Broads by Roxane Gay

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Jimmy Nolan has a thing for broads—loud, brassy women who sit with their legs open and drink
beer straight from the bottle—women who always say exactly what they’re thinking and for better
or worse, mean what they say.

By Roxane Gay

Jimmy Nolan has a thing for broads—loud, brassy women who sit with their legs open and drink
beer straight from the bottle—women who always say exactly what they’re thinking and, for better
or worse, mean what they say.

Jimmy Nolan has a hard time meeting broads. He’s not quite sure if this is the result of geography,
circumstance, or personal limitation. Jimmy’s ex-girlfriend Marissa was the antithesis of a broad—
pale, thin, precise, and polite with a watery voice and weak handshake. She says Jimmy isn’t the
kind of guy broads go for and, more than once during the course of their three-year relationship,
she turned up her nose when Jimmy ogled a broad passing by.

Jimmy Nolan would like to think he is the kind of guy broads go for. He likes his steak rare, enjoys
a cold Budweiser, and has a hearty laugh that echoes in any room. His problem, however, is that
he models himself after caricatures of who he thinks broads like. And, unfortunately for Jimmy,
he’s a nice guy. He opens doors and covers his lap with a napkin at dinner, never interrupts a
conversation, and always says please and thank you. Then there are his hands—slender, almost
delicate hands that are finely veined, the skin stretched smoothly over bone without blemish.

It is this habit of placing his napkin on his lap that first got the attention of Greta, a waitress, a
broad among broads, at his favorite diner. Greta is charmed by Jimmy’s manners and his demeanor,
and how, even when he only comes in for coffee and a danish, he still takes the time to use his
napkin properly. Greta doesn’t claim to know much, but she knows men. She knows that their
hands and their minds wander and that they will say most anything to get into the pants of a broad
like her. Knowing so much about men is exhausting for Greta. Each day, when she sees Jimmy
Nolan, Greta is grateful to see the kind of man she knows nothing about.

Jimmy long ago decided his hands were the bane of his existence. Women like Marissa coo and
fuss over them; they yearn for Jimmy’s lovely hands to toy with their tender bits. Marissa’s favorite
thing was for Jimmy to lie next to her in bed, gently sucking one nipple while he stroked her clit
with his middle finger in small, fast circles until the pleasure was so sharp and intense that it hurt.
She couldn’t get enough of Jimmy’s middle finger until, of course, she met someone who was
happy to take Jimmy’s place. In Jimmy’s experience, the women in his life often find someone
who can take his place. Broads, they take one look at Jimmy Nolan’s hands and decide that hands
so fine would crumble inside their bodies. They hardly pay him any mind at all.

Every night, Jimmy Nolan takes a bath. It’s a ritual he has perfected over the years. At exactly
10:35 p.m., after the evening news is done, he runs hot water until the tub is three-quarters full and
adds a capful of musky bath oil. He sets the radio to KSZU FM, a jazz station—real jazz, not that
new stuff—and after stripping naked, sinks into the bath with a heavy sigh, enjoying the swirls of
steam that fill the room. Jimmy bathes with his eyes closed, his long dark hair clinging to the
ceramic edges of the tub. He fantasizes about trashy and brassy broads—imagines their mouths
and breasts and thighs and eyes. In more explicit detail, he imagines Greta—a tall brunette with
thick thighs, large green eyes, and oddly small yet perky breasts.

Jimmy doubts that Greta knows his name, but he leaves her a generous tip every day. He
compliments her on the way she manages to dangle a cigarette between her lips and hold a
conversation all while pouring coffee. As he thinks about Greta, he wraps his slender, almost
delicate hands around the rigid length of his cock—which is not at all delicate—and slowly strokes
himself. If he closes his eyes tight, he can pretend Greta is there with him, sliding into the tub,
sighing as she relaxes. Jimmy knows that Greta has long days. What she needs at the end of that
long day is a hot bath and a man like Jimmy Nolan waiting for her.

In his mind, she sits across from him, smiling her slow, easy smile. She arches her leg just so, and
traces Jimmy’s body from shoulder to shoulder with her big toe. Jimmy massages her foot, then
her calf with his delicate hands. Greta moans softly, whispers, “That feels so good.” Greta’s skin
is slick, smooth, and he can feel the tension in her muscles as his hands move higher. Greta slides
lower and pulls Jimmy toward her. He imagines her full lips, brushing against his neck as she
straddles his lap, and slowly lowers herself onto his cock. Jimmy breathes slowly. He wants to
make the moment last. He wraps his arms around Greta’s strong frame, smiles to himself as she
perches her chin over his shoulder.

