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New Edition


Islamic Studies 5
Key Book

Aamir Mahmood Awan

Chapter 1: The Holy Quran
1. Learning the Holy Quran by Heart 3
2. Sacred Words 4
3. Masnoon Duain 4

Chapter 2: Beliefs and Worship

1. This World is a Place of 4
Deeds for the Next World
2. Obeying the Messenger 6
3. Importance of Sunnah of the Holy
Prophet 9
4. Friday Prayers 11
5. Two Eids 13
6. Fast 15
Chapter 3: Sacred Life of the Holy Prophet
1. Brotherhood (Mawakhat) 18
2. Construction of Masjid-e-Nabvi 20
3. Charter of Madina 22
4. Ghazwa-e-Badr (Battle of Badr) 24
5. Ghazwa-e-Uhad 25
6. Ghazwa-e-Khandaq 27
Chapter 4: Manners and Etiquettes
1. Fulfilling Promise 28
2. Forgiveness 31
3. Forbearance (Tolerance) 32
4. Mercifulness 33
5. Etiquettes of Recitation of the Holy Quran 34
Chapter 5: Springheads of Guidance
1. Hazrat Isa 36
2. Hazrat Usman Ghani 38

Model Papers 41
Scheme of Study 65
Gohar Islamic Studies 5 3 Keybook

Chapter 1 The Holy Quran

1. Learning the Holy Quran by Heart

A. Tick (✓)the correct option.
1. How many times does the word Falaq appear in Surah
(i) once ✓ (ii) twice (iii) thrice
2. Which is the longest verse in the Holy Quran?
(i) Al-Falaq (ii) Ayat-ul-Kursi ✓ (iii) Al-Ikhlas
3. How many verses are there in Surah Al-Falaq?
(i) three (ii) five ✓ (iii) four
4. Which surah tells about the Oneness of Allah?
(i) Al-Ikhlas ✓ (ii) Al-Falaq
(iii) An-Nas
5. Who cast a spell on the Holy Prophet ?
(i) Abdullah bin Ubayy
(ii) Umayya bin Khalaf
(iii) Labeed bin Aasim ✓
B. Tick (✓)the correct option.
1. How many verses are there in Surah An-Nas?
(i) five (ii) six ✓ (iii) seven
2. Whose evil effects can be avoided on reciting of Surah
(i) humans and evil spirits ✓ (ii) witches
(iii) Satan
3. Where was Surah An-Nas revealed?
(i) Makkah (ii) Madina ✓ (iii) Taif
4. What is meant by the word An-Nas?
(i) evil spirits (ii) ummah (iii) mankind ✓
5. How many times has the word An-Nas occurred in
Surah An-Nas?
(i) four (ii) five ✓ (iii) six
B. Learn Ayat-ul-Kursi, Surah Al-Falaq and Surah An-
Nas by heart.
Ans: Student’s own work.
Gohar Islamic Studies 5 4 Keybook

Chapter 1 The Holy Quran

2. Sacred Words
Ans: Student’s own work.
Chapter 1 The Holy Quran

3. Masnoon Duain
Ans: Student’s own work.
Chapter 2 Beliefs and Worship

1. This World is a Place of Deeds

for the Next World
A. Answer the following questions.
1. When will the cotton flock fly?
Ans: A day will come when Hazrat Israfil will blow the
trumpet with the orders of Allah Almighty and all the
universe and all the creatures will come to an end. The
mountains will fly like the cotton flock.
2. Who are Kiramun and Katibeen?
Ans: Allah Almighty has appointed two angels with everyone.
The angels are called Kiramun Katibeen. One angel writes
the good deeds and the second writes the bad deeds.
3. How are the rich being tested in this world?
Ans: The rich are being tested by Allah Almighty by a lot of
money given to them whether they spend their money in
the light of the orders of Allah Almighty or not.
4. For how long is the life hereafter?
Ans: The life in this world is temporary and short-lived while
the life hereafter is permanent.
5. What should we do if we commit a mistake?
Ans: We should ask for pardon from Allah Almighty if we
commit a mistake.
Gohar Islamic Studies 5 5 Keybook
6. What will be given to the people who do good deeds in
this world?
Ans: The people who do good deeds in this world will get good
reward in the form of Paradise in the hereafter.
7. Who will have to face punishment in the hereafter?
Ans: The people who commits bad deeds in this world will have
to face the punishment in the hereafter.
8. What kind of place has Allah Almighty made this
Ans: Allah Almighty has declared that this world is a place of
test. Everyone is passing through a test. Allah Almighty
The life of this world is but comfort of illusion [Al-
B. Fill in the blanks.
1. A day will come when Hazrat Israfil will blow the
2. Allah Almighty has appointed two angels with everyone.
3. The sun, the moon and the stars all will be devoid of light.
4. The life in this world is temporary and short-lived.
5. The life of this world is but comfort of illusion.
6. This world is a place of test for the next world.
C. Tick (✓)the correct option.
1. Name the angels writing the good and bad deeds of the
(i) Munkir Nakir (ii) Kiramun Katibeen ✓
(iii) Gabriel and Mikael
2. Which is the place of deeds for the hereafter?
(i) grave (ii) paradise (iii) world ✓
3. Who will blow the trumpet on the Day of Judgement?
(i) Hazrat Gabriel
(ii) Hazrat Israfil ✓
(iii) Hazrat Mikael
4. What will the doer of good deeds find in the hereafter?
(i) sun (ii) money (iii) reward ✓
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5. Who are being tested by giving less amount of money?
(i) the rich (ii) the poor ✓ (iii) the kings
6. Whom does Allah Almighty like very much?
(i) ones who ask for pardon ✓ (ii) the sinners
(iii) the culprits
7. What is the status of all the things in this world?
(i) eternal (ii) for a hundred of years
(iii) temporary ✓
8. Which is the eternal life?
(i) in this world (ii) in grave
(iii) in the hereafter ✓
D. Match column A with column B.
If someone does bad deeds he will have to face the
The life hereafter is permanent.
The mountains will fly like the cotton flock.
Everyone will have to leave this world.
Everyone is passing through a test.

Chapter 2 Beliefs and Worship

2. Obeying the Messenger

A. Answer the following questions.
1. Who is the prophet to be followed by the Muslims till
the Day of Judgement?
Ans: The Holy Prophet is the prophet who is to be
followed by the Muslims till the Day of Judgement.
2. What is mentioned in the Holy Quran about obeying
the Holy Prophet ?
Ans: In the Holy Quran, it has been ordained time and again to
obey Allah Almighty and the Holy Prophet .
3. Who was Musailma Kazzab?
Gohar Islamic Studies 5 7 Keybook
Ans: Musailma Kazzab claimed to be a false prophet in the life
of the Holy Prophet .
4. What did Hazrat Habib say to Musailma in
very clear words?
Ans: Hazrat Habib said to Musailma in very clear
words: The Holy Prophet is the last Prophet of
Allah Almighty and no prophet is after him and you are a
5. What have the believers been instructed in Surah Al-
Hujraat in connection with the way of talking?
Ans: When Surah Al-Hujraat was revealed, the believers were
ordered to lower their voices compared to the voice of the
Holy Prophet .
6. How much did Hazrat Abu Bakr contribute
to the battle of Tabook?
Ans: On the occasion of the Tabook expedition, Hazrat Abu
Bakr Siddiq offered all of his belongings in the
way of Allah Almighty.
7. What did Hazrat Abbas do on hearing the
death news of one of the mothers of the believers?
Ans: Hazrat Ibn-e-Abbas heard the news of
the death of one of the wives of the Holy Prophet
; he performed prostration. Someone asked
him the reason for his action. He replied that the Holy
Prophet had ordered them to busy themselves
in prayer when they heard some news of sorrow.
B. Fill in the blanks.
1. Allah Almighty sent nearly one lac and twenty four
thousand prophets to guide people.
2. The personality of the Holy Prophet is the
best example to follow for us.
3. Hazrat Habib sacrificed his life obeying the
Holy Prophet .
4. For the battle of Tabook, Hazrat Usman gave
Gohar Islamic Studies 5 8 Keybook
900 camels.
5. Prophet Muhammad is the last prophet of Allah
6. Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddiq offered all of his
C. Tick (✓) the correct option.
1. What special grace has Allah verily shown to the believers?
(i) made them humans
(ii) sent to them a Messenger ✓
(iii) sent to them an angel
2. How many messengers did Allah Almighty send to guide
(i) one lac and twenty-four thousand ✓
(ii) one lac and ten thousand
(iii) one lac and five thousand
3. How many camels and horses did Hazrat Usman
give for the battle of Tabook?
(i) 100 camels and 900 horses
(ii) 900 camels and 100 horses ✓
(iii) 100 horses and 100 camels
4. In which surah of the Holy Quran have the believers been
asked to lower their voices?
(i) Surah Al-Kauthar (ii) Surah Al-Hujraat ✓
(iii) Surah Al-Fajr
5. Who claimed to be a prophet in the life of the Holy Prophet
(i) Musailma Kazzab ✓ (ii) Hassan bin Saba
(iii) Abdullah bin Ubayy
6. Who has been asked in the Holy Quran to obey Allah
Almighty and the Holy Prophet ?
(i) the rich (ii) the believers ✓ (iii) the poor
7. Who sat on the same place when the Holy prophet
ordered to sit down?
(i) Hazrat Abbas
(ii) Hazrat Abdullah bin Masood ✓
(iii) Hazrat Khalid Bin Waleed
Gohar Islamic Studies 5 9 Keybook

8. Where did Musailma put Hazrat Habib in?

(i) house (ii) cabin (iii) prison ✓
D. Match column A with column B.
Obey Allah and obey the Messenger .
The name of the last prophet is Hazrat Muhammad
The first prophet is Hazrat Adam
Hazrat Habib was Musailma.
martyred by
Allah verily has shown grace to the believers.

