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United States Patent (19) 11 Patent Number: 5,278,282

Nauman et al. 45 Date of Patent: "Jan. 11, 1994
75 Inventors: E. Bruce Nauman, Schenectady; 4,03,039 6/1977 Mizumoto et al. ................ 52/46.5
Jerry C. Lynch, Scotia, both of N.Y.
Primary Examiner-Fred Teskin
(73) Assignee: Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Attorney, Agent, or Firm-Notaro & Michalos
Troy, N.Y. 57 ABSTRACT
* Notice: The portion of the term of this patent A method for separating polymers from a physically
subsequent to Mar. 30, 2010 has been commingled solid mixture containing a plurality of
disclaimed. polymers comprises dissolving a first one of the poly
(21) Appl. No.: 890,533 mers in a solvent at a first lower temperature to form a
first preferably single phase solution and a remaining
22) Filed: May 28, 1992 solid component. The solid component contains addi
tional polymers which are not soluble to the solvent at
Related U.S. Application Data the first temperature but which may be soluble at higher
Continuation-in-part of Ser. No. 406,087, Sep. 11, 1989,
temperatures. The method includes subsequently heat
63 ing the solvent to dissolve additional polymer from the
Pat. No. 5, 198,471. solid component to form subsequent solutions. The
51 Int. Cl. .......................... C08F 6/04; C08J 11/08 polymers are then separated from their respective solu
52) U.S. C. .................................... 528/497; 528/491; tion either using flash evaporation techniques when
528/492; 528/493; 528/494; 528/495; 528/496; more than one polymer has been dissolved at a single
264/340 temperature, or conventional techniques for extracting
(58) Field of Search ................. 521/40, 40.5, 46, 46.5, a polymer from a solvent in a solution.
521/47, 48, 41, 42, 42.5, 44, 44.5; 264/340;
528/497, 492, 493, 494, 495, 496 10 Claims, 2 Drawing Sheets
U.S. Patent Jan. 11, 1994 Sheet 1 of 2 5,278,282

FIG. 1



20 22




U.S. Patent 5,278,282
unsuccessful whenever the component polymers have
POLYMER RECYCLING BY SELECTIVE similar specific gravities.
DSSOLUTION Simple coextrusions of commingled plastics produce
composites with little strength. A major reason for this
CROSS REFERENCE TO RELATED 5 is thermodynamic incompatibilities between the compo
APPLICATION ment polymers. Most pairs of polymers are incompatible
The present application is a continuation-in-part ap and form two phases upon mechanical mixing. This
plication of Ser. No. 07/406,087, filed Sep. 11, 1989 and incompatibility typically leads to poor physical proper
now U.S. Pat. No. 5,198,471. ties unless one of the components is microdispersed in
10 the other (see U.S. Pat. Nos. 4,594,371 and 4,666,961 to
FIELD AND BACKGROUND OF THE Nauman). To this end incentives exist to separate waste
INVENTION plastic streams into pure polymers or at least render
The present invention relates in general to a tech innocuous certain components that may cause difficul
nique for separating or recycling plastics, and in partic 15 ties in fabrication or lead to poor physical properties in
a mechanical blend.
ular, to a new and useful method and apparatus for An article which discloses work that focuses on the
dealing with streams of physically commingled plastics, impact modification of polymers via flash evaporation
such plastic streams arising in any of a variety of re and compositional quenching is Nauman, E. B.,
claiming or recycling operations. Ariyapadi, M., Balsara, N. P., Grocela, T., Furno, J.,
For the purpose of this disclosure, commingled plas 20 Lui, S., and Mallikarjun, R., "Compositional Quench
tics mean a mixture of chemically different plastics, ing: A Process for Forming Polymer-in-Polymer Mi
wherein particles in the mixture consist primarily of crodispersions and Interpenetrating Networks', Chem.
single types of plastics, as might result when a variety of Eng. Commun., 66, 29-55 (1988).
plastic packaging materials are mixed together and U.S. Pat. No. 4,031,039 to Mizumoto, et al. discloses
coarsely ground. Although not confined to such 25 a method for treating waste high-polymer mixtures
streams, an important application of the invention is to where polystyrene (PS) is dissolved in cold xylene then
the commingled, post-consumer plastics that result dissolved mixed polyolefins are dissolved in hot xylene.
when plastics are separated from ordinary household A separate polar solvent is subsequently used to dis
trash. Such plastic mixtures may also include minor solve PVC. This constitutes a two-way separation with
amounts of paper, metals, glass and other substances. 30 one solvent and a three-way separation with two sol
The mixture may also contain particles consisting of vents. Thus, Mizumoto, et al. does not disclose the
more than one kind of plastic, as for example when possibility of dissolving three polymers at separate tem
multiwall films or bottles are the source of the plastic peratures using a single solvent.
particles. Such composite materials, including impact A need remains for a comprehensive scheme for sepa
modified plastics, may also be treated by the present 35 rating a wide variety of commercial synthetic materials
invention. in an economic fashion to solve the ever increasing solid
individual plastics have long been reclaimed as part waste disposal problem.
of pre-consumer manufacturing operations. Commin SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION
gled plastics, in particular those in household waste, The same thermodynamic differences which reduce
have more commonly been land-filled or burned. The 40 the strength of products made from commingled plas
typical household waste is substantially composed of tics, provide an opportunity for separation by selective
the following plastics: polyvinyl chloride (PVC), poly dissolution according to the present invention.
styrene (PS), low density polyethylene (LDPE), high It is well known that polymers have different solubil
density polyethylene (HDPE), polypropylene (PP) and 45 ity characteristics, and extensive lists of solvents for
polyethylene terephthalate (PET). Some technology, particular polymers have been developed. Great em
primarily of European origin, extrudes commingled phasis has been placed on finding solvents which will
plastics into low-value articles, such as wood substi dissolve particular polymers at room temperature and
tutes. The various techniques for directly utilizing com atmospheric pressure. Less well known is the fact that
mingled plastics reclaim at best a small portion of the 50 many chemical compounds which are non-solvents for
value of the original component plastics. Typically, the a particular polymer at room temperature and atmo
value as a fuel or as a wood-substitute will be less than spheric pressure become good solvents at sufficiently
ten percent of the value of the original plastics. high temperatures and pressures.
