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Cristiana Popa


Access to education
Admit To allow somebody to become a member of a school A permite, a lasa sa intre la scoala

Attend To go regularly to a place A fi prezent

Attendance The act of being present at a place, school Prezenta
Bursary An amount of money that is given to somebody so that they Ajutor financiar acordat unui elev sau
can study, usually at college of university unui student sarac - bursa sociala
Enrol To arrange for yourself or for somebody else to officially join A se inscrie
a course, school, etc
Enrolment The act of officially joining a course, school Inscriere
Exclude somebody/ To prevent somebody/something from entering a place or A elimina temporar
something (from taking part in something
Exclusion A situation in which a child is banned from attending school Eliminare temporara
because of bad behaviour
Exeat Permit Permis de iesire din scoala
Expel somebody (from To officially make somebody leave a school A exmatricula
Expulsion The act of sending somebody away from a school, so that Exmatriculare
they can no longer belong to it
Grant A sum of money that is given by the government or by Subventie
another organisation to be used for a particular purpose
Non-attendance Failure to go to a place at a time or for an event where you Absenteism
are expected
Suspension The act of officially removing somebody from school, for a Suspendare, exmatriculare temporara
period of time, usually as a punishment
Cristiana Popa

Exams and assessment

A Level (Advance A British exam taken in a particular subject, usually in the Examen de bacalaureat (sustinut la
Level) final year of school at the age of 18. disciplinele fundamentale prevazute
de programa de studii a liceului
absolvit )
Assess To make a judgement about the nature of quality of A evalua, a verifica nivelul de
somebody/ something cunostinte
Assessment The act of judging or forming an opinion about Evaluare, verificare nivelului de
somebody/something cunostinte
Assessor A person who judges how well somebody has done in an Evaluator, examinator
Coursework Work that students do during a course of study, not in Activitati practice
exams, that is included in their final marks/grade
CTC City Technology College ( a school in a town or city that Colegiu tehnic
teaches technology, science and mathematics to young
people between the ages of 11 and 18))
GCSE General Certificate of Secondary Education (British exam Diploma de absolvire a ciclului
taken by students, usually around the age of 16. GCSE can gimnazial
be take in any of a range of subjects.)
OFSTED The Office for Standards in Education (a British government Biroul pentru Standarde in Educatie
department that is responsible for checking that standards in
schools are acceptable)
Resit Re-take, to take an exam or a test again, usually after failing Restanta, a da din nou examen
it first time
Score The number of points somebody gets for correct answers in Punctaj
Sit To do an exam A se prezenta, a avea examen
Swot To study very hard A invata foarte mult
Cristiana Popa

In school
Assembly A meeting of the teacher and students in a school, usually of Adunare, sedinta
the start of the day, to give information, discuss school
events, etc.
Changing room A room for changing clothes in, especially before playing Vestiar
Common room A room used by the teachers or students at a school, when Sala in care se intrunesc elevii in
they are not teaching or studying timpul pauzelor; cancelarie pentru
People in school
Caretaker, janitor A person whose job is to take care of a building such as a Ingrijitor
Deputy A person who is the next most important person below a Director adjunct
head of a school and who does the person’s job when they
are away
Graduate A person who has completed their school studies Absolvent
Head The person in charge of a school Director
Headmaster A teacher who is in charge of a school Director
Junior A child who goes to junior school Elev intr-o scoala primara
Junior school Scoala primara
Matron Nurse in a school Asistenta medicala
Prefect An older student with some authority over younger students Monitor, elev din clasele superioare
and some other responsibilities care supravegheaza disciplina
PTA Parent-teacher association (a group run by parents and Asociatia Parintilor si a Profesorilor
teachers in a school that organises social events and helps
the school in different ways)
Truant A child who stays away from school without permission Chiulangiu
Cristiana Popa

School life
Detention The punishment of being kept at the school for a time after
other students have gone home
Half-term A short holiday/ vacation in the middle of each term Vacanta scurta la jumatatea unui
Satchel A bag with a long strap, that you hang over your shoulder or Ghiozdan
wear on your back, used especially for carrying school books
Sports day A special day at school when there are no classes and Zi de sport
children compete in sports events
Syllabus A list of the topics, books, etc. that students should study in a Programa analitica
particular subject at school
Subjects and courses
Art The subjects you can study at school that are not scientific, Profil uman
such as languages, history or literature
Curriculum The subjects that are included in a course of study or taught Programa scolara
in school
DT Design and technology Tehnologie si design
Extra-curricular Not a part of the usual course of work or studies at school or In afara planului de invatamant
Home economics Cooking and other skills needed at home, taught as a subject Ora de lucru manual (la care elevii
in school invata cum sa faca fata activitatilor
practice desfasurate intr-o
ICT Information and communications technology Informatica
PE Physical education Educatie fizica
PSHEE Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education Dirigentie, educatie civica
RE Religious Education Religie
Cristiana Popa

Teaching and Learning

Boarding school A school where children can live during the school year Scoala cu internat
College A secondary school Colegiu
Evening class A course of study for adults in the evening Cursuri seral
Further education Education that is provided for people after leaving school, but not Forma de scolarizare pentru
at a university adulti care cuprinde scoli
Higher education Education and training at a college and university, especially to Invatamant superior
degree level
Learning disability A mental problem that people may have from birth, or that maybe Dificultati de invatare
caused by illness or injury, that affects their ability to learn things
Night school Classes for adults, held in the evening Seral
Report card A written statement about a student’s work at school Fisa de evaluare a activitatii
scolare a unui elev
Scholarship An amount of money given to somebody by an organisation to Bursa
help pay for their education
School- leaver A person who has just left school, especially when they are Absolvent de liceu
looking for a job
Tuition (in something) The act of teaching something, especially to one person or to Taxa de scolarizare, predare a
people in small groups. unor lectii contra cost (meditatii)
Types of school
Academy A secondary school in England which has a great deal of Academie; scoala cu clasele V-XII
independence from local authority control
Co-educational A school where boys and girls are taught together Scoala mixta de baieti si fete
Community school A secondary school that is open to adults from the local Scoala de comunitate unde pot
community as well as to its own students studia si adultii
Comprehensive school Secondary school for young people of all levels of ability Scoala publica secundara
Crammer A school or book that prepares people quickly for exams Scoala sau profesor care
pregateste elevii intensiv pentru
Cristiana Popa

un examen
High school Schools for young people between the ages of 11 and 18 Liceu
Junior school School for children between the ages of 7 to 11 Gimnaziu
Nursery school A school for children between the ages of about 2 and 5 Gradinita
Primary school A school for children between the ages of 4 or 5 and 11 Scoala primara
Sixth form The two final years at school for students between the ages of 16 Clasele terminale de liceu
to 18 who are preparing to take A levels
Sixth form college A school for students over the age of 16 Colegiu pentru elevi mai mari de
16 ani
Trade school A school where students learn a trade Scoala comerciala
Day school A course of education lasting one day, at which a particular topic Curs de 1 zi
is discussed

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