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Applied Energy 90 (2012) 11–16

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Biogas from renewable electricity – Increasing a climate neutral fuel supply

Farzad Mohseni ⇑, Mimmi Magnusson, Martin Görling, Per Alvfors
Royal Institute of Technology – KTH, School of Chemical Science and Engineering, Chemical Engineering and Technology, Division of Energy Processes,
Teknikringen 50, SE-100 44 Stockholm, Sweden

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: If considering the increased utilisation of renewable electricity during the last decade, it is realistic to
Received 30 September 2010 assume that a significant part of future power production will originate from renewable sources. These
Received in revised form 11 July 2011 are normally intermittent and would cause a fluctuating electricity production. A common suggestion
Accepted 13 July 2011
for stabilising intermittent power in the grid is to produce hydrogen through water electrolysis thus stor-
Available online 16 September 2011
ing the energy for later. It could work as an excellent load management tool to control the intermittency,
due to its flexibility. In turn, hydrogen could be used as a fuel in transport if compressed or liquefied.
However, since hydrogen is highly energy demanding to compress, and moreover, has relatively low
Renewable energy
energy content per volume it would be more beneficial to store the hydrogen chemically attached to car-
Intermittent power bon forming synthetic methane (i.e. biogas).
Synthetic fuels This paper presents how biogas production from a given amount of biomass could be increased by
Sabatier reaction addition of renewable electricity. Commonly biogas is produced through digestion of organic material.
Recently also biomass gasification is gaining more attention and is under development. However, in both
cases, a significant amount of carbon dioxide is produced as by-product which is subject for separation
and disposal. To increase the biogas yield, the separated carbon dioxide (which is considered as climate
neutral) could, instead of being seen as waste, be used as a component to produce additional methane
through the well-known Sabatier reaction. In such process the carbon could act as hydrogen carrier of
hydrogen originating from water electrolysis driven by renewable sources.
In this study a base case scenario, describing biogas plants of typical sizes and efficiencies, is presented
for both digestion and gasification. It is assessed that, if implementing the Sabatier process on gasifica-
tion, the methane production would be increased by about 110%. For the digestion, the increase, includ-
ing process improvements, would be about 74%. Hence, this method results in greatly increased biogas
potential without the addition of new raw material to the process. Additionally, such model would pres-
ent a great way to meet the transport sector’s increasing demand for renewable fuels, while simulta-
neously reducing net emissions of carbon dioxide.
Ó 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction Biogas is a biofuel with great potential for increasing the share
of renewable fuels in the transport sector. Biogas is in this paper
Climate change due to anthropogenic carbon dioxide is a matter defined as a biofuel containing mostly methane, independent of
of outmost concern in today’s environmental debate. Fossil carbon the route used to produce it1. It has many applications and has
from coal, oil or gas is by far the dominating feedstock for both the excellent combustion properties and is used as vehicle fuel for cars
stationary sector and the transport sector. In the stationary sector as well as in heavy-duty vehicles. It could also be used in power
renewable energy, e.g. wind power, PV (photovoltaics) and wave and heat production and as town gas in households. Depending on
power, is gaining more attention and its usage is increasing rapidly the production method used, various amounts of the input organic
as a measure for replacing fossil alternatives. material can be converted into methane.
The situation is similar in the transport sector where green There are several routes possible for producing biogas, which
alternatives, mainly derived from biomass, are supposed to play includes first, second and third generation processes. Depending
a key role in the replacement of fossil fuels. In 2007 the share of on production route different generations of fuels are obtained.
renewable alternatives in the transport sector only reached 2% of These are, in brief and general terms, defined according to
its total energy usage on a global scale [1]. following:

⇑ Corresponding author. Tel.: +46 8 790 9480; fax: +46 8 723 0858. 1
Biogas could also be referred to as biomethane, synthetic natural gas or substitute
E-mail address: (F. Mohseni). natural gas, depending on the process used.