Incentive thus exists to separate a commingled plastics One novel aspect of this invention is the selective
stream into its component polymers. 55 dissolution of individual polymeric species from a com
Commercial and semi-commercial recycling schemes mingled mixture by using a number of solvents which is
have typically resorted to manual sorting of containers small compared to the number of polymeric compo
prior to a grinding step and further separation tech nents. This can be accomplished by contacting the com
niques such as flotation and hydrocycloning. This has mingled mixtures with the solvent at one temperature
been successfully applied to certain well-defined recy and pressure to dissolve one or more components, re
cle streams such as returned, soft-drink bottles. Prob moving the solvent together with the dissolved poly
lems remain, however, even when these streams are mer, contacting the remaining plastics mixture with
separated from metals, paper, and other wastes. The fresh solvent at a higher temperature and pressure, dis
major difficultly is that the plastics themselves are mix solving additional polymeric components, and so on.
tures. This problem is of an increasing complexity with 65 This procedure continues through a set of temperatures
the advent of multilayered containers. Separation tech and pressures until a maximum temperature and pres
niques have been even less successful for the complex sure is reached. Remaining at this point will be residual
mixtures typical of general post-consumer trash, and are insolubles such as glass, metals, cellulosics and possibly
3 4.
some polymers which remained insoluble even at the about 10% by weight is required to microdisperse
highest dissolution temperatures. minor amounts of PS in PVC or vice versa.
The dissolution process of the present invention is Suppose now that the relative PS and PVC concen
subject to a number of constraints and limitations which trations are inside the 9 to 1 range, (e.g., 70% PS and
are not apparent in view of the simplicity of the process. s 30% PVC). Then, a microdispersion of the minor com
The temperature and pressure at dissolution conditions ponent (e.g., the PVC) in the major component (e.g.,
are constrained by the vapor-liquid behavior of the pure the PS) might not be possible according to the teaching
solvent for example. The dissolved polymer concentra of U.S. Pat. No. 4,594,371 and the directly recovered
tions in the process are maintained at less than about mixture would be expected to have poor physical prop
20% by weight. This means that the polymer will have 10 erties. Several avenues exist to overcome this problem.
little effect on the vapor-liquid equilibrium behavior of One possibility which, however, has not been estab
the solvent. At a fixed temperature therefore, the mini lished by actual experiment, would be to refrigerate the
mum pressure at dissolution conditions is the vapor THF in the hope that a temperature could be found for
pressure of the solvent. Higher pressures are possible dissolving one polymer and not the other. A second
through the addition of other gases but they offer no 15 possibility is to use another solvent. For example, meth
special advantages except coincidently for atmospheric ylene chloride will dissolve PS at room temperature but
dissolutions using solvents with a vapor pressure that is not PVC. A third possibility, likely to be the best from
less than atmospheric pressure. an economic viewpoint, is to co-dissolve the PS and
The normal temperature range suitable for the disso PVC under conditions that lead to two liquid phases. It
lution step is from room temperature to about 250' C. A has been found that two liquid phases result whenever
refrigerated solvent could allow separation of two poly the total polymer concentration is greater than about
mers which are both soluble at room temperature. 10% by weight and the relative ratio of PS and PVC is
Given the variety of process options that exist for the less than about 9 to 1 and also less than about 1 to 9. It
invention, however, this possibility has not yet been has further been found that the resulting phases have
explored. The upper temperature limit is the tempera 25 sufficient density differences so that separation by de
ture at which the most difficult to dissolve polymers cantation or liquid centrifugation is readily possible.
begin to degrade. Degradation becomes significant for The above example of optimal polymer concentra
most polymers at about 250' C. If a thermally sensitive tions was specific to the case of PS and PVC dissolved
polymer such as polyvinylchloride is the last to dis in THF. However, the general behavior, including the
solve, the upper temperature limit will be considerably 30 concentration and relative ratios given above, is ap
reduced. There is no method for reliably predicting proximately true for many pairs of polymers dissolved
incipient polymer solubilities in a given solvent. Solubil in a common solvent. Thus the guidelines for choosing
ity must be measured experimentally for each polymer polymer concentrations in the selective dissolution pro
of interest. cess are as follows:
The usual lower limit for pressure is one atmosphere. 35 1. If a single polymer is dissolved at a given tempera
Subatmospheric pressures could be used with low vola ture, the range of polymer concentrations is from
tility solvents. The high pressure limit will normally be about 5% to about 20% by weight.
imposed by equipment limitations, but for low volatility 2. If two or more polymers are co-dissolved at a
solvents, could be imposed by the degradation tempera given temperature, there are two subranges, the
ture of the polymer. Dissolution at supercritical condi choice between them depending on the intent of
tions is possible. the process.
