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42 (IJCNS) International Journal of Computer and Network Security,

Vol. 1, No. 3, December 2009

MOSAODV: Solution to Secure AODV against

Blackhole Attack
N. H. Mistry1, D. C. Jinwala2 and M. A. Zaveri3
Computer/IT Engineering Department, Shri S’ad Vidya Mandal Institute of Technology,
Bharuch 392-001, Gujarat, India
Computer Engineering Department, Sardar Vallabh National Institute of Technology ,
Surat 395-007, Gujarat, India
2 3,

Abstract: Mobile ad hoc network (popularly known as Demand Distance Vector (AODV) that is one of the many
MANET) showing promising applications have now gained available reactive routing protocols for MANETs
significant importance in research as well as in practice, due to AODV is a reactive routing protocol for adhoc and mobile
their autonomous and self-maintaining nature. Unlike other
networks. As all other routing protocols of MANETs,
types of networks, MANETs are usually deployed without a
centralized control unit. Hence, mutual cooperation amongst
AODV uses two phases, viz., Route Discovery and Route
the participating entities forms the basis for determining the Maintenance. Various control messages used by AODV are
routes to the destination. This aspect along with the fact that Route Request (RREQ), Route Reply (RREP) and Route
MANET nodes are often constrained in power, storage and Error (RERR). The header information of this control
computational resources, make MANETs vulnerable to various messages can be seen in detail in [6]. Every node in an
communications security related attacks. Therefore, the direct Adhoc network maintains a routing table, which contains
application of the conventional routing algorithms is infeasible
information about the route to a particular destination.
here. Numerous attempts can be found in the literature that
concentrates on improving the security of the routing protocols Route Discovery Phase is initiated by broadcasting RREQ
for MANETS. However, according to our analysis, none of them message. After broadcasting RREQ the source node waits
is complete by itself. In this paper, therefore, we focus on for the RREP message. If a route is not received within
improving the Secure Adhoc On demand Distance Vector NET_TRAVERSAL_TIME milliseconds, the node may try
(AODV) routing protocol to safeguard it against a Denial of again to discover a route by broadcasting another RREQ, up
Service attack viz. the Blackhole attack. The proposed to a maximum of RREQ_RETRIES times at the maximum
modifications to AODV are implemented and tested using
TTL (Time to Live) value [6]. ReveiveRREP(Packet p) is
Network Simulator (NS-2.33). The performance analysis carried
out shows improvement in Packet Delivery Ratio of AODV in one of the crucial function of AODV. The pseudocode can
presence of Blackhole attack, with marginal rise in average end- be seen in figure 1.
to-end delay and normalized routing overhead. At Source Node: AODV
1 ReceiveRREP (Packet P){
Keywords: MANET, Blackhole attack, Security, Routing 2
if(p has an entry in Route Table) {
select Dest_Seq_No from routing table
4 if(P.Dest_Seq_No > Dest_Seq_No){
Protocols, AODV. 5 update entry of P in routing table
6 unicast data packets to the route
specified in RREP
7 }
1. Introduction 8
else {
discard RREP
10 }
11 }
The desire to be connected anytime, anywhere, anyhow has 13
else {
if(P.Dest_Seq_No >= Src_Seq_No) {
led to the development of wireless networks, with a focus on 15
16 }
Make entry of P in routing table

17 else {
pervasive and ubiquitous computing. MANETs are no 18
19 }
discard this RREP

