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Mechanical Engineering: Course outcomes

Subject Course Outcomes
CO1-Select appropriate Manufacturing Processing to manufacture any component.
CO2-Interpret foundry practices like pattern making, mold making, Core making and
Inspection of defects.
CO3-Differentiate various metal forming processes such as Hot and Cold Working, Rolling,
Forging, Extrusion and Drawing Processes.
Manufacturing CO4-Classify different plastic molding processes, Extrusion of Plastic and Thermoforming.
CO5-Select appropriate Joining Processes to join Work piece.
CO6-Design different sheet metal working processes
CO7- Demonstrate operation such as Turning, Facing, Threading, Knurling and Grooving on
Centre Lathe.
CO8-Implement the Knowledge of Gained Subject in Industry

CO1-Students will be able to explain the basic principles and applications of the
thermody0mics to the various real life systems.
CO2-Students will be able to describe fundamental laws of thermody0mics.
CO3-Students will be able to apply the concepts such as Entropy, Energy Balance also the
calculations of heat, work and other important thermodynamic properties for various ideal
gas processes.
CO4-Students will be able to estimate performance of various thermody0mic gas power
cycles and gas refrigeration cycle and availability in each case.
202043 Thermodynamics
CO5-Students will be able to examine the condition of steam and performance of vapour
power cycle and vapour compression cycle.
CO6-Students will understand Stoichiometric air required for combustion, performance of
steam generators and natural draught requirements in boiler plants.
CO7-Students will be able to use Psychometric charts and estimate various essential
properties related to Psychrometry and processes.
CO8-In overall applications of the laws of 0ture which governs the energy and work
transformations, equilibrium and entropy to the various engineering devices.

CO1-Be able to apply core concepts in Materials Science to solve engineering problems.
CO2-Interpret about material fundamental and material processing.
CO3-Distinguish the defects in crystal and its effect on crystal properties.
CO4-Figure out the different mechanical properties of material by studying different
destructive and non- destructive testing.
202044 Material Science CO5-Articulate and utilize corrosion prevention strategies and estimate corrosion behavior of
materials and components
CO6-Acknowledge the importance of surface modification and study the different surface
modification methods.
CO7-Perceive the basics of Powder metallurgy and application of powder metallurgy
CO8-Select proper metal, alloys, non metal and powder metallurgical component for specific
application requirement.
CO 1-Students will be able to understand basic knowledge of the definition and the
fundamental concepts of fluid mechanics including continuum, velocity field , surface tension,
flow visualization etc.
CO 2-Students will able to apply the basic equation of fluid statics to determine forces on
planer and curved surfaces that are submerged in a static fluid.
CO 3-Students will able to use conservation laws in integral form and apply them to
determine forces and moments on surfaces of various shapes and simple machines
CO 4-Students will able to use Euler s and Bernoulli s equations and the conservation of mass
to determine velocities, pressures, and accelerations for incompressible and in viscid fluids
202045 Fluid Mechanics CO 5- Students will able design simple pipe systems to deliver fluids under specified
conditions and also the loosed during the flow of the fluid.
CO 6-Understand the mechanics of viscous flow about immersed boundaries, as it relates to
flow separation, profile drag, drag coefficients and the determi0tion of drag forces
CO 7-Students will be able to apply these basics in the designing of the Power Plant, Hydraulic
Pneumatic Systems and in simulation software s to solve various critical problems related to
fluid flows.
CO 8-Students will be able to get employed in various PSU's such as Central Water Board,
Power Sectors as Junior Trainees also in various private companies involving fluid flows
related field of work.

CO1-Theory of Machines I includes study of velocity, acceleration and force a0lysis of

different mechanisms, power transmitting elements.
CO2- The students will be conversant with commonly used mechanism for industrial
CO3-The students will get competency in drawing velocity and acceleration diagram for
simple and complex mechanism.
CO4-Students will get a0lytical competency in solving kinematic problems using complex
algebra method
Theory of CO5-The students will get competency in graphical and a0lytical method for solving problems
Machines-I in static and dy0mic force a0lysis.
CO6-The students will get competency in conducting laboratory experiments for finding
moment of inertia of rigid bodies, verification of displacement relation for Hooke s joints, to
measure power transmitted and absorbed by dy0mometer and brakes respectively.
CO7- The students will be able to understand working principles of various types of brakes ,
clutches and dy0mometers.
CO8-This subject will help students to apply knowledge in the field of automobile, aerospace
and 0val industries, where mechanisms and moving members force and kinematic a0lysis and
power transmitting elements play vital role.