The normal operating range for the weight percent 2a. If the intent is to microdisperse minor compo
polymer in the solution is from about 5% to about 20%. nents, the range will be from about 5% to about
The overall range is the result of an economic trade-off. 10%. However, the overriding criterion is that
Low concentrations mean low solution viscosities and 45 the solution be single phase.
fast dissolution times but relatively high recovery costs. 2b. If the intent is to form two liquid phases for
Additional constraints may exist for particular applica subsequent separation, the range will be from
tions. As one example, if tetrahydrofuran (THF) is used about 10% to about 20%. The overriding crite
to dissolve a mixture containing polystyrene (PS) and rion is now that the solution forms two liquid
polyvinylchloride (PVC) which both dissolve at room 50 phases.
temperature, and other polymers which dissolve at Limits exist on the concentrations of a polymer
elevated temperatures, then the first dissolution fraction within a commingled mixture for which it is feasible to
will contain both PS and PVC in solution. If this liquid separate that polymer by selective dissolution. A lower
fraction is recovered directly, then a mixture or PS and limit on the polymer concentration in the commingled
PVC will result. Such a mixture would have little value 55 mass is imposed by the difficultly of contacting the
unless one of the components was in substantial excess, entire mass with solvent and then removing most of the
say greater than 90% PS or greater than 90% PVC. resulting solution while still maintaining a minimum
Then the minor component could be microdispersed polymer concentration in the solvent of 5% by weight.
and rendered relatively innocuous by following the This lower limit is about 5% of the total mass of com
teachings of U.S. Pat. No. 4,594,371 and by practicing mingled plastics still remaining at the given stage of
the process of compositional quenching. This process dissolution. For those components which dissolved at
requires a single phase solution before solvent removal room temperature, this means a minimum content in the
by flash devolatilization. Single phase solutions of PVC starting mixture of about 5% by weight. For a compo
and PS generally require polymer concentrations less nent that dissolves at or near the end of the temperature
than about 5% by weight when the two polymers are in 65 sequence, the minimum content in the starting mixture
a 1 to 1 ratio and less than about 10% when the two can be well less than 5% since the relative content of
polymers are in a 9 to 1 or 1 to 9 ratio. Thus, for this this component increases as the other components are
example, a total polymer concentration of less than dissolved.
5 6
Accordingly, an object of the present invention is to tion on this scale due to its ease of fabrication. A gear
provide a method which is capable of separating a plu pump 34 is used to circulate solvent, typically 20 liters,
rality of generally incompatible polymers, from a physi from a reservoir 36 through a heat exchanger 38 and the
cally commingled solid mixture of the polymers. dissolution column 32. Selective dissolution is per
Another object of the present invention is to provide formed in a sequential batch mode.
an economically feasible technique for recycling com A unique temperature for a given solvent is set in heat
mingled polymer mixtures, such as those found in exchanger 38 and is used to selectively extract a single
household waste. polymer group from the commingled stream at 40. The
A still further object of the present invention is to polymer obtained from a single extraction is isolated via
provide a method for separating polymers from a physi 10 flash devolatilization in a flash chamber 48 as will be
cally commingled solid mixture containing a plurality of explained in detail below. The recovered polymer is
polymers, by selective dissolution using one or more pelletized, while the recovered solvent is returned to
solvents at different temperatures for selectively dis the reservoir 36 to extract the next polymer group at a
solving single or paired polymers from the mixture. higher temperature.
A further object of the present invention is to subse 15 It is this series of controlled temperature-solvent ex
quently separate the paired polymers from single phase tractions which facilitates the separation of individual
solutions containing the polymers using a flash evapora polymers or polymer pairs from a commingled waste
tion or compositional quenching technique. stream.
The various features of novelty which characterize The equipment used for the compositional quenching
the invention are pointed out with particularity in the 20 or flash evaporation step according to the present in
claims annexed to and forming a part of this disclosure. vention is schematically shown at the right in FIG. 2.
For a better understanding of the invention, its operat The single phase polymer solution 40 from reservoir 36
ing advantages and specific objects attained by its uses, is first metered by a positive displacement pump 42
reference is made to the accompanying drawings and through a second heat exchanger 44 in order to accept
descriptive matter in which the preferred embodiments 25 heat which will ultimately be used to vaporize the sol
of the invention are illustrated. vent. The polymer solution is typically heated to 200' to
400° C. This temperature is one of the independent
variables that govern the devolatilization step. In order
In the drawings: to prevent the solvent in the solution from boiling
FIG. 1 is a flow diagram illustrating a polymer recla 30 within the heat exchanger 44 and in the connecting lines
mation process including the present invention; and before it reaches a flash chamber 48, the heated solution
FIG. 2 is a schematic illustration of apparatus used to is kept under relatively high pressure, typical from 10 to
practice the present invention. 40 atm. This heated, pressurized solution is then flashed
across a flash valve 50 into an evacuated chamber 52 in
DESCRIPTION OF THE PREFERRED 35 flash chamber 48. Most of the solvent rapidly vaporizes
EMBODIMENTS and exits through the top 54 of the flash chamber 48,
FIG. 1 is a flow diagram of the polymer reclamation leaving behind a single polymer or a two phase polymer
process of the present invention. A mixed waste stream blend at 46. The solvent vapors are then supplied to and
of plastics 10 is collected for example using known condensed in a condenser 58 by a blower 60, collected
techniques. The stream is subjected to shredding in a in a collection tank 62, and recycled. The polymer
shredder 12 of known design. The commingled poly blend 46 is collected at the bottom of the flash chamber
mers 14 thus formed are then separated using a con 48 for further processing.
trolled sequence of solvents and solvation temperatures If there is a two phase polymer blend at 46, phase
according to the present invention at 16. Dissolution is separation occurs when the solvent is rapidly removed
fast at the low polymer concentrations used in the pro 45 by flash devolatilization. The devolatilization step is fast
cess. At these low concentrations, viscosity is low mak and it plunges the residual, polymer/polymer/solvent
ing filtration feasible. The filtration step 18 is used to mixture deep into a region of two phases. Phase separa
remove insoluble contaminates such as metals, glass, tion occurs by spinodal decomposition and generates a
cellulose and some pigments. Since the polymers are in microdispersion with a characteristic and small phase
solution this affords an opportune time to add stabilizers 50 separation distance. If one of the phase volumes is small,
and impact modifiers 22 in a blending step 20. Once a uniformly sized dispersion will result.