0306-2619/$ - see front matter Ó 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
12 F. Mohseni et al. / Applied Energy 90 (2012) 11–16

 First-generation biofuels: Often referred to as fuels produced based), FAME (fatty acid methyl esters) and biogas [2]. To cover
from organic material without any chemical processes involved. a larger part of the transport sector’s energy demand, the sec-
These fuels are to a large extent commercially available today, ond as well as the third generation of biofuels are needed. Where
e.g. digestion biogas and sugar cane ethanol. the first generation of biofuels is commercially available today,
 Second-generation biofuels: These use processes also based on both the second and third generations are still under
organic material but are to some extent treated either chemi- development.
cally or thermally to obtain the desired fuel. The processes are
typically not yet commercial although possible in the near-
2.1. Renewable electricity in the transport system
term, e.g. fuels from biomass or black liquor gasification and
cellulosic ethanol.
Renewable energy (mainly wind and solar) has gained heavy
 Third-generation biofuels: Fully synthetic fuels which are produced
attention the recent years and will play an important role among
through a variety of chemical reactions. The third generation of
the future primary energy sources. According to a assessment re-
biofuels are somewhat further away from commercialisation
port from the Swedish Energy Agency, it would not be unrealistic
than the second-generation fuels, e.g. hydrogen used in fuel
to estimate an installed wind power capacity of 30% of the total
cells or synthetically produced methane, described further in
electricity production around year 2030. This can be compared to
this paper.
today’s 2% [3,4]. However, renewable sources in general fluctuate
heavily depending on weather conditions, which cause intermit-
With biomass being a limited resource due to land mass limita-
tent power production. Exceedingly high penetration of intermit-
tions, the amount of biofuels that can be produced using first and
tent power in the grid enforces additional requirements on e.g.
second-generation techniques is also limited. A scaled-up produc-
grid system management and operational procedures. A common
tion with these methods could create competition for raw material
recognition is that the existing grid can operate more or less nor-
not only with food production but also with the forest industry.
mally with wind power penetration up to 20% of the maximum
Therefore it is most likely that the usage of renewable electricity
load [5].
to produce synthetic fuels will play an important role in the future.
To be able to control intermittent power during high loads one
measure would be to use electrolysers for hydrogen production as
1.1. Aim and scope load management. Electrolytic hydrogen, representing a third gen-
eration fuel, would serve as energy storage of electricity which la-
The aim of this study is to illustrate how renewable electricity ter could be used in a wide range of applications e.g. in combustion
can be used to increase biogas production capacity given certain processes as well as in fuel cells. Electrolysis has the benefit of
prerequisites. Biogas production via digestion and gasification of being flexible in its operation and, in addition for being a load man-
biomass both produce carbon dioxide as a by-product. Together agement tool, it could also be used during periods of low cost elec-
with hydrogen produced via electrolysis powered by renewable tricity in the grid [5]. Such system would work especially well
electricity, the catalytic reduction of carbon dioxide could produce among the Nordic countries where the electricity prices vary in a
biogas, thus using the carbon in the biomass feedstock in an effi- continuous manner [6].
cient way. When addressing a more climate neutral transport sector many
This paper covers, among other things, various technologies for groups studied the possibilities of electrolytic hydrogen used as
improving today’s digestion production, e.g. by using better pro- energy carrier [7,8]. It could in turn be used in fuel cells for running
cess control, different pre-treatment methods or different addi- an electric engine in vehicles for e.g. road transport. In this paper,
tives. It also studies the potential of using lignocellulosic biomass however, it is suggested to use the hydrogen for reduction of car-
as feedstock for biogas production via gasification, in addition to bon dioxide (preferably from ‘‘green’’ carbon dioxide) to produce
conventional digestion of organic waste. It is suggested that bio- hydrocarbons, in this case methane, to be used as a fuel. The chem-
mass gasification could be implemented in those regions where ical reaction and production route are presented more thoroughly
biomass is available in excess to increase the biogas share of the in Section 3.3. Methane produced from electrolysis driven by
transport sectors’ energy demand. renewable energy combined with carbon dioxide derived from or-
A base case scenario, based on the literature data as basis for ganic material would in this case be considered climate neutral,
calculations, is used to exemplify the extent that renewable elec- hence biogas. Compared to hydrogen, methane has the large
tricity together with various process improvements will be able advantage of a considerably high energy density, i.e. energy per
to contribute, in terms of enhanced biogas production. The base volume, which gives an opportunity of transporting larger amounts
case describes a typical digestion plant as well as a typical gasifica- of energy in the same storage volume.
tion plant, concerning size and efficiency. To the given base case Methane is considered as a conventional fuel, which is used
digestion plant, and thereby given biogas potential, various possi- commercially in the transport sector. However, a major part of
ble measures for increasing the capacity are discussed and a poten- the methane still originates from fossil sources (mainly natural
tial for improvement is determined. Since the gasification gas). Implementing the proposed model would result in an intro-
technology is not yet commercial, no improving measures are duction of synthesised biogas, which in turn would mean an in-
exemplified for this base case plant. The carbon dioxide separated creased share of renewable electricity in the transport sector
from the above processes is used in the catalytic reduction of car- while simultaneously still using conventional technology in the
bon dioxide to produce additional methane. The calculated in- vehicles.
creased amount of biogas is then compared to the base case
3. Possible routes of biogas production

