How To Use SW4 Money and Abundance - Amanda Evan PDF

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6/24/2018 How to Use Switchwords For Money and Abundance - Amanda J Evans

Amanda J Evans
Fantasy and Paranormal Romance Author

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6/24/2018 How to Use Switchwords For Money and Abundance - Amanda J Evans

Today’s blog post is in response to a comment I received on another post on my blog called Seeing is Believing. My
lovely commenter, Shweeta, has requested information on switchwords for money and prosperity, so I figured I would do
a post so that all my readers can benefit.

Switchwords for Money and Prosperity

Before I list some switchwords that you can use for money, prosperity, and abundance in your life, I have to say that belief
and intention are paramount if you want them to work. You must believe in the words and phrases you are using and you
must set your intention before writing them. The switchwords and energy codes that are listed below are ones that I
personally use and have seen success with.

Belief and intention are paramount for switchwords to work

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FIND-COUNT-DIVINE – For attracting Money Miracles

INTEND-NOW-PERFECT-RAINBOW-BE – For attracting good feelings, and an abundance of positive
COUNT-NOW-DIVINE-NOW-NOW-NOW-SOMEHOW-100% – For attracting money quickly
6/24/2018 How to Use Switchwords For Money and Abundance - Amanda J Evans

SATYA-RESTORE-COUNT-NOW – when you are owed money for work done

TOGETHER-WOLF-SUDDENLY-BRING-MAGIC – to attract any kind of magic with immediate effect
DIVINE-MAGIC-BEGIN-NOW + Your Intention – This is used to attract whatever you intend
EMBRACE-PLETHORA-MAGIC-MIRACLE-100%-NOW – embracing joyful abundance beyond expectation now.
SHREEM – attracting wealth
CHARM-BRING-CREATE-COUNT-HALFWAY-71,042 – Manifest your heart’s desires, deliver the goods, cause
money to come to you, make it happen fast.
BRING-GOLD-CLOUDS-NOW – bring money asap
COUNT-COUNT-COUNT-520 – Financial freedom
TOGETHER-FIND-COUNT-DIVINE – to make money miraculously
TOGETHER-CLEAR-GIVE-CHANGE-COUNT-ON – when you need immediate money

You can choose one or a number of the above phrases to write each day. They should be written out 28 times each day
for 42 days and they should be written as capitals as shown. It has been proven that writing them in capital letters makes
them work quicker.

The money switchword that I am currently writing each day is for when you need to attract a certain amount of money by
a certain date. The phrase is:


You just fill in the amount you need and the date you need it by. Remember to take note of any changes in your
circumstances, even if they seem really small. When you being noticing your switchwords working, you magnify their
energy. For example, when I began using the phase above I received a new work client and within a week my earnings
had increased on the month previous by almost 50%. I also received unexpected money in the form of gifts and money
that was owed to me. I made a note of anything that happened in my switchwords notebook for that day and it really is
lovely to look back and see the progress being made.

How Money and Abundance Switchwords Have Worked In My life

Another phrase I have used is:


This was for attracting money, winning contests, and good luck. It also contains a money code number.

Day 1 of writing this I received work from a client. Normally it is 1 to 3 pages but on this particular day the request was for
17 pages. On day 11 of writing this phrase I got €100 off the price of allergy tests for my children. It was totally 3/43
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unexpected and greatly appreciated. On day 16 I noticed a huge increase in my Amazon author payments for the month.
I hadn’t done any promotions, it just happened. On day 18 my solicitor reduced my bill by €38. On day 23 I received an
unexpected gift for my new home. On day 29 I received a huge new client project for a client I had worked with 2 year
previous. On day 30 I was getting new blinds installed in my house and they included delivery and fitting free of charge.

These are just some of the results I have seen since using switchwords. I can say that my monthly income has almost
tripled and continues to rise each month.

Abundance Codes and Energy Numbers

You may have noticed that some switch word phrases for money and abundance have numbers in them. These are called
energy numbers or codes and they come from two different people: Lloyd Mear and Grigory Grabovoi. Below are the
ones you can use for money, abundance, and prosperity. These can be written with switchword phrases, on their own,
added to an energy circle, or written on your arm or hand.

519 7148 – Everything is Possible

719 481 71 – Materialize your plans and thoughts
894 719 78 48 – You can achieve everything which you put your intention on
520 – unexpected money
808 – Angelic number to take care of your finances
71,427,321,893 – Prospertity and Abundance
318 612 518 714 – Cash Flow Abundance
229,578,589 – Abundance financial
964986583 – Abundance knowledge
374685812 – Ability to earn money
656946868 – Clarity of self-direction
346325845 – Prosperity
87467894 – Confident of prosperity 4/43
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493151 864 1491 – Grabovoi code for getting the job you want

I hope you find these abundance switchwords and energy codes helpful. Please be aware that I am by no means an
expert on this subject and this is just some information that I have picked up through my use of switchwords. if you are
looking for help or advice I highly recommend the Blueisis website and the public Switchwords group on Facebook.
There are experts there who can help.

