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Understanding The Teaching Materials

Teaching materials are an important part of the learning process. As
Mulyasa (2006:96) suggests that teaching materials are one part of a teaching
resource that can mean something that contains learning messages, both special
and general ones that can be utilized for the sake of learning.
Dick, Carey, and Carey (2009:230) added that instructional material
contain the Conten either written, mediated, or facilitated by an instructor that
a student as use to achieve the objective also include information thet the
learners will use to guide the progress. Based on the phrases Dick, Carey and
Carey are aware that the teaching materials contain content that students need
to learn either in print or facilitated by the teacher to achieve certain objectives.
Widodo and Jasmadi in Ika Lestari (2013:1) states that teaching materials
are a set of learning facilities or tools that contain learning materials, methods,
boundaries, and how to evaluate those designed systematically and interestingly
in order to achieve the expected objectives, namely achieving competence and
subcompetence with all its complexity.
Opara and Oguzor (2011:66) reveal that instructional materials are the
audio visual materials (software/hardware) which can be used as alternative
channels of communication in the teaching-learning process. Material is a
source of learning in the form of visual and audiovisual Based on the technology
used, the Directorate of High School Development (2008:11) classify the
teaching materials into four categories, namely printed teaching materials such
as handouts, books, modules, student activity sheets, brochures, leaflets,
wallcharts, photographs/drawings, and Models/mockups. Audio-teaching
materials include cassette, radio, vinyl, and compact audio disks. Hearing
materials (audio visuals) such as video compact disks, and movies. Interactive
multimedia teaching materials such as CAI (Computer Assisted Instruction),
multimedia compact disk (CD), interactive learning and web-based learning
materials. Can be used as an alternative channel for communication in the
learning process.
B. Teaching materials Development
The development of a teaching material must be based on student needs
analysis. There are a number of reasons why the development of teaching
materials is needed, as mentioned by the Directorate of High School
Construction (2008:8-9) as follows:
1. Availability of materials according to the demands of the curriculum,
meaning that the learning materials developed must conform to the
2. Target characteristics, meaning the developed teaching materials can be
adjusted to the characteristics of the students as the target, the characteristics
include the social environment, cultural, geographical or developmental
stages of students
3. Development of teaching materials must be able to answer or solve
problems or difficulties in learning.

Thus, the development of teaching materials in schools needs to pay

attention to the students ' characteristics and students ' needs according to the
curriculum, namely demands more student participation and activation in the
learning. The development of student activity sheets becomes an alternative
teaching materials that will be beneficial to students mastering certain
competencies, because student activity sheets can help students add information
about the material learned through activities Learn systematically.

C. Teaching Materials Characteristics

According to M. Atwi Suparman (2012:284), that the teaching materials have
the following traits.
1. Self instructional, which means the teaching materials can be learned by
students because it is structured for that purpose.
2. Self explanatory power, which is the teaching materials are able to explain
itself because it uses simple language, its contents runtut, and arranged in a
3. Self paced learning, that is, students can learn the teaching materials at a
speed that suits him without having to wait for other students who are slower
or feel missed from students who are faster.
4. Self contained, the teaching material is complete by itself so that students
do not need to depend on other teaching materials, except when intend to
enrich and deepen their knowledge.
5. Individualized learning materials, the teaching materials are designed
according to the abilities and characteristics of the students who learn it.
6. Flexible and mobile learning materials, which are teaching materials that
students can learn anytime, anywhere, in a quiet or moving state.
7. Communicative and interactive learning materials, which are teaching
materials are designed in accordance with effective communicative
principles and involve the process of interaction with the students who are
8. Multimedia, computer based materials, is a teaching material designed
based on Multimedia, including computer utilization optimally when
students have access to it.
9. Supported by tutorials, and study group, i.e. teaching materials may still
require tutorial support and study Group.

