss wi eachother loudly. Tur off your cll phone during the class Subsequent For stdents who need 1o Tear linear algebra, the appropriate sequel Math 2 (Linear \Courses |lgebra). For students who intend to ake only ne further mathematics course and need iterentia equations, Math 216 (huroduction to Differential Equations) ete appropiate Cees clase seu FF Olas Searct by SchooliCollege DD Browse Course Catalog rome Cone Cle raver asta [| semen for canes by schol eaege Henrique Costa — Browse Course Catalog Course Detail unsecure st PHYSICS 140 - General Physics 1 Lect esos C compu en tna endemic organeation —Physce Deparment ‘evioryPrevequate MAT 5, 15,185 6295 ‘ype oneret Fol wear rng Enforced Prerequisite orgie BASICS tt (8) naergne oat Oy 1SA- nana Sec 5) eseroton vera Pye SCS ener py caring of YSIS 40, 40 340 Th sequen rman er ses the phic scence nd enn, PHYSICS 1 ters nna odessa mechan, te py of maton, ops Ince: vers rer maton, poets, abe vee cor mtn Newtons ms, re yar, wor jamie, spe hemaie maton, waves a sin Sp 2 te) ies Seo 47) Sep 8 en) Sep 9 ae) ‘th sors en seo 6 ie Sep 7 ive) Sepa ‘tm sora ‘Ben Spas ‘et spe ‘wea cy sors ten Sep ite x2 it Syllabus for Physics 140 section 100 (Riles) - Fall 2014 (Chapter section refer to Young and Freedman, 13 ca “of ston priate) Prelgire Mating Counted al ptztion ‘azo © Bae Pton pograning s antn) {ine aon secens2.426 uma mdse bl nex 20 20 on; jc een seco 3433 ml dete be pope) Jephing Newtons awe Funan an Fito Forces spans, Mussa mda ib el projectiles a estance) epi Newtons ans rear Hon ao epi Newtons ans Pating al togter sections 155 MB we 1158 Werk Hot ray Section 6.162 tnd nih adcnsoryip Sessa apy u sean pantie xa 1: Thursday October 2, 6 0-730 pm, Chapter 5 (x 6 en) Yarn Faces and omer O57) Pte Ener ct es) Caner Fore and Eeray Dir 2c 91Tha) Musica matlab Poets with rt race) CE? ra eae CN rat eat FikI® — MmataLmadstn ab (eject eneray beet) 222 ac an at Caliy 83" canto es od eet Popn GRR atonot ites nde Mama mg (mena clos) tet z BIE? ean ot Ried ates ~ rary nd Parle Theorem FEL2% earl Ojamis Tre Agr Acteraton 229 extn Omics Rling Mein Now en) Ratan Oya Merk an rar Hei Now in) Ratan Oya og Horetn Casati and rcs Nov hai mde ab mension) aren scmnvaa Mi scion oes07 Wotan 7 non nde uric escmcotapoiph todas ctStcoNMtPaeceyt it ion te) ‘ed hat Wied) {tm nant Strain nd Elastty Fulci Bers Eston seco rats Moran MumsaLmaina ab &Precening a tating) News Law of uc bys cay and Tate Gratton Pte! Enea an Clr nite ee fr Ba 3 sam 3: Thurs November 20, 0-720 pm, Chapters 1.313.2 (wea te Dee en) ec 2 he) wea) ee 8 on ec 9} ‘Grataton kaplan Pantry Maton ravaton Spherion ae lack Hels Psaty an Sine Haron Matin Tentsring Sige Harmer Systane nd Eery Fenda, Darged nd Fred Oxatane Scion enna Mee Seco ustag Me 157 anes mega UF (tof Eat, Apter an Hl Cmet) Mecha Woes ~ Sang Waves an Normal Modes Final Exam: FrdnDecerber 12, 7:208:30 pn, Chats 15 eee hande ume ert AS as oat int to Rnd i acne CASAS asst ht TF lass Search © Fi Class Search by SchoolColege 1 Browse Course Catalog Henrique Costa ee ee | sew forcaceen seen for dane by acho college Browse Course Cat Course Detail seen cou ist PHYSICS 141 - Elementary Lab 1 Ccouee Components Ubortry Rages Aeademie roup Lee Soe Be A Academic Orgeizaton Frac Depart aaory Prevage ‘ype oMered ot, we eng nore Preveguate course atibate cern Cet {SA- nat Seces (8) Descration here Lata 1 neta pla aay wok each ag cami atpcepdnaep EMPL OVEENMSCNU FRAMEWORK. AGSTARTPAGE NULGBL?CONTEXTOPARAMS. 17 zui2h - e/eh gi - Wel Bz/Lb—bZ/bL bevbe = LULL vu/LE - OEE 2b ebb seheuy ee0 PUB soneNENS 0} woroNpOM ey ETT 2/01 — OZ/OL 21/01 - 1/01 01/01 - 9/01 8/0 - 62/6 92/6 - 22/6 61/6 - S16 Z1/6 - 8/6 SET SET HWLI9eL S91sKyd 404 einpayds pL0z ed owas Cue og i Giass Search Henrique Costa ee FF Class Search by SchoollCallege | sesetorcasans |) sewch or aves by school catoge Browse Course Catalog 1 Browse Course Catalog Course Detail unseat RCHUMS 356 Symphonie Century compu en ater cous excemie orgasizaon Render cage ‘avisory Preveguete "eat otered ra course Aeibute Unger cit ny k= Mamas) eserpon cle xara the symp fod, Mant, Behoen Schube, err, ahaa, Over rns, ng Male py par tenon to mata fom nt ty compe apy nd lcomen ‘muse ntey, and cntrporry meskes ne way the peas amichpelpetanentPLOVEEMRUSIU FRAMEWORK PT AGSTARTPAGE NULGBLTCOVTEXTOPARAMS.. 1 ‘The Symphonie Century: Music and Revolution in the 19" Century IRC HUMS 356 01Honots 251001, Tusa and Tray 10.0011 10 am, Universty of Michigan Fal 2014, Residential College, East Quad B-83¢ Profesoe Naor Anke Week 1 September 2-4 Seting the scene Tugs 2 Inoduction othe las nd storia setting, Marat K 201 Thue 4 Mosut K351 Symphony 41 ptr” Week September 9-11 Aesthetics and Form Tugs 9 Mozat K.351 Symphony At opt” Thue 11 Haydn, Symphony 104 Concert I: Saturday September 13,8 pm, Il Auditorium: Ane Aso imphony Orchetre Besen ZeonreOrae Na 3: Op 728 Syme Paa Conc Nos EbOp 73 The Emer ‘Week 3 September 1618 Turn ofthe century Tues 16" Beathoven Symphony | Thur 18 Beshoven Symphony 3 Ero nto the 19 century Week 4 September 25.25 Heroic Bsthoven Tues 23" Qui, Beethoven Symphony The 25 Beshoven Symgtory 3 Week 5 Sept. 30Octber? Mid Perod Beethoven: Contrasts Tues 30" Beatoves Symphony &“Pasor™ Thur 2 Beshover Symphony 6 “Pasora” Week 6 October 79 Late Beethoven Tues 7 Beahoven Symphony 9 Thur 9 Beahoven Symphony 9 Week October 4:16 After Beethoven Tues 1s Fal Break Thur 16 Schubet Symphony 8 "Unnishes™ Week 8 October 21-23 French Sym Tues 21°” Blog SimphonieFanatique The 23 Baros Simphame Fanatique Week October 28:30 Criss of the Symphony: Brahms Tacs 28 Quiz, Bran Symphony 1 ‘Thar 30 Brabms Symon Week 10 November 46 Twilight of the Symphony: “The symphony as a work” Tues 4 Mahler Symphony Thr 6 NaCl (AMS) Week 11 November 11-13 The Symphonie Tradition in “new words” Mom 10.” Writing Project ue Tues 11 Dvorak Symphony 9 “Frm the New World” ‘Thur 13 Dvorak Symphony 9“Trom the New Work” (Concert 2: Thursday November 13 7:30 po Hil Awd Symon 7. ium, San Fencio Soon, aber Week 12 November 1820 Russian Symphony Thee 18 "Tehakovly Symphony 6 Thur 20 Prokaie Symphony 1 Week 13 November 25:27 Aesthetics and Polite Tues 25.” Shostakovich Symphony 3 Thur 27 Thanksgiving Week 14 December 2-4 Cae studies in 20% century symphony Tacs 2 Wiliam Grant Sill Symphony L "Aff American Symphony ‘Thar 4 Rosen Symphonie Week 18 December Last Clase ‘Tues 9 The symphony today nthe 21 ctry Take Home Fina de by Friday, December 12y 10 pm on tals Conte information Resta College, Tyler 1615, sundni@umich ds ‘ome hours By appoinment Course description uncle y rev, the 18 oy ws an mae ysl poli and eonomi et From he Fech Revolation the nd of I et tthe pelos 18 Francesa Warn 87 ademas to the st Wal ar, the spt af revon an ‘toni he 1° er. Thi cous ok be exon of ne he prem om are 19 cenun~thesymphon iin th gr eae of as tine How he absent empress wo mse fn lt he Scalpel bon oh he ch Revo? In atime of oon naps how deste sy pheny ata fe eth e ‘sui nh bel te ronuments adhe mi, th pb sd the pate hed thet tthis cass we wl earn hsp of ay Mora, Becta Scher Da, ‘Totus, Drea, Bahns, Nal, Prof, shosakovch ed Willa Gra Stal Aten ‘ns Tem and at, ompesrboaraphy an lone nme in sl oes ‘nusilogal method wil be preted nt nega hve ml mal akan (opus outed). {Concert SatudaySepembr (3, pe it Aura, Ann Arr phony Ores Que “oes, September 23, m% az? ‘Tuesday, October 28 136 CConcet 2__‘Thusdy, Novenber 13, 730 pn lt Aono San Fencico Symptom Weg Projact "oe by Monday, November 1Oby T0 pm on etal 96 Take fome Final do by Fay, December 12 by 10pm on c-oole Bm Attendance and Participation, lla seents 2% “Academic Misconduct (i.e, Cheating and Plagiarism) Pagina o cheating onan assignments abso forbidden, and wil et ia. false sralcon the asgnmen anda efral othe Asstt Dea for Stent Academic Ais Refer ‘to hadouts and niversity websites o understand exacly what plansm an cheating est in bugenerly Ws dete a ary aus of omens eles writing dens without prmioson oF stinbuon in oder to gt credit forthe youself For instance ing an athe sngunee ‘that quotation marks, even i'you ste the ator a the ene ouce of the eas ‘lars becuse you ae pss the wrtng of your vm oman Cating and sting fioma web ses fine papas. Here ae ew UM webs tet cus pagiaisn toh fs : r infty hi. bach dash undermadute i sm, “Anker excelent website tha goes no more depth an etal sho plagiarism ‘nip stan it Required Texts + Laclonood, Lewis. he Mase and Life of Bethoen. New York WW. Noten & Company, 2008 Plewe onder this fom your favorite oie site Readings on C-Tone, course what 1+ Recordings of Beethoven's symphonies; encourage youto buy the fl set of a9 smphontes-you may choos any resoiing (can give you recommendation). Recommended Inissrogly recommended tht you purchase recording ofthe symphonies on the abu (io ‘kon tthe Beethoven symphonies) I you read mse, you would aso ej examining the Score of these symphonies Just about al te works onthe yl ay be purchased (Dover buble resonably priced etions ofthe symone we Ye sudying by Moz Hand Beethoven Shuber, Bez, Tehakosky, Balms, Dvorak, nd Mahler and most may te four on the ire! t varios ses (a paticulal good one the Ineratonal Musi Sire Library Proje: mpm or Readings and Assignments These reading assignments should be completa bythe day of the ltr (ith the expin thes day of las). Those reading sesignments might be supeerened oth, naked in cass and on CTools Ween guns wil be provid or each wren sine Week| September 2-4 Setng the scene ‘Tues 2" Ivodostion othe class and historical sting. MoratK.201 "Ren “Viera uae Js nl Lop The Clasico he 740 0 hea of ti 18° con Nel Zan. Engen Ci, I 198) 12648 Kea Simon FCs of Monts ean wor” The Cris Compaion WM ‘Senn eet Cambrgge Cammnspe Unt Free) Thur 4 Mozat K.$51 Symphony 41 “pte” erm Joseph “The Seg”, The Br iin New York: Woh Publis 195, 163- Link Daten “Moz Vie" Dhe Camb Compania Mat Si. Kesle ‘amt Cambespe very Press 08), 220 Week 2 September 911 Aesthetics and Form Tacs Movant K 551 Symphony #1 “ater lund Burk" and desis ne Bihan ar ice Conus, o Por Le ur and Jame Da Cantige Cane Unie) Pres (18), 0-8 onan Got Saar” (8115) KS 19) Set, Dard Mart nite ihe et,” The Came Compo ose ‘Sinan Kate Cage Contras Unters Pres (02), 185 Thur 11 Handa, Symphony 104, "Sont oxm andthe Synony Desi bya Contemporary of i d,"°A Mal poe f he French Revlon Asc mh Wen rR eP Wet ad card Tarsin New You Scr (198) 316-30, ‘ta Can "Chroolgy a id's ie and Caer” Te Camdrdge Compo Hn Can {Gu Cami Candrge Univiy Pes (208) at ‘Son isla "Masdn ah Eats Coat" The Clara a: From he 74 then he 18% “ie. Neal Zane Elon Cl, NI (199), 28-2, ‘Desai “The Emergence of Serus Mane Cale (78-185 Bcthnen ante Contract of dna Manca Poe Vn 79E 190! hey Unvray of CaoaaPer (988, 17 {Concert Saturday September 13,8 pa, ll Auditorium: Ano Abr Symphany Ores. [Beatoten Lone Ovetare No 3, Op 2h Symghr 5 Pan Cones No ESOP Th Err Week 3 Septomber 1618 Turn of the century: 18 jato the 19 centery Toes 16 Bechoven Symphony 1 Locod, Loni Aethne:The Mande Le, Now Yok W.W, Nan & Company 25) Sth Toe Pan Yeu View 02 etka elgesd Testa" The Fi Reins Beaton’ Erica Symp, "“A Cotnpany "tat of Beethoven anThe Fst Peformance Besbone's Nath Spy ee are Wer 4 Hay Documents Paro Was sed Richard Tain New Yor Soe (ona 038, ‘Thur 18 Beedhoven Symphony 3 “roca Lclnood awit Behn: Te Macatee 9 Besa nthe New Ages 18-201 1h 10New Smpbowe det 30214 Week «September 23.25 Heroic Beethoven ‘Tues 23" Qui, Beathoven Symphony Inco Lewis Pest: Pe saa te Lie “th 10 Now Symp eie217224 Thur 25 Besthoven Symphony 5 [ETA Hatin Rien of econo “if Spon (810 Jadu Rane: Spon No ‘nC more Eos Fer Norton Cr Sere New York WW Nona & Camp (171) Bova, Clive “The Orbea Beton Vie” Early Ma 1 Ftray 18), 4.20 Week § Sept. 3MOctober2 Middle Period Beethoven: Contrasts Tues 30" Becthoven Symphony 6“Pasoa Locked, Lene eee: The he andthe 3 “CR TWNew Symphonic al 2230, ati, Het. “On inn Masi” Spe Famenaque BA ard. Cone New You W.W- "Nero & Compa (97136 arth Ear The Bout i Mts: Landon New Yor: Noel, Ewer an Co.(890, 5248, 66- Thur 2 Beathoven Symphony 6 “Pastoral” Sone, David Wy Beton: Panto SmphyCanedge Muse Handboos, Jan Ruston, Gr Tutor Cane Cambdge Unverty Pre (998) 599.91 Weeks October 19 Late Beethoven Tus? Boshoven Symphony 9 Lacknood emi Beth: The atone Life “he “Flo” Yess snl th Cones of Vion 353-336, Beton’ Inner nd Owe Wor— ‘i hie"30-76, Symphony 941-40. Thur 9 Becthoven Symphony 9 “Tole Le. “tar Cis a Hesboven's Nth Symp" Mie gn he Herat Toga Cambs Hara vert Pre (1989, 194,812 “Schl Ane Freie’ andthe Ni Syphon [etd nto. eehoven Spon 9 ‘Naha Cook Cambridge Cannge Unvsy Pr (198) Ti 109 Week? October 14-16 After Beethoven Tes 14 Fall Brook Thar 16 Schubert Symphony 8“Untinshe Bonds Mah yen “The Voc of Tate athe Voie om Wii: The isis ofthe Symphony afer Beene er Bre nef One nh Shey Cone Hx ee Week October 21-23 French Sym Tues 21 Baio Symphonie Fanastiqne (Con Edvard Hecar Berl: Fans Spon: Noon Cite Sere. New York: WW. Nao & “npn (197) “The Conse and he Spy 317. som th Syphon and he Pram semua my Thur 23 Berge Smphanie Famusique Week® October 28-30 Cris of Tues 28. Que 2; Brahms Symphony 1 Schnan Robert “New Pte (13) Schuman on Max Secon rm he Wings. Tae tendon ty Hey Pesan, Non York. Dove Pats (188) 19920 Muigave Mi "Chonlogy.” The Cami Compan Bram Michiel Msgr Cine Cagney Mes NAN wn vp ‘asumon el Paro Wea od Rchrd Takin New Yor Schirmer Book, (1948) 401-8 Symphony: Brahms “Thue 20 Bre Symphony Bonds Mark Evan Hdciogy 0 Gene Brn’ Fel Symphony," Aer Beton Inprates of ‘inl whe spon. Camas MA Huard ivr Pres (196), 18-78 Week 10 November 46 Twi Tues 4 Maher Symphony Excrsfom Mates Lata, Fer Canstumin “Th Ft Symphony” Gut Mahler: The Spi. Tasted tome Gran 'y Verom an ats Wier Porn OR: Amada Pros (193), 26-4 522323 of the Symphony: “The symphony ara world” Toe 6 -NeClass AMS] Week 11 November 11-13 The Symphonie Tradition continues in “new wort Mom 10 Writing Project Duc ‘Tues roca Syrphory 9 “From the New Wor” ontnson,3W.“Dr Dros tet Work The New Tort Tes Sy, Dace 17,18. Thre eae "Drea 1 Rae Him” opted om The Pa Pag: None 1919 {pn lat "Sy mbows No.9 rE an Frome New World min Diora aon ‘rumen Now You S Maris ros (1960), Re 21 ‘Thur 13 __ Dvorak Symphony 9 From th New Work” ‘Stn Pal “Fom the New Wor Shino." nor Drak Trae by Y. W. Vane. Nev Yok “Te Grotone Pres (104) 206219 {Concert 2: Thursday November 13 7:30 pm Hl Auditor, Sn Fancico Sympory, Mabler Week 12 November 18:20 Rain Symphony Tues 18. Tehakovly Symphony 6 ‘eau Tenoy Pah? meg fr ety nae ging and desi” (-12) ant Sik cap (15-2, ey Soy Pac) Cane asc Haak, Cannes Unrest ro (199), Thar 20, Prokfiev Symphony 1 ‘Mai nd gly aA Compa on Ti” Mc in te Weverm Woe sy in Dames ‘ero Wor and Richard Tarim Now York Scheme Boo (1288 95508 Week 13 November 2627 _ Aesthetics and Poles ‘Tass 25. Showakovich Symphony 3 ‘Trin Rich, Puls and Unspeble Trak” Shastaonich Sea Cambie Camb Tey rw (1995, 13.58 Tour 27 Thanksgiving Week 14 December 24 Canesten in 20°century symphony ‘Tacs 6 Willan Grant Sill Symphony 1 “AlorAmerican Symphony’ Sra Carne aor “SU's numeral Ma,” Win Cron Sill Ua in Cig ‘ners of lis Psst 4734 Tour # Recent Symphonie Week 1S December Last Clase ‘Tacs |9"Thesymphony today nthe 21 cntay Take Home Final de y Friday, December 12y 10 pm on etal o [Oraarsme | _ Fi Class Search FF Class Search by SchooliCollege 1 Browse Course Catalog owe Cue le Henrique Costa “Search (Planner ockpach! Regist | sewer catenn I] wemch or ase by aceatcaese Browse Course Catalog Course Detail unin cast ‘CHE 230 - chemaieng Thermo secrten ———Reguree ‘Academic Organization Cherie Engng Dat ‘evoryPreveqiata Enforced Prerequisite Co 230; (e-a beter course Atrbute dere ot omy Deseroton ‘hema Eogiterng Tames Ovlpment ot fndenen ‘nears pepe eens nd cal egy ad enteey ances, Arata nat ups an ens, a wef conn ery-onropy bln non dees, Ck nd Aeon tte an tal operes in peal and eee eile, rede ar oreo of soca emia oper ars ae nd 2grseet (ChE 330 Chemical & Enginecring Thermodynamic ‘Winter 2015, (credits) Profesor Timothy F. Scot “Monday, Wednesday, & Fea, 400-500 po, Chyler Auditorium | Discussions: Discusion sessions rescheduled for Thursdays, Time Room Graduate Student Intact (GSE 1030— 1150 TOW Raya Kumar O13 30-1030 2166 DOW Ramya Kear oo 130-230 1S0DOW Jeff Lowe 005-230-330 GEDOW Jeff Lome 6 1130-1230 -2150DOW —Titfny No 7 130-230 TOMEXB Tiffany No Sunday Practice: Sundays 1215-15 pm, 1504 GGB “These ae ofsona sessions, ld by Instructional Aides (14s) Rachel Neumann and Aaron Pluck pov, sidioal pacice and eve Instructional Personne: Name Role fGee Telephone Uniqname ‘Timothy Set Faculty Tstructor NCR Baling 8, 10690" 7347633193. tseote Ranga Kumar GSL NCRC Baling 26,1258 TS4GI7 IRI mye Jetftowe SWS EBS jeltowe Tittay Mo ss DOW 734765 3078 amo Rachel Newman sacs ‘Aaron Paitck pick Joh West, Fahne Course Description: Development of fundamental thermodynamic popes seats and complete nergy and entropy balances. "Analysis of heat pumps and engines, and ue of comb ergy enon Tnlmce in dow devices. Calulton and aplcaon of wal and paral properties n physic and chica sulibea Predicoon and corelation of physieal/chemal properties of various sats and aggre. Hemant of statis thermodynamice Prerequisite Chi: 28 Introduction to Mates and Energy Balances Course Outcomes: Upon completion of thi cone, you shoul he ale to + appl the laws of thermodynamics to chemi enginesing process, ‘aleuatediferences ia thermodynamic properties wing csuations of state, charts and tables and ‘compute sources, + sofveprobiems desing wth mutt-phase chemcal spstems and reactive spxtems 1 expbinthe molecule basis of thermodynamics; and inceyet thermodynamic dat for sppiations ia. chemical enginceing process, process sey, bhologeal sciences, energy, and enveonmentlsinees auisoras 1 Office Hows: Mon Tues wed Thue Morning 9.001100, 681 (aos FB) Afienoce 1200 200,SI_ 330510, Prof Score 1:09= 50,681 $30— 630,14, (125 BME) GoraF DOW) (0s FxB) GATES) Evening — 00-930, Tue 7.003, Tutor 730~ 936,14 (Shapiro basement)" Noor Dudes) (1186 Shap) Peofessor Seat, GSTs, TAs and the tate ae alo avaiable by appointment In pstcul, tr John West i salable to provide one-one tating by appointment Prescribed Text: Chemical, Biochem, and Engineering Thermodynamic, 4th eh (2009, SL Sandler, Wiley Sone. Aditional resources latroduction to Chemical Fagincerig Thermodynamics, Teh (205) JM. Sith, TIC Van Ness, SEM Abbott, MeGay- Fill This tema text commonly used 2s an undergrad chemict enginesing thennedymmics textbook anid ean be wed for abdtional reading Fundamentals of Chemical Enginering Thermodynamics (012), T. Matoukas, Prentice Fal. ‘An exellent and eecent alten tex, writen by an alumnus ofthe UM Chem F graduate progam, that lonely mines the course outine for ChE 330 Schaum's Outlines, Themodmams with Chemical Appliatons, 206 e, AbbotE 8 Van Ness, 1989 Thisineypesve paperback book consins a brief enerview ofthe important concepts in thsmodyaamics, along wth many exercies and solved problems, Tes 4 good eeinence for thse who want to sce more Akstations Han those provide in the textbook. Course Wek Site: Tools “The course vob ste wil cota the Following tems, among others “+ "Flomeworassgument The problems m cach homework st wl be posted on the web one week bef the due date You must accen the web site to get the assignment ~ hard copies wll it be ated. 1+ Homework solutions afte the submission de date). + Esam answers afer dhe exams have been graded), Graded assigaments:Twcke homework question sats willbe assigned and assessed. ding this course ‘Your lowest store wl be excluded fom your Final assessment) There wil be ne mi-semester ex, 80 Jntea-semester izes anda compechense final exam Homeworks Quizes Find exam ‘Clas paricpaionamendance, and professionals 54 Toad Tor Homework: Unless otherwise instructed, homewoek assignments ae tobe completed nid They ar an important componeat ofthis curse and your solutions wll be assessed. Your slutns tothe homework grobler sete shoud be subted atthe start of css on Faday (eee Course Outline). Late Ihomowork can be tured in by 17 am. on Monday after the orginal due date; however, you te equied to 2oso144 2 3 email GSI Tiffany Mo (tame) bythe orignal deadline about your expe late submission, and i tar in your lite homework to 3041 DOW by Tam. Monday (hand your woxk dety to Tifa, pt it one Aes, or sip under her office dooe ifthe oom is cked) No homework wll be accept afcruae Late hometock wl be assessed 250% penal "Your homework sluions shouldbe neat ad easy ade and handle TC the grader is unable feud your soluons follow your lg, twill be marked as beng, Guidelines: On the fest page in dhe upper sight hand comer, wit Your Name ‘Your Discansion Section Number and GSI Name Problem Set and Due Date (fmat the date using the ISO 8601 convention of YYYY-MIM DD, eg, 1760708 forthe # of July, 176) Stadens you hae studied with while working om this assignment (se 851 inch paper wich straightedge (ot pape orn Grom a pial ound notebook). You sre wekome to format your sluions ipa however, his not mandatory. 3. Number all pages (em, 1/5, 2/8, ete) put your mame vn each pag, and supe dhe pages together donot paperclip or Fold the corners 4 Usea ruler (or compute application) when making sketches and deswings. 