Abortion: Argentina Cristina Fernández de Kirchner

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Civilization, commonly, is the principle value of every society. All people believe that
modern society could promote their living to be better and easier without any doubt. However,
this sexy and easy lifestyle establishes more relationship, especially sexual relationship, between
the citizens living in society. The issue is abortion. It becomes the noticeable concern in all
nations that make government to decide the regulation of it. Should the government legalize the
abortion to open door for women to receive such a service with guarantee, or should claim that
abortion will adversely affect their culture? Apparently, abortion legalization is the best decision
to the government for three significant reasons.

First, legal abortion helps to maintain liberal in society. People would have freedom to
choose the right choice for them to have a baby. With abortion, they can freely decide when the
good time is, or what the reason is to have the child. Imagine that if a woman becomes pregnant
before marriage, for example, high school student, or underage lover, should she have the right
to abort the baby? If you were her, would you want to do the abortion? Exactly, women must be
able to make decision based on their own sense. Surprisingly, when talking about freedom and
right to make decision, Argentina seems to be a liberal social. According to an article in New
York Times, by Barrionuevo (2010) states that “The government of Argentina’s president,
Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, has reversed steps toward protecting women’s health and
reproductive rights, and backtracked on its intention to guarantee access to legal abortions.” This
can show that after many years ‘experiences and debates, a nation has decided to legalize the

Second, abortion legalization helps to promote women’s health. The performance of

abortion is most commonly used to save the life of mother when life threatening situation
happened. For instant, many women around the world might have some diseases that can cause
danger to their life when giving childbirth or the child may have not enough organs when she
was born. Thus, legal abortion has helped to solve serious problem such as these things.
According to Gabriel (2008), he suggests that the distinction between the two types of abortion is
legal abortion is safe, and illegal abortion is dangerous, but there is no difference in number of
women having abortion whether it is legal or illegal. The author indicates that the risks tend to
increase for women in the country which there is no legal abortion, especially poor country. In
addition, when a woman feels that abortion is really necessary, prohibition couldn’t stop her. She
will choose to have abortion illegally without any appropriate methods. It is really dangerous for
them. Hence, it is good to legalize abortion rather than let women to choose wrong decision and
risky method.

Third, abortion could help to promote financial stability in the family. Legal abortion
gives choices for couple to decide the availability of resources to support their child. For
example, if the couple has an unwanted pregnancy by chance, they could decide that if they have
enough ability to give their child a good living, or if they have enough time to take good care of
their kid. Some couple are not mature enough to look after the baby, or sometimes they might be
busy with their business or work. So, if there is no abortion, they will end up their life with the
family. I n the passage of Paul (2008) shows that the factor for many women to decide having
abortion is because they are in the state of poor economy.

The opponents of the legal abortion might say that abortion should be illegalized to
reduce the number of women doing abortion, as well as to protect the culture. However, to
against the legal abortion is still not stop women from having abortion. Assume that if America
re-passes the law of abortion to be illegal, what will be changed? The women who have enough
funds will find the way to do abortion in other country where it is legal. On the other hand, some
women will break the law or will use other risky method to perform abortion.

In conclusion, there many evidences support legal abortion. It has shown that women
could take advantages out of abortion. People could live in freedom and right to make their own
decision, especially women. They would live in a comfortable life without any fear of unwanted
pregnancy. Government should legalize the abortion to benefit the society as well as citizens
living in it.

Reference list
Barrionuevo, A. (2010). Argentina faulted for reproductive policies. The New York Times.

Retrieved on August 30th, 2010, from http://www.nytimes.com/2010/08/11/


Gabriel, M. (2008). Legal abortion has saved women’s life. Retrieved on August 30th, 2010,

from http://www.ippf.org/en/News/Intl+news/Legal+abortions+have+saved+womens+


Paul, ST. (2008). Women say economy factor in abortion. Retrieve on September 01, 2010, from

Royal University of Phnom Penh
Institute of Foreign Languages

Course Assignment

Topic: Abortion should be legalized or should be

Illegalized in every nation.

Lecturer: Pich Pheaktra (PPT)

Prepared by: Ly Tolarith

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