Lobotomy Manual Revised

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In Lobotomy, players are patients working together to

escape from Melville City Psychiatric Hospital.

In a haunting mix of survival horror, dungeon crawling and

roleplay, you become characters plagued by reality-bending
disorders. Disorders that make you see the staff as horrifying
abominations and common objects as magical artifacts.

You have an escape plan but even trivial tasks seem like
strange other-worldly missions. Hopefully you can use that to
your advantage before the chief hospital administrator finishes
his rounds and straps you back to your beds.

Throughout all your struggles to escape, one question will

continue to bother you: are you really escaping
from the lobotomy, or are you this way because
Live Together or Die Alone Component List
Lobotomy is a co-operative game where 1-5 players win or lose
together a team. The challenges that the team must face and ultimately - This Rulebook - 17 Monster Cards
overcome are all created and controlled by the game itself.
- Scenario Guide - 20 Scenario Cards
As a team you need to discuss plans and share tasks to stand any - Central Board Piece
chance of victory. The choice is simple: work together against the - 1 First Player Token
- 11 Quarter Board Pieces
hospital and your own delusions, or die alone, strapped to a bed and
plagued by nightmare visions. - 10 Six-Sided Dice - Door Tokens
- 1 Twelve-Sided Die - Locker Tokens
- 1 Four-Dided Die - Body Tokens
The game is played on a modular board made up of pieces representing - Memory Tokens
different parts of the hospital. The players’ characters and all the - 1 Chaos Die
monstrous hospital staff and patients appear as miniatures taking turns - 1 Defense Die
to act. - 8 Character Cards - 60 Red and Blue Tokens
- 32 Basic Skill Cards - 8 Character Miniatures
The players’ turns are spent moving, exploring, regaining their
memories and trying to defeat the monsters, search for items to help - 80 Memory Cards - 8 Character Color-Bases
them escape or performing any other card- or scenario-based actions. - 100 Mental Disorder Cards - 64 Monster Miniatures
- 40 Movement Cards - 1 Warden Miniature
The monsters spend their turn trying to stop the players - not only
chasing after them and attacking, but summoning more monsters and - 60 Inventory Cards
triggering scenario-specific events that can be deadly to the players.
And all while the Warden, the head of the hospital, does his nightly
patrol around the wards...

Each game starts with a single scenario, with more being added as
the game plays on. Players win if they complete all scenarios before the
Warden finishes his patrol around the hospital. But if his journey ends
before you escape, then the only way out is through him.
Component Overview
- 6-Sided Dice
This section gives a description of each component in the game. These dice, sometimes called D6, are used when
Please note that Board Pieces are also commonly called Tiles and decks attacking, testing statistics and for many other
of cards may use abbreviated names, e.g. a deck of Memory Cards may game mechanics that rely on randomly determined
be referred to as a Memory Deck. outcomes.When you need to roll several dice the
number to roll is shown before the D, e.g. 3D6 means
to roll 3 of these 6-sided dice.
- Scenario Guide - Character Cards
The Scenario Guide gives the specifics of each
scenario. It details their setup, objectives, rules, These give information about characters: their
special events, monster statistics and any handicaps statistics, mental disorders, starting equipment and
used in games with fewer than 5 players. backstory.
This is the guide to use when choosing and They have designated places to keep track of
setting up scenarios. health and insanity during play.

- Central Board Piece - Basic Skill Cards

This tile always appears in the centre of the board Each character has a set of 4 Basic Skills available
and is the starting position for the characters. to them, shown by their name on the backs of the
Four other quarter board tiles are attached, one cards.
to each corner, to create the complete map of the Players receive 2 of their cards during setup and
hospital. can obtain the rest later along with other skills.

- Quarter Board Pieces (Quarters) - Memory Cards

These tiles represent different wings of the
Each character has a designated deck of 10
hospital and are placed against the central board
Memory Cards containing the secrets of their past.
piece (one at each corner).
Good memories grant skills and items. Bad ones have
Different quarters can be used each game allowing
a random outcome and can even harm them.
for a variety of different board configurations.

- Mental Disorder Cards

- Chaos Die and Defense Die
These dice allow players to boost their power or These are divided into 5 decks: Aggression, OCD,
defense by sacrifing a little more of their precious Anxiety Neurosis, Schizophrenia and Phobia.
sanity. All these cards are skills usable by characters with
For more information on these dice, see the the given disorder. Each deck has it’s own thematic
Insanity Section on p22. effects (e.g. Aggression focuses on offense).

- 4-Sided and 12-Sided Dice (Randomization Dice) - Inventory Cards

These two dice, sometimes called the D4 and D12, There are 3 decks of Inventory Cards: weapons,
are used to randomize the appearance and spawning equipment and drugs.
points of monsters, memories and objectives on the Players store and use inventory cards to do many
board.For more about this, please see the section on things including fighting, defense, and healing.
Randomization (p6).
- Movement Cards - Body Tokens
One of these cards is revealed at the start of the
monsters’ turn. It controls the appearance of new
These are placed face-up on the board during
monsters and tokens, and the occurrence of random
setup, dictated by the individual board tiles selected.
events, scenario events and boss movement.
Players can search bodies to obtain items or
encounter monsters.

-Monster Cards - Memory Tokens

These are places where characters can gain a

recollection about their past, allowing players to
These contain information about monsters:
draw cards from their memory decks.
their statistics, attacks and rules.
Some are randomly placed on the board during
setup, with more appearing as the game progresses.

- Scenario Cards - Special Tokens

These help players pick a random scenario

and also provide a summary of the scenario setup, These special tokens are used with certain skills,
objectives and rules. attacks and scenarios.
For more detailed information, please refer to Each of these is described on the card that
the Scenario Guide. introduces them.

- First Player Token

- Red and Blue Tokens
This indicates which player goes first on the
players’ turn. After the first player has finished, These are used to keep track of ability cooldowns
the rest of the team go one after another going and insanity. They also mark the durability of
clockwise. weapons, partial damage done to monsters and
At the end of the turn the token is passed to the more.
person on the left (clockwise).
- Door Tokens - Plastic Miniatures

These are placed face-up where a door is marked

Characters and monsters are represented on
on the board.
the game board by miniatures. Some of the larger
The reverse-sides have locked or barricaded
monster models require minimal assembly (no glue
doors, shown by lock symbols and barricades, and
the barriers difficulty.

- Locker Tokens
- Character Color-Bases
These are placed face-up on spaces with a locker
symbol. The reverse-side displays the difficulty of the Each player puts their character figure on a base
search test that must be passed to obtain weapons, of a different color to avoid confusing their character
equipment and drugs. with another player’s.
Before Play Setup

Difficulty Level Board Setup

Before starting, players choose the difficulty level they would like. 1. Select a scenario or shuffle the Scenario Cards and draw one.
This determines the length of the game and how many scenarios must Read it’s description, see if it requires a specific quarter board tile.
be completed to win.
2. Take the Central Board Piece and place it in the middle of the
1 scenario – Paranoid Beginner – 30-45 minutes table. You’ll notice a letter in each corner – A, B, C and D.
2 scenarios – Seemingly Normal – 60-100 minutes 3. If the scenario specifies a Quarter Board Piece, place the tile
specified next to the central board piece at the corner marked A (as
3 scenarios – Crazy Hard – 120-150 minutes
shown below). If no tile is specified proceed to the next step.
4 scenarios – Insanely Impossible – 150+ minutes
Characters and Players
Lobotomy is designed for 3-5 characters. If there are fewer than
three actual players, someone will have to control more than one
character (e.g. playing alone requires the player to control at least
three characters; two players can control two characters each). The
game mechanics adapt to the number of characters, so a game with 3
characters will have fewer monsters than a game with 5 characters, and
the objectives of scenarios will be easier etc.
Your First Game
We recommend that your first game should be played at paranoid
beginner difficulty (1 scenario) to familiarise yourself with the rules.
The hardest part of the game is beginning a new scenario when the
previous one isn’t yet finished. Lobotomy does not have complex rules,
but there are a lot of things going on on the board, a new scenario
introduces even more elements to the game. A good grasp of the basics
will help you cope with this transition.
4. Choose, or randomly select, Quarter Board Pieces for each
remaining corner. Place the unused tiles back in the box.
5. Shuffle the remaining Scenario Cards and put them face-down
next to the board.
6. Separate Mental Disorder Cards into 5 decks according to the
card backs. Shuffle each deck and place them close to the board.
7. Separate Inventory Cards into 3 decks: weapons, equipment
and drugs. Shuffle each deck and place it close to the board.
8. Place the model of The Warden on space A1 (the space
marked with a number ‘1’ on the Quarter Board Piece attached to
the central tile at corner A).
9. Shuffle the Body Tokens face-down. Place one Body Token on the Randomization
pentagram in the Central Board Piece. Often the game will ask you to randomly pick a location. Usuallythis
10. Place one Body Token on each Quarter Board Piece on one of the is to place something (a monster, token or objective) on the board in
highlighted places. If possible, place the body on a highlight without a random place. To randomize, roll a D4 and a D12. The 4-sided die
any furniture (or just seating on) it. Otherwise select a highlight at indicates the Quarter (with 1 being A, 2 being B, etc.) and the 12-sided
random from those available on the tile. die indicates the exact space in the quadrant with a marked number
(from 1 to 12).