exception [1]. 20

Therefore, traditional wired routing techniques are

infeasible here [2]. Due to the open medium, dynamically Figure 1. RecvReply Pseudocode
changing network topology, cooperative algorithms, lack of The nodes participating in the communication can be
centralized monitoring and management, and lack of a clear classified as either source node, intermediate node or
line of defense; MANETS are more vulnerable to attacks destination node. Working of a node varies as it plays one of
than wired networks [3]. Amongst various attacks that the these roles. Source node, once send a RREQ waits for first
MANETs are susceptible to, a few are eavesdropping by the RREP to come, the figure hence explains only the part at
adversary, spoofing on the control and data packets source node after it receives a RREP message. When
transacted, malicious modification or alteration of the destination node or intermediate node that has fresh enough
packet content and several Denial-of-service (DoS) attacks. route to the destination receives the RREQ message it
In addition, in the absence of any centralized mechanism generates an RREP message and updates its routing table
to support the network operations, the participating nodes in with accumulated hop count and the sequence number of the
a MANET rely largely on cooperative algorithms destination node. Freshness of a route is decided by the
establishing the network routes. Hence, the routing protocol magnitude of sequence number. Sequence number is a 32-
obviously becomes susceptible to the nodes with malicious bit integer. The larger the sequence number, the fresher is
intent. We focus on analyzing the security of the Adhoc On- the route considered [4]. In Route Maintenance, if a node
(IJCNS) International Journal of Computer and Network Security, 43
Vol. 1, No. 3, December 2009

finds a link break or failure then it sends RERR message to considers RREP having higher value of destination sequence
all the nodes that uses the route. number to be fresher, the RREP sent by malicious node is
In this paper, therefore, we propose an algorithm to treated fresh. Thus, malicious node succeeds in injecting
counter Blackhole attack against Secure AODV routing blackhole attack.
protocol [5] in MANETs. As our results and analysis According to the solution in [8] the requesting node without
described in section 5, the proposed modification to Secure sending the DATA packets to the reply node at once, it has
AODV is indeed effective in preventing the Blackhole to wait till other replies with next hop details from the other
attacks with marginal performance penalty. neighboring nodes for a predetermined time value. After the
The rest of the paper is organized as follows: In Section 2, timeout value, it first checks in CRRT table whether there is
we describe working of AODV routing protocol, the any repeated next hop node. If any repeated next hop node is
Blackhole attack and then survey of the related work in the present in the reply paths it assumes the paths are correct or
area. In section 3, we discuss our solution MOSAODV the chance of malicious paths is limited. The solution adds a
delay and the process of finding repeated next hop is an
(MOdified Secure AODV) algorithm. In section 4, we
extra addition to overhead.
discuss the methodology of evaluating the MOSAODV and
In [9], DPRAODV check to find whether the
will discuss the metrics used to compare the algorithm
RREP_seq_no is higher than the threshold value. The
relative to the existing traditional AODV. In Section 5, we
threshold value is dynamically updated at every time
describe the simulation results and analyze the same. Finally
interval. As the value of RREP_seq_no is found to be higher
we conclude in Section 6.
than the threshold value, the node is suspected to be
malicious and it adds the node to the black list. As the node
2. Theoretical Background and Related Work detected an anomaly, it sends a new control packet, ALARM
Blackhole attack is one of the active DoS attacks possible in to its neighbors. The ALARM packet has the black list node
MANETs. In blackhole attack a malicious node sends a as a parameter so that, the neighboring nodes know that
forged RREP packet to a source node that initiates the route RREP packet from the node is to be discarded. Further, if
discovery in order to pretend to be a destination node itself any node receives the RREP packet, it looks over the list, if
or a node immediate neighbor of the destination. So, source the reply is from the blacklisted node; no processing is done
node will forward all of its data packets to the malicious for the same. In DPRAODV, one can imagine overhead of
node; which were intended for the destination. The updating threshold value at every time interval. Along with
malicious node will never forward these data packets to the this, generation of ALARM packet will considerably
destination and therefore, source and destination nodes increase Routing Overhead.
became unable to communicate with each other [7]. In [10], the protocol requires the intermediate nodes to
Figure 2 illustrates blackhole attack in MANETs. In the send RREP message with next hop information. When the
figure node S wants to communicate with node D. It can be source node get this information it will send a RREQ to the
seen in the figure that S starts broadcasting RREQ, which is next hop to verify that the node has a route to the
received by nodes N1, N2, N3 and M (malicious node). intermediate node that sends back the RREP packet, and
Node N1 and N3 again forwarded the RREQ to node D. that it has a route to the destination. When the next hop
Assuming RREQ from node N1 reaches first to D, so it receives Further Request, it sends Further Reply which
generates RREP and replied back to N1. Then it receives includes check result to source node. Based on information
same RREQ from node N3 and hence is dropped (ignored) in Further Reply, the source node judges the validity of the
by D. Node M being malicious also generates RREP and route.
sends it to node S. So, now node S will ignore the genuine In [11], source node verifies the authenticity of node that
RREP from N1 (Destination Sequence Number in RREP initiates RREP by finding more than one route to the
from M is higher). Node S will now starts sending data destination. When source node receives RREPs, if routes to
packets to node M. Node M being malicious absorb all data destination shared hops, source node can recognize the safe
packets. route to destination.All solutions discussed [9] [10] [11],
puts some overhead on either/both intermediate and
destination nodes in one or other way. Keeping in mind, the
limitations of mobile nodes in MANETs (battery life,
processing power, storage) we need to device an algorithm
or protocol that satisfies the following criterions:
• The algorithm should put minimum routing overhead and
Figure 2. Blackhole Attack in MANET end-to-end delay.
First, we shall explore how a malicious node succeeds in • It should put minimum efforts on either intermediate or
injecting blackhole attack to a MANET using AODV as its destination node. Otherwise, sometimes intermediate
routing protocol. Security of AODV is compromised as it nodes tend to act selfishly.
accepts the received RREP having fresher route. The • The selection procedure (of a fresh route) must be
malicious node always sends RREP as soon as it receives computationally simple.
RREQ without performing standard AODV operations
keeping Destination Sequence number very high. As AODV
44 (IJCNS) International Journal of Computer and Network Security,
Vol. 1, No. 3, December 2009