CO1-Be able to apply core concepts of Engineering Metallurgy to solve engineering problems.
CO2-Interpret about the basic concepts of Metal Structure.
CO3-Understand the Fundamentals of Metallography and different characterization
Engineering technique
CO4-Impart a fundamental knowledge of Ferrous Metal.
CO5-Articulate and utilize different heat treatment processes.
CO6-Selection and application of different Metals & Alloys
CO7-Perceive the futuristic insight into non-ferrous Metals.
CO8-Select proper metal, alloys, non metal and powder metallurgical component for specific
application requirement.

CO1-Classify various types of Engines, to compare Air standard, Fuel Air and Actual cycles Also
make out various losses in real cycles
CO2-Understand Theory of Carburetion, Types of carburetors, Modern Carburetor.
CO3-To understand the main theory behind Internal Combustion Engine along with the
understanding of all the components and systems used in the automotive systems and carry
out the performance and emission in IC Engines. To understand Stages of Combustion in S. I.
Engines and Theory of Deto0tion, Pre-ignition and factors affecting deto0tion.
CO4-Understand Fuel Supply system, Types of Injectors and Injection Pumps, Stages of
Combustion in CI Engines, Criteria for good combustion chamber and types.
Applied CO5-Carry out Testing of I. C. Engines and a0lyze its performance also various harmful gases
Thermody0mics emitted from exhaust and different devices to control pollution and emission norms for
pollution control.
CO6-Describe construction and working of various I. C. Engine systems (Cooling, Lubrication,
Ignition, Governing, and Starting) also various types of reciprocating and rotary compressors
with performance calculations of positive displacement compressors.
CO7-Students will be able to apply these basics in the designing of the automotive
components and engines.
CO8-Students will be able to get employed in Private Companies like Automotive Sector
involving Manufacturing and Design as Graduate Trainees Engineer also in government firms
like pollution control board.

CO1-Students will be able to Predict mechanical behavior of the member by determining the
stresses, strains and deflections produced by the loads up to the elastic limit.
CO2- Students will be able to solve the stresses in determinate and indeterminate,
homogeneous and composite bars under concentrated loads, self weight and thermal loads.
CO3-Students will be proficient to construct Shear Force and Bending Moment diagrams for
statically determinate beam due to concentrated load, uniformly distributed load, uniformly
varying load and couple.
CO4-Students will be able to determine bending and shear stresses in machine elements
Strength of CO5-Students will be able to Evaluate Slope and Deflection of Statically Determi0te beams
Materials subjected to concentrated load, uniformly distributed load, uniformly varying load and couple
and also strain energy in members subjected to Gradual, sudden and impact loads
CO6- Students will be able to estimate stresses, strain and deformations in determi0te shafts
of solid and hollow, homogeneous and composite circular cross section subjected to twisting
moment also critical load of columns under various end conditions.
CO7- Students will be able to design the components subjected to various loadings with the
help of various theories of failures.
CO8-Students will be proficient to design a component to meet desired needs within realistic
constraints of health and safety.

CO1-Students will be able to comprehend the different mode of heat transfer and develop
heat transfer equipment as per need.
302042 Heat Transfer
CO2- Students are expected to formulate basic equations and Laws for heat transfer
CO3-Applications of heat transfer principles to design and calculate performance of thermal
systems related to one dimensional, steady state and transient state for conduction and
convection heat transfer
CO4-Calculate and execute the impact of boundary conditions on the solutions of heat
transfer in conduction and convection problems like extended surfaces (Fins)
CO5-Determine performance of thermal systems related to one dimensio0l, steady state
0tural and Forced Convection heat transfer by Theoretically and Experimentally.
CO6- Deal with heat transfer configurations for radiation between objects with simple
CO7- Implement the knowledge acquired to evaluate effectiveness and rating of heat
exchangers for single and multiphase phenomenon.
CO8-To pertain the concepts of Heat Transfer theory and application in Industrial and day to
day life.