5. lease be neat and weit leiby. Tf your work ilegble, the grader are insted to assume Re-grading requests: You may request thatthe grading of homework assignment, group project, quiz oF ‘cam be re-valnted. Allsuch requests must he made im wting and submited to Professor Scot, Sabet the assignment, project, quis, o exam in question and a bef note that explains your eons abot the siding, Regnading squess must be made within onc wek fe the da tor exam is ‘umes. ND requests for regades wil be granted ater the one weck grace pea has exped. There i ako a one-wsek lat foe aotfhing your nsnactrin the event tht an assignment has x ben etme [Engineering Honor Code: All sams, quizas, homework and pect assignments wil be administered under the Cleye of Engineering Honor Cie xams/ Quizes ‘You must wie and sign the Honot Pledge “I have neither given noe recived aid on this examiation, not hae I concealed any ilatom of the Hloior Cod" afte taking each exam o Flr odo wo gves yourmstucte the ight to fase to grad that ei OG ida assignment (Limited collboraion Fach assignment sc be completed nda, but aot necestly in isolation. You are welcome to fom small study group (eg, fve students) and to discuss general solution states with peers however, jou Are expected to atempt every problem on yur unm before ciscussing wih ‘asamates and you must compte all calculations and write-up frm serach to final fer, on ot eis acceptable to discus problem solving saepce wid the usage of books and wey bat yt may noe allow ay classmate to copy Your solution. Note that cresting an wna advantage for nother sents an Honor Code Non, + Nerbatim copying of another seen work forbidden, + You ace aotalloted t possess, look a, wc, o im anyway derive advantage from the existence ‘of solusons prepare in reson yeas, whether these solutions were former stale work or ‘apes of solusons made salable by snstrcton oe te textbook author amsoras 3 All group work st be completed only within your own group. You may recive lp from the ‘our intactrs and you may consult with members of other groups in the cous, but Yo mse ‘complete your group's leuason and pecjeet writeup on your own, ‘Assignment submissions that arouse suspicion that these pois were not fllowed wil be epored to dhe College of Enjncceng Honor Council and, if ui is exalted, penaics ay be mposed bythe Honor Gouna and Facaly Committee on Dacipine. Such penis can ined, but ae mot lame co, eter grade deducsons or expulsion from the University for repeat ofemes For more fnfommation about the honor code, refer to hip /fhonoxcode ena smicheda/. Tf you have any ‘qusions about this course poi, please consul Professor Scot Grading: We will use 2 sight percentage grading Sale. We uarantce that the grading wll be no tougher tan the seae shown below “A-/B cut 886 B/C eat 75% C/D+ ewolt are Profesor Sant reserves the ight to be more generous when assigning eter grads, He alo eeerves the "ight co akc into account css paripation of the students when the al aden ae determined Student with disabilities: Professor Stot is availabe to discuss appropiate academic accommodations that may te required for student with dsabiibes. Requests foe academic accommodations are to be made during the fat Eee swesks of th semester, excep for unusual ecumstances, so atagement can be made. Sewlont ae ‘encouraged to ester with Office of Seadents with Disables, Get Haven Tl, "4 769 3000, np mich ed, wes thei gly foe appropiate accommodations aso 4 PROVISIONAL COURSE OUTLINE Da Tope Reading Ty [an 7701. Troon and Matera Balancer T= ta ST=ao Jan 3F 2 Een Balances ais Ton-13, M3 Materal &e Kncegy Hance Applications a Tae 14, W 4 Entopy Balances aan [an 16, F 3. Microtcopie View of Ear TT an 19. NILK Da [lav 31, WG Reversible Prose = [a033,F 7. Combined Nas, nog and Entapy Bulnces 43-45 WE "on 26 Mf. Ligufaenon and Power Cycles 3152 Has 28 W 9 Reigeaton Cycles 52 Man 29,75 Quis [an 30,F 10. Theemodamic Poperies of Real Sabsinces G1 63 ia Feb 2, M11 Thermodynamic Properties of Rel Substances G16 FebW_ 12 Exgstions of State and let Capac a6 Feb F 15. Departre Fanctone awe Feb), M14. Gorespending States IT, W 15 Fd Phase Equlian and Pagal Feb 13,716 Fuses of Pure Ligue and Soe + TW Feb 16, M17, Thermodynamics of Phase Transitions Tig Feb 18, WTA Thermedynams of Mavtures KL ALRT ED Feb 20, F_—19- Ideal Gas Macurs 3 Tne Feb, M20, Fugues in Gas ius 92 F625, W— Nidsemesier exe Feb 26,1 MID SPR ESTER EXCAN (79 PAD (Chaps T= Feb27,F Noahs RING RREAR ‘Nacd, M31 Fugees ia Gas Matas 35 ‘Mac, W 22 Fugacties ia Lig Mier 34 ‘Nae 1, F 23. Actny Coffs 35: TNT ‘Mar 1 M24. Acting Coffin 95.06 ‘Mac 1h, W 25. Aatiy Coffins Te ‘ari, F 26 Now-smple Maur 37,500 TAWE, ‘Mae 2h M77. Vapor Laid Equa 10,107 ‘Mar 23, W—24 Vapor Laid qui 102. ‘Mar ZT, F_79. Vapor Laid Equi 03, TN ‘Mae 0, M30 Lagued-Lagd Equi nz, ‘pet, W——3-Laqud Lagat Eau na. Ape Th i 82 Apes, F 2. Soli of Gass Taga Ti WTO) Ape: M 33. Sol of Sos Pade 12a Ape WM. Chemeal Reaction Equlibaum creer Ape 10, F 38, Chemeal Reaction Eglin 1a TW APEIS.NC__ 36 Chena Reaction Equi BaF 37, Chemial Reston Equlibsu 13 Apet7.F 38 Chemal Reaction Equi nia TM ‘Ape, N Semester ecw pal 28 Ta TINALERAM @a-In00 AN) Chapies T= anisoras TB Class Search IF Class Search by SchooliCollege 1B Browse Course Catalog rae Cue Ce Henrique Costa [ee era | sewn toranesy sebootcaege Browse Course Catalog Course Detail aviaory Preteguae Enforced Pre-eauste Descriton feraten Raced (sis or 10) ane HAT 25 ¢ 255028) a OME 250; (Cf bater, need st On ery tances on inte an ret ssens Lain salen fon noes enue nd ars mal. Payee ocr 2 auc inyers, Ft e-se On nena 02/06/2018 cHE 24 Slabs ChE 341: Fluid Mechanics Winter 2018 Instrucior: Prof. Suntha Nagrath Lecture: MWF 3:10-4:00PM Chrysler Auditorium All Personnel: eet gi efor = ‘Suni Nagrath Feculiy CRC BIO AIBA Instr Moly Kezminsky GSI ‘nene 8020201 ‘Angela Yang Wang GSI NeRC 020 202 Lang ztang csi NERC 8028 6023e Lauren Warren a TeatsralGatsengel 1A ‘Alexander Goknski Tutor Discussions: Discussions are scheduled for Tuesdays. ‘Section Time ~~~ Rom Sraduate Student ___ instructor GS 002 103041330 "06 DOW Moly 003 930-1080 2166 DOW Moly 04 130230, 2150 00W Angela 005, 2303.0, 2168 00" Liang. 008, Yis0-12:30 2180 DoW fngela oo 150230, 2188 DOW Lang Practice Sessions: Optional Sunday sessions from 2.00pm-3 30pm GGBL 1504 wile led by Instuctinal Aides (AS). Students are encouraged to atten these Course ObjectivesiOutcomes: Ashe er ofthis course, you should be able to: + Knowledge of fundamental concepts in fis, such as density, viscosity, pressure, sressisvain rate, ete + Aelity to apply mass, energy and momentum balances to hydrostatic nd ie ow problems. + Poiity to analyze ticional flow in pipes and pina networks. {+ Aaltyt analyze Nd flow in chemeal engineering equipment. eit to setup the dferontal equations of fis mechanics lesding tothe Navier-Stokes ‘equations, and use them to solve fi flow problems both anaytealy and numerically. Beaty o analyze boundary layer flows Pty to analyze turbulent flows. Pty to solve problems involving Newtonian and ner-Newtonian Mids. 02/06/2015 CHE ts Sylabus “+ Aaly to analyze flows at small Reynolds number, such 8 creeping, lubrication, or mricrfuide flows, Required Texts uid Mechanics fr Chemical Engineers, 2nd ed (Prentice-Hall 2005) JO. Wikes. Findamentals of Momentum, Heat and Mase Transfer, Sth ed. (Wey: 2008) Wely, ‘Wks, Wilson, and Roe. fice Hours: Demecee ‘Nam ocation ‘Tues ‘500-7009 | ‘Cauren Warren Me 1460 Wea 4:30-230pm 1. Nagrath Goal 2315 Wed 7-00-8000 ‘eats Batsengel MH 2336 Wed 41'30-1330pm Moly Kozminsky” LEME 1125, Thur 11'30-130pm {ang Zhang SRB 2238 FA 1130-130pm ‘Angela Yang Wang __FXB 1012 Prof Nagrath, Gis, IAs and he IAA are aso avaliable by appointment. Tutor: - Date Time Name Loeation Tuesday '8:30-10;00pm Alexander Gatinek 9 Floor Duferstadt Thursday 1630-8009 ‘Alexander Gonski Dow 2168 Exam dites: WNidlerm 1: _ Wednesday, 18° February 6.00pm-8.00pm, Chrys 220 and GGBL1504 Nigieam 2: Monday. 6" Apri 6.00pm8, 00pm, Dow 1013, Dow 1014, Dow 1017 27" Api 1 30pm-3 30pm, Location TED course Web Site: CTools ‘This stew contain the folowing items, among others: "any announcement related tothe course ‘Fomework assignments: The pablems in each homework set wll be posted onthe web ‘tor thy are handed out in ecture. Fomework solutions (several days ater the due date), Exam solutions (several days after te exams have been retumed). Graded assignments: In adi 1 homework, thee willbe two midterm examinations during ‘he semester and ¢ comprehensive final examination. Homeworks 18% Ndr exam $ 2% Nidtrm exam 2 2a Final exam 3% Clas patiipation,stondance and professionalism 3 Tota 100% 22/06/2035 eW6 24 Syabus Homework ‘Tore wil be 10 homework assignments during the term, each of which wil be handed out least a week before ts due dae. Uness otters instructed, mework assignments ae to be completed indvdually submited no later than the Beginning of lecture (by 3:20 PM) on the due date, Homework vil be Considered Tate” reured ater 320 PM, in hich ease the score wl be docked 80%, Homework wil not be accepted after 5:30 PM on its due dete. Homework presentation guidelines: 1. the fst page, he upper ght hand comer, wate: * Your Name’ + Your Discussion Section Number and GSI Name + Problem Set and Due Date + students you have studied wih while working on this assignment 1. c08.5:c11 inch paper wth straight edges (not paper tom from a spiral boune ‘otebook) Typing your selulons ona computer ssn opan, but nat mandatary 2. Numbor all pages (eg. 15, 25, etc), put your name on each page, and tape the sages togener~ donot paper cip or fld he comers. 3. Uae ruler (or computer appeation) wen making sketches and cravings “4 Please be neat and wre lepy. ithe grader cart read she wil assume i wrong Requests for re-grading: You may request thatthe grating of = homework assignment, group project qua, of exam be re-evaluated, Al such roquests must be made in wring, Submit the Sssignmant projec qu, or exam in question and bret note tat explains your concems ‘out the grading. The statute of tations for requesting a re-gradeis one (1) week from the date thet an assignment or exam is returned. No requests fr re-grades wil be accopted Str the statue of Emstations has expred. Tere is also\a one-week salve of tations for ottying your nstuctor inthe event that an assignment has not been retured lo You. The GSI ‘nl emai sidents whose grades are mising rom a paricular assignment. Engineering Honor Code: Al exams, quizes, homework and project assignments willbe ‘administered under te Collegeof Engineering Honor Code ‘You must write and sign the Honor Pledge “! have nether glven nor received ld on this xaminaion, nor have I concealed any Wolaton af the Honor Code." afer taking each exam, Fale ado so gves your instctor the right to Tefse to grade that exam, 02/06/2015 cH 54 Syabus Individval assignment (Limited collaboration}: Each assignment is to be completed individually, but not necessary in isolator. You are ‘lowed to form small study groups (e.g. of loss than five students) and to discuss gonersl Solon stratogios with pears. However, you are expected Io attempt every problem on your 5 and you must complete all calculations and wep * Fis acceptable fo discuss problem-solving sateges wih the usage of books and not tut you may not alow any classmate to copy your soliton. Note that creating an untar advantage for anather student is an Honor Code voation, ‘+ erat copying of another students work is forbidden + You are not allowed to possess, look at, use, orn any way derive advantage fom the ‘existence of solutions prepared in previous years, whether these solitons were former Students work or copes of solitons made available by insuctors or the texchook futher Students with disabitves: Prof Nagrath is avalable to discuss appropiate academic accommodations that may be required for student wih dsabilis. Request for academic accommodations are ta be made ‘during ‘he ist tree weeks of the semester, except for Unusual crcumstinces, <0 arrangements can be made, Students are encouraged to register with Office of Stents with Disables, (6-664 Haven Hall, 763-2000, to" very ther eligibaly. for” pproprate accommodations. Further information is also avatable at he following nk. tpi. ‘ChE 341, Tentative course outline (by week) for winter 2015 |. Macroscopic fluid mechanics 11. Equloium peoperies of his Wikes 1.241. Welty chap.¢ W2. Fld states Wikes 1.8, Wty chap. 2 ‘Buoyancy and Archimedes's principle \W3.ntoducton to transport phenomena Macroscopic mass balances Wikes2.1,2.2 Wety chap.4 WA, Macroscopic nergy balances kes 2.3 Wely chap.6 ‘The (tctonless) Brnoul equation kes 2.4.25, Wely 6.3 W5, Macroscopic momentum belances kes 2.6, Wety chap.5 ~* MIDTERM 1 (Fob 18°, Wednesday, 6-8pm) WS, Nonequlbrium proparies of fuids The Reynolds number W7. The engineering Bemoul equation Flow in pumpiipe networks “WINTER BREAK ‘we, Viscous drag Flow in packed beds I. Microscopic fluid mechanles ‘Ws, Microscopic mass and momentum balances Stain; constitutive laws for siress W10. Solving the NaverStokes equation 1 W11. Soling the Navier-Stokes equation 2 “* IIDTERM 2 (April 6°, Monday, 6-8pm) W12. Vorcty and cculation ‘Streaming and potential ows W13, Dimensional analysis ‘Boundary layer ows W14, Turbulent ows, Mirofuiies “FINAL EXAM (TBD) 02/06/2015-cH6 24 Syabus Wikeschep.3, Wely chop.13 Wikeschap.4, Wely chap.12 Wikeschap.5 (5 5-57), Waly chap.9 Wikes chap.7, Wety chap.10 kes 4.10, Wety chap.t1 ‘Wilkes chap 8, Welty 12:312.7 ikes chap 9, Wely12.6-42.15, © Class Search FF Class Search by SchooliCollege 1B) Browse Course Catalog ECON 101 - Princip course Components compu endemic Group ‘cade organization Type oer escriton Princes Eanes ~The rs eeatates on mraconamic el te sambaen neare ae ast, the pester ersten lox eset eau egures cous Depetment on sna ager na geomet, uncer ca ony st Suc Seca (5) +® J seme for canes acho eaoge om staroec amih adpconansEMPLOVEENERSCNUL FRAVEWORKPT.AGSTARTPHGE,NULGEL?CCNTEXTOPARAMS. Beonomics 101 Principles of Economics !~ Microeconomics (Section 200) Winter 2015, Instruct: Dr, Ron Caldwell [ture Vesting Times: MW 11-300 1:00 PM. [Lecture esting Location: Lorch Hall 40 Discussion Section Times and Location: See your clas schedule ‘Office: Lorch Hal 158 (Office Hous: Tuesday 11:30 AM wo 12:30 PM, Wednesday 10-00 to 11:00 AM Email ssaldiumich edu Recommended Tex: Micracconomics any etion, Paul Krugman and Robin Wells Deseription: Prinepls of Microeconomics is an introductory undergraduate course tht teaches the {indamentals of microeconomics This course inoduces microeconomic concepts and analysis, supply and demand analysis, theories of the frm and indvidal behavior, competition and ‘monopoly, and imperfect competition. Throughout the semester, the course wil stress applications of elementary economic theory to real world issues and problems Tops that we will investigate elude the basic supply and demand model, price canto, taxes, trad, highway ‘congestion, pollution, and monopolies Practice Problems Pesiodialy, Iwill post practice problems onthe course website, These problems are atended to hp stucents beter understand and master the course material and to help students prepare for the quizzes and exams. will also post solutions othe problems, usally at ater date However, pease make an effort o succesfully answer the questions on your own. Locking at solutions asa way of leaming the material sa poor subsite for trying to work trough the problems on your own. Economics is learned trough practice not throgh memorization. You a enconraged to work on these problems with other students and to frm study groups, Lam always happy to clarify homework questions or explain conceptual issues, Note: These problems will nor be collected of praded ‘Take-Home Quizzes: ‘Six takefiome quizzes wl be piven during the semester. Ech take-home quiz willbe posted on the class CTools website and are tobe tured in during te discussion section desismated on the (quiz. These quizzes must be tumed in during the discussion setion cass prio for wich you ae regisered,no late quizzes or electronic (email) copies will be acoxptd. Each take-home quiz ill be worth a toa of 10 points and the five Best quiz sores wil be counted in your Fal grade, 004 wll be able to drop te lowes quiz score to account forthe possibility of llnes ce personal emergency. There wil eno make-up quizzes, Ifyou filo turnin «qui, your score for tha cuz wil be zero. Again, we will not accept take-home quizzes by email o Tate quizzes, so plan scondingly. Your quiz sor wil account for 10% your total course grade, Grading ‘ors or quizzes must be eported within fen days of th qu being teu to the clas. Exams: “There wil be three midterm examinations during the semester (and no Final exam). These exams i const of 30 multiple choice and tues questions based onthe material discussed in lecture, he discussion sections, the practice problem set, the quizzes, and logical extensions ‘thereof Each exam willbe equally weighted and account for 30% of your ttl cours rade. The ‘midterm dates ars follows: ‘Twesday, February 17 First Midterm Exam 8:10 ~9:40 PM “Tuesday, March 17 Second Midterm Exam §:10 — 940 PM. “Tuesday, April 21 ‘hind Midtern Exam 10 - 9.40 PM "Note: These exams ate held on Tuesday evenings. You must ake the exams on these ates. The ‘oom asgaments willbe announced once the exam dates ner. You must bring a picture ID 10 all examinations. Grading errs on exams must be reported witin ten dys ofthe exam results being posed on the class website (Coos). Any request for aregrade of particular exam ‘question must be submitted in writing within ten days ofthe exam results being posted onthe class wepsite. Whiten requests must include your reasoning for why your answer is covrect amd {sa superior answer othe answer provided inthe answer key (Lethe best answer Grading: ‘Your gre for this couse will be determined by the points you earn during class as follows: Takechome quizzes account for 10% of your grade, the three midterm exams have equal weight and sumto 90% ofthe otal couse grade. There ar a maximum of 500 points available, broken dove a follows: Take Home Quizzes (5 best sores). 50 Points Midterm t 150 Points Midterm 2 130 Points Midterm 3 50 Poin 500 Points Import: adhere othe standard proding policy regarding grade distributions in ecoromics Drinepls courses such that approximately 25% of students wil receive a final grade inthe A range (A.A), approsimatsly 33% of students wil recive a grade the B range (3, By B-), td the maining grades willbe Cs, Ds, and Es. Grade cutoffs will be determined based on the rank order ofthe final accumulation of points during the semester Academie Integrity: Studentstthe University of Michigan are held othe highest standard of academic inert. If ‘yu are fund to ave committed academic dishonesty inthis couse, you will automata il the cour, Makeup Policy: ‘Students ae eld to the expectations outlined inthe LSA Community Stars of Acaemic Integrity when seeking any aocommodation duc to absence. My policy regarding tudes who ‘miss graded components of the course duct illness or persnal emergency is 8 flows 1 If your absence de wo illness causes you to miss an exam, according © LS policy, wwe have the right to require addtional documentation verifying the cause of absence you provide medical documentation verifying that you were unable to take tht exam, the options available o make up a missed exam wl be limited 2 Your lowes take-home quiz score is droped to take illaes oa personal energeney into account. There are no makeup quizzes. ou miss quiz your seo on Hs quiz isa zero, Students who miss multiple quizzes dve to illness must provide documentation verifying the cause of absence. The options available 1o make up ‘multiple missed quizzes wil be limited. | you decide to take an exam or quiz, that rade will not be modified aflervards to take lines ito account, Emergencies: Ware gong to miss an exam as a revult ofa moical emergency you must provide documentation tothe primary insite. In order Tora medical excuse o be approved, you must have seen & plysician on the day or the day before the exam. The doctor must complete the medica ‘emergency form available on the elass website, You must preset the required certification as Soon ai safe odo so, and only afer that will a determination be made as 19 whether you are excused ‘Special Accommodations: [you beve you noe an accommodation fora disability, please lt the primary instructor [know during the fst wo wooks of class. Some aspects his course may be modified to facilitate your participation and progres. As soon ts you mike me aware of your ned, can work withthe Office of Services for Stidens with Disabilities to help us determine appropriate ‘ccommodations, Ii neat any information you provide as private and confidential, Blectronic Devices Computers may be used in Econ 101 lecture and discussion sections only to complement couse content, Daring lecture, you may’ se a computer or tablet to fellow the CTools handous. In ‘onsieration for ater students nearby, computer keyboards may not be used fr typing notes in ‘ass. Campers may not be ured in clas for social networking playing games, shopping, OF doing hamework for another lass. Photography, or voice o video recoeding of lass ot permite without the instuct’s Email Communication: ‘When cammunicating with me via email, please refer to fllwing expectations, 1. Emails requesting information easily found inthe syllabus willbe responded tc by ‘pferring you to your syllabus 2 Late night emails as well as weekend emails will not necessarily be responded o until the fllowing school da. 3. lease proofread your emails. It ony takes few seconds and lps make sure you ate ‘oper articulating your though. Departmental Policies: For the nos part this clas fellows default departmental policies found a Impl cconlundersraduateetdy ‘This syabus supersedes the default policies where they differ ‘Tentative Class Schedule by Dates Weak Dats Tops (Reading) Tinporant Dai Tania 7 Tnivoducion| 2 | Janay 12,14] Supply and Demand Moder Demand Curves (Chapters 34) 3 [amary 27 ‘Supply and Demand Model: No Cass Janay 20 Supply Curves (Chapters 3.4) T[Taary 26,28 Suppy and Demand Model “Take Home Quiz Dae Equiibium, Comparative States | Discussion Section Chapters 3.8) 3 FetriayZ, 4 [Elasity (Chapter) “Take Home Quiz? Dei Discussion Section | Feuary 9,11 | Price Controls (Chapter 5) “Take-Home Quiz 3Daeia “Taxes and Subsidies (Chapter) | Discussion Section 7 | Feaary 1618 Exam Midterm Comparative Advantage (Chapters | Febmuary 17° (Tuesdey) 28) £8.00 PM 10 9:40 PM Location TBA | Fetruary 23,25 [Tateratonal Trade (Chapiar 8) Firm Costs and Production (Chapters 9.11) Mach 26 ‘SPRING BREAK Noches 9 [March 9.11 Firm Costs and Production Take Home Quiz 4 Dain (Chapters 9.11) Diseussion Section 10 | March 1618 Exam ‘Midterm 2 Perfect Competition (Chapter 12) | March 17°, (Tuesday) 5.0 PMto 9:40 PM. Location TBA Ti Neh 35,25 | Mlonopoty (Chapter 13 1] Match 30, ApaTT | Monopoly and Price Take Fiome Quiz 3 Diet Discrimination (Chapter 13) __| Diseussion Section 1S | Apale,8 Oligopoly && Game Theory Take-Home Quiz 6Dieim (Chapter 14) Discussion Section Ty Apa 31S Externalities (Chapter 16) TED. é 15 [Apa 20,21 Exam Nidienn 5 ‘April 21 (Tuesday) 5800 PM10 9:40 PM Location TA © Fi class Search FF Glass Search by SchoolCollege Browse Course Catalog Henrique Costa ee ee ay Se rmerare Browse Course Catalog Course Detail seumsmscou it MATH 216 - Intro Diff Equat couse components sentry agua eatemie croup Lar, See the as Academic orpanzston then Doareert Aavsory Prerequisite MATH X16, 16, 176,165 07298. ‘ypleay omered Fo, Whe er, Seer nore Preeguate course Abate nce rat SAH 8m Aah) Descraton hrrenaeuatns, rene or engineers ardor setts. Tpcs cone incu sme atria en cae ramus nat ger Inseductar rumen mates an entry ae anton Introduction to Diffarential Equations - MATH 216-003) all 2012 Instructor: Mahesh Agarwal Contact information: {Offic locaton - 2068 CB. © Pho (giays0q4261 + Bail smlexgarwatiund.amich oda # Webrage- heep://uw-personal .und.usich.ede/~nkagarva Class timings: Mon Te, Ta Office hours: ‘Mon 1120 pan. - 120 pam Tuo aud Thu $00 pam, - 350 pam 240 pam. - 1:30 pan, 1OISCB ‘Textbook Fundamentals of Difrential Equations (seventh edition) by Nagel, Salf, and Snider ‘You can wwe an older edition if you ike. You will have to c-ordinate the problems saunbers Course description: The goal ofthis course is to give an introduction to some of the fundamental ideas of ciferential equations. This course wil assume a good understanding of Math 116 (Ge. inteyeal caeulas and fnctons). We wil iteodice the concept of dileential ‘equations, cam how to solve them. We wil slso len how to model real life ite ations using difevential equations. Topics chide: rst order linear and separable exatons, exact equations, Eulers method, secu order linear eations inelaing ‘variation of parameters and serie solutions and Laplace transforis. This usterial corresponds to Chapters Il and 7 ofthe text Participation / Attendance (5%): ‘You are expected to nttond each cle meeting ad participate in the elaot ative ‘While thee is no formal grade assigned for ntendance, there willbe credit for pa Uipation. Back student axl be required to present ther work om the bard on a east ‘8 vecasions daring the semester, dome a0 atleast once each month This et be dane Jn forms of presenting your assignment solutions or quiz solutions, extra reading ete 1s mentioned by the instructor. Your answers do not have to be perfct but must Aisa eflert ad at leat the makings of «sation. Assignments (20%): ‘There willbe weekly assignments with around 7-8 problems each, ‘These assignments willbe gion on an online platform called Wel3Work. You nt aeons it wg yt (Cols page for this course. To access CTools se the ink: http /etoole mich ed To dirty acc WeDBWork fr this course yom atts the fling tip: instru mats sa meh edu webwork2/mma216-005-umd-t12 ‘You are eramuaged to discuss the problems with your clssiates. Bit sine ene student will have «diffrent problem you. wil have to work out the steps om your ‘ow. Te isalw advisable to work out the problems om por fist and et eter the ‘answers online. Late assignments will NOT be accepted as stificent ine will be siven to fish them Quirnes (159%): ‘There wil be 56 quizzes given daring the course of the semester. Most quizes will ‘be nounced in the previous lecture. At least one half ofeach qui will dicetly test you on a rsul discussed in class oF problems given on the homework. They will be ‘use to review and reinvent dens that wr enconiter i the case Soyo are cesected to perform well on them. There will be wo make wp quizes tt the lowest ‘ar score wl be dropped. Examinations:(60%) ‘There willbe 2 one hour exams and a final. They are schedule as fll Braun | Ortober 15 ia cae Braun 2 | November 20 | in case ‘Exam | Decennber 14 | 1-02.90 paw Grading scheme: ‘Your final gral will be determined bythe following slime ‘Assgaments and Participation [ 25% Quizzes 15% Hour exam “a8 Final eam wo ‘The grades wll be curved anal the gra ase will NOT he wore tha 2 (x © D ra) (Cao [errno | 70-70 | O7-O|SOF-O Class Policy ‘Your attendance and full participation in elas is important for you and your cao For this reason, ad out of rxpoct of others, we would ike to eliminate distractions to som aad others the classroom. Think abou and silence and pt away yr phones nt the bogianing of class. -Also put away anyother electronic devices sch ipo fr mpi pliers. Do not plan to use the calculator on your phone or ipod. These ‘devices shor be stored and not used in cass. A laptop/ipad should be used only for fstnctorequested, contsereled activites, Text mies is never propel ting clas. ‘When nailing me, your message should be well composed. thought out and yrootread. Do nt forget to sign your name aad enton the couse that you be Jong to. (Tals policy has been been adapted from that ofthe Math Edueation Tem), ‘Students with disabilities: ‘The aniversiey will ake tessmable accommodations for persons with documented lsbilities Students ned to register with Disabilities Resource Services (DRS) ev- fry canoer they are curolled for classes. DRS is located in Connseling and Support Servies, 2157 UC. To be assured of having servis when they are needed, students Shull reiter no later ean the en af the aldo dealige of ead tera Statemen: of academic integrity: ‘The University of Michiga-Dearborn values academic honesty and integrity. Esch student avn responsibility toners, acre a eomply with the University's Standards cf eademie conduct a ot frth bythe Codo of Academie Conduct, as well ‘polices established by the schools and ealeges. Cheating, collusion, misconduct, fabrication and plagiarism are considered serious offenses, ‘Tentative course schedule ‘A tentative courte schedule ean be found on my webpage: beep: //ave-peraonal und. Survival Guide: Some Tips for Success in College Mathematics! Slow and steady: Loaring mathematies is prnerss that tals prolonged, con sistent effot, Crataning at the end of « semester is poor strategy i any class, bit ies spectartany inefeetive in math! Set aside Hine each week, if not each day, to Hlevote tothe course. Tt doesnt have to take aver your hie, but itis important to icnrporate the ot-oé-lastconnsework fate you day ontine If ime management Tuas not bea your strong suit in the past, consider visting the helpful people atthe Student Success Center (itp www md unnich-edy/siecess) for some expert ad vice Aa thu re for every credit hour of clase yo sd send upprninately ‘0 to three hours outside of ease studying Do the homework, and do it well: Learing mathematics is often compared to paying a spurt or practicing wssialitesanent. Proquent efforts requied to Aevelop and one yout mathematical skis, snd the best way to do this by working ‘on problems. You should endeavor todo every homework problem when iti assigned Tmadition your goa in working on homework problem should ot simply bet find ‘an numer Tanto, five to eommnicate in writing the step ad thot occas. ‘Hat bring you to at answer. In writing up the solution to problems, ask yourself if ‘one of your casstates would beable to vead through your work and understand how you solved n problem ‘Study togother: You should spend some individual tine thinking about the subject, matter aud exereses, but working with your elassmates i also an effetive way to Tear mathematics. Astdy group allows you to interact with people who ae closely attuned to your questions and are likly to be strugling with the same issues. Con versely exlaining things toa pece involves you in understanding the subject more deeply Asif this werent enough, working in «std group in a great way 40 meet ‘people and male fend ‘highly recommend that you get to know some of your elasinates inorder to work together ots of elas. Tam more than happy to help in facitating this please lt ime know ifyou are interested in being part ofa study group. Tu the past my students Tha found the eiat-room on Cools as a wy useful plat for discussing their problems aad eas. Ivisi the chatroom once in «while myself to help students out Come to class: Attending class meetings is a hey ingredient for success in any follge conse. Ts ny gon to take cach en mocting. even these that ae lect ‘rinted, oa active and engaging experience. Be prepared to think, work om problems ‘nnd discus things with your elanates, Read the book: Reading » mathematics book i an acquited sil, as is reading in any teemieal discipline. Reading the relevant section or sections of the book is at excellent wy to solidify the eomerpts that come wp lect, experialy if the rang is done bejorchand. Try to make reading the text regilar activity; when you are sek on a problem in the middle of the semester, i x ificlt to glean anything from the book i you have not been regularly reading it. Reading a math book i an experience that requis actin ip fem yo a the eer = have paper and pene handy, tr to work exaniples on your onm before reading over the supplied volutios, tnd male note of key concepts. Expect to get stick from time to tine, tt dont let thi dsconrage you. Male wote of where you are umf, td ale about i during fas, offce hours. oF a group study session, Review: A good way to stay prepared for quizes and exams is to periodically review what has bom discussed in the course. We will cer quite a lt of ston ‘over the semester, and it ean be very challenging to prepare for fal exam i tne ‘of the cone is not fresh in your mind. Some useful ways to do this are to work review problems, redo problems on old quizars and muiderms (especialy if yon made A mistakthe fas tine), and review the hase nd highlighted pats ofthe texthonk, Come to office hours: Please fel fee to stop by my ofice hours sf you have ‘any questions or enoerns about the course. T hae gladly wet aside these hours to eet with sulents, please eo aot hesitate to dap inl, dott he sky abot ‘amaling mw to schedule an appointiaent if you are not able to make aay scheduled ‘fce hour, 1 want for you to succeed in this course! Let me know how else T can help, and good Ick in your studies! Ei class Search Henrique Costa —_—) | Glass Search by SchoolCollegs [ vmruborsien Browse Course Catalox. © Browse Course Catalog Course Detail tuna Coes st | ewe or css by shoot colege (HE 342 - MassBHeat Transfer C Aexcemic orgrizaton eraeena chat Egenrng Dest asaary Peteqiat norced Preveauste ‘oH 20 ane 208 a a 2856 2552008); (Cr bate courte Abate Uncerd crt OW eseition trpor proms. Sten and unt sr Moss law Stab and useny teal anducon, Mt rarer coe’ ‘Sytabus INSTRUCTOR: Prof Lola Pili Adefero Glau a), NCRCI#-GO46W, 9360856 (GRADUATE STUDENTINSTRUCTORS: Al Sule eum) Marin Defer gunadebsumich i) ‘Asoo Franck Guana) INSTRUCTIONAL AIDES: Rachel Newnan (sun a) Sob West Garsumichs) TUTOR Mahara ama (nui) mexn Pumdamenia of ment, Hea, aa Mas Tans, Revise ee, 2014 (7et1 1891746) ‘ely, Wicks, Wilton, Romer faba Wiley & Sons, ns LECTURES: MOE 1230-130, Chyler Autorun ‘COURSE SITE: ap.icolsumich inna amevor,homerk sluts, Iecre ntsummsies, handouts, woblensatemen om dscasion, and more ‘couRsE omECTIVES: |Atthe conclusion his ous you should beable "Solve robs iveving masanfr det ifn chemi exe, nd Salve problems involving endy nd unsteady sate conduction, convection, and See aame asic mas and heat ranfr equipment ‘Apply enti judgment including a appreciation of cost and sey 1 Sve masseanferroblens involving ilgi an einer systems DISCUSSIONS WITH GSts on Tuesdays): om. 9301030aM {ons DOW A Sale om, 1030-1130AM ——1014DOW Marin DeBeer oo 2309:30PM 1006DOW Aliso Fank 0S 301230RM 00 DOW Main Deer SUNDAY PRACTICE SESSIONS: Synday | 15245 pn ia Chyler 133, Optional sessions ely Inston Aes Rachel nd Je) opie ‘adttal pice fl prec eens i stem! OFFICE HOURS Wednesday 500-7 0PM ECS 1012 om tandem abonnieren anbe stots Oke rndy ‘6 MarieDeBew Thursday 5 00-7000 ECS1008 ‘Mdetl ost 3007 00M ECHO? Anon Franck Tharnlay ‘1 004 00M 888 sium Job West ‘Tewdey 630.8900 vat Rachel Neumann Welneny —330-530PM. {UGLi basemen) Mohammed fms Monday $.007.00PM GL (basemen) Tuesdey —11304250PM Sd oor Desa *acaly GSte nAsare also adlabe by ponent ONE Thtoring Monde sore Shapiro Libary Tuesdays 6PM foo Dera Library EXAMS (Evenings and QUIZZES. Qui: Hrd. 0ct2™ inca Midterm I> Weinesin. Oa 4 6-8 Loxton THA Qhiz2 Mond, Nov! ina Miter 2: Mons, Now 2s 6 3PM {cation THA Project Pres Wnenay, Dee 294 12-3 PM hiss Mond, Dec inca "Note: On CHE 343 xm day (Ostaber and November 1) here wil be no CHE GRADING: ACEIVITY Ports COMMENTS Homeworks o tee pins (eu can ep the Lowest vo aes) ieee 20 340 points Exams oo 2100 pains Pret, nal (Coe erton ‘” Psscevlaion—__ia Court rating wll on 2 rights wth he lowing percentage range unrated: poten = +» EEEEEEEE a Loa) Bites BYE aEF Fe" ‘les ntified arise, Each tet can drop the wo lowet hamework grade. Miss HW willbe eoded a 320 wade nd wl be astonacaly dropped posed there arent mae tan 7 missed HWs. You are mo allowed to posses ook, ‘theo any way drive advantage from he existence of saaton prepared in previous years whuher these saan acm absentee OS TICR Bey 26 vere form Gradenpt every homewark probiem am your own belre dscssing statis wil eas ‘Sasmates wit bomemor, i acceptable ty discus prablemaoving strates, but you tay nt all them Sour slam. Th Roa submsion mut be the individual student's ow work, Homework sets tha ae sil enough {e'tvoke suspicion tat there plies were not olla wl esl ia setomisin tothe Calle of Eghnering Tenor CCoome. You can refer to yofusasin mish hudetichsnegaichanar hl fer moe iferaon 1 ye Have ay (uetens, please se Prt Ela Homework signet shold be submited atthe start of las om the day they are de. Homework ttre in by 12:50 ‘pm bedi dae is cond Leow shold be sited cn 8' Tinh paper wih sag dues, tne upp ‘ight han corer te ft ge lee wie the homework ssgnmest number, da de Soon sunbed Your mame ‘Sitios shuld be writen sey and sudone shad be boxed Pager sald be mambeed ad sled together Late ‘homework my betne nto GST Alizon Franc sn 3258 HH Dow (at tin he bx by the do) by Spon the eal doe {ine Late homer le sete 0 en Ne hamework willbe aeceped afer Spm onthe original due date, in nh at of 10. aura rm our WW grader he flog vos ainsi [Rscgnent nb miss Reston nunber iso Not ape Noctoxing nal swe ‘Exceavely meaty ing tha shard desgher Pablo names owen Gin or) ‘quuzes: “Tere wile tee quizzes given in las ch gaz wil be eased book a toe notes, st 40 mitts ad cot for 30 EXAMS: ‘There wilbeteo mihe eam one ial exam. Midterm exams will beheld Inthe evening ~ starting at 6 PM, ‘Altexans wl be cred Bok Yes wil bellowed to bring moe dabesdd het (0 by 1 leh paper i eat es) ‘loot NO aden atl vl be allowed Suing th rams Any Seviaon wl be considered an hon cde lato an ‘dal au acaigy All enamel be austere under he Calpe of ging Hence Code Yaa st wea igh fhe pledge “Thawed en nor eve aid ct xamistin: nr have I conceaed ay lason af he haar code se lg ech am and quar to do so ves the aco he ight ese toga that eam or iz Suspect ‘laion the our cde shoul be brought othe tention of eur inact, oie toe Hone Cone PRoECE, Yaz tsk deen cl zene opt, flan ge 2 hl te ESS Ree aea Pas ORS a ea Wet een ‘iene hd ae ean es ‘eckson wi sn GRiSEE flr the Fal St tem Fale Sainishs UE gae onlaime cl per ge csc oie Reguet for epi omer, que o exam mast bite i writing within one week of en of he assignment ‘Tovmbit are equ, atach writen ote dsebing the work wo be rerdod fo te document mn re ito Your aon GSI Expat a action nthe ound request wil ake abut -2 week: Late requests wil wot be honored TLLNESS: yous ke nex cs ines oy mace tls ASA nd pene ied ep hdmi bane SONS TICBC ny ss ‘Regoens tr ‘untome scoot fea ie temas Ye ae ate wees ee a ie an Sottiven a inal Se. sl nih ower he lily fr appropri Course OneewTrnspon Anos a Nolet Omusontauoty in gses a2 Nolet OmusonDmsentyiniguce srg ‘sprue ass rare as Batnces ara ‘Sena Ste tin (10,20) Baas m1 ‘sesoy Sue Omen wneteogerous fon 282 SenaySute Dion wHomogeneusRon 282 CAREER Pane e Unsesoy- te Deon a ‘nsteno Sie Diuson 2 ‘Seay Sate Conucton we Geran wa ‘esas 20 Canaton wm em fn fom menses Surtees mow Unseady Sate Cnducon-Lump Anatom 3g, ‘essen Unsead Sate Conduction Sucre * 20Nov at Taner Eaupmant an a 2sNov Miter #2 (Nov 23)-No asin 320345 ‘itv Heat Tae Eaemant {7rNov —_Radaton Hast Taster Base ae at SoNov — Radaton ea ante ‘Dee Project presentation cay 2 pe na mich abso t8Ue Bley “s RRR eal a ai aaa AS DLS TO Ee ‘over Cone Caton Class search reer aos class Searchby SchoosCllege | seahorses soe cen soma cope Browse Course Catalog. Brows Course Catala a 7 ‘Course Detail, umiasc it (HE 343 - separ Processes ae) on sor Canes feb eee ines eatemic Organization cherie Eniaing Det Qa oe Desertion ‘Sepereson Pracssee ~ Invotucten on suey of sepals bas on ral ropes, sac aul, and ate prem, Epa cn ayes an moselng of seprton pocsts, Sage re courtecet serton. Indes spain to chen eo, an envrowret tere gro cami adage PLOYEEMRUSENUI FRAMEWORKPT_AGSTARTPAGE,NULGBLICENTEXTOPARAMS.. 1) CHE 343, SEPARATION PROCESSES COURSE SYLLABUS, FALL 2015 Instructor Dr.Andew Tadd 3090 Dow 763-8755 atadd@umichedu Graduate Student Instructors Uugmar Ahmad Mabie Jugmanh@umichedu Kyle Huston hustongrumichedu Ray chang Yup Seo cyseo@umicheds Instructional Aides Cathleen Chong, catsaech@umichedu Todd Misiyk ‘amaslyki@umiched Tutor Michael Tsuei rmtsuei@umichedu Lecture: MWF 1:40 PM~2:30 PM, Discussion Sections with GSIs: CChesebrough Auditorium, Chrysler Genter 002 €30-10:30 1006Dow Kyle 003 1030-11:30 107GFLLigman 006 10:30-11:30 1010 Dow Kyle 005 11:30-12:30 2315.GGEL Ray 004 7:30-8:30 1006Dow Ray GPL = Gorguze Family Laboratory ‘GGBL.= (6 Brown Labs Optional Practice Sessions with Instructional Ai level). Cptional Sunday afternoon sessions led by the Instructional Aides to provide Additioral practice review, and address questions. CCoursepack: The coursepack Principles of Chemical Engineering Separations" replaces a ‘required text forthe course. The coursepack can be downloaded asa single pdf fie from the course C-Toos sie Course website: htps://ctools.umiched/portal Oftice hours: Faculty instructor, GSs, As, and the course tutor willl hold scheduled olfice urs. Look on the Ctools site for our course to find the times locations thet work best foryou (due to College-evel delays i scheduling rooms, expect this tobe avllable by approxinately Monday 8/15/2015). (Ome 343 Poll 2015 9ys/2us CCoursedescription and outcomes ‘This couse san introduction and survey of separations based on physical properties, phase equilibria, and rate processes, The emphasis son analysis and modeling of Separaton processes, incldding staged and countercurrent operations. The course includes applications to chemical, biological, and environmental systems. The prerequisite for this ‘course i ChE 230. By the time you finish the course you should be able to achieve the followirg course outcomes Lapin the fundamentals of chemical engineering separation processes 2. Design distillation equipment including both batch and continvous. Design solid separation systems, Design extraction systems. Design absorption and stripping units. Incorporate environmental concerns and applications in designing separation equipment. 7. Explain the operation and design of adsorption, crystallization, evaporation, and nnembrane-based separations, 8. Apply separation techniques to biological applications course grading ‘The course will not be curved thats, will not force anormal distribution onto the final Scores. Based on prior experience, the approximate grade divisions wil likely be: ‘7B division wil beat approximately 90; [-/C+ division will be at approximately 78; (€/0* division wil beat approximately 64, ‘The graling breakdown for the course willbe as follows (note you can easily determine ‘here you stand by adding your accumulated points): 1) Homeworks 10@15pts 150pts 15% 2) Quiozes 3@35pts 105ps 105% 3) Project 1@LAspts 14Sps 145% 4) Midterm 2@ 150s 300pts 30% 5) Final Exam _1a300pts 300pts 30% Total 1000pts 100% Students who do not perform atleast at a minimal level inthe homework and/or projet categories may, atthe discretion of the instructor, not pass the course, Performarce at 2 ‘minimallevelis defined as 50% of the maximum score. (he 343Foll 2015 9ysp2uis Examinations Midterm October 9* Wit run from 12:40pm-2:30pm, Rooms TBD Midterm — November 13% Willrun from 12:40pm-2:30pm, Rooms TBD Final 22 December ——_ 49-69, Rooms THD. Note that midterms begin prior tothe typical class time. Please make arrangements toattend, For unavoidable midterm conflicts, email Dr. Tadd by Friday September 26. Midters will be closed cousepack/notesbooks. You may use acaleulatr, a straght edge, and one (1) handwritten (oF individually prepared) sheet of notes during the midterm. You ‘may use both sides of the notesheet. The notesheet willbe collected with the ean and returned with the graded exam. Project: An individual project incorporating ASPEN willbe assigned, due on Weehnesday November 184, A complete description of the project and required deliverables wil be Posted ty September 25th Quizzes: The purpase of quizzes in this course Is to give you practice working separation problems ina time-limited environment. They will consist of one prublem, be open oursepac, and last 30 minutes. 3 quizes wil be given in discussion sections on dates shown inthe course schdeule Homeworks: Individually completed homeworks willbe due each week on Friday. Submit hhomewerk with the student name section number and GSI name in the upper righthand corer, slomeworke must be turned in within ten minutes ofthe begining of lass, otherwise the homework is late. One (and only one) late homework will be allawed during the term, as lang asthe homework is submitted to the course instructor (Tadd) by 30pm on the dite the homework is due. No homework will be accepted after 4:20pm on ts due fate, Please see the Honor Cade Section for discussion of appropriate collaboratin with ‘dassmates on homework. Homework solutions should be clearly written or typed on one side, using blank white paper, engineering graph paper, or similar. The reasoning, equations, pots, and ‘aeulatons that lead to solution should be clearly organvzed and described. Final solutions should be boxed or otherwise clearly indicated. Pages should be numbered and stapled together. Graders may subtract points, or elect not to grade, any homework that ddoes not conform to these guidelines. An example homework that conforms to these ‘ldelinss posted onthe course Ctoale sie. (che 343 Fall 2015 syopuis Regrades Cccasioraly errors are made during grading of assignments or exams. Ifyou discover that an errorhas been made, you may request a regrade. Disagreement with the pointvaluation| ‘fa partcular problem or portion thereof does not constitute an error in grading. Requests fr regrading must be submitted within one week of return of the homework, ‘quiz, project or exam. To submit regrade request, attach a writton note describing the ‘nature ofthe error tothe assignment, and retur to Dr. Tadd in person. Expect that ation ‘omregrade requests will occur within one week, barring spec ‘The Engineering College Honor Code “The Honor Code is based on integrity, a characteristic thats built into the profession. leis reflect nthe original and reliable workof all good engineers. When students accept the onor Code, they acknowledge that its dishonorable to receive credit for work whichis not the result oftheir own efforts” (From the Honor Code pamphlet, Collegeof Engineering) ‘The application of the Engineering College Honor Code to work done in ChE 343 includes the fellowing: 1) For homeworks: (a) Each assignment ito be completed individually but not necessarily in isolation, You are allowed to form small study groups (eof less tkan five students) and to discuss genera salution strategies with peers. However, ou are expected toattempt every problem on your own before discussing with classmates and You must ‘complete all calculations and write-up, from scrap to final frm, on your own. (b)Itis Acceptable to discuss problem-solving strategies wit the usage of books and notes, bt you ‘may notallow any classmate to copy Your solution. Note that creating an unfair advantage for another student isan Honor Code violation, (c) Verbatim or electronic copying of anotherstudent's work is forbidden '2)Forthe project All work performed for projects should be the work ofthe individual ‘only. Yeu are to gain no advantage from any prior work done n ChE 343 by anyone other than yourself or your team member(s). This inches, but isnot limited to, old project reports assignments or consultations with students who took ChE 343 prior to this term. Generalsolution strateges may be discussed with your peers, but sharing of detaled solutions or copying of solutions or pars thereof prohibited. '3) You are not allowed to posses, lookat, use or ih any way derive advantage from the existence of past midterms, quizzes, homeworks and their solutions, whether these solutions were former student's work or copies of solutions that had been made aallable by instructors the past orby the texthook author. All problems and solutions from previous years that yon may ace wil he make available ta you ae practice problems allure to comply with these polices isa violation ofthe Engineering Honor Code Any suspected violations ofthis policy wil be dealt with seriously and submitted to Honor Councilor their investigation. CHE 343 students are expected to inform the intractor and/or the Engineering College Honor Council of any violations ofthe Honor Code that they observe (ChE 343 Fall 2015 sus Studen's with Disabilities ‘The course instructor is available to discuss appropriate academic accommodations that ‘may be required fr students with disabilities. Requests for academic accommodations are tobe made during the frst three weeks ofthe semester, except for unisualcrcunstances, soarrargements can be made. Students are encouraged to register with Office ofStudents with Disabilities, 60664 Haven Hall, 763-3000, htp://sseumihcedu, to verify their eligibility for appropriate accomodations. [Absence due to extended illness ‘Accommodations for missed coursework due to extended illness may be discussed by ‘contacting the course instructor. (Che 343 Poll 2015 9ysj2uis - = - a eee : 3 eee a TE ow a fea — eee og a on — 2 5 (@ Class Search Henrique Costa (ee reer esa FF; Glass Search by SchoouCoboge Dh somarneres ferns eeniy hoo ans Browse Course Catalog Browse Course Cats = id ‘Course Detail nena Cue ist ECS 203 - Discrete Math couse Components Dheussen agua teare secures ‘compas bon Arcos peadamic croup ioeran Academic Organization hata Eng 8 Computer Sc avzory Protege Enforced Prevequate ( orbten HD [<2 EE 203 (re ww suo cour Atrbute der Cet Oy LSA Hath 8 ym Aas) Deseriton ccc, Tp cored clue: repens ae predete e et ‘neotucion tapi, leertar onto 800 tea. cee pcb ear ise archers OYEENRSIENL FRAMEWORKS AGSTARTERGE NULBLICONTEXTIPARAMS.. 