separated, flash devolatilization combined with conven The low solids flash devolatilization of FIG. 2 is a
tional devolatilization techniques 24 are used to pro relatively simple process which is readily scalable. The
duce solvent free polymers. Flash devolatilization and dissolution step at the left is typically batch, but the
compositional quenching will also microdisperse minor 55 flash devolatilization process at the right is continuous
components and impurities rendering them innocuous. thereafter. The flash chamber pressure, typically 5-100
When selective dissolution is used in conjunction with torr, is the other independent variable that governs
flash devolatilization and compositional quenching, the devolatilization along with temperature. Together tem
resulting polymers are pelletized at 26 and exhibit near perature and pressure determine the polymer concen
first pass physical properties for marketing 28. The tration after the flash, typically 50–95%, and the after
solvent is recycled at 30 to alleviate both economical flash temperature, typically 0-100° C. To a first ap
and environmental concerns of a solvent based process. proximation, the flash achieves vapor-liquid equilib
FIG. 2 illustrates an example of a bench scale dissolu .
tion apparatus for the present invention. Commingled The following examples of selective dissolution pro
plastic waste e.g. at 14 in FIG. 1, typically 25 kg, is 65 cesses have been devised in reference to typical compo
placed in the dissolution column 32 with screen packs at sitions of U.S. post-consumer packaging materials and
both ends. A stirred vessel would be preferred in a using the apparatus of FIG. 2. The plastics portion of
larger scale system but a column is a suitable substitu such waste is distributed between six major polymers:
PS, PVC, polypropylene (PP), low density polyethyl No. 4,594,371 may be followed to obtain a microdisper
ene (LDPE), high density polyethylene (HDPE), and sion or in U.S. Pat. No. 4,666,961 to obtain a cocontinu
polyethylene terephthalate (PET). Tetrahydrofuran ous network. Even when the starting solution contains
(THF) was selected first as a trial solvent due to the vast only one polymer, the same flash conditions will gener
data base accumulated in prior compositional quench 5 ally be suitable.
ing work The commingled polymer sample was pre In treating commingled mixtures containing the
pared using equal volumes of virgin polymers from the major packaging polymers (PS, PVC, PP, LDPE,
major packaging groups: PVC, PS, PP, LDPE, HDPE, HDPE, PET), some special process features may be
and PET. For this disclosure, the PE family is defined advantageous. The PS so recovered will be of the un
to include LDPE, LLDPE and HDPE. 10 modified or general purpose variety normally used for
EXAMPLE 1 food-contact applications. Such use is conjectural for
the recycled polymer. An alternative is to add dissolved
THF Based rubber (including block copolymers of rubber and PS)
Codissolve PS and PVC at room temperature and to the solution and then to produce impact or rubber
subsequently separate by decantation. Two liquid pha 15 modified polystyrene following the teaching of U.S.
ses exist at 10% total dissolved polymer provided the Pat. No. 4,594,371. In this application, the addition of
relative PS concentration is in the range of about 10% some styrene monomer may be advantageous to par
to about 90%. tially crosslink the rubber phase. Impact modification of
Dissolve LOPE at 65' C. the PVC, PP and PET fractions can be achieved simi
Codissolve HDPE and PP at 160" C. Recover these 20 larly. For the case of PP, dissolution conditions can be
products simultaneous as an intimate mixture. arranged to allow some codissolution of polyethylene
Dissolve PET at 190' C. which will serve as an impact modifier directly.
The maximum pressure achieved in this process was Commingled plastic mixtures may contain a great
approximately 17 atm. variety of polyolefins including LDPE, HDPE, PP,
25 plus copolymers of ethylene, propylene, and higher
EXAMPLE 2 olefins. In particular, they may contain linear, low den
Xylene Based sity polyethylene (LLDPE) made by the low pressure
Dissolve PS at room temperature. process. Completely clean splits of all components can
Dissolve LDPE at 75 C. not be expected, but good resolution is sometimes possi
30 ble even between LDPE, LLDPE and HDPE. The
Dissolve LLDPE at 85 C. four fractions in Example 2 (xylene) may still be taken.
Dissolve HOPE at 105 C. Alternatively, it may be desirable to codissolve all the
Dissolve PP at 118 C. polyolefins. This can be accomplished by using the
Dissolve PVC at 138 C. highest temperature for the polyolefin fractions without
Recover PET as undissolved residue. (This fraction 35 dissolution at intermediate temperatures.
can be purified by a separation dissolution step, e.g., by
using THF at 190° C). EXAMPLE 4
The maximum pressure achieved in this process was THF Based, 3 Cut Process
1 atm, excluding the separate PET dissolution step.
Codissolve PS and PVC at room temperature as in
Example 1.
Toluene Based Codissolve all polyolefins at 160" C.
Dissolve PET at 90° C.
Dissolve PS at room temperature.
Dissolve LDPE at 50 C. EXAMPLE 5
Dissolve LLDPE at 90 C. 45
Codissolve HDPE and PP at 105 C. Recover these Xylene Based, 4 Cut Process
products simultaneously as an intimate mixture. Dissolve PS at room temperature.