11. Turn all the Door and Locker Tokens face-down and shuffle them.
Place random Door Tokens on doorways and place Locker Tokens on
all highlighted areas unoccupied by another token.

Rolling 1 (on the D4) and 7 (on D12) leads to this space, A-7.

Character Setup
1. Each player chooses a character and receives their character’s
Character Card, 4 Basic Skill Cards, 10 Memory Cards, a miniature of
the character and a colored base. The character-specific cards all have
the character name on the card backs.
12. Place two Memory Tokens on each Quarter. Randomize their 2. Put the Character Card in front of you.
positions by rolling a D12 twice for each quarter and placing Memory
3. Shuffle the character’s Memory Deck and place it next to your
Tokens on the spaces marked with the numbers rolled (with no more
Character Card, face-down.
than 1 Memory Token in any single space).
4. Pick 2 of your Basic Skills Cards and place them next to your
13. Separate the basic monsters (patients, nurses and scavengers)
Character Card. Place the unselected skill cards under your Character
from the rest. Randomize 1 patient and 1 scavenger for each Quarter
Card for use later in the game.
Board Tile. Additionally, randomize 2 nurses in a 4-character game and
4 nurses in a 5-character game (but there can be no more than 1 nurse 5. Find the character’s mental disorders on their Character Card. For
per Quarter). each disorder draw one card from the corresponding Mental Disorder
Deck. Place just one of the drawn cards next to your Character Card
14. Follow any additional setup steps required by the scenario.
and discard the rest.
15. Finally, perform the setup for each character (see below).
6. Look through the 3 decks of Inventory Cards for any starting Character card
equipment listed on your Character Card and place them next to your A.Picture B.Name C.Backstory (doesn’t
Character Card. Shuffle the Inventory Decks afterwards. affect play) D.Life (HP)- The number by the drop of blood
7. Place your character’s miniature (and colored-base) on an symbol.is the character’s life. Every point of damage the character
unoccupied space in solitary confinement (the Central Board Piece). takes is marked damage tokens placed on the Character Card.
Healing the character removes these tokens. When the amount of
8. The craziest player receives the First Player Token. damage tokens matches (or exceeds) the life statistic, the character
is taken back to solitary confinement. For more information, see
Death (p24).
E. Insanity - Insanity is tracked here. Characters start the game
with no markers on the track but when they use insanity, or lose
sanity, a marker is placed on the track and moved up the scale.

The final layout: the Character Card with a Memory Deck, 2 Basic
Skills, one Mental Disorder skill and starting equipment.
Goal of the Game
Players win if they complete the objectives of all scenarios (e.g. F. Action Points (AP) - AP indicates how many actions a
normal difficulty – 2 scenarios). However, time is limited by how long character can perform in each turn. Please see List of Actions (p8).
it takes the Warden (boss) to patrol the hospital. The Warden cannot
be attacked by players and starts his patrol on the A1 space. Usually G. Attack Rating (AR) - AR is the minimum result that a player
once per round he moves one space forward – from A1 to A2 and so on, must roll on a D6 to successfully damage an enemy. Low attack
moving from the 12th space on one board to the 1st on the next, e.g. ratings makes fighting easier. For details, see Combat (p16).
from A12 to B1. H. Defense (Def) - Defense indicates the amount of damage that
His journey finally ends when he reaches a space determined by the a character absorbs from each attack without losing health. More
difficulty: A12 in beginner mode (1 scenario), B12 in normal mode (2 information in Combat (p16).
scenarios), C12 in crazy mode (3 scenarios) and D12 in insane mode (4
I. Imagination (I) -Imagination is tested when a character tries to
bend reality. High imagination makes tests easier. See Imagination
After reaching the end space, the Warden moves to the pentagram on Test (p9), Search Test (p12) and Unlocking Test (p25).
the Central Board Piece and the players can only win by defeating him
J. Mental disorders - This lists the character’s illnesses. Characters
in a nearly impossible battle. F
 or more information, see the Insomnia
may use skills from corresponding Mental Disorder Decks.
Track (p23) and Final Clash (p27).
K. Starting equipment - Equipment the character starts with.
L. A character’s unique innate ability.
Game Rounds Running
A Game Round consists of 2 turns. At the beginning of the turn a player can declare that his character is
running. If he does, he gains 2 AP but any action points used this turn
1. The players’ turn - when players make their actions one after the MUST be spent on movement. The character can still use skills, items
other. and attacks but only if they cost zero action points.
2. The monsters’ turn – drawing a movement card, resolving it, Movement
moving monsters and attacking with them. The board is divided into spaces and there is no limit to the amount
The Players‘ Turn of characters, monsters and tokens that can occupy one space at a time.
At the cost of 1 action point a character can move to an adjacent space
The player with the first player token goes first, performing actions if it is not blocked by walls, door tokens and other visible obstacles.
until he either chooses to stop or has spent all his character’s AP. Play
then passes clockwise (to the left) for the next player to perform actions You cannot normally from a space containing any monsters.
until they choose to stop or spend their AP limit. W hen a player has had However, some items and abilities do allow you to escape and move
their go, any unused AP are lost - they cannot be spent after another through monsters (i.e. stealth). Movement is not blocked by other
player this round and they are not carried over to the next round). characters, tokens, markers or scenario-based objectives unless a card
When all players are done, the first player token is passed clockwise or scenario says otherwise. Some Quarters have a complicated layout,
and the monsters’ turn starts. but the passages and obstacles will be always highly visible (e.g. a hole
in the wall, a fence). Adjacent spaces are also clearly visible as they
Available Actions are separated by a continuous line. Ethereal units are an exception to
Here is the list of actions characters can perform for 1 AP cost: these movement rules and they can move through walls, doors etc.
Characters can also leave and move through spaces containing enemies
- Move one space in any direction (see Movement, below). who are all ethereal.
- Search a locker or body in their current space (see Searching, p12).
- Reveal a Door Token or attempt to open a locked door (more in
Doors, p24).
- Pick up a Memory Token (more in section Memories, p13).
- Attack with a skill, weapon or fists (see Combat, p16).
- Trade inventory items with other characters. You spend 1 AP and
you can give and take any number of items to and from any number of
players on the same space (if they agree).

The following actions have varying costs, and may even be free.
- Use a skill or an inventory item. Sometimes they cost more than 1
AP, or no AP at all. For more information, see Skills (p13) and Inventory
- Interact with some scenario-based objectives etc. Green arrows indicate spaces the character can move to for 1AP.
Red arrows indicate spaces that cannot be moved to as they are
blocked by walls.
Line of Sight Monsters’ Turn
The line of sight (LoS) determines if two characters or a character After the last player finishes his turn reveal the top card of the
and a monster can see each other. You must check that there is LoS Movement deck to start the Monsters‘ Turn.
whenever a character wants to use a ranged attack or skill, and during
movement in the Monsters’ Turn.
To check if there is a LoS between two spaces you must be able to A - Event description
draw a straight line from any point on one space to any point on the
other space. LoS is blocked by walls, closed doors and other clearly B - Special event symbol
marked obstacles. LoS is not blocked by other characters and monsters. C - Memory spawn symbol
For more on doors and LoS, please see page 25. D - Warden movement symbol
E – New monsters spawn

Use the revealed Movement Card to resolve the Monsters’ Turn in

the order presented below. Some cards do not have all the symbols, in
which case just skip the related steps.
1. Event Effects
2. Special Event
3. Spawn Memory Tokens
Green lines indicate unobstructed lines of sight. Red lines indicate 4. Move the Warden
that the targets cannot be seen by the character. 5. Move Monsters
Imagination Test 6. Spawn New Monsters
Some events, monsters and items can force a character to test their 7. Monsters Attack
imagination. To do this, roll 2D6 (two six-sided dice) and add the
results. If the final result is EQUAL to or LOWER than the character’s Step 1. Event Effects
Imagination value, the test is passed successfully, otherwise the test Start by reading the event description, it may have effects that may
is failed. Some Imagination Tests have an additional modifier that is happen immediately or will affect the rest of the turn. For example an
applied to the Imagination value for the test. For example, a character event can force all team members to instantly perform a test, or it can
with 9 Imagination attempting an Imagination (-2) Test would need to empower monsters, which will affect them later in the turn.
roll 7 or lower to pass.
Step 2. Special Event
Check the Movement Card for the special event symbol. There are
three types of special event, denoted by color:
- Green (on twenty cards )
- Blue (one in five cards)
- Red (one in ten cards)
Step 5. Move Monsters
Now, check all unfinished Scenario Cards for the special event All the monsters move towards players. This step is further explained
symbol and follow the instructions on any with the matching color. on the next page (p11).
There are also some monsters and inventory items that can interact
with special events (it is stated on their cards). Special event effects Step 6. Spawn New Monsters
trigger in the order: scenarios, then monsters, then items and other. Up to three monsters will be listed on a single movement card.
Randomize each monster on the board. If there are three monsters
on the card and fewer than 5 characters are playing ignore the third
monster. See also Special Monsters and Mini-Bosses (p27).
Step 7. Monsters Attack
Monsters attack any players on the same space as them. This step is
further explained on page 20.

