Lpisd Elementary Handbook

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The purpose of this section of the student handbook is to provide parents with a clear
understanding of policies and procedures at La Porte Elementary. The faculty and staff
want every student, parent or visitor to feel welcome and appreciated at La Porte

Attendance and Tardy Policy

Students are expected to be present and on time (7:50 a.m.) each school day. Parents
have the duty to monitor their student’s attendance and require their student to attend
school. Parents are subject to prosecution under TEC Sec. 25.093 if their student is absent
without excuse for ten or more days or parts of days within a six-month period in the
same school year, or is absent on three or more days or parts of days within a four-week

Parents must submit a written excuse note to the office within three days of any
absence. The excuse note must contain the student’s name, date(s) of absence, reason for
absence and parent signature. Failure to submit an excuse note to the office for absences
will make the absences count as unexcused, which could result in legal action against the
parents and failure for the student. The LPISD Attendance Officer may investigate any
absence. The student database automatically informs the attendance officer of excessive
absences and tardies.

Excused Absences
The only acceptable excuses for tardiness and absences are:
• Personal Illness
• Medical, dental, or psychological appointments
• Illness or death in the family
• Quarantine
• Weather or road conditions making travel dangerous
• Emergencies or unusual circumstances recognized by the principal
• Observance of religious holy days
• Health services provided to Medicare-eligible students
• School sponsored activities (No parent note required)
• LPISD bus break downs (No parent note required)
• Suspensions (No parent note required)

Unexcused Absences
A student is considered to have unexcused absences if he/she does not present a written excuse
within three days with one of the reasons stated above or is away from school participating in an
activity not approved by the district as excusable. Vacations taken during non-specified school
holidays are generally considered as unexcused. The final decision rests with the building

Unexcused absences may be reviewed by the school attendance committee in determining whether
or not to grant a student credit for the school year in which the student failed to meet the
attendance requirement, but who otherwise met all other academic requirements for passing.
Students with medical or dental appointments in the morning should bring a “Return to
School” slip from the doctor or dentist when they return to school. In such cases, the
student will not be considered absent.

If a student arrives at school after 10:00, he/she will be reported as absent. Students will
not be considered absent if they arrive at school with a doctor’s note.

The school day ends at 3:10 p.m. Checking students out of school prior to the end of the
school day should be reserved for doctor’s appointments and family emergencies. If a
student is leaving for a doctor’s appointment, please send a note when they return.

Tardy Policy
The school day is from 7:50 a.m. – 3:10 p.m. When a student arrives to the campus later
than 7:50 a.m., he/she will report to the office for a tardy slip and then proceed to class. A
parent or guardian must escort their student inside of the building if the student
arrives after 8:05 a.m.

Parents will be contacted by telephone if their child does not report to campus by 8:15
a.m. We are making every effort to ensure the safety of La Porte Elementary students.
School officials understand that occasionally traffic, weather or oversleeping may cause a
student to be late. However, persistent tardiness will not be tolerated.

La Porte ISD Administrative Guidelines – Tardy Management

Students who enter into the building late, are in the hallway/cafeteria area after the tardy bell rings, or are
late to their first class at the beginning of each school day will be signed in on the “tardy sweep” folder and
will receive the following consequences:

• 1st Offense – Verbal or written warning

• 2nd Offense – Parent Contact
• 3rd Offense – Warning Letter
• 4th Offense – Recess/Lunch Detention
• 5th Offense - Mandatory Parent Conference (Overnight Suspension: Students must be
accompanied to school the next day by a parent/guardian to meet with the appropriate
• 6th Offense - regarding excessive tardies. Student may not return to class until this requirement
is complete.)The consequences will be determined by administration. The consequences may
include but are not limited to ISS time, Saturday School for students and parents and/or other
appropriate disciplinary action.
• 7th Offense (or failure to attend Saturday School) – Referral to District Discipline Committee

Note: The District regrets the possibility of imposing disciplinary consequences on elementary students;
however, these consequences are intended to encourage parent involvement and compliance with district
tardy policies.
The safety of students is a major concern of parents and school staff. Morning drop-off
time begins at 7:15 a.m. Please do not drop off students earlier than 7:15 a.m. No one
will be on duty before 7:15 a.m. Students are allowed to wait for their day to begin in
the gym. If your child needs to eat breakfast at school, breakfast is served from 7:15 –
7:40 a.m. The official drop-off entrance is located on Broadway Street (circle driveway).
If you would like to walk your child to the gym doors, please park your car in the parking
lot in front of the gym. Do not allow your child to walk from the parking lot to the
gym alone. This lane is used by daycare vehicles and buses.

Afternoon dismissal time begins at 3:10 p.m. There are three pick-up areas. The Pre-
Kindergarten and Kindergarten pick-up is located on Avenue G. First, Second, Third,
Fourth, and Fifth grade pick-up is located in the front of the school on Broadway Street
(circle driveway). All bus riders are dismissed from the gym.