Chapter 2 Beliefs and Worship

3. Importance of Sunnah of the

Holy Prophet
A. Answer the following questions.
1. What is meant by the Sunnah of the Holy Prophet
Ans: Sunnah means a path or a way. Whatever the Holy Prophet
said or acted in his life is called the Sunnah of
the Holy Prophet .
2. What is told in Surah An-Najam about the message of
the Holy Prophet ?
Ans: It is said in Surah An-Najam:
He does not speak out of (his own) desire. It is but revelation
revealed (to him).
3. What condition did the Holy Prophet declare
to be a true believer?
Ans: In order to save the Muslim community, the Holy Prophet
said: I am leaving two things with you. If you
act (upon) in the light of these two things, you will not
go astray. One is the Holy Quran and the second is my
Gohar Islamic Studies 5 10 Keybook
Sunnah. (Bukhari)
4. What did the Holy Prophet declare the way
to get the love of Allah Almighty?
Ans: It is mentioned in the Holy Quran:
If you really love Allah, follow me and Allah shall love
5. What did the Holy Prophet say about the
performance of hajj?
Ans: The Holy Prophet said: Learn from me all the
ways and the rites of hajj.
B. Fill in the blanks.
1. Sunnah means a path or a way.
2. Learn from me all the ways and the rites of hajj.
3. The life of messenger of Allah is the best
example for you.
4. If you really love Allah, then follow me.
5. Pray as you see me praying.
C. Tick (✓) the correct option.
1. How many times has it been ordained in the Holy Quran
to say prayers?
(i) 600 times (ii) 625 times (iii) 700 times ✓
2. Where do we get the detail of zakat from?
(i) Sunnah of the Holy Prophet ✓
(ii) the Holy Quran (iii) Injil and Taurat
3. What is the eating, drinking, sleeping and waking of the
Holy Prophet called?
(i) Translation of the Holy Quran
(ii) Sunnah of the Holy Prophet ✓
(iii) sacred book
4. What has Allah Almighty made the personality of the Holy
Prophet for us?
(i) The best pattern ✓ (ii) Sunnah
(iii) etiquettes of life
5. What have the sayings of the Holy Prophet
Gohar Islamic Studies 5 11 Keybook
been called in the Holy Qur’an?
(i) addresses (ii) revelation ✓ (iii) message
D. Match column A with column B.
Hajj is an important pillar of Islam.
He does not speak out of (his own) desire.
Act upon my Sunnah and the my guided companions.
Sunnah of
The life of the Holy Prophet a source of guidance.

Chapter 2 Beliefs and Worship

4. Friday Prayers
A. Answer the following questions.
1. When were Friday prayers declared obligatory?
Ans: The state of being obligatory of Friday prayers was
announced in Makkah sometime before the migration to
2. Which day is called the chief of the days?
Ans: Friday is called the chief of the days.
3. What is the reward for the person who goes to mosque
early on Friday?
Ans: One who goes to perform Friday prayers first, is rewarded
as if he sacrificed a camel.
4. Which prayer should a person perform in case of
missing Friday prayers?
Ans: If someone is unable to perform Friday prayers, he should
perform Zohr prayers.
5. What should the believers do after the call to Friday
Ans: Friday prayers are so important that it is ordained to stop all
kinds of business dealings after the call to Friday prayers.
Gohar Islamic Studies 5 12 Keybook
6. Whose sins are forgiven from one Friday to the other?
Ans: The Holy Prophet said about Friday prayers
that whosoever made ablutions, went to perform Friday
prayers, listened to Khutba silently and performed prayers,
all his/her sins will be forgiven from one Friday to the
7. Write two etiquettes of Friday prayers.
Ans: 1. For Friday prayers, one should have a bath and wear
clean clothes.
2. One should clean his teeth with a miswak or a brush and
apply a scent or a perfume to his clothes.
B. Fill in the blanks.
1. The chief of the days is called Friday.
2. Friday prayers are performed in place of Zohar prayers.
3. After the call to Friday prayers, one should stop all kinds
of business dealings.
4. Friday prayers should be performed in the central mosque
of an area.
5. After the Khutbas, two rakats of Friday prayers are
6. O you who believe! When you are called to Friday prayers,
haste to the remembrance of Allah.
7. It is a good kind of act to cut the nails and hair on Friday.
C. Tick (✓)the correct option.
1. When were Friday prayers declared obligatory?
(i) after the migration to Madina
(ii) before migration to Madina ✓
(iii) after the conquest of Makkah
2. How many Khutbas are recited before Friday prayers?
(i) two ✓ (ii) three (iii) four
3. How many rakat are performed in congregation in Friday
(i) two ✓ (ii) three (iii) four
4. What is the reward for going first in a mosque for Friday
Gohar Islamic Studies 5 13 Keybook
(i) equal to sacrificing a cow
(ii) equal to sacrificing a goat
(iii) equal to sacrificing a camel ✓
5. Which prayer should one perform if one was unable to say
Friday prayers?
(i) Fajr prayer (ii) Zohr prayer ✓
(iii) Maghrib prayer
6. Which day is called the chief of the days?
(i) Friday ✓ (ii) Sunday (iii) Thursday
7. Where did the Holy Prophet perform in first
Jummah prayers?
(i) Makkah (ii) Madina ✓ (iii) Taif
Chapter 2 Beliefs and Worship

5. Two Eids
A. Answer the following questions.
1. What are the names of two Eids?
Ans: The Muslims celebrate two Eids in a year. One is Eid-ul-
Fitr which is celebrated on the first of Shawwal due to
successful completion of the fasts of Ramadan. The second
is Eid-ul-Azha which is celebrated on the 10 of Zilhajj.
2. What is Fitranah and who are the deserving persons
for Fitranah?
Ans: Fitranah is an amount of two kg wheat on behalf of every
member of the family. It is obligatory to be given to the
poor on the occasion of Eid-ul-Fitr. Fitranah is a charity
given to the poor and needy to help them so that the poor
may also enjoy the pleasures with the rich.
3. Why are the animals sacrificed on the occasion of Eid-
ul- Azha?
Ans: In the days of Eid-ul-Azha, the animals are sacrificed.
Sacrificing the animals reminds of the Sunnah of Prophet
Ibrahim .
4. What are the words of Takbeers and their meanings?
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Allah is the greatest. Allah is the greatest. There is no god
but Allah and Allah is the greatest. Allah is the greatest and
He is worthy of all the praises.
5. What is the proper way to perform Eid prayers?
Ans: There is no call to prayer before Eid prayers. Two rakat
and six extra takbeers are performed. After the Eid prayers,
the Imam recites a khutba. At last, the Muslims pray for
the progress, prosperity and grandeur of the Muslim
6. Who are liable to sacrifice the animal on Eid-ul-Azha?
Ans: It is obligatory for men of property to sacrifice animals on
the Eid-ul-Azha.
7. What is the importance of an Eid?
Ans: An Eid is a religious festival. On the one hand, it provides
entertainment and happiness for the Muslims; on the other
hand, it promotes the feelings of good mutual relations,
help of the poor, brotherhood and equality. It is also a
source of strengthening relations with Allah Almighty.
B. Fill in the blanks.
1. After the Eid prayers, the Imam delivers a Khutba.
2. Eid-ul-Azha is celebrated on the 10th of Zilhajj.
3. An Eid means happiness.
4. There is no call to prayer before Eid prayers.
5. An Eid is a religious festival.
6. Both the Eids show the strength and unity of the Muslims.
7. Fitranah is a charity given to the poor.
8. Eid means to return.
C. Tick (✓) the correct option.
1. Which is the greatest festival in the views of the believers?
(i) Shabe Barat (ii) Eid ✓ (iii) Shabe Mairaj
2. When is Eid-ul-Fitr celebrated?
(i) first of Shawwal ✓ (ii) 2nd of Muharram
Gohar Islamic Studies 5 15 Keybook
(iii) third of Zilhajj
3. How do the Muslims start their day of an Eid?
(i) by eating meat (ii) by saying Eid prayers ✓
(iii) by going for a walk
4. Why are the animals sacrificed on the occasion of Eid-ul-
(i) Sunnah of Prophet Adam
(ii) Sunnah of Prophet Noah
(iii) Sunnah of Prophet Ibrahim ✓
5. In which Islamic month is Eid-ul- Azha celebrated?
(i) Shaban (ii) Zilhajj ✓ (iii) Muharram
6. How many extra Takbeers are performed in Eid prayers?
(i) four (ii) five (iii) six ✓
7. How many persons can share in the sacrifice of a cow?
(i) five (ii) six (iii) seven ✓
8. How many rakat are there in an Eid prayer?
(i) two ✓ (ii) three (iii) four
Chapter 2 Beliefs and Worship

6. Fasting
A. Answer the following questions.
1. What is meant by fasting?
Ans: To fast means to stop or to avoid. In other words, the
real form of a fast is to abstain from eating, drinking and
avoiding all kinds of sins. Fasting is called saum in Arabic.
2. Which holy books were revealed in the sacred month
of Ramadan?
Ans: Ramadan is a blessed month in which the Holy Quran was
revealed. The other books like Taurat, Zaboor and Injil
were also revealed.
3. In which month does Lailatul-Qadr occur?
Ans: Lailatul-Qadr occurs in the month of Ramadan. This night
is better than one thousand months.
4. What is the reward for performing one obligatory act
Gohar Islamic Studies 5 16 Keybook
in the sacred month of Ramadan?
Ans: In the sacred month of Ramadan, if someone performs an
obligatory act, it will carry as much reward as the reward
for performing seventy obligatory acts.
5. What (kind of) feelings are created in the condition of
Ans: Fasting creates the feelings of sympathy and well-wishing
for others. It also increases mutual love.
6. What is ordained about fasts in the Holy Qur’an?
Ans: The Holy Quran says:

O you who believe, fasting is prescribed for you, even as

it was prescribed for those before you so that you may be
7. Describe the importance of fasting.
Ans: The Hoy Prophet narrated the word of Allah
Almighty: Every act of a man belongs to him but fast is for
me, I will give its reward. On another occasion, the Holy
Prophet says that there are five special rewards
from Allah Almighty for the one who observes the fasts.
8. Describe the virtues of fasting.
Ans: Virtues of fasting are:
1. The smell from the mouth of a fasting Muslim is sweeter
for Allah Almighty than the pleasant smell of musk.
2. The fish in the sea seek forgiveness on behalf of the fasting
persons until they break their fast.
3. Allah Almighty prepares and decorates His special Paradise
every day and then says (to it), : The time is near when My
fruitful servants shall put away the load (of the world) and
come to you.
4. In this month, the rebellious satans are chained, so as not
to cause those evils which they normally do during months
Gohar Islamic Studies 5 17 Keybook
other than Ramadan.
5. On the last night of Ramadan, the fasting Muslims are
B. Fill in the blanks.
1. Fasting is called saum in the Arabic language.
2. Allah Almighty has made fast obligatory in every period
of time.
3. The smell from the mouth of a fasting Muslim is sweeter
for Allah Almighty than the pleasant smell of musk.
4. Lailatul-Qadr is better than one thousand (1000) months.
5. The Holy Prophet said: Fasting is like a shield.
6. Fasting means to stop.
7. Whatever the prayer (dua) the fasting person demands at
iftar (breaking) time, is accepted.
C. Tick (✓) the correct option.
1. Which smell is less in value than the smell of the mouth of
a fasting Muslim?
(i) musk ✓ (ii) rose (iii) jasmine
2. What should a person who is unable to fast do?
(i) feed an old man (ii) feed a pedestrian
(iii) feed a poor man ✓
3. Which species in the sea pray for the fasting persons?
(i) snakes (ii) fish ✓ (iii) crabs
4. How many people are released daily from Hell at the time
of iftar?
(i) 10 lac ✓ (ii) 2 lac (iii) 5 lac
5. What is the worth of Lailatul-Qadr?
(i) better than 100 months
(ii) better than 500 months
(iii) better than 1000 months ✓
6. What is the reward for an optional act of worship in the
month of Ramadan?
(i) equal to Sunnah
(ii) equal to obligatory worship ✓
(iii) equal to wajab
Gohar Islamic Studies 5 18 Keybook
7. In which month did the revelation of the Holy Quran start?
(i) Rabi-ul-Awwal (ii) Muharram
(iii) Ramadan ✓
8. What is fast called in the Arabic language?
(i) salat (ii) saum ✓ (iii) sabr
Chapter 3 Sacred Life of the Holy Prophet