2. Background In this section methane production originating from the first

generation, represented by digestion; the second generation, rep-
In 2007 biofuels constituted about 4% of the energy use in the resented by gasification; and the third generation, represented by
road transport sector in Sweden. All of the biofuels used are so methane synthesised from carbon dioxide and hydrogen, is
called first generation biofuels, mostly ethanol (sugar or starch described.
F. Mohseni et al. / Applied Energy 90 (2012) 11–16 13

3.1. Digestion the costs related to production. This can be achieved, e.g. by speed-
ing up the digestion process, thereby decreasing the reactor vol-
Digestion of organic material to produce biogas is a process umes or increasing the capacity of an existing reactor.
belonging to the first generation of biofuels production. All types Improvements of the digestion process can be divided into a few
of organic material can be subject to digestion; amongst the most general categories, i.e. making the substrate more accessible, using
commonly used substrates are food waste, sewage sludge, manure additives or optimising and controlling the process conditions.
and agricultural waste. The conditions for the digestion process de- Several pre-treatment methods are available for making the
pend on the type of substrate used, but the main stages are shown substrate more accessible to the digesting bacteria. Thermal (or
in Fig. 1. thermochemical) pre-treatment is one way, since structures in
The material subject to digestion has to go through several the organic material are degraded when subject to heating. This
stages of pre-treatment prior to the digestion; the types of pre- could potentially increase the biogas yield by up to 20–60% for
treatment can vary with the substrate used. After collection, for- mesophilic digestion [9,10,16], however, this type of pre-treatment
eign objects such as paper, plastics and stones, are separated from is energy demanding which could make it costly. Other ways of
the substrate. The types of pre-treatment methods used, e.g. making the material more accessible and thereby increasing the
mechanical (such as grinding), chemical (addition of alkali or acid) yield are to use ultrasound or electric pulse-power technology to
and thermal (hygienisation), are made to size the substrate, to break down the substrate, thus increasing the degradation and/or
make it more susceptible to microbial degradation and to get rid making it faster. These two methods can increase the biogas pro-
of contaminating substances [9,10]. The digestion is a complex ser- duction by 25% (sewage sludge) or 10–40% (depending on sub-
ies of reactions in which the substrate is degraded in four stages: strate), respectively [9,10,16,17].
hydrolysis, acidogenesis, acetogenesis and methanogenesis. The composition of the substrate is an important factor for a
Hydrolysis is seen as the rate-limiting step where enzymes break high yield, and mixing several substrates improves the composi-
down the organic substrate. In the acido- and acetogenesis inter- tion of nutrients as well as the composition of the input material
mediate products are formed; they are in the last step turned into itself. Co-digestion, mixing e.g. sewage sludge with food waste,
mainly methane and carbon dioxide [10–12]. Consequently, the gives a higher methane yield than if these two were digested sep-
two main products formed during digestion are methane and arately; the increase could be as high as 60%, depending on sub-
carbon dioxide, but small traces of other gases (e.g. hydrogen sul- strate used [18].
phide, ammonia and water vapour) are generated as well. The ratio Improved process control is a good way to make the process
between methane and carbon dioxide is dependent on the feed- more efficient. One way of improving the process by means of tem-
stock and process used but, typically, the methane content is perature, is to optimise the temperature within the temperature
