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DE–3663 Sub. Code



M.Sc. (Information Technology) DEGREE EXAMINATION,

MAY 2016.


(2002 onwards)

Time : Three hours Maximum : 100 marks

PART A — (10  3 = 30 marks)

Answer ALL questions.

1. What is cyber ethics?
2. What is the use of modem?
3. What is system software?
4. What is internet?
5. List any five escape sequence characters with the
6. Define the term array.
7. Define NULL pointers in C with an example.
8. List any three string functions available in C.
9. What is type casting? Give an example.
10. Define macros.
PART B — (4  10 = 40 marks)
Answer any FOUR questions.
11. What are the principal uses of specialty software?
12. List and explain the various types of communication

13. Explain the various decision making statements available

in C.

14. How do you pass/return an array to/from a function?


15. Explain the function overloading with an example.

16. Write a C program to sort the content of an array in

ascending order.
PART C — (2  15 = 30 marks)
Answer any TWO questions.

17. Define structure. Explain the following with an example.

(a) Accessing structure members
(b) Structures as function arguments

18. Write a C program to perform matrix addition.

19. List and explain the various features of word processing

and spread sheets.


2 DE–3663
wk 3

DE–3664 Sub. Code





(2002 onwards)

Time : Three hours Maximum : 100 marks

SECTION A — (10  3 = 30 marks)

Answer ALL questions.

1. What are the objectives of operating system?

2. What do you mean by batch processing?

3. What are the reasons to suspend a process?

4. What is a monitor? What is the purpose of the monitor?

5. Give the reasons for Buffering.

6. Define : Seek Time.

7. Write the advantages of multiprogramming.

8. What is the difference between logical address and

physical address?

9. What is the use of device driver?

10. List the operations on file.

wk 3

SECTION B — (4  10 = 40 marks)

Answer any FOUR questions.

11. Explain the structure of an operating system.

12. Describe the producer – consumer problem.

13. Explain the need of interrupt controllers.

14. Explain the multiprogramming with fixed partition

scheme with an example.

15. What are the approaches available to protect the file

system and explain?

16. Describe any three popular page replacement algorithms.

SECTION C — (2 × 15 = 30 marks)

Answer any TWO questions.

17. Consider the following set of processes and CPU time.

Calculate the average waiting time, average turn around
time and average response time for the algorithms FCFS,
SJF and RR (Time quantum = 3) scheduling :
Process : P1 P2 P3 P4 P5
CPU Time : 5 12 16 18 2
Priority : 4 1 3 5 2

18. What is deadlock? What are the necessary conditions for

deadlock? Explain them.

19. Explain the segmentation scheme in detail.


2 DE–3664
wk 3

DE–3665 Sub. Code



M.Sc. (Information Technology) DEGREE EXAMINATION,

MAY 2016.


(2002 onwards)

Time : Three hours Maximum : 100 marks

PART A — (10  3 = 30 marks)

Answer ALL questions.

1. State any two advantages of object oriented


2. What is Encapsulation?

3. What is a private member function?

4. What is the use of static data members?

5. What is the use of multilevel inheritance?

6. How is dynamic initialization of objects achieved?

7. Give the syntax for designing arguments in template.

8. What do you mean by exception handling?

9. What is an abstract class?

10. How will you detect end-of-file in C++?

wk 3

PART B — (4  10 = 40 marks)

Answer any FOUR questions.

11. Explain with examples enumerated data type in C++.

12. Explain function overloading with an example.

13. Explain the procedure for creating objects in C++.

14. Explain the use of “this” pointer.

15. Explain unformatted I/O operations in C++.

16. Explain the function and use of destructors.

PART C — (2  15 = 30 marks)

Answer any TWO questions.

17. Elaborate on the basic concepts of object oriented


18. Explain with examples, the various types of inheritance.

19. Explain the various categories of type conversion.


2 DE–3665
wk 3

DE–3666 Sub. Code





(2002 onwards)

Time : Three hours Maximum : 100 marks

PART A — (10  3 = 30 marks)

Answer ALL questions.