Follow the instructions on all current scenario cards depending on

the color.
Step 3. Spawn Memory Tokens
If the memory spawn symbol is on the movement card randomize
one memory token on the board (see Randomization on p6). If the
symbol is not present or all 12 memory tokens are already on the board
go to the next step.
A. Name E. Health (HP)
Step 4. Move the Warden
B. Attack Types F. Attack Rating (AR)
If the warden movement symbol is on the Movement Card then the
Warden advances one space along the Insomnia Track. C. Special Abilities G. Defense (Def)
For example if the warden is on space A1, he is moved to A2. If the D. Action points (AP)
warden is on space number 12 then he travels to space number 1 on the
next quarter (e.g. from A12 to B1).
More information about this can be found in Insomnia Track on p23. Some monsters will also have additional rules and Special Abilities
shown on their Monster Cards, which make them move or attack in
unique ways.
For example one could have an interaction with a special event
symbol of a particular color.
Monster Movement
Monsters use all their action points on movement – each space
moved costing 1AP. Once they reach a space containing a character
they stay on it. Monsters can still attack (at the end of the Monsters’
Turn) even if they have no AP remaining.
When moving:
- If a monster can see any number of characters (has Line of Sight
to them, p9) it moves towards the nearest one.
- If a monster cannot see any characters then it moves towards the
closest unseen character.
If there is a tie for closest character, both seen or unseen, players This monster sees both characters but they are equal distance
decide which one draws the monster’s attention. away. In this case, the players get to decide which one the
Please note that Ranged Monsters (p21) move slightly differently. monster will move towards.

Please note that when moving, Ethereal monsters and characters

may move through walls, and locked or barricaded doors. However,
they cannot see or attack through these solid barriers!There are
some exceptions to these rules but they are described on the
applicable Monster Cards, Movement Cards or Scenario Cards. For
example, Nemesis always moves towards the same character.
Monsters and Doors.
Monsters can move through Door Tokens that have not yet been
revealed (and are still face-down). When characters reveal a door
but do not successfully open or break through them on the same
Although character A is closer, the monster cannot draw a line
turn, the Door Token remains face-up on the board. Only Ethereal
of sight (LoS) to him and so can not see him. The monster moves
monsters can move through these revealed doors, meaning that
towards character B.
non-ethereal monsters can be trapped in a room or forced to find
another way to the characters. F or more on this, see Doors (p24).
Tip for Moving Monsters Faster
There can be dozens of monsters on the board at the same time,
and some may be quite far from the characters (10+ spaces). In this
case counting the exact distance to each player can be slow and
inconvenient. Instead just intuitively move the monsters towards
the nearest corridor or to the center of the board. Each player can
“look after” one board quarter and move the monsters closest to
him or her. This will reduce the time spent moving the hordes.

Here the monster cannot see any character at all, so will move
towards the closest character (A).
Monsters Attack Locker Search

In the last step of the Monsters’ Turn, every monster in the If a character uses a search action on a Locker Token he reveals
same space as one or more characters (or within range and LoS it (flips it upside down) and performs a Search Test.
of a charcater for ranged monsters) attacks. Each monster attacks
just once (unless the Monster Card or scenario rules say otherwise)
and attacking does not consume any AP.After all monster attacks
are resolved a new game round begins with the Players’ Turn. For
details on this, please see Monsters Attack (p20).


When a character is on a space with a Locker Token or a Body

Token, he can use 1 action point to search it (search action). Once
searched, the token is then discarded.
Body Search

If a character uses a search action on a body token he reveals it

(flips it upside down) and draws an Inventory Card indicated on From left to right, the symbols represent weapons, equipment
the back (weapon, equipment or drug). and drugs. Each item has a number assigned that represents its cost.
There is also a monster symbol (which is not on all Locker Tokens).
Some Body Tokens have monster symbols instead of item
Once revealed the player has to perform a Search Test that will
symbols in the back and they automatically spawn the indicated
allow him to “buy” inventory cards but risks spawning a monster at
monster in that place - especially inconvenient as characters cannot
his feet (if there is a monster on the token).
move from a space containing monsters.
Search Test
Look at your character’s Imagination statistic and roll that
number of six-sided dice (e.g. if you have 8 Imagination, roll 8d6).
Each result of 4, 5 or 6 is a success, the rest are failures. S uccesses
can be traded for Inventory Cards at the cost represented on the
back of the token. For example, above, 3 successes are needed to
buy a card from the drug Inventory Deck. With enough successes
you can “buy” multiple cards during a single search, but you may
only get one from each category (weapon, equipment, drugs) and
each needs to be paid for separately.
If you do not have enough successes to buy any inventory card,
the test is failed and if there is a monster symbol then the monster
indicated spawns on the same space.
Note that although Search Tests use imagination they are not the
same as Imagination Tests described earlier (p9).
Even if you draw a bad memory, after following the instructions
on it, keep it next to your character.
At any time in the game, without any AP cost, you can trade
2 Memory Cards for 1 of your character’s Basic Skills (placed
under you character card during set-up). If you do that, discard
the Memory Cards spent (do not put them back in the Memory
Deck). Remember that some memory cards are one-use-only, so
after using and discarding them you cannot trade them in for a
Basic Skill.
Other personalized items from the Memory Deck can be used
for a limited number of times or may be weapons (affected by
durability). Until an item is exhausted or a weapon destroyed they
A character searches a Locker Token to find that a weapon can still be traded for a Basic Skill.
card costs 2 successes, equipment costs 4 successes and drugs cost
3 successes each. As the character’s Imagination is 7, he rolls 7 Skills
six-sided dice. Five dice are successes, having results of 4 or more.
With 5 successes, the player could buy both a weapon and a drug Characters have 4 personalized Basic Skills and can gain any
(2+3) or buy just the equipment card for 4 successes. A  s the player number of additional skills from the Mental Disorder Decks (OCD,
passed the test (rolling enough successes to buy at least 1 item) the Schizophrenia etc.). Skills are mostly used during your character’s
monster shown on the token will not spawn. own turn (there are exceptions) and there are multiple ways they
can affect the gameplay.

Memory Token
When a character is on a space with a Memory Token, the player
may perform a memory action and draw a Memory Card from his
personal Memory Deck at the cost of 1AP. The Memory Token is
discarded and the player reads the Memory Card (following any
instructions on it).
Memory Deck
Each Memory Deck consists of 10 cards, five of which are
personal memories from the character’s life. Remembering these
will bring back useful skills and items. The remaining cards are the
same for all characters, describing traumatic memories from the
After drawing a Memory Card, read it and follow the
instructions on it. Then place any skills and items gained next
to your character for them to use. Please note that personalized
items cannot be traded to, or used by, other characters.
Skills are divided into three types: attack, utility and defense. decreasing it, remove the token and the skill is ready to use again.
You can also decrease a cooldown of one of your skills by one every
time one of your attacks kills one or more monsters.
Attack Skills are offensive and mostly focus One of the key decisions in Lobotomy is how to manage your
on dealing damage to monsters. They can only skills. Will you use your skills economically, because you never
be used during your turn and have a single, know when the skill will be really needed? Or will you use your
instant effect. For more, pleases see Combat skills as often as you can?
As always, finding the middle ground will probably be the best
Skill Costs
Utility Skills have a wide range of versatile
effects that are neither offensive nor defensive in In order to use a skill you often need to spend a set number of
nature. They can only be used during your turn, action points. If a character does not have enough action points to
unless the card specifically states otherwise. meet a skills cost, then he cannot use the skill.
Some of them have a one-time effect; other card However, there are many skills that cost 0AP that the character
effects may be permanent or last until the end will always be able to use during his turn. Zero-cost Defense
of the round. Skills can even be used during other players’ turns and during the
Monsters’ Turn.
Specific Skill Rules
Defense Skills strengthen your character
against the enemy, weakening their attacks or Every skill has a description that states how and when the skill
even allowing you to evade them. Their effects works. Attack Skills contain mostly symbols that are explained
always last until the end of a round. Note that in the chapter on Combat (p16). Utility Skills and Defense Skills
only Defense Skills (and only those that cost require a player to read the card’s rules and follow them to use the
0 AP) can be used during the Monsters’ Turn skill. Many skills allow you to do something not normally allowed
(before they attack). See Monsters - Target (p20). by this rulebook. In these cases the specific instructions on the
cards have priority over this rulebook. This exception applies all
cards, whenever their rules and effects conflict with the rulebook.
The Cooldown Counter
Skill Capacity.
Once a skill is used, you have to wait some
time before you can use it again. This time is At any time, each character can have a maximum of 6 skills. If
measured using the Cooldown Counter. It has you gain another skill that takes you over this limit (memory cards
two parts – the brighter part with the first do not count towards the limit), you have to discard one skill (back
couple of numbers and the darker part with two to its original deck). The discarded skill can be the new one just
highest, additional numbers. After using a skill drawn or any one of the character’s existing ones, even if it’s on
place a token on the highest bright field. The cooldown.
use of the darker fields is explained in Insanity,
p22. If the skill you are discarding is not on cooldown, you are allowed
to use it one last time, by paying the usual cost.
At the beginning of each character’s turn, decrease all their
cooldowns by 1. If the Cooldown Counter is on one before
Items & Inventory Equipment may be any kind of item from magical tomes to
zombie teeth. Their rules are always specified on the Inventory
Inventory cards are obtained by performing a Search Action Card.
on Locker Tokens and Body Tokens, as described in Search, (p12).
You can also get items from the Memory Deck and events. Each They can be used only during your turn (unless stated otherwise).
character has a maximum inventory capacity of 4. Most items take The number in the bottom right is
up 1 inventory slot but some items work differently as noted by the amount of charges/uses. Every
these keywords on inventory cards: time the item is used, place a token
on the card. When the number of
Large – an item that takes up 2 inventory slots. tokens equals the number of uses,
Small – an item that takes up no space (0 inventory slots). the item is discarded.
Unless explicitly stated otherwise,
Armor – you can only have 1 such item.
each piece of equipment can be used
You can discard any of your inventory cards at any time (or give any number of times in a single turn
them to other players with a trade action). if it has enough charges left.
Most equipment costs 0AP to use.
If you draw an inventory card that would make you exceed Any variation from this will appear
your inventory size, you must get rid of cards until you are within on the Inventory Card itself.
capacity again. You can do this by discarding one or more cards Armor I f an Equipment Card has the
back to their decks. The discards may include the new card or any keyword Armor, the number in the
existing cards. You can also get rid of some cards by exhausting bottom right represents it’s Durability. Every time a character
their remaining charges, but you cannot use the freshly drawn card possessing armor takes damage, the player may choose to place
until you make room for it in your inventory. tokens equal to the damage on the armor card instead of losing

