Downloading Unreal Engineand Installing Datasmith

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Down load ing Unreal Eng ine 4 and Insta ll ing

Dat asm it h
In tnis guide, you will learn now to get set up and start working Witn Datasmith for u nreal Engine 4 (UE4). This guide covers tne following


• Installing Unreal Engine 4

• Checking that Datasmitn entitlements are active and the plugin is installed

• Creating or Converting a Project for Datasmith

• Installing tne Unreal Datasmith Exporter Plugin

You may nave already completed some of these steps previously. If so, skip to tne section that you have not previously done.

Inst alli ng Unrea l Engine 4

1. To get started installing Unreal Engine 4, start by following tnis How-To guide for Installing Unreal Engine 4. It snows you how to do

the following:

i. Create an Epic Games account (if you don't already nave one)

ii. Download and Run tne Installer (Epic Games Launcner Setup Program)

iii. Sign into the Epic Games Launcher

iv. Install Unreal Engine 4

2. When you're ready to install Unreal Engine 4, click tne Add Versions button in tne Epic Games Launcner.


Engine Versions + Add Ve rsions

3. Under En gine Version s in tne Epic Games Launcner, a new version slot is shOwn with tne latest major release version of u nreal

Engine 4.
The Datasmith Beta is not always limite<l to the latest Major release of u nreal Engine 4 and may use the Unreal Engine
Preview releases. You can install tllese by clicking the arrow next to tile Engine Version number to select the latest Preview


Click image tor tul/ size.

4. Click Install and cnoose an installation location.


Engine Versions + ~


My Projects

If storage space is a concern, when choosing an installation location, you can select Options and deselect parts of the
Engine that you will not need. For instance, you can disable any content under Target Platforms if you do not intend to
Clevelop for them inel ivielually to save some aelelitional space.

Unreel Engine 4.18.3 Inst allation Options

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Checki ng that Datas mith Entitl em ents Are Active
Starting with the release of Unreal Engine version 4.1 9, the Clelivery process for the Oatasmith plug in has changeel. If you have an

•Active" u nreal Stuelio entiuement (see below). Oatasmith can anel will be installect alongsiele the Engine.

In the left panel of the Epic Games Launcher, you shoulel see the subscription status listeel for Unreal Stuelio:

If you Clon't see a status listeel, be sure you are loggeel in with an Unreal Stuelio-enableel account. If you neeel aelel itional information about

entitlements for Oatasmith, see the Oatasmith for Unreal Engine 4 page.

Validating the Installation of Oat asmith for Unreal Engine 4

1. Once the Unreal Engine 4 version you selecteel has been installeel, you can click lnstalleel Plugins uncter the Engine version to

verify the Unreal Oatasmith plugin has been installeel.

Unreal Engine Plugins


Unreal Oatasr-1:h (Eets)

,..- 4.19.0

2. If the Unreal Oatasmith plugin is not listeel, see the section below. If everything is there, proceeel to the Creating or Converting a

Project for Oatasmith section of this page.

Manually Inst alling t he Unreal Oatasmith Plug in

If you alreacty nave tile Engine installed or nave installed tne Engine but do not see tne plugins listed, follow these steps to install the

plugin from your Epic Games Launcher's Library.

1. From the Epic Games Launcner, select the library tab, if it is not already selected.


Engine Versions +A

4.19 .0

My Projects

2. Locate the section in the main Window called unreal Studio Plugins and locate tne u nreal Datasmith (Beta) plugin:


Engine Versions + Add Versions

4.19 .0


My Projects

Unreal Engine Preview

Unreal Studio Unreal Studio Plugins


Unreal Oatasmit h [Bet a)

3. Click tile Install to Engine button on the Unreal Datasmitll (Beta) plugin, choose an Engine Version and tnen click Install:

Install Plugin
Slot to add plug in t9 4.19..-1

• • Inst all Cancel

4. Once the Plugin finishes installing, under tile Unreal Engine 4 version, select Installed Plug ins to verify that it nas been installed:

Unreal Engine Plugins

-;,. Unreal OataS1"1:h (Bet!)
,..- 4.19.0

Creating and Convert ing a Project for Datasm ith

Starting with unreal Engine 4.19, Datasmitll is only available inside Unreal Engine 4 projects tllat are identified as "Unreal Studio'

projects. BelOw are two patlls you can follOw to either create a new Unreal Studio project or convert an existing project to an Unreal

Studio project.

Creating a New Unreal St udio Project

If you're new to Datasmitll or even an experienced user of Datasmitll tllat is starting a new project, follOw these steps to get it set up and


1. Click Ille Launch button to start tile Engine Version tnat Datasmitn is installed with. Ideally, this would t>e tile latest release version

of Unreal Engine 4.
Click image tor full size.

Tne Lau nch button in tne left panel can t>e used to start tne Engine. but it may not defaun to tne latest version of tne Engine if you
nave multiple installed. You can cnange tnat by cliel<ing the arrow next to Launch to cnange wnicn Engine version to use.

Unreal Engine 4 .18.3

Unreal Engine Preview

Unreal Engine 4.18.3
..... ' " .......... ' ............... ' .....

2. After a moment. the Unreal Project Browser Will appear.

Click image tor full size.

3. Click tne New Project tab and select tne Unreal Studio tab.

r,oiects New rroJect

• - ' •. . . u..,, ....11:......, ....
Click image tor full siZe.

4. Next, perform the following actions:

Click image tor full siZe.

i. Select a Template.

ii. Select a Location to save your project to.

iii. Enter a Name for your project

5. Click Create Project.

Click image tor full size.

