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My name is Tiana Covic and I graduated from the University of Mediterranean and from the Univer-

sity of Montenegro in 2012. Being a real language enthusiast, and wanting to see how much I am
really able to do, I decided to take the challenge and enroll at both Universities at the same year for a
different graduate degree. It was quite a demanding period with more than 24 exams per year, but I
made it through and that was my goal - to show that I can do it, only if I want to. Today, I have a
degree in Teaching English as a second language and a degree in Translation studies.

I am a real language enthusiast and I am highly interested in all the fields related to languages. Even
when I write about language I feel thrilled. Likewise, I am always researching some aspects of it and
the thing I adore about language is that it is always changing and so we are. For me, the language
helps me be what I truly am, and I am constantly focused on it.
Moreover, I am learning German and Italian and then I make contrasts and comparisons, and that is
what is my goal, always to strive for more. Like Steve Jobs put it - Stay hungry, stay foolish.

My fields of interest are diverse. Through my studies, I had the opportunity to fully engage in variety
of independent research programmes, where I was required to show self-motivation, determination
and different language skills, which was extremely useful for my career.
I am particularly interested in teaching, but at the same time I am interested in Semantics and gener-
ally meaning. I love metaphors and I am fan of the book Metaphors we live by George Lakoff and
Mark Johnsen. Likewise, I am interested in Pragmatics and basis it relies on. I have conducted a
research on using music for vocabulary teaching, and now I am doing a research on how English
affects Montenegrin and how anglicisms are seriously starting to make my language foreign. Finally,
I am focused on practice of language learning and not only on learning theory.

As far as my experience is concerned, I have been teaching for three years and I have discovered that
this it is my life path and I want to pursue it. My main responsibilities at this position as a teaching
assistant are teaching, and assisting professors with lectures and material designing. I am teaching
English language for Specific Purposes (Business English, English for Political Science, English for
Law students, English for students of Department of International Relations and English for Journal-
ists). Likewise, I am in charge of leading discussion and debate sessions, and advising students. I
have the freedom to produce my lectures and my motto is to teach and convey the message creatively,
using the most powerful tool - language.

The atmosphere in the classroom is like delivering an important speech and doing that every day.
Therefore, I found this hidden ability which I intend to improve and flourish. This program me is of
utmost importance for my future career, which will boost my knowledge and confidence, because
only well educated teachers can be also good leaders and can make difference. Education is my motto
and only educated nation is successful and advanced and I am confident that Montenegro is that
nation, and my mission is to be a part of it, and to be a change I want to see.

As regards my interests, I am a person who always juggles studies and hobbies. I am not solely inter-
ested in studying. One of my interest is horoscope, and being under the sign of Aquarius which a sign
of people with futuristic view of the world, I have always wanted to do something unique and make
a difference. Therefore, I do believe that I will engage in studies fully and library will be one of my
favorite places where I will expand my knowledge and start my research. It would be related either
to Semantics or language teaching, but all related to practice and with the aim of making it accessible
to my students so they will have use of it. Likewise, I love abstract painting and expressing myself
this way, and I am good at capturing moments and making interesting photos, hence I think I would
be an artist if I was not a teacher. Thus, I expect to enjoy in the nature of Oxford and make outstanding
photos to share with my family and friends.

With respect to my future career, I see myself as an accomplished teacher and a future professor
always striving for more, and being thirsty for knowledge and above all focused on students and their
needs. This is the most distinguished profession and teachers need to be aware of that, and hence
constantly work on self improvement.

As previously mentioned, reasons for choosing this programme are diverse. Apart from being the
most prestigious place to pursue studies, I appreciate the fact that it is not only relying on theory of
language learning, but also on practice which is my way of teaching. This method has proven excel-
lent and my students are improving fast and they love it, and it is so rewarding to see how somebody
is improving with your help and support. All these features I cherish, I have been instilled by my
mother, and therefore I feel strong commitment to pay back my loving and supporting mother who
has always done nothing but supported me.
That is how I see the University of Oxford, supportive and stimulating environment for future leaders
in the field of linguistics and teaching.

I understand that this programme is highly competitive and that it attracts highly motivated students,
but likewise, I do believe that I have the qualities needed and that my strong motivation and commit-
ment make a strong recommendation for me. I come from a small country but I am confident and
believe I can make a difference, and as Alan Turing put it "Sometimes it's the people who no one
imagines anything of who do the things that no one can imagine.”

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