1. Define the term Data structure.

2. List the operations an array data structure.

3. List the applications of stack.

4. What is Linked list?

5. What is String? Give an example.

6. List any three searching techniques.

7. What is binary tree?

8. Define the term graph.

9. What is internal and external sorting?

10. What is Hashing?

wk 3

PART B — (4  10 = 40 marks)

Answer any FOUR questions.

11. Describe the queue data structure with an example.

12. Explain the doubly linked list in detail.

13. Briefly explain the linked list representation of graph.

14. Describe the selection sort algorithm with an example.

15. Explain the radix sort in detail.

16. Explain the binary search with an example.

PART C — (2  15 = 30 marks)

Answer any TWO questions.

17. How do you evaluate postfix expression using stack?

Explain with an example.

18. Discuss the pattern matching algorithms.

19. Explain the BFS and DFS algorithm.


2 DE–3666

DE–3667 Sub. Code



M.Sc. (Information Technology) DEGREE EXAMINATION,

MAY 2016.


(2002 onwards)

Time : Three hours Maximum : 100 marks

PART A — (10  3 = 30 marks)

Answer ALL questions.

1. Define database.
2. What is abstraction? Give an example.
3. What is meant by conceptual Data Base Design?
4. Define entities, attributes and entity sets.
5. What is the use of data definition language?
6. Write the form of a basic SQL Query.
7. Differentiate schema and subschema.
8. What is transitive dependency?
9. What are the objectives of database security?
10. What is the basic idea in encryption?

PART B — (4  10 = 40 marks)

Answer any FOUR questions.

11. Explain the advantages of DBMS.

12. Explain the features of unified modeling language.


13. Explain the various aggregate operators in SQL.

14. Explain the problems caused by redundancy.

15. Explain with examples mandatory access control.

16. Explain the data model for XML.

PART C — (2 × 15 = 30 marks)

Answer any TWO questions.

17. Elaborate on describing and storing data in a DBMS.

18. Explain in detail, the additional features of ER model.

19. Discuss on clustering and indexing with examples.


2 DE–3667

DE–9180 Sub. Code





(2002 onwards)

Time : Three hours Maximum : 100 marks

Examiner has to choose any ONE question.

Break-up of Mark:

Record : 10
Algorithm : 10
Program : 50
Debugging : 10
Execution : 10
Result : 10
Total : 100

1. Write a C++ program to find whether a given number is

(a) Prime
(b) Odd/Even.

Cut here

2. Write a C++ program to arrange a given set of number in

ascending order.

3. Create a class called TIME that has integer data

elements for hours, minutes, seconds. The constructors
should initialize these data elements to specified value, if
given, and otherwise to 0. A member function should
display it, in 11:50:45 format. The final member function
should add two objects of type Time passed as arguments.

Cut here

4. Using operator overloading, write a C++ program to find

the different and total length of given two various tubes
specified in meters and centimeters.

Cut here

5. Create a class Employee the contains a Employee

number, Employee name and address. Write a Menu
driven C++ program to get the ‘n’ number of employee
details and display all details in employee name wise
sorted order.
Cut here

6. Write a menu driven C++ program to add and subtract

given two matrices of order m  n defined in class, using
operator overloading.

Cut here

7. Create a class called employee that contains a name and

an employee number include a member function called
getdata( ) from the user, another function called
putdata( ) to display data. Write a main( ) program to
exercise this class. It should create an array of type
employee and then invite the user to input data for n

2 DE–9180

8. Write a program that reads a group of numbers for the

user and places them in array of type float. Once the
numbers are sorted in the array, the program should
average them and print the result. Use Pointer notation
whenever possible.
Cut here

9. Create a C++ class for a stock item abstract data type. It

should have the attributes of stock levels (an integer) and
unit price (a float). Define the methods to return the
values of these two attributes and to set them using
parameters. Add two more methods to allow stock
receipts and issues updating the stock level as
appropriate. Write a menu driven C++ program to solve
the problem.
Cut here

10. Write a C++ function to create a four functions calculator.


3 DE–9180
Wk 16

DE–9181 Sub. Code



M.Sc. (Information Technology) DEGREE EXAMINATION,

MAY 2016.


