Present Continuous For Future PDF

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G present continuous (future arrangements)

V verbs + prepositions, e.g. arrive in

P sounding friendly

1 READING & LISTENING c Read rh e m e age aga in in the ri ght o rder. Why d o es
Lily get in touch w ith Ben? What a re they plannin g
a 6 1>)) H ow d o yo u say these d ates? Li ste n a nd check. ro do?

3rd May 12th August 201 2 31st December d Match t he hi ghli g hted wo rd s and phrases to their
22/ 6 5/ 2 20th July 1998 mea nin g.
I ____ fo r a lo ng time
b Ben and Lily are o ld frie nds fro m univers ity. R ead their
Facebook messages and number the m in o rd er. 2 ____ defin ite pla ns fo r rhe furure
3 ____ I continue to be
4 maybe
- Home Profile
5 rhe two
lily Varnell 6 to decide sth (e.g. a day f date)
D Great. I'm going to book my tickets
e 1 62 >)) Lily pho nes Ben a nd leaves him a m essage.
tomorrow, and then I can let you know
my flight times. Lis te n a nd co mplete her flight d eta ils.

Ben West Thank you for booking with easyJet

D OK. Why don't you phone me nearer th e
time, at t he end of April? Then we can fix YOUR RESERVATION NUMBER IS: ISCS2L
a day and a time to meet. I know a great
restaurant ... Going out: Flight EZY4587 Date: _ _ __
Depart Lo ndon Gatw ick at 11.1 0.
lily Varnell Arrive Budapest at _ _ __
[0 Hi Ben! No news from you for ages. How are
things? Are you still working at Budapest Going back: Flight EZY4588 Date: _ __
University? I have a conference there next
Depart Budapest at _ _ __
month and I t hought perhaps we could
meet. I'd love to see you again! Lily. Arrive London Gatwi ck at 18.10.

Ben West Hotel reservations:

D It depends on the day. I'm going to Vienna Six nights at Hotel _ _ __
one day that week, but it's not very far -
I'm coming back the same day. I'm sure
we can find a time that's good for both of

Lily Varnell
D It's from 3rd to 7th May, but I don't know
my travel arrangements yet. What are you
doing that week? Are you free any time?

Ben West
D Lily! Great to hear from you. Yes , I'm still
at t he university here and it's going very
well - Budapest is a wonderful city to liv e
in. When exactl y is the conference?

lily Varnell
D Fantastic. I can't wait!
(future· arrangements) sounding friendly
a ln pai rs, underline five present continuous a 1 67 >)) Listen to a nother dialogue. Then liste n agai n and repeat it
verbs in the Facebook messages. Which two sentence by sentence. T ry to copy the speakers' into nation .
are about now? What time perio d do the
A Would you like t o go out for dinner?
other three refer to? B I'd love to.
A Are you free on Thursday?
b 1 63 >)) Look at three extracts from the B Sorry, I'm going to the cinema.
message Lily leaves Ben . Ca n you remember A What about Friday? What are you doing then?
the missing verbs? Listen a nd check. B Nothing. Friday's fine.
L l"m from Gatwick with Easyjet. A OK. Let's go to the new Italian place.
B Great.
2 I'm at Budapest airport at 14.40.
3 I'm at a lovely old hotel. b Practise the dia logue w ith a pa rtner. Try to sound friend ly.
c > p.l30 Grammar Bank 3B. Lea rn more c Comple te your diary w ith different activities fo r three evenings.
about the prese nt continuo us for futu re
arra ngements a nd prac tise it.

d 1 65 >)) Lily phones Ben when she arrives at

the hote l. Liste n to the conversa tio n. What
day do they ar ra nge to meet?

e Li te n again. Complete Ben' diary for the


d Talk to other students. T ry to find days when you are both free
seeing Paul
a nd suggest doing so mething. Write it in your diary. Try to make
a n a rra ngement with a d ifferent person for every night.
Are you free on Friday evening_Q 0 es, I am.

Would you like t o go to the cinema?_J 0 es, I'd love to.

4 VOCABULARY verbs + prepositions

a Look at things Lily a nd Ben say. What are the missing prepositions?
WednesdayS It depends __ the day.
2 I'm arriving __ Budapest at 14.40.
3 Paul invited me __ dinner ages ago.
Thursday 6
b > p.153 Vocabulary Bank Prepositions. Do part 2 (Verbs+
prepositions) .

c Complete the questions with a preposition. T hen ask a nd a nswer

Fnday 7 w ith a partner.
1 What do you usually ask __ if you go to a cafe with friends?
2 Who do you think should pay __ the meal on a first date?
3 Who do you normally speak _ _ when you're worried __
f Cover the dia ry. Work with a pa rtner and
test your memory.
4 Do you spend more money __ clothes or __ gadgets?
What's Ben ~g ) ( He~s - seeing Paul. What's 5 Do you think it's possible to fa ll __ love __ somebody without
on Sunda~ ~doing on fv1onday?
meeting them face-to -face?

g 1 66 >)) Listen. What happens when Ben and

Lily meet? 5 WRITING
> p.l13 Writing An informal email. Write an email about travel
3A be going to

I' m going to \VOrk fo r an NG 0 . 57 >))

He's going to meet me at the airport.
2 I'm sure Engla nd are going to lose tomorrow.
it's going to rain tonight.

you I we I they he / she / it Use be Baing La+ infinitive to talk

about future plans or intentions.
El You He
I'm going to We 'regoingto 'sgoingto 2 We use be goitlB to + infinitive to make
She work for an NGO.
They It a prediction when we know or can see
that something is going to happen.
G You He
I'm not going to We aren't going to She isn't going to work for an NGO. It's winter there so it 's BOinB to be cold.
They It Look at that ca r! It's BOinB to crash.

Are you going to work for an NGO? Yes, I am. I No, I'm not.
Is he going to work f or an NGO? Yes, he is. I No, he isn't .

38 present continuous (future arrangements) p be going to or present continuous?

We can often use either with no difference in meaning,
E) I'm seeing a friend tonight. l 64 >)) e.g. I'm going to see Anna on Tuesday. OR I'm seeing
She's arriving at lunchtime. Anna on Tuesday.
G She isn't leaving until Friday. It's very common to use the present continuous with the
T hey aren't coming to the party. expressions tonight, tomorrow, this weekend, etc. and
with verbs describing t ravel arrangements, e.g. go, come,
l1J What are you doing this even ing? leave, arrive.
Is she meeting us at t he restaurant? I'm leaving on Monday is more common t han I'm going to
leave on Monday.
• We often use the present continuous with a future meaning,
especially for future arrangements, i.e. for plan s we have made
at a fi xed time or place in the future. D on't use the present
simple for this. NOT §see somefi iend:s tonight.

3C defining relative clauses with who, which, where • Use defining relative clauses to explain what a
person, thing or place is or does.
• Use who for a person, which for a thing a nd where
A cook is a person who makes food. ~ 5 >) for a place.
That's th e wo man who won the lottery last yea r.
A clock is some thing which tells the time.
Is that th e book which everybody's readi ng?
p that
You can use that instead of who or which.
A post office is a place where you can buy stamps. She's the girl who I that works with my
That's the restau rant where l had dinner last week. brother.
It's a thing which I that connects two

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