D. Types of Teaching Materials According To Experts

Generally, teaching materials can be differentiated into printed and non-
printable materials. Print teaching materials can be, handouts, books, modules,
brochures, and student worksheets. Non-printable materials include audio-
teaching materials such as cassette, radio, vinyl, and compact audio discs. Audio
visual teaching materials such as CAI (Computer Assisted Instruction), and web
based learning materials (Ika Lestari, 2013:5).
Further Mulyasa (2006:96) adds that the form of teaching materials or
learning materials include printed materials (hand out, books, modules, LKS,
brochures, and leaflets), Audio (radio, cassette, audio CDs), visuals (photos or
images), audio visuals (such as video/film or VCD) and multi-media (such as;
Interactive CDS, computer-based, and Internet).
The teaching material referred to in this study is more to the printed
teaching material in the form of textbooks. This is because the textbook is
closely related to the curriculum, syllabus, competency standards, and basic
competencies. Rudi Susilana (2007:14) reveals that textbooks are books about
a particular field of study or science organized to facilitate teachers and students
in the effort to achieve learning objectives.
Textbooks play an important role in achieving national educational
objectives. Hutchinson & Torres in Litz, 2012:5) revealed that The textbook is
an almost universal element of [English language] teaching. Millions of copies
are sold every year, and numerous aid projects have been set up to produce them
in [various] countries... No Teaching-learning situation, it seems, is complete
until it has its relevant textbook. Textbooks are one of the of elements needed
for teaching. Textbooks can also be a container for writing ideas related to a
nation's national culture. As Pingel expressed (2009:7) That Textbooks are one
of the most important educational inputs: texts reflect basic ideas about a
national culture, and are often a flashpoint of cultural struggle and controversy.

E. Teaching Materials Function

According to Esu, Enukoha & Umoren in Ogbondah (2008:17) Teaching
materials have the following functions:
1. Facilitate students in learning with abstract concepts;
2. Increase students ' participation in learning;
3. Save the teacher's energy to talk too much;
4. Describe concepts that are clearer and better than just the words of the
5. Help overcome classroom limitations and easily accessible;
6. Help to expand student knowledge;
7. Improve student motivation.
F. Advantages And Disadvantages Of Using Teaching Materials
M. Atwi Suparman (2012:286) that the use of teaching materials has
several advantages, such as:
1. The cost of learning is efficient because it can be followed by a large number
of learners.
2. Learners can advance according to their own pace.
3. The teaching materials can be reviewed and revised at any time and
gradually, part by part to enhance their effectiveness.
4. Learners get feedback on a regular basis, as the feedback process can be
integrated into the teaching materials.
Besides the advantages, the teaching materials also have shortcomings, among
others as follows.
1. High development cost.
2. Long development time.
3. Requires a high-skill design team and able to cooperate intensively in its
development period.
4. Learners are required to have high learning discipline.
5. Facilitator is required to be diligent and patient to continuously monitor the
learning process, member motivation and to serve the individual student
consultation whenever needed.

G. Preparation Of Teaching Materials

The teaching materials are based on the objectives or targets to be
achieved. Paulina Harvest and Purwanto (2004:11) reveals that the preparation
of teaching materials in general can be done in three ways, i.e. writing yourself,
repacking information or text, and structuring information.
1. Own writing materials
Teaching materials can be written by the teachers according to the needs of
students. In addition to self-written teachers can collaborate with other
teachers to write the teaching materials in a group, with teachers of similar
study areas, either in one school or not. Writing can also be done with
experts, who have expertise in a particular field of science. Besides
mastering the field of science, to be able to write their own teaching
materials, it is necessary to write the ability of writing in accordance with
instructional principles. The writing of teaching materials is always based
on the needs of students, covering the needs of knowledge, skills, guidance,
training, and feedback. For that in writing the teaching materials are based:
a. Analysis of materials on the curriculum,
b. Teaching plans or programmes, and
c. The syllabus that has been compiled.
The teaching materials are subject matter and sub-subjects listed in the
Learning program according to syllabus. The result of the preparation of the
teaching materials of his own work, most economical, despite heavy duty
burden. Each chapter amounted to approximately 15-25 pages, for an exact
sciences lesson of 10-20 pages.
2. Material Learning Packaging information or text (text Transformation)
In packaging information, teachers do not write their own materials
from scratch, but utilizing textbooks and information already on the market
for repackaged so that the form of teaching materials meet the
characteristics of good teaching materials, and can be used by teachers and
students in the instructional process. Information already on the market is
collected based on needs. Then re-written with the appropriate language
style to be the teaching material (changed), also given additional
competencies or skills to be achieved, tutoring, training, tests, as well as
feedback so that they can measure their own competence that has been
achieved. The advantage, this way is faster than writing yourself. We
recommend obtaining permission from the author of the original book.
3. Structuring information (compilation)
Besides writing your own teaching materials can also be done through
the whole material taken from textbooks, journals, magazines, articles,
newspapers, etc. This process is called the development of teaching
materials through the arrangement of Information (compilation). The
process of structuring information is almost the same as the packaging
process returns information. But in the process of structuring information
there is no change made to the teaching materials taken from the book or
information that is in the market. So the material is gathered then
photographed the copy directly. The source of the material comes from the
textbook and so on, Dipilah-pilah, then compiled based on the objectives or
standards of competence or follow the syllabus.

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