1. Brotherhood (Mawakhat)
A. Answer the following questions.
1. Who were Muhajirin?
Ans: The Muslims, who left their wealth and property in Makkah
and migrated to Madina for the sake of Islam, were called
Muhajirin (the refugees).
2. What is meant by Ansar?
Ans: The people of Madina helped the migrated people of
Makkah wholeheartedly. That is why they were given the
title of Ansar by Allah Almighty. Ansar means the helpers.
3. What is Mawakhat?
Ans: Mawakhat means brotherhood. After the migration from
Makkah to Madina, the Holy Prophet convened
the Ansar and the Muhajirin in the house of Hazrat Anas
bin Malik . They were ninety — half of them
were the Ansar and the half the Muhajirin. The Holy
Prophet set up the relation of brotherhood by
taking one hand of a Muhajir and giving it in the hand of
an Ansar.
4. How many persons gathered in the house of Hazrat
Anas bin Malik ?
Ans: They were ninety — half of them were the Ansar and the
half the Muhajirin.
5. What is meant by sacrifice?
Ans: Sacrifice means to bear the loss for the benefit of others.
6. Who was the brother of Hazrat Usman in
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Ans: Hazrat Aos bin Sabit was the brother of Hazrat
Usman .
7. What was the objective of Mawakhat?
Ans: The objective of Mawakhat was to set up exemplary ties of
love and purity among the Muslims.
B. Fill in the blanks.
1. The people of Madina helped the migrated people of
2. The Ansar offered their gardens of dates for the Muhajirin.
3. The Holy Prophet fixed the share of the
Muhajirin only in the produce.
4. The Holy Prophet set up brotherhood between
Hazrat Abdul Rehman bin Auf and Hazrat Saad
bin Rabee .
5. We should follow in the footsteps of the Ansar of Madina
in respect of sacrifice.
6. Sacrifice means to bear the loss for the benefits of others.
7. Brotherhood set up the exemplary ties of love and purity
among the Muslims.
C. Tick (✓) the correct option.
1. What is meant by Mawakhat?
(i) brotherhood ✓ (ii) love (iii) equality
2. What kind of gardens did the Ansar have?
(i) guava (ii) mangoes (iii) dates ✓
3. What were the migrated Muslims called in Madina?
(i) Muhajirin ✓ (ii) Ansar (iii) the refugees
4. In which deal were the Muhajirin declared shareholders?
(i) property and wealth (ii) produce ✓
(iii) business
5. Who was the brother of the Holy Prophet in
(i) Hazrat Usman
(ii) Hazrat Umar
(iii) Hazrat Ali ✓
Gohar Islamic Studies 5 20 Keybook

D. Match column A with column B.

The majority of Muhajirin impoverishment.
reached Madina in
The Holy Prophet Hazrat Anas bin Malik
convened the Ansar and the
Muhajirin in the house of
Mawakhat means brotherhood.
Ansar means the helpers.
Be like brothers in the name of Allah Almighty.

Chapter 3 Sacred Life of the Holy Prophet

2. Construction of Masjid-e-Nabvi
A. Answer the following questions.
1. What were the feelings of the Muslims during the
journey from Quba to Madina?
Ans: The Holy Prophet left for Madina Munawera
from Quba on Friday. The Holy Prophet rode
on his female-camel. Hazrat Abu Bakr was also
with the Holy Prophet . Although the Ansar
were not very rich but everyone of them wanted the Holy
Prophet to stay as a guest in their home.
2. Who were Banu Najjar?
Ans: Banu Najjar were the maternal grandparents of the Holy
Prophet .
3. Who were the owners of the land of Masjid-e-Nabvi?
Ans: The owners of the land were two orphans named Sahal
and Suhail .
4. What was the roof of Masjid-e-Nabvi made of?
Ans: The roof of Masjid-e-Nabvi was made of branches of date
Gohar Islamic Studies 5 21 Keybook
5. What is the reward of saying one prayer in Masjid-e-
Ans: If a person performs a prayer in Masjid-e-Nabvi, its reward
increases to 50,000 times.
6. What is reward of saying one prayer in the mosque of
a locality?
Ans: The reward of saying one prayer in the mosque of a locality
is 25 times.
7. Which piece of land was selected for Masjid-e-Nabvi?
Ans: The place where the female camel of the Holy Prophet
stayed was selected for the Masjid-e-Nabvi.
8. What are the length and breadth of Masjid-e-Nabvi?
Ans: The length was 150 feet and the same was the width.
B. Fill in the blanks.
1. The Holy Prophet stayed in the valley of Quba
for 14 days.
2. The owners of the land were two orphans named Sahal
and Suhail .
3. The mosque was square in shape.
4. There were three doors of the mosque.
5. Small rooms were made there for the wives of the Holy
Prophet .
6. In Masjid-e-Nabvi, the reward of saying one prayer is 25
7. The old name of Madina is Yasrib.
8. Banu Najjar were the maternal grandparents of the Holy
Prophet .
C. Tick (✓) the correct option.
1. At whose house did the Holy Prophet stay near
the mosque?
(i) Hazrat Muaz
(ii) Hazrat Abu Ayub Ansari ✓
(iii) Hazrat Saad
2. On what day did the Holy Prophet leave for
Gohar Islamic Studies 5 22 Keybook
Madina from Quba?
(i) Thursday (ii) Wednesday (iii) Friday ✓
3. Which tribe offered to give the land for Masjid-e-Nabvi
free of charge?
(i) Banu Makhzoom (ii) Banu Adi
(iii) Banu Najjar ✓
4. Which tree wood were the pillars in the mosque made of?
(i) date ✓ (ii) guava (iii) mango
5. For how much did the Holy Prophet purchase
the land for the mosque?
(i) 10 dinars ✓ (ii) 15 dinars (iii) 20 dinars
6. Where did the female camel sit after a long walk?
(i) at the place of Masjid-e-Quba ✓
(ii) at the place of Masjid-e-Haram
(iii) at the place of Masjid-e-Nabvi
7. Who laid the foundation stone of Masjid-e-Nabvi?
(i) the Holy Prophet ✓
(ii) Hazrat Gabriel
(iii) Hazrat Abu Ayub
Chapter 3 Sacred Life of the Holy Prophet

3. Charter of Madina
A. Answer the following questions.
1. When was the Charter of Madina signed?
Ans: The Charter of Madina was signed in 623 AD.
2. What was decided in the agreement regarding the
expenditures in case of a battle?
Ans: In case of a battle, the Muslims and the Jews will mutually
bear the expenditures until the battle continued.
3. Who was given the authority to settle a matter among
the parties?
Ans: In case of any dispute among the parties (regarding this
document), the matter shall be referred to the Holy Prophet
Gohar Islamic Studies 5 23 Keybook
4. To whom were both parts of the Charter of Madina
Ans: The Charter of Madina had two parts; one was related to
Muhajirin, Ansar and other tribes. The second part was
related to the Jews.
5. What was the status of Madina after the Charter of
Ans: After the agreement, Madina and its surrounding areas
started working like a federation and the capital of it was
6. What was agreed upon regarding the Quraish and their
supporting tribes?
Ans: The Quraish and their supporting tribes will not be given
7. What was decided about the religious affairs in the
Charter of Madina?
Ans: All parties included in the charter, i.e. the Muslims, people
of the book (Jews and Christians) and pagans, will have
the freedom to practise their religions and they will not
interfere in the religious matters of each other.
8. What was the status of the Muslims after the Charter
of Madina?
Ans: The influence of the Muslims increased after the agreement.
The Muslims were the oppressed minority in Makkah and
they turned into an influential majority in Madina.
B. Fill in the blanks.
1. The nearest neighbours of the Muslims in Madina were
2. The Charter of Madina was settled __________ years after
the migration to Madina.
3. The Charter of Madina was the first written constitution.
4. In case of attack on Madina, all the parties will jointly
stand against the invader.
5. The Muslims and the Jews will have cordial relations with
Gohar Islamic Studies 5 24 Keybook
each other.
C. Tick (✓) the correct option.
1. What is the agreement settled by different parties of
Madina called?
(i) Charter of Makkah (ii) Charter of Madina ✓
(iii) Charter of Jeddah
2. Who were the nearest neighbours of the Muslims?
(i) The Christian (ii) the Zoroastrian
(iii) the Jews ✓
3. Who was made the head of the state of Madina?
(i) The Holy Prophet ✓
(ii) Hazrat Abu Bakr
(iii) Hazrat Umar
4. In which year was the Charter of Madina signed?
(i) 623 AD ✓ (ii) 625 AD (iii) 635 AD
Chapter 3 Sacred Life of the Holy Prophet

4. Ghazwa-e-Badr (Battle of Badr)

A. Answer the following questions.
1. When was Ghazwa-e-Badr fought?
Ans: It was fought in 623AD, 2nd year of Hijrah.
2. How many Muslims were there in Ghazwa-e-Badr?
Ans: 313 Muslims were there in Ghazwa-e-Badar.
3. Tell about the weapons of the unbelievers.
Ans: They had many horses, swords and other weapons.
4. What was the prayer (dua) of the Holy Prophet
before the battle started?
Ans: The Holy Prophet supplicated to Allah Almighty
for help.
5. Who murdered Abu Jahal?
Ans: Two young brothers Hazrat Muaz and Hazrat
Muawaz showed great bravery and killed Abu
Gohar Islamic Studies 5 25 Keybook
6. Where is the field of Badr?
Ans: The field of Badr is situated at the distance of 125 kilometer
from Madina.
7. Tell the two events of loyalty and passion for jihad of
the companions.
Ans: A relative of the Holy Prophet , Umair bin Abi
Waqas was too young but came to fight against
the unbelievers with great passion. Similarly, two young
brothers Hazrat Muaz and Hazrat Muawaz
showed great bravery and killed Abu Jahal.
B. Fill in the blanks.
1. Ghazwa is the battle in which the Holy Prophet
himself took part.
2. The field of Badr is at a distance of 125 kilometers from
3. The infidels had 300 hundred horses.
4. The death of Amr bin Hazrmi infuriated the infidels.
5. The total numbers of the Muslims in Ghazwa-e Badr were
Chapter 3 Sacred Life of the Holy Prophet