Recover PVC and PET as undissolved residue. (Sev Dissolve all polyolefins at 118' C.
eral options exist to separate this fraction. The toluene Dissolve PVC at 138 C.
based process could be extended to pressures above 1 50 Recover PET as in Example 2.
atm to dissolve the PVC. A second solvent could also In all the above examples, the dissolution tempera
be used). tures represent nominal lower limits for the indicated
The maximum pressure achieved in this process was cut. The upper limit is the next highest temperature in
1 atm. the sequence. For example, the PS dissolution in Exam
The above processes were validated experimentally 55 ple 5 could be conducted at temperatures up to about
using mixed pellets of pure commercial polymers. Dis 118' C. Use of higher than minimum temperatures may
solution efficiency measurements showed approxi be advantageous to decrease dissolution times or to
mately 100% selectivity during each of the dissolution improve drainage of the solution from the residual mass.
steps. In this sense, all the room temperature dissolution steps
Once in solution at concentrations from about 5% to are done at temperatures higher than the theoretical
about 20% by weight, the polymer can be recovered by minimum.
any conventional means, For example, steam stripping Some packaging materials are multilayer coextru
or coaqulation with a non-solvent (e.g., methanol) can sions or other forms of physical blend containing two or
be used to recover substantially pure polymer. The more different polymers. The selective dissolution pro
preferred embodiment of this invention is to use flash 65 cess described herein will clearly work for bilayer nate
devolatilization for at least the first step in the recovery rials since both polymers will be in contact with the
process. When flash conditions are adjusted to give solvent. Surprisingly, it will also work on multicompo
about 50% polymer after the flash, the art in U.S. Pat. nent materials when an inner-layer or dispersed phase
5,278,282 10
would normally dissolve at a lower temperature than Preliminary economic study shows that application
the outer material, that is the sequence is "wrong". of this invention on a scale of 50MM pounds per year
It has been unexpectedly found that multilayer films can be accomplished for less than 15 cents per pound.
delaminate in the presence of a solvent so that a conven Table 2 graphically illustrates the solvents and poly
tional dissolution sequence can still work even when the mers separated in Examples 1-5 in Table form. A per
order of layers is "wrong'. This will be discussed in son or ordinary skill in this field can follow any path
greater detail later. way from polymer to polymer, from solvent to solvent
The need to control the polymer solution concentra and from temperature to temperature, to selectively
tion implies a need to know the relative polymer separate a variety of polymers using one or more sol
amounts in the original commingled mass. The relative O vents and the information in the Table.
amounts can be determined using selective dissolution TABLE 2
as an assay method. Sovent Toluene Xylene
15 200 C.
Assay Method for Commingled Packaging Resins 80 C. PET
160 C. PP/HDPE
Dissolve with methylene chloride at room tempera 140 C. PVC
ture. Report results as "PS'. 120 C. PP
Dissolve with THF at room temperature. Report 100 C.
80 C.
results as "PVC'. 20 60 C. LOPE LOPE
Dissolve with xylene at 75 C. Report results as 40' C, LDPE
“LDPE'. Room Temp PS/PVC PS PS
Dissolve with xylene at 85° C. Report results as
LLDPE'. Further experimentation has proven the wide spread
Dissolve with xylene at 105 C. Report results as 25
applicability of the invention to a broad category of
Dissolve with xylene at 118' C. Report results as polymers and a broad category of solvents.
According to the invention, several key polymers
Dissolve with ethylene glycol at 180° C. Report as have been dissolved in various solvents. Three poly
“PET'. 30 mers can be dissolved in a single solvent, for example,
The dissolution time for each of the above cuts is by using different temperatures of the solvent for dis
approximately one hour when using standard pellets. It solving the different polymers. The following addi
can be shorter if the material to be assayed is finely tional examples are available:
ground. The above assay method might also be prac TABLE 3
ticed as a recycling process. However, it is unlikely to 35 Polymers Solvent
be economical due to the large number of solvents. PSAPVC/PET N,N Dimethyl Acetamide
Table 1 shows dissolution temperatures for the vari PS/PVC/PET
1-Methyl 2-Pyrolidinone
ous polymers and solvents of Examples 1 to 5. LDPE/PVC/HDPE Cyclohexane
The present invention is seen as being one of the key LDPE/PP/HoPE Cyclohexane
answers to polymer reclamation. Using THF for exam PSALDPEAPP Any Acetate
ple, the invention demonstrates a four way split of the PS/LDPE/HDPE PA
six major packaging plastics. Preliminary indications PSALOPE/PVC

are that solvents exist to separate cleanly all six major LDPE/PVC/HoPE
plastic groups with greater than 99% separation effi 45 PSAHDPE/PP 2-(2-Butoxyethoxy) Ethanol
ciencies compositional quenching will microdisperse PS/PVC/PET f
the minor components and render them innocuous. It is LDPE/HDPEAPP
considered that a split which contains the PP and PSALDPE/HDPE Chlorobenzene
HDPE will exhibit good physical properties. PSADPE/PP Cunene
For a PVC and PS split, if THF is used as the dissolu LDPE/PP/HDPE
tion solvent, a second solvent, e.g. methylene chloride, 50 PSALDPE/PP
Diethyl Maleate
can even be used to extract the PS prior to the room PS/PVC/PET Tetralinic
temperature THF extraction for example. LOPE/HDPEMPP t
The invention is capable of yielding slightly contami PS/LDPE/HDPE
nated polymers which have near virgin polymer prop 55 LDPE/HDPE/PP
erties for re-use and re-sale. LDPE/HDPE/PVC 70%. Cyclohexanol, 30% Xylene
Polymers THF Touene Xylene HDPEMPVC/PET t
PVC RT NS 38 LOPE/HDPEAPP 50%. Cyclohexanol, 50% Xylene
PP 160 05 118 dPE/HDPEAPET f
HDPE 160 105 105 HDPE/PVC/PET t
O RT = room temperature
8 NS = not soluble
e is "C. These examples explicitly include the use of a solvent
mixture as the single solvent. Temperature for dis
5,278,282 12
solving each polymer for each solvent can be found
without undue experimentation but more detailed exam Polypro- Maleated EVOH Maleated Polypro
ples are given later. pylene Polypro Polypro- pylene
Many more examples of the three way split using a pylene pylene
single pure or mixed solvent can be produced by the 5 Tie Layer Tie Layer
person of ordinary skill in this field after reading this
disclosure. In preliminary experiments using pellets of three pol
The separability of LDPE and HDPE appears to ymers, it was established that they could be separated
depend on differences in microcrystallinity. HDPE is a O with high efficiency by contacting the mixture with
strictly linear polymer with a high degree of crystallin xylene at 100' to dissolve the polypropylene followed
ity. LDPE is predominantly linear but has occasional by xylene at 125' to dissolve the tie layer. The EVOH
branch points which lower the degree of crystallinity. (ethylene-vinyl-alcohol copolymer) was insoluble in
Both are so-called high polymers. It appears that the xylene at 125 C. but dissolved in N-methylpyrrolidi
separability of LDPE from HDPE depends more on the 15 none (NMP) at 83' C. The polypropylene
rate of dissolution than on the ultimate equilibrium solu were found to be insoluble in NMP at 90'and C.