We feel that the safety of children cannot be over-emphasized. We urge you to caution
your child about safety to and from school, talking to strangers, and going directly home
from school unless previous plans have been arranged. Please contact the school if
different arrangements for pick-up need to be made. If arrangements for pick-up
change, please notify the office or your child’s teacher of the change by 2:30 p.m.

Rules for Walkers/Bicycle Riders

Walk at all times.
Cross the streets with the crossing guard.
Walk on sidewalks.
Cross the streets at corners.
Do not accept rides with strangers.
Bike riders must walk their bicycle to the end of the sidewalk.

Rules for Bus Riders

Students must remain seated while on the bus.
No moving around while the bus is in motion.
School rules apply while in the care of the LPISD Transportation Department.
The bus driver has the right to submit bus violations to the school.

Birthdays are celebrated at La Porte Elementary by recognizing the student during the
morning announcements and presenting them with a gift of a birthday pencil and coupon
to a local restaurant. Students celebrating birthdays may treat their classmates during an
open time determined by the teacher. However, treats cannot be distributed during
instruction or lunch time in the cafeteria. Treats are limited to single servings of fruit,
vegetables, or cupcakes. Teachers should be notified in advance to avoid conflicts.
Presents, party favors, candles, etc. are not acceptable.

For birthday parties outside of the school day, invitations must be distributed to the entire
class. Individual invitations will be able to be distributed. Student addresses or telephone
numbers are not available.
Class Parties
The students will have two class parties. The Winter Holiday Celebration (December)
and the End of the Year Celebration (June) will be coordinated by the classroom teacher
and PTO. The teachers and PTO will contact parents for assistance with these parties.
Parents are invited to attend their child’s parties. However, the parties are for the
students. Siblings will not be allowed to attend.

Checks Written for Meals, Fundraisers, or Fees

The check writer’s driver’s license number must be included on any check written for
cafeteria payment, fundraisers, field trips, school pictures, and fees.

La Porte Elementary offers four different means of communication in order for parents
and the community to be informed of activities and events at La Porte Elementary.

1. La Porte Elementary Website- Log onto www.lpisd.org and click the link for
campuses and go to La Porte Elementary.
2. Newsletter- This letter provides information for parent, including upcoming
campus and community events.
3. Email Reminders- The newsletter and reminders will be emailed to parents.
Parents are encouraged to provide an email address when completing the
registration paperwork.
4. Bayshore Sun- The La Porte community newspaper.

We follow the La Porte ISD Student Code of Conduct. The campus uses a campus-wide
discipline program. The basic premise is that interactive instruction and classroom
management are contingent upon consistency - a sense of continuity of actions and
expectations for students and teachers. Our goal is to create a warm and supportive, but
firm and orderly classroom environment that promotes learning.

P – Preparedness
R – Respect
O – On Task
U – Use of self-control
D – Directions followed

Consequences (Kindergarten – First Grade) Consequences (Second - Fifth Grade)

1. Verbal warning 1. Verbal warning
2. 5 minute loss of privileges 2. 10 minute loss of recess
3. 10 minute loss of privileges 3. Complete loss of recess
4. Phone call to parent by teacher 4. Phone call to parent by teacher
5. Office referral 5. Office referral

**Severe disruptions will result in immediate consequences**

Students who work hard each day and receive no conduct marks will receive a stamp on their daily
conduct report. At the end of the month, the students will be allowed to turn in their stamps for

Field Trips
The school is committed to the belief that learning extends beyond the walls of the
classroom. Therefore, field trips are a regular part of our school program. Each carefully
planned experience is used as an introduction, extension, and/or culmination of a learning
unit. All students are expected to participate in local field trips. Field trips are for
students. Siblings will not be allowed to attend.

For any field trip, parent approval forms will be sent home. No student will be
permitted to go on a trip without written permission on the appropriate form. This
signed permission slip and all monies due must be returned to the teacher no later than
one day prior to the scheduled trip. Telephone confirmations will not be accepted.

We reserve the right to deny a child’s participation in a field trip or co-curricular

activities if his/her conduct at school does not merit this privilege. Children represent
the school and your home while on field trips. Their appearance and conduct should be

All students must begin and end the field trip with their classmates. Parents, who
wish to participate as a chaperone on a field trip, please contact the teacher. All
chaperones must complete the Volunteer Application found on-line at the LPISD
district website: www.lpisd.org. Only adults who have been pre-approved through
the LPISD volunteer program may chaperone.

PPCD, Pre-Kindergarten, and Kindergarten - Classroom teachers will provide a progress
report for each child every 4 ½ weeks. For Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten, students
are assessed regularly for the mastery of expected skills. First grade students are assessed
regularly for the mastery of expected skills, based upon the district rubric. If parents have
concerns about their child’s progress, they are encouraged to contact the classroom
teacher to set up a conference.

Second, Third, Fourth, and Fifth Grade – A written progress report will be provided
every 4 ½ weeks. Weekly progress reports shall be issued for all students with a grade of
74 or lower in all core subject areas (Reading, Math, Science, Social Studies, and
Writing). Parents are also encouraged to enroll with the technology department for
Parent Connect. Teachers will post student grades regularly, providing parents with a
current assessment of academic performance.
Leopard Ambassadors
Two students from each homeroom in First through Fifth Grade will be selected to
welcome new La Porte Elementary students. The Fifth grade representatives will also
serve as Campus Ambassadors for special occasions and guests.