3. Modified Secure AODV (MOSAODV) packets is from S to D via node N1. MOSAODV is very
simple and the algorithm will fail only if there exists a
Though there are many solutions available to deal with
single route to the destination and that route is
blackhole attack. All of them are incomplete in one or other
way. As discussed in section 2 d, there is still scope for a
Our solution adds a table of size 6 byte ( Table 1), a variable
solution that takes care of all the points discussed there. Mali_Node of size 2 bytes and a timer variable of size 10
Our solution is designed such that it does not modify bytes. The overall memory consumption is 20 Bytes more
working of either intermediate nodes or of destination. In than that of AODV. This is worthy for the rise in Packet
addition to normal AODV MOSAODV have a new table deliver Ratio (PDR). The time overhead in MOSAODV is
Cmg_RREP_TAB, a timer MOS_WAIT_TIME and a MOS_WAIT_TIME which is a constant value in terms of
variable Mali_node. The structure of the table can be seen in milliseconds (1500 ms) and time required to execute
table 1. Pre_ReceiveRREP() is also in terms of milliseconds. So
Table 1: Fields in Cmg_RREP_Tab Table again that is acceptable.
Size in
Field Name Value
Node Id from where RREP
Node Id

Destination Sequence 4
Value of destination sequence
Number (Destination
number in the RREP.
Seq. No.)
Unlike AODV, source node in MOSAODV does not
accept every first RREP but calls Pre_ReceiveRREP(Packet
p) which stores all the RREPs in the newly created
(Cmg_RREP_Tab) table till MOS_WAIT_TIME. Then it
analyses all the stored RREPs from Cmg_RREP_Tab table,
Figure 4 .
and discards the RREP having exceptionally high
(a) MOSAODV at T1 > T0 : Saving RREPs in cmg_RREP_Tab
destination sequence number. The node that sent this RREP (b) Entries in Cmg_RREP_Tab at time T0+MOS_WAIT_TIME
is suspected to be the malicious node. MOSAODV (c) MOSAODV at T2 > = T0 + MOS_WAIT_TIME
maintains the identity of the malicious node as Mali_node
so that in future it can discard any RREPs from that node. 4. Simulation Results
Now since malicious node is identified the routing table for For the simulations, we use NS-2 (v-2.33) network
that node is not maintained and also control messages from simulator. NS-2 provides faithful implementations of the
the malicious node will not be forwarded in the network. different network protocols. At the physical and data link
Cmg_RREP_Tab is flushed once an RREP is chosen from it. layer, we used the IEEE 802.11 algorithm. The channel
Our solution; after detecting the malicious node acts as used is Wireless Channel with Two Ray Ground radio
normal AODV by accepting the RREP with higher propagation model. At the network layer, we used the
destination sequence number. The pseudocode of routing algorithms AODV and MYSAODV. Finally UDP is
MOSAODV is given in figure 1. Line number 14 shows that used at the transport layer. All the data packets are CBR
after selecting one RREP, MOSAODV calls (continuous bit rate) packets. The details of CBR packets
ReceiveRREP(Packet p) method of AODV. can be seen in table 3.
The connection pattern is generated using cbrgen and the
At Source Node: MOSAODV
1 Pre_ReceiveRREP (Packet P){
2 t0 = get(current time value)
mobility model is generated by setdest. Setdest generates the
3 settimer(to + MOS_WAIT_TIME)
4 till timer expires Store P.Dest_Seq_No and P.NODE_ID in
random positions of the nodes in the network and mobility
Cmg_RREP_Tab table