(2002 onwards)

Time : Three hours Maximum : 100 marks

Examiner has to choose ONE question by lot system

Break-up marks

Record Note Book : 10

Algorithm/Flow chart : 10
Program : 50
Debugging : 10
Execution : 10
Result/Output : 10
Total : 100

1. Write a C++ program to multiply two matrices. also

provite a compatibility check for multiplication.

Cut here

2. Write a C++ program to read a file and display the

content of the file on the screen with line number.
Wk 16

3. Write a C++ program to sort the given ‘n’ integers in

ascedding order using bubble sort.

Cut here

4. Write a C++ program to search a given integer in a array

if ‘n’ integers using binary search method.

Cut here

5. Write a C++ program to copy the content of one file to

another file.
Cut here

6. Write a C++ program to implement ‘push’ and ‘pop’

operations of stack using array.

Cut here

7. Write a C++ program to Create a linked list and perform

operations on lists using arrays.
Cut here

8. Write a C++ program to sort the given ‘n’ integers using

Quick sort mechanism.

Cut here

9. Write a C++ program to ‘add’ and ‘delete’ elements in a

queue structure using array.
Cut here

10. Write a C++ program which reads a text from a file add
displays the numbers of characters, number of words and
number of links on the screen.


2 DE–9181

DE–3668 Sub. Code





(2002 onwards)

Time : Three hours Maximum : 100 marks

PART A — (10  3 = 30 marks)

Answer ALL the questions.

1. Define the term intranet.

2. What is the use of WWW?

3. List the internet scripting languages.

4. Discuss on multithreading in Java.

5. Write a note on CGI.

6. List the control structures in JavaScript.

7. Is Javascript a client/server-side scripting language?

8. Discuss on Netscape Extension.

9. Write the use of active X controls.

10. Write a note on web cookies.

PART B — (4  10 = 40 marks)
Answer any FOUR questions.

11. Discuss the evolution and the services provided by the

world wide web in detail.

12. Explain with an example the event handling in Visual

Basic Script.

13. Discuss the following :

(a) PERL
(b) SGML.

14. Explain how a custom and integrated applications can be

created with multiple protocols.

15. Describe about the Server Side Active X components.

16. Describe Java Script in detail.

PART C — (2 × 15 = 30 marks)

Answer any TWO questions.

17. Write the syntax and the functions of any six methods in
JavaScript for the arithmetic application.

18. Explain regular expression in PERL programming.

19. Explain in detail about developing intranet applications

with an example.


2 DE–3668

DE–3669 Sub. Code





(2002 Onwards)

Time : Three hours Maximum : 100 marks

SECTION A — (10  3 = 30 marks)

Answer ALL questions.

1. Define router.

2. What are the criteria used to evaluate transmission


3. What are the responsibilities of data link layer?

4. Write short notes on error correction.

5. What are network support layers and user support


6. Define IP address.

7. What are the techniques used in multiplexing?

8. What is the function of transport layer?

9. Write down the three types of WWW documents.

10. Define substitutional and transpositional encryption.


SECTION B — (4 × 10 = 40 marks)

Answer any FOUR questions.

11. Define the terms :

(a) Multi layer switch. (5)
(b) Protocol converter. (5)

12. Write a brief note on communication satellites.

13. Briefly explain the point-to-point protocol.

14. Explain subnetting.

15. Write short notes on TCP.

16. Explain the four factors needed for secure network.

SECTION C — (2  15 = 30 marks)

Answer any TWO questions.

17. Explain in detail :

(a) ARP. (5)
(b) RARP. (5)
(c) ICMP. (5)

18. Discuss the duties of transport layer.

19. Explain secret key encryption algorithm in detail.


2 DE–3669

DE–3670 Sub. Code


M.Sc. (Information Technology) DEGREE EXAMINATION,
MAY 2016.
(2002 Onwards)

Time : Three hours Maximum : 100 marks

SECTION A — (10  3 = 30 marks)

Answer ALL questions.