If the number of tokens is equal to

the durability, the card is discarded.
If you take more damage than the
armor’s remaining durability in one
attack, you can only prevent the
amount of damage equal to the
card’s remaining durability (the rest
of damage will be dealt to your
Remember that you can only ever
Weapons deal damage to monsters. Almost every weapon has a have one single Armor card in your
durability value (bottom right corner). inventory at any time. If you draw
another Armor card, you can give it
Durability is lost from using the weapon in battle (and opening
to another character on your space for
barricaded doors) and is tracked by placing tokens on the weapon
free (no trade action needed). If
card. If the amount of tokens is equal to the durability, the weapon
there are no characters on your space
is destroyed and discarded. A weapon without a durability value it
you will have to discard one of the Armor cards (either the old or
is indestructible. For more on Weapons and durability, see Combat
the new one).
Drugs are used to buff or heal characters. 3. Attack Roll
Despite it not being shown on their cards, all drugs are treated as
‘Small’ and so take up zero All attacks are performed with six-sided dice (D6). The number
space in the character’s inventory. of D6 rolled depends on the chosen attack. Fist attacks always roll
three six-sided dice. Weapon and skill cards state how many attack
Drugs always cost 0AP to use but dice they use.
can only ever be used during your
4. Count Successes
Successes are dice showing numbers EQUAL to or HIGHER
The number in the bottom right than the characters attack rating (AR). For example, if a character
corner is the number of times that has AR 5+ it means that only dice with results 5 and 6 are successes.
they can be used before they are The results on dice in Attack Tests are called Attack Rolls. If an
exhausted and discarded. Like any effect gives +1 to attack rolls, it means to add 1 to the result on each
other item use tokens to track the die, e.g. if a character has +2 to Attack Rolls, then dice with results
number of times each drug has of 3 count as 5s, and so are successes if they have AR of 5+.
been used. 5. Special Effects
Symbols on weapons and skills (p18) strengthen attacks or
The effects of drugs are all cumulative, irregardless of whether modify them. Rules and outcomes of attacks can also be changed
the drugs used are the same sort or different types. by items, monsters, events and scenarios.
6. Defense
Combat Reduce the number of successes by the target’s Defense statistic
Players’ Attacks
7. Damage
If a character is on a space with a monster, or in-range with LoS
for a ranged attack, the character can use an attack action. The remaining number of successes is the damage dealt to the
There are three ways to fight: using bare fists, using a weapon card target (though this may be further changed by the effects of items
and using an attack skill. The cost of an attack action is 1AP unless and other cards).
stated otherwise by the weapon or skill card. Each character can If the amount of damage is equal to or higher than the monster’s
attack multiple times in a turn providing they have enough action remaining health, then a Final Blow has been dealt and the
points. monster is destroyed and removed from the board. If the amount of
damage is lower than the monster’s remaining health, place tokens
The Attack Test
that represent the amount of damage dealt next to the monster’s
Each attack is resolved by an Attack Test. miniature (or on it’s Monster Card for bosses).
1. Choose a Target Move the tokens with the monster miniatures as they move to
track how much damage has been dealt to each monster.
The player chooses an enemy to attack. It must be on the same
space or in range with Line of Sight for Ranged attacks. Whenever your attack deals the Final Blow (to one or more
2. Choose an Attack monsters) you can reduce the cooldown of one of your skills by 1.

Characters may attack with fists, a weapon or a skill.

Attack Types
Every character can use an Attack Action to attack with bare
fists when there is a monster in the same space. It does not require
any weapons or skills and rolls 3D6 in the Attack Test (p16).

Imagine a character performing an Attack Action with a Steel

Cross weapon against an ethereal enemy. First he has to choose
which monster to attack, in this case he picks the one that already
has 1 damage token. Then the character rolls 5D6 as listed on the
weapon card.
As the character has an AR of 3+, dice with results 3 or higher
For example, a character with no weapons or skills decides to are successes. The roll of 1, 1, 3, 5, 6 and 6 provides four successes.
do an Attack Action using bare fists and so rolls 3D6 in an Attack Normally we would subtract successes for the monster’s Defense,
Test. The character has an AR of 4+ so rolling 4 or higher is a but the monster is ethereal and the weapon has the Holy symbol
successes. The character rolls 3, 5 and 6, meaning 2 successes. The (more in Attack Symbols, p18) which reduces ethereal monsters’
monster has 1 Defense so the amount of successes is lowered by Defense to zero. The monster has 4 health but it already had 1
one meaning that the character dealt 1 damage and so places 1 damage dealt to it earlier. Four successes mean 4 damage, which
token next to the monster. Before the attack, the monster had 4 is more than enough to deal the Final Blow to the monster and
health so the character’s punches leave it 3 health remaining. remove it from the board. Note that the 1pt of surplus damage
Attack with a Weapon does not transfer to the second monster.
If a character has a weapon card, he can attack with it. T  he Because there is at least one “1” result on the dice, the player
player performs an Attack Test and rolls the amount of D6 stated places one durability token on the weapon. Finally, because the
on the card. After the Attack Roll you apply any special rules given character dealt a Final Blow, he can now reduce the cooldown of
by the card.  one of his abilities by 1.
Weapons have durability and can wear out through use. If you Attack with an Attack Skill
roll at least one “1” result (before modifications) place a token
on the card. If the number of tokens on the card is equal to the Characters can use Attack Skills (that aren’t on cooldown) by
weapon’s durability (in the bottom right corner) it is destroyed paying the AP cost shown on the Skill Card. Special symbols (see
and discarded after the attack. Occasionally, some weapons have next page) on the Card indicate attack types and any effects that
different durability rules explained on their weapon card. are applied after the Attack Roll. As with any skill, after using an
Attack Skill remember to place a token on the cooldown counter.
Attack Symbols
Some attacks, by both monsters and characters, have symbols
indicating special effects that the attack uses.

Fire reduces the enemy’s Defense against this attack by

1. This is not a permanent reduction.

Holy attacks reduce the Defense of ethereal enemies to

0, for the purposes of this attack.

Ghostly attacks reduce the Defense of non-ethereal

enemies to 0, for the purposes of this attack.

Power attacks stun the enemy (knock its miniature over)

