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Course contents

• Introduction
• Executive summery
• Objective
• Methodology
• Population
• Questionnaire and graphical representation
• Report


Technically, a computer is a programmable machine. This means it can

execute a programmed list of instructions and respond to new instructions
that it is given. Today, however, the term is most often used to refer to the
desktop and laptop computers that most people use. When referring to a
desktop model, the term "computer" technically only refers to the computer
itself -- not the monitor, keyboard, and mouse. Still, it is acceptable to refer
to everything together as the computer. If you want to be really technical, the
box that holds the computer is called the "system unit."

Some of the major parts of a personal computer (or PC) include the
motherboard, CPU, memory (or RAM), hard drive, and video card. While
personal computers are by far the most common type of computers today,
there are several other types of computers. For example, a "minicomputer" is
a powerful computer that can support many users at once. A "mainframe" is
a large, high-powered computer that can perform billions of calculations
from multiple sources at one time. Finally, a "supercomputer" is a machine
that can process billions of instructions a second and is used to calculate
extremely complex calculations.
Executive summary
Here I have determined the consumer behaviour towards the usage of
And I have explained it on the basis of experience and research which are
given below.

The main objectives of the research are given below.

1..To investigate the number of users of computer & internet.

2. To investigate the effects due to use & dis-use of computer and

internet on society.

3. To inverstigtae & compare the purchasing power of different level

of peoples.

The research was conducted to investigate that what is
the no of peoples who uses computer personally and socially, and the
effects of computer on society due to use and dis-use of computer/internet
on society, and to analyze the purchasing power of the people, to know that
weather the peoples can purchase upto which extent.

I collected the data on basis of questionnaire. I con ducted the

questionnaire to know the consumer behaviour towards the usage of
computer/internet, and to know how peoples perceives about the usage
of computer/internet.

I took a sample from the population and targeted the young people,
because they are more conscious. . The main reason behind targeting
the young people is that, they are fashion able, they prefers qualitative
Graphical representation.

The following are the graphical representation of the questionnaire I


Q 1. 1. Do you have PC (personal computer) at your home?


Result: Here its showing that 58% peoples have personal computer
at home while 42% doesn’t.
Q 2 Are you satisfied from the performance of your PC?




Result: Here the graph shows that 70% peoples are satisfied from
their Pc and 30% are not satisfied from their Pc performance.

Q 3. Do you have internet facility at your PC?

Ye s

Result: Here the graph shows that 47% peoples of the selected
sampling having internet facility at home and 53% doesn’t have the
facility of internet at home.
Q 4. Does computer/internet wastes the precious time?


Result: Here the graph represent that 44% of peoples think that
computer/internet wastes the time and 56% peoples don’t think that
computer/internet wastes the time.

Q 5. Are you agree with the argument that computer/internet is the

need of the day?




Result: Here the graph shows that 78% peoples think that
computer/internet is the need of the day and 22% doesn’t.
Q 6. Do you feel any positive or negative change in the attitude of any
family member who frequently use computer/internet?


Result: Here the graph shows the result that 47% peoples think that
computer/internet brings changes in the behaviour of peoples and
53% doesn’t think.

Q 7. Compare internet with other sources of information ( Newpaper,

Tv, Radio ). Do you think these sources are effected by internet ?




Result: Here the graph represent that 68% peoples think that Tv,
NewsPaper, Radio are badly effected by Internet and 30% peoples
doesn’t think.
Q 8. . Is there any role of communication , specialy of internet in
improving the economic status of developing countries like Pakistan?



58% Others

Result: here 58% people Agree that internet can improve economic
status of a state ...., 16% did not agree ...and the rest as 26%
approximately don’t know about it.

Q 9. Are you agree with the argument that internet increases the
mental horizon of the people ?




Result: Here 84% peoples think that computer/internet increases the

mental horizon of peoples while the rest did not agree.
Q 10. Have you noticed any moral evils in young generation due to
frequent use of computer and internet?




Result: Here the graph shows that 63% is agree with the argument
and 37% did not.

To know the consumer’s behaviour towards computer/internet and the
advantages and dis advantages of computer/internet on society, I conducted
the consumer research. I targeted a random sampling of consumers which
was included the age group of 18 to 28 years and mostly they were students.
There monthly income shows that they were dependent.

And for population I selected the Peshawar region and randomly I

took sampling in Peshawar and mostly were the youngsters, who uses
In the research I realized that Most of the consumer have the Pc facility but
not internet too. And mostly consumer was satisfied from their Pc
performance , because they buy computer on their will, and most of the
consumers doesn’t have internet facility at home.
And mostly consumers perception is too waste time on computer/internet ,
just because of enjoyment and entertainment , if we take a look on it it’s the
trend of today , and everybody uses computer for general purposes and
And on another hand if we see computer/internet is the need of today as
consumer preferred it that computer is the day need, and it’s a most technical
way of getting information.
And its brings changes in the behaviour and attitude of the peoples as
consumers mentioned in the questionnaire. As it’s a quick source of
information tv , print media are badly effected by internet.

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