tie layer
The foll
bility. HDPE may well dissolve in xylene at 75" C. but, lowing separation efficiencies were measured:
if it does, it does so at a rate orders of magnitude slower
than the rate of dissolution of LDPE. TABLE 4
In general, thus, the invention teaches that a single 20 Dissolution Percent
solvent or a small number of solvents can separate a Polymer Solvent Temperature, "C. Time, Min Recovery
comparatively large number of polymers by contacting PP Xylene 10 80 99.2
the mixed polymers with solvent at temperatures in an Tie Xylene 125 120 96.7
increasing sequence, TCT2 <T3. . . . A number of EVOH NMP 83 20 99.7
examples have been given in which polymer 1 dissolves 25
at a temperature T1, polymer 2 dissolves at temperature For mixed pellets where the individual polymers all
T2, and so on. Although occasional counterexamples contact the solvent, high separation efficiencies would
are found, the usual situation is for solubility to increase also be expected if the mixture were first contacted with
with temperature. Thus solvent at temperature T2 NMP at 83' C. followed by xylene at 110' C. and 125'
would codissolve polymers 1 and 2 if they were both 30 C. However, this sequence
present in the mixture; solvent at temperature T3 would for the multilayer film since was EVOH
not expected to work
was an inner layer.
codissolve polymers 1, 2, and 3; and so on. The method of the invention did work, however, to
In the foregoing examples, the various polymers to be
separated were present in the mixture as individual separate the polymers, in a totally unexpected way.
particles. Thus all the different polymers were in 35 Experiments with the multilayer film of total thick
contact with the solvent at temperature T1 but only ness 0.057 inches gave the follows results:
polymer 1 dissolved and was subsequently removed. TABLE 5
All the remaining polymers were in contact at tempera Temperature, Dissolution Wt, Fraction of
ture T2, but only polymer 2 dissolved and was subse Polymer Solvent C. Time, min Finn Dissolved
quently removed. - 1 cm Particles, Normal Dissolution Sequence
A further aspect of the present invention can treat PP Xylene 110 80 .918
multilayer coextrusions. Tie Xylene 125 120 .049
In a multilayer structure, when the inner polymer, EVOH NMP 83 120 ,033
which dissolves at temperature T1, is well shielded from 45 PP
.01 cm Particles, Normal Dissolution Sequence
solvent by an outer polymer which dissolves only at Tie
temperature T2>T1, it was thought that no dissolution EVOH NMP 83 20 .031
will occur in such a system until temperature T2, at 1 cm Particles, Reverse Dissolution Sequence
which point the polymers codissolve. However, it has EVOH NMP 83 150 .036
been discovered that for thin layers typical of coex 50 PP Xylene 10 80 .99
truded packaging films, the inner layers are not well Tie Xylene 125 120 04.5
shielded from the solvent, and selective dissolution can
occur even when the ordering of the individual poly These results are identical within the accuracy of the
mers is incorrect based on the criterion that the outer
most layers must dissolve at the lowest temperatures. It experiments. They show weight fractions of the three
appears that diffusion of solvent through the undis 55 polymers that are in good agreement with the believed
solved outer layers causes delamination at the internal, structure of the film.
polymer-to-polymer interfaces, thus exposed the entire EXAMPLE 8
structure to solvent. Delamination has also been ob
served at polymer-metal interfaces. Regardless of Multilayer Film
mechanism, the surprising fact is that out-of-sequence A packaging film thickness 0.089 inches had the fol
selective dissolution is possible with typical multilayer lowing structure:
packaging films.
EXAMPLE 7 Nylon 6 Tie EVOH EVA Surlyn (R)
Multilayer Film
A packaging film of thickness 0.057 inches had the This was separated into individual components in the
following structure: following sequence.
13 14
Polymer Solvent Temperature Time Weight Fraction of Film
Tie Tetrahydrofuran 63 60 166
EVA Toluene 72 90 234
Suryin (3) Toluene + n-Butanol 85 90 .34
EVOH NMP 80 20 26S
Nylon 6 NMP + LiCl 83 90 021

Thus, even when the film was first exposed to a sol Nylon 66-adipic acid-hexanethylene diamine co
vent condition (that is a selected solvent at a selected polymer (Nylon 6 and Nylon 66 are terms of art).
temperature) to which the inner layer was soluble, but Noryl (R)-is a registered trademark for a blend of
not the outer layer, separation still took place. polyphenylene oxide and rubber modified polysty
Returning now to the more general form of the in ree.
vention, additional and more detailed examples of the 15 Table 7 shows that many additional examples are
invention are as follows: possible among the basic six polymers: LDPE, HDPE,
Solvent Cut 1 Cut 2 Cut 3
N,N Dimethyl Acetamide PS/40/1 hr. PVC/70/1 hr. PET/160/
PS/40/1 hr PVC/70/1 hr Nylon 6/205/1 hr
PVC/70/1 hr PET/160/ Nylon 6/205/1 hr
NMP PS/40/1 hr. PVC/90/1.5 hr PET/160/1 hr.