*UPDATE JANUARY 2017* – I have had to disable comments on this post as I have been inundated with requests to
help people use switchwords for all sort of things. I have to stress that I am not an expert. I have used switchwords and
find them helpful when I need to focus on things. I cannot offer advice to people. I am a writer and I enjoy all things self-
help, but I am not an expert in this area. Please visit the website Blueisis or the Facebook group if you need help.

Until next time,



Amanda J Evans
Amanda J Evans is an Irish author. Amanda lives in Co. Meath, Ireland, with her husband and
two children. She writes paranormal, fantasy, and romantic fiction. She has published works
available on Amazon including her bestselling non-fiction title “Surviving Suicide: A Memoir
From Those Death Left Behind”, a book that promotes suicide awareness. Amanda has also
received a publishing contract for a number children’s story book with the first title coming in
fall 2017.

She can be found on all social media platforms including Google+

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Related posts:

1. What are Switchwords and How To Use Them? 5/43
6/24/2018 How to Use Switchwords For Money and Abundance - Amanda J Evans

2. Practicing Abundance in Your Daily Life

3. Banish Money Worries By Focusing On The Red
4. Seeing is Believing or Believing is Seeing
5. Focus on Prosperity

Tagged with: abundance numbers, energy codes, Lloyd Mear, prosperity, switchwords, switchwords for abundance,
switchwords for money
Posted in: Self Help, Switchwords

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98 comments on “How to Use Switchwords For Money and Abundance”

Commented on: March 16, 2016

Hi amanda in your previous post yoi gave the switch word for any intention as DIVINE MAGIC BEGIN NOW and here it is
given as BEING instead of BEGIN. Please suggeat which one to follow and also do we need to connecy the words.

Commented on: March 16, 2016

Hi amanda thanks for the post. Had a doubt is it BEING NOW or BEGIN NOW. And do we need to connect numbers

Amanda J Evans (Post author)

Commented on: March 16, 2016

Hi Swati, many thanks for your comment. Yes you are right, it should be BEGIN-NOW. I have changed it. I’m not
entirely sure what you mean when you say connect numbers. You can add the numbers you want to use to the end of
the switchword phrase you are using or you can write the numbers on their own. It really is all about setting your
intention first. If you can explain this a little better I will do my best to answer.

Amanda 6/43
6/24/2018 How to Use Switchwords For Money and Abundance - Amanda J Evans

rick sawh
Commented on: March 24, 2016

Hi Amanda:
I am in dire need of financial help-the lottery?I have been using some of the switch words for a while now-no improvement
in my finances-I need to pay off my mortage and retire (I am 69)
Any words of “wisdom”Switch words to help me?
Your help would be most appreciated

Amanda J Evans (Post author)

Commented on: March 24, 2016

Hi Rick,

There are specific switchwords that you can use to help win money. I see you mention that you have been using switch
words for a while but no improvement in your finances – are your remaining positive? I tend to write down every little
thing even if it is someone buying me a coffee as this is money I have saved and it helps to show me and my mind that
things are working. If my income increases even slightly one month I make a note of it. I make note of every tiny little
thing and it really helps. I also recommend joining the public Switchwords group on Facebook and printing out some of the ECs that they have. You can do a
search on this group for “money” or “win money” and print out the EC’s you find. I have them on walls around my
house and especially in the areas that I am in most. You can write the number codes for abundance and money on
your left arm, I have read some great success stories from people doing this. The main thing is not to lose faith and
follow any ideas you get. Action is often needed.

Try using the following phrase – written 28 times per day for 42 days and be sure to come back and let us know the



write 04223757586 on your left hand with blue pen (this is the number for winning)


Commented on: April 29, 2016 7/43
6/24/2018 How to Use Switchwords For Money and Abundance - Amanda J Evans

Hi Amanda, I’m from India.. I got some switch words in WhatsApp from one of my friend and got curious about these
words and I googled it and I’ve been ended up here.. Hope im in the right place..
And I wanted to know that all the switch words have the same count of writing 28 times each day for 42 days with capital
letters adding with some numbers???
Im thinking to start it from Tomo..
Im going try this with TRUST and belief..
Kindly reply..
Thank you.

Amanda J Evans (Post author)

Commented on: April 30, 2016

Hi Sri,

Welcome to my site, glad you found it and I hope you find the information useful.

You are right, I write the switchword phrases in capital letters 28 times everyday for 42 days. Sometimes I go over 42
days if things are working out well. There is no hard rule that says you can only do them for 42 days. I am on day 100
for the current phrase I am doing and it is working really well. I like to write the positive outcomes that I receive in my
notebook for the day they happen so when I look back I can see all the wonderful things my switchwords have brought.

Please feel free to ask if you have any questions.


