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Q.1.Read the passage given below and answer carefully: 10

One of the greatest mysteries of bird life is travelling. Every year during autumn and early winter birds
travel from northern regions of Asia, Europe and America to the southern warmer lands. They make the
return journey again during spring and early summer. They are punctual unless they are delayed by bad
weather. They face many dangers and hardships while travelling long distances through the air, over hills,
forests, plains and large stretches of water. Sometimes sudden storms arise and drive them far out of
course. Often they are blown right out to sea and are drowned in the wild waves. At night bright lights
attract and confuse the birds. They cannot fly at their fastest. The migration speed is usually from 48 to
64 km an hour and rarely exceeds 80.

(a) When do the birds travel from northern regions to southern warmer lands and why? 2

(b) What danger do they face when they are flying over the sea? 1

(c) What happens to these birds at night when they see the lights? 1

(d) When do the birds make their return journey? 1

(e) What is the Migration speed of the birds? 1

(f) Which is the greatest mystery? 2

(g) Which words in the passage mean same as the following words: 2

(i) surpasses (ii) secrets


B. Write a letter to the Principal of your school requesting her to arrange extra classes for math and
science. 7

C. You are given the beginning of a story. Complete the story in about 180 words. 8

You ordered a new phone, as soon as you opened the courier ……………………………

D. Picture composition- 5


E. Fill in the blanks with appropriate forms of verb. Choose the answers from the options given in the
bracket. 5x1=5

1. Your friend..................too much. (talk/talks)

2. The man with the your brother. (look/looks)

3. The women in the pool.............well. (swim/swims)

4. Bill...............a cab. (drive/drives)

5. The football players............five miles every day. (run/runs)

F. Identify the clauses in the following sentences. 5x1=5

1. If you eat too much, you will fall ill.

2. We eat so that we may live.

3. As he was not there, I could not speak to him.

4. I don’t know whether he is innocent.

5. I waited for him until he came.

G. Use the appropriate conjunction. (5X1=5)

1. he was angry with her, he didn't utter a word.

2. Keep quiet ___________ go out

3. She went to the shops_________ couldn't find anything that could fit her needs

4. I don't know __________ I can buy a pair of jeans.

5. Everybody likes him because he is nice____________ helpful.

H. Rearrange the words to form meaningful sentences. 5x1=5

1. one of / friends / a / best / good / our / is / book

2. the same / and it / it is / change / will never / today that / it always was

3. most patient / companions / cheerful of / it / and / is the

4. progressive / Delhi / a / town / is

5. big business / is a / It / centre / and / educational

I. There is one error in each line of this passage. Underline the error and write the correct word in the
space beside the line: (5X1=5)

About two-thirds of Indians do not has e.g. has have the means to by essential medicines. (a)___ _____
About 20 million Indians each year becomes (b) _______ ________

poor because they loose money by (c) _______ ________

falling ill. This have led to several (d) ______ _____

states in India distributes medicines (e) ______ ___

to treat two hundred people free of cost every day.


J. Write any five word meanings. 5

Suffice, sans, anxious, sojourn, brutal, assured

K. EXTRACT- (2X2=4)

I “Shylock, they are offering you three times the amount they borrowed from you!”

Q1. Who has borrowed the money?

Q2. Who is the speaker of the above statement?

II Though proudly the victor comes

With fluttering flags and prancing nags And echoing roll of drums.

Q1. Give the name of the poet of this poem?

Q2. How is the victor welcomed?

L. Answer the following question. (Any 4) (4X4=16)

1. Why did Jarjo mimic the sound of a baby deer in trouble?

2. How many competitors were there and from how many countries?

3. How did Portia describe the quality of mercy?

4. How did Ben Price guess that the burglaries were done by Jimmy Valentine?

5. What voices did the narrator hear when the train entered the Saharanpur station?

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