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Hebrew Roots/The Restoration of Truth

With the destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem by the

Romans in 70AD, the apostolic oversight of the follow-
ers of Yeshua was removed from Jerusalem. When Bar
Kochba rose to prominence among the Jews as a Mes-
sianic leader in the next century, he gave rise to the Jew-
ish hope of deliverance from the Roman yoke and was
encouraged to incite rebellion against Rome. This cre-
ated a division between the followers of Yeshua and the
rest of the Jewish nation who were following Bar Kochba
as their Messiah.
Rome quelled the uprising and ordered all Jews to leave
Jerusalem permanently making it into a Roman city. The
believers in Yeshua as the Messiah, as well as all other
Jews, were forbidden to return to Jerusalem and became
scattered among other nations. With this dispersion of
the believers into other nations, the central functioning
oversight of the Apostolic Council was taken over by
Rome and a process of pagan infiltration began of the
original truths and practices of the believers in Messiah.
This process of corruption became complete in and
through Constantine, who implemented more changes
which he enforced by law. The original truths and prac-
tices of the apostles were lost to posterity in time and the
religion of Christianity in the form of the Catholic church
was the result.
Yahweh began a period of restoration that began with
Martin Luther and has continued down through many
apostolic leaders who have been instrumental in recov-
ering truth to the congregation of God to the present day.
Baptism by immersion, Body ministry, Baptism in the
holy Spirit with the truths of healing, deliverance, emo-
tional healing etc. have been restored to the Body of Mes-
The last of these moves has been the Hebraic Roots move-
ment which has been predominant in restoring the truth
that the commandments of Yahweh God have not been
abolished, but rather, in the new covenant we have been
empowered to keep His commandments through the en-
abling of His Spirit.
Therefore, Grace has not replaced Law, but both Grace
and Truth (law) came by Yeshua the Messiah.


1 Text and image sources, contributors, and licenses

1.1 Text
• Hebrew Roots/The Restoration of Truth Source:
20Truth?oldid=2406239 Contributors: Meniktah and QUBot

1.2 Images

1.3 Content license

• Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0

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