Her ankles lock against his back and then, Greta fucks Jimmy like a broad should. She is exuberant,
loud, and her thighs squeeze him so tightly Jimmy can hardly breathe. Jimmy rises to meet her
thrusts, enjoys the wet sound of their bodies slapping together, water spilling onto the tiles. When
she’s about to come, Greta grabs hold of the sides of the tub, and lifts herself a bit, so that her
breasts bounce against Jimmy’s face. He wraps his fingers in her thick, damp hair. She tells Jimmy
to open his eyes, and she stares at him, her lips slightly parted.

Afterwards, when the fantasy of Greta has faded, there is a small constellation of grayish cum
floating somewhere over his torso. Jimmy smokes a cigarette, thankful that his hands prove
themselves useful on occasion.

Jimmy has tried asking Greta out on a date. Imagined or not, he is certain that they share a
connection. Greta has a habit of resting her hand against his narrow shoulder a little too long,
smiling a bit too brightly when he passes through the grease-smudged doors, taking a seat across
from him when there’s a lull. During these lulls, Jimmy and Greta talk. He loosens his tie, rolls up
his sleeves, and tries to flex his forearm muscles. They banter about work and politics and movies
and life, and always Jimmy reminds her that his name is Jimmy Nolan. He knows that she has one
kid, no husband, no boyfriend. She drinks Heineken, exclusively, likes clubbing when she can get
a sitter, voted for Ralph Nader in the election, and plays a mean game of golf.

What he does not know is that these conversations are the highlight of Greta’s day. When she’s
home, after she’s put her kid to bed, she stares out her bedroom window, looking past what’s really
there, and tries to recall every word Jimmy Nolan has ever said to her.
On a very ordinary Thursday, after working late, Jimmy Nolan decides to stop by the diner, add a
little variety to his routine. The place is nearly empty when he takes a seat at his regular booth.
Greta is still working, though she looks a bit more worn than usual. Her long hair is unkempt,
wayward strands creeping out of the ponytail that draws her features back. Light shadows line her
eyes, and Jimmy imagines that this is what Greta must look like when she first wakes up—drowsy
and succulent.

Greta smiles when she sees Jimmy, leans against his table, and drawls, “Jimmy Nolan, is it
tomorrow already?”

“So you do know my name.”

Greta cocks her head to the side and fishes her notepad from her waist. “What can I get ya?”

“Coffee. A burger, rare, with everything, and a side of onion rings.”

She pens his order, chewing on her lower lip, then taps the top of his head with her notepad and
heads back to the kitchen. Jimmy watches her go, the way her hips rock back and forth. He hopes
she knows he is watching. Greta hopes Jimmy is setting aside his polite ways long enough to
watch. When she brings his food, the only other customer in the place, a tired-looking trucker with
nicotine-stained fingers and a dent in his lower lip, pays his bill and leaves. Jimmy realizes with
startling clarity that, save for the short-order cook watching TV in the kitchen, he and Greta are
alone for the first time.

Greta sets Jimmy’s plate before him and takes a seat, pouring some ketchup on a napkin before
sliding a finger through an onion ring and twirling it in the air. “At last,” she says, winking. Greta
takes a bite of the onion ring and wills Jimmy Nolan to take an interest in something other than
casual conversation with her.

Heat creeps from his chest, up through his neck, and into his cheeks. He turns away and coughs as
he assembles his hamburger—bun, ketchup, mustard, burger, mustard, ketchup, lettuce, tomato,
onion, bun. The pickles, he eats separately, one by one.

“You play with your food the way I used to play with Legos,” Greta says.

Jimmy shrugs. “I know how I like my food.”

Greta takes another bite of the onion ring she has stolen. “That’s good,” she says. “That you know
what you like.”

Jimmy can’t help but grin. “Long day?”

Greta swings one leg out to the side, her blue skirt slowly inching up her thighs. “Every day is a
long day.”

Jimmy nods as if he can understand what it’s like to stand on your feet for ten hours a day, every
day, but then, as he brings his burger to his mouth, he sees his hands and, blushing, quickly takes
a bite, drops his food and hides his hands under the table.
Greta rubs her chin thoughtfully. “I could try and devise a clever ploy to get you in the bathroom,
but I already know how to unclog a toilet.”