Veejhay C Shaah
Commented on: May 13, 2016

I lost possession of rented office due to non payment of rent for last 7 months and have accimulating debts like vicious
circle, pls guide to attract and make money, repay debts and living happily with family

Amanda J Evans (Post author)

Commented on: May 15, 2016

Hi Veejhay,

Below are phrases and their meanings that you can use to help with debt. You can also use the ones that are listed in
the blog posts on money. I hope these help. 8/43
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Save-off to quit overspending and to quit any negative habits that get in the way of our financial caretaking. Reach-
divineorder is to find solutions that lead to orderly finances.
Enroll is to get the help of others in clearing your debt. Oil is to release friction between you and money and between
you and the people who are giving you something in return for it. On-put is to create financial stability. Thanks-clear is
to stop feeling angry about money or requests for it, and to be appreciative that someone trusted you. Bring-count-
bubble-add is to bring in money, to make it manifest. Adjust is to handle the situation peacefully. Elate is to turn things
from setback to benefit. 53 is to take responsibility.
Change is to let go of the pain around the financial situation. Concede-forgive-tomorrow-thanks is to “kiss and make
up” with yourself and appreciate that you’ve tried your best. Clear is to end the anger around money, towards yourself
and others. Bluff-show is to stop being afraid and instead show respect for those who give you things.
Go-now-do-now-done is to stop putting off paying bills, stop putting off looking at your bank account, to get a move on
financially, and to ‘get things done’. With-love-together is to be at peace with all parts of yourself and all “players” in
your financial “game”.
Crystal-guide is to get divine guidance. Count is to get money. Concede is to “kiss and make up” with money, itself. To
give in and stop fighting it. 808 to get money, 520 for miracles, 741 for immediate results.


Commented on: May 16, 2016

Hi Amanda,

I have recently received a message to heal my relationship with money by recognizing that it is just an exchange of
energy. Do you have any switchwords for this? Or, are the switchwords even necessary?

My best,

Amanda J Evans (Post author)

Commented on: May 16, 2016

Hi Morris,

Many thanks for you comment. You can use switchwords for this and I am also going to include some links for EFT
which is also excellent. The switchword phrase below should be written 28 times a day for at least 42 days with the
intention to heal your relationship with money. 9/43
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Crystal-guide is to get divine guidance. Count is to get money. Concede is to “kiss and make up” with money, itself. To
give in and stop fighting it. 808 to get money, 520 for miracles, 741 for immediate results.

EFT is great too and here is a link to a video to help heal your relationship with money –
Here’s another link to an article on using EFT to heal money problems –

I hope this helps.


Commented on: May 17, 2016

Hi Amanda,
Thank you very much! I will use it. Also, if I may, Do you have any advice for clearing the past, i.e., letting go of the past to
make way for the new?

My best,

Amanda J Evans (Post author)

Commented on: May 17, 2016

Hi Morris,

Glad I could be of help. Here is some information for clearing the past and letting it go.


This is to get it together, to clear your thinking, to release anger and mental pain, to turn setback into benefit, joy-up
moves your emotions into a happier place. The first two below are Bach Flower Remedies but you can use their name
as switchwords. They also include some affirmations that you can say.

I let go of the past. I am here now.
They are free and I am free.
I move forward in life with joy and ease. 10/43
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I feel calm and soothed.
I am freed from the trauma of the past.
My soul finds consolation and healing in the divine light.

Self-confident, look to the future, gain power, be strong, end hesitation, open your heart to forgiveness, receive new
nourishing love, transition to letting go of mourning that which is in the past, allowing bygones to be bygones and
releasing resentment, opening to peace and serenity, speak up for yourself, make your voice heard. When one wants
to feel confident in releasing old pains and expressing oneself in a love (or any other) relationship.

REMISSION – Release old pains of past

(Release attachments to negative past experiences, gain perspective and clarity in thought processes, with love,
caring and beauty, courage, inner peace and tranquility, reconnect with Source and love energy.)


I hope these help.


Commented on: May 17, 2016

Thank you Amanda!

Commented on: May 17, 2016

Hi again Amanda,
If you can’t tell, I am new at this; I read where you said to write the words out in capital letters, does that mean typing
them or writing out in long hand?

Morris 11/43
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Amanda J Evans (Post author)

Commented on: May 17, 2016

Hi Morris,

I write mine everyday in a notebook in long hand….and yes capital letters, they seem to have a stronger vibration.