5. Ghazwa-e-Uhad
A. Answer the following questions.
1. What was the first reason for the Battle of Uhad?
Ans: The first reason for the battle of Uhad was the revenge of
the defeat in Ghazwa-e-Badr. In the battle of Badr, 70 men
of unbelievers were killed and the relatives of the killed
men were anxious to take revenge on the Muslims.
2. How many soldiers of unbelievers were there in the
Battle of Uhad?
Ans: The army of unbelievers with 3000 soldiers were there in
the Battle of Uhad.
3. Why did Abdullah bin Ubayy refuse to stand by the
Gohar Islamic Studies 5 26 Keybook
Muslims in the Battle of Uhad?
Ans: Abdullah bin Ubayy withdrew his support and refused to
stand by the Muslims. He made an excuse that his opinion
of fighting in Madina was not accepted.
4. How many Muslims took part in the Battle of Uhad?
Ans: 700 Muslims took part in the battle of Uhad.
5. Who was the Commander-in-Chief of the Muslims?
Ans: The Holy Prophet was the Commander-in-
Chief of the Muslims.
B. Fill in the blanks.
1. Abu Sufyan was the Commander-in-chief of the
2. On the 6th of Shawwal, Hijra 3rd, two armies faced each
other in fighting.
3. The flag bearer Talha was killed by Hazrat Zubair
4. In the Battle of Uhad, seventy companions of the Holy
Prophet were martyred.
5. The Holy Prophet posted fifty archers to defend
the mountain pass.
C. Match column A with column B.
Abdullah bin Ubayy was the chief of hypocrites.
The Muslim army consisted of 700 men.
Fifty companions were deployed on a mountain,
Mas’ab had with the Holy Prophet
resemblance .
In Uhad, seventy companions were martyred.
Gohar Islamic Studies 5 27 Keybook

Chapter 3 Sacred Life of the Holy Prophet

6. Ghazwa-e-Khandaq (Ahzab)
A. Answer the following questions.
1. What is the second cause of Ghazwa-e-Khandaq?
Ans: The bedouins of Madina depended upon looting for
their livelihood. They were punished many times for their
plundering actions. The rise of Islam was a great threat for
their livelihood. So, they joined the unbelievers against the
Muslims of Madina.
2. Who gave the idea of digging the trench?
Ans: This trench was dug out with the consultation of Hazrat
Sulman Farsi .
3. How many unbelievers were there in Ghazwa-e-
Ans: The army of unbelievers consisted of 10,000 soldiers.
4. When was Ghazwa-e-Khandaq fought?
Ans: It was fought in the 5th year after Hijrah, 627 AD.
5. What destroyed the tents of the unbelievers in the
Ans: A sandstorm destroyed the tents of the unbelievers and
scattered their position. They were forced to leave the field
for Makkah.
B. Write T for true and F for false in the box given against
each statement.
1. The Holy Prophet adopted a new way to
defend Madina by digging a trench. T
2. The unbelievers were not surprised to see the trench. F
3. Amr bin Abdu Wud crossed the trench but was killed by
Hazrat Ali . T
4. The siege continued for nearly a month. T
5. In Ghazwa-e-Khandaq, no one was killed.. F
C. Fill in the blanks.
1. The bedouins of Madina depended upon looting for their
Gohar Islamic Studies 5 28 Keybook
2. The trench was dug with the consultation of Hazrat Sulman
Farsi .
3. The army of the Muslims consisted of 3000.
4. The three sides of Madina were surrounded by mountains
and date gardens.
5. The fourth side from the north had the trench.
D. Match column A with column B.
The unbelievers came under the Abu Sufyan.
command of
The Muslims expelled the Jews of Banu Nazir from Madina.
Another name of Ghazwa-e-Ahzab.
Ghazwa-e-Khandaq is
Ahzab means groups.
Sandstorm destroyed the tents of the unbelievers.

Chapter 4 Manners and Etiquettes

1. Fulfilling Promise
A. Answer the following questions.
1. What is mentioned in the Holy Quran about fulfilling
Ans: It is mentioned in the Hoy Quran:

And fulfill your promises.

2. What did the Holy Prophet say to the two
companions wishing to participate in the battle of
Ans: A few days before the battle of Badr, two Muslims, Hazrat
Hussail and his son Hazrat Huzaifa
reached Madina and requested the Holy Prophet
Gohar Islamic Studies 5 29 Keybook

“We were arrested by the unbelievers on the way. They

set us free on the condition that we would not stand by
the Holy Prophet . That was a promise made
by force. We are ready to fight against the unbelievers.”
The Holy Prophet said: You must keep up your
promise and go from the battlefield. We believe in the help
of Allah Almighty.
3. What did the Holy Prophet tell
Abu Raffay ?
Ans: Abu Raffay was a slave. He came to Madina
as an ambassador of the unbelievers. He was so much
impressed by the personality of the Holy Prophet
that he accepted Islam. He requested the Holy
Prophet to allow him to stay in Madina as he
did not want to go back in the company of unbelievers.
The Holy Prophet clarified that he could not go
against his promise. He was not allowed to stay at that time.
First, he was to go back if his feelings remained the same
about Islam then he might come back. After sometime,
Abu Raffay came back and accepted Islam.
4. Who was the commander of the Iranians and what type
of man was he?
Ans: Jaban was the commander of the Iranian army. He was a
very clever man.
5. What did Hazrat Abu Ubaida say about
fulfilling a promise?
Ans: When Jaban, the commander of the Iranian army, was
arrested from the battle field. He requested one of the
companions to give him shelter. The companion was not
aware of Jaban. He promised Jaban to be in peace. When
the other Muslims recognised Jaban, they came forward
to murder him. Hazrat Abu Ubaida was the
commander of the Muslim army. He forbade the Muslims
to murder him. He clarified that as one of our brothers had
promised to give Jaban shelter, we were bound to keep the
Gohar Islamic Studies 5 30 Keybook
B. Fill in the blanks.
1. One who does not fulfil a promise, he has no religion.
2. O Abu Jandal be patient, I shall not break the
3. The companions promised to give shelter to Jaban.
4. Abu Ubaida was the commander of the Muslims.
C. Tick (✓) the correct option.
1. At which king’s court did Abu Sufyan bear witness to the
promise of the Holy Prophet ?
(i) Najashi (ii) Kisra (iii) Qaiser-e-Room ✓
2. Who was the companion fled from the prison of the
unbelievers at the time of Hudaibia agreement?
(i) Hazrat Abu Jandal ✓
(ii) Hazrat Abu Huraira
(iii) Hazrat Usman
3. What was the name of the commander of the Iranian army?
(i) Japan (ii) Jaban ✓ (iii) Khakan
4. With what status did Hazrat Abu Raffay come
to Madina from the unbelievers?
(i) as a chief (ii) as a king
(iii) as an ambassador ✓
5. What was worn on the feet of Hazrat Abu Jandal
by the unbelievers?
(i) strings (ii) shackles ✓ (iii) handcuffs
6. Where was Hazrat Abu Jandal asked to go by
the Holy Prophet ?
(i) Makkah ✓ (ii) Madina (iii) Riaz
D. Match column A with column B.
And fulfil your promises.
Abu Raffay was a slave.
Gohar Islamic Studies 5 31 Keybook

Hazrat Abu Ubaida the Muslim army.

was the commander of
Hazrat Huzaifa was Hazrat Hussail .
the son of
Jaban was the commander of the Iranian army.

Chapter 4 Manners and Etiquettes

2. Forgiveness
A. Answer the following questions.
1. How did the people of Taif behave towards the Holy
Prophet ?
Ans: The people of Taif threw stones at the Holy Prophet
. The Holy Prophet was so much
wounded that his shoes were covered with blood.
2. What was the response of the Holy Prophet
to the angel?
Ans: The Holy Prophet forgave them and said, “Even
if these people do not accept Islam, I do hope from Allah
that there will be persons among from their descendants
who would worship Allah and serve His cause.”
3. What did the Holy Prophet ask the people
who were arrested at the conquest of Makkah?
Ans: The Holy Prophet addressed them thus: You
are absolutely free and safe
4. Who was Abu Sufyan?
Ans: Abu Sufyan was the arch-enemy of the Holy Prophet
5. What treatment did the Holy Prophet accord
to Abu Sufyan?
Ans: At the conquest of Makkah, he was brought before the Holy
Prophet . Abu Sufyan was forgiven by the Holy
Prophet Abu Sufyan was so much impressed
Gohar Islamic Studies 5 32 Keybook

by the forgiveness that he embraced Islam.

B. Fill in the blanks.
1. The whole life of the Holy Prophet gives us
many examples of forgiveness.
2. His shoes were covered with blood.
3. You are absolutely free and safe.
4. Abu Sufyan used to be the commander of the Quraish army.
5. Abu Sufyan was so much impressed by the forgiveness of
the Holy Prophet that he embraced Islam.
Chapter 4 Manners and Etiquettes

3. Forbearance (Tolerance)
A. Answer the following questions.
1. What is meant by forbearance?
Ans: Forbearance means refraining from doing or saying
something in patience when somebody hurts the feelings.
2. How did Hazrat Abu Bak’r behave towards
the man?
Ans: Once a man used very harsh words for Hazrat Abu Bak’r
in some matter. The Holy Prophet
was also there. For some time, Hazrat Abu Bak’r
tolerated the anger of the person. He also responded to the
person with harsh words. The Holy Prophet
left the place.
3. How did the Holy Prophet treat the
deputations of the Jews and the Christians?
Ans: The Jews and the Christians in the deputations were allowed
to offer their prayers in their own manner in the mosque.
When some deputations did not accept Islam, the Holy
Prophet did not compel them to embrace Islam.
4. How did the old lady embrace Islam?
Ans: An unbeliever old lady used to throw rubbish at the Holy
Prophet to show her anger against the teachings
Gohar Islamic Studies 5 33 Keybook

of Islam. One day the lady did not throw rubbish, the Holy
Prophet came to know that she was ill. The
Holy Prophet went to her to ask for her. She
was so much impressed by the toleration that she embraced
5. Who came to clean the refuse from the Holy Prophet’s
Ans: Once the Holy Prophet was saying prayers near
the Holy Ka’aba. An unbeliever came with the stomach
of a dead camel and threw it on his back and ran away.
Someone reported Hazrat Fatima . She came
running and cleaned the refuse from her father’s back.
B. Fill in the blanks.
1. Forbearance is a great virtue.
2. When some deputations did not accept Islam, the Holy
Prophet did not compel them to embrace Islam.
3. An unbeliever old lady used to throw rubbish at the Holy
Prophet .
4. The old lady was so much impressed by the toleration and
manners of the Holy Prophet .
5. So long as you did not respond the person’s harsh words,
the blessed angels were responding on your part.
Chapter 4 Manners and Etiquettes

