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Ma. Angelica V.

Cruz Date Submitted: December 9, 2016




What I recall the most important, useful and meaningful points that I have learned this semester
is determining the beauty in fine arts. I have learned that all arts have an equal beauty. That art
Is a language completely different of any other normal spoken language. The language of all arts
are feelings, emotions, knowledge, forms and etc. I realized that art gives the meaning of beauty
that is indescribable and helps to relive feeling and experiences that brings back, to know, and
understanding the beauty of art.


When an artist creates a work of art such as painting or a piece of sculpture it feels like it’s
communicating to its viewers. Though paintings or sculptures are not spoken things but rather
it is spoken through color, line, shape, and movement. It is spoken through artistic expression,
and so many different things an artist can say by using different combination of things.


How can I develop a wider and far seeing eye for what artists are intended in their works of art?


One way to approach art or a sculpture is to discover it by my own. Simply by opening up my

own feelings and emotions. I can let the work of art surround me to give a deeper meaning within
me and by this process I can feel the feelings and emotion that the artist his/herself felt as he/she
created the work of art.


What I found the most interesting in this course is that how I can approach a sculpture by
learning that sculptures are meant to be touched also by how it should be felt, stroke, determine
the smoothness and roughness, and letting the feelings come up inside of me similar to the
physical feelings. In this way a piece of sculpture can deliver its message, its feelings, to its

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