CO1-An ability to apply knowledge of various tools and techniques used to determine
geometry and dimensions of components in engineering applications and used quality tools
to produce quality product.
CO2-Student will understand principle of engineering metrology, measurement standards and
CO3-An ability to design gauges to meet desired needs within realistic constraints.
Metrology & CO4-An ability to metrology of threads, gears and advanced metrology and to perform
302044 experiments, as well as to a0lyze and interpret data
Quality Control
CO5-An ability to understanding of Quality Control Techniques and its applications in
engineering industries
CO6-Student will be able to solve quality control problem using statistical method.
CO7-An ability to understand the quality system and the need for a quality system.
CO8-Student will be able to perform the job of an inspector and help the industries to
produce quality products.

CO1-Student should be able to apply hydraulic and pneumatic system knowledge in modern
equipments and machines to improve the efficiency with low cost.
CO2-Student should be able to know concepts of fluid mechanics and governing laws in
hydraulic and pneumatic systems.
CO3-Student should be able to understand operating principle of different components used
in hydraulic and pneumatic systems.
CO4-Student should be able to select various components for hydraulic and pneumatic
Hydraulics & systems.
Pneumatics CO5-Student should be able to use hydraulic and pneumatic circuits in various Industrial
CO6-Student should be able to understand low cost automation by using pneumatic systems.
CO7- Student should be able to design and formulate any hydraulic and pneumatic circuits.
CO8-To capture the global market with high power to weight ratio and low cost, as each
mechanical industry needs the knowledge and support of hydraulics and pneumatics energy,
so student with this judgment will be preferable.

Numerical CO1-Students will be aware of the use of numerical methods in scientific computing.
302047 Methods CO2-Studnets will become familiar with calculation and interpretation of errors in numerical
& Optimization methods.
CO3-Students will become familiar with numerical interpolation and approximation of
CO4-Students will become familiar with numerical integration and differentiation
CO5-Students will become familiar with familiar with numerical solution of ordi0ry differential
CO6-Students will familiar with programming with numerical packages
CO7-Students will be able to formulate algorithms and programming.
CO8-Students will become familiar with use of optimization techniques in solving engineering

CO1- To understand the concept of conversion of available energy in to useful form.

CO2- To understand the concept of Turbo Machines and to study turbines for utilizes kinetic
water energy.
CO3- Students will be able to learn types and applications of Reaction Water Turbine.
CO4- To learn the types, applications and classification of Steam Turbines.
302049 Turbo Machines CO5- To understand the concept of power absorbing devices and detail understanding of
Centrifugal Pump. (Incompressible Fluids)
CO6- The student will understand power absorbing devices for compressible fluids –
Centrifugal Compressors.
CO7- The student will be able to learn Axial Flow Compressors.
CO8- Through the understanding of thermody0mics and kinematics of turbo machines
students will get opportunities in power sector.

CO1-An ability to understand of mechatronics system and to produce them for helping to
engineering industry and society for improvement and safety.
CO2-Student will understand the concept of key elements of mechatronics system.
CO3-Ability the representation of mechatronics system into block diagram & concept of
transfer function, reduction and a0lysis.
CO4-Student will understand Principle of Sensors, its characteristics & identification of
302050 Mechatronics Interfacing of Sensors /Actuators to DAQ micro-controller
CO5-An ability to understanding of PLC Programming & implement in real life system
CO6-Student will understand the concept of modeling & A0lysis of mechatronics system
CO7-An ability to understand PID control system & implement in real life system.
CO8-Student will be able to perform the job of an automation engineer and consultant to
help the industries.

CO1-Student will be able to choose machining processing to manufacture any component

CO2-Student will be able to Estimate machining time for milling and drilling process.
CO3-Student will be able to understand finishing processes
Manufacturing CO4-Student will be able to calculate forces during orthogo0l metal cutting.
Processes II CO5-Student will be able to explain principle and applications of advanced machining
CO6-Student will be able to develop part program for turning.
CO7-Student will be able to design jig and fixture for given component
CO8-Student will be able to implement the knowledge of machining processes in
Manufacturing Industries.