A character attacks using the Dragon breath Skill. This skill if at least 1 damage is dealt.
costs 1AP (as it doesn’t say otherwise) and lets the player choose
one of two attacks: a strong (7 dice) single-target attack or an area Frost freezes the enemy (put a Frost Token next to it)
of effect (AoE) attack that can hit every monster in a single space. whenever at least 1 damage is dealt.
Each attack is ranged (with a range of 1) and has the fire effect.
The player chooses the AoE attack that does not require a AoE attacks can deal damage to multiple enemies in a
target, and affects all enemies on a space. The Skill Card states that single space.
the player roll 4 six-sided dice for each monster on the space, so,
as there are 3 monsters, he rolls 12D6. Ranged attacks don’t require the attacker and the target
to be on the same space. Instead the target must be in range
The character has an AR of 4+ and rolls 7 successes. In AoE
and with LoS.
attacks the amount of successes is reduced only by the defense of
the monster with the highest defense on the space. In this case it
is 1, but the Dragon breath attack also has the Fire Attack Symbol Weapon Attack – Attack with one of your weapons with
(see opposite), which means that you lower the enemy’s defense all bonuses from the weapon and Skill Cards.
by 1, meaning we finish up with 7 successes and three monsters.
The following two conditions have keywords but no symbols:
In an AoE attack you must deal at least 1 damage to each
monster on the space and then the rest can be distributed as you Precision – Dice rolling a “6” in the Attack Roll ignore the
choose. The player decides to deal 4 damage to monster #1 (killing enemy’s Defense.
it with a Final Blow), 2 damage to monster #2 and 1 damage Critical – Results of “6” in the Attack Roll each cause 2 damage
to monster #3. The destroyed monster is removed and damage (instead of 1) if they manage to get past Defense.
tokens are placed next to the remaining monsters. Holy and Ghostly Attacks
Once damage has been allocated, the player places a token on If an enemy is ethereal it will be stated on it’s Monster Card,
the highest bright field of the Dragon breath cooldown counter. all monsters without the ethereal symbol are non-ethereal. All
characters are non-ethereal (some skills, equipment and scenarios
Finally, because the character dealt a Final Blow, the player
can change that).
reduces one of his skill cooldowns by 1 (maybe even the Skill just
Power Attack
Any enemy (except a Boss monster) is stunned by a Power Attack During the Attack Test of an AoE Attack, the number of successes
that causes at least 1 point of damage. When stunned, knock down rolled is only reduced by the Defense of the monster with the
the miniature of the damaged monster or character. Additionally, highest Defense value after applying modifications (e.g. by other
when a monster is stunned it may be pushed 1 space in any legal special Attack Symbols like Fire, Ghostly or Holy).
direction (not through walls, etc.)
After determining the number of successes, the player distributes
A stunned character must pay 1AP to get up at the beginning
damage to the monsters - any characters on the target space are
of his turn. A stunned monster must also pay 1AP to get up next
unharmed. First he has to deal at least 1 damage to each monster
turn (and so can move one space fewer than usual that turn). Until
on the space. After that he can assign the remaining damage as he
they pay to get back up, stunned characters and monsters have 0
chooses. If the amount of successes is too low to assign 1 damage
Defense and lose all Avoidance (if they had any).
per monster, the player chooses which monsters are dealt 1 damage
Frost Attack for each success and no monster can be damaged twice.
Characters and monsters are frozen by Frost Attacks that do at Remember that killing one or more monsters with an AoE attack
least one point of damage. If this happens, place a Frost Token next lets you reduce the cooldown of one of your skills by 1 (regardless
to the damaged monster or character. of how many monsters were actually dealt a Final Blow).
Frozen characters and monsters must pay 1AP to lose the token
at the beginning of their turn. Recovering monsters attacking in
the same turn (that they lose the Frost Token) also roll one less
Attack Die on their first attack.
Ranged Attack
Ranged Attacks are able to attack enemies that are not on
the same space as the attacker. Every ranged attack has a value
indicating the maximum number of spaces you can be from the
target, though they can still be used on closer targets (even ones on
the same space as you). They do require a clear Line of Sight (p9)
between the attacker and target.
Ranged Attacks can safely target a monster on the same space
as another friendly character. They can also travel through spaces
with other monsters and characters to affect targets behind them.
The Attack Test for Ranged Attacks is the same as any other attack.
Area of Effect (AoE) Attack
AoE Attacks can damage multiple monsters on a single space.
The card for an AoE Attack states the amount of dice per enemy
that is used in the Attack Test.
For example, the Dragon Breath skill says to roll 4D6 for each
enemy on the target space. So if there are 5 enemies there, it gives
5*4=20D6 Attack Dice. If there is just 1 enemy then the attack
uses 1*4=4D6 Attack Dice.
Precision Attack Monsters’ Attack
Precision allows Attack Dice rolling a natural (unmodified) “6” Monsters attack at the end of the Monsters’ Turn. Unless you have
to ignore the enemy’s Defense. a friendly monster at your gaming table, all of the monster Attack
Tests (dice rolls) are actually performed by players (preferably
For example, consider a monster with 2 defense. A character the ones with the worst luck). Monsters attack the same way as
(of AR 5+) attacks with a 5D6 weapon with the precision attack characters do, with a few exceptions.
symbol. The results are 6, 6, 5, 2 and 1 - so 3 successes. Normally,
after reducing the amount of successes by the enemy’s defense Monsters - Target
there would be 1 success left. However, the precision attack
If there is more than one character on a space, or within range
allows the two results of “6” to ignore the defense. The result with
and LoS for ranged attacks, monsters target the character with the
a “5” is still affected and absorbed by the Defense so in the end
lowest Defense statistic.
there are 2 successes. A  s only natural rolls of “6” count toward
this effect, if the character had a +1 to Attack Rolls, the “5” result If two or more potential targets have the same Defense, then the
would be a “6” but would not be a natural “6” so would still be character with the least remaining health is selected.
stopped by Defense. If there is still a tie then the players choose which one is attacked.
Critical Attack Players can use Defense Skills to increase Defense or Heal before
monsters pick a target (so can influence who is attacked). Players
The critical attack modifier makes any Attack Dice results of
can also use Defense Skills to increase Defense after a monster picks
natural (unmodified) “6” each deal two damage if they make it pass
a target. This won’t cause the monster currently attacking to change
the enemy’s Defense.
its target but will affect any subsequent monster attacks.
For example if a 2 Defense monster is attacked by a 5+ AR Example: Two characters are on the same space as two
character using a 5D6 weapon with the critical attack symbol. monsters. Character #1 has 1 Defense and 3 Health remaining.
The character rolls 6, 6, 5, 2 and 1 - meaning 3 successes. They Character #2 has 1 Defense and 6 Health remaining.
are reduced by the monster’s 2 defense, leaving just 1 success, but The first monster is initially going to attack character #1
because the one remaining success is a natural “6” (and not, for because the characters have the same defense but #1 has less
example, a “5” modified by +1) it deals 2 damage instead of one. health. To avoid being attacked, #1 uses a Defense Card that gives
Defense always reduces successes starting with the lowest results. him +1 Defense for this turn. Now character #2 has the lowest
So in this case, it negates the “5” and one of the “6”s. Defense and so the monster targets him.
After the monster has settled on #2, this character uses a
Defense Skill to increase his Defense by 1 until the end of turn.
Although characters are tied for the defense again, the monster
had already chosen to attack #2 before they used their Skill.
The monster attacks, dealing 5 damage to #2. Both characters
now have 2 defense, but #1 has 3 health remaining and #2 has 1
health left. The second monster will target #2 as he has the least
remaining health.
As an attack from the second monster could kill #2, player
#1 decides to focus all following monster attacks on himself by
Throwing a Tantrum (a special skill that uses Insanity, see p22).
Monsters - Attack table On space B, the Boss attacks first, then the two Basic monsters
Scenario-related monsters, bosses and mini-bosses have a list attack with +1 and +2 Attack Dice from Overwhelm.
of attacks described on the Monster Cards. After the monster has Finally, the Ranged monster attacks the character on space B,
chosen a target, roll a D6 to find out which attack it unleashes. with an Overwhelm bonus of +3 (for the 3 monsters on space B
that have already attacked the character on space B).
Monsters - AoE Attack
Monsters’ AoE Attacks affect every character on the space where
the monster’s target is. When a monster attacks with an AoE it rolls
the amount of Attack Dice stated on the Monster Card and you
determine how many successes there are. This is not affected by
Attack Roll modifications from characters.
Monsters - Priority
The number of successes is applied to each character, who
When there are multiple monsters on a space, there is a set order individually reduce the amount by their own Defense. The
in which they attack. A monster with the Boss keyword goes first, remaining amount is the damage that they receive. In this way,
then Elite and finally, Basic. Monsters with the same keyword each player can receive a different amount of damage from a single
attack in no particular order (you can choose). AoE attack.
Once one monster attacks, all other monsters on the same space
must attack after him (if they can). Only after all attacks on one
Example: A monster with a 5D6 AoE attack is on a space with
space are resolved you can start the same process on another space.
2 characters. It has 2+ AR and rolls 2, 2, 3, 4 and 5 – 5 successes.
Character #1 has an item that says monsters attacking him have
Overwhelm -1 to Attack Rolls. Normally, this would change the “2”s into “1”s,
making them failures. However, as AoE attacks are unaffected by
Monsters are stronger when they co-ordinate to attack targets on
Attack Roll modifications the 5 successes remain.
the same space. The first monster attacks normally, but subsequent
attacks get an extra attack die for every previous monster to attack Character #1 has 1 Defense, so receives 4 damage. Character #2
a target on that space. So the second monster attacks the same space has 2 defense and used a Defense Skill card +1 Defense before the
has 1 additional attack die, the third monster has 2 additional dice attack. By raising his effective Defense, Character #2 blocks 3 of
and so on. the 5 successes leaving him to take 2 damage.
If monsters switch to another target on the same space this bonus Ranged Monsters
is not cancelled. The bonus resets each round.
If a monster has a Ranged symbol on the Monster Card, it means
Example of Priority and Overwhelm: Space A has a character that it can attack from a distance. Ranged Attacks are resolved the
with two monsters, one Elite and one Basic. Space B contains a same way as other attacks but require the monster and target to be
character with a Boss and two Basic monsters. Space C has a single within range and having LoS, not neccesarily on the same space.
ranged monster who can attack space B. During Monster Movement, a ranged monster does not move all
Players decide to resolve space A first. On that space the elite the way to the character’s space; instead stopping when it is close
monster attacks first and then the basic monster attacks with +1 enough to a character to use an attack. If a monster is closer to the
Attack Die for Overwhelm (e.g. if it normally attacks with 4D6, it character than its range, it moves away from the character, to be as
now attacks with 5D6). far from all characters while still being able to attack.
After all monsters on space A have attacked, the players decide
to resolve space B. Unlike characters, monsters can leave a space with enemies on