Cyclohexanol LoPE/100/2 hr. PP/125/1 hr HPE/61/
LDPEM100/2 hr PVC/140/1 hr PET/200/1 hr.
Cyclohexanone SMA/25/2 hr. PVC/20/fast SAN/150/0.5 hr
SMAA25/2 hr. LidPE/100/1 hr. PC/145"/0.5 hr
PS/40/1 hr HDPE/30/1 hr SAN/150/0.5 hr
Cyclohexane PS/30/1.5 hr LdPE/602.5 hr HDPE/81/0.5 hr
Amyl Acetate PS/20/2 hr. LOPE/85/1 hr PP/125/1 hr
SMAA25/1.5 hr LdPE/85/1 hr HDPE/130/2 hr
SMA/25/1.5 hr LDPE/85/1 hr. PVC/15/1 hr.
SMAA25/1.5 hr LDPE/85/1 hr HoPA130/2 hr
LOPE/85/1 ht PVC/15/1 hr HoPE/30/2 hr
2-(2-Butoxyethoxy) Ethanol PS/60/2hr HDPE/140/1 hr. PP/160/1.5 hr
PS/60/2 hr. PVC/150/1 hr. PETA23/3 hr
LOPE/140A1 hir PP/60/1.5 hr PET/23/3 hrs
Chlorobenzene PSA25A1 hir LDPE/70/1 hr HDPE/100/1.5 hr
Cunene PS/40A1.5 hr LDPE/80/0.5 hr PP/90/hr
LDPE80/0.25 hr PP.90/hr HDPE/10/1 hr
Decalin PS/70/ LDPE/100/1 hr. PP/125/2 hr
Diethyl Maleate LDPEA130/2 hr PVC/150/2hr PET/223/3 hr
12 Dichlorobenzene. SMA/25/1 hr SAN/20/1 hr PC/150/1 hr.
SMA/25/1 hr. LDPE/80/1 hr. SAN/120/1 hr
PS/30/hr PP/20/1.5 hr PC/150/1 hr.
SMA/25/1 hr. SAN/20/1 hr PVC/140/1.5 hr
SMA/25/1 hr LDPE/80/1 hr PP/120/1.5 hr
Tetralin PS/50/1.5 hr PVC/65/1 hr PC/70/1 hr.
LoPEA85/1 hr HDPE/120/1.5 hr PP/140/0.5 hr
SMA/45/0.75 hr PC/170/hr SAN/80/2.5 hr
LOPE/85/r HDPE/20/15 hr SMA/150/1 ht
LEdPE/85/0.75 hr LLOPE/100/1 hr HoPE/20/1.5 hr
Tetrahydrofuran PMMA/45/1 hr. LDPE/67/0.5 hr PET/190/1 hr.
PVC/30/hr LDPE/67/1 hr PP/30/1 hr.
2-Undercanone PS/50/1.75 hr LDPE/90/hr HDPE/125/1 hr.
LDPE/90/ PP/130/1 hr PET/23/1 hr.
50% Cyclohexanol LDPE/70/1 hr. PVC/120/hr PET/200/1 hr.
- 50% Xylene LDPEA70/1 hr. PP/20/1 hr. PET/200/hr
70% Cyclohexanol LDPE/85/1 hr HEdPE/120/1 hr. PVC/140/1.5 hr
- 15%. Xylene
50%. 4-Methyl-2-Pentane PS/33/1 hr LDPE/78/1.3 ht PP/12/1 hr.
-50% Xylene
Xylene LDPEA60/hr LLDPE/85/1 hr HDPE/105/1 hr
,2-dichlorobenzene Noryl (R) 25"/2 hr SAN 105/.5 hr PC 50/1 hr.
Tetrahydrofuran Noryl (R25"/1.25 hr LDPE 67/1 hr. PET 190/1 hr
Toluene Noryl (R) 25/1 hr EVA 7.5/0.75 hr LLPE 99/1 hr.
Xylene Noryl (E) 25/2.5 hr EVA 75/2 hr PP130/0.5 hr

PP, PS, PVC, PET. Table 7 is more complete than

In the foregoing and following, some of the nomen Table 3. It also adds the observed dissolution tempera
clature has the following meaning: tures and times. The dissolution times are sensitive to
EVA-ethylene-vinyl acetate copolymer; 65 the size and shape of the polymers. The results shown in
Surlyn-a trademark for ethylene-methacrylic acid Table 7 are sufficient for cylindrical pellets which are
ionomer; approximately 3 mm in diameter and 3 mm long.
