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Research writing

 No generally accepted rule in preparing research write-ups

Basic Parts of a Research Paper

 Preliminaries (4 parts)
 Chapter I (Rationale and Background)
 Chapter II (Review of Related Literature)
 Chapter III (Matherials and Methods)
 Chapter IV (Results and Discussion)
 Chapter V (Summary of findings, Conclusions and Recommendations)
 References


 Title page
 Abstract
 Chapter I (Introduction and Its Background, Statement of the Problem, Formulation of the
Hypothesis, Significance of the Study, Scope and Delimitation of the Study, Definition of Terms)
 Chapter II (Review of Related Literature and Studies)
 Chapter III (The Subject of the Study, The Procedure, Research Design, The Statistical Treatment)
 Chapter IV (Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Data)
 Chapter V (Summary, Conclusion and Recommendation)
Research writing

 No generally accepted rule in preparing research write-ups

Basic Parts of a Research Paper

 Preliminaries (4 parts)
 Chapter I (Rationale and Background)
 Chapter II (Review of Related Literature)
 Chapter III (Matherials and Methods)
 Chapter IV (Results and Discussion)
 Chapter V (Summary of findings, Conclusions and Recommendations)
 References


 Title page
 Abstract
 Chapter I (Introduction and Its Background, Statement of the Problem, Formulation
of the Hypothesis, Significance of the Study, Scope and Delimitation of the Study,
Definition of Terms)
 Chapter II (Review of Related Literature and Studies)
 Chapter III (The Subject of the Study, The Procedure, Research Design, The
Statistical Treatment)
 Chapter IV (Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Data)
 Chapter V (Summary, Conclusion and Recommendation)

Research writing

 No generally accepted rule in preparing research write-ups

Basic Parts of a Research Paper

 Preliminaries (4 parts)
 Chapter I (Rationale and Background)
 Chapter II (Review of Related Literature)
 Chapter III (Matherials and Methods)
 Chapter IV (Results and Discussion)
 Chapter V (Summary of findings, Conclusions and Recommendations)
 References


 Title page
 Abstract
 Chapter I (Introduction and Its Background, Statement of the Problem, Formulation of the Hypothesis,
Significance of the Study, Scope and Delimitation of the Study, Definition of Terms)
 Chapter II (Review of Related Literature and Studies)
 Chapter III (The Subject of the Study, The Procedure, Research Design, The Statistical Treatment)
 Chapter IV (Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Data)
 Chapter V (Summary, Conclusion and Recommendation)
Base on my study, Calamansi have many benefits; can help control
cholesterol levels, loosen the dandruff, remove the unpleasant odor of
underarms and many such things. Also the aloe vera, the extract of this can
make the hair long and shine.

I use to combine these two for making a spray on hair. It composes a

natural substances that woudn’t lead the hair to fall. And it can make the
hair healthy.

Base on my observation is the most

pleasant/fragrance flower here in the

I experiment on how it is use for our daily lives.

There are benefits of Sampaguita such as help
to prevent against a variety of severe
illnesses, including heart disease etc.
The objective of this paper is to find the perfect skin lotion for ichthyosis vulgaris
patients and to make it profitable to produce. A consumer satisfaction model
was created and evaluated using Microsoft Excel to choose the ingredients and
concentrations to maximize the consumer satisfaction. The consumer
satisfaction is based on the physical properties of the lotion which are directly
related to the consumer properties. A demand model was then created in Excel
to choose the ingredients and concentrations to maximize the profit.
1. Introduction and Its Background
Background of the Study Body odour (esp., foot odour) is the body’s unpleasant smell that is caused by
bacteria. The main cause of this is foot sweat. Actually, sweat itself is odourless, but it creates a beneficial
environment for certain bacteria to grow and produce bad-smelling substances. These bacteria are naturally present
on our skin as part of the human flora. More smell is created with factors that cause more sweating such as wearing
shoes and socks with inadequate air ventilation for many hours. Hair on feet, especially on toes may contribute to the
odours’ intensity by increasing its surface area where bacteria can thrive. Foot powder is a type of sweat-absorbing
powder that helps prevent or remove foot odour. Background of the Study Aloe vera, Aloe is known for its topical
use for treating wounds and burns. Many previous studies reported the healing effects of Aloe vera. However,
there are few clinical studies on the effect of orally administered A. vera gel on the skin. Aloe sterols are a type of
plant sterols that have the capability to regulate the metabolism of glucose and lipids. In a recent study, we
confirmed that ingested Aloesterols reached the peripheral tissues through the bloodstream. However, their
influence on dermal fibroblasts has not been investigated.