4. Mercifulness
A. Answer the following questions.
1. Which is the quality of Allah Almighty the heaviest of
Ans: Mercifulness is a quality of Allah and this quality is the
heaviest of all the other qualities of Him.
2. Why was the bad character lady forgiven?
Ans: The bad character lady was forgiven because once she saw
a thirsty dog. She took pity and drew water for it from
Gohar Islamic Studies 5 34 Keybook
a well with her shoes and the sheet on her head. Allah
forgave all her sins for showing mercy to the dog
3. Who caught the young ones of a sparrow?
Ans: Once a companion of the Holy Prophet caught
the young ones of a sparrow.
4. How did the Holy Prophet warn the merciless
Ans: The Holy Prophet warned the merciless men
with the following words: He is not of us who is not
merciful to the younger people, not respectful to the old
among us. He who is devoid of kindness is devoid of all
B. Fill in the blanks.
1. The last Prophet was also given the title of The
Prophet of Mercy.
2. Hazrat Aqraa came and saw the loving attitude
of the Holy Prophet .
3. One who is not kind, is not treated with kindness.
4. Allah forgave all her sins for showing mercy to the dog.
5. The companion acted upon the orders of the Holy Prophet
and put the young sparrow back in their nest.
Chapter 4 Manners and Etiquettes

5. Etiquettes of Recitation of
the Holy Quran
A. Answer the following questions.
1. What is directed in the Holy Quran about the recitation
of the Holy Quran?
Ans: One must recite the Holy Quran with proper pauses. Allah
Almighty says: Keep in mind, there is peace of mind in
remembrance of Allah
2. How many virtues are rewarded for reading the one
letter of the Holy Quran?
Gohar Islamic Studies 5 35 Keybook
Ans: If someone reads one word of the Holy Quran, he is given
the reward of ten virtues for each letter.
3. How should the Holy Quran be recited?
Ans: One must recite the Holy Quran in a good voice. As Allah
Almighty likes the recitation in a good voice.
4. What should one say before the recitation of the Holy
Ans: One should read Tawwuz and Tasmiyah before recitation
of the Holy Quran.
5. What should one do when one reads the verse of
Ans: During the recitation, one must perform prostration (Sajda)
if the verse of prostration comes.
B. Fill in the blanks.
1. The Holy Quran is the last revealed book of Allah Almighty.
2. One should perform ablutions before the recitation of the
Holy Quran.
3. The Holy Quran was revealed in a period of 23 years.
4. Verily we have revealed the Holy Quran and we take the
responsibility of its safety.
5. One should sit facing the Qibla during the recitation.
C. Tick (✓) the correct option.
1. How many years ago was the Holy Quran revealed?
(i) more than 1500 years
(ii) more than 1400 years ✓
(iii) more than 2000 years
2. What should one do if there is a need to talk to somebody
during the recitation of the Holy Quran?
(i) let the Holy Quran open.
(ii) keep a hand on the Holy Quran.
(iii) the Holy Quran should be closed. ✓
3. Which direction should one sit facing during the recitation
of the Holy Quran?
(i) facing bait-ul-Maqdas
Gohar Islamic Studies 5 36 Keybook
(ii) facing Masjid-e-Nabvi (iii) facing Qibla ✓
4. Who is the best among the people?
(i) One who reads the Holy Quran.
(ii) One who looks at the Holy Quran.
(iii) One who learns and teaches the Holy Quran. ✓
5. How should one recite the Holy Quran?
(i) with fast speed (ii) with very slow speed
(iii) with proper pauses✓
6. Who has taken the responsibility of the protection of the
Holy Quran?
(i) Allah Almighty ✓ (ii) the Holy Prophet
(iii) angels
7. What should one do when there is a verse of prostration?
(i) One should prostrate. ✓
(ii) One should not prostrate.
(iii) One should say Tawwuz.
D. Match column A with column B.
One should not talk during the recitation.
One should say before starting Tawwuz and Tasmiyah.
The Holy Quran orders us to do good deed.
The Holy Quran was revealed in 23 years.

Chapter 5 Springheads of Guidance

1. Hazrat Isa
A. Answer the following questions.
1. Tell about the birth of Hazrat Isa and his names
mentioned in the Holy Quran.
Ans: Hazrat Isa was the last prophet of Allah in Bani
Israel. The name of his mother was Maryam .
Hazrat Isa was born in Bait-ul-Laham a town in
the province of Yahodia, Palestine. There is a reference
Gohar Islamic Studies 5 37 Keybook
to Hazrat Isa in the fourteenth surah of the Holy
Quran with the names of Isa, Masih, Ibne Maryam ,
Kalima (tullah) and Rooh (ullah). Masih was his title and
the real name was Isa .
2. Describe the miracles of Hazrat Isa .
Ans: The birth of Hazrat Isa was a miracle. Allah Almighty
created him with his miracle without father. He started
speaking when he was in the lap of his mother. With the
help of Allah, Hazrat Isa also made all the patients
healthy who were declared incurable by the expert Greek
doctors.The born dumb started speaking when Hazrat Isa
treated them. Hazrat Isa walked across the
lakes and rivers.
3. Describe in detail the attitude of the Jews towards Hazrat
Isa .
Ans: The Jews were fearful of the popularity of Hazrat Isa
because that meant that their supremacy and monopoly
would be finished. They declared that Hazrat Isa
was a revolutionary man and he would disturb the system
of the country.
4. How did the Jews conspire against Hazrat Isa to
murder him?
Ans: The governor asked the Jew scholars to give their verdict
against Hazrat Isa . The Jew scholars decided to
hang Hazrat Isa .
5. When will Hazrat Isa come back again in this
Ans: In the light of the sayings of the Holy prophet
Hazrat Isa will be sent in this world again by the will
of Allah Almighty. At that time, there will be ignorance
and disbelief in the world.
B. Fill in the blanks.
1. Hazrat Isa was born with the orders of Allah
Almighty without father.
Gohar Islamic Studies 5 38 Keybook
2. Hazrat Isa was the last prophet in ________.
3. There is a description of Hazrat Isa in the fourteenth
surah of the Holy Quran.
4. The title of Hazrat Isa was Masih.
5. Hawari means friend.
6. Hazrat Isa started preaching at the age of 30.
C. Tick (✓) the correct option.
1. What was the name of the mother of Hazrat Isa ?
(i) Hazrat Asma
(ii) Hazrat Ayesha
(iii) Hazrat Maryam ✓
2. What was the age of Hazrat Isa when he was raised
to the heavens?
(i) 30 years (ii) 32 years (iii) 33 years ✓
3. Whom will the followers of Hazrat Isa murder?
(i) the Jews ✓ (ii) the Christians (iii) the Hindus
4. At what age did Hazrat Isa start preaching?
(i) 40 years (ii) 30 years ✓ (iii) 50 years
5. What is meant by Hawari?
(i) relative (ii) friend ✓ (iii) brother
Chapter 5 Springheads of Guidance

2. Hazrat Usman Ghani

A. Answer the following questions.
1. What is the name of the father of Hazrat Usman
Ghani ?
Ans: His father’s name was Affan.
2. Why was Hazrat Usman given the title of
Ans: Hazrat Usman got the title of Zun-Naurain (the
owner of two lights) by marrying the two daughter of the
Holy Prophet .
3. Who was the man from whom Hazrat Usman
purchased the well?
Gohar Islamic Studies 5 39 Keybook
Ans: The owner of the well was a Jew from whom Hazrat
Usman purchased the well.
4. How much share did Hazrat Usman contribute in the
battle of Tabook?
Ans: At the event of the battle of Tabook, Hazrat Usman
bore the one third expenditure of the army of
the Muslims. He also gave one thousand camels, 70 horses
and one thousand dinars.
5. Which areas were conquered during the caliphate of
Hazrat Usman ?
Ans: In his era, many areas were conquered. The conquered
areas included Tabristan, Takharistan, Kabris (Cyprus)
Sakandria, Trablus (Libya), Turkistan, Khurasan,
Azarbijan, Armenia and North Africa.
6. On what occasion did the Holy prophet
confer the title of Ghani on Hazrat Usman ?
Ans: Seeing the generosity of Hazrat Usman on
the occasion of the battle of Tabook, the Holy Prophet
gave him the title of Ghani (generous).
7. What did the Holy Prophet tell about the
modesty of Hazrat Usman ?
Ans: The Holy Prophet said: Even the angels learn
modesty from him.
B. Fill in the blanks.
1. Hazrat Usman’s lineage meets with the Holy
Prophet’s in the fifth generation.
2. Hazrat Usman was the fourth Muslim who
accepted Islam.
3. Hazrat Usman first migrated to Abyssinia.
4. Hazrat Usman purchased the well for eight
thousand dirhams from a Jew.
5. Hazrat Usman was buried in the graveyard of
Gohar Islamic Studies 5 40 Keybook
C. Tick (✓) the correct option.
1. What was the name of the mother of Hazrat Usman
(i) Umme Baiza (ii) Arwa ✓
(iii) Umme Habiba
2. What was Beer-e-Roma?
(i) well ✓ (ii) fruit (iii) village
3. How many camels did Hazrat Usman give in
the battle of Tabook?
(i) one hundred (ii) five hundred
(iii) one thousand ✓
4. What was the title given to Hazrat Usman for
publishing the Holy Quran with one Accent?
(i) Jami ul kitab (ii) Jami ul Hadith
(iii) Jami ul Quran ✓
5. Under whose caliphate was the naval cruise prepared?
(i) Hazrat Umar
(ii) Hazrat Usman ✓
(iii) Hazrat Abu Bakr
6. At whose invitation did Hazrat Usman accept
(i) Hazrat Abu Bakr ✓
(ii) Hazrat Umar
(iii) Hazrat Ali
Gohar Islamic Studies 5 41 Keybook

Model Paper
Islamic Studies 5
Time Allowed: 2 hours 1st Term - 1 Total Marks: 50
Q1. Answer the following questions. 20
a. What is the reward for the person who goes to mosque
early on Friday?
b. What is meant by the Sunnah of the Holy Prophet
c. Who was Musailma Kazzab?
d. Who are Kiramun and Katibeen?
e. For how long is the life hereafter?
Q2. Fill in the blanks. 10
a. A day will come when __________ will blow the trumpet.
b. The life of this world is but __________ of illusion.
c. For the battle of Tabook, Hazrat Usman gave
__________ camels.
d. Sunnah means __________.
e. The chief of the days is called __________.
Q3. Tick (✓) the correct option. 10
a. When were Friday prayers declared obligatory?
(i) after the migration to Madina
(ii) before migration to Madina
(iii) after the conquest of Makkah
b. Where did the Holy Prophet perform in first
Jummah prayers?
(i) Makkah (ii) Madina (iii) Taif
c. How many times has it been ordained in the Holy Quran
to say prayers?
(i) 600 times (ii) 625 times (iii) 700 times
d. How many messengers did Allah Almighty send to guide
(i) one lac and twenty-four thousand
(ii) one lac and ten thousand
(iii) one lac and five thousand
Gohar Islamic Studies 5 42 Keybook
e. Name the angels writing the good and bad deeds of the
(i) Munkir Nakir (ii) Kiramun Katibeen
(iii) Gabriel and Mikael
Q4. Match column A with column B. 10
If someone does bad deeds the cotton flock
The life hereafter is a test.
The mountains will fly like he will have to face the
Everyone will have to leave permanent.
Everyone is passing through this world.