11 wdss) wpaman ei Hse mo ag mpsmsnpzi mmo EL MH fh cue eo) [FF Class Search [F Class Search by SchooiCollege Browse Course Catalog bhp nich a pecerenenpEMPLOVEEMRSNUL FRAMEWORK. AGSTARTPAGE,NU.GBLCCTEXTIOPARANS. rome Coun Cle Henrique Costa (won rama | snaehter cosy enh canes bent eolepe Browse Course Catalog Course Detail sunset ECS 280 - Progaata struct + watiable a6 of 18/08/2018 Course Components atostary Regie Aeademie croup Faineang i ean aviary Prereguate MATHS Type oer et iter ‘nfrced Prerequisite {eR sorts rs Co bee) Ne ORI od Fewer 2 ‘yates Wa) cours Abate uncer ct ON SA. an Bm Anas) eseriton Pretraming ad Iroc ta Stace ~ Auten event tein nd progr corse. Progam nga tx nd tate a rune emai, See, rca nner, rca, strat dt Syilabus EECS 280 Fall 2015 Syllabus Instructors Andrew DeOrio avudecriodumich edu Contact Please direct technical questions fo our Piazza forums. For cher questions, you can reach the course staat ssecezBstafiunich edu Schedule Mon, Wea 42.00 noon 1:30 pm STAMPS — Prot Juett Mon, Wes 400 prm= 2:30 pm 1020'SPH2 Prot. Olson ‘we, Thu ‘3.00 m= 430 pm 2104 ARAB Prot DeOwo Tus, Tha 10:30 am-1200n00n T1ODFKB Prot hiholces For offce hours and discussion sections, please refer tothe calendar on the course website, Textbook Roquirod: C++ Primer, by Lippman, Lajole and Moo. 5th edtion ‘Our textbooks avaiable in print orm, electronic Kinde edtion, and or ie hough te Univ Library. you decide to rey onthe brary version please be avare that ihe numberof smultaneous users bed, nd ‘Sometimes there may be a wal fo acoess i Overview “This course proues@ foundation for programming, the science of “how a" aba discipline. Students wil learn a \arely of techniques and principles to quisy wre corect programs that are easy fr others 9 understand and ‘adapt to new puposes. This course focuses n programming nthe smal wring short programs or program ‘components that are easly understood bya singe programmer. The concepts covered in hs course are not [ustabout Cv» programming, but we wil see how they can be concretely realized inthe += ngage By the end ofthis course, a successful student wl be able to ee hand i ae tA AE Aap ORT ee sono nis + Take a problem and consider various posible approaches fer solving it ¢ Select in approach of algortm that provides fora simple, clean, well-structured soon 1 Convertthe algorithm into C+" code using good design and syle ‘est ane debug the program using igorous techniques 1 Understand the concepts af top-coun design, dala encapsulation, information hiding, and procedural {nd data absiracion * Desig, implement and use complete classes, incuting constructors, destructrs, and operator ‘vertading ‘Implement dynamic data structures for stacks, quoues and ists 1 Serableto quickly design, imploment, tet and debug lage scale project independent (1000+ Ines cede) Topics + Functional abstraction ‘-Specteation 2. Recursion 5.The ecurslontteration dualiy 4 Recursivelterative invariants 5-Funcional generalization, += Data atstacion {Feral notions of ype and type hierarchies 2 Simple and aggregate pes S:Absract bata Types: ADTe 4 Abstraction finons and Polymorphism ‘» Dyname resource management "Creation and desbucton 2. Rules of satety Container types. 4 Container tration resentation invariants In our exploration of hese topes, we wil dscuss many elements of the C++ language, such as ‘ Arays-dimensional ana mutidmensonal) sFieto Struc dasses, and objects * Overioaing of functions and operators SFiende 1 Stings (C-se and Cr+ sting class) 1 Pointers and dyname arrays ‘Temples 1 Linkedtiss, stacks, and queues, eratos | 1 Exceptons 1 Recurson + Funes! Prerequisites “The prerequisite for EECS 280s EECS 182 or EECS 103 or ENGR 101 or ENGR 151 or poission of Instructor ‘The fst projet should be simple you have sais the prerequisites. oh aan 5 ata STAT H oe DATED Website Most course mazrials are made avaabe onthe course website, and are considered required reading. A ety courte Anite nae cst ny Description hema Engnering Paces Eek Esai and roftabty sna peo ceil egeering proces en rote tiation ean vest, eat of roduc, depres a cash ows, Osco realy ae ng Me esr ae a ‘ae of eur and Sout pace peri. Poftanity dein mig sed on cst of pla cami ik naa. CE ces sptmatn eee exon ray. Sins wil comet conor nd buses ini 1 fe ka engiesring reese, i ape anihedpeproeyEMPLOYEENRMSNUL FRAMEWORK. AGSTARTPAGE NUGBLYCONTEXTDPARANS. 1M ChE 485 Chemical Engineering Process Economics Winter 2016 Instructor: Johannes Schwank, James and Judith Stet Professor of Chemical Engineering 3014 Dow, 764-3374, schwank @umich edu Recommended Towler, Gavin, and Ray Sinnot, Chemical Engineering Design: Principles, Text: racic aa Economies of Plant and Process Design 2nd Editon, 2013 Elsevier, ISBN 978-0-08-096689-5 Lectures ‘TT 830-930 1013 Dow M 130-230 in 3014 Dow ‘Th 1.00 2.0 in 3014 Dow ‘or by appointment (pleas arrange in person afer lectures, o submit request, bby exnal with minimum 24 hour notice and povide at Test three times dates that work for you). ‘Course cescription: Economic and proitailiy analysis s applied to chemical engineer ‘rocestes and products. Estimation of eaptal investment, cost of production, deprecation a ‘sh flows, Discounted profitability analsis including net present value, intra rate of rtum ‘nd disecanted payback period. Profitability decision making based on cost of capital and ‘ccnomic risk analysis, ChE process optimization based on economic prositaility. talents will ‘connect economics and business principles oral chemical engineering proceses, as previously Teamed in the core chemical engineerin cowses of fluid mechanics, heat and mass tarsfr, and separations. ‘Course cutcomes: By the time you complete the class you should be abe to {Estimate the capital investment, cost of proton, depreciation and cash flows of chemical engineering processes 2. Make Jcistonssbout the profitability of chemical engineering processes by applying Aisoxnted profitability analysis nciding net preset vale, intemal rat of retura and Aiscounted payback period. 3. Analyze the economic sk ofa chemical engineering process by means of sensitiv, Scena, and decision tee atalyss as well a calulation of expected net preset vale 4. Explain how optimization of a chemical engineering processes based on profitability yields simple ules of thumb for the design of chemical engineering processes. GRADING: Homework 25 pis—S at pts each Ouie 250s Final Exam 50 pts Course grading son a generally straight scale, with 90's eing As, 80s Bs, ete “Homework sets: There wil be five homework sets, duc in class by 8:40 am o it is considered late. Ore ate homework set is allowed, a lang as itis submited via mal ot in pers to Dr ‘Schwan’ offic by 1pm onthe due date. Please see the Honor Code section for homework cllaborton expectations. Solutions willbe posted by the next day tothe Ctoos sit. Technical ‘Communication of your results is very important. Poms willbe deducted for homework tha is hard owed orf foo, eluding spreadsheets that are not abeled property. Think of your ‘aulence, the grader, when completing the submision version of your assignment Quiz ae final: There wil be oe shor quiz on Tuesday, February’ 2 during cassie, anda final exam on Thursday February 25, also during laste. These will be closed book, closed notes. Please bring acalulator. We wll provide you with an equation sheet that will also be available pir tothe exam, Course notes: Most slides presente in clas willbe posted. You are responsible for tking your ‘wn addtional notes or obtaining them frm classmates 4s not all material covered inclass will be inte in the sides CLASS POLICIES, Honor Code Statements: ‘The exam and quiz wll be administered under the Collegeof Engineering Honoe Code. You must wre and sign the pledge. “Ihave neither given nor received aid on this examin, nor have Leanccaled any violations ofthe honor code". Sspected violation of the honor code shouldbe brought to De. Schwank's attention or may be submitted directly to the Honor Council ach homework ssignment iso be completed individually, but not necessarily in isolation, You areallowed to form small sud groups (eof fewer than five stadt) and to dacuss general solution strategies with peers. However, you ae expected to attempt every problem on your ows before discussing with classmates and you must complet all calculations and write-up, from sea o final fom, on your own, ‘Tei acceptable o discuss problem-solving strategies withthe usage of books and motes, but yyoumay not allow any classmate to copy your solution. Note that ereating an unfair advantage for another student isan Honor Code violation + Vertuim copying of another student's work is forbidden + You ae nt allowed to possess, look at use, or in any way derive advantage fom the «existence of solutions prepared in previous years, whether thes solutions were fomer Studeats work or copies of solutions made available by instructors in past years or the txthook author. Faure to comply with these policies isa violation ofthe Engineering Honor Code, Any suspected violations of this poliy wil be submitted tothe Henor Council or thee investigation (ChE 48% students may inform Dr Schwank andor the Honor Counel of any suspects violators ofthe Honor Code they observe, or may report it dirty themselves Regrade Requests: Request for regrades om bomework ses the quiz othe final mus: be made 90 later than one week following the distribution ofthe graded material. clude 3 rote stating which problem(s) you woud like tobe reviewed and why th problem(s) sbould be reviewed. Late requests will not be honored ‘Students with disabilities statement: Dr. Schwank i available to discuss appropriate academic accommodations that maybe required for students with disabilities. Request oe acadeie ceommoations ae tobe made during the frst two weeks of the semester, excep fr unusual ‘ireumstnees. Students are encouraged to register with Office of Students with Dsailites, G {664 Haven Hall, 763-8000, www sd. umich ed to verify their eligibility for appropri accomadations min Tina mune Thin Tins thins 1 th2a 129) mam 126 mas 1223 ‘mans Cas schedule (subject to change) Lecture I~ Introduction, motivation, and time value of money (9.6.1) Lecture 2 - Methods to determine profitability (95.9.6) ‘Lecture 3 - Cost of capital, projet financing (93) ‘Lecture 4- Estimating capital costs (Ch. 7) ink set due Time value of mone, profitability, cost of capital Lecture $- Estimating operating o production costs (Ch. 8) Lecture 6 Estimating tves and depreciation of assets (9.4) “wk 602 dug- Estimating capital costs and operating costs Lecture 7- Project ash flow nd profitability analysis (Ch, Quiz 1— Includes lectures 1-8, Homework sets Land 2. Lecture 8- Replacement analysis (8.7) ink se3 due ~ Taxes, depreciation, project ash flow and profitability anys Lecture 9 Incremental Analysis (9.9.3) Lecture 10 - Quantification of sk, expected NPY, and decision tre analy’ ‘HiwWh 64 duc - Replacement analysis nd incremental analysis Lecture 11 ~ Sensitivity and isk analysis (98, 12.1-12.6) Lecture 12 ~ Process optimization (127-1212), review for final exam “lw 6. dug = Quantification of ris, expected NPV, decision re analy, sensitivity and risk analysis Lecture 13 - Guest speaker, Scot Sieymund, Air Products ‘Office hours for final exam (in lecture room 1013 Dow during regular las period) Final exam — Lectures 1-13, during clas period g [Ousmane] F class Search © Glass Search by Schoolollege © Browse Course Catalog a Cue aon Henrique Costa (tower art \ arch for hnenn frst or aes chal ete Browse Course lox Course Detail un curse se ECS 281 - Data StructaAlgor courte componanta ——ubaatry Ragu cure equ pentane Group ainearng ‘eerie Orguntzntion Ec Engr Computer Sc avaory Proves nonce Precequete [ee 203 a MATH 465 5) a Ec 20); (Cor beter an Fever he andes er wa) course Abate Uncrga Cat Oy eseiton ma Screen Aarts Inretucon the aton anise nd o-oo: Fudan data sree rng tc, ure ry sie, Pa aes, esr tree, aerenee, alae es 8 ‘yop; esrcng a sain get eve orn Dace! homs; nraucon to gedyalgrtnms ae ne cnauer ‘sae. Sever programming amet. nex ioc gh conten VS2YUNESLTONTiZDATety AAC erbeve EECS 281: Data Structures and Algorithms ‘Winter 2016 | Basie Information ER rap maining apie uaa ste caste a8 amd = a ‘oaeien, he pated on CTs REPRE ca son) nt ich ty 2 Course Overview 2 an ery ce neces nd dei o aed le The fie a age Roc sua of inne es eit ee probes for echo tae patie ne vil ene ava pence eo SEU RS Ns Ee rschipctnmed elalone ton eins Wha temtae wt Sega ea deme sll eae eee tee + Prerequisites Suds mast he bane a grate of Cot beri each of EECS 209 and EECS, 28 be pl knw of cre aera td rang bu ie oer dans nested hs couse me ml ort enoe he preequates Says wil expec ma? ao mont compan. A, es ole Selah bo ve sen peptone hs coe shld pe wih he sce 5008 RegrdRending (hr avlate sonic 10 UM sae a0 x cos rst Artin, 4 on, Caren Leen Rivet sd Sa, MIT Pes, BCs Slt A a on eos: oi. Adon Wey “Ter may lee fore hots athe a wil ove You requ o ed the cna of SSGHR dean nate couse Yorum vp whee wif spon coerced s Grading Policy ‘Your wk neue composed of tending ete and igeon sation, ring ‘ei ome hme Moshe cplang pss ting sc Cam ag + sap ie gonna G2 NTN 2a Dalipaambesnie sear oe tc gouge coment VGXVUNESTONOWT aS senate fl exam. ia gas wil be bi on he wa pon xed on te Homewon, pec nc xa Fisch ese prion mabe ed 6 aa vara pds peal sa tevin The ep sted oa tay a flo ‘Hewes 1% (2% ead) the teens Three eof several pit aund each mumene pe within wich aye PSIG ol ge Serna ph hare ion ‘bat eam alr ps parma arbtavg a acl? PH 1 Grading Errors ‘We make ser alte rae cape, eves we do smtines mike mises. Astnetc Fister cy weg wh Teel reat) thu would mae texans Ema tbe som Bop Sa sc aan nec th RUS Ree ne tctne er ‘eqs tat te modes ner thn Sine wong yea te ed wo re th {SSIGW The woo ison wl be tpded erty ere wa netemin Be Staion tod Sastgent eget ng at anond cag eM 2 Incompletes Incomes wl geal ete gen. Inari wit ive pla ding pouty esr ese anneal ihe le ae Sit oeteimeantshasoo wsoume we " : 6 Homework Assignments ‘We vil ain spprosmaey far mew sigan ove he our ofthe semester. Honewak {hrsione mnt nt mcude exe mater eg” wel downlod) less speciicaly reese he [SSippem Ay veal soar wd mat he ‘ply dc ary sev machen oe EEC Ie cep fray eas cd mv hp aon Se Hae ‘Sous Late hamework gets Wl 7 Course Projects Four pj wil be sad ding the tome ston mit not ince etl als & Foparming recs wl kelp hese ou concep {SSR tod ht bop wing So asim ea ah onto coe me a et)‘ pct -euret n'y agen "Te jc eq a ‘deraanding of the met We 5 Project Grading “The ret path a 4M fhe couse pe (OM ak) The breakdown of i oe ‘poet grew beget ret asignmonCiegnee Sidon coat, : ‘trol and poctees ene cole, econ algrthns snd implemexaton, Sofi ea ea Sa). 4 Turning in Projects ‘cs pret i alld 23 weaker wil etn in clin 1 an uae, Speie ‘aie he ret aati procs al be fected tae couse ee = Sametime nected cen of tr sade cman make il gt pec ‘tne tate pret wil nt be ncepted fr amy reason Ciel bar taba = [stun ie won copie "Hectar f s-graang i mora 0 cry ut Oe pest ‘ek puch way th su have at est paral 5 Computing Facilites Wogram, but an sbi program wut somal ad rn i te CAEN Lin compan ‘pile on miting rea oar jer cores” se nium Cag CAS sho pe tment STONONTOoh ZOTAR SAE resin ape gg cmoumetnsG2VUNOSTOOAToh atte dE eroterue ime comping deomen vic il else te che of emg «Exams ‘The wil be one idem cxam and one fal examination Af you mist a exam fi ‘Tecmamed lke peat congeny, youl secs of dt crm: yeu psd Sond ihe cm dee ecm duct we Sree bepnamy fe saeco at your ed Scheduling Job nerysens ether consmstmans en exam dither than for Ma of Desc eve fans po Schelling coc il be tao mi anda owes ae at ok ‘SoS cores ot dee aden fxs wen Te em SS ile Wetec tray pnp hen son » Getting Help Your best pon ows yur question ding he oie bur member ocr i. The ealelencounged wp nenrs orm gues ures pel qos ma tea ‘htt epee of Borer qurins Now shld at ey on pe al eae ‘ie ution ener fhe ore aay may et mae uso a ye We fo undesin ht ste sometime ve gusto of «peel or ene ane for such ses 'we a a you ser your mara dug ice hows "Tsou have soft wi asd own Susu snd onl osc eh i, 1 Policy on Collaboration and Cheating Att sheng and wae callabration wil be rep wo de Engering of LSE Hosa one Spon Cheha when you cop, ho ot mic ance ei ha Sarees tepals Unable clube tnbing Sp ot ‘Elum made pos Ts nclassslabon stand stdent clon frm pst ince EES 5ST meus tse we not pre o ce previou eae seu een estes ae {sion As mips af spss Nek ou onnwwcapae in ECS ‘Alte sue time we ence sent tl ah ther eu te course i A in et couse ‘Mews und scan tere ve ste Vou'mm Be oe recep ny 0 sep veed inet or eat and ce ein Can Vou ara con le ‘Sion abgt he comparaer o's rec fhe pata ope for homer ane Here isn Nien hem tL Sor he You ae ot allove to wrk ute programing dei of the projets or specie, dal of the ‘Sealy Salar Vou ts alowed eas erin any vay deve advange es he sce ot {clus prepared pot tems wheter these sluvons ae open of former stan wk bs SSSIGGET Ry aa i WE we aga toad ram toca pes ane Grr eg lt ft ye Sera eres a aes es Itc hae as gustins a what eons accede calibra of explana pr wer Pid ai te art) gh mn ow ae apc lo xen rene prefs ease Lota ieee ein 1 Student Mental Health and Wellbeing gestae inom ing creel. coed ‘eee sigur ey eal oo ‘Soe hr fee neat Uy, ep mel eal leet in schoo sh Nort nd Cel Camp You mayo enc Pir Hea ‘Ee (Un a (PFs nl uae umes scl oo mcm co SA nih sais Foc 4 Using, of ther mena oath renurces walle on and fT camp vist Micimabe swe htc. ghcominomats 2 ANMASRHONTEGMZOMT 0p SAAN seman or got contort VO2VIRSSTONONTo ESS psantbue eo guage conocer Va NDSTOOTiAN\ZON Toy Ered 1B Class Search FF Class Search by SchooliColloge 1B Browse Course Catalog wee Course tg Henrique Costa CC — fo ee [sow or chan scoo coepe 08 MATSCIE 220 Intro Mat & Man ee eee me SS —— 9 un om ce engnuarng na mat rca i mansacarng. Te ergeeng MSE 220 Introduction to Materials and Manufacturing onlay, Weinesday, Friday: 2:30-8:30, 1303 EECS. lost: Dr. George Wynarky 2082 Dow 1635409 Office Hours; MW, drety after lass ‘Wed: 1:00-2:00 in 2042 Dow ", Th- after 4,00 (ohare with Engin 100 in 1200 FECS) Grading Final Exam = 30% A-to.A¥ 2 900% Beto Br 280.0% CtwC+ = 700% D-toD+ > 60.0% BE599% (Grade 0.25 (Exam 1) +0.25 Exam 2)+ 0.3 (Final Exam) + 0.1 (HW) +0. (ui) 3-15 80.0 108299, Bis 83.010 8698, Bris 87.010 89.9, et “On border means 79.9, ec, not 78 5= middle of C+ range Homework: NO LATE HOMEWORK; graded; MUST be tunedin a the begiming of class (this means at 240), must be nea and organized. Homework assignments and solutions will be posted online Text Materials Science and Engineering: An Inrodution, Ninth dition, Wiliam D. Callister, Jr, Wiley, New York Clas policies: Do not arrive late or eave carly. No newspapers, chatting, texting oe ‘elptones. Ifyou text, you wll lose one leter grade of your eourse grads, Observe the Golden Rule! Altendancei erial ~ your lecture noes willbe Your pimary source of ‘ours content and exam questions, SCHEDULE, Mon Jan 4 Wed Jano Fi Jan Cours introduction; policies Bending Mon Wed Fi Bonding Crystallography CCrystallogaphy MLK - no class Deets Detects; Diffusion Diffusion “Mechanical properties uizt “Mechanical properties Dislocations and plastic deformation Deformation and strengthening mechanisms Sengtening mechanisms; Annealing Mon Wed Fi Feb 2 Feb Feb 10 Annealing; Examples Mon Feb 15 Wed Feb 17 Fi Feb 19 Mon Feb 22 Wed Feb 24 Fa Feb 26, Phase diagrams ‘Phase diagrams -stel ‘Phase wansformations Winter Recess Mon Mar Phase transformations Wed Mar Alloys, unig, casting ‘Thu Mar 10 QUIZ2 Fei Mar Casting; Precip ion hardening Mon Mar 14 Ceramics Wed Mar 16. Ceramics Fri Mir 18. Ceramics ceramics processing om cn ch oh cn ot a. ch 6 (0016134 10019, 7178-710) 7-1) a 8 noe 818) 5 9 12 (ne 126, 127) a (selected sections) Mon Wed Fi Mon Wed fa Mon Wed i Mon Wed Fn Wed Mar 21 Mae23 Mar 25, Mar 28 Mar 30 Apri Apr ‘Apr ‘ArT ‘Aor Apr tt Apr 3 ‘Apr Ape 18 ‘Apr 20 Polymers Polymers EXAM? Polymer; polymer processing Composites Composites Composites Composites quiz3 Corrosion Corrosion Radiation effects on materials Eletrical properties Etetricl properties FINAL EXAM am. -3:30 pm ch rot Ch, a ro a cm cm om om on cn on. 4 a3 15 (aot 1817-1524) 16 6 6 16 ” 1790 1714) 8 18 vous 18.13) 1418, comprehensive | Fh Class Search FF Class Search by SchooliCollege 1 Browse Course Catalog Henrique Costa Browse Course Catalog Course Detail (CHE 360 chem Engr Lab course Components compas ‘ence orgarizaton a a ee a) [semen for inser by schol caene Latertory ——Reced ie hake Eginrng Dat evioryPrevequaite Enforced Preveguise (ote ar ane as (eb cores atte erred Cet eric Enneeig Lata I= eprmatton a ermosyarics nd nea; as and erent rsp on 2 ich seal, Measurement ror esmation an ants. Lecre uaa xfrences ane Search Planmar Mackoack/Renstraton My Academics po *® gr mc apectrenenn ENP OYEERSNSICNU FRAMEWORK. AGSTARTPAGE,NULGBL?CCNTEXTOPARANS Organization Lectres: (CHE 360 GUIDELINES, Fall 2016 the Course Laberatories: 3125 Dow Course website: Canvas: CHE 360 001 F16 ‘Technical Instructor: Ralph Yang, 3110 Dow, 936.0771, yang’@umich eda ‘Technical Communications Instructors "laine Wisniewski, 320 Gorgu2e Family Laboratory (GFL), 763-5281, Instructional Lab Supervisor: Ch M&W: 1230 PM to 1:30 PM, Room 2150 Dow “Mary Jane Northrop. 12 GFL, 763-5895, Email: mnumich eds isBarr,3114 Dow (763-1336), cjarr@umiet edu GSH instructors: ‘Section | Day Tnstructor/E-mail | Office | Phone (002 }won fiarey van der Laan [WORE 7e3-8683 1:30-5:30 | |Bidg. 28, Rm 1055-41 003 | ruer FRingjian (wax) Na |cRe aeaa38- 12:30-4:30/— |828, 1055" | 0497 (cell) 0a }ea HERE 647-8057 1:30-5:30 B28, 1028 [00s | hure | Pranklin Epiepang [3212 cre 1:30-5:30 | | Dow 1832 007 ied [Stephen viechio [WORE B76 _[4a3-955- '8:30-12:30| vicchiotumich.edu_| (Room Taa) [0248 TBA To be announced Intraduction ‘The al ofthe University of Michigan CHE 360 Laboratory ist introduce you ovome ofthe pratcal skills you need to be able to apply the scientific and engineering concepts You kave acquired in our coursework. By the time Jou linish te couse You should be Eble achieve he following couse outcomes |. Organize and carry out experimental design and actual hands-on experimens. ‘Apply previous course material to analyze and interpret experimental data, Perform errr propagation analysis of experimental data ‘Write organized and coesve technical memos and reports Organize and prepare standard operating procedures (SOPs) Work effectively ina team envionment. Prepe and present technical presentations before colleagues and answer ‘questions Projects ‘The following projects wll be usd Determination of binary gas-phase difusvities Determination of enthalpy of vaporization from pressure-temperature relations (Characterization fa fuidized fixed ed fon-exchange column (Characterization of a shelland-be hea exchanger (Characterization and scale-up ofa water cooing rower Measurement of thermal conductivity Heat transfer by natural convection ‘Characterization of entitugal pumps and prediction of flow in pipes (or Caliteation only) 9. Temperature Cote (or Calibration onl) All sues will ave the opportunity to work on tree of these projects during the term, Howzver you are encouraged to learn more abou the other projects by reading the cote pack and consulting students Working 0a those projet You need wo engage in “active learning” — thai, you need 1o take charge of your ow learning through observation, questioning, and evaluating answers ~ inorder t gt the most out ofthe (ChES360 La experience, Performance Evaluation ‘Since hiss laborator course, atendanee atthe lab andthe lectures is required. Points for he varius setvities wil be assigned approximately a listed below. Class atendance and per evaluations are pat of the grading system, thus you wll be “Submitting peer evaluation form athe end ofthe term to your GS in confidence). The sang is based on the etre clas rather than specifi lab session, Esfots have been instited wo ensure even grating throughout different sessions. Grade Distribution (ChE Technical): 75% Activity * Sats Eor Analysis Homework & Exam 2s Calibration repore 8 Final eport for Project 1 Is Final report fr Projet 2 5 “Two Work Plans (for Projets 1 & 2) 4 Oral Presentation 4 Laboratory performance 4 (peer & supervisor evaluation) Grade Distribution (Tech Comm): 25% ‘TC Homework #1, 12 5 TC Meetings 2 #1 Caltation Report grading meeting #2 Presentation Rehearsal mecting £8 Standard Operating Procedures critique meeting Projet I Final Report 4 ‘Tech Comm Quiz ‘Sine his primarily a laboratory course, les angle quantities, — suchas the quality ‘of lkoratory work, cooperation with others in and ose of the lb (based on pet valustion apparent interes inte couse content and objectives, safety considerations «te. — wl be judged bythe laboratory instuctrs and wil affect your inal grade Aaccorlingly, Inadtion to your writen reports, you will make an oral presentation of your esl of Project It the students in Your section, a8 well a othe CH. 360 feu. ‘The hb instructor wll evaluate you labortory repr for ecical content and ceumcy, aswell as overall quality and grammatical mistakes. Each report wil be assigned grade and, in general, each member ofthe term will recive the sae pride only fr group reports, Organization ofthe Laboratory Sessions 1. Whenever possible, you willbe working in teams of two or three, You wil have a ferent partner fr cach project 2. You will work on three projects. the frst one involving calibration component ‘Taree laboratory sessions