5 after timer expires
in the network. The terrain area is 800m X 800m with
6 while (Cmg_RREP_Tab is not empty) {
7 Select Dest_Seq_No from table number of nodes varying from minimum 10 to maximum 80
8 if (Dest_Seq_No >>>= Src_Seq_No){
9 Mali_Node=Node_Id with chosen maximum speed up to from 10 m/s to 70 m/s
10 discard entry from table
11 } and pause time varying from 1s to 5s. The simulation
12 }
13 select Packet q for Node_Id having parameters are summarized in table 2.
highest value of Dest_Seq_No
14 ReceiveRREP(Packet q) Each data point represents an average of ten runs. The
15 }
same connection pattern and mobility model is used in
Figure3. Pseudocode of MOSAODV simulations to maintain the uniformity across the protocols.
Figure 4 explains working of MOSAODV. It is assumed Table2: Simulation Parameters Table 3: Details of CBR
that RREP from M is received at time t0. Figure 4(a) show
that unlike traditional AODV, MOSAODV rather than
dropping the second RREP coming from N1to S is saved in
Cmg_RREP_Tab table. Figure 4(b) shows the entries in the
Cmg_RREP_Tab table of S. figure 4(c) shows a scenario at
T1= T0 + MOS_WAIT_TIME, MOSAODV node S picks
RREP from node N1 to be used. And now, the flow of data
(IJCNS) International Journal of Computer and Network Security, 45
Vol. 1, No. 3, December 2009

nodes is varying. It can be seen from the figure 7(a), that

To analyze the performance of MYSAODV, various PDR of AODV drops by 92.84 % in presence of blackhole
contexts are created by varying the number of nodes, nodes attack. The same is gained back when MOSAODV is used
mobility and nodes pause time. The metrics used to evaluate in presence of the attack. At the same time, figure 7 (b)
the performance of these contexts are given below. shows a drop by 0.55 % in End-to-End Delay. Figure 7 (c)
Packet Delivery Ratio: The ratio between the number of shows that the rise in Normalized Routing overhead is 7.71
packets originated by the “application layer” CBR sources %. This is acceptable.
and the number of packets received by the CBR sink at the
final destination. Average End-to-End Delay: This is the 5. Conclusion
average delay between the sending of the data packet by the
The algorithm presented in this paper provides protection
CBR source and its receipt at the corresponding CBR
against blackhole attack in MANET. Inclusion of
receiver. This includes all the delays caused during route
MOS_WAIT_TIME variable and Cmg_RREP_Tab table,
acquisition, buffering and processing at intermediate nodes,
helps us to suspect malicious node. From the experimental
retransmission delays at the MAC layer, etc. It is measured
results, it shows that the solution achieves a very good rise
in milliseconds. Normalized routing overhead: This is the
in PDR with acceptable rise in End-to-End delay and
ratio of number of control packets to data transmissions in a
Normalized Routing Overhead. Neither intermediate nodes
simulation. A transmission is one node either sending or
nor the destination node need to do anything extra. As
forwarding a packet. Either way, the routing load per unit
compared to the various solutions; we had seen in the paper
data successfully delivered to the destination [8].
the algorithm is simple to implement. Though the algorithm
is implemented and simulated with AODV routing
algorithm, we believe that the solution can also be used by
other routing algorithms as well.
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