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Experiment No 1

To standarize the conductivity meter with standard solution of NaOH and draw the curve
to show the relation between them.

Normality is a measure of concentration equal to the gram equivalent weight per liter of the
solution. Gram equivalent weight is the measure of the reactive capacity of a molecule. The
solutes role in the reaction determines the solution normality. We can say that the normality is
the equivalent concentration of a solution. It is used for the acid and base solution.

Gram eq.of solute

volume of litre

Weight 1000
= ×
Equivalent weight V(ml)

Now the equivalent weight is defined as the ratio of molar mass of a substance to the valance of
the substance. Valance is also denoted by equivalent factor. The valance is the number of H+ in
acid, OH- in base and for salt, charge present in ionic form. For oxidation and reduction reactions
it is the number of electrons that an oxidizing or reducing agent can accept or donate is counted
as valence or equivalent factor. When the equivalent weight is expressed in gram using molar
mass in gram, it is called Gram equivalent weight.

1) Pipette 2) Flask 3) Beaker

4) Water bath 5) Measuring cylinder 6) Conductivity meter

1) NaOH 2) Distilled water

MSDS of NaOH: The following injuries can happen when coming in direct contact with
undiluted sodium hydroxide: Irritation of the skin, eyes, lungs or nasal passage. Eye and skin
burns, sometime severe.

MSDS of Distilled water: Stable under normal conditions of use and storage. Basically it is
non hazardous substance and non dangerous good.
 First I prepared 1N standard solution of sodium hydroxide by taking 10g of NaOH and
mixed it in 250ml distilled water.
 I take 100ml of that 1N solution of sodium hydroxide and put conductivity meter in it and
check the conductivity of that solution.
 Now its time for the dilution of that solution. I add 10ml distilled water in it and again
note the conductivity of that solution.
 I repeat this procedure by 10 times and note the conductivity every time.
 I note that by adding distilled water in IN solution, the normality of that solution
decreases and with the decrease in normality the conductivity also decreases.

Observation and Calculation:

Normality of the given solution = 1N

Volume of that solution = 100ml

Volume after dilution = 110ml

As we know that


N1V1=N2V2 because 1M soln = 1N soln


Putting values

N2= (1)(100)/(110)


Similarly now the initial volume is 110ml and final volume is 120ml, the normality can find by
using this formula

N2= (0.9090)(110)/(120)

Similarly we find different values of normality by changing the volume, similarly finding
different value of conductivity which is given below

Volume (ml) Normality (N) Conductivity (mC)

100 1 197.0
110 0.9090 185.5
120 0.8332 180.3
130 0.7691 172.4
140 0.7142 166.7
150 0.6666 157.9
160 0.6249 151.7
170 0.5881 146.5
180 0.5555 140.4
190 0.5262 138.1




200 y

Graph between
Normality and
160 Conductance


0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 1.1 1.2

The normality and the conductance are directly proportional to each other. The conductance
decreases with the decrease in normality and vice versa.

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