somewhere between 55% and 75%, with the remainder being interval used to have as high a temperature as possible. As men-
carbon dioxide [12,13]. This gas is often referred to as crude gas, tioned above, the temperature in the reactor is one of the parame-
as opposed to the upgraded biogas used as motor fuel. The by- ters of the digestion process and most biogas facilities in Sweden
products of the digestion are, besides the carbon dioxide, mainly today are run at mesophilic conditions [13]. A process at thermo-
a solid fraction, called digestate, and wastewater [12,14,15]. There philic conditions might have a higher yield, however, because of
are several parameters influencing the digestion and the rate of the a higher reaction rate. Yet another way of improving the process
different stages; amongst these are, e.g. temperature, number of is to design it with two (or more) reactors in series. Commonly, a
fermentation steps, pH, retention time and moisture content of single reactor is used, but with two stages the actual retention time
the substrate. These parameters are specific for each process and for the material can be increased even though the same total vol-
can be adjusted to enhance the biogas production. ume is used. This might give an increase in methane conversion
There are three temperature intervals where the methane-pro- by 5% [19].
ducing bacteria can live optimally; the psychrophiles/cryophiles Summed up, there are several possible improvements for the
act at 0–20 °C, the mesophiles at 30–40 °C and the thermophiles digestion process, which could have a great impact for the biogas
at 50–60 °C. Industrial digestion is most commonly performed at potential. Some improvements are only viable for certain sub-
the two higher intervals. Generally, a higher temperature gives a strates and some are techniques already in use at some digestion
faster reaction rate, which is an advantage since smaller reactor facilities. With co-digestion giving up to a 60% increase and differ-
volumes are needed. However, the thermophilic digestion is more ent pre-treatment methods giving some 20–40% increase (see
sensitive when it comes to temperature and concentration varia- above), an overall potential for improvement of the biogas process
tions and needs more process control, whereas the mesophilic is assumed to be 30% in this paper.
digestion is a more stable process. Whether mesophilic or thermo-
philic, the process demands energy to keep the reactor at the 3.2. Gasification
appropriate temperature. A common way of covering the heat de-
mand is using part of the produced gas, but if district heating or ex- Second generation biofuels can be based e.g. on gasification of
cess heat from other industries is available, this could be a more non-food biomass and black liquor. Fuels that have been discussed
suitable option [11,12]. as future alternatives are among others, synthetic natural gas
(SNG), hydrogen, methanol and dimethyl ether (DME). Biogas from
3.1.1. Improvements for the digestion process biomass gasification is often referred to as SNG; it has the same
Since the potential for biogas production is limited it is impor- characteristics as fossil natural gas and can therefore be distributed
tant to maximise the methane yield in the process and to minimise through an existing gas grid and be used in the same applications.
Since gasification is still a novel technology under development
and no full-scale plants for fuel production have yet been built, a
general description of the process is given in this paper and illus-
trated in Fig. 2.
Pre-treatment is the initial step in the production process and in-
volves chipping and drying of the biomass. In order to facilitate
long-distance transport, there are methods to increase energy den-
Fig. 1. Schematic description of the digestion process. sity, such as pyrolysis and pelletisation. In the gasification step,
14 F. Mohseni et al. / Applied Energy 90 (2012) 11–16

Fig. 2. Schematic overview of the gasification process.