Model Paper
Islamic Studies 5
Time Allowed: 2 hours 1st Term - 2 Total Marks: 50
Q1. Answer the following questions. 20
a. When will the cotton flock fly?
b. Who is the prophet to be followed by the Muslims till the
Day of Judgement?
c. What did Hazrat Abbas do on hearing the death
news of one of the mothers of the believers?
d. What is told in Surah An-Najam about the message of the
Holy Prophet ?
e. Write two etiquettes of Friday prayers.
Q2. Fill in the blanks. 10
a. After the Khutbas, two __________ of Friday prayers are
b. It is a good kind of act to cut the nails and hair on
c. The life of __________ of Allah is the best example for
d. Allah Almighty sent nearly one lac and ___________
Gohar Islamic Studies 5 43 Keybook
thousand prophets to guide people.
e. The life in this world is __________ and short-lived.
Q3. Tick (✓) the correct option. 10
a. How many times does the word Falaq appear in Surah
(i) once (ii) twice (iii) thrice
b. Whose evil effects can be avoided on reciting of Surah
(i) humans and evil spirits (ii) witches
(iii) Satan
c. Which is the place of deeds for the hereafter?
(i) grave (ii) paradise (iii) world
d. In which surah of the Holy Quran have the believers been
asked to lower their voices?
(i) Surah Al-Kauthar (ii) Surah Al-Hujraat
(iii) Surah Al-Fajr
e. Where do we get the detail of zakat from?
(i) Sunnah of the Holy Prophet
(ii) the Holy Quran (iii) Injil and Taurat
Q4. Match column A with column B. 10
Hajj is an important pillar of my guided companions.
He does not speak out of a source of guidance.
Act upon my Sunnah and the (his own) desire.
Sunnah of
The life of the Holy Prophet Islam.
Gohar Islamic Studies 5 44 Keybook

Model Paper
Islamic Studies 5
Time Allowed: 2 hours 1st Term - 3 Total Marks: 50
Q1. Answer the following questions. 20
a. What will be given to the people who do good deeds in
this world?
b. What have the believers been instructed in Surah Al-
Hujraat in connection with the way of talking?
c. What did the Holy Prophet declare the way to
get the love of Allah Almighty?
d. What did the Holy Prophet say about the
performance of hajj?
e. Which prayer should a person perform in case of missing
Friday prayers?
Q2. Fill in the blanks. 10
a. O you who believe! When you are called to Friday prayers,
____________ to the remembrance of Allah.
b. Learn from me all the ways and the rites of __________.
c. Pray as you __________ me praying.
d. Hazrat Habib sacrificed his __________
obeying the Holy Prophet .
e. Allah Almighty has appointed two __________ with
Q3. Tick (✓) the correct option. 10
a. Which surah tells about the Oneness of Allah?
(i) Al-Ikhlas (ii) Al-Falaq
(iii) An-Nas
b. What is meant by the word An-Nas?
(i) evil spirits (ii) ummah (iii) mankind
c. Whom does Allah Almighty like very much?
(i) ones who ask for pardon (ii) the sinners
(iii) the culprits
d. Who claimed to be a prophet in the life of the Holy Prophet
Gohar Islamic Studies 5 45 Keybook
(i) Musailma Kazzab (ii) Hassan bin Saba
(iii) Abdullah bin Ubayy
e. What has Allah Almighty made the personality of the Holy
Prophet for us?
(i) The best pattern (ii) Sunnah
(iii) etiquettes of life
Q4. Match column A with column B. 10
Obey Allah and obey Hazrat Adam
The name of the last prophet is Musailma.
The first prophet is the Messenger .
Hazrat Habib was the believers.
martyred by
Allah verily has shown grace to Hazrat Muhammad

Model Paper
Islamic Studies 5
Time Allowed: 2 hours 1st Term - 4 Total Marks: 50
Q1. Answer the following questions. 20
a. What should the believers do after the call to Friday
b. Whose sins are forgiven from one Friday to the other?
c. What condition did the Holy Prophet declare to
be a true believer?
d. How much did Hazrat Abu Bakr contribute to
the battle of Tabook?
e. How are the rich being tested in this world?
Q2. Fill in the blanks. 10
a. Prophet Muhammad is the last __________ of
Allah Almighty.
b. Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddiq offered all of his
c. Friday prayers are performed in place of __________
Gohar Islamic Studies 5 46 Keybook
d. After the call to Friday prayers, one should __________
all kinds of business dealings.
e. Pray as you __________ me praying.
Q3. Tick (✓) the correct option. 10
a. Which is the longest verse in the Holy Quran?
(i) Al-Falaq (ii) Ayat-ul-Kursi (iii) Al-Ikhlas
b. Where was Surah An-Nas revealed?
(i) Makkah (ii) Madina (iii) Taif
c. Who are being tested by giving less amount of money?
(i) the rich (ii) the poor (iii) the kings
d. How many messengers did Allah Almighty send to guide
(i) one lac and twenty-four thousand
(ii) one lac and ten thousand
(iii) one lac and five thousand
e. What has Allah Almighty made the personality of the Holy
Prophet for us?
(i) The best pattern (ii) Sunnah
(iii) etiquettes of life
Q4. Match column A with column B. 10
If someone does bad deeds the cotton flock
The life hereafter is a test.
The mountains will fly like he will have to face the
Everyone will have to leave permanent.
Everyone is passing through this world.
Gohar Islamic Studies 5 47 Keybook

Model Paper
Islamic Studies 5
Time Allowed: 2 hours 2nd Term - 1 Total Marks: 50
Q1. Answer the following questions. 20
a. When was the Charter of Madina signed?
b. What are the length and breadth of Masjid-e-Nabvi?
c. What is Mawakhat?
d. What is the reward for performing one obligatory act in the
sacred month of Ramadan?
e. What is Fitranah and who are the deserving persons for
Q2. Fill in the blanks. 10
a. After the Eid prayers, the Imam delivers __________.
b. Allah Almighty has made fast _________ in every period
of time.
c. The Ansar offered their gardens of __________ for the
d. The Holy Prophet stayed in the valley of Quba
for __________ days.
e. The nearest neighbours of the Muslims in Madina
Q3. Tick (✓) the correct option. 10
a. What is the agreement settled by different parties of
Madina called?
(i) Charter of Makkah (ii) Charter of Madina
(iii) Charter of Jeddah
b. On what day did the Holy Prophet leave for
Madina from Quba?
(i) Thursday (ii) Wednesday (iii) Friday
c. What is meant by Mawakhat?
(i) brotherhood (ii) love (iii) equality
d. How many people are released daily from Hell at the time
of iftar?
(i) 10 lac (ii) 2 lac (iii) 5 lac
Gohar Islamic Studies 5 48 Keybook
e. Which is the greatest festival in the views of the believers?
(i) Shabe Barat (ii) Eid (iii) Shabe Mairaj
Q4. Match column A with column B. 10
The majority of Muhajirin the helpers.
reached Madina in
The Holy Prophet impoverishment.
convened the Ansar and the
Muhajirin in the house of
Mawakhat means Hazrat Anas bin Malik
Ansar means Allah Almighty.
Be like brothers in the name of brotherhood.

Model Paper
Islamic Studies 5
Time Allowed: 2 hours 2nd Term - 2 Total Marks: 50
Q1. Answer the following questions. 20
a. What are the names of two Eids?
b. Which holy books were revealed in the sacred month of
c. What is meant by sacrifice?
d. Who were Banu Najjar?
e. What was decided in the agreement regarding the
expenditures in case of a battle?
Q2. Fill in the blanks. 10
a. The Charter of Madina was the first written __________.
b. In Masjid-e-Nabvi, the reward of saying one prayer is
___________ times.
c. Brotherhood set up the exemplary ties of __________ and
purity among the Muslims.
d. Fasting is called __________ in the Arabic language.
e. An Eid means__________.
Gohar Islamic Studies 5 49 Keybook
Q3. Tick (✓) the correct option. 10
a. How do the Muslims start their day of an Eid?
(i) by eating meat (ii) by saying Eid prayers
(iii) by going for a walk
b. What is the reward for an optional act of worship in the
month of Ramadan?
(i) equal to Sunnah
(ii) equal to obligatory worship
(iii) equal to wajab
c. What kind of gardens did the Ansar have?
(i) guava (ii) mangoes (iii) dates
d. At whose house did the Holy Prophet stay near
the mosque?
(i) Hazrat Muaz
(ii) Hazrat Abu Ayub Ansari
(iii) Hazrat Saad
e. Who was made the head of the state of Madina?
(i) The Holy Prophet
(ii) Hazrat Abu Bakr
(iii) Hazrat Umar
Q4. Translate the following takbeers into English. 10

Model Paper
Islamic Studies 5
Time Allowed: 2 hours 2nd Term - 3 Total Marks: 50
Q1. Answer the following questions. 20
a. What are the words of Takbeers and their meanings?
b. What (kind of) feelings are created in the condition of
c. What was the objective of Mawakhat?
d. Which piece of land was selected for Masjid-e-Nabvi?
e. When was the Charter of Madina signed?
Gohar Islamic Studies 5 50 Keybook
Q2. Fill in the blanks. 10
a. There is no call to __________ before Eid prayers.
b. Firanah is a __________ given to the poor.
c. Whatever the prayer (dua) the __________ person demands
at iftar (breaking) time, is accepted.
d. The people of Madina helped the migrated people of
e. The Holy Prophet stayed in the valley of Quba
for __________ days.
Q3. Tick (✓) the correct option. 10
a. Why are the animals sacrificed on the occasion of Eid-ul-
(i) Sunnah of Prophet Adam
(ii) Sunnah of Prophet Noah
(iii) Sunnah of Prophet Ibrahim
b. What should a person who is unable to fast do?
(i) feed an old man (ii) feed a pedestrian
(iii) feed a poor man
c. Who was the brother of the Holy Prophet in
(i) Hazrat Usman
(ii) Hazrat Umar
(iii) Hazrat Ali
d. Which tribe offered to give the land for Masjid-e-Nabvi
free of charge?
(i) Banu Makhzoom (ii) Banu Adi
(iii) Banu Najjar
e. Who were the nearest neighbours of the Muslims?
(i) The Christian (ii) the Zoroastrian
(iii) the Jews
Q4. Translate the following verse of the Holy Quran into
English. 10
Gohar Islamic Studies 5 51 Keybook