Jimmy leans forward, one leg twitching uncontrollably. “Why do you need to get me in the

Greta stands, smoothing her outfit. “Follow me.”

Again, Jimmy watches her walk away, stares down at his plate, and at the empty space across from
him. He practically trips over his own feet as he extricates himself from the booth. His leg still
twitching, he makes his way to the bathroom and pauses, studying the two doors before him. After
a quick debate, he curses for quibbling with himself about which door she’s behind and decides
Greta will be in the ladies room. Greta is sitting over the sink, her ass against the faucet, legs
slightly spread.

“Took you long enough.”

“I got lost.”

Greta laughs, and Jimmy shivers. She has a vulgar, voluptuous laugh, one that echoes like his. She
reaches out and takes hold of the narrow length of his tie, pulling Jimmy closer. He stumbles
forward, falling into her, his nose pressed against her cotton blouse. He inhales deeply. She smells
like grease, tobacco smoke, lipstick, and a perfume he’s never smelled before—a perfume only
broads wear, he thinks. Shyly, Jimmy takes hold of Greta’s waist and looks up at her.

“Jimmy Nolan,” she says.

Taking a deep breath, Jimmy brushes his lips across Greta’s. He memorizes every faint groove,
the way her full lips come to a point in the middle and never seem to close completely. It’s been a
long time since he’s kissed any woman, and an even longer time since he’s had the opportunity to
kiss a woman properly—wetly, with lots of tongue, hard enough to leave his lips swollen the next
day. The tip of his tongue slips past her lips, and he traces the hard edges of her teeth before
venturing further, finding her tongue, thick and flat, salty. Greta’s legs spread further apart, and
she wraps them around Jimmy’s waist before clasping the back of his neck, letting her long
fingernails dig into his skin. Jimmy Nolan tries to become the kind of guy broads pick up in a
diner. He undoes her ponytail and wraps her soft, thick hair around his fingers. He growls, as he
feels her back arching, her breasts pressing against the flat of his chest.

Pulling her head back, Jimmy drags his fingers from the tip of Greta’s chin, along the column of
her throat, to the top of her blouse, hurriedly undoing each button, one of them flying off in the
process and landing on the floor with a loud ping. Greta is silent but she kisses Jimmy with an
intensity that frightens him. Beneath his slacks, his cock is hard against the soft fabric of his boxers.
He brings his mouth lower, sinking his teeth into Greta’s neck, pulling at the tight flesh, and tracing
the red marks he makes with his tongue. In the morning, he wants Greta to stare at herself in the
mirror and draw her fingers over the bruise he will leave. He wants the world to know Jimmy
Nolan was here.
Jimmy looks up for a moment. He almost doesn’t recognize himself in the mirror. His face is
flushed, a sheen of sweat covering his forehead and upper lip. His eyes are flashing, nostrils flaring.
Greta tugs his tie again, and Jimmy takes her small breasts into his slender, almost delicate hands,
enjoying the weight of them as his fingers follow the curves, squeezing softly. Reverently, he pulls
each of Greta’s nipples into his mouth. The textures of her body against his tongue send shivers
down his spine and thighs. Greta presses her fingernails into his shoulders. Jimmy starts to nibble
her nipples with his teeth, exerting just enough pressure to feel the taut flesh give way. He persists
until Greta is moaning and grinding against the hollow sink beneath her. Jimmy rests his nose
against Greta’s breastbone. She smells different now.

He doesn’t bother removing her skirt. He knows how broads like it when they’re being fucked in
bathrooms. She instinctively raises her ass as he shoves her skirt up around her waist. He can
hardly control himself as he slides her panties, a purple, silky thong—the kind a broad wears—
down her legs, leaves them dangling from her ankle. Greta takes hold of one of Jimmy’s hands,
and one by one, pulls his long fingers into her mouth to the third knuckle, lathing them with her
tongue, grazing them with her teeth. She makes loud, sloppy sounds that remind him of her kisses.

“You have beautiful hands,” she whispers. “The first thing I noticed about you.”

Jimmy is startled. He looks at his hand, in her mouth, imagines reaching into her body, reaching
past the viscera in search of something he can’t quite put to words. He can’t help but say thank
you. Greta takes the hand she is sucking, pushes it down the center of her body leaving a wide,
moist trail. She firmly plants his hand against her cunt and stares at Jimmy.