1. List down the software characteristics.

2. Identify five-part commonsense approach to software

projects suggested by reel.

3. What are environmental resources that support software


4. What is meant by technical risk related to a software?

5. What are four different degrees of rigor of a software


6. Define the term, “Appraisal costs”. Give examples.

7. Mention the various factors that are to be considered by a

software engineer during the construction of a system

8. Define : Quality function deployment. Also state its types

of requirements.

9. Distinguish white box testing from black box testing.

10. State four district framework activities of user interface

design process.

SECTION B — (4 × 10 = 40 marks)

Answer any FOUR questions.

11. Give a note on software process with its activities.

12. Elaborate on risk projection.

13. Write about formal technical reviews.

14. Narrate the procedure of scheduling plan that is applied

to a software project.

15. Explain the importance of software prototyping and


16. Elucidate the effective software modular design process.

SECTION C — (2  15 = 30 marks)

Answer any TWO questions.

17. Elucidate the procedure of any three evolutionary

software process models.

18. Give a detailed description on empirical estimation


19. With neat diagrams, explain the various basis path

testing techniques.


2 DE–3670
WK 6

DE–3671 Sub. Code





(2002 onwards)

Time : Three hours Maximum : 100 marks

PART A — (10 × 3 = 30 marks)

Answer ALL questions.

1. List the most basic header files.

2. What is meant by data type? Explain.

3. Expand : (a) IDE (b) SDK (c) MDI.

4. What is an API?

5. Why VB is referred as front end?

6. Explain the ‘MSG BOX’.

7. What is a class? What is an object?

8. What is the use of SQL?

9. What is a DSN? What is its purpose?

10. Give the syntax for any one looping structure.

WK 6

PART B — (4 × 10 = 40 marks)

Answer any FOUR questions.

11. Discuss the concepts behind windows programming.

12. What is a DLL? Explain.

13. How a function is written in VB? Explain it with


14. Explain any five front end tools.

15. Explain the documents view architecture.

16. How database applications are generated? Explain.

PART C — (2 × 15 = 30 marks)

Answer any TWO questions.

17. Discuss the various programming paradigms.

18. Discuss the development of a VB application with


19. Explain the following :

(a) MFC.
(b) Dialog boxes.
(c) Procedure.


2 DE–3671
WK 6

DE–3672 Sub. Code



M.Sc. (Information Technology) DEGREE EXAMINATION,

MAY 2016.


(2002 onwards)

Time : Three hours Maximum : 100 marks

PART A — (10 × 3 = 30 marks)

Answer ALL questions.

1. List the benefits of multimedia.

2. List the commercial tools for multimedia.

3. What is MIDI?

4. Write different image file formats.

5. Distinguish between Lossy and Lossless compression.

6. What are AUI and DUI?

7. What are component classes in object oriented


8. Describe the different media classes.

9. Write a note on ‘CD-I’.

10. Describe the components of multimedia systems.

WK 6

PART B — (4 × 10 = 40 marks)

Answer any FOUR questions.

11. Explain the multimedia platforms and development tools.

12. Write a note on ‘animation’ and ‘digital ink’.

13. What is ‘Vector Quantization’?

14. Explain the multimedia standards for video.

15. Explain the ways and means of designing objects for

object oriented multimedia systems.

16. Write a note on ‘multimedia on networks’.

PART C — (2 × 15 = 30 marks)

Answer any TWO questions.

17. Explain the methods of video image compression.

18. Elaborate on ‘multimedia in training and education’.

19. Discuss the non temporal and temporal media types of



2 DE–3672
Sp 1

DE–9182 Sub. Code





(2002 onwards)

Time : Three hours Maximum : 100 marks

Examiner to select and give ONE question and give it to each

student by lot system.
1. (a) Write a Java Script to create a color pallet and
display the background in the color chosen from the
(b) Write a HTML code to display various books
available in a library.

Cut here

2. (a) Write a JavaScript to create a window by using the

confirm message.
(b) Design a webpage using HTML code to display the
details of items (menu) available in the hotel.