Commented on: May 19, 2016

Hi, Thank you for this Was super super helpful 😊 I was wondering about the numbers though, are all numbers read in
millions billions thousands hundreds when chanted? Some numbers are in colored font and only a few I see have the
comas and others have see have spaces? I saw a video on YouTube in where Lloyd Mear instruct client to say each
number individually. Yet, others say to read it as you suggested. Not sure how Grigory Grabovoi uses them, which way or
method he uses? Thank You ☺

Amanda J Evans (Post author)

Commented on: May 19, 2016

Hi Zoya,

Numbers can be a little bit confusing and to be honest, I don’t think there is a right or a wrong way to say them. The
difference is in the frequency they produce. Kat Miller who runs did a test on this. She was using the
numbers to cure a sore throat and she discovered that by saying the number as a whole (read in billions, millions,
thousands…) the healing worked quicker. As I said it really is a personal choice. I tend to say them as a whole number
and add the commas in myself. You can test it out for yourself to see which works best for you. It is very similar in the
way switchwords are written. Writing them in capital letters produces a higher frequency and they seem to work quicker
this way too. The coloured font is probably to do with the vibration and meaning of the colour. Different colours are
used for different things. For example, green is associated with healing, blue with communication, and yellow with
happiness. This would be my understanding of why different coloured font is used.

I hope this helps,

Amanda 12/43
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Commented on: June 1, 2016


I am from India and tried Switchword 2 months back but no luck.

I left IT job as a Manager due to stress to start some business but could not and sitting idle and facing money crunch.

Could you please guide and let know which switchwords to use so that someone will come and give idea and help me in
setting up my own business and have constant flow of money.


Amanda J Evans (Post author)

Commented on: June 1, 2016

Hi Ram,

Sorry to hear of your circumstances. If you read through this post and all the comments there are lots of switchword
phrases that you can use. I also recommend using DIVINE-MAGIC-BEGIN-NOW this switchword phrase can be used
for everything. You must set your intention before writing it and state what it is you want. You also need to remain
positive and believe that the switchwords are working. Nothing will happen if you are focusing on the negative. Might I
suggest that you start a gratitude journal and record at least 10 things you are grateful for each day. This will train your
mind to look for positives as you go about your day.


Commented on: June 1, 2016

Dear Amanda,
can we try the miracles for our children?
My son is a trained musician and very competent.But his struggle seems to be unending. can you suggest some
switctword phrases which I can use for him.
i will be very grateful.
Thank You.
Sulabha 13/43
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Amanda J Evans (Post author)

Commented on: June 2, 2016

The switchword phrase for miracles is: WOLF -MAGIC -BEGIN -NOW

If you place this inside a circle and put your son’s name in the inside of the circle that can help.

Also chant or write this switchword phrase and set the intention of attracting miracles for your son.

Hope this helps,


Commented on: June 3, 2016

Dear Amanda,

Thanks for your reply.

Since I could not go for business, now I am trying and applying for job as facing money crunch.

Could you please guide on the SW for getting a good job with good salary and also release past sins/mistakes to forgive
myself etc.


Amanda J Evans (Post author)

Commented on: June 3, 2016

Hi Ram,

Am not sure if I posted the link to the Switchwords Facebook group. This is run by a fantastic lady Kat Miller and is
packed full of information and energy circles. If you type in Job in the search box you will find lots of phrases that you
can use.

You can try this one: CRYSTAL-HORSE-WOLF-REACH-HELP-DIVINE-job-COUNT-NOW-DONE (to get a job)

Amanda 14/43
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Commented on: June 3, 2016

Thank you Amanda.

job can be in lowercase right? Also in other blogs read in place of HORSE, GORSE being used. No idea the
difference of GORSE & HORSE in above case.

Also your SW “DIVINE-MAGIC-BEGIN-NOW” is powerful. And one more powerful SW mentioned is GOLDEN-

Also how to forgive for past mistakes/sins?


Amanda J Evans (Post author)

Commented on: June 3, 2016

Yes Ram, job is in lowercase here because it is the thing the person is look for.

You can use DIVINE-MAGIC-BEGIN-NOW for everything once you set the intention before using it.

You can try these for forgiveness:

Work miracles, let go of discord and conflict, and allow people and life to simply flow.
Support my thoughts, harmonize well with and immerse in working miracles, receiving and giving joy, increase
personal ability to generate, radiate and experience love and acceptance, with extraordinary ability cease
hostilities, reclaim stability, work miracles and with mercy smooth the rough spots, brightly focus positivity, and
work miracles in accepting contrasting elements, recognize the beauty in contrast, let go of discord and conflict,
and allow people and life to simply flow.
Help in aligning with Law of Attraction

ANCHOR-CRYSTAL-HORSE-BREAKTHROUGH-ACT-Dove. Self-confident, look to the future, gain power, be

strong, end hesitation, open your heart to forgiveness, receive new nourishing love, transition to letting go of
mourning that which is in the past, allowing bygones to be bygones and releasing resentment, opening to peace
and serenity, speak up for yourself, make your voice heard. When one wants to feel confident in releasing old
pains and expressing oneself in a love (or any other) relationship. 15/43
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You can also look into hooponopono which is an ancient Hawaiian technique.