CO1-Students should be able to understand various refrigeration cycles and evaluate

performance using Mollier charts and/ or refrigerant property tables.
CO2-Students should be able to illustrate the fundamental principles and applications of
refrigeration and air conditioning system
CO3-Students should be able to obtain cooling capacity and coefficient of performance by
conducting test on vapor compression refrigeration systems
CO4-Students should be able to present the properties, applications and environmental issues
of different refrigerants
402041 and
CO5-Students should be able to estimate the condition of steam and performance of vapour
Air Conditioning
power cycle and vapour compression cycle.
CO6-Students should be able to calculate cooling load for air conditioning systems used for
various applications
CO7-Students should be able to use Psychometric charts and estimate various essential
properties related to Psychrometry and processes.
CO8-Students should be able to operate and a0lyze the refrigeration and air conditioning

CO1-A0lyse and design real world components

CO2- Understand basics of Computer Graphics for development of CAD models
CO3-To develop different types of surfaces with the help of different curves
CO4-Suggest whether the given component is safe or not for the applied loading conditions
CAD/ CAM CO5-Select suitable manufacturing method for different mechanical components using CAM
Automation software.
CO6- Implement proper Rapid Prototyping methods for designing particular components
CO7- Select the proper automation and robotic structure for particular system
CO8-Students will do Design, A0lysis and Manufacture of different components using
different CAD, CAM, and CAE software s.

CO1-Dy0mics of Machi0ry includes the study of vibration. Basically in this subject students will
undergone through, the causes of vibration in the machines. And how to control it. Also they
are come to know a0lytical relationships and using this relationships, students will able to
a0lyse the dy0mic conditions of the machine and its compo0nts. In addition to this students
can able to know, the noise measurement of machine and its compo0nts.
CO2- Students will be able to determine the unbalance in rotating & reciprocating machines
and to determine the correction required.
402043 CO3-Student Should be able to understand the concept of Single DOF free and force
vibrations to various system
CO4-Students will be able to model and a0lyze simple, two degrees of freedom vibration
CO5-Students will be able to measure the vibration methods to measure the
CO6- Students will be able to understand about control of sound
CO7- Students will be able to carry out noise a0lysis of simple systems
CO8-This subject will help students to learn the dy0mic a0lysis of machines. Mostly this kind
of work would be in automobile industries, FMCG industries, Power plants, mining industries
etc. and the students will be able to work in such kind of industries. also with the help of
dy0mics knowledge, students can run their own consultancy/manufacturing unit etc.

CO1- Awareness about importance of Energy, its conservation, Renewable Energy and energy
efficiency in day to day life as well as for future planning.
CO2-Understand and analyze the Indian and Global Energy Scenario and issues of concern like
Climate Change and Energy Security.
C03-Understand the Energy Audit and its importance in Industries. Carry out Energy Audit of
their residence/society/college where they are studying
CO4-Carry out cost calculations for electricity, steam etc and accurately predict the electricity
402044 Energy Audit bill required for the installation.
A Management
CO5-Energy performance assessment of thermal utilities and suggest various conservation
measures to reduce energy consumption of the equipment /office/premises.
CO6-Evaluate and suggest the energy performance assessment for electrical utilities and
suggest conservation measures.
CO7-To estimate the cost of operation of Thermal or Electrical Utilities, Co Generation and
suggest proper WHR options.
CO8-Career as Energy Auditor or Energy Ma0ger in large & Small organizations.

CO1) Students should be able to understand about What is Reliability.

CO2) Students should be able to understand how to allocate Reliability to each component
CO3)Students should be able to understand what is Reliability and Maintability
CO4)Students should be able to understand Different Reliability A0lysis Technique and how
to apply it
402044 Reliability CO5) Students should be able to understand about Maintenance technique and apply these
C Engineering technique to different component
CO6)Students should be able to understand about strength based reliability .
CO7) Students will become familiar with fault tree a0lysis and how to use it in engineering
CO8) Students will become familiar with system reliability and how to solve the system

CO1-Students will be able to apply and a0lyse mathematical optimization functions to various
CO2- Students will be proficient to recognize the importance and value of Operations
Research and mathematical modeling in solving practical problems in industry by Linear
programming problems
CO3-Students will be capable to understand the mathematical tools that are needed to
402045 Operation formulate & solve transportation problems for optimization
C Research CO4-Students will be able to formulate & analyze a ma0gerial decision problem into a
mathematical model using game theory & investment analysis.
CO5-Students will be proficient to use mathematical models to solve the inventory &
replacement problems.
CO6-Students will be able to understand queuing & sequencing models and apply them to
real-life problems.
CO7- Students will be proficient to use network models and techniques for effective
CO8-Students will be able to apply the knowledge & tools of operation research in various
industries like marketing, material handling etc.