will normally be devoted to each project except the ist calibration assignment 3. Itis essential that students know the fundamentals and what needs tobe done before going int the laboratory rather than figuring out what to doin the ih oF aiterwards, Contuctng the Projects 1. Before stating any experimental work, you must have read though the safety eles provided. You must wear sety eyeglasses, goggles of eading gases with sompered lenses and side shields You will not be allowed to workin the ab ‘Without appropriate eye protection, 2 You must study the instructions foreach project carefully before the frst laboratory session on that project. Each person in the team mst be individually familar wth the theory, procedures, nd data analysis and interpretation, ae deseibe in the instructions or as covered i relevant previous courses, The laboratory istucot reserves the ight to stop work on the project if the eadents do mot show du diigence in understanding the assignment 3. Setup your laboratory notebook before you come tothe lab. Organize space fora ‘Satement ofthe processes and relationships that you wil test. Make preiminaty lubes showing conditions and variables for your experiments. The specific layout vil depend onthe project, but in ay ease leave room for your comment and ‘ditions as you proced with your work, 44 The first aboratory session ona projet wil be used to pesform the experimental work ina preliminary yet thorough and careful manner. Give though to ways af improving the accuracy or precision of the results, othe ease of ding the work. You should consider sources af err, anomalous results, experimental difficulties, ee, ating he experiments and record them in Your lab notebook. ‘5. When possible, data shouldbe processed and interpreted dung the couse ofthe experimental work, thus helping to den and correct experimental or data analysis ‘poblems. In this regard, any available data-processing computer programs (e 2. syeashees) must be run, t least ina preliminary way, during te laboratory 66. You must process and interpret all data obained in the frst and second laboratory sessions before the tid session. Tn the third lab session, you wil repeat o extend your experiments depending on the results and conclusions you drew fom prev ous Sessions. You may want o disregard previous data if you fel ther ea legitimate ‘reason for dong s. Your reasoning shouldbe explained accordingly, and your findings shouldbe based on what you consider your "est dats” ‘The Laboratory Notebook "Each tcam inthe Ch: 360 laboratory will we one Laboratory Notebook: Lab notebooks have carbon” so ou have two copies of each page, The lab instructor wil nal te orginal pages atthe end ofeach ab period. The orginal page stays in your lb notebook hile the copy is detached and kept bythe laboratory instructor. You will also ned to make copies f the orginal pages for inlusion inthe appendices of your writen reports, Lab Notebook Guidelines 1. All data, observations, steps in the procedure, alterations in procedure, comments, ‘alculatons done during the laboratory sesion, and rough plots are tobe entered in our lab notebook. You must sea ballpoint or ink pen. 2 ‘The notebook it to be kept carefully and neatly. All sketching and layout of tables is ‘be done with straightedge. rors in recording data mus be erossed out neatly and re-recorded, Never waite over numbers, ese, o “scribble” over errors, 3. As noted above, work out in advance how tables wil be organized for recording the ‘da. Remember that, along the way, oer observations, quantities, abd ema may ‘so ave to be recorded. Leave oom fr columns of data that may not have een thought necessary a rs 44. Recont data as observed. Never perform any calculations before actually reconing he values as read from some instrument, sale, ete, Inpatcula. ita dlference ‘tecween two values isa relevant quant, record both values the ime and ea culate de difeence afterwards, ‘5. enty all variables by mame, symbol and units. Write down the units in the column heading ofall quantis recorded in ables, 6. Before recording cach set of data list ify all the steps you did the idea is to instruct a reader how to replicate the experiment exactly 7. Mentity al "rans" in an coire project by consecutive numerals e,Run 5. Separate measurements within "run" maybe, but ae usualy not, numbered, and are ofen called points" Repeated runs may be aumbered, eg. 51,572, ete, Do not refer © “Session I", Day I ete: use run number oly [8 Record the names ofthe investigators. and the date, on each page ofthe notebook recon. Record the ines of beginning and ending an experiment or significant part ‘ofan experiment. Number the pages and indicate the total numberof pages iy "p25" (he second of five pages, for example). 9. Tie instructor wll inspect diseuss, and inital the data recorded in your notebook. It isrecommended that you make copes ofthe original data pages foreach student of| {the team as soon as possible after the laboratory perio (there is a copier nthe CHE 300 office the user cade for this copiers 3399), 10. Data recorded automatically by a printer are part of he notebook record, Follow the Jiructions above for labeling these data as Well "They should be pasts or ‘permancely attached in the notebook pages, 11. Data recorded on a computer diskete should also be copied toa back-up file ona Laboratory Reports All laboratory reports will be discussed in more det in Techical Communication| lectures. All reports ae single spaced with double spaces surrounding and other formating. Follow instructions in Tech Comm lecture, ‘The Work Plan ‘The workplan is a brief document that clearly desries specific goals and objectives of| the project and how these goals and objectives will be accomplished. ‘The work plan rust desribe the necessary tasks to be carted ou, suchas calibrations, specific data 10 be collected during the experimental work, brief description of how that data ato be analyzed, ee Tncluie in this plan a desrition of the proposed experimental design indicating the ranges of the variables to be stidied and the specific number of experiments to be performed. Explain briefly the reasoning that justifies your experimental design “You should also give indication that all he tasks wil be cased out tmnely maner and ‘that lth deans ofthe assignment wil be met. The work plan must be addressed to the laboralory instructor in the form of «brief ‘memrandum plus attachments, if necessary, sich ae (gues, ables, charts, etc. This ‘pom is dea Teast 2 days before the next laboratory session, 20th laboratory inrtor| ill ave adequate time to provide feedback tothe group. gan, follow insructons in Tech Comm lectures ‘The Final Report All epors will be group repo. The tody of each repr (excluding appendices) wil probably be 1S pages or less, consisting of no more than 7 pages of propery formatted text, with the remainder ten {ups grapice and equations ‘A formal inal report consists of the following items inorder 1. Cover page, netuding tie of report some reference tthe ChE 360 lab and the date 2. Tile page ads. subtitle and your name to the material onthe cover page. The honor nde may be included on this page 3. Table of Contents, 4 Alstract of between 125 and 175 words, ting the equipment the pupa de Dpject, how jou conducted it and your primary conclusions and reste, The Abstract must stand by itself asi were in a ead catalog, and not refer to the main tndy ofthe report. Symbols should not be used excep to accompany the term hey sand for 5. hhroduction. This section should explain the reasons for dong the work, give some tackground and your knowledge ofthe project. andclary state the key goals and cjectvesof the sesignment 6. Experimental Procedures. Wakes 1-2 pages of texto present experimental ocedures, plus diagram() ofthe apparatus. Outline both the experimental work Ferformed and any special data-processing techniques employed, Tht i, the bey uations used to generate you results shouldbe shown here, Any modiictiens of the theory appearing in the course-pack should also be described an explained here. 7. Results. Results shoud be presented in tables andor graphs, as appropriate. A bret ‘eserition on your presentation of results sould be incited, Each table and raph [resented here shouldbe clearly explained in the text and the reader should have no trouble understanding their meaning, nd how cach of thee were constructed. Pages «tabulated data such as might be collected ona diskette = need not be included if ‘be data have been summarized graphically. Spreadsheets and other extensive listing orignal laboratory data and other calculations shouldbe relegated tthe appendices. 8. Discussion of results, The discussion takes about two to three pags of propery formated text, Give a eicl appraisal of what you have discovered. Als ince ‘comments on the major sources of er and any suggestions for improvements A separate section on error analysis should be included. The fractional rors of ll ‘mai results that you ae reporting should be given, 9. Brror Anais Forall mi experimenal rest, you should show ther uncertainties (terms of standard deviations). This is done by eer propagation from all major sources of uncertainties such as measurements of tmperatre, res, ow rte, 10. Conclusions and Recommendations. A coelusion paragraph is appropriate whether te objectives ofthe assignment were or were nat met, of whether the cannot te met. In some cases, where the reslts are inconclusive, summary indicating the progress award the objectives, more appropiate. This may be followed by a paragraph in hich recommendations fr revised approach tothe objectives maybe given 11. Notation Table, Ince symbols and thei definitions and units, 12 References. These should include al pertinent information, for example: Ferry, RIL and Chilton, CH. eds., Chemical Engineers" Handbook, 6th ed MeGiraw-Hil, New York (1984) 13, Appendices, should include al sample calculations complete calulations(ineluing ‘oread-shet), instrument calibrations (when not needed inthe body of the rep). stn the aboraory notebook pages (Or opy of them), conan the noes abe data recorded during the laboratory Work ‘Team Leader Responsibilities (One arson on the team wil serve as the team leader and shoud be designated as sich in theirole to be determined by mutual consent. His or her responsibliis are wo: 1, Ensure that safety guidelines are followed, 2. Resolve questions of afi division af effort among team members, This can bea sic task. You need to make sure that after cach class session or meeting ht ich team member has definite assignment, and that you al agre on how individual team members should go about doing hat assignment. You mst also ‘make sre tht you agree on when and where the aext meeting, a which completed ‘asks will be disused, wil ake pace 3. Review the laboratory notebook for completeness and adherence to the laboratory notebook standards, before submiting the book tothe instr for nti. “4. Ensure thatthe experimental teas clean, equipment has been properly store all apparatus hasbeen propery shut down. and broken equipment has been repo to the instructor, before leaving 5. Resolve scheduling problems for data analysis and report writing (except forte two Final reports) {6 For group repots, request if necessary, that other team members rewrite dit redraw figures, efor which hey ar responsible ad should be ready to accept Similar suggestions for hers sections of the report, All eam members bear some esponsibility or most ofthe above, but the team eer is prtcularlyresponsibie for making sure that none ofthese mates is overiooked, [Approaching these responsibilities cooperatively isthe best way to ensue that teamwork isefficently and wel completed. Recal that you willbe submiting eam, peer aa elf valuations with each assignment you turn i ‘Questions for Consideration Eachof the instructions forthe projets contains a section called Questions for Consideration. These re intended to direct attention io qestions Whose answers may’ be of grat importance inthe performance ofan experiment project andthe analysand Interpretation of the data gathered ‘These questions shouldbe resolved as early in each project as possible, certainly y the second laboratory session. Their “answers” shouldbe integrated ae appropriate ito the final report. The questions are not o be simply answered in waiting in the report. Ie shoud be apparent, however, in discussions with the instructor, and in the ial veport, thatthe questions fr consideration have bee considered and resolved ‘Computers in the ChE 360 Laboratory ‘Ther are several computers in the laboratory runing Windows XP. These are wot for data equistion and for running eran data processing programs (suchas MS Ese) \Wetave standardized on National Intraments LabVIEW software fr data aegis [Note that these computers ae for CRE 360 related use only. No.e-mall or wncated web searching it permite daring the laboratory period In he CHE 360 office, there are two Macintosh computers, to access the U of M ‘computer necwork. Applications available for ase onthe Mae computes include Mathematica Microsoft Office including Word, Excel, and PowerPoint) Database - FileMaker Pro Charting -Kaleidagraph Internet Safari, Firefox ‘Toazcess any of the above programs, double click the fon forthe program locate in the dock If you wish to store a modest amount of information onthe hard disk, please do sain a folder under your name inthe folder bearing the day of the week ha you ated the oratory. Be sue to copy all needed files toa diskete a the end ofthe laboratory etic! We shall erase all sch information atthe end of the term. Pease do nt ese any files except your own! ‘The Engineering College Honor Code "The Honor Code is based on iterity, a characteristic that is bul into the profession. I {is refccted in the original and reliable work ofall good engineers. When stidens accep the Honor Code, they acknowledge that itis dishonorable to recive credit for work ‘whic isnot the resulta thet own efforts” (From the Honor Code pamphlet, College of Engineering) ‘The application of the Enginering College Honor Coe o work doe in CRE 360 Inclaes the flowing 1. Copies of previous reports may not be consulted except fr those on Which you were the author or co-author. Final reports are not tobe shared 2 Diskedes recording data report texto alelation algorithms are no to belated or sven to snyone except one's partner, at any Gime, 3. Allwork done for these projets should be the work of members of an individ team only. You ate to gain NO ADVANTAGE of ANY prior work done for CHE 360 lyyanyone other than yourself or your eam member. This ielides, bat eno ited 1o,old rents, oral preseaations data old exams, and conslations with stadens| ‘ho fook ChE 360 poe to this term. ‘The only exception is tha teams and individuals working ona project may consult concerning experimental procedural ‘matters only wih persons who have steady dane that projet. 4 Engineering stents are expected to inform the insuuctr andlor the Engineering College Honor Council of any violation of the Honor Code that they observe ‘5. Any suspected violations ofthis poliy willbe dealt with seriously and submited to the Honor Council for their investigation, ‘Suggested Additonal Reading Materials (available in CHE 360 oie) 1. Chemical Enginering Reference Mantl th edition, RIN. Robinson. Professional Publications In, Belmont, 1987 2 Optimization of Unit Operations. Bela G. Lipa. Chilton Book Co, Radnor. 1987 3. Designing Technical Reports. 2nd edition. J.C. Mathes and DW, Stevenson. Allyn and Bacon, Boston, 198 4. Introduction to Probability and Statistics for Scientists and Engineers. WA. Rosenkranz. MeCraw-Hil, 1997 Updited September 2016 BASIC GUIDELINES FOR SAFETY AND HEALTH IN THE CHEMICAL ENGINEERING TEACHING LABORATORIES Adopted by the Department of Chemical Engineeing The University of Michigan September 29,1992 Safety and health nthe laboratory can be achieved only through the fll participation and cooperation of ll students faculty and staf. The fllowing guidelines must be Practiced in oder to protet you and your elassmates from injury. This iat isnot Inclusive nora substitute fr prudent caution and common sense, 1. etermine the potenta physical and chemical hazards, and the safety precautions hat apply to your sppatus before besinning. 2 No laboratory work shouldbe earid out inthe absence ofthe instructor. 3. Do not perfor unauthorized experiments 4 Never begin an expeviment unless you ate confident you an nish or arrive at safe end pont before the end ofthe laboratory period ‘5. Bealer to unsafe conditions and aetons and al them to the sttention of the instructor immeitely (6 Never leave unattended an experimen thats in progress 7. Allow your set sufficient time for clean-up at the end ofthe laboratory peo, 8 Safey glasses or gogles must be worn all mes nthe laboratory. 9. Contact lenses are prohibited inthe laboratory even with safety gasses or soagles. Chemicals can be conceatrated under such lense and cause peranent eye damage 19, Safety hats mast be wor when working on pilot-scleeqvipment when ors are working above you, when objects may fal from above 11. Prope protcetve gloves shouldbe worn whenever the potential for conta: with corosive of toxic materials of unknown tonicity exists a, 2% 2. Laboratory cots should te woen fo prevent contact with chemical splashes and spill ‘The appropriate respiratory protection must be worn whenever you are exyosed {otoxi airborne contaminant (gates, vapors, dusts, mist, or fumes), orseplay and other acts of carelessness are prohibited Avoid distracting o tating any other worker. [Never wear sandals shons, or short kins. Exposure of legs and feet o sped ‘hemicals isa main cause of chemical burns. Confine long hair and loose clothing whe in the laboratory. Noatng, drinking, or smoking or chewing of gum is permited inthe work rea Contamination of fod, drink, and smoking materials sa potential for expose totexie substances, Mouth pipeting is prohibited. A pipe bulb or an aspirator should be used provide vacuum ‘Do not put your nose divetly over container to smell the contents: wat vapors ‘ovard the nose instead, ‘Lear the location and proper use of safety equipment showers, eyewash ire extinguishers, chemical spilt, ct In case fa fire chemical, or oer emergency, call 911, alert the instrtorand all eer students inthe laboratory. Perform operations wth toieor noxious agents in the Ib hood Before opening anew container, check tobe sure anther container ofthe me hemical snot already opened. Never retum a reagent othe storage bole, You may create an incompatitte rmisture by mistake or contaminate the chemical Keep eagent containers closed. With an open container dust and vapors my ‘escape, and gaseous or suspended material may ener changing the nature ofthe reagent Always pour aid into water, Never pour water into acid 31 2 3 Spilled chemical should be cleaned up immediatly and dispose of propel Ask your instructor for assistance in clean-up procedire Outdated chemicals must be discarded, especially ethers and peroxidizable materiale. Hazardous, oxic or undiluted chemicals should not be poured down the din, Chemical wastes must be disposed of properly. The requirements for labeling and handing waste are specified in the Hazardous Waste Manifest Instruction booklet Do not pour your waste ito a waste contuiner tha is unlabeled, ‘The compatibility of chemicals must be determined before combining therm in the supe waste container Comey _ Fy Chass Search FF Glass Search by Schoot!College 1 Browse Course Catalog Gl ‘wee Curse Ctag Henrique Costa rowse Course Cat Course Detail suse Sousa (CHE 466 - Proc Dyn & Control course Components tre agurd ove an sr cos peste owe raeenna ‘eatemie organization Ceo Eoineina Det ‘avisory Prevage (343 aa 4; (or etary eserition Proce Ooms and Cont naucton apc ctl a erica engneeng. Cnr erentecare deo nett, Imolereton, Maret modeling and aa of sence sein roca dans. Apleston tthe anal el am, es pap ac ami atpcepdraneysEMPLOYEENRUSICNUL FRAMEWORK. AGSTARTPAGE NULGBL?CCNTEXTPARAMS.. ‘CHE 466 Process Dynamies and Control all 2016 tructor: Prof Niaoxia“Nina” Lin Lecture: TuTh 9:10-10:30 AM 1013 HHDOW Discussions: There are no discussion sections scheduled for this course. However, problem solving ill be included in clases from ime to time All Persoanel: ‘Name Bale Email “iuona "Nina Lin | Faculiynsrocor | nalin David Camuthers [GSI dear Luke Brechtlsbaver [GSI Tres ‘Course Descriptio In this course, we wil lara about process contol strategie for chemical engineering applications. We IN Team how to analyze a system and add instruments and controllers tot, and represent it using Piping an instrumentation Diagrams (P& ID), We wll eam how to model the tance response of simple stems mathematically, and use Laplace transforms and cempater programs (oslve forthe response f the open system and then the response ofthe system under contol We will ear how to tune standard Proportional, Integral, Derivative (PID) contllers, which ae ubiquitous the chemial indus and are use inthe 460 lbs here Prerequisite: ‘CHE 343 Separation Processes (Chie 344 Reaction Engineering and Design ‘Course Outcomes: AX the conclusion ofthis course, yu should beable to: *+ Draw piping and instrumentation diagrams following acepted standards and using appropriate symbols + Explain the operation of sensors and valves, including appropriate placement and linking ‘+ Fomulate unsteady’state modes for common unit operations, and solve theresaking Aiferetiat equations using analytical and numerical methods + Develop loiel contol programs. + Explain the operation ofP ,D, and PID controllers, and beable o simulate ther and une tam using classical methods. + Explain and implement feedback, fed forward, ratio, and eascade contol architectures. + Apply control suategies to aares safety and eavizonmental issues ‘+ Apply optimization to adress design and economic considerations, Office Hoars (tentative): Tuesdays 10-30-1130 am, Beyter Atrium, Prof Lin “Mondays 2:30-3:30pm, Tuesdays $-6pm, Weinesays 46pm, Beyer Aum, CSIs Prof Lin andthe GS are also available by appointment September 6, 2016, 1 Required Text: Process Dynamies and Control, 3" edition, D. Seborg, D. Mellichamp, Edgar, F Doyle (Wiley, 2011). Nowe: Sacond edition quite similar inthe ext, but the problems are not the same orate not numbered nthe same way. We cant he responsible for any differences, and the ‘signmess wll be based upon the third edition, Course Web Site: Canvas ‘This ste wll contain the Following items, among eters ‘+ HHomework assignments. The problems in each homework set wil be posted nthe web one ‘week before the due dat You must access the web steto get the assignment. No paper copes will be distributed. + Homework solutions (one day ater the due date) ‘+ Beams answers (ater the exams have been graded), ‘amework: You will have about 11 graded homework assignments this term. Unless otherwise insructed, homework assignments are to be competed indvidally, They are an important part of his ‘ours, and your solutions wl be graded. Homework assignments shouldbe subenitted atthe start of ‘lass on the due date. Late homework canbe tired in within the nextday after the ngnal due dat [No homevork wll be accepted afterwards. Late homework willbe assessed «50% penalty. Your homework solutions should be neat and easy to rade and handle. I the grader cannot rad your Solutions a follow your loge, it will be marked a being inconet. Guidetines 1 Onthe frst page inthe upper ight hand comer, wrt: Your Name Problem Set and Due Date Students you have studied with while working on this assignment 2. Use 85x11 inch paper with straight edges (not paper tom from a spiral bound notebook), ‘Typing your solutions ona compute isan option, but not mandatory. 