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NO. BP : 1601221



Pharmacy is one of the majors included in the health sector and is also one of the majors
that is in great demand by teenagers. But not a few are also still unfamiliar with pharmacy, let
alone the public's view of pharmacy, especially in the perspective of the pharmacist's image in the
eyes of the Indonesian people. public's view that the pharmacist profession in Indonesia is less
well known by the public. People only know that pharmacists are people who work in pharmacies
without knowing what their jobs really are. Pharmacists are always synonymous with pharmacies,
even ordinary people do not know that the prospect of a pharmacist or pharmacist works is very
broad. Even though all the daily products they use are pharmaceutical products. In their thinking,
if they go for treatment, the doctor will be the main actor, even though the pharmacist and the
doctor must be the main actor. This mistake also often occurs when doctors also give their own
medicines to patients without a consultant to the pharmacist so that the pharmacist seems to be
underestimated both by the doctor and by the public or the patient himself.
Even though abroad, especially in developed countries, pharmacists as one of the health
professions have a very high image in the eyes of the people. Pharmacists have a very large share
in providing health services to the community. Pharmacists along with doctors, nurses and other
health workers are equal partners who work together to improve the health and welfare of the
community, because abroad has been firmly planted with the rule that "No Pharmacist No Service"
so that the image of pharmacists abroad seems to be higher in the eyes of the community because
their professionalism in serving the community from upstream to downstream, is very different
from in Indonesia. In Indonesia, the poor image of the pharmacist profession in society is basically
a result of the negligence and unprofessionalness of our own pharmacists. There are other parties
who arbitrarily work on the pharmacist / pharmacist workplace such as a doctor who conducts
dispensing, even ordinary people with the courage to replace the role of pharmacists in pharmacies
which should be the authority and responsibility of a pharmacist. Not infrequently we blame these
parties for the displacement of the role of the pharmacist in the community. But, basically this is
the fault of the pharmacists who cannot maintain their image and carry out the tasks for which they
are responsible.
For now the pharmacist profession in this era has shifted from "drug oriented" (drug
services) to "pharmaceutical care" (patient services). On the principle of drug oriented, pharmacists
tend to work behind the scenes, which is to mix and supply pharmaceutical preparations. However,
on the principle of pharmaceutical care, pharmacists are not only focused on drugs, but more
focused on the provision of services, information, and care for patients. With a system like this, it
is hoped that the public can get to know the role of pharmacists in improving public health.
This is in accordance with the mandate of Law No. 36 of 2009, Article 108 Paragraph 1
which states that pharmaceutical practices include manufacturing including quality control of
pharmaceutical preparations, security, procurement, storage and distribution of drugs, drug
services on doctor's prescription, drug information services as well as drug development, medicinal
ingredients and traditional medicines. Then we get the same statement in PP No. 51 of 2009, article
1 which confirms that pharmaceutical work is the manufacture including control of the quality of
pharmaceutical preparations, security, procurement, storage and distribution or distribution of
drugs, management of drugs, drug services on doctor's prescription, drug information services, as
well as the development of drugs, drug ingredients and traditional medicine.
So based on the rules above, we as pharmacists must apply these regulations, to work
according to their duties and functions. it is hoped that we can make a change into competent
pharmacists and maintain our professionalism as a pharmacist.

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