Commented on: June 3, 2016

Hi Amanda,
Interesting that you mentioned Ho’ oponopono; I have been using that for awhile now. However, I’m not 100%
sure if I’m doing it right. Can you elaborate on this a bit please? I.e., is it true that I must be focused on that I
wish to clear? Or is it just as effective just as a mantra?


Amanda J Evans (Post author)

Commented on: June 4, 2016

Hi Morris,

I learned Ho’oponopono from the book Zero Limits – and yes you are correct you
intention is focused on what you wish to clear.

For example: someone is being nasty or mean to you in work, you focus on that and you would be saying I’m
sorry (for whatever is me is causing this situation), Please Forgive me (for whatever in me is causing this),
Thank you (for helping me clear that which is causing this), I love you.

You can also keep repeating it as a mantra over and over clearing everything.

I would highly recommend reading the book as it explains everything so much better. Zero Limits is the original
book on Ho’oponopono.


Commented on: June 4, 2016

Thank you for clarification Amanda. I picked up the book. 16/43
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Commented on: June 3, 2016

Dear Amanda,

Also in future I would want to start some business and would like to know which SW to use that will show path to start


Amanda J Evans (Post author)

Commented on: June 3, 2016

Ram I am not giving you a switchword phrase for this as it will contradict the one I have given you for getting a job. My
advice would be to focus on one aspect at a time.


Commented on: June 3, 2016

Dear Amanda,

Will it make difference while writing Switchword phrases as mentioned in below link.

Sorry to bring topic from other source but want to clear the doubts.


Amanda J Evans (Post author)

Commented on: June 3, 2016 17/43
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Hi Ram,

I write them in uppercase as they are given. The energy is said to be better, but by all means do them whatever way
feels right to you. Once the intention is there and they are being used for your higher good and without causing harm
or ill will to anyone else you should be fine.


Commented on: June 4, 2016

One more question on the Ho’ oponopono phrases, do they have to be in any particular order?

Amanda J Evans (Post author)

Commented on: June 4, 2016

Hi Morris,

I always say – I’m sorry, please forgive me, thank you, I love you

I know other people say them differently, they put I love you before thank you but I don’t think it makes any difference,
it is the intention that matters. Glad you got the book. I found it very interesting.


Commented on: June 4, 2016

Thanks Amanda, I am continuing the Divine-Magic.Begin-Now Chant/writing and have kept the energy circle you have
Like u said i am gathering small positive things around me and noticing.
Thanks i got so much of positivity and hope after connecting with you. You are really great

I will keep you posted. I am sure I will succeed in manifesting my desire.

Amanda J Evans (Post author) 18/43
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Commented on: June 4, 2016

I’m delighted things are working well for you and can’t wait to hear about your results.


Commented on: June 6, 2016

Dear Amanda,

I have started the 3 SW phrases in a notebook.

Wanted to know with regards to Abundance numbers, can we write the above numbers with space in between in one
page or need to write each numbers 28 times in separate pages.


Amanda J Evans (Post author)

Commented on: June 6, 2016

Hi Ram,

Yes it is fine to write all the numbers together in a row with spaces between and repeat this 28 times. You can also
write the number on your left arm or wrist and then just keep re-writing it whenever it washes off.


Commented on: June 8, 2016

Hey Amanda,

I am an Airline Pilot undergoing training and really want to perform well in the cockpit. Please suggest some switchwords
for the same and also to eliminate any negative situations during my training.

Rohit 19/43
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Amanda J Evans (Post author)

Commented on: June 9, 2016

Hi Rohit,

Below you will find some switchwords that you can use. Hope they help.

WATCH – To learn a new skill. This is good for schooling, for training, for taking on a new project at work, for when you
have been promoted, for any task that requires learning of any kind.



For focus while studying or training – POINT-GENIUS-WITH-PASSION-Zeal

For protection during flight – Umbrella-NOW


Rapelang Ntiti
Commented on: June 8, 2016

I am very happy that i have attracted this wonderful website.Thank you so much Amanda to be kind to everyone who
needs your help.Life is truly awesome because of people like you.I am sending much blessings on your way.

Amanda J Evans (Post author)

Commented on: June 9, 2016

Thank you so much for your kind comments and I’m delighted that you are finding my blog content useful.


Nishant Gupta
Commented on: June 9, 2016 20/43
6/24/2018 How to Use Switchwords For Money and Abundance - Amanda J Evans

Hi Amanda,

Read a lot of interesting stuff on SW on this blog. Need your help – Me and my business partner are scouting for capital
funding from a long time now to start our business, we have tried almost everything but no results.

I am looking forward to SW as a hope, please suggest which SW to follow (numbers or sentences) and how to use them
(write them in book or arm or wrist),

Thanking you in advance,

Regards – Nishant

Amanda J Evans (Post author)

Commented on: June 9, 2016

Hi Nishant,

Many thanks for your comment. Below are some switchwords that you can use for business success. These can be
written 28 times every day for 42 days or until you reach your goal. You can write them on paper or on your wrist, or
just say them out loud or in your mind as often as you can.


