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In the perspective of Malaysian Industrial Law, the right to industrial act is recognized but is
strictly restricted. A trade union must obey with all the laws particularly the provisions of the
Trade Union Act 1959. It should discourage any members from carrying out illegal activities
such as strike. It is the responsibility of trade unions to administer funds of union on a right
manner and in accordance with the union procedures as well as the law. Moreover, trade
union must provide notice for recognition on employers or trade union of employers.

Based on the case study, it is essential for the MAS and NUFAM to negotiate the conflicts
between both through collective bargaining. Collective bargaining is an instrument people use
to end conflict and get things going again in business. The objective of collective bargaining
is to develop surroundings in some way to make things more effective, economical, safe or
enjoyable. Besides, its aim is to make things better for both the employer and employee
overall, or to initiate social changes.

Other than that, as mention in the recommendation, communication is vital when the employer
dealing with the trade union. They provide the advice and support to ensure that the
differences of opinion do not turn into major conflicts. The central function of a trade union is
to represent people at work. However, they also have a wider role in protecting their interests.

In conclusion, it can be observe that the worker in Malaysia is free to form and join a trade
union. Nevertheless, the existing provisions require modifications and improvements in
dealing with the issues raised in the said discussion.

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