3. Number al pages (eg. 1/5, 2/5, et), put your name on each page, and staple the pages together ~do no paperclip or fold the corner 4. Ussaruer (oc computer application) when making sketches and draings, 5. Please, be neat and Write leibly. Ir the grader can tread i he will have to assume itis ‘wrong, Exams: There will be evo midterm exams during the semester and a comprehensive fin exam, Mid= term exams willbe held in class during class hours, [Request for re-grading: You may request that the grading ofa homework asignment or exam be re- evaluated. AIP such requests must be made in wring and submited to Prot Lin. Submit the ‘Signmese or exam in question anda brit note that explains Your concerns about the grading. The ‘Siatute of fmitations for requesting a re-grade is one (1) week from the date that an assignment oF ‘exam i returned, No requests for re-rades will be acepted after the statute of limitations has ‘expired. Theres also a one-weck statute of imitations for nlf your instructor the event that an assignment has not been etre fo you September 6, 2016 Engineering Honor Code: All exams an homework assignments will be adm College o Engineering Honor Code Exam: ‘You ust write and sign the Honor Pledge "Thave neither given nor recived ai on this xamiation, nor have I concealed any violation ofthe Honot Code” afer taking ech exam, Failure to de so gives you instructor the right to refise to grade hat xa, Individual assignment (Limited ellaboraton Etch airmen sf be completed india, but ot neces in isalain. You ae allowed to fom sal stay roups (eg. of les than five student) and to deer general sation sacs with pers, However, you are expected to atempt evry problem on your ow before discussing wih lsamater and ‘you mist complete ll elelatons nd write-up, fom serih to final frm, on your ov, + eisacepable wo discus eoblemzlvingsateses withthe nage of books and notes, but you may no allow any classmate to copy your sation Note tat ring an uni avatae foe athe ste is Snllonor Code vation ‘Vet copying of another students work is frbiddn, ‘You are not allowed to poste, locks, we, oi any way derive advantage fom the existence of seltons prepared in previous yer, wether these sautions were fxmer stents work or capes of Solitons made availabe ty inatucters orth textbook thr Grading: (Overall couse grades willbe calculated according to the following weighs Hemewerkelas problems 1% ‘Milter exam 1 25% “Malterm exam 2 25% Fital exam 30% Chass participation, aendance and professionalism 36, Toat Too". At the endof the term, a saight percentage grading scale will be emplayed to determine the leter ‘grade. We guarantee tha the grading willbe no tougher than the sele shown bei. AWB cull 85% BIC cual 75% CADE euotT 60% Prof Lin eserves the right to be more generous when assigning lter grades. The expecation is that all students will do well inhi couse idey atively paripae, keep up with the readings and homework, and actively seek help ifneeded Students with disabiies: Prof Lins available to discus appropriate academic accommodation that may be equred fr student ‘wih disabutes. equests for academe accommodations are to be made ding the thee weeks of the semester, except fr unusual circumstances, so arangements can be made. Students are encouraged to register with Office of Students wth Disables, G-664 Haven Hall, 763-3000, Jnupwwv-umich edul>ssw/to verify thee eligibility for appropriate accommodations, September 6, 2016 3 Course Schedule (Tentative) ate. Topic - ‘Submit Sept 6, Tu 1 lntrduction, Ch ‘Sept 8,Th_ 2. Ch. 2: Modeling ‘Sept 13, a3. Ch. 2: Modeling i Sept 15,Th 4. Ch. 3: Laplace vansforms cnt ‘Sept 20, Tu 5. ch. Transfer functions ‘Sept 22,79 6. Ch 4: Transfer functions cr} ‘Sept 27, Tu 7-ch 5: Fst-and second-order system ‘Sept 29,1 8. Ch.6: More complicated processes HW ‘Oct 4, Tu 9. Ch. 6: More complicated procezees ‘Oct 6, Th 10. Ch, 7 ting to data cy ‘Oct 1i, Ty 11. MIDTERM exam a ‘Oct 13, Th 12. Ch. 6: Controle ‘Oct 18, Ty No lass (Fal Break. ‘Oct 20, Th 13. Ch. 8: Contes co (Oct 25, Tu 14. Ch 9: instrumentation ‘Oct 27, Th 15, Ch. 13: Cloted-oop systems HWE Nov 3, Tu 16. Ch. 11: Close loop systems ‘Nov3,th 17. Ch. 11: Closed loop systems Hw [Nov8,Tu 18. Ch. 12: IO Controller design and toning ‘Nov 10, Th 19. Ch. 12: PIO Controller design and tuning HW Nov 5, Ty 20. MIDTERM EXAM 2 [Novi7, Th 24. Ch. 15:FF and ratio contol ‘Nov 22, Tu 22. Ch 16: Cascade control Has, Nov 24, Th No dass (Thanksgiving) ‘Nov 29, Ty 23. Ch 10 Safety ‘Dec, Th 24. Ch. 19: Optimization Hw ‘Dec 6, Tu 25, Special Topics. ‘Dec 8,Th 26. Special Topics Hw ‘Dec 13,27. Semester Review Commencement: Dec 18, Sun FINALEXAM: The official time fora TuTh clas starting a 9:00 is Thursday, Dec. 22, 10:30 am - 12:30 rn. Becatse there are anumber of graduating seniors who willbe attending the commencement on Sunday, Orc 18, we want to consider holding the fina exam before that. The possibility ofan slternative date wen dcased in los on Sept. 6 September 6, 2016 rananore Some Come alg Ce | & Class Search ‘Henrique Costa Ficmturatyeaacte | ceiraee a Browse Course Catalog 1B) Browse Course Catalog Course Detail uta Cora st ‘CHEM 261 - Intro Quantum Chem ‘adem Organization Crema Doprment Al ‘Aevicry Prerequisite CHOA2S/26, MATH 138, andr @ (or 160), ©9042 sanded rma or chamilia sade Troetyoneret Fol, wer org escriton eg anh pcre EMPL OYEENIUSICNU FRAMEWORK. AGSTARTPAGE MULGBLICONTEXTOPARAMS.. 1 Imroduction 0 Quantum Chemistry (261, 3 credit hour Lecture Sessions: Section 100: 1000:13-00amMWF (1230058) section 200: 2003:00 MF (22s0us8) Prof.KevinKubarych (4813.Chem) utarych@umich eds Drala Moon (3587.Cham) simoongumich eu clker system in iss wil contabute to your final grade, The partaton score does ot Discussion Section. though attendance in lecuion i not directly graded we expec! all students to aval shelves of the opportunities provided in decusion zetton. We wil exp » record of Stendance If ou are unsbie to tend the section you ae relstered fo, you may stand another longas pace ie avalbie. Problem sets During chem 26, there wil be 4 problem seal af which wil be ued to compute your grade, Messe note that the problem ast ate designed to help you learn the mater and tobe prepared forthe ears Problem sets wil requ you to demonsvate » probiersaving silty and conceptual understanding wel bayond that equi for he study questions at the end ofeach Book chapter, Moreover, problem sts may uo reuteYou to ue other applications sich as Microsoft Exel or Intrpet the output of webSared materia. Az we expat You to strughe zomewhat in working ough these difieltexrcles, we encourage You to work together However, evry member ofthe cat must tum na hand-written copy ofeach problem st Group submissions or atant cone wil not be accepted Problem sets wil be de by 400 pm onthe oped dates. You may cher turn ther nat He beging ‘ne ofthe d'etre oto the Chemistry 260 mailbox located in the mairoom sean from 500 Chemisty Please note tt rater Inthe Chemistry 260 mao wil be retrieved prompt t #20 nr any problem sats turned tothe maiox ster £09 pm arin danger of not beng noticed and/or found, Pease dently ‘ourself on each problem set with your name, student IO umber, andthe mame of your GS. Please do not Submit problem sets to ndvdual profesor’ mailboxes Grades ras for Chem 251 willbe based ona maximum of 700 pints dided follows Problem sts 7epomnts Reading usc wil compre OK the core rede 20 points Ibe ate wil comprie 10% ofthe cours grade 22 points \Wetingo-ear surveys (both survey) 2 pointe Final exam iter 260) 0050s Teal 220 points Letter Grades inal grades wil be based upon the absolute sale shown below. If yu score the number of ont ead then you wl eceive the letter grade indicated reardes of how my the ude achieve the same grate There smo curve. Any student eceing 5% of the auaible points wlesive seat an & Therefore o your Benet (ano your rend bene} that you lp other students lear ad they help YOU learn. The gneal grade beatdown i shown below hom 261 Lowest 85% 187 pointe lowest 8 70% as8poines Lowest 6% a52poins “The highest grades, Aw, A, and A, require demonstrated mastery ofthe materiel hough emminations snd Academic integrity ‘We take academic tert ver seriously inthis couse. Alindents of aeademie dshonesty wil be reported to ppropate tllege fice. Vatons include, But are not Imited to tring In homework coped fom & Clssmateor another person, bringing prohiited mater tothe exam looking 33 classmates sper during an ‘tam, submtting answers using on elcer registred toa cassmate Suing cit o lowing clsrate £2 Submit answers sing your Decker during eas Important Administrative Information for Chemistry 261 Hectronc Malt You ate encouraged to cantat your nstuctrs by eral f you have questoneabout anything too with te course Electronic mals avalale at all times of ay and ight. 30 You can send messages Whenever something comes to mina Do not, however, execs mmariate responses nthe midila of he Instructor ena adresses can be found on the fst page ofthis sylabus. We wil uy to espord with minal ‘What 00 fYou Are Unexpectedly Sick, OF Otherwise Unable To Altend Aa Exam: you ae trae to tend fan siam Bestuse of an unavoidable schedule confit, for example 9 simultaneous scheduled clase or 3 Felious observance, contact your GS as soon as possible. M creumstances ae unexpectedly that precede ‘your taking an exam please contact you Go nstuctor before the scheduled exam time. We recognize that Iman emergncy tuaton, you may not be able to contact ain» imely way. all Phone Plc: you bring cl phone to cls, plate ttn for he duration of the cs pero there ls stuntin that requires tat you be able to answer Your eal phone dorng a lass plese Inform Your Inervetor before thease, Health or sablity Concerns Al students at of Mare enti to an acess, accommodting, and supportive teschig and learing ‘mvronment The provision of enzanable secommoditio for students wth snes lv shred fculy end Student respons, students are expected to inform the iarurtor of thelr need fr accommodation, the Insructor and Gs are expected to make the necessary arrangement f you heve pec need please make a appointment to speak to ecture ana your GS at your earestconveniene. For more nfrmatian on nierty ‘wide eric: for aconmodating students ith specl peed On campus se is/are in wl TF Chass Search FF Class Search by SchoolCollege [F Browse Course Catalog bp gro ac amc.atpectronenn PL OYEEMAMSNUL FRAMENORKPT.AGSTARTPAGE, NULGALCONTEXTOPARANS, Henrique Costa se ate a Browse Course Catalog Course Detail cumin (Chet 125 - Mint crse in cLCIV course Components sire ene asoryPrevequishe ‘ype omered eter course Aribute unser crt ony Description in Crs Cassel Chtenton~ Sec tapsin Cael Cian Course Syllabus ‘at imprint Aeemar founded in he tao of SocrateTra ting cae cL 250012016 ‘nts, we wi ty te prison wring of some ofthe wos rest tinker, slang om Pets Aplogy of Socrates, ‘movng onto the prion aries of Chestan mare, to Bost’ Consaiton efPinsopy © Thoreau, Gandhi, Marin Luther ‘ing r Nelaon Manda and Angela Dave, We wl study sore ofthe pencils ore speech ae tay ae reveled in thse ‘anangs the necessty of peaking inh o power te confession fone egiouscanvicons hing voc othe ews fhe ‘oy and rensdenesistancs othe wlan ot aman don. ‘nat we wl icoveris that some of the ws retest humanists have bean prisoners! We wl study fe extent o which ‘Socrates provides amodl fore kn of eitance and ruth-sharing, The concept of pres (Greek fee speech {wlng ins publ tom) or tute Foucais nel, verison i an important Soca lacy and we sees power ved in these mastorienrs of Were Fly, tens wlreserch a contemporary consientousebetr snd share this esearch wit he dass. Another ‘component fhe dis ibe emake conc wh, wre o, smaane who's carey a prsoner of consence ‘As arent ottskigi ae, stdents wil become familar th he ran af consclenceus djetn a tisrefecedin he (est ter of ween conscientious eects. They wl also becore familar wn the istry of isons a ol or Intec, otal ana reigous soa cana Fraly by suing ie by side wih incarcerated person, they wil cme to Understand he bjecive relies o carcaral spaces, By wring to psones of onecnce and by speskin across the pone sot de ident wl race andre pon the pnaples of ee speech, ‘Week oe: Fi: 19 and radio e Canasensaus Objection Pron and dssppening. Fim, 20 Week wo Nev 1 Fe spech The Grek tcton of Parhesa, Plats nology tes essics taduPiaaoleoudinh Wook tree Nov 8 Wenesing agains the Ev Empire Tesbony om Annt Cistan Mays. +. Ronhoster Cost of Diaciolesia 2 Link moascurcebokssorhan.aGuhalalsaucinmtate) St Pepe Ltrs om Prson Sornaetler oe anh mca SEO gars me sani sya rch 25 001 F206 Week ourNov 45 ‘Satyaraha, Non-videnc and revluion Gan 2 Wik fe Nov 22: Vleck sxNov 29 The Tyrants ins Prima Lew.ttis man uk ‘earch rateable eOusaAshinsaonAkssans Slientsun The Galan Ashioaage ds) \dr Solzhenitsyn The i (https://archive.or \jitsynTheGul ‘Reesrch on curertrsoners of concen. nthe Une Sates an rtematenaly.Oratng lates to prisoner of conscience, Not resessary mang Pam. Assinments 1. Research nto one ng pata! isoneceaner of consence owever you dfn this trm.(20 pats) 2. Correspondence win tha person o an tempt rf alater his cespandance isnot posebe, A sncee ait to cammuneate 2 pont ‘8 Keeping up wit he eang an a ead jaumal ume tthe endo each clas wth ee fr reasnge. Nong {ime ofrenng what you lard, laws ane erengts of eraontiing Due mn dase dass 30 pnts 4 Contbuton a Clas 20 pons (oing pat of rouphatneeduces he stricter hereatng and poses ‘qunstons fr etector) oe ne ramen Angora u sseaaine Syn cL 2500 Fans Because tisisamin-course,atendance is expect you Rappen at heen oh fst sesso or rover show up. please not expec ops te dae. | wil not acoptreadng Jounal olde of clas, Tere wl boro exan cr Quzzes Papers. Course Summary: om nate oe (& taadnn eno fooceane (Seana Assignment ast on De 12.208 Seana Renansesz ‘une 13,200 @ pantiosion amie on De 182016 (nal ete shih nen omens sy 185m oy 1158 0 150 | 0 150 | ey 159 ty 1825 ny 156 [escsuaneecel] 1H Class Search FF Class Search by SchooliCollege 1B) Browse Course Catalog owe Care xa Henrique Costa Seok meats | erate Browse Course C: Course Detail endemic Group ‘Acacemic organization yeti ofered [| semen or anes by schol caege Dscuson aga tec agus Pryscs Deparment 121 355106 0296 Stents stot thet YSIS 24% conc Fol, wee eee Undead a ony Sanat ences (15) Coral Pres I~ PAYSICS 240 a contusion PHISCS 140, an ets Gas, etl paces a ele, cent nd reestans end ests, manele, oat, Ampere Fern’ Law af Ind, nd spe AC ras asoanoe yu or ates 24 tnaanane Fate Course Syllabus stump to Today Physics 240 — Fall 2016 Syllabus and Course Information rom a long view of the history of mankind seen, say from ten thousand years from now — there can be Nttle doutr that the most significant event of the nineteenth century will be judged 5 Maxwell's discovery of the laws of electrodynamics. -Richard Feynman Instructors: + Dr. David Winn, (sections 200, 300) ©. Office hours: W, Th 1-3pm in the Physics Help Room (1416 Randall) or by appointment + Prot David Gerdes . gerdes(@umich edu (section 100) © Office hours: Tu, Th 12:80-1:30pm in the Physics Help Room (1416 Randal appointnent erty ‘Cass mes: M.TuWLTh 8-10am (section 100}, 10-11am (section 200, 11am-12pm (section 290) Location: 170 Weiser Hall (the building formerly known as the Dennison low-tiss) ‘ext: There is n0 required textbook. We wil provide you with all the materials you need, A printed FrpitPhysies companion (ISBN-13 878-1429272361}) is avallable as an optional text. Many of you 1ave @ copy of Young and Freedman's University Physics from your Physics 140 clas, and this also a fine reference f you would lke one. Otherwise, any reasonably upto-date calculus-based Physics text is perfectly adequate. Many inexpensive used ones can be found on Amszon or eBay, Course Administration The Physics Student Services Office (1440 Randall Lab) will assist you with any issues arising regarding your grade, exam conflicts etc. You should contact them frst with any questons you may have regarding IClicker, exam and homework scores, absences and any other questiens regarding course administration: LSA-Phys-240dumich edu. Course Overview: Welcome! Physics 240 isthe second part of a two-semester,calculus-based introducton to physic. ‘The frat samaster focused on mechanical systema: Newton's Lave, work and energy, circular and rotational motion, gravitation, uid mechanics, oscilaions and waves. This semester, Physics 240, continues with the study of electric and magnetic lds, circuits, and light. Taken together, these two Courses embrace a broad swath ofthe physical world, and deal with phenomena that nave engaged {the imagination of some of history's most brillant minds, such as Galileo, Newton and Einstein. We hope that these courses wil enrich your understanding and appreciation of nature, and provide solid ‘oundation for your later workin the physical sciences or engineering. ‘Toleam physics, you have to leam to think lke a physicist, and helping you do this is one ofthe main goals ofthis ccurse. Wen physicists encounter a phenomenon, we look fist for fundamental Principles govering its essential nature. These principles help us to understand the main point. We ho th rite stronger acon ain or SI 240 YencnaCO FAS then gradually add back the complex details, refining an explanation bui up from the basics. This ‘especially estental in quanttative modeling of complicated real worlé situations. Thiefocus on the, essentials, while present in all of science, is unusually strong in physics. It difrsin style from the natural approach to explanation often employed in chemisty or bology. Te succeed in physics, youll ‘need to hone your abil to fist ind the main point, and practice applying a rather small number of basi principles to new and somewhat diferent situations. The elements ofthe class described below will help you de just that. Laptops, Tablets, and Cell Phones: Use of laptops anc other electronic devices for non-class purposes is strongly discouraged. Use for entertainment purposes (watching videos, playing games, web surfing, social media) is distracting, sisruptve, profoundly annoying to everyone, and s expressly prohibited. Elements of the class. “This course wil include a number of components to help you lean how to apply essertial ideas of physics. A key eature is the use of the FliptPhysics system for pre-lecture material, checkpoint ‘quizzes, and homework. FiptPhysics Registration: Create an account st way . Use your umich Uuniqname f avallable. Then cick Join a Course”, and enter the course 1d 444dGdba, Fortunately, FlpiPhysics comes with a 21-day trial period, 80 there is no rush fo purchase access. We suggest ‘you wait afew weeks untl you're sure youl say in the course. Detaled instructions are atthe end of this syllabus. The elements of the course include: + Prevlecture tutorials and Checkpoints Before each cass, you will watch a short video tutorial (preflight) on Flipt?hyscs that introduces the main topics to be discussed in cass that day. This material wil NOT be repeated in lecture, soitis an ‘essential part ct your preparation. You wil also complete a Checkpoint quiz aimed attesting your Understanding, Your responses wil play a large roe in determining how we focus our dass time. Checkpoint quizes are due at 8am the moming of class. Checkpoints can be completed up to a week late for 50% crit, however you are strongly urged to complete them before class. Prefights MUST bbe completed before class; there is no credit for completing them late + Homework Physics is about problem solving, s0 working through the homework assignments completely and carefully is essential. Just as important, you should not fall behind—each assignmentis keyed to the Previous class iopio—we may even work on some of the homework problems in class. Homework !ssignments are on FliptPhysics and are due on Fridays at 11pm. Assignments may be completed up toa week late for 50% credit. Again, solving al the problems, even iflate, is crtical NOTE: Your exam grades wil suffer if you use Google to solve your homework problems, or copy sSoluons from dassmates, Doing te nemework caretuly and wth understanding isthe Best Way prepare for the exams. + Classroom Time We don't have Yecture* or“siacussion’, just “lass”. Allof our class time willbe spentin active learning made. Research shows that this is far better way fo leam physics than tying to passively absotb information from a "sage onthe stage". We wll use iClicker questions to develop your Understanding of lecture material and to work through problems and examples. The purpose of thet {Questions is to engage your thinking, not to test you. Therefore, you will receive 1 pot for any ape sh nice ances bape, A seman ae ec 240 YonaHRNOO FAIS response, plus! addtional point i your response is correct, up to a maximum of 10 tol points per cass, The total weight of each class isthe same. Purchase an Clicker unit from the Computer Showcase ($38 new, $28 used) Details: hitplicomputershowcase.umich edulcategory pho ?cat=69 Register your Clicker on Canvas (in the “iscicker" section) by cass time on Tuesday, Sept 6. Quizzes and Final Exam + Quizzes: There are no evening midterms, Instead we will have six 45-minute quizzes, These vill take place In class on the folowing dates: © Monday, Sept. 19~ covers units 1-4 © Monday, Oct. 3~ covers units 5-8 © Monday, Oct. 24 covers units 9-13 © Monday, Nov.7~ covers units 1417, © Monday, Now. 21 covers units 18:21 Monday, Dec. 5 ~ covers units 22-24 + Final Exam: Friday, Dec. 16, 7:30-8:30pm, locations TBA For each quiz you may bring ONE 3x5" notecard. For the final you may bring an 8x11” sheet of paper OR even 3x5" notecards (e.g. the six cards you prepared forthe quizzes plus one new one). It [5 NOT possible to take the quizzes o nal on any day other than those listed. No make-up exems ‘willbe given except under vey limited special circumstances. Grading: ‘There are two types points that you will receive throughout the term: 4. QuisHExam scores (received from the si quizes and the final exam), 2. "Extra Cred” scores from everything else (his includes homework, cckers, pre-lectures, and checkpoint). ‘Your grade willbe based entirely on your quizfexam score. In principle, i you do really well onthe ‘uizzes and the final exam, you can receive an A in the class without ever answering a single clicker ‘or doing @ singe homework assignment (note, this s not a goad strategy for most ofyou). Your "extra cre score wil modify your exam score (ths isthe somewhat complicated part. Lets define some tems + Xis your exam percentage 0.75 (Average of best five quizzes) + 0.26(Final Exam Score) is your tay of extra credit points 1 tis.a constant (1=880), + Cis.aconsant (C=35) { Zis the number that we will actually use to determine your grade, ‘There is one more number that we need: ans ae Y is basicaly te percentage of your exam score thats replaced with extra credit. When we submit grades we will compare the number Z to our grade scale below. Note that this equaton is inspired by the capacitor charging equation that we will encounter in unit 8 Z=X(1-001y) +¥ The exams wil be rather hard, so getting the extra credit points is essential for improving your grade, Here are the primary ways to obtain these points 2 points per correct clicker answer 4 point per incorrect clicker answer ‘The number of cicker points is capped at 10 per lecture, (On most days we will hve more than § {questions, so you can get a few wrong and stil get the maximum possible points) + 10 points for each completed prelecture * 10 points for each completed checkpoint + 80 points fr each homework assignment ‘Attendance: Strictly speaking, attendance is optional, ané missing a class will not laver your grade, However, aewdance has a number of benef 4. The extra credit points availabe wil lower the impact of exam scores (and exams are hard) 2. Exam probems are often based on problems that we cover in class 3. The dicker questions are designed fo give you the practice that you need to succeed on exams. Letter grading: Final eter grades wil be assigned on a fixed scale, so i's perfectly rossible for ‘everyone to get A's. AS a rule, students who putin all the effon we expect Usually gets or B's, This Is the scale well use: ‘A+ 96.00%; 4 86.00%; A- 82.00%; B+ 79.00%; B 75.00%; B- 72.00%; Ct 66.00%; C 60.00%; C- §4.00%; D+ 49.00%; D 45.00%; D- 42.00% ‘Look carefully at this scale. Itis written in stone. No adjustments; no appeals. Rounding up {is +0.05% maximum. You know right up front what your personal