A few additional Switchwords you may find useful:

To present yourself well – ACT

For confidence – CRYSTAL-HORSE or ANCHOR
For emphatic agreement – INDEED
For meeting of the minds to mutual benefit – RENDEZVOUS

These can be written seperately or all together – ACT-CRYSTAL-HORSE-INDEED-RENDEZVOUS

Increase sales in business – RUSH-ARROW-100 PERCENT-NOW-DONE

GET-PERSONAL – Attain success


Rohit 21/43
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Commented on: June 9, 2016

Thanks a ton Amanda.

Will keep you posted with the progress.


Nishant Gupta
Commented on: June 9, 2016

Thanks a lot Amanda…

Will do as guided, God Bless You!!!

Commented on: June 11, 2016

Hi Amanda,

Thanks for letting know on book “Zero Limits”.

Very good book and interesting.


Commented on: June 13, 2016

Hi Amanda
I am in a real ‘stuck’ situation….my wholesale and retail stores are really at a standstill..we are just trying to make ends
meet every month….whenever there seems to be some progress we end up 10 steps backwards like we are somehow
blocked….debts are increasing …..lack of money is causing huge problems….please help asap…with love R…

Amanda J Evans (Post author)

Commented on: June 14, 2016 22/43
6/24/2018 How to Use Switchwords For Money and Abundance - Amanda J Evans

Hi Rashika,

Here are some switchword phrases and number codes you can use for business success. I hope they help.


289 471 314917 – Development in the economic sphere.

819 048 714 391 – Success in business and expansion of capital
619 71421841 – real flow of money
419 488 71 – Favorable Circumstances
819,716 – gradually greater prospects.




Commented on: June 16, 2016

Hi Amanda
May you please help me,i only want to know what the impact does adding pecentage on switcwords have? For example,
EMBRACE PLETHORA MAGIC MIRACLE 100% NOW. So i need to know about that 100% because i always see only
100% not less than that or beyond that. Thanks in advance

Amanda J Evans (Post author)

Commented on: June 20, 2016

Hi Mareps,

100% is complete and full, you can’t get higher than 100% and what you want is 100% success in your switchwords. It
is really just an additional reinforcer of the switchwords and helps to charge the energy.

Hope this helps,

Amanda 23/43
6/24/2018 How to Use Switchwords For Money and Abundance - Amanda J Evans

Commented on: June 18, 2016

Hi Amanda! I have just been introduced to switchwords and having been wanting to know more. So I googled and
stumbled upon your blog. Very well interesting write ups, I have to say. Very clear understanding to whatever I needed to
know but unable to ask in the correct words.

I am currently in search for a better job with a higher salary and better prospects that will help me sustain me and my
family. I believe in LOA. I have a particular job in mind that I have been very keen in for over a year and I have applied for
it. But I have not been called up for any interviews. Still, I visualise having that job already and still believe that it is just a
matter of time for it to manifest.

Now, I would like to add switchwords for this realisation to happen quicker. What words do you suggest for me?

Thank you for your advice in advance.

Amanda J Evans (Post author)

Commented on: June 20, 2016

Hi Meera,

I would suggest using DIVINE-MAGIC-BEGIN-NOW and then placing your intention after it. This is a great switchword
phrase that can be used for anything you desire.


Commented on: June 20, 2016


6/24/2018 How to Use Switchwords For Money and Abundance - Amanda J Evans

Amanda J Evans (Post author)

Commented on: June 20, 2016

Please read the post again. Any of the switchword phrases mentioned can be used as they are all for money and
abundance. Set your intention before writing them. Also read through all the comments on this post for more


Commented on: June 20, 2016

Hi Amanda,

This is Prashant From India, I have Read a lot of interesting stuff on SwitchWord on this blog. Need your help –I want to
start my business but required fund for my CNC Router workshop now to start business, I have tried almost everything
but no results.

I am looking forward to SwitchWord as a hope, please suggest which SwitchWord to follow (numbers or sentences) and
how to use them for instant result (write them in book or arm or wrist),

Waiting your earlier reply and Thanking you in advance,

praShanT gOhil

Amanda J Evans (Post author)

Commented on: June 20, 2016

Thank you for your comment.

You can use any of the switchword phrases that are listed in this blog post. They are all for money and abundance.
Just be sure to set your intention for what you want before you write them. I recommended writing them 28 times every
day for a minimum of 42 days. Any of the energy numbers listed in this post can be written on your left wrist in blue
pen. You can also join the public switchwords group on Facebook where you will find all the information you need.


Amanda 25/43
6/24/2018 How to Use Switchwords For Money and Abundance - Amanda J Evans

Commented on: June 20, 2016

Dear Amamda,

TOGETHER-(amount)-before-(date)-WOLF-SUDDENLY-BRING-MAGIC-520 This Switch would work ???