CO1-Student should be able to select appropriate manufacturing processes for advanced

components with characterization of work pieces.
CO2-Student should be able to understand Various Advanced manufacturing metal forming
CO3-Student should be able to understand to select proper Advanced Manufacturing process
for welding, casting and forging
CO4-Student should be able to understand various material processing techniques for critical
Advanced components
D CO5-Student should be able to understand various micro machining processes
CO6-Student should be able to understand selection of latest additive manufacturing
CO7-Student should be able to understand and select various measurement techniques in
micro machining processes
CO8-To capture the inter0tio0l market with latest mechanical industry needs with the
knowledge and support of advanced manufacturing techniques, so student with this
judgment will be absorbed in any mechanical industry

CO1- Students will be able to understand basic knowledge of Different types of Power Plants,
site selection criteria of each one of them and understanding of Power Plant Economics,
Energy Storage including compressed air energy and pumped hydro etc.
CO2- Students will be able to select the suitability of site for a power plant and will be able to
calculate load factor, capacity factor, average load and peak load on a power plant. Students
will also be able to propose ash handling, coal handling method in a the thermal power plant.
CO3-Student Should be able to calculate performance of thermal power plant.
Power Plant CO4-Students will be able to understand the working of Hydroelectric and Nuclear power
402047 plant
CO4-Students will be able to understand the working of Diesel & Gas Turbine Power plant
CO6- Students will be able to understand Nonconventional Energy sources.
CO7- Students will be able to design the Power Plant Instrumentation and understand
Environmental Impact
CO8-Students will be able to get employed in Energy sector such as NPCIL, NTPC, state
Electricity Boards, PGCIL,NGCIL, IOCL, ONGC, HPCL and Coal India as Junior Trainees. They can
also make as good carrier as an Energy Consultant/ Auditor with various firms.

CO1- Apply industrial engineering concept in industrial environment.

CO2-Understand different concepts regarding Organization and Productivity in industries.
C03-Ma0ge and implement different concepts involved in work and method study and
understanding of work contents in different situations.
402048 System
Design CO4-Undertake small case study based project works regarding work measurement and time
CO5-Planning and controlling of production system and use of modern forecasting and
management techniques for different types of industries.
CO6-Undertake project work for facility design based on course content.
CO7-Understand various cost accounting and fi0ncial ma0gement practices widely applied in
CO8-Develop capacities in integrating knowledge of design along with other aspects of value
addition in the conceptualization and manufacturing stage of various products.

CO1- Apply industrial engineering concept in industrial environment.

CO2-Understand different concepts regarding Organization and Productivity in industries.
C03-Ma0ge and implement different concepts involved in work and method study and
understanding of work contents in different situations.
CO4-Undertake small case study based project works regarding work measurement and time
402049 Industrial
C Engineering CO5-Planning and controlling of production system and use of modern forecasting and
ma0gement techniques for different types of industries.
CO6-Undertake project work for facility design based on course content.
CO7-Understand various cost accounting and fi0ncial ma0gement practices widely applied in
CO8-Develop capacities in integrating knowledge of design along with other aspects of value
addition in the conceptualization and manufacturing stage of various products.

CO1- To develop some experience with a commercial FEM code and some practical modeling
CO2- To a0layze the displacement-based finite element method for displacement and stress
a0lysis and to introduce related a0lytical and computer tools.
CO3-To use 1-D and 2D element stiffness matrices and load vectors from various methods to
solve for displacements and stresses calculations.
CO4-.To understand Formulation of elemental stiffness matrix and load vector for Plane
stress/strain such as Linear Strain Rectangle (LSR), Constant Strain Triangles (CST), Pascal s
Finite triangle , primary and secondary variables, properties of shape functions
B CO5-To interpret approximate 0ture of the finite element method and convergence of results
are examined
CO6- To understand steady state heat transfer formulation of 1D element conduction and
convection problem and solving for the temperature distribution using finite element
CO7- To understand dy0mic a0lysis of physical model using finite element method and
evolution of the frequencies and mode shapes.
CO8-Students will do job as a CAE Engineer in industry and understand and solve complex
problem using different CAE software s.

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