Insanity represents a character’s mental state and allows them to

bend reality. It can be used both offensively and defensively.
The Insanity Counter on the Character Cards is used to track
your current Insanity. All players start the game without a token on
the counter and only place a token on the number 1 the first time
that they use or lose insanity. The token is moved progressively
upwards when the character uses or loses it again.
Insanity can be used on Insane Abilities listed below and can
be lost through events, bad memories or facing specific monsters.
If insanity is regained move the token down the track to a lower
Insane Abilities
Chaos Die - Use 1 Insanity during your turn to add the Chaos
Die to your next Attack Roll. The Chaos Die is rolled with the
other Attack Dice and the number of skulls rolled is the number of
Tantrum - At any moment during the Monsters’ Turn you can
successes added to your Attack Roll. One of the results on the chaos
use 1 Insanity to throw a Tantrum, drawing the monsters’ attention
die is a “+1” symbol. It is a +1 buff to Attack Rolls, meaning that the
and protecting friendly characters on the same space. For the rest of
values shown on all other dice in this attack are increased by 1. You
the turn, as long as you are still alive, any monster attacks aimed at
can use Insanity multiple times per turn to add the Chaos Die to
targets on your space will target you, no matter how much (or how
any number of attacks but not twice for the same attack (although
little) Defense or Health you have left. Note that fellow characters
some skills and weapons make it possible to have more than one
on the same space can still be harmed by AoE attacks as normal.
Chaos Die for a single attack). If a skill or weapon attacks twice, the
Chaos Die is only added to the first roll. The player using this skill is obligated to shout out “Tantrum!”
Chaos Die skulls are automatic successes in attacks, but do not Insanity Penalties
count as “6”s for special rules like Precision and Critical attacks.
The two highest values on the Insanity Counter have +1CD and
Imaginary Locker - Use 1 Insanity and 1AP during your turn to +2CD symbols next to them. If you reach this level of insanity the
place a random Locker Token (from off the board) on your space. reality starts to blur and your skill cooldowns become longer.
This ability can only be used after the warden has reached space B1
of the Insomnia Track (p23). Normally, when you use a skill, you place a token on the highest
bright field of the Cooldown Counter (p14) on the Skill Card. When
Only the character summoning an Imaginary Locker can search your insanity reaches a value with a +1CD or +2CD symbol you
it (at the cost of another 1AP). instead place the token on the first (+1CD) or the second (+2CD)
Defense Die - In the Monsters’ Turn, after a monster targets you dark field of the cooldown counter.
(or the space you are on for AoE attacks), but before it performs When your insanity reaches it’s maximum, you cannot use
an Attack Roll, you can use 1 Insanity to roll the Defense Die. Insane Abilities anymore until you regain it. If you are at the
The number of shields shown on the die is added to your Defense maximum value and something forces you to lose Insanity again,
against this one attack. you are taken back to solitary confinement. See Death (p24).
Example: The character shown has 1 health remaining, three Insomnia Track
action points and is on a space with monster A (4 Health and 1
Defense). Monster B is coming his way so he wants to move away The Insomnia Track is the path the Warden travels that acts as a
this turn, but a character cannot leave a space with a monster on it. flexible time limit for the game.
The character wants to kill the monster with his first action and use The Warden starts the game on space A1 and moves forward
his remaining AP to get away from the second monster. one space (e.g. from A1 to A2) every time a Movement Card with
a Warden Movement Symbol (p9) is revealed. The Warden’s
movement can be also affected by memories, events, skills and by
using Insomnia Shifts (see below).
When the Warden is supposed to move and is already on the
space marked with a 12, he moves to the number 1 space on the
next Quarter (e.g. from A12 to B1).
The length of the Insomnia Track depends on the game difficulty.
The path at ends at:
A12 in Paranoid Beginner (1 scenario)
To have more chance of killing Monster A, the player uses 1 B12 in Seemingly Normal (2 scenarios)
Insanity to add a Chaos Die to his next attack, putting his character C12 in Crazy Hard (3 scenarios)
up to 6 insanity. He now spends 1AP to attack with a 5d6 weapon. D12 in Insanely Impossible (4 scenarios)
He has 5+ AR and rolls 6, 5, 2, 1, 1 on D6s and 2 skulls on the If the Warden is supposed to move past the end of the Insomnia
Chaos Die, giving 4 successes. However, the monster’s Defense of 1 Track, he instead moves to the pentagram in the Central Board
decreases this to 3 damage - not enough to kill it. The player puts 3 Piece for the Final Clash (p27).
damage tokens next to the monster and reduces the durability of his
weapon by one (because he rolled at least one “1”). Insomnia Shifts
As he is still on a space with a monster, the player decides to Insomnia Shifts are additional skills that characters can use. Using
attack with a skill using his second AP. As the monster had 1 health an Insomnia Shift makes the Warden advance on the Insomnia
remaining he kills it easily. However, he has 6 Insanity, and his Track, so they should be used with caution or as a last resort.
Insanity Counter shows a +1CD symbol, so when he must mark the
Insomnia Shift – Defy Time
Cooldown Counter (of the skill he just used) on the first darker field
(second to highest). Additionally, as he dealt the Final Blow to the Move the Warden 1 space forward on the Insomnia Track to
monster, he can reduce the cooldown of one skill by 1. gain +1AP. Each player can use this just once per turn.
Having killed monster A, he uses his final AP to moves 1 space Insomnia Shift - Defy Gravity
away from monster B. The Players’ Turn ends.The Monsters’ Turn
starts and monster B catches up to the player and attacks. Move the Warden 1 space forward on the Insomnia Track to
The player has 1HP left and 1 Defense so uses a zero-cost change a die result by 1 (either up or down). This can only be used
Defense Skill to gain +1 Defense (it’s cooldown is increased by 1 due once per roll and cannot affect Chaos and Defense Dice.
to Insanity). Then, he uses his last Insanity point to roll a Defense Example: A character at maximum Insanity is forced, by an
Die. His Insanity is now 7 with a +2CD symbol. If he had used event, to pass an Imagination Test (p9) or lose 1 Insanity. The
Insanity first, and the Defense Skill later, it’s cooldown would have character has 7 imagination and so needs to roll 7 or less on 2D6.
been be increased by 2. The character naturally has 1 Defense, +1 The player rolls “2” and “6” - a fail! Normally, he would now
Defense from the skill, and rolls 3 shields on the Defense Die for a lose insanity and die, but, instead, he uses Insanity Shift – Defy
total of 5. The monster attacks with a fire attack (reducing Defense Gravity to change the “6” into a “5”, pass the test and survive (at
by 1) and has 4 successes, meaning a result of zero damage and the the cost of advancing the Warden).
character lives to fight again!
Stomp! Doors
Be extremely careful when the Warden is close by. Whenever During setup, place Door Tokens between spaces that have a
the Warden sees a character on the same space as he is, he stomps highlighted door symbol. Players cannot move between spaces
it recklessly. This can happen during any part of the Game Round with Door Tokens until they open them. Opened doors are removed
and can be triggered by any character without stealth. from the board.
When he stomps, roll Chaos Dice twice and deal damage to the
character for each skull rolled. This damage cannot be prevented
by anything (such as skills, armor, Defense Die). The character is
also stunned (has to pay one action at the beginning of its next turn
to get up). After stomping, the warden automatically moves again
to the next space on the Insomnia Track.
And you know what happens if any character’s on that space

