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Lesson Plan Template

EDI 685 – Professor Goericke

Please have a paper copy for me when I arrive for the lesson.

Intern Name: Jared Wright Intern Placement: Holly Lanenga

Common Core State Standards: The standards that can be found in this lesson are as follows: 1-PS4-2
and 1-PS4-3. Both standards deal with waves and the path of light.

Learning Target/Success Criteria: The following “I can” statements will be used in the lesson: I can state
that light will travel in a straight path. I can explain that when there is no light there is no sight. I can
use science materials appropriate
Materials needed: Flashlights, shadow boxes, several objects with different shape and texture, mirrors,
glasses that are filled with different liquids, worksheets (a copy will be provided).

Engagement (How will you build interest/link to past lessons or prior learning?): The lesson is designed
to implement stations. Students will be given 9 minutes to complete the station and an extra minute to
transition from station to station (this time will be adjusted if students are completing stations faster
than expected). This is will be the first time that students are using science materials. They are super
geeked to do their “experiments” during this lesson. Prior knowledge will come when it is described
how the moon does not have its own light. This fact is something students learned in a previous science
Exploration/Mini-lesson: The mini-lesson will restate what type of behavior is expected of the kids and
how they should handle the materials. Students will also be given a quick overview of each station.
The mini-lesson will quickly cover the topics of light’s path and no light no sight. This should take no
more than 5 minutes. There will be a session where students come together to discuss their findings.
Student Work (Cooperative Learning/Differentiation/Centers/Technology/Independent Work):
Students will work with a partner to complete 3 out of the 4 stations. One station will have students
looking through a shadow box. They will determine if they can see an object with light and without
light. At this station students will also be trying to shine the light at the ceiling using mirrors. Another
station will have students predict if light will shine through an unknown liquid. Once they have made
their predictions the students will begin the experiment. The third station will have students
predicting what will happen when they shine a light on an object. Once their predictions are made,
they will begin the experiment. The last station will have students read a store and answer a single
Assessment, Formative and/or Summative: The students will be completing a formative assessment at
a station and a summative assessment of the lesson at the end of the lesson. A class debrief will also
be used to assess the students and clear up any misconceptions.

Closure (Link to learning target): The lesson will come to a close with students completing an
assessment to provide evidence on the students’ understanding of the lesson. This assessment will
come after students have been given 5 to 10 minutes to debrief their findings of the experiments they
have conducted. The assessment is linked to two of the three “I can” statements. The third I can
statement will be assessed during the lesson.

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