2. Statement of the Problem

Specific Question: Can Calamansi and Aloe vera extract be a better substitute for spraying the hair?


 There’s no near Aloe vera and Calamansi Tress on us.

 Not sure if it prohibited to use in spraying the hair
3. Formulation of the Hypothesis
The study of using Calamnsi extract as an alternative material to substitute sprayer. The process of making this
spray to hair is the easiest and simplest thing to do. Just have a long patience to do this.

4. Significance of the Study

Other sprayer have bad effects to hair because of chemical substances. So the researcher find their foundation
and possible solution. The researcher thought a best way to smoothen, strengthen, and make the hair long in
a natural component.

5. Scope and Limitation of the Study

This study is only limited to determine the effectiveness of the Aloe Vera and Calamansi extract in the hair.

6. Definition of Terms
 Introduction and It’s Background
 Statement of the Problem
 Formulation of the Hypothesis
 Significance of the Study
 Scope and Limitation of the Study
1. Introduction and Its Background

A lotion is a low-viscosity topical preparation intended for application to the skin. By

contrast, creams and gels have higher viscosity, typically due to lower water
content.[1][2]Lotions are applied to external skin with bare hands, a brush, a clean cloth,
or cotton wool.
While a lotion may be used as a medicine delivery system, many lotions, especially hand
lotions and body lotions are meant instead to simply smooth, moisturize, soften and perhaps
perfume the skin.[3]
2. Statement of the Problem
 There’s no enough money to provide all the ingredients

3. Formulation of the Hypothesis

Make a wise and safe decision. Be neat in doing this research.

4. Significance of the Study

A lotion is usually in the form of a low-viscosity, oil and water emulsion that’s applied to the skin
as a topical for a variety of benefits including healing dry skin and as a preventive measure and
treatment for blemishes. Lotions have minerals and vitamins designed to smoothen and soften
the skin, provide UVprotection (sunscreen), and even promote tanning. Lotions can also be used
as topical medical applications in the case of acne blemish gels and cortisone creams. Although
it has fewer overall applications than lotion, moisturizer is a similar emulsion of oils, lubricants,
skin lipids and sterols used to hydrate the skin. Moisturizers range from low to high viscosity
depending on the type of skin they are manufactured for and prevent/treat dry skin, improve skin
tone and are also designed to cover up blemishes.

5. Scope and Limitation of the Study

This product is used to effectiveness oor the skin to make it smooth.

6. Definition of Terms
 Introduction and It’s Background
 Statement of the Problem
 Formulation of the Hypothesis
 Significance of the Study
 Scope and Limitation of the Study
1. Introduction and Its Background

Sampaguita is the national flower of our country-Philippines.Sampaguita flowers is commonly used as a garland for religious
offerings.Sampaguita's distinct sweet,headt fragrance is its unique feature.
Summer is coming.It can cause sweating resultingto have a body odor.Having body odor will make people to stop them
from going near to you.
Perfumes,can lessen the unwanyed odor from our body .Unfortunately,perfumes nowadays are very much expensive
especially those branded ones.Some perfumes,can cause headache because of its fragrance.The fragrance of this
perfumes are not soothing to smell for some people.
The researcher make use of the flower's(sampaguita)petals as a perfume to substitute those expensive perfumes and
branded ones.The fragrance of the flower is believe to relieve headaches caused buy the sun's heat.

2. Statement of the Problem

 There’s no enough money
 Can’t measure the ingredients properly.
 There’s no time to do this.
3. Formulation of the Hypothesis

Sampaguita perfumes will minimize the body odor and it will last longer thean commercial ones.

4. Significance of the Study

This study wants to test the feasibility of the sampaguita petals as an alternative material to substitute expensive
perfumes.This is because Sampaguita is abundant here in the Philippines.The perfume will be made from the petals of the
Sampaguita flowers.The Process of making the Sampaguita perfume has easier and cheaper steps than making those
expensive ones.There are two set-ups: the first set-up is the sampaguita perfume will be tested to one hundred people and
there comments will be recorded.The second set-up is the expensive perfume will be tested to one hundred people and
there comments will be recorded.The records will be compared.