When a character is on a space with a door token they can flip the
token upside down for 1 action point. What happens next depends
on what is revealed on the back of the Door Token. A  fter you open
the door, or if there are no symbols on the back, remove the token
from the board. If you fail to open them, leave the revealed token
in its place.
Door Types
Open Doors have no symbols on the back of the token. Remove
Death them from the board after revealing.
A character dies when they lose all health (the amount of damage Barricaded Doors have a symbol of a fence and a numeric strength
tokens on their character card is equal to their health statistic) or value. Once you reveal a barricaded door you have to destroy them
when they are forced to lose Insanity when they are already at the by force. You can place 1 damage token on a barricaded door by
maximum value. When a character dies follow these steps: spending 1AP or by placing a token on any of your weapon cards
1. Move the character’s miniature back to one of the solitary (spending weapon Durability).
confinement cells (starting positions) in the Central Board Piece. When the number of damage tokens on the door is equal to the
2. Recover all Health and 2 Insanity points, e.g. if you were on 5 strength value on the barricade symbol, the door is opened and the
Insanity you now have 3 Insanity. token is removed from the board.
3. All items in the inventory lose one Durability or a charge. Spending weapons’ Durability does not cost any additional action
Cooldowns on skills remain unchanged. points and you can spend some or all Durability of any number of
weapons (remembering to destroy and discard any weapon reaching
4. Move the Warden forward three times on the Insomnia Track.
maximum durability). Indestructible weapons without Durability
5. During the Final Clash death is permanent – remove the dead cannot be used to open Barricaded Doors.
character from the board.
Example: A character uses 1 AP to reveal a door on his space. Example: A character reveals a door token for 1 action point.
It turns out to be Barricaded Door with a strength value of 6. The It turns out to be a Locked Door with a difficulty of 5. The
character has no weapons so he uses his remaining 2 AP to place 2 character gets one attempt at opening the door for free. He has 7
damage tokens on the barricade. imagination so he rolls 7D6 and gets 3 successes -not enough to
The next character decides to use all their actions for open the door. A  s the character has one action left, he spends it
movement this turn, so he declares that he is Running (p8) to on another attempt to open the door. Because this is his second
gain 2 extra AP and moves to the space with the Barricaded Door. try this turn, the difficulty has risen up by 1 and the door is now
He has two brand new weapons with no Durability tokens on strength 6. He rolls 7D6 and gets 1 success - much less than the 6
them and places 2 durability tokens on each weapon, as that is a needed!
free (0AP) action. He can place 4 damage tokens on the barricade The door stays on the board and an another characters comes
which, with the previous 2 placed by the first character, gives 6 in to the space. The second character has 6 imagination and the
total. difficulty is back to 5. He rolls 5 successes and removes the token
As the strength value on the Barricaded Door token is also from the board.
6, the door is opened and removed from the board. The second Monsters and Doors
character still has actions left but, as he declared Running, can
only spend them on movement. He choses to enter the room that Monsters can move through unrevealed Door Tokens and
had been blocked by the barricade. through open doorways (when the token has been removed from
the board.
Locked Doors have a symbol of a lock and a strength value on
the reverse. When you reveal a Door Token (for 1AP) and it turns However, sometimes the Door Token is revealed and the
out to be a Locked Door, you gain a free attempt at opening it (using characters are unable (or unwilling) to open the door during the
an Unlocking Test, below). The player doesn’t have to use the free players’ turn, leaving it barricaded or locked. Monsters cannot walk
attempt - they may want to leave a door locked if a monster is on through these revealed Door Tokens. When the monsters move,
the other side. they will have to find an another way towards the characters or
may even be trapped in a room (in this case the monsters move
If you try to open a Locked Door but fail, the token stays on towards the nearest character).
the board. You (or any other character) in a space with a revealed
Locked Door can pay 1AP to attempt to unlock it (by passing Line of Sight and Doors
another Unlocking Test).
Door Tokens block Line of Sight (p9), however once a Door
Unlocking Test Token is removed from the board, the open door modifies the line
An Unlocking Test is a test using your character’s Imagination of sight rules.
attribute. You roll as many six-sided dice as you have points of When a character is standing on a space with an opened door
Imagination (e.g. if you have 7 Imagination, you roll 7D6) and it sees everything inside or outside the room normally. However,
every die showing a 4, 5 or 6 is a success, the rest are failures. when a character is one or more spaces away from an open door, it
If the number of successes is EQUAL to or HIGHER than the sees only the first space of the room through the door.
strength value of the lock symbol, the door is opened and the Door These rules also apply to monsters when you determine if they
Token is removed from the board. can or cannot see a character during Monsters Movement (p11).
If a character fails to open the door they can repeat the test on Examples of LoS through doorways can be seen on the next page.
the same turn for another 1AP but the test becomes harder. Add
+1 to the strength of the lock for every previous attempt by this
character this turn. The extra difficulty disappears at the end of
each character’s turn.
Lines in the picture represent the lines of sight. The character
can see the monsters indicated by the green lines and cannot see
them when the line is red. Because the character stands on a space
with the door, they can see all the monsters inside the room on
the left. However, the character is one space away from the door
on the right, so can only see the first space behind the door and
cannot see the monster deeper in the room.

Scenario Cards A. Objective –

Conditions that have to be fulfilled to finish the scenario.
Scenario cards describe quests that players must fulfill to win the
B. Special Events –
game (1, 2, 3 or 4 scenarios are played, depending on the difficulty).
Events happen when a revealed Movement Card (p9) has the
A Scenario Card is only a summary of a scenario. Full descriptions
corresponding color of Special Event Symbol.
of each scenario can be found in the Scenario Guide.
C. Scenario Jump –
Scenario Jump
The point or conditions in the scenario that trigger the start of
Regardless of difficulty, the game always starts with a single another scenario.
scenario. Only when the requirements are met for the Scenario Finishing a Scenario
Jump will another scenario start automatically. After the players complete the Objective of a scenario, remove
Scenario Jumps only happen in games with more than 1 scenario all scenario tokens from the board (any remaining monsters stay on
(’Seemingly Normal’ difficulty or higher) and only if there are still the board until they are defeated, unless the Scenario Card states
scenarios left to complete at the chosen difficulty level. otherwise).
When the Scenario Jump happens, start a new scenario by Every character receives both the following rewards:
revealing a new random Scenario Card (if it requires a specific 1. Regain 1 Insanity.
Quarter not used in this game, discard it and reveal a new Scenario 2. Draw a card from each Mental Disorder Deck listed on your
Card). Then, read the Scenario Card and follow the rules specified Character Card, pick one of those cards to keep and discard
in the setup. the rest (back to their respective decks).
The Scenario Jump will always happen before the scenario is Players only receive rewards for completing scenarios if the
finished, so at any one time there can be multiple scenarios active - Final Clash (p27) has not already begun.
meaning more monsters, special events and additional rules.
Final Clash Important: During the Final Clash, character deaths are
permanent (they no longer respawn in solitary confinements).
The Warden travels along the Insomnia Track (p23) until he Victory and Defeat
reaches the final space (A12 on Paranoid Beginner difficulty, B12
on Seemingly Normal difficulty and so on). If at least one player is alive when the Warden is defeated, or if
you manage to complete all scenarios before the Final Clash, you
When the Warden is on the final space and is moved forward
win, leave the hospital and your fate is, for now, undetermined.
again, he moves to the space with the pentagram on the Central
Board Piece and the Final Clash begins. You lose if all players die during the Final Clash, and your sorry
story ends as you are dragged away to the hospital’s basement for a
If players manage to finish all scenarios before the Final Clash
lobotomy procedure that takes away all your memories, personality
has begun, they win the game, escape the hospital and the Warden
and soul.
waits impatiently for new patients to harass.
If the players did not complete all scenarios in time, they still
Special monsters and mini-bosses
have one last chance to win: they must defeat the Warden (Chief Special monsters have a blue star and mini bosses have a red star
Hospital Administrator) in battle. The Warden’s rules and attacks next to their names on monster cards. When setting up the game
are described on his Monster Card. you can decide to spice up the game by adding these extraordinary
After the Warden has been placed on the pentagram, turns pass monsters. In the basic version of the game there is one mini-boss,
normally, and the warden moves and attacks like any other monster Nemesis. Some additional monsters were available as Kickstarter
during the Monsters’ Turn. exclusives, other can be ordered on our website: www.titan-forge.
com or purchased at our stand during the annual international
Players can still finish scenarios during the Final Clash, but they game fair in Essen, Germany.
will not receive any rewards for doing so. However, finishing all
scenarios during the Final Clash stops any more Movement Cards Special Monsters and Mini-Bosses may be picked or chosen at
from being revealed during the Monsters’ Turn. This can make random during setup. You can select more than one, but too many
defeating the Warden a little easier, as there will be no more Special can slow down the game. Place the monsters’ miniatures near the
Events triggering and no new monsters will spawn. board.
During the game, if the revealed Movement Card has a blue or
red star in the monster spawn section do not spawn the monsters
from the Movement Card. Instead place a random monster of that
type on the board (roll a D6 for each and spawn the one with the
highest result).
There can be any number of special monsters on the board but
only one mini-boss, so if another red star appears and the previous
mini-boss is not yet defeated, spawn the normal monsters from the
movement card. Same thing happens if a star appears and there are
no more special monsters and mini-bosses. R  ead and follow the
monsters’ rules, as they bring extra challenges and force players to
adapt their tactics. Some monsters even have special rewards for
defeating them.
We recommend using special monsters and mini-bosses every
time if you have them to hand.
Nemesis Glossary