Table 1 dioxide be converted into methane during the reaction [25]. More-
Examples of efficiency for SNG production [23]. over, methane is a conventional fuel today and used in many
Pressurised O2-blown gasifier Indirect gasifier

Mass flow Energy Mass flow Energy CO2 þ 4H2 ! CH4 þ 2H2 O DH ¼ 165 kJ=mol ð3Þ
(kg/s) (MW) (kg/s) (MW)
The Sabatier reaction has been known since the beginning of
Biomass input 9.8 150.8 9.7 149.3
Biogas output 2.6 100 2.6 100 the 1900s and has been studied by many research groups e.g.
CO2 removed 7.6 – 4.6 – [25–27]. Moreover, NASA is interested in using the reaction for
(=172 mol/s) (=105 mol/s) reproducing oxygen in applications outside the earth’s atmosphere
[25–27]. Consequently since the Sabatier reaction is such an estab-
lished reaction it would be relatively easy to implement in com-
mercial scale if incentives exist (mainly economical and political).
To facilitate for the reaction to occur catalysts must be used. A
biomass is heated and oxidised into syngas, containing mainly car- wide variety exist today that could be used and are both noble and
bon monoxide, hydrogen, and carbon dioxide (besides N2 if the gas- non-noble metals e.g. Rhodium, Ruthenium and Nickel [25,27].
ifying medium is air). There are various types of gasifiers such as Catalysts, especially noble metals, could be very expensive; hence
fluidised bed, indirect and entrained flow. Gasification can be oper- it would not be economically feasible to utilise these in pure form.
ated at atmospheric conditions or under pressure (about 20–30 bar) In such cases it is favourable to use a support, a less costly material
using different fluidising media e.g. air, steam and/or oxygen. There than the catalyst itself, but with a high contact area relative to its
has also been some research done on hydrogen as gasification med- size. Catalyst supports are commonly used in industries where a
ium [20]. Gas cleaning is needed to protect the downstream equip- high contact area of the catalyst is needed in an economical man-
ment; the most common pollutants are sulphur, tar and alkali ner. The active metal is normally coated onto the surface of the
metals. Steam is added in the water–gas-shift reaction (WGS) in or- support which results in a high exposure of the active metal, even
der to shift the carbon monoxide to hydrogen and carbon dioxide though it only constitutes a few percent of the total weight.
which is illustrated in the following equation [21]: Other matters that must be taken into consideration are the
CO þ H2 O ! CO2 þ H2 DH ¼ 41 kJ=mol ð1Þ reaction conditions, e.g. pressure and temperature. Studies of the
Sabatier reaction have been performed at atmospheric pressure
When obtaining the right proportions of hydrogen and carbon with temperatures ranging between 250 °C and 400 °C in atmo-
monoxide the following process step is methanation according to spheric pressure showing good conversion rates due to its equilib-
the following equation [22]: rium [26,27].
As illustrated in the reaction, relatively large amounts of hydro-
3H2 þ CO ! CH4 þ H2 O DH ¼ 217 kJ=mol ð2Þ
gen must be added. The hydrogen is suggested to be produced from
After methanation the syngas proceeds to the final stage, the water electrolysis driven by a renewable source i.e. wind power,
upgrading, which includes water and carbon dioxide removal. PV, etc. to keep the process carbon dioxide lean. The electricity
Previous studies have concluded that the overall biomass to need for the electrolysis is about 4.3 kW h per produced Nm3
biogas efficiency is around 64–67% depending on equipment used hydrogen [28].
[23,24]. Examples of different techniques and energy efficiencies
are given in Table 1. The remainder of the energy content in the 4. Method
biomass is converted to reaction heat, which can be recovered
and utilised in a steam cycle for power generation. A significant This paper presents two processes for producing biogas; one is
amount of steam is also needed in the production process, espe- commercially available today (digestion) and the other is still un-
cially for gasification and carbon dioxide removal. der development (gasification). For each process there is a wide
range of sizes (i.e. biogas output) and production techniques. To
3.3. Reduction of carbon dioxide exemplify, a base case for each process has been chosen (based
on the literature data), to illustrate a general production plant in
Among the by-products of the above-mentioned production terms of size and production method.
processes a large share will consist of carbon dioxide. Generally it Digestion is a technology used both on a small scale, e.g. on
is separated and vented to the atmosphere or kept and used in var- farms mainly digesting manure and/or agricultural waste, and on
ious industries, e.g. food packaging industry, as refrigerant or for a larger industrial scale, with digestion of sewage sludge, house-
carbonating beverages. An alternative would be to reuse the carbon hold waste or waste from food processing industry. Here the focus
dioxide for producing a more valuable component, which could be is on the industrial type of digestion in the mesophilic range; how-
done by e.g. reaction with hydrogen. A common approach is to look ever, the discussed process and improvements (see Section 3.1) can
at the possibility of manufacturing a propellant, e.g. methane, also be valid for other types of digestion processes. A typical indus-
methanol or other derivates. In this paper methane is focused on trial-scale biogas plant in Sweden delivers 5 MW of upgraded bio-
since it has many advantages compared to the alternatives. Firstly, gas. The common methane content in the crude gas, for such a
it is a simple hydrocarbon with only one reaction step through the facility, is 65% and the carbon dioxide content is 35% (molar basis)
well-known Sabatier reaction (shown in Eq. (3)), which is advanta- [13], which corresponds to a carbon dioxide production of 0.15 kg/
geous to minimise conversion losses. Additionally it has a favour- s (0.54 tonnes/h). These values are also assumed to constitute the
able chemical equilibrium which lets large amounts of carbon base case scenario for this paper.
F. Mohseni et al. / Applied Energy 90 (2012) 11–16 15