5. Scope and Limitation of the Study

This study only focuses on making prefumes from sampaguita perfume.

6. Definition of Terms
 Introduction and It’s Background
 Statement of the Problem
 Formulation of the Hypothesis
 Significance of the Study
 Scope and Limitation of the Study
Chapter II
Review of Related Literature and Studies Related Literature

Related Literature


Calamansi, a citrus fruit tree also known as Citrfortunella microcarpa or calamondin,grows natively in the
Philippines. Calamansi trees bear small, orange-like fruits, darkgreen foliage and white flowers.The
calamansi tree grows up to about 25 feet tall atmaturity, and it is hardy to U.S. Department of
Agriculture zone 9 and above. Like mostother citrus trees, calamansi grows readily from seed. This is a
reliable propagationmethod if you cannot find calamansi saplings or cuttings at a plant
nursery.(King,2001)Kalamansi is a smooth and slightly spiny plant, growing to a height of 3 to 5 meters.Leaflets
are elliptic to oblong-elliptic, 4 to 8 centimeters long.
Another study used a similar design but with unspecified composition of the aloe vera gel and reported significant
improvement in 82% of patients versus 5% in the placebo group over a period of 8 weeks. Three clinical trials on
the effect of aloe vera gel for the treatment of psoriasis vulgaris were inconclusive.
Related Studies
Research found that the leaves of the evergreen shrub of kumquat (Fortunella japonica) which is common in China,
and belongs to the same family Rutaceae with Calamondin (Citrofortunella microcarpa) has hypolipidemic,
hypoglycemic, and antioxidative effects [2].Calamansi is richly cultivated in the Philippines, its average annual per
capita consumption is as waste [3]. Citrus fruits such as calamansi, is utilized mainly for its pulp and juice, the rest
of the fruit or the pressed pulp, covering of pulp segment, seeds, and the rind are considered largest source of
citrus waste, finding a way to utilize it will also help the environment. Since calamansi belongs to citrus family it
can now be utilized as source of herbal medicine. If its potential use as herbal medicine is explored it can also help
in the reduction of environmental pollution. Diabetes mellitus incidences increases daily and it is one of the top
ten causes of death. In 2008, a survey was conducted and showed that one in every five Filipino has diabetes. This
only means 20% of the total population has diabetes. Although it has only increased 4% since 1998, these numbers
still cause alarm since Filipinos diagnosed with diabetes are reported to be younger and younger [4]. In 2010, there
were 285 million people worldwide diagnosed with diabetes. It is estimated to rise over 50% and incidence to
increase to 438 million by 2030. Estimated 80% of diabetics live in developing countries [5].

Aloe vera or sabila is a plant belonging to the family of Asphodelaceae, native to northern Africa. It requires a lot of
sun, warm and dry weather, as exists in the south of the Canary Islands, ideal for cultivation.

Aloe juice has been used for centuries for its extraordinary moisturizing, regenerative, nutritious and healing
properties. More than 5,000 years ago it was used by the Egyptians for healing purposes.

However, we must wait until 1935 to find the first scientific study on the healing power of Aloe vera that was done
by the doctors E. and C. Collins.
Chapter II
Review of Related Literature and Studies Related Literature

Related Literature

Aloe vera (syn. Aloe barbadensis Mill., Fam. Liliaceae), also known as Barbados or Curaçao
Aloe, has been used in traditional and folk medicines for thousands of years to treat and cure a
variety of diseases. Although the plant is native to northern parts of Africa, it has rapidly spread
across the world because its cultivation is easy. An important distinction has to be made
between the strongly laxative and purgative latex derived from the bundle-sheath cells and the
clear mucilaginous gel. The plant has been used by Egyptians, Assyrians, and Mediterranean
civilizations, as well as in Biblical times. A variety of aloe species are still used in folk medicines
of Africa and Asia. Hunters in the Congo reportedly rub their bodies in the clear mucilaginous
gel to reduce perspiration; some African tribes apply the gel for chronic conjunctivitis; the gel is
used in India for the treatment of asthma.1
Aloe vera gel is used as an ethnomedicine in Trinidad and Tobago for hypertension. 2 The most
common folk use of aloe has been for the treatment of burn wounds and specifically to aid in the
healing process, reduce inflammation, and tissue scaring. The gel was described by Dioscorides
and used to treat wounds and mouth infections, soothe itching, and cure sores.3 The use of aloe
vera gel as a household remedy in the United States was triggered by reports of its beneficial
effect on radiation dermatitis4 followed by a boom in cultivation in the 1930s; it remains a
common plant and for burns and abrasions.1,5 Important contemporary uses of the gel exist in
traditional medicines of India, China, and Mexico, as well as Middle America and the West Indies.
Mexico is producing roughly 47% of aloe worldwide with a total sales volume of $123.5 million US
dollars as of 2008.6