Cut here

3. (a) Using database connectivity display the records in a

(b) Write a VB script to display a day, system time for a
given data.
Sp 1

4. (a) Design a HTML page to display your college

cultural and sport events.

(b) Write a Java program a create an applet to display

the message a system time, current, date with
different colors and fonts for each-click.

Cut here

5. (a) Write a Java program using Applet to display the

dialogue and menu.

(b) Write a UB script to do the following:

(i) Change the existing phone number.

(ii) Verify the first name is should not be empty.

Cut here

6. (a) Write a UB script to display girls hostels in the city.

(b) Write a applet program to draw a filled circle and

square. Using graphic controls.

Cut here

7. (a) Using database connectivity:

(i) After an specific data in a record from a table

(ii) To delete all records.

(b) Write a VB script to create a calender for a given

month and year.

2 DE–9182
Sp 1

8. (a) Write an Java Script program which all great

according to the system current timings.
(b) Design a web page in HTML to display your

Cut here

9. (a) Design a web page using HTML to display the

details of various freedom fighters of India.
(b) Write a VB script to display the various P.G.
programs variable in your college.

Cut here

10. (a) Using the database connectivity display total

number of students in the various branches
available in your college. Assume all the details are
stored in records in a tabular form.
(b) Write a program to input and display text using


3 DE–9182
SP 5

DE–9183 Sub. Code



M.Sc. (Information Technology) DEGREE EXAMINATION,

MAY 2016.


(2002 onwards)

Time : Three hours Maximum : 100 marks

Examiner to select and give ONE set of questions to each


Answer both sub divisions (a) and (b).

Break up marks
Record Note Book : 10
Program : 50
Algorithm/Form design : 10
Debugging : 10
Execution : 10
Result : 10
Total : 100

1. (a) Write event procedure for the following :

(i) Display date and time in the label box at run


(ii) Find the power of a number (Accept two

inputs as number and power)

(b) Write a Visual C++ program to create a window of

desired size using MFC.
SP 5

2. (a) Write event procedure to perform the following :

(i) Reverse a string
(ii) Determine whether the given string is
palindrome or not.
(b) Write a Visual C++ program to handle window
messages in MFC program.
Cut here
3. (a) Create a form with Text box, combo box and
command button and do the following operation
(i) Add the university name in the combo box at
the run time.
(ii) Sort the university names in the alphabetical
(b) Write a Visual C++ program to fill back ground of
the client area with a bitmap.

Cut here
4. (a) Using a control array, create a simple calculator
which will do the following operation.
(i) Addition
(ii) Subtraction
(iii) Multiplication
(iv) Division
(v) Square
(vi) Square root
(vii) Power
(viii) Modulus
(ix) Percentage.
(Using Text box, Command button, Frames)
(b) Write a Visual C++ Program to generate a status
bar and show the status of Caps lock, Num Lock
and Scroll Lock in it.

2 DE–9183
SP 5

5. (a) Using MS Flex grid control, display the

multiplication and addition table of 20 rows and
columns. (Use MJFLEX Grid, Button)
(b) Write a Visual C++ Program to get the status of the
shift key and toogle keys using MFC.

Cut here
6. (a) Using built in AX Control, develop the windows
NOTE PAD with File and Edit Menu Operation and
also display the floating menu whenever necessary.
(Use Rich Tex Box, menu editor)
(b) Write a Visual C++ Program to create a List Box in
a window.
Cut here
7. (a) Create an employee with EmpNo, Empname, Basic
pay, HRA, DA, PF, LIC, GP and NP with the
following calculation
HRA = 10% of BP
DA = 5% of BP
PF = 3% of BP
LIC = 5% of BP
GP = BP + DA + HRA
NP = GP – (PF + LIC)
Implement the following operations (i) Insert a
record (ii) Search and delete a record (iii) Modify the
record (iv) Display all the employee records whose
names are starting with the selter ‘M’.
(b) Write a V C++ program to find out whether a mouse
is attached or not; and if attached how many
buttons are present.

3 DE–9183

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