Table 2
Biogas production: base case and improvements.

Digestion (MW) Gasification (MW)

Base case 5.0 100
Process improvements 1.5 –
Sabatier 2.2 110
Total 8.7 210

ing an increase of 74% and 110%, respectively. For both cases it is

assumed a carbon dioxide conversion of about 80% in the Sabatier
reaction. The data for the base case and the increases in biogas pro-
Fig. 3. Illustration of the biogas production in the base case scenarios and from the
Sabatier reaction. duction are summarised in Table 2.

6. Discussion
The size of a gasification plant is limited by the biomass re-
From an energy efficiency point of view for the Sabatier process,
sources available within an economically feasible transport dis-
the main disadvantage is obviously the conversion losses from
tance. However, this limitation is not a crucial factor for the
electricity to methane. However, the main part of the energy lost
present study, therefore a size in the same range as a biomass-fired
in conversion is in form of heat. If being able to recover it in an
combined heat and power plant has been chosen in this study [29].
effective manner, the energy efficiency of the total process (i.e.
The base case for gasification is hence set to 100 MW biogas output
electrolysis and Sabatier reaction connected to either digestion or
which gives an output of carbon dioxide of 7.6 kg/s (27 tonnes/h).
gasification) would be kept relatively high.
For this base case, the pressurised O2-blown gasifier (see Table 1) is
There are several synergy effects in combining the electrolysis,
chosen essentially for two reasons: pure O2 is available from the
preceding the Sabatier reaction, with the digestion or the gasifica-
electrolysis and all green carbon is recovered as methane. In the
tion process. Hydrogen via electrolysis produces two by-products,
indirect gasifier a fraction of the biomass is combusted in a sepa-
heat as mentioned earlier (up to 80 °C) and oxygen. In the gasifica-
rate bed to supply the gasifier with heat without diluting the syn-
tion process both would be useful. Heat could be used for e.g. pre-
gas with the combustion product (carbon dioxide).
heating or drying purposes. Oxygen (and steam) is required for
Since both digestion and gasification, besides methane, also
most types of gasifiers. An advantage with oxygen produced by
produce carbon dioxide the Sabatier reaction is proposed. Carbon
electrolysis is the high moisture content. By using humid oxygen
dioxide in the processes is normally separated from the biogas
the steam consumption for fluidisation in the gasifier can be re-
resulting in a gas stream with high shares of carbon dioxide. This
duced [30].
stream is assumed to be fed into the Sabatier reaction together
The digestion process, whether mesophilic or thermophilic, has
with hydrogen produced via electrolysis. Approximately 70% of
a certain heat demand, as stated earlier. Instead of covering this
the electric energy (LHV) is transformed to hydrogen in the elec-
demand by using part of the produced biogas or using district heat-
trolysis [28], this conversion factor is used as the basis for calcula-
ing which are common alternatives, the heat from the electrolysis
tions in this study. The rest of the energy is transformed into
could be used, when the Sabatier process is in connection with the
chemical reaction heat at 80 °C, which can be recovered and used
digestion plant. Since the heat needed for the digestion is of rela-
for heating purposes.
tively low grade, the heat from the electrolysis can well cover this
Due to the equilibrium of the Sabatier reaction, the reaction is
demand. The oxygen on the other hand would not be necessary to a
strongly favoured towards the right hand side. Previous
large extent so most of it could be sold.
studies have shown conversion rates between 80% and 90%