Leopard Dance Company

Fourth and Fifth Grade students are invited to participate in the Leopard Dance
Company. Information and permission slips will be sent home with the students.

Spirit Team
Fifth grade students are encouraged to participate as a part of the Spirit Team. This is an
extracurricular organization that is sponsored by teachers. The students try-out and
perform during the spring semester.

Students are permitted to eat breakfast and lunch in the cafeteria. Acceptable table
manners are expected. Only one trip will be allowed through the line. Students will raise
their hand if they forget utensils and no one will be permitted out of their seats without
permission. Meal time is a time for students to enjoy each other’s company, using indoor

Meals must be paid for in advance. Payments may be made in the cafeteria personally or
you can send payment with your child.

The prices for meals are as follows:

Breakfast Lunch
$1.00 (Student) $1.75 (Student)
$ .30 (Student Reduced) $ .40 (Student Reduced)
$1.50 (Visitor) $3.25 (Visitor)

Parent Teacher Organization (PTO)

One of the goals of La Porte Elementary and LPISD is to encourage parent and
community support. Volunteering to work with the students and teachers on our campus
is strongly encouraged. There are opportunities throughout our school to make a positive
impact on our students and teachers. All parents are encouraged to join the PTO and
participate in a variety of activities that they sponsor.
Running/Walking Club
Fourth and Fifth grade students are invited to participate in the La Porte Elementary
Running/Walking Club. Information and permission slips will be sent home with the

Student Awards /Incentives

Students have the opportunity to receive the following awards and recognitions.

1. Student of the Month – Selected students will be recognized by the principal

for their outstanding performance for the month. Students of the Month are
recognized for exhibiting the Bee Your Best Character Trait for the Month.

2. Perfect Attendance – Students with perfect attendance will be recognized each

nine weeks and at the end of the school year. This award will be given to
students with no absences and no tardies for each nine week period and
at the end of the school year.

3. Leopard 100% Attendance – Students who attend school every day during the
nine weeks period will receive this award.

4. Accelerated Reader (AR) Mystery Trip - Third, Fourth, and Fifth grade
students who have successfully met their AR minimum grade level
requirements, points goal, and maintained an average of 85% will be treated to
a Mystery Trip hosted by the principal at the end of the school year.

5. Accelerated Reader (AR) Carnival – PPCD, Pre-Kindergarten, Kindergarten,

First, and Second grade students who have successfully met their AR
minimum grade level requirements, points goal, and maintained an average of
85% will participate in the AR carnival scheduled at the end of the school
6. Academic Achievement Awards - At the end of the year, students in third,
fourth, and fifth grade are recognized for outstanding achievement in various
core subject areas. Third grade students are recognized for outstanding
achievement in Reading and Math. Fourth graders are recognized in the areas
of Math, Reading, and Writing. The fifth grade students are recognized in the
areas of Math, Reading, and Science.

7. “A” Honor Roll and “A-B” Honor Roll – Second, Third, Fourth, and Fifth
grade students are recognized each nine week grading period for all “A’s” or
“A’s and B’s”.
Student Information
It is important that the school be able to contact the parent or guardian at all times.
Parents are asked to complete a registration form at the beginning or the school year.
Please notify the office and your child’s teacher of any changes that occur after
submitting the registration form.

Student Planners
Fourth and Fifth grade students will receive a student planner at the beginning of the
school year. The purpose of this planner is to provide every student with a tool to be
organized in their learning. The students are required to record assignments and projects
in the planner. The first planner is provided to the student at no cost. However, if the
student loses the planner, he/she will be required to pay $3.00 for a new one.

All parents are welcome to visit. For the safety of the children, faculty, and staff, all
visitors must report to the office. Parents are not allowed to escort their children to the

Visitors are will be required to present a form of picture identification to the campus
office staff upon arrival. The identification card will be scanned, which will automatically
make a record of the visit. The system will automatically print out a name tag, identifying
the visitor and the purpose of the visit. All visitors must wear a visitor badge at all times.

Parents are allowed to eat breakfast and lunch with their child. To encourage socialization
with peers, we ask that lunch visitation be reserved for special occasions. Outside visitors
will not be allowed on scheduled TAKS testing days due to test security.


Lunch Teacher Conference

Pre-Kindergarten 12:45 – 1:15 10:30 – 11:15
Kindergarten 10:50 – 11:25 1:30 – 2:15
First Grade 11:05 – 11:45 2:20 – 3:05
Second Grade 12:25 – 1:00 8:50 – 9:35
Third Grade 11:25 – 12:00 12:40 – 1:25
Fourth Grade 11:45 – 12:20 9:40 – 10:25
Fifth Grade 11:50 – 12:30 8:00 – 8:45

*These schedules may change due to scheduled campus and/or district activities.

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