goal is. In principle, if you all work hard you can ALL get A's—great! ‘Do all your homework, come to class and participate, and you wil receive almost al ofthis extra Credit. f you de that, you wil also likely lear all you naed to do well onthe exams. Inany case all his work wil make t nearly impossible for you to fal ‘Academic Intearty (Our policy cheating is simple. Don't even thnk about it Seriously. Any suspected cases of academic dishonesty wil be forwarded direct to the Assistant Dean for Student Academic Afar, 3nd any student found guity will eceive a fling grade forthe course, in addition to penaties imposed by the College In a course like this, academic dishonesty can take a variety of forms, including: subniting iCicker answers on behalf of another student, or having someore do 50 for you Giving oF receiving assistance on exams, copying answers tothe online homework. Most cases of scaderic dishonesty result rom the urge to cut comers due to time pressure. To avoid this temptation, plan your study time so that you are not leaving a lot of work il the last minute. Come to the Help Roam if you are stuck, and take me to learn with attention and care. sms men mance someoonatsbnairraeae « Final if something comes up thats going to impact your ability todo the work propery fortis course, theres @ Much Better Altemative to commiting academic dishonest. Just ceme talk to one of Us. Believe tor not, your professors are rather sympathetic, understanding people. Its very ikely that Wwe can find a way to help with your situation, ‘Students with Special Needs ‘We want everyone to be successful inthis course. I you have a documented learing disability or ‘ther special need that requires accommodation, we are glad to help. Please notly the Physics ‘Student Services Office in 1440 Randall Lab as eary Inthe term as possible so that we can make ‘suitable arrangements. ‘Student Mental Health and Wellbeing University of Vichigan is committed to advancing the mental health and wellbeing offs students. It You or someore you know is feeling overwhelmed, depressed, andlor in need of suprort, services are ‘available. For help, contact Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) at (734) 764- 18312 and htipsi/eaps umich edu during and ater hours, on weekends and holidays, of through ts Counselors physically located in schools on both North and Central Campus. You may also Consult University Health Service (UHS) at (734) 764- £8320 and his /imwa/ us. umich edulmentalhealinsvcs or for alcohol or drug concems, ‘ee \w.uhs wich edu/aodresources Fora listing ofother mental health resources available on and off campus, vist i Tips for Success ‘The ably to do well t physics is not an inbom gi it's a leamable sil. Becoming proficient at physics i no citferent than becoming proficient ata spor, a musical instrument, an artistic medium, oF 8 foreign langtage. Basketball players, concert pianist, sculptors, and others with specialized skis, Certainly spend some ime reacing books and listening to lectures by experts, but they understand that the main way to achieve mastery isto practice, leam from their own mistakes, practice, think hard about what they are doing, and practice. Its the same with leaming physics. AS a result, we expect teach of you to participate acvely inthe course, This means: * Coming to avery class (well, almost every cass, things happen) ‘+ Participating fuly while you're there: really tying to answer each question yourselt Following te prefight video attentively and answering the Checkpoint questions thoughtfully Working allof your online homework ntl you get it ight, and understand why you got right Working through practice exams in advance ofthe real ones Attempting old exam problems using Problem Roulette isting the Physics Help Room to get questions answered throughout the course, not ust before + Discussing the material with others in the class and on Piazza, There are few better ways to bull {an understanding of something than to tak about it with others. «+ Being thoughtful about what you know and dan't—when you get @ question wrang itis your jab to think about why you got it wrong, Help Learning physics can be challenging, and struggling with the material is a normal partof the leaming process. Fortunately there are many resources available to help you. ‘The Physics Help Room, located in 1416 Randall Lab, is staffed by a combination of faculty. graduate students, and advanced undergraduate students. tis open during normal workday hours ‘ost weekdays. Your instructors hold ther oles hours there. Any member ofthe Help Room staff can ‘answer questions about any introductory physics lass. enn umeneecontoniuitossagyrafe a ‘The Science Learning Center offers small peeled study groups for Physics 240. Registration opens ‘tnoon on Wednesday, Sept. 14, at htisuhwewisa.umich.eduslistudyaroupsioin . Study groups fil {Quickly so sigr up eaty to guarantee a spot. study by the UM School of Education shows that Physics 240 students who enrollin a study group on average eam a grade 0.17 higher than those ‘who do not Problem Roulette isan archive of previous problems from actual Physics 240 exams. I's a great study tol andwe encourage you to use it ites /problemrouiete Isa umich edu Piazza is a discussion forum designed to get you help fast and effcienty from classmates and instructors. You can ask, answer, and folow questions; the platform also supports html tags, uploading files and images, hashtags, andthe powerful LaTeX equation-frmatting language. Rather than {emailing questons tothe instructors, we encourage you to post your questions on Piazza. Signup is {te Partcipaon in Piazza is entirely voluntary; however we think youl nd it extrerrely useful. Our ‘lass page can be reached via the link on Canvas. ‘We wil foster group interaction in lass. You're also encouraged to discuss homework problems and Work together outside of class, but you remain responsible for submiting your own version of the ‘solutions in the end. Remember this important point: the exams are solo experiences~you wall not have yout friends or study group to help you, so its crucial to lear how to solve ‘problems on your own. There Is no other way to accomplish this except through practice. Every term a struggling student comes tous to figure out why she ian passing physics 2240. We ask: di you work trough each homewerk assignments? ~"Viel, sometimes. but my group Dartners helped me or went tothe Help Room.” We ask did you do the practice exams under game ‘conditions? ‘No, but read through the solutions.” Inthe end, the student was tying to do exam problems (85% of course grade) without ever aciually solving a physics problem from beginning to endl Labs IRishighty recommended that you register fora Physics 241 lab concurrent with his dass. This lab is required for most of you, and taking itn the same term as the lecture class wil maximize what you lear. FlipItPhysics Registration Instructions: Gary Gladding, Mats Selen, and Tim Stelzer W.H. Freeman & Company FiipitPhysics includes: 4. Online Preftights (animated lessons, completed before lecture) 2 Online CheckPoints (quizzes to check knowledge, completed before lecture) 3. Lectures (interactive, with clicker activities) 4. Online homework exercises 5. Printed textbook (reference, problems) To access FliptPhysics: Go to www. Create a FliptPhysics account 4. Go to- wwe 2. Locate and select “Get access to FlipitPhysies > Students” 53. Begin the process of registering for the site. Enter your email address (yourinetitutional ‘email address) and Read and agree to the site terms and conditions. chininteacontnuneth norman « eae yan or ists 24 fncana60 F408 4. Click “Register” 5. Set up your profile, and then choose the “Enrollments” tab. 6. Enroll in this course by entering in the Course Access Key ‘The Course Access Key for this course is: 444d8ba You will be given 21 days in which to access FlipitPhysics before having to purchase access or redeem an access code. This will provide you with a nice grace period should you drop the Register by purchasing access or redeeming an access code. + lou purchased a printed access card in the bookstore, scratch off the code in the inside of the access card and enter itinto the field on the screen. + you wish to purchase access online, choose that option on the screen. Complete the billing and credit card information. Save your confirmation screen, pane cee sonra, sas out Cag BD lass Search ee 7 Class Search by SchoolCollege | cewen or sasons If een for deme oy ocho coope Browse Course Catala ~ © Browse Course Catalog . Course Detai nieces st PHYSICS 241 - Elementary Lab 11 Course Components ‘atontry age enteric roy roar, Sane the as eademie onpanzaton Frye Depart 5250 roy snd Type oer ot, wer oem snarl Snces() eserition ‘emery bute it~ On teu peri barry nn eh pega cami apaceponnen EPL OYEENSIENU FRAEWORKST AGSTARTPRGE NUIGBLICONTEXTIOPARAMS.. 1 Physics 236/241 Course Information Fall 2016 Course Goal "The gal of thos laboratories sto develop hands-on experience and piysies intuition ina ingle, un, concentrated session once a week. Supervisors Dr. Andrew Tome 1476 Randall Lab Faculty Supervisor: Overall course organization; exten Taks36-2959 lan evi nd eveopent sortaech amich eda Deans AU 1241 Randall Lab Lab Supervisor: Day to day lab operations; mako-up lab, ToLGs Jab equipment setup. DeprleBumicheda ‘Sam Roland $103 Randall Lab rolandsatimic ca ‘Lead GSI: Overall coune coundiation;scedleand grade Materials “The experiment for cach lab 6 deseribed in eager of the lab manual. You are expected to study aud understand each chapter before coming to class, and to bring the chapter with you, You should also brig wating implements and a ealelator vith trigonometric and logarithmic fanetions Ty clas you will receive & wortshoet ‘hid is tobe Gl oat nnd Cure in at the end of the section. Copies of this Infntation sheet, the course schedule, lab mainal, snd GSI contact information ‘can ve found on the course Canvas site. You do not need to purchase anything for shis course. Pre-Lab Quizzes [A the beginning ofeach laboratory, you wil be required to complete a elosed-book 5 mite qui The quizes ate ited to cize tht yon er avoguatelyprepaee before coming to class. They are mainly based on upon the laboratory rsamval hapter for that week's experiments, but may occasionally test your understanding fof the physics concepts as well. These quteas should not be dif sf you have ‘ently read the laboratory manta ‘he quizes will start at precisely 10 minutes after the hour. There are no make pe for the quizzes, and you wil lose precious time if you show up late. ‘There wil ‘be aqui ding ek la season, except the fast la The ast qui ade wil he dropped Lab Make-Up Policy Mise labs must be made up to reve eredt. However, makeups are allowed only for documented illnesses and emergencies. You canot make up la due to. confice with an exam scheduled in the course bulletin. Tt is your responsibility tw chek the exat selene and eal exten that fits your sees You tint supply documentation as to the reason for your miss cass, including Mnescs. If you are too il to attend cass, then you shonld be seeing medical professional ‘who ean supply this documentation. Tn the event that yn mist ise las, notify your instietor ae soon ax powuble, ideally Before the lass, Yow wll need yor Instuctor’s permission for the makeup and you are responsible for seduling i ‘You must complete the make-up within a week of the missed lab, Instructions for scheduling a make-up lal 1 Notify your GSH a soon ax possible that you wil mais the la, 2 Get a make-up fonn fom Physics Lab Window, 1241 Randall “Meet with your GST. Show him/her your documentation and have him/her sign oor mao for 4 Return tothe Physics Lab Window with the signed male-up form, Show the form to Deans Alen aad schedule your makeup Again, you need to complete the make-up within one week of missing the lab Lab Grading Policy “Your grade il eomast of thee base compunents. ‘The la grade Une antl sere ‘yomarkie onthe worksheets that yo complete and sibanit im ease each werk. The ‘quiz grade is determined by your performance on the prelab quizzes. The i-elass Drtcination grade willbe detersined by your istructor based on your peronnance hing the term A sng gre typically 8/10 pits) wl usally be sigue Kr attending clas on time snd completing all ofthe experiments, lower geaée may he signed for arriving lat, disrupting elas, or fling to contribute to the work Thane in by you and sour partuer. Higher patispation scores are given te hoe stucents who are actively engaged inthe experiments sd ar mens sight fal ‘questions. The fraction of your total grade represented by each of these components [nb Werk Quien Participation 73% 15% 10% Grades willbe given in the lab courses based on the following see ‘Total Percentage Achieved [Grade Range 92 — 10% TAT = 010% [Bare 75 6.00% © /6/or < 70% ea Jn some sections, gales may be curve with respect to the sale abuwe. Th scl ‘ass, you will uot receive a lower grade than expected from this scale. A failing sraée (B) willbe assigned to students who miss two oF more labs without «valid Partners 1 is well lnown that lab leening is most eetive when you work with « partner. ‘You and your pariner will eomplete a single worksheet for that week's experiment swig ya wl for at the el uf las Ya will each reed the same grade: Both pariners are expected to eotribute evenly to the eompletion ofthe experiment and ‘worksheet. You will switch partners several times during the term. If your section ‘hasan odd number of students, you should not work in group of three mae than Coordination with Lectures Owing to the pace and structure of the lectures wx. the constraints of « weekly Jab, itis diffu to exactly synchronize all ahs with leetures, On oecasion, the lab say involve a tq that has not yet een covered in ete. Dnt be dstonght it might be that seeing an effect in the lab before the lecture is a more efoctive Teaching mode thea the other way around. ‘The lab manuals are funy selEcontaned, sand frequently contains "Thewry”appandies for eae captor. But we do als spect you to be veading ahead in your textbook or couragpac as needed. Apprepriate ‘backronnd reading i listed in the mana for each chapter. Course Evolution ‘Wo sre constantly improving the enim for this onrse, Beeanse ofthis, yn may Find that your lab workskect docs not strict follow the manual. When a discrepancy ‘cet, you should fallow the instruction in the worksheet. I yo fl st ero oF ‘anshiguous material im che mania, please bring it tothe attention of your instractor ‘0 we an make corrections. We weleome your comments on izaproving the terial inthe course. Lab Window ‘The lab window is lonted at 1241 Randall Lab (jst inside the south entrance ander the ately) aid the alfce for the lalp styenvior. ‘The lab supervisor is raponsible for maintaining lab equipment, handling day-to-day problems, and scheduling makeyps. Ifyou have problems at concer with the course o® your GSI, ‘you should go to the lab window ancl spenk with the lab supervisor (or contact the faculty supervisor iste lowe) Help Room and SLC We have assigned and staffed physics “help” room in 1416 Randall. This oom willbe available for assistance with both physics lecture nd laboratory werk I ‘dition your GSTs office hors wil be held there, For hours and staffing sce bicep: // sntroductory- physica” coursos/eutorsng heal Likewise, selected pysieseated tutorial software as heen introduced atthe Science Leaming Center (SLC), located at 1720 Chemistry Building, Check the SLC during ‘the semester for tho nature and availabilty ofthis materia Much oft extensive Interactive physica tutorial om CD-ROMs, Tor formation othe SLC, see hcepa:// Hi Class Search FF Class Search by SchooiCollege 1D Browse Course Catalog Henrique Costa [eee rrr Seige Rot | cewentercisonn I] eeu fr drve eect coop Browse Course Catalox Course Detail scum cousist (CHE 460 - chem Eng Lab I courte Components atotary Rage teste ures compe om str Con Academic organization Choi Enieting Det 9 prafana a coe ES eileen Ltt I~ Exgermeaten arte the vseeinsmetat pss an res cmb atta, centers, rept, Tehnlgycrmaniatrs. sp agro rich atpeteenonen EPL OYEEH®USINU FRAMEWORK. AGSTARTPAGE,MULGBL?CCNTEXTOPARAMS.. 1 BASIC GUIDELINES FOR SAFETY AND HEALTH IN THE CHEMICAL ENGINEERING TEACHING LABORATORIES Adapted from Guidelines Adopted by the Department of Chemical Enginecing ‘a The Unversity of Michigan, September 29, 1992 Safey and halth in the laboratory ean be achieved only through the ull participation and cooperation of ll students, faculty and staff The following guidelines must be prachced to protect you and your classmates from injury, This lis i not inclusive nor a substitute for caution and 1. lease of aft, chemical, or other emergency, students inthe laboratory 2 Be alert to unsafe conditions and actions. Fist attempt to remedy the situation. you are ‘table odo so, then report ito your instructor. 3. Learn the location and proper use of safety equipment including showers, eyewash, fire ctinguishers, and chemical Spl ks 4, Do mot conduct laboratory wark in the absence ofthe instructor. In addition, do nt perform ‘authorized experiments, and donot lave an experiment unattended ‘5. Prior to bevinnng an experimen, determine the potential physical and chemial hazards of the mates, andthe necessary safety precautions that You mst ake when werking with the nae 1, alert the instueter and all ther 6. Never begin an experiment unless you ate confident you can finish o arrive at a safe end $oint before the end of the laboratory peiod Allow suicient ime for clean atthe end of {he laboratory period. 7. Spilled chemicals should be cleaned up immediatly and disposed of propely. Ask your instar for assistance inthe clean-up procedure 8 Hazardous, toxic or undated chemicals should not be poured down the din, 9. Always pour acid into water, base into water, and acid into base, 10. Never retum a reagent to the storage bottle. You may create an incompatile mixture by ‘mistake or contaminate the chemical 1 Mout pipeting is prohibited use a distal pipene 12 Do not put your nose dretly over a container to smell he contents; instead, waft the vapors toward your nose. ety tlases or aoasles must be wom a ll times inthe laboratory. Conuct lenses are ‘rohibited inthe laboratory, even with safety glasses or goggles, chemicals can become ‘omeeniated under the lenses and cause permanent eye damage 14, Laboratory coats must be worn fo prevent contact with chemicals. Protective loves should be worm whenever the potential for contact with corrosive or toxic materials, casts, 15 Sandal, shorts, and short skirts are prohibited. o1 16. ating, drinking, smoking, and chewing of gum are prohibited. 17-Morseplay and other acts of carelessness are prohibited. Avoid distracting oF startling smother worker. BROWN INDUSTRIES, INC (ka, ChE 460 UNIT OPERATIONS & PROCESS CONTROL LABORATORY) OVERVIEW ‘The ChE 460 Cit Operations ad Process Control Laboratory i structured as «hypothetical ‘company known as BROWN INDUSTRIES. Brow Industries shouldbe viewed aa producer of chemical products As a student, your “employment” will be at a development engineerin a Patticulr section (‘plant’) working on short-term program ("eampiga) to improve operations ‘You wil be assigned to three diferent projects throughout the semester. All eam ina plant report to the Plant Supervisor, and al plans reprt othe Enginecring Manager. Engineering Staft Engineering Manager and Supervisor, Erdogan Gulari 10418 balding 28 NCRC Phone 734 763 $941, gularv@umich eds Engneering Support Supervisor ‘Chis Bar, University of Michigan Deparment of Chemical Engineering ‘Tel (734) 763-1336 ‘email bari@umich edu Engineering Technician ‘Don Trombley 2161/3016 GGBL, 936-3938, doar@engin umich ed (ager: 817-6091; emer 460 after the tone) Computer System Specialist: “Mike Alien 5126 HLH. Dow, 764-0012, mae@engin.umich ed TeeInical Communications Instructors “Mary Jane Northrup, mjaZumich ed Dr. Stephanie Sheffield, stephanie sheffield uni Elaine Wisniewski, evis@umich edu Plant Lacations Rm. 2170 GGBL—Evaporator, POD Extractr, Biomanafaturing Rm. 3000 GGBL—Control Apparatus, Distillation Column, Reactor, Alan growth system Required References 1 Dery, R.H. el (Eds) Perry's Chemical Engineers" Handbook; Sixth Editon, McGraw Fill, New York (1984) (oc 7 eiton), 02 , Brown Indusries Practices and Equipment Manual - Fall 199 (A&A Copy erpont Commons) os SAFETY All Inboratory work will follow the Basic Gudelines for Sosy and Health in te Chemical Engincenng Laboratory found on page O-l and the Brown Industries Standard Practices (Brown Indusiries Practices and Equipment Manual) found in sections 0-5 of the cousepack. Safety ‘considerations forall project work are to be considered in advance and must be addressed in work plans Vaterial Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) should also be reviewee and include inthe work plans [MSDS far most materials used in the laboratories are available in a-ring binder located inthe Bf. Ofice oc from the U of Menllege of Engineering database in CAEN AppleTalk server (umich- ENG-CAEN zone, Macintosh Software server, Course Folders item, CoE. Safety folder, MSDS_MAC_US file) There ae also several worldowide-web sites with MSDS information, including the fllowing: 1g nde. cornell .edu/me ‘One (1) pair of plastic safety lasses with side shields will be provided (and may be kept), ‘Safer glasses must be warn a all tes n perating laboratory areas. TE you observe unsafe equipment, procedures, or behavior in the laboratory, fist attempt 9 remedy te situation. Ifyou are unable todo so, then repr it o your supervisor ora staff member Your participation in good safety practices is taken into consideration in the performance cvalatiens, Amy team found in violation of the safety guidelines will be prdhibited from ‘working the laboratory until actions are taken to conform to the guidetines. "Notify your supervisor immediately inthe event of an accident n the laboratory, inform all oer pets Working in the same area and call EMERGENCY by daling 911 on any camous phone BROWN INDUSTRIES CODE OF PROFESSIONAL ETHICS Professional ethics will apply to the conduct ofthe projects and the preparation cf the oral and writen reports, Brown Industries standards for ehical conduct are the same asthe Hoxor Code wsed bythe Collegeof Engineering atthe Unversity of Michigan. Teams that have completed a project ‘may assist the subsequent eam on the same projec inthe same Plant. However, no asistance may bbe sought from reports from previous campaigns (except as provided as references), from reports fom other Plans, from engincers in ather Plats, from engineers who have previously participated in Brown Industries, or from ouside each team in the preparation of oral and written presentations. You will have clearonic copies of dhe progress reports, work plans, and final reports ffom previous rotations on the project, but each new report must te constructed indepencently:it will be on a different topic and have a different focus. Figures om previous reports ay be used, o adapted, with fll ret (itation) given in the figure i, COURSE OnrEcTIVES: Affe: having completed ChE 460, students wil beable to do the following: 1. Solve engineering problems by applying fundamentals from other chemical enginring and chemistry courses. This wll involve the following ass: 8) Flan ase of experiments andlor modeling schemes tha lea in logical fisher toa ‘ested outcome by Evaluate progress towards a goal on a regular basis, and revise plans as appropiate ©) Operate chemical processing equipment and apply engineering Scientific analysis to ‘he data obtained from its operation {Reach conclusions and make recommendations based upoa experimental andlor simulation results even when the data do not support the desired outcome. ©) Make effective oral and written presentations of experimental plas and results 2. Be aware of common laboratory safety practices, beable wo ary them oat on a regular bass and be able to recognize and respond o nsafe conditions. 