Regarding the reaction itself, it occurs at elevated temperatures
[26,27]. This therefore opens for the possibility of converting large
and is highly exothermal; a lot of excess heat is produced which
amounts of the carbon dioxide to additional methane. In Fig. 3,
could be used. Additional heat could be recovered by condensation
the base case processes and the expanded system are shown
of the water vapour, the by-product besides methane in the reac-
tion. Such high-grade heat (250–400 °C) could be used in various
applications as a measure of keeping the process as energy efficient
5. Results as possible. Again, the heat could be used in the gasification process.
In the digestion such heat is not required and could therefore in-
In the previous section it was stated that the base case scenarios stead be sold for district heating or for industrial steam production.
assumed in this paper deliver 105 MW of biogas, where 100 MW The proposed method of utilising the Sabatier reaction as a com-
originates from gasification and 5 MW from digestion. In the diges- plement to e.g. digestion or gasification processes opens the possi-
tion case improvements as well as renewable electricity via the bility of drastically increasing the biogas potential. It is commonly
Sabatier reaction has been proposed to increase the biogas output; recognised that biofuels, derived from biomass, is not sufficient by
in the gasification case renewable electricity via the Sabatier reac- far to meet the energy demands in the transport sector. Hence, as
tion increases the biogas output. stated earlier, renewable energy (mainly electricity) will most likely
For the digestion, process improvement measures yielding 30% have a significant role in the future transport. However, the
are suggested (see Section 3.1.1), which gives an increase from the development of battery electric vehicles is still underway and
base case by 1.5 MW. The produced carbon dioxide used in the not yet used commercially. Biogas, on the other hand, is commonly
Sabatier reaction gives an additional 2.2 MW of biogas. In the gas- utilised by a wide range of vehicles e.g. cars, garbage trucks and
ification process 7.6 kg/s of carbon dioxide is produced which, used buses. Therefore, it would be reasonable to use the suggested
in the Sabatier reaction, gives about 110 MW of additional biogas. process as a bridge for introducing renewable electricity to the
In total this gives a biogas production of 8.7 MW for the digestion transport where the ends of new technology meet conventional
(including improvements) and 210 MW for the gasification, mean- machinery.
16 F. Mohseni et al. / Applied Energy 90 (2012) 11–16

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digestion and gasification can be increased by the use of hydrogen technology state-of-the-art, systems and policy intruments. Värmeforsk
report no. 1012 (bioenergikombinat – tekniktrender, system och styrmedel),
produced from green electricity. By implementation of process
Stockholm, Sweden; 2007 [in Swedish].
improvements and the Sabatier process the biogas production [15] Mårtensson E. Biogas as a vehicle fuel in the Stockholm region – scenario 2020,
can increase by 74% in the digestion case and 110% in the gasifica- (part of Europeean commission integrated project: biogas as vehicle fuel –
market expansion to 2020 air quality, contract no. 019795). Master thesis,
tion case. Hence, by using this method the biogas potential can be
Royal Institute of Technology – KTH, Sweden; 2007.
increased greatly with the same amount of input raw material. [16] Linné M, Ekstrand A, Englesson R, Persson E, Björnsson L, Lantz M. The Swedish
biogas potential from domestic waste products (Den svenska biogaspotentialen
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