After the Nemesis appears on the board all players roll a die. The Space - A separate field on the board. There is no limit to how
one with the lowest result will be the target of the Nemesis. many players, objectives, tokens and monsters may be on it at any
given time.
The Nemesis only moves towards and attacks this poor, unlucky,
Token – A small token used to count damage, durability, cooldowns
haunted player. Other characters do not feel the presence of the
and more.
Nemesis. Unlike the unlucky target character, they can leave the
space with the Nemesis on it and cannot target, attack or affect it in Quarter – One L-shaped Game Board Piece.
any way. The statistics of the Nemesis are the same as the haunted Round – A Players’ Turn followed by a Monsters’ Turn.
player’s statistics from his Character Card but improved by 1 (e.g.
Players’ Turn – The phase in which characters use their actions.
if the character’s AR is 5+ then Nemesis has 4+). However Nemesis
always has just 1AP. Monsters’ Turn – The phase in which the Movement Card is
revealed and monsters move and attack.
When the Nemesis is on the same space as it’s target, it attacks,
choosing from two possible attacks Line of Sight (aka LoS) – The line determining if characters and
(shown on the Monster Card). monsters can see each other.
The first type of attack is Running Bonus – Two extra actions you may receive if you spend
made using a random weapon actions on movement only.
from the character’s inventory Cooldown Counter – Part of a skill card used to track the cooldown
(bare fist attack if they have no of the skill.
weapons) with +3 added Attack
Dice.  Insanity Counter – Part of the Character Card showing the brain
and used to track the character‘s Insanity.
The second attack type is
made using an Attack Skill Skill (aka Ability) – A character’s personal skill card, a Mental
randomly chosen from the Disorder Card or a Memory, Insane Skill, Insomnia Shift.
character (if they have any). Basic Skill – One of 4 skill cards assigned to a character with their
If the character has no Attack name on it.
Skills, then the Nemesis uses Insane Skill – A skill used by any character at the cost of Insanity.
the first type of attack.
Insomnia shift – A skill used by a character at the cost of moving
These attacks do not use the Warden forward.
up durability or cooldowns
of cards and may be different Insomnia Track – The path along which the Warden travels.
on each turn depending on Natural Roll – Result of a dice roll before any modifications.
the character’s inventory and
Randomization – A roll of D4 and D12 dice that pinpoints a specific
the dice rolled to randomly
space on the board, the D4 indicating the Quarter and the D12
determine which weapons or
being the numbered space on that Quarter.
skills are used.
D6 – Six-sided die. A number before the ‘D’ indicates how many
dice to roll, e.g. 4D6 means roll four six-sided dice.
D3 – A three-sided die; there is no D3 in Lobotomy so in order to
get the result roll a D6 and use the following table (1 and 2 – 1; 3
and 4 – 2; 5 and 6 – 3).
Friendly Character – All other characters, a monster under Unholy – After targeting and before attacking an unholy monster
character’s control, anything else specified as a ‘Friendly’ in a a character must pass an Imagination Test. If the test fails the
scenario character uses up an action point but does not attack. If the test is
Enemy – Anything that is not friendly, mostly monsters. passed, the character attacks normally and does not have to pass
the test again for any other attacks on that target this turn.
Inspiring Presence – Having Inspiring Presence allows all Friendly
Characters on the same space to gain an additional attack die. Immunity (x) – Indicates immunity to the stated attack type (e.g.
immunity fire). All attacks against the monster lose the stated
Stealth – A character with stealth can leave spaces even if it has attack symbol.
monsters on it.
Double Attack – The monster attacks twice during each attack
Avoidance (x) – A character or monster with Avoidance can avoid phase. If the monster has an attack table, the second attack type is
some incoming damage from attacks. For each damage dealt roll chosen separate to the first and so both attacks may be different.
1D6; if the result is equal to or higher than the avoidance value, x,
then this point of damage is prevented. Note that when a Critical Aura of Despair – Players have 1 less AP while the aura is active.
Attack causes double damage, roll for Avoidance against each point Aura of Reality – As long as the aura is active, each player loses 1
of damage separately. hp at the start of his/her turn.

Monster Keyword Glossary Convert – Take control of 1 Basic or Elite monster. The monster
cannot be healed in any way, he loses 1 health at the start of your
Basic Monster – The most common sort of monster - usually a turn. The monster is treated like a player (so attacked by monsters)
nurse, patient or scavenger. Basic Monsters usually have just one but he can only attack once per round.
weak attack with no additional rules. Burrow – If this monster took any damage during the Round, then
Elite Monster – No special rules but they have an attack table that at the end of the Monsters’ Turn it burrows into the floor before
makes them use a random attack each turn. Some rules and cards appearing elsewhere in the hospital; Randomize the monster.
will affect only elite monsters or will be unable to target them. Smash (x) – The monster attacks each player on his space with x
Boss Monster – Cannot be stunned or controlled in any way. dice before his normal attacks (or movement). Roll for this attack
once, each player subtracts Defense and loses that many health.
Ethereal – Monsters that can move through walls and other
obstacles; characters can leave spaces with only ethereal monsters Armed to the Teeth – When this monster enters the game a
on them unless a character also becomes ethereal some way. Weapon Card is drawn and given to him. W  hen he attacks, add
Ethereal characters can walk through walls and leave spaces with the weapon‘s Attack Dice value to his attack. If the weapon has any
non-ethereal monsters. additional abilities, the monster uses them too. He doesn’t use any
optional abilities (like losing durability to gain additional dice). The
Memorable – After killing a memorable monster each player that weapon loses durability as normal.
dealt at least one damage to it or was on the same space with it
during the Final Blow can draw a Memory Card. If the monster is killed by a character on the same space, the player
can take this weapon (with any durability tokens it has).
Runner – During Monster Movement if a character is in sight, the
runner instantaneously moves to the space with that character. If Leech Soul – When attacking, this monster heals Health equal to
multiple characters can be seen, the players may decide which the the damage dealt.
runner moves towards. Blood Bond – When within 4 spaces of another monster of the
Eternal Grudge – A Monster with Eternal Grudge respawns when same type, gain +1 to Attack Rolls and an additional attack action.
defeated (as at scenario setup unless stated otherwise). Final Blow
and Memorable rewards are only awarded when the monster is
defeated after Eternal Grudge has been removed/nullified.
“ Finishing a Scenario
“The human race will disappear. Other races will appear and After the players complete the objective of a scenario, remove
disappear in turn. The sky will become icy and void, pierced by all scenario tokens from the board (any remaining monsters stay
the feeble light of half-dead stars. Which will also disappear. on the board until they are defeated unless scenario card states
Everything will disappear. And what human beings do is just as otherwise). Every character receives both the following rewards:
free of sense as the free motion of elementary particles.”
1. Regain 1 insanity.
-H. P. Lovecraft
2. Draw a card from each Mental Disorder Deck listed on your
Character Card, pick one of those cards to keep and discard the rest
(back to their respective decks).
Scenario Guide
Players only receive rewards for completing scenarios if the
In Lobotomy, scenarios are represented by Scenario Cards. This Final Clash (p27) has not already begun.
guide contains detailed instructions and rules for each of them.
Scenario Specifications
Difficulty Level
Before starting the game, players decide on the difficulty. The
difficulty level decides the number of scenarios that must be Requirements that have to be met to finish a scenario.
completed to win, the end space of the Warden’s Insomnia Track
and the length of the session. Setup

1 scenario – Paranoid Beginner – A12 – 30-45 minutes Information on how to begin the scenario. They are used at the
2 scenarios – Seemingly Normal – B12 – 60-100 minutes beginning of the game and every time a new scenario is revealed.

3 scenarios – Crazy Hard – C12 – 120-150 minutes Rules

4 scenarios – Insanely Impossible – D12 – 150+ minutes Specific information on how to apply and interact with a scenario
Goal of the Game with all monsters’ statistics, required costs, values and gameplay
Players win if they complete the objectives of all scenarios (e.g. Scenario Jump
2 scenarios for Seemingly Normal difficulty). However, the time to
do so is limited and is represented by the Warden (boss) patrolling Regardless of difficulty, the game always starts with a single
along his Insomnia Track. scenario. Only when the requirements are met for the Scenario
The Warden starts on the space marked as A1 and his journey Jump will another scenario start automatically.
ends when he reaches the end space determined by the difficulty, Scenario Jumps only happen in games with more than 1 scenario
e.g. C12 in Crazy Hard mode (3 scenarios). (’Seemingly Normal’ difficulty or higher) and only if there are still
If the Warden moves again after reaching the final space, he scenarios left to complete at the chosen difficulty level.
moves to the pentagram on the Central Board Piece and the Final When the Scenario Jump happens, start a new scenario by revealing
Clash begins - players can no longer win the game without defeating a new random Scenario Card (if it requires a specific Quarter not
him in a nearly impossible battle. used in this game, discard it and reveal a new Scenario Card). Then,
read the Scenario Card and follow the rules specified in the setup.
The Scenario Jump always happens before the scenario is finished,
so results in multiple scenarios being active at once.
Monsters The Patient Casefile Scenario Format
Monsters’ statistics and explanation of their special abilities. The scenarios details on the following pages are presented in the
Special events format of patient casefiles from Melville City Psychiatric Hospital.

Explains the additional special events that trigger when their With the odd exception, each casefile looks similar to the
symbols (blue, red or green) appear on the movement cards. following image.

Modifications to be applied when the number of characters is
lower than five. The handicap scales the difficulty of scenarios.When
playing with 3 characters, both the 3-character and 4-character
handicaps are applied.
List of Scenarios
The following scenarios are included in the following pages. The
have been gathered by name in alphabetical order (ignoring ‘The’
at the start).

The 13th Day of Christmas

The Antichrist
Asylum Field Day
Balloon Frenzy
Big Bad Wolf
Blood Bond
The Blood God’s Offering
The Body Snatchers
The Book of Revelation
Dream World
A - Scenario Name
Frankenstein’s Tower B - Images and notes for any Quarters or tokens used in
The Lesbian Vampire Diaries this scenario. If only a single token of a type is shown,
Memories then only one of those tokens is needed. However 2
The Mist or more tokens of any one type indicates that multiple
tokens are needed.
Momma’s Home Cooked Dinner
C - Ongoing Symptoms - Scenario Rules.
Monster Control D - Flavor text.
Moonlight Shadow Ritual E - Adverse Reactions - Scenario Special Events.
One Day at the Circus F - Prior Treatment - Scenario Handicaps.
Rescue Mission G - Complications - Scenario Jump.
H - Suggested Treatment - Scenario Objective.
Twin Defense
Vampire’s Desires

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