Related Studies
Aloe vera Linne or aloe barbadensis Miller is a succulent from the Aloe family (400 different
species), a tropical plant which is easily grown in hot and dry climates and widely
distributed in Asia, Africa and other tropical areas. The use of aloe vera is being promoted
for a large variety of conditions. The aim of this systematic review was to summarize all
dermatology-oriented in vitro and in vivo experiments and clinical trials on aloe vera
preparations. Extensive literature search were carried out to identify all in vitro and in vivo
studies as well as clinical trials on the subject. Data were extracted from these in a
predefined standardized manner. Forty studies were located.
Chapter II
Review of Related Literature and Studies Related Literature

Related Literature

1. Oil extracted from sampaguita flower is used in cosmetics industry such as perfumes, deodorant, hair colors, hair oil, and body
care lotions.

2. Sampaguita flowers are also used as an alternative medicine. Many people used it for alleviation of ailments such as fever,
cough, diarrhea and others.

3. Sampaguita root are also used as treatment for snake bite especially for other skin problems.

4. Dalandan is used similarly is a wide Variety tradition. Dalandan is used as an alternative medicine for insomnia.

5. Dalandan is use as an alternative stomach ailments medicine such as a stomach aches and high blood pressure.

6. dalandan has a complex chemical make-up though it is perhaps most known for votalite oil in the peel.

7. Air freshener is originated in USA it was invented in 1941 it is used to minimized the disinfectant made by bacteria in air that
cause air pollution.

8. Lemon and dalandan have a same extract and chemical substances that needed in making air freshener.

9. Air freshener has a variety of chemical that needed in making it but some chemicals are affecting our environment and
especially our air.

10. But some scientists in America discovered that the toxic chemical used in making air freshener can minimized the amount by
adding T.E.G... T.E.G. is chemical have molecules that minimize the amount of toxic chemicals.

Related Studies
Sampaguita is the common name for Jasminum sambac in the Philippines. It is a flowering shrub with small fragrant white
flowers and is a species of jasmine. A native of Southwestern and Southern Asia, it is believed to have first originated in the
Himalayas. It was brought to the Philippines by some travelers in the 17th century. However, it is now a part of the country's
beautiful landscape and also its culture.

Unlike other species of jasmine, sampaguita is a tropical evergreen shrub that flowers throughout the year in tropical climate.
Although the size of its flowers is smaller than some other species, it is much more fragrant than the others.
Chapter IV
Presentation of Data, Analysis and Interpretation of Data



After 2-4 weeks, It made the hair strong, shine and smooth.
Chapter IV
Presentation of Data, Analysis and Interpretation of Data



It makes the skin whiten and smoothen.
Chapter IV
Presentation of Data, Analysis and Interpretation of Data

Prepare all the ingredients

Boil the water
Put the sampaguita AND OTHER INGREDIENTS
and cool them

Makes you feel fragrance and fresh after spraying it on your body.
Chapter V

Summary/ Recommendation
The researcher study about this benefits of
Calamansi and Aloe vera. And guided by other
This finished product is the cheapest thing to do so it
is prohibited to us to use this on spray on our hair.
And make the hair well attractive.
There’s no negative effects of it for sure.
Chapter V

That immediately relieves itchiness caused

by dry skin. This treatment is enriched with
cooling menthol and soothing colloidal oatmeal
that provide instant relief from itch.
Chapter V
This product is very natural and well welcomed to
use. Use it to smell you so good.
Also, this product is natural no chemical.

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