A waiting your reply


Amanda J Evans (Post author)

Commented on: June 20, 2016

Yes this looks good if you are looking for a specific amount of money before a certain date.


Commented on: June 21, 2016

Dear Amamda,

I have make little correction in this switchword as like this and write this 28 times on paper

318613518714- TOGETHER- (amount) – before – (dd/mm/yyyy) – WOLF-SUDDENLY-BRING-MAGIC – 520

I belive this Switchword will work

A waiting your reply

praShanT 26/43
6/24/2018 How to Use Switchwords For Money and Abundance - Amanda J Evans

Amanda J Evans (Post author)

Commented on: June 21, 2016

Hi Prashant,

I’m not sure if this will work. Numbers are usually added to the end of the phrases and COUNT is the switchword for
money which doesn’t seem to appear in your phrase.

The switchwords I use for attracting a certain amount of money within a specific time frame is:


You can add the phrase WOLF-SUDDENLY-BRING-MAGIC-520 after this if you like.


Commented on: June 21, 2016

Dear Amanda,

Thank a lot for your guidence


Commented on: June 22, 2016

Hi Amanda,

I am facing a difficult situation with the bank , so please suggest me sw for getting out of this trouble as soon as possible
and for things to turn out in my favour.

Also as I had earlier written about my airline training, please suggest sw for being more confident and performing well in
the cockpit.

Rohit 27/43
6/24/2018 How to Use Switchwords For Money and Abundance - Amanda J Evans

Amanda J Evans (Post author)

Commented on: June 22, 2016

Any of the switchwords in the post that relate to money and abundance can be used Rohit. There is also the universal
phrase – DIVINE-MAGIC-BEGIN-NOW you can use this for everything just make sure to write your intention after it…
so for example you can write the phrase and then put more confident and performing well in the cockpit. Also please
read through the comments and join the public switchwords group on Facebook where you will find all the information
you need.


Commented on: June 22, 2016

Thanks Amanda

joseph varghese
Commented on: June 24, 2016

My name is joseph…I am in severe debts badly in need for money…I am trying to sell my land that I can solve
my debts issue…but no buyer is coming to purchase saying that its a wet land…I dont know wat to do…pls I don’t have
single penny to meet my daily need… I have 3 children and my wife don’t know wat to do….pls advise asap

Amanda J Evans (Post author)

Commented on: June 24, 2016

Hi Joseph,

There are a number of switchwords that you can use for the successful sale of land.

People are now starting to look and making offers – SWARM-GIVE-COUNT-YES!-GO-ON-NOW.


6/24/2018 How to Use Switchwords For Money and Abundance - Amanda J Evans

All of these can be used. Write them 28 times a day for a minimum of 42 days or until you get what you desire. You can
also chant the phrases as much as you can.


Commented on: June 25, 2016

Dear Amanda,

My husband desperately needs a better job with a much better salary as our finances are going haywire. What should I
do, please advise. Divine thanks in advance.

Love and light,


Amanda J Evans (Post author)

Commented on: June 26, 2016

Hi Moumita,

You can use the follow phrase for a better job


You can also add the numbers to the end of the phrase


Commented on: June 26, 2016

Comment* hello Amanda i madly want to know how to use / write because i am in depression huge money problem pls
help me & also i have joined a network marketing but no joining of new clients are coming pls help me with a better
switchwords . Can i use two switchwords u prescribed … waiting for your reply with lots of love and regards 29/43
6/24/2018 How to Use Switchwords For Money and Abundance - Amanda J Evans

Amanda J Evans (Post author)

Commented on: June 28, 2016

You can use as many switchword phrases as you like. Write each one 28 times each day for a minimum of 42 days
and be sure to record any and all improvements in your circumstances no matter how small. Keep an attitude of
gratitude and remain positive knowing that they will work.


Commented on: June 27, 2016

Dear Amanda,

Confused in numbers chant. There are some numbers with , as separator and chanted in billions, millions etc. Also some
with – hyphen and some with space in between.

So which numbers should have hyphen, comma and space and how to interpret for chant either in single digit chant.


Amanda J Evans (Post author)

Commented on: June 28, 2016

If a number has a hyphen in it, this will be separate numbers, eg 520-620 this is five hundred and twenty and the
second number is six hundred and twenty. Spaces between words usually means the same thing. If there is a comma
between the words then it is said as a whole phrase, millions, thousands, etc.


Commented on: July 3, 2016

In case if there are no comma separator or space in between numbers for ex: 1888989 then whether it should be chanted
in million, thousand or each number separately in the numbers sequence. 30/43
6/24/2018 How to Use Switchwords For Money and Abundance - Amanda J Evans

Amanda J Evans (Post author)

Commented on: July 4, 2016

I always use a number exactly as I find it. If there are no commas or separators I take it as a whole number and chant
it in billions, millions, thousands, etc.