Model Paper
Islamic Studies 5
Time Allowed: 2 hours 2nd Term - 4 Total Marks: 50
Q1. Answer the following questions. 20
a. What is the proper way to perform Eid prayers?
b. What is the importance of an Eid?
c. What is ordained about fasts in the Holy Qur’an?
d. How many persons gathered in the house of Hazrat Anas
bin Malik ?
e. What were the feelings of the Muslims during the journey
from Quba to Madina?
Q2. Fill in the blanks. 10
a. An Eid is a religious __________.
b. Both the Eids show the strength and __________ of the
c. The smell from the mouth of a fasting Muslim is sweeter
for Allah Almighty than the pleasant smell of __________.
d. Lailatul-Qadr is better than __________ months.
e. The Holy Prophet fixed the _________ of the
Muhajirin only in the produce.
Q3. Tick (✓) the correct option. 10
a. How many extra Takbeers are performed in Eid prayers?
(i) four (ii) five (iii) six
b. How many rakat are there in an Eid prayer?
(i) two (ii) three (iii) four
c. In which month did the revelation of the Holy Quran start?
(i) Rabi-ul-Awwal (ii) Muharram
(iii) Ramadan
d. What were the migrated Muslims called in Madina?
(i) Muhajirin (ii) Ansar (iii) the refugees
e. Which tree wood were the pillars in the mosque made of?
(i) date (ii) guava (iii) mango
Q4. Match column A with column B. 10
Gohar Islamic Studies 5 52 Keybook

The majority of Muhajirin the helpers.
reached Madina in
The Holy Prophet impoverishment.
convened the Ansar and the
Muhajirin in the house of
Mawakhat means Hazrat Anas bin Malik
Ansar means Allah Almighty.
Be like brothers in the name of brotherhood.

Model Paper
Islamic Studies 5
Time Allowed: 2 hours 3rd Term - 1 Total Marks: 50
Q1. Answer the following questions. 20
a. How much share did Hazrat Usman contribute in the battle
of Tabook?
b. Tell about the birth of Hazrat Isa and his names
mentioned in the Holy Quran.
c. What is directed in the Holy Quran about the recitation of
the Holy Quran?
d. Which is the quality of Allah Almighty the heaviest of all?
e. What is meant by forbearance?
Q2. Fill in the blanks. 10
a. Ghazwa is the __________ in which the Holy Prophet
himself took part.
b. In the Battle of Uhad, __________ companions of the
Holy Prophet were martyred.
c. The trench was dug with the consultation of Hazrat
d. One who does not fulfil __________ he has no religion.
e. Abu Sufyan used to be the commander of the __________
Gohar Islamic Studies 5 53 Keybook
Q3. Tick (✓) the correct option. 10
a. What was the name of the mother of Hazrat Usman
(i) Umme Baiza (ii) Arwa
(iii) Umme Habiba
b. What was Beer-e-Roma?
(i) well (ii) fruit (iii) village
c. What was the age of Hazrat Isa when he was raised
to the heavens?
(i) 30 years (ii) 32 years (iii) 33 years
d. Which direction should one sit facing during the recitation
of the Holy Quran?
(i) facing bait-ul-Maqdas
(ii) facing Masjid-e-Nabvi (iii) facing Qibla
e. At which king’s court did Abu Sufyan bear witness to the
promise of the Holy Prophet ?
(i) Najashi (ii) Kisra (iii) Qaiser-e-Room
Q4. Match column A with column B. 10
One should not talk during Tawwuz and Tasmiyah.
One should say before starting good deed.
The Holy Quran orders us to do 23 years.
The Holy Quran was revealed in the recitation.
Gohar Islamic Studies 5 54 Keybook

Model Paper
Islamic Studies 5
Time Allowed: 2 hours 3rd Term - 2 Total Marks: 50
Q1. Answer the following questions. 20
a. Who murdered Abu Jahal?
b. What was the first reason for the Battle of Uhad?
c. Who gave the idea of digging the trench?
d. Who was the commander of the Iranians and what type of
man was he?
e. How did the people of Taif behave towards the Holy
Prophet ?
Q2. Fill in the blanks. 10
a. The whole life of the Holy Prophet gives us
many examples of __________.
b. Forbearance is a great __________.
c. One who is not kind, is not __________ with kindness.
d. One should perform ___________ before the recitation of
the Holy Quran.
e. There is a description of Hazrat Isa in the ________
surah of the Holy Quran.
Q3. Tick (✓) the correct option. 10
a. Who was the companion fled from the prison of the
unbelievers at the time of Hudaibia agreement?
(i) Hazrat Abu Jandal
(ii) Hazrat Abu Huraira
(iii) Hazrat Usman
b. What should one do if there is a need to talk to somebody
during the recitation of the Holy Quran?
(i) let the Holy Quran open.
(ii) keep a hand on the Holy Quran.
(iii) the Holy Quran should be closed.
c. Who is the best among the people?
(i) One who reads the Holy Quran.
(ii) One who looks at the Holy Quran.
Gohar Islamic Studies 5 55 Keybook
(iii) One who learns and teaches the Holy Quran.
d. Whom will the followers of Hazrat Isa murder?
(i) the Jews (ii) the Christians (iii) the Hindus
e. What was the title given to Hazrat Usman for
publishing the Holy Quran with one Accent?
(i) Jami ul kitab (ii) Jami ul Hadith
(iii) Jami ul Quran
Q4. Match column A with column B. 10
And fulfil your the Muslim army.
Abu Raffay was a slave.
Hazrat Abu Ubaida promises.
was the commander of
Hazrat Huzaifa was the Iranian army.
the son of
Jaban was the commander of Hazrat Hussail .

Model Paper
Islamic Studies 5
Time Allowed: 2 hours 3rd Term - 3 Total Marks: 50
Q1. Answer the following questions. 20
a. Tell the two events of loyalty and passion for jihad of the
b. How many soldiers of unbelievers were there in the Battle
of Uhad?
c. When was Ghazwa-e-Khandaq fought?
d. What is mentioned in the Holy Quran about fulfilling
e. What treatment did the Holy Prophet accord to
Abu Sufyan?
Q2. Fill in the blanks. 10
a. Hazrat Usman was buried in the graveyard of
Gohar Islamic Studies 5 56 Keybook
b. Hawari means __________.
c. The Holy Quran was revealed in a period of ___________
d. The companion acted upon the orders of the Holy
Prophet and put the young __________ back
in their nest.
e. When some deputations did not accept Islam, the Holy
Prophet did not __________ them to embrace
Q3. Tick (✓) the correct option. 10
a. Under whose caliphate was the naval cruise prepared?
(i) Hazrat Umar
(ii) Hazrat Usman
(iii) Hazrat Abu Bakr
b. At what age did Hazrat Isa start preaching?
(i) 40 years (ii) 30 years (iii) 50 years
c. How should one recite the Holy Quran?
(i) with fast speed (ii) with very slow speed
(iii) with proper pauses
d. What was the name of the commander of the Iranian army?
(i) Japan (ii) Jaban (iii) Khakan
e. Where was Hazrat Abu Jandal asked to go by
the Holy Prophet ?
(i) Makkah (ii) Madina (iii) Riaz
Q4. Match column A with column B. 10
Abdullah bin Ubayy was deployed on a mountain,
The Muslim army consisted with the Holy Prophet
Fifty companions were the chief of hypocrites.
Mas’ab had resemblance were martyred.
In Uhad, seventy companions of 700 men.
Gohar Islamic Studies 5 57 Keybook

Model Paper
Islamic Studies 5
Time Allowed: 2 hours 3rd Term - 4 Total Marks: 50
Q1. Answer the following questions. 20
a. Where is the field of Badr?
b. Why did Abdullah bin Ubayy refuse to stand by the
Muslims in the Battle of Uhad?
c. What destroyed the tents of the unbelievers in the battle?
d. What did the Holy Prophet ask the people who
were arrested at the conquest of Makkah?
e. How did the Holy Prophet treat the deputations
of the Jews and the Christians?
Q2. Fill in the blanks. 10
a. Hazrat Usman first migrated to ___________.
b. Hazrat Isa started preaching at the age of _________.
c. One should sit facing ___________ during the recitation.
d. An unbeliever old lady used to throw __________ at the
Holy Prophet .
e. The bedouins of Madina depended upon __________ for
their livelihood.
Q3. Tick (✓) the correct option. 10
a. What was worn on the feet of Hazrat Abu Jandal
by the unbelievers?
(i) strings (ii) shackles (iii) handcuffs
b. Who has taken the responsibility of the protection of the
Holy Quran?
(i) Allah Almighty (ii) the Holy Prophet
(iii) angels
c. What should one do when there is a verse of prostration?
(i) One should prostrate.
(ii) One should not prostrate.
(iii) One should say Tawwuz.
d. What is meant by Hawari?
(i) relative (ii) friend (iii) brother
Gohar Islamic Studies 5 58 Keybook
e. At whose invitation did Hazrat Usman accept
(i) Hazrat Abu Bakr
(ii) Hazrat Umar
(iii) Hazrat Ali
Q4. Match column A with column B. 10
The unbelievers came under the Banu Nazir from Madina.
command of
The Muslims expelled the Jews of Ghazwa-e-Ahzab.
Another name of the unbelievers.
Ghazwa-e-Khandaq is
Ahzab means Abu Sufyan.
Sandstorm destroyed the tents of groups.