Nylon 6-polycaprolactam; Shorter times can be expected if the starting material is
5,278,282 16
finely ground. The tabulated dissolution temperatures the first temperature but soluble in the selected
represent actual experimental conditions and not the solvent at higher temperatures;
minimum possible temperature to obtain dissolution, separating the first solution from the first remaining
albeit at longer times. In these various examples, some solid component;
dissolution of polymers to be taken in a subsequent cut 5 separating the at least one first polymer from the
may occur in an earlier cut; but if it does, the rate is too selected solvent of the first solution;
low to be readily observed within the time scale of the dissolving at least one second polymer from the first
experiments. Table 7 also adds some solvents and sol remaining solid component in the selected solvent
vent mixtures to the examples of Table 3. It also adds at a second temperature to form a second solution
several new polymers: SMA (styrene-maleic anhydride 10 and a second remaining solid component which
copolymer), SAN (styrene-acrylonitrile copolymer), contains at least one third polymer of the mixture
PC (polycarbonate), PMMA (polymethylmethacryl which is insoluble in the selected solvent at the
ate), Nylon 6, and LLDPE (linear low density polyeth second temperature but soluble in the selected sol
ylene). Altogether there are 12 polymers, 20 solvents or vent at a third higher temperature;
solvent mixtures, and 43 additional examples of three 15 separating the second solution from the second re
maining solid component;
way splits using a single solvent. Other examples, in
cluding other polymers, can be found by the person separating the at least one second polymer from the
having ordinary skill in this field. selected solvent of the second solution;
The hardware needed to practice the invention is dissolving at least one third polymer from the second
shown in FIG. 1. It is essentially unchanged for all 20 remaining solid component in the selected solvent
embodiments of the invention except possibly for the at the third higher temperature to form a third
first block 10. The out-of-sequence dissolution will in solution; and
deed occur if the packaging films are part of a mixed separating the at least one third polymer from the
waste stream. However, the invention could also be selected solvent of the third solution;
practiced when the packaging films have been segre- 25 each of the first, second and third solutions initially
gated. Then the material charged to the dissolution containing a solid concentration of polymer of
vessel could contain nothing but a specific packaging from 5% to about 20% by weight and at least two
film. of the first, second and third polymers being two
Absolute weight fractions of the various polymers in different members of the PE family.
the multilayer commercial films cannot be determined 30 2. A method according to claim 1, including dis
other than by the inventive selective dissolution tech solving at least two polymers in the solvent at a single
temperature simultaneously, one of the simultaneously
Another example given in Table 8 includes what the dissolved polymers being present at concentrations of
supplier of the film has indicated for the film, but there 35 less than about 10% by weight of the other one of the
is variability in the manufacturing process and the simultaneously dissolved polymers.
weights for a small sample are known only approxi 3. A method according to claim 1, wherein each of
mately. Thus they cannot be used to quantitatively the temperatures are in the range of 25-250 C., each of
determine the separation efficiency. Efficiency of the the solutions being maintained at a pressure of from
invention is high based on control runs using pellets of 1-20 atm.
the virgin polymers (Table 5). 40 4. A method according to claim 1, wherein the com
Dissolution Sequence:
Cut Observed Nominal
Number Solvent Temperature Polymer Weight % Weight %
1 Toiuene 70 EVA 2% 10%
2 Xylene 75 LDPE 37% 40%
3 Xylene 115 LLDPE 22% 20%
4 N,N Dimethyl 205 Nylon 6 8% 6%
Residual - Nylon 66 21% 24%

While specific embodiments of the invention have

been shown and described in detail to illustrate the
application of the principles of the invention, it will be 55 mingled solid mixture contains at least four polymers,
understood that the invention may be embodied other the method including dissolving at least one of the four
wise without departing from such principles. polymers which is not soluble in the selected solvent, in
What is claimed is: a second solvent to form a further solution and separat
1. A method for separating polymers from a physi ing the polymer which is not soluble in the selected
cally commingled solid mixture containing at least three solvent from the further solution.
polymers, which includes at least two different poly 5. A method according to claim 1, wherein the mix
mers which are members of the PE family, by selective ture contains at least one of PS, PVC, PET, PP, LDPE,
dissolution, comprising: HDPE, EVOH, EVA, Nylon 6, Nylon 66, SMA, SAN,
dissolving at least one first polymer of the mixture in a blend of polyphenylene oxide and rubber modified
a selected solvent at a first temperature to form a 65 polystyrene, PMMA, LLDPE, and PC.
first solution and a first remaining solid component 6. A method according to claim 5, wherein the se
which contains at least two polymers of the mix lected solvent is selected from the group consisting of
ture which are insoluble in the selected solvent at Tetrahydrofuran, Toluene, Xylene, N-methylpyrrolidi
17 18
none, n-Butanol, Cyclohexanol, N,N-Dimethyl Acet 9. A method according to claim 1, wherein the PE
amide, l-Methyl 2-Pyrrolidinone, Amyl Acetate, 2-(2- family includes LDPE, LLDPE and HDPE.
Butoxyethoxy) Ethanol, Chlorobenzene, Cyclohexane, 10. A method for separating PE from PP in a physi
Cunene, decahydronaphthalene, Diethyl Maleate, tet cally commingled solid mixture containing a plurality of
rahydronaphthalene, Cyclohexanone 1, 2-Dichloroben 5 polyolefins, by selective dissolution, comprising:
dissolving one of PE and PP in xylene at a first tem
Zene, 2-Undecanone, and mixtures thereof. perature to form a first solution and a remaining
7. A method according to claim 1, wherein the at solid component which contains the other of PE
least three polymers comprise at least three different and PP which is insoluble in xylene at the first
polyolefins, one of the polyolefins being in each of the 10 temperature but soluble in xylene at a second
first, second and third solutions respectively. higher temperature;
8. A method according to claim 1, wherein the mix separating the first solution from the remaining solid
ture contains PE and PP, the selected solvent being component;
xylene and dissolving the PE and PP at different tem separating the one of PE and PP from xylene of the
peratures, one of the PE and PP being included in one 15 first solution;
of the first, second and third solutions and the other of
dissolving the other of PE and PP from the remaining
solid component in xylene at the second tempera
PE and PP being included in another one of the first, ture to form a second solution; and
second and third solutions so that the xylene as the separating the other of PE and PP from xylene of the
single selected solvent can be utilized for separating PE 20 second solution.
s k k k
and PP from each other.








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