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Lesson Plan in Self-Help Skills

ID Sequence – Primary Level 1

August 5, 2019

At the end of the week the students must be able to:
a. identify healthy and unhealthy foods;
b. write examples of healthy and unhealthy foods;
c. actively participate in the different activities inside the classroom.

II. Subject Matter:

a. Topic: Healthy an Unhealthy Foods
b. Reference:
c. Materials: Picture cards, paper plates, scissor, chalkboard, glue, worksheets.
d. Value Focus: Cooperation, Obedience

III. Procedure
a. Preparation:
1. Check students attendance.
2. Sing “Rise and Shine” song.
3. Prayer
4. Greet each other with “good morning”.

b. Motivation
 Ask the learners what they ate today.
 Ask, among the food they ate, what are healthy? What are unhealthy? This
taps their prior knowledge about the subj
 Have the students watch “The Hungry Caterpillar”.
 Ask what they saw in the video.
 Ask what happened to the caterpillar after eating the leaf and fruits? the
c. Lesson Proper
 Using the foods seen in the video, differentiate healthy and unhealthy
 On a whiteboard or chalkboard, make two columns. One column should be
labeled "healthy" and one column should be labeled "unhealthy." Put a
smiley face next to the word healthy and a sad face next to the word
unhealthy to help students understand the chart.
 Then, call students up one by one to select picture of different foods and
decide whether they are healthy or unhealthy.
 When they choose one, discuss with the class why they think that is
correct or incorrect. Then, help students tape them to the right side of the
 Continue until each student had a turn or until you have used all of the
 Note: Healthy Foods. It is referred as the food which is beneficial for
health in terms of nutrition and it also fits your body.
Unhealthy Foods. The best way to describe the unhealthy food is the
less nutritional food containing high amount of calories, fat and sugar.

d. Application
 Tell students that they are going to buy foods and create a healthy meal.
 Divide the class into two. Play “Mother goes to the market”.
 Each group must have one representative to act as a mother. The mother
will go in front and “buy” eight foods.
 Provide each group with a paper plate.
 The rest of the group will classify the healthy foods the “mother” bought
and will use it to create a healthy meal.
 Allow each group to present their healthy meal in front.

e. Evaluation
 Give out worksheets for students to accomplish.

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