Model Paper
Islamic Studies 5
Time Allowed: 2 hours Final Term - 1 Total Marks: 50
Q1. Answer the following questions. 20
a. Who was Musailma Kazzab?
b. What is the reward for the person who goes to mosque
early on Friday?
c. What is the reward for performing one obligatory act in the
sacred month of Ramadan?
d. When was the Charter of Madina signed?
e. Tell about the birth of Hazrat Isa and his names
mentioned in the Holy Quran.
Q2. Fill in the blanks. 10
a. The chief of the days is called __________.
b. For the battle of Tabook, Hazrat Usman gave
__________ camels.
c. The nearest neighbours of the Muslims in Madina were
Gohar Islamic Studies 5 59 Keybook
d. One who does not fulfil __________, he has no religion.
e. The flag bearer __________was killed by Hazrat
Zubair .
Q3. Tick (✓) the correct option. 10
a. Name the angels writing the good and bad deeds of the
(i) Munkir Nakir (ii) Kiramun Katibeen
(iii) Gabriel and Mikael
b. When were Friday prayers declared obligatory?
(i) after the migration to Madina
(ii) before migration to Madina
(iii) after the conquest of Makkah
c. What is meant by Mawakhat?
(i) brotherhood (ii) love (iii) equality
d. On what day did the Holy Prophet leave for
Madina from Quba?
(i) Thursday (ii) Wednesday (iii) Friday
e. What was the age of Hazrat Isa when he was raised
to the heavens?
(i) 30 years (ii) 32 years (iii) 33 years
Q4. Match column A with column B. 10
Hajj is an important pillar of my guided companions.
He does not speak out of a source of guidance.
Act upon my Sunnah and the (his own) desire.
Sunnah of
The life of the Holy Prophet Islam.
Gohar Islamic Studies 5 60 Keybook

Model Paper
Islamic Studies 5
Time Allowed: 2 hours Final Term - 2 Total Marks: 50
Q1. Answer the following questions. 20
a. Who are Kiramun and Katibeen?
b. What is meant by the Sunnah of the Holy Prophet
c. What is Mawakhat?
d. What are the length and breadth of Masjid-e-Nabvi?
e. How much share did Hazrat Usman contribute in the battle
of Tabook?
Q2. Fill in the blanks. 10
a. Sunnah means __________.
b. After the Eid prayers, the Imam delivers __________.
c. The nearest neighbours of the Muslims in Madina were
d. The trench was dug with the consultation of Hazrat
e. Abu Sufyan used to be the commander of the __________
Q3. Tick (✓) the correct option. 10
a. How many messengers did Allah Almighty send to guide
(i) one lac and twenty-four thousand
(ii) one lac and ten thousand
(iii) one lac and five thousand
b. Which is the greatest festival in the views of the believers?
(i) Shabe Barat (ii) Eid (iii) Shabe Mairaj
c. How many people are released daily from Hell at the time
of iftar?
(i) 10 lac (ii) 2 lac (iii) 5 lac
d. At which king’s court did Abu Sufyan bear witness to the
promise of the Holy Prophet ?
(i) Najashi (ii) Kisra (iii) Qaiser-e-Room
Gohar Islamic Studies 5 61 Keybook
e. What was Beer-e-Roma?
(i) well (ii) fruit (iii) village
Q4. Match column A with column B. 10
The majority of Muhajirin the helpers.
reached Madina in
The Holy Prophet impoverishment.
convened the Ansar and the
Muhajirin in the house of
Mawakhat means Hazrat Anas bin Malik
Ansar means Allah Almighty.
Be like brothers in the name of brotherhood.

Model Paper
Islamic Studies 5
Time Allowed: 2 hours Final Term - 3 Total Marks: 50
Q1. Answer the following questions. 20
a. What will be given to the people who do good deeds in
this world?
b. Which prayer should a person perform in case of missing
Friday prayers?
c. What was the objective of Mawakhat?
d. When was the Charter of Madina signed?
e. What is directed in the Holy Quran about the recitation of
the Holy Quran?
Q2. Fill in the blanks. 10
a. Allah Almighty has appointed two __________ with
b. O you who believe! When you are called to Friday prayers,
____________ to the remembrance of Allah.
c. Allah Almighty has made fast _________ in every period
of time.
Gohar Islamic Studies 5 62 Keybook
d. The Ansar offered their gardens of __________ for the
e. Abu Sufyan used to be the commander of the __________
Q3. Tick (✓) the correct option. 10
a. How many times has it been ordained in the Holy Quran
to say prayers?
(i) 600 times (ii) 625 times (iii) 700 times
b. What will the doer of good deeds find in the hereafter?
(i) sun (ii) money (iii) reward
c. What is the agreement settled by different parties of
Madina called?
(i) Charter of Makkah (ii) Charter of Madina
(iii) Charter of Jeddah
d. Which tribe offered to give the land for Masjid-e-Nabvi
free of charge?
(i) Banu Makhzoom (ii) Banu Adi
(iii) Banu Najjar
e. At what age did Hazrat Isa start preaching?
(i) 40 years (ii) 30 years (iii) 50 years
Q4. Match column A with column B. 10
One should not talk during Tawwuz and Tasmiyah.
One should say before starting good deed.
The Holy Quran orders us to do 23 years.
The Holy Quran was revealed in the recitation.
Gohar Islamic Studies 5 63 Keybook

Model Paper
Islamic Studies 5
Time Allowed: 2 hours Final Term - 4 Total Marks: 50
Q1. Answer the following questions. 20
a. What have the believers been instructed in Surah Al-
Hujraat in connection with the way of talking?
b. What should the believers do after the call to Friday
c. What is Fitranah and who are the deserving persons for
d. What is meant by forbearance?
e. What is directed in the Holy Quran about the recitation of
the Holy Quran?
Q2. Fill in the blanks. 10
a. A day will come when __________ will blow the trumpet.
b. Whatever the prayer (dua) the __________ person demands
at iftar (breaking) time, is accepted.
c. Small rooms were made there for the __________ of the
Holy Prophet .
d. Ghazwa is the __________ in which the Holy Prophet
himself took part.
e. An unbeliever old lady used to throw __________ at the
Holy Prophet .
Q3. Tick (✓) the correct option. 10
a. Which surah tells about the Oneness of Allah?
(i) Al-Ikhlas (ii) Al-Falaq
(iii) An-Nas
b. What has Allah Almighty made the personality of the Holy
Prophet for us?
(i) The best pattern (ii) Sunnah
(iii) etiquettes of life
c. What should a person who is unable to fast do?
(i) feed an old man (ii) feed a pedestrian
(iii) feed a poor man
Gohar Islamic Studies 5 64 Keybook
d. Who were the nearest neighbours of the Muslims?
(i) The Christian (ii) the Zoroastrian
(iii) the Jews
e. Which direction should one sit facing during the recitation
of the Holy Quran?
(i) facing bait-ul-Maqdas
(ii) facing Masjid-e-Nabvi (iii) facing Qibla
Q4. Match column A with column B. 10
Abdullah bin Ubayy was deployed on a mountain,
The Muslim army consisted with the Holy Prophet
Fifty companions were the chief of hypocrites.
Mas’ab had resemblance were martyred.
In Uhad, seventy companions of 700 men.
Gohar Islamic Studies 5 65 Keybook

34 weeks
5/6 days a week Three Terms
1st Term
2nd " MASNOON DUAIN / Exercise 11
3rd Revision and Test of the Above Topics (Unit 1 )
WORLD / Exercises
5th " OBEYING THE MESSENGER (SAW) / Exercise 16 to 20
6th Revision and Test of the Above Topics (Unit 2 )
7th "
PROPHET (SAW) / Exercise 21 to 24
8th " FRIDAY PRAYERS / TWO EIDS 25 to 32
9th Revision and Test of the Above Topics (Unit 2 )
10th FAST / EXERCISE / Exercises 33 to 36
11th 1st Term Paper (Units 1 & 2) ORAL & WRITTEN
2nd Term
/ Exercise
13th CONSTRUCTION OF MASJID-e-NABVI / Exercise 41 to 45
14th Revision and Test of the Above Topics (Unit 3 )
15th " CHARTER OF MADINA / Exercise 46 to 48
16th " GHAZWA-E-BADR (BATTLE OF BADR) 49 to 51
17th Revision and Test of the Above Topics (Unit 3 )
18th " GHAZWA-E-UHAD / Exercise 52 to 55
19th " GHAZWA-E-KHANDAQ / Exercise 56 to 58
20th Revision and Test of the Above Topics (Unit 3 )
21st " Preparatory Tests' Week
22nd " 2nd Term Paper (Unit 3) ORAL & WRITTEN
Gohar Islamic Studies 5 66 Keybook

3rd Term
24th " 65 to 68
/ Exercises
25th Revision and Test of the Above Topics (Unit 4 )
26th "
QU'RAN 69 to 72
27th 5
HAZRAT ISA (A.S) / Exercise 73 to 76
28th " HAZRAT USMAN GHANI (R.A) / Exercise 77 to 80
29th " Revision and Test of the Above Topics (Unit 5 )
30th Preparatory Tests' Week 1st Term (Units 1 & 2)
31st Preparatory Tests' Week 2nd Term (Unit 3)
32nd Preparatory Tests' Week 3rd Term (Units 4 to 5)
33rd 3rd Term Paper (Units 1 to 5) (ORAL)
34th 3rd Term Paper (Units 1 to 5) (WRITTEN)

NOTE : Teachers may synchronize this “Scheme of Study”

with our (Term Wise ) “Model Papers”, according to their
specific needs.
Gohar Islamic Studies 5 67 Keybook
40 weeks
5/6 days a week Four Terms
3rd Term
24th " 65 to 68
/ Exercises
25th Revision and Test of the Above Topics (Unit 4 )
26th "
QU'RAN 69 to 72
27th 5
HAZRAT ISA (A.S) / Exercise 73 to 76
28th " HAZRAT USMAN GHANI (R.A) / Exercise 77 to 80
29th " Revision and Test of the Above Topics (Unit 5 )
30th Preparatory Tests' Week 1st Term (Units 1 & 2)
31st Preparatory Tests' Week 2nd Term (Unit 3)
32nd Preparatory Tests' Week 3rd Term (Units 4 to 5)
33rd 3rd Term Paper (Units 1 to 5) (ORAL)
34th 3rd Term Paper (Units 1 to 5) (WRITTEN)

2nd Term
/ Exercise
12th CONSTRUCTION OF MASJID-e-NABVI / Exercise 41 to 45
13th Revision and Test of the Above Topics (Unit 3 )
14th " CHARTER OF MADINA / Exercise 46 to 48
15th " GHAZWA-E-BADR (BATTLE OF BADR) 49 to 51
16th Revision and Test of the Above Topics (Unit 3 )
17th " GHAZWA-E-UHAD / Exercise 52 to 55
18th " GHAZWA-E-KHANDAQ / Exercise 56 to 58
19th Revision and Test of the Above Topics (Unit 3)
20th 1st Term Paper (Unit 3) ORAL & WRITTEN
Gohar Islamic Studies 5 68 Keybook

3rd Term
22nd " 65 to 68
/ Exercises
23rd Revision and Test of the Above Topics (Unit 4 )
24th "
QU'RAN 69 to 72
25th 5
HAZRAT ISA (A.S) / Exercise 73 to 76
26th " HAZRAT USMAN GHANI (R.A) / Exercise 77 to 80
27th " Revision and Test of the Above Topics (Unit 5 )
28th " Preparatory Tests' Week
29th 2nd Term Paper (Unit 4 & 5) ORAL
30th 2nd Term Paper (Unit 4 & 5) WRITTEN

4th Term
1st TERM
31st UNITS 1 & 3
32nd Preparatory Tests' Week (1st Term)
2nd TERM
33rd UNIT 3
34th Preparatory Tests' Week (2nd Term)
3rd TERM
35th UNITS 4 & 5
36th Preparatory Tests' Week (3rd Term)
37th Preparatory Leave's Week
38th 4th Term Paper (Units 1 to 5) ORAL
39th 4th Term Paper (Units 1 to 5) WRITTEN
40th "

NOTE : Teachers may synchronize this “Scheme of Study”

with our (Term Wise ) “Model Papers”, according to their
specific needs.

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