3. Work wel in a team-oriented environment, providing assistance to oer tearm members aun lying on teammates for assistance as needed 4. Inteigendy discuss the work of others, offering constructive criticisms and help sugestons as appropriate ORGANIZATION ‘There are five (6) branch Plants of Brown Industics (called Plant 1, Plant 2, ete) Each plats engineeing development group will usually be divided into teams of 3 cagincers, and the ‘membership of the teams wil be changed foreach project. Every engineer will werk direc on three (3) different consecutive projets, and will act a consultant onal the project Plan supervisors will assign teams othe pojests athe fist cass meeting. Each eae wil have an assigned Team Leader, with the responsibilities given in Fable 2. You must e familar with these ‘whether or not you are a Team Leader. Your performance asa team leader or memberis taken into ‘Consideration a performance evaluations SS ‘Team Leader Responsibilities sures hat saftey guidelines are followed Resolves questions of fir division of effort among group members, eviews the laboratory notebook for completeness and adherence tothe laborwary otebook standards, "Ensures hat the experimental areas clean, equipment has beon propery stored, ll ‘apparatus as been properly shut down, and broken equipment has been repated tothe supervisor. os salves schedaling problems or daa analyte and report waiting Cooedinates the preparation ofthe stats reports and work pans Coordinates the preparation ofthe final written report, ensuring that is complete, on time, correctly assembled, and proofread (especialy for consisteney with ssmbols, numbers, references, ete) ‘Organizes and participates inthe final orl project presentation. ‘Serves as consultant for the nex team on the projet PLANT OPERATION AND SHUTDOWN ‘Operating hours for a laboratory shift and final pojet presentations are 1:30 PM to S:50 PM, W equoment must be shut down, and the work area cleared and cleaned in preparation for the next Shi, no later than S:18 PM, The team leaders willbe responsible fr ensuring thatthe work area islet i stsfcrory condition for the next shit: teams willbe cited for safety vislations if the ‘work area isnot lft in an acceptable condition. The team leader is also responsible for ensuring ‘thatthe laboratory notebook satisfies the guidlines given above If t's necessary for you tobe absent for any part of your shif, you must inform your team and ‘your supervisor and make arrangements fr your responsibilities to be covered. The oratory ‘ot be available a eter times, except by amangement wih the supervisor. Persos leaving the Taboratoy for more than fifteen minutes must also sign out and leave infomation about their destination inthe evento an emergency evacuation DELIVERABLES Each team must deliver the following during the tenure of & project. Note that all writen documents mast wse fleas 2-point font and linc margins onal sides. All epots should be in leetonie form and be mailed to the plant superisce, 1. Work Plan, "The work plan details the plan of activites ofthe team to atin the stated project hjectves (as given im a memo tothe tar atthe start of rotation). The workplan isa concise (no more than 3 pages of text) document that clearly describes how the project, hjectves wl be achieve. The work plan also describes ll the necessary task to be caried out, including identification ofthe data tobe collected and how that dat wil be collected as well asthe analysis ofthe data. ‘The workplan shouldbe weten i memorandum format, addressed to the Plant Supervisor, and should include the following ‘A brie introduction no more tan 1/2 page) that tates the project objectives and ‘eviews previous work onthe projet, if applicable, The original asignmeat memo ean be attached as an Appendix for reader reference, ‘+A brief Equipment section (no more that 12 pag) that highlights erica features ofthe ‘exiting equipment; the reader ean be refered to the Hagupoent Maral for farther ‘details. If aditional equipment is required, tis equipment sould be discussed in seater detail, andthe lng of this section can then exceed 1/2 page 06 ‘+ A Proposed Work section that ets how the team will se the data collected to meet the project objectives. Specific experimental approaches tobe sed o med the ‘objectives including procedures io be employed, must be discussed. This ection should ‘include an experimental design, which is fall specification ofthe experiments to be ‘done to achieve the projet objectives the independent and dependent variables must be identified, a well asthe specific numerical values chosen fr the independent. The experimental design may be modified asthe study progresses, but he fist experiments performed ae expected tobe those chosen in the inital design. The amouts of ‘materials that wil be necessary to complete the proposed work must be estimated. Th dation, all analysis of raw dala to achieve the final objectives must be iced, without this information, tis very likely thatthe appropriate data will not be collected within the fixed laboratory time for a rotation, ‘+A Safety section that discusses safety considerations speifc to the proposed work. © A ‘Time Schedule fr the proposed activities, in which the contributions ofeach team mene are clear identi + References Your supervisor will announce the due dates forthe Work Pans for you Pant. n genera, the de dates will be wo business days prior to your sit ‘Status Reports (They will nt be collected and graded but you are strongly advise to review your statu after every lab period). A Status Report addresses what the team has dane and what the team plansto do, in lation to the project objectives. Preparing a Status Report provides the team i the pportunity to erically asses its activities, and modi those actives a8 necessary, in lght cf the project objectives: ‘Init planning activites or Activities since the last tutus report, Describe what the team has done with regard oii planning activites o since the last rept, including activites both inside and ouside the laboratory. Individual accountability must be assigned tothe activities, ‘+ Accomplishments since the last status report. Desribe what hasbeen adhieved asa ‘result ofthe activitice discussed above + Current status toward projet gals, Describe the team’s status toward achieving the project goals. Are you making good progres, o are you spending time in mpreductive activities? Will you achieve the projet objectives? ‘+ Planned activities for the near future. Desctibe what the eam will do inthe near fare (generally, the next week). Will you follow your original work plano ‘modi the plan based on the outcome ot Your recent aeuviues. Aga, snidat sccountailty must be assigned tothe activites. Data analysis, nclading graphs and ables, ean be atached in an appendix. 4 Microsoft Word template fr the Status Reprt canbe found on the CAEN server in the ChE 460, der o7 3. Final Written Project Report The Final Project Report is due the day ater the oral presentation made at he end of «ach rotation. Its also writen in memorandum format, addressed to the Plant Supervisor, a ‘maximum of seven (7) pages of text, pls figures, tables, abstract, nomenclature table, and ppendicesis suggested. The main sections ofthe report ae detailed below. ‘Abstract. The abstract outlines the project objectives (withthe motivation), how the objectives were met through experiments andioe modeling schemes (the ests), and the primary conclusions. The abstact mast beable o stand alone, and shld not refer ta ‘he mai body ofthe report. Symbols should not he used in the absract. The abstract. shouldbe between 125 and 200 words ‘+ Introduction. The introduction acknowledges the work assignment, explains the objectives and backyroundof the werk, and desribes in general tems the approaches taken and methods chosen, Sometimes thoretial background forthe stu is nchuded Inthe Taxoduction, i uch they is short Acknowledge previous work as necessary Do ot present results in the Introduction. This section shoud be brie. 4+ Theory. Ifnccessary, bil pesent the theoretical background forthe project. As ‘much as possible, this shouldbe taken fom the literature (ital sources) and adapted forthe specific project. All assumptions must be given. Define all variables with units) where they first occur, the nomenclatre should fallow that sod in Perry a (1984) ‘amber equations atthe right margin. Show boundaries of ystems or subystems defined foe material and energy balances in sytem diagrams and include symbols for system variables on the diagram, ‘+ Experimental Apparatus & Procedures. This brief section highlights rca festres ofthe existing equipment and procedures for analyzing the data, the reader can be refered to the Fguipment Manual foe farther details. I additional equipment ance ‘alytical procedures have been usd, they should be discussed in greater detail. The experimental design should be included fer experimental projects and jsted with respect othe stated project objectives. 4+ Results & Discussion. In his setion, the results ofthe experimental desn ot ‘theoretical analysis should be presented and discussed, n relation tothe projet ‘objectives. The data shouldbe compared with theory or deduce coreatcns, preferable traphically, whenever possible, use line fr the theory/coreaton and sybols fr the daa. Discrepancies between the data and theoy/orrlations must be discussed. ‘+ Conciusions & Recommendations The progress made toward mecting the project objectives shouldbe summarized. Significant experimental or theoretical dings shouldbe restated. In addition, recommendations fer fature work shoud b given, as drawn tom the project obecuves and work accomplished 4+ References. Literature cited inthe report must be listed in this ection. Te citations in the text shouldbe ofthe form Pery eal. (1984) or (Perye al, 1984), depending onthe syntax, The references shouldbe given as fllows ‘Perry, Ri, and D, Green (Eds), Chemical Engineers" Handbook; Sixth Edition, ‘MeGraw Hil, New York (1984). In addition, general references canbe listed in this section. os ‘+ Nomenclature. This section wll contain a consolidated table of ll he symbols used in the ror, with units and definitions. Is recommended that this table be completed ely in the project so all individuals contributing to the report wll use a sine of set of ‘symbols. "The symbols shouldbe listed in alphabetical order, with Geek symbols listed {allowing the complete lst of symbols from the English alphabet. + Appendix. The Appendix contains materials that may need tobe consulted for detailed ‘explanations, procedures, o caleulation, but whieh are not needed within the body of the report to understand the presentation, The Appendix should be divided ito "ehapers”(e, Appendix A, Append B,e.). The Appendix may include sample calculations, ucerainy analyses, data summaries (in table format), additonal details of Aeivations, and detailed descriptions of an apparatus or procedures. 4 Final Oral Project Report. The Final Oral Project Report will be given by all eam members atthe end ofa rtatio, uring the scheduled lab period, (Location willbe announced.) The audience will consist of al engincersin the Plant, the Supervise, the Engineering Manager and potently other B esonnel and invited guests, ‘The orl presentations shold fellow the structure and guidlines given in lecture, and vil facus onthe abjctves and their coresponding results, with sufficient discussion of tuckground, theory, and materials to make the results understandable ‘Twenty minutes are allowed foreach presentation, and presentations will be fllowed by ‘10 minutes of questions. ‘TEAM PROJECT REVIEW ‘One meting of each team with thir supervisor is scheduled prior to the last labeeatory session ofa rotation. ‘The purposes ofthis meeting ae o evaluate the degree of completion ofthe project objectives, to decd what fuer work is required, and to decide what farther work kas the highest ort ina al ofthe further work canbe completed in the remaining time LABORATORY NOTEBOOK PROJECT BINDERS. act team will mainisin an clestronie folder that contains the project asignment memot, work plans, commented status reports, final project reports, and copies of pertinent references “This binkr will be transferred to the new team on the project athe completion ofa ration. In aidtion, iis recommended that each engineer Keep a projet binder containing all writen material relevant to his or her project. This should include a last the project assignments, adap om ral dS M,“Laborty NoteackDocumsaion” LCC, 112) 122997) 09 ‘memoranda sent and received, copies of reports and othe iteatue, notes from mesings, personal ‘ervatien and eaeultions, andthe Standard Practices and Eguipment Mara 0-10 GRADING Fina eter grades are based upon the following approximate “weights” Fra written reports {Technical communication (evaluation f ral reports Ft Pes evaluation (se frm in Appendix C) ‘Supervisor evaluation of oral performance (based on individual effort) set evaluation of lab performance Plant supervisors can change these weights a their discretion, and will notify ther engineering _roups of the revised grading system atthe beginning of the campaign The most important factors fo a good evaluation ofthe writen and oral reports wil be the understanding shown fr the projet and its results, andthe accuracy, conciseness and laity’ ofthe ‘presentation. Peer evaluation willbe done by ll the team members with whom each engines has ‘worked daring dhe campaign (either steam member ora 8 consultant): this evaluation will be an integral part ofeach engineer's final performance evaluation. The supervisor will alsoevaluate each ‘engineer's performance in es tangible activites such a eff, diligence, enthusiasm, cooperation, leadership, and technical competence in the various campaign activities, laboratory pesformance, safety and meeting participation. The supervisor wil base individual performance ouside the laboratory trough the weekly status reports. Your supervisor willbe sad to discuss any aspect of ‘your perirmance with you upon your request, on [Oxnnine |} class Search Henrique Costa [Semen panera exch tr cna] nero yo eee 1 Cass Searchby SehoolCotege I Browse Course Catalog. Browse Couse Catala = ° Course Detail un Cast (CHE 487 - Proc Sim & Design eure auis Academic Organization Chri Eagang Det Advisory Pretequste Facade ar mzompaned Wy CE 8S Enforced Prerequisite (2 an 344 na aH 20 25 (er ter or route cours atibute aera cat ony ecraton se Sulton 2nd Deon ~ Cargtersmaon frees nd ester, as ara esr wih ergesing dann nd ‘Chemical Engineering 487- Chemical Process Design "Winter 2017 Docs ce th adden. Come pe tn Eqn sig ad ot inti, ‘eu ander comme Sveum nf cea cer onto ESET Beeps cholic Fd Pree CHE CE 4 ond MATCIE 200 28a ng Meme) “iy commend onto Cid Sit. «Dain in Torua Twa Rehr Rt ae, Woes Whe. sg Sv and ‘thee can Psst Ne oy Pee Ha SE {CCHS CPS. tnedcson oes Sef Unde an api, Servant ie epg Pe pa Ma, Kam D Tmt dR We, Pam in ad ‘Sonoma Chonal nse Now Yor Mem 0 Dt Do an Msi sient Csi ss New You, DR Mats see Ds Tena Rass New ar, Props an net cin tapes ‘atm opal quo cf metomatd n perin r an ciee (oe eget fo cml pc at ae pag Dinsmore open cc om ia ‘Rah poi schema caging pct, ‘cpu eon satiny sel Sen, 9, ep nse ene sr ch pig a en (CME 4 Crt Scheme — Winter 317 | rai Tom gc Pept | i { aeeuw sey alge ep B 2 Flee Ss» » Spe s & Sooscome =o ‘Socom het altar mann cs an Fo your sing i ‘io yearterer Ine me Ses ne abo keh ste eo ab SaokeRceaiteiy dewciaraupresr reba ts aes Niu cc dn ene someer any ect mmm ‘pri nr e's pops Th oe ct Poe eid ‘eSvucr arcane Taos wea pate ae cope compe i ak ‘in Grr basa ne and in ome ow SEP Bae ments Snowden nem i ioueeoraettecreee, ole Sees ty, ab et mat = SE Se eee 2. Ser fee eS ee ky SEE SR Eee Pet Wine” MF 9301030 byapsimet Sar mena ce. ieee toc” ieieoee i” Bees ae = once ee 7 ae a. oe Ee) = == eta Past vata ‘omni hy cesuasee ‘Meg oe 1B Class Search Class Search by SchoolICollege 1 Browse Course Catalog grec ami become EPL OVEEMNSCNUI FRAMENORKPT.AGSTARTPNGE,NULGHL?CONTEXTOPARANS. me Coun Clg Henrique Costa (se 1 = acon Rog ‘search torcnsos | snuehforchees by schoo calege Browse Course C: Course Detail eum ist ECS 388 - Intro Comp Security Course Components Latentory Race tecaee ees pester cove raeeing endemic orgatziton Evel Ear Computer So ‘visoryPretequiste —_EECS. 370 (Cor bata) or eset Enforced Prevegusite cs 23; (Cr beter) course abate ncerga rt Only Deserition Inrueion te Compe Secrty =~ Ts at voces ern and rast caput sect a6 sed tar, as sens, yams, Toes ae Sand eryeoyetie eons a reac ‘tents nd ees fo rear systems cer resprses 0 ompzefreris. Tere wil de hamens ees seyenmng recs sod lean, Introduction to Computer Security — Wnter2018 ‘This course teaches ne securty mindset and introduces he principles and practices of computer secur as applied {0 sotware, Rost systoms, and atwors. I covers the fauncations of baking, using and managing safe sytem ‘Topic nehido standard erytographi uncons and protools, west and defenses or eakworlsysems Weta response, ane compute orensics. See the senecse fr deta, ae (QJ reerrereymen Prerequisites ECS 281 required, EECS 370 recommended Lectures ‘Section 001: Mon Ned, £00-10:20, 1670 Bayster ‘Seaton 002 Mon ed. 10:-neon, 1670 Beysier ‘Sesion 003: Mon Wed. 230-500, 1871 GGBL ‘es willbe posted on Canvas, but recorngs willbe ‘made avalabe only cates of excused absense. Lab Sections See calendar below. Lab sections wil trodes tools and (Office Hours concepts hat ar important for completing the project Allabs aren 1620 Boyte. Visi any TAS oflce hours for assignment hep ox gracing cancers. Vist the professors’ fice hours fr questions about lecture materia. Communication Welle Piazza for announcements, discussion and |questons about assignments and other course materi Fer administrative sues, emai eece388- Sta@umich od to contac tha couse stat Assignments wilbe csirbuted here and collected and graded WaCarvas and Gradescope Reterence Books No oxtbook is required, but you would ke adstionat reterences, wa recommend ‘Secuy Engeering by Ross Anderson Cyptooepy Engineering by Ferguson, Schneier, and Keno Resources Sear Research at Michigan Secxriy Reading Group (SECRIT) ‘Menigan CSE CTF Chub ECS 580 (adustelovel secury cass) pth coments 1B Class Search FF Class Search by SchooliCollege: DD Browse Course Catalog Henvique Coste ee ae es Beewan Cours Catalog Course Detail enema cur Lt SLAVIC 290 - Studies € Euro Cult ‘demic Orgoninaion Save Lanqngs 8 Dest avaory Protege ‘Type overed won course Aibute una rat Oy SA Hamas 0) eseiton Suen Eater oop Cures Sin pic coe re mens trade 3 gee ff Se es to a eer ert users ace crepe a ane tegration he ade gn scar nclaige a9 eae op aseanore pn Le 2000 817 Course Syllabus stump to Today ‘SLAVIC 260 Studies in Eastern European Cultures Section: 004 Eastern Europe Animation: From Propaganda to Revolution ‘Thursday, 4-6 pm, Lecture Room 1, ML CCourse instructor and coordinator: Svitana Rogowk,srogow@umnich edu, 3220 MLE Using the best examples of Russian, Polish, Ukrainian, Czech, and Croatian animate fms Save Deparment faculy toa wilinveduce stents to major concepts of easter European cates in generaland Soviet propaganda a and iniuencee in partion ‘Animation in Easter Europe tok an active development after 4th, when highyrecognized lems farts, stators, authors. and drectrs were assigned and dicated by tick govemments to produce documentaries and arimaiod fins that would aeplc! moray tals for eidren, satire on the captain in he Wes and oven experimental val at spectactes “This cass aims io deepen the appreciation and understanding of animated fms from five countries of Easter Europe trough ical vewings, readings, and explorations of ther sod, store, and cual contexts Course Requirements ‘There willbe weekly one question mini quizes and one final assignment, which may be ether creative projec ‘ora paper, No absences wll be pent Persona computers, phones, and tablets are not allowed inthe clas, Grading Distribution Participation in dass dscussions and weekly quizes - 50% 2 page final assinment or project— 50% - Deby February 24 Bonus ~ 5% - Fal projectin ass presentation (on February 16th) Final Assignment DEADLINES: February 23 In this course you wil be expected to wie a two-page paper ona particular topic relevant to the course you choose to preset a creative project auch as making Your nm cartoon, vdeo cp, ete= please discus with me land sign-up for ivcass presentation. Students, who wish o presen the paper to a cass on February 16 2nd ‘2am 8 bonus panis ~ please contac me abou your ineiion ASAP ~ spaces ar lmited to 1C students ony. OBJECTIVES: “he goals in giving tis assignment are to: 1) acquire enough ality with several toplesn Slaw cures 2) lear about and understand a topic in enough depth 10 be able to share your knowledge wth others 8) gen some exerience reading and extracting information rm the erature, and 4 gain some excerience in writing fra professional audience or Wkipedie-style informative wing ‘TOPIC: There are many opis covered inthis course, and since the course is only seven weeks in length, cass lectures donot cover tem in depth As his course relies heavy on contributions from you up to you io ick 2 tpl relevant othe course Keay this wil bea tople you aready know something aout, that yu can Contibute your esting knowiege, bt ican be something you have to research. yeu do nehave atopic in mind, schedule an appointment and! wil help you to decide on something relevant tthe course, os memes soar eng, 0 seman nr LAN 250002017 LENGTH AND OTHER MECHANICAL DETAILS: Two to three double-spaced pages. wth one inch margin al ‘he way round, and with 12 point font. References, figures and tables are nat ncuded in that EVALUATION: This paper willrepresent 10 points or 50% ofthe otal grad inthe coure. ‘Those 10 points wil be allocated according othe rr below eas 3 points + Picking a rebvant topic and demonstrating sophistication of thought + Contra ideals dearly communicated. 1 Understanding and eriicaly evaluating sources, Organization ~2 points + Using a logical structure appropriate to paper's subject and purpose 1 Guide a reacer trough te chan of reasoning or progression of eas, ‘Suppor 3 ponts + Providing suicient evidence and explanation o convince. {Bring togemeriormaton tom several sources, 1 Gt attest our ferences, Sty + Use words and phrases accurately and efcively. * Proper names an terminologies in Slavic languages must be written according to ther reper phonetic tranatteraton, 2 points Course schedule and reading assignments (tentative) Date Reading Assignments Lecture Rea! 4. The Rise & Fal ofthe Sowet Union 1917-1900 (Chronology table 2 Cutural History of Early Sovet Russia ands Repercussion to Pltcal History ntaisch. slaokuda a jopublitnvscta/2Stekiouchindt ‘sven 4. _Daiga Verio's Soviet Toys: Commerce, Commercialization and Cartoons — Read on- RoaOWk 1/05 tine pa version ia UM Worry ha Javan comiioindt0 1386/5 2.3247 1 ‘Sungestea Reaaing: 4. Cutural History of Early Soviet Russa 2 Revetion, Culture, and Cultural Pokey rom Late Tears to the Ealy Soviet Years ‘nnn savhokuda, ac Jnbublciiaca/2snakiguch.od owe Russian 1. Wt: Prostokvashio tlogy (he versions in Russian wth Engh Aninaton subtiles} hip eovit. seo yma se 250c04 2017 carioons.ucozoranublsmallalesprosokvashina prostokvashing 1878 643-1-0-15 Mihai rutkow 2. Vasa Kurcesoy, wth English subties: Wmose Cyber Anima is it, anyway? ote Cyber Animas it, anyway? = 7 raion Urine nf :hitn:lNanderbileduoliclass= srimaton 1/8 materals’Summary_of Ukrainian histonypdt 2 Eugene History ef Ukranian animation: Bondarenko tp ukane-n.ualenteatr-kinolistoriva-ukrainskoy-animatsyi ‘Animatien in Ukranian contemporary ar: hitps:/blog animationstudies.oro/2n=1156 ‘TANGO AND OTHER TOTALITARIAN DANCES — Patan ve’ Tmsoby Ziniew Rybczyest Sowmaton ‘Stray to Lenin by Ziriew Rybenyns Pit Westar Pat by Kasia ana inte Falon At by Toate Bags Croatian ‘Animation nthe Ones Upon a Time County ‘nmaton 4. Zagreb Animation stew zaqrebtim hiboviest esp ayana a Neko case Seaton 02909 Czech Aimaton “ Seman Sovet Sovet imation t Brimaton Final project presentations svlona Rogowe nth crc Spe 2

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