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Consultant Application Form

TDF-002/08 (Rev. 1)

Part 1 – The Basics

1.a Full Name Ekin Enver YILMAZ

1.b Date of Birth 05.01.1990

1.c Nationality Turkish

Turkish and English advanced, German and

1.d Languages
Portuguese beginner (Please insert your picture here)
1.e Company Name MEB
Professional title
1.f and/or type of Governmental Education
1.g [List your university / college degree(s)]

[List postgraduate qualifications / certifications you hold, i.e. Masters, Ph.D., Advanced
1.h qualification and
Higher Diploma, etc.]

[What services do you offer? it is helpful to include what kind of work / project you are
1.i Services Offered
seeking; especially the ones leading to certifications and/or qualifications if there is any?]

Professional profile
1.j URL and/or [URL Hyperlinks to these sites]
Company website

1.k [A brief sentence about you / your company’s preferred type of work ]
summary statement

Part 2 – Contact Details

2.a E-mail Addresses Primary: Secondary:

2.b [URL hyperlinks to these sites]

2.c Social Media Profiles [URL hyperlinks to these sites]

Contact Numbers
2.d Home/Mobile: Office:
(including prefix)

2.e Home Address [Or Country of Residence and state if having Split Residency]

2.f Nearest Airport [Name of international/domestic airport of departure]

Consultant Application Form 1

2.g Office Address [Or company address if different from home address]

References and/or
2.h [We will only contact them if and when necessary]

Part 3 – Career and Professional Experience

[Write this as if you were asked to submit a 100-word biography as a

3.a Brief Biography
conference speaker]

Key Competencies / [Draw up a list of key competencies or topics you are familiar with.
Specialities/Area of Expertise The list should be no longer than 10 competencies / specialities]

[Enter the professional associations you are a member of. Warning!

Professional membership,
3.c Do not use acronyms, since these are generally more confusing than
associations and/or networks
helpful to a multi-national audience.]

[Provide a list of the professional accreditations and/or accreditation

3.d Company Accreditation
status being held by your company.]

[If you have a long record of employment with a range of institutions,

it is preferable to ‘chunk’ them into types of work or roles rather than
Employment/Work/Consultancy provide a detailed list of positions held. It is helpful to highlight your
History key achievements. This should also include experience in conducting
public courses – number of years, etc.]

[Provide a list of other training providers you are currently associated

Association with other training
3.f with in and outside our region. State previous if no current

[Provide a list of those projects that you most enjoyed undertaking

and where you really achieved something worthwhile. Include the
3.g Other Projects Undertaken
names of the client organisations or the sector in which they

Publications, conference speaking,

3.h [What else have you achieved or produced?]
Honours & Awards …

Part 4: Contractual Conditions

[What are your earning expectations on a daily basis and for a

Your daily fee and fee for complete
4.a complete 5-day course? You might also mention if you are willing to
work at reduced rates for back-to-back sessions.]

[You should mention any restrictions on availability or travel (e.g.:

4.b Calendar Availability “May to July only” or “Europe only”, or “Unavailable during

Consultant Application Form 2

[It is important to state any other conditions or expectations relevant
4.c Other conditions/expectations
to your entry into our pool of Consultants/Instructors.]

Professional Indemnity/Liability [Only if applicable: Do you have your own insurance to cover for any
Insurance potential loss to the client?]

Part 5: Course Selection, Offering and Manuals

Courses within our portfolio you

could conduct and if you have
5.a [Please visit our web site:]
manuals available or which could be
adapted to suit the seminar outline

Courses outside our portfolio you [Either public or in-house: Courses that you could conduct that are not
5.b could conduct. Also, please state if available in our current offering]
you have manuals for the seminars

Please advise titles of seminars you

[Either public or in-house: Courses that you have conducted regardless
5.c have conducted and duration of each
whether or not available in our current offering]

[Either public or in-house: Through your own company or through

Please name any clients you have
5.d prior training/consulting experience as a result of work undertaken in
previously conducted seminars for
item no. 3.f above.]

Submit the Completed Form to

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Reference Number

Consultant Application Form 3

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