Commented on: July 3, 2016

Dear Amanda,

Got one number 6488949887 if there is long Standing issue with money. Want to know if you have any idea on whether
this number has spaces, separator etc.


Amanda J Evans (Post author)

Commented on: July 4, 2016

Hi Ram,

You should always use the number exactly as you find it. In this case the number should be chanted as 6 billion, 488
million, 949 thousand, 887 (all as words.)


Commented on: July 4, 2016

Dear Amanda,

Thank you.

Also is there any Switchword or number to normalize bad or negative karma. 31/43
6/24/2018 How to Use Switchwords For Money and Abundance - Amanda J Evans


Amanda J Evans (Post author)

Commented on: July 4, 2016

Hi Ram, you can try this

Archangel.— CANCEL CLEAR delete ( ask the archangel please cancel clear delete the past karmas past life karmas
and negative thoughts negative people)


Commented on: July 6, 2016

Dear Amanda,

Checked and in that found number 221.23 HZ for Harmony and Love.

While writing it is ok to write the above, but while chanting how to express the number as it has decimal.


Commented on: July 8, 2016


I got the answer for above. It should be chanted as “Two Hundred Twenty Three Point Two Three Hertz”


Neha Kardani
Commented on: July 14, 2016 32/43
6/24/2018 How to Use Switchwords For Money and Abundance - Amanda J Evans


I m doing online business of cloths..not getting success..can u please advise me switch word or number to get more
customer so i can earn more money..and how to use please let me know.. I dont know much about that so..

Amanda J Evans (Post author)

Commented on: July 24, 2016

You can use the energy number 419 488 71. This can be written on your left wrist. This switchword phrase can also
help in attracting more customers.



Commented on: July 18, 2016

Dear Amanda,

I am overwhelmed with lacking of students for my tuition business. Please advice how switch word can help to increase
number of students or receiving calls from students?


Amanda J Evans (Post author)

Commented on: July 24, 2016

This is the switchword phrase for attracting more customers/students for your business.


Amanda 33/43
6/24/2018 How to Use Switchwords For Money and Abundance - Amanda J Evans

Commented on: July 18, 2016

Hello Amanda
I’m looking for a job..even I applied for bank job but don’t know why obstacles is coming what can I chant.. Kindly guide

Amanda J Evans (Post author)

Commented on: July 24, 2016

This is a switchword phrase for getting a job.


Priya Jain
Commented on: July 18, 2016

Can I use this divine -wolf-magic-begin -now ( my intention) for two manifestation?

Amanda J Evans (Post author)

Commented on: July 24, 2016

Yes you can Priya.

Commented on: July 18, 2016

Amanda this is a wonderful site. Divine Thanks. God Bless

Commented on: July 20, 2016

Hi I am Falguni from India

I need money very quickly
It’s a question of survival
Can you help me for that?
Thank you 34/43
6/24/2018 How to Use Switchwords For Money and Abundance - Amanda J Evans

Amanda J Evans (Post author)

Commented on: July 24, 2016

Please read the other comments Falguni and use the phrases suggested in the blog post. They are all related to
money and finances.


Commented on: July 28, 2016

hey amanda,
Thanks a lot for sharing this knowledge with us. I am new to the switch words . i wanted to know that the phrases
that you mentioned here that we are suppose to write 28 times i have to make a diary right ! and have write it for 42 days
only or do i have to write it as long as i want ? and all the numbers you have mentioned could be written in blue ?

Amanda J Evans (Post author)

Commented on: August 1, 2016

Hi Gaurav,

Yes, you write the phrases 28 times each day for a minimum of 42 days. You can write them in a diary if you wish. The
numbers can be written in any colour but if you are writing them on your body, it is advised to write them in blue.


Commented on: August 1, 2016

Hi Amanda, you are doing a fabulous job thru this blog.

I am a CA but unemployed and looking for survival. I think I’m going to change my line and get into dubbing now on..but
to establish i will take time.
So wish to have immediate good salaried Job as CA and super success in the new line , such that I have always wanted
Also, I be healthy from now onwards to enjoy my luxurious coming life.. VERY IMPORTANT

Incidentally I searched a lot and only today came across somethin miraculous like this, after meeting a positive lady last
week. 35/43
6/24/2018 How to Use Switchwords For Money and Abundance - Amanda J Evans

Commented on: August 6, 2016

This is the switchword phrase for attracting more customers/students for your business.


Dear Amanda,

Thanks for your reply with switch word phrase advice. As I only started on the 3 August after I saw your reply until now,
but there is nothing happen…am I done something wrong? I wrote all the phrase in Capital for 28 times..
Please further advice.

Appreciate very much from


Amanda J Evans (Post author)

Commented on: August 10, 2016

Hi Agness,

I am no expert but what I do know is not to expect instant results. You have only started writing the switchwords and
they say to write them for at least 42 days.You need to visualize your results and remain in a positive frame of mind.


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