“You have beautiful hands,” she says again.

Jimmy nods silently and lowers his mouth between her thighs, licking the warm spaces between
his splayed fingers. Greta shivers, and Jimmy shyly spreads his fingers, exposing the downy strip
of her pussy lips. Sliding his tongue between them, he licks upwards. Her taste changes from subtle
to thick and sharp along this intimate geography. Her clit, when he reaches it, is softer than he
imagined, but sensitive, her thighs trembling each time his tongue passes over.

“Your hands,” Greta says hoarsely. “It’s your hands I want.”

He rises slightly and leans forward, resting his forehead against the upper swell of her breasts and
slides two fingers inside Greta as he presses his thumb to her clit. She is tight—tighter than he
expected—and her wetness slides around his fingers like warm water. Greta is tracing his shoulders
with her nails, and she has carefully wedged one of her feet between their bodies, pressing the arch
against the hard length of his cock. Jimmy Nolan notes Greta’s flexibility.

Jimmy slides a third finger inside Greta. She adjusts, spreading her legs wider. He twists his hand
and arches his fingers upward, exploring the silky smoothness covering hard bone, the way her
cunt curves. He tries to find the deepest, pulsing part of her, though he is not quite sure that such
a thing is possible. The opening of Greta’s cunt puckers around his fingers. Taking a deep breath,
Jimmy lets his pinky slip inside of her. Slowly, at first, he begins to fuck her with his fingers,
sliding them to the third knuckle then pulling back, then sliding back in. There is a sound—a soft,
squishy sound that Jimmy Nolan hopes he will never forget. Greta begins rocking her hips, and
she moans a high-pitched, squeaky moan that borders on laughter. Her thighs are slick with sweat.
The bathroom reeks of disinfectant, grease, and sex.

Greta pounds her fist into Jimmy’s back. “More,” she says tersely. “More.”

Jimmy fucks Greta harder. Faster. The muscles in his arm burn from shoulder to wrist, but he
doesn’t stop. He presses his thumb against the palm of his hand and slides his entire, delicate,
finely-boned hand inside Greta’s cunt. His fingers curl into a fist, and Jimmy Nolan thinks it is a
marvelous feeling, the sensation of Greta’s insides clinging to his hand. Greta lifts Jimmy’s chin
with one finger and forces him to look at her. Her expression is serious—one of intense
concentration. Her eyes are cloudy, her lips open wide. Jimmy holds her gaze, grabbing Greta’s
ass with his other hand, thrusting his fist in and out of her with deliberate strokes that make her
whole body tremble. Her moans are louder, throatier now. Jimmy does not know how much longer
his arm will last, but he continues fucking Greta, rolling his fist around inside of her, rubbing his
knuckles against the soft doughy pad just below her clit, his own hips rocking in rhythm with hers.
His cock is throbbing, and he knows that soon, very soon, he will come all over his boxers, and he
will have to walk home in the wet spot.

Suddenly Greta throws herself back, her head hitting the dirty mirror. Jimmy blinks. Her cunt
spasms around his hand, wetness oozing over his wrist, trickling along his forearm. He leans down,
licking some of the moisture. It is entirely satisfying.

“Don’t stop,” Greta says, through clenched teeth.

Jimmy does as he’s told and continues fucking Greta, but harder. His hand feels raw, knuckles
chafed. He catches a glimpse of them in the mirror, their bodies at awkward angles, practically
entwined. Jimmy likes what he sees. After a final husky groan, so low Jimmy can hardly hear it,
Greta’s body stills. He tries to pull his hand out, but Greta shakes her head.

“Not yet,” she says.

They sit there, leaning against one another for a long while. Jimmy can hear the cook cleaning up
the kitchen, leaving out the back door. They are silent, save for slow, heavy breathing. Finally,
Greta kisses Jimmy’s chin and nods. Slowly, Jimmy slides his hand out of Greta’s pussy. He traces
the soft, exquisitely soft folds with his narrow pinky. Greta takes his wrist again, pulls her hand to
her lips, kisses the open palm, then closes his fingers over the memory of her lips. He smiles
widely. Jimmy Nolan is dizzy, delirious. He is slightly incredulous to be holding a broad like Greta
in the palm of his slender, almost delicate hand.

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