Converting a Project to an Unrea l Studio Project

Starting with u nreal Engine 4.19, the Datasmith plugin is require<! to be an "Unreal Stu<lio' project for the plugin to function. An Unreal

Stu<lio project is a set of unique templates that enable the use of Unreal Studio plugins, and these ca nnot be use<! with any project that is

not associa te<! as one. If you participate<! in the Unreal Datasmith beta With an Engine version earlier than 4.19 or created a project using

the Blueprint or C++ templates, then your Datasmith project is not identifie<l as an Unreal Stu<lio project.

Use the steps below to convert your existing project to an Unreal Studio project:

1. If your Datasmith project uses a version of Unreal Engine older than version 4.19, be su re to up<late this before procee<ling. You

can follow the steps in Installing Unreal Engine 4 to install the latest Engine version.

2. Open your project in Unreal Engine 4.19.

i. If vou're uodatina the oroiect from an earlier version of Unreal Enaine than 4.19. use the Launch button for the Enaine an<l
then select your Project through the Unreal Project Browser.

Click image tor tu/I size.

A message window will appear. Click Open a copy.

Convert Project

This proiect was made with a different version of the Unreal Engine.

Opening it with this version of the ed itor may prevent it opening with the original editor. and
may lose data We recommend you open a copy to avoid damaging the original.

ii. If you have an Unreal Engine 4 .1 9 or later project that was created using the Blueprint or C++ project templates. You can

open the project as you normally would from the Epic Games Launcner or the Unreal Project Browser.

3. When your project opens. navigate to the file menu in the Editor and select Edit > Plugins to open the Plugins window.
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4. In tne Plugins Window, use tne left panel to select Un real Stud io.

You'll notice tnat tne Datasmitn CAD Importer and Datasmitn Importer are botn grayed out meaning that tney are disabled for tnis

project since it's not an Unreal Studio project.

5. At tne bottom of tne Plug in Window, click tne Convert Project & Restart button to identify tne project as an Unreal Studio project

so it will enable the import of Datasmitn files.

Installing t he Unrea l Dat asm it h Exporter Plu gin

For some applications, like Autodesk 3 0S Max, Datasmitn for Unreal Engine 4 does not natively support its file type. For some software,

a custom exporter plugin is provided to output an unreal Datasmitn (".UDATASMITH) file type tnat is recognized by tne Datasmitn

Importer plugin for UE4.

Currently, tile Datasmith Exporter plugin for Auto<lesK 3DS Max supports 3DS MaxtDesign versions 2016, 2017, and 201 8. Downloa<l tile

3DS Max Plugin from the Unreal studio Download page.

Tile EULA allows you to share tile Exporter plugin with others that are in your organization or tnose that are contractors of your


Using Multiple Versions of Oatasmit h Side by Side

If you have been a part of tile Unreal Datasmith beta for a while, chances are that you nave multiple versions of Datasmith plugin

installed for a previous version of Unreal Engine, as well as a matching version of the 30S Max Exporter plugin.

Datasmith is only being develope<l for the latest release of the Unreal Engine. This means that bug fixes will not be integrate<! into older

versions of tile plugin for Unreal or the exporters. For this reason, we encourage anyone using Datasmith to up<late to the latest release

and <liscontinue tile use of any ol<ler versions. A<lditionally, the exporter Will not handle cases Where it can write to specific versions of the

plugin, such as choosing tile version of tile plugin to write files for (for example, current or previous versions).

If you've up<lated Datasmith for Unreal, you should also up<late tile Datasmith Exporter for 3DS Max so that both versions match.

Instal ling th e Oatasmith 30S Max Export er Plugin

1. DownlOad tile Exporter plugin from tile link above. Close any instances of Autodesk 30S Max that are running on your machine.

The installation will fail if you don't <lo Ill is.

2. Ru n tile installation process.

Welcome to the Unreal Datasmith

Exporter for 3ds Max Setup Wizard

The Setup Wizard will ilstall Unreal Datasrrith

Exporter for 3ds Max on your comput er. Ock Next
t o conmue or cancel to exit t he Set up Wizard .

I 0.17.0 Back Next cancel

3. If you get a security warning, tnis is because the prugin installer has not yet been registered with Microsoft. Click More Info.

Windows protected your PC

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Tnen click Run Anyway.

4. Tne versions of A utodesk 30S Max installed on your system will oe detected. Place a cneckoox by the 30S Max version(s) you
want to install tne Datasmith Exporter plugin for.

Ock !nstal tocontn.Je. I!

Install Unreal Datasmith Exporter for 3ds Max for :

Autodesk Jds Max 2010

Autodesk 3ds Max 2017

E2I Autod esk 3 ds Max 2016

Autodesk 3ds Max Design 2018

Autodesk 3ds Max Design 2017

Autodesk 3ds Max Design 2016

0.17.0 i& Instal cancel

Vali dating t he Oatasm it h 3 0S Max Export er Installation

To validate that tne plug in is correctly installed, launch 30S Max and export small scene. Set the Save as type to Unreal Datasmith

(".UDATASMITH) and click Save.

The Datasmith Export Options window will appear. It also indicates tne current version of tne Datasmitn export plug in tnat is installed.
Removing t he Oatasmith 3 0S Max Exporter Plugin
To uninstall the exporter plugin, you can use Windows installed applications anel programs list to do so. Search for Unreal Oatasmith

Exporter to locate and remove.

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Click image for full size.

The installer for the Autodesk 30S Max Export plugin stores registry entries that can sometime s interfere with the installation of an

upgrade. This can sometimes cause the installer to quit unexpectedly. You can open the Registry Editor in Windows and search

for · oatasmith." Delete the corresponding Keys and rerun the installer.

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Click image for full size.

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