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20 August 2019


Senator, Eighteenth Congress

Republic of the Philippines

Dear Senator:

Pax et Bonum!

Our Municipality shall be celebrating our annual Town and Patronal Fiesta on September 27-30 2019
with the theme “Ammuyu” an Ilocano term which means gathering.

It is but an obvious reason that our people shall gather together once a year to celebrate the
milestones of our community, and to feel fellowship with others as a result of sharing common
attitudes, interests and goals while planning and rebuilding whatever resources we have for a better

We would be HONORED if you would be our Keynote Speaker during our celebration. We are excited
to hear about your knowledge in Local Governance, Legislation and Nation Building as well as your
legislative plans for municipalities located in the countryside.

We hope that you would be able to fit this event in your very busy schedule.

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