Soil and Water Conservation and Management Narrative Report by Erica Jean de Jesus

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Erica Jean Q.

De Jesus Agri-31 U

Soil and Water Conservation and Management Narrative Report

The students visited agroforestry to observed different cropping system method for
preventing soil erosion. The person-in-charge explained that soil erosion is displacement of
top soil due to erosive agents. It is said that soil conservation is to reduce the amount of soil
eroded while water conservation is to increase soil moisture allowing water to seep into the

The guide discussed and elaborated each field the students visited. It is stated that there also
classification of soil and water conservation. These are structural, vegetative, and
vengineering. Vegetative soil and water conservation is still divided into two: alley crop
system, planting of crops or trees in multiple rows with companion crops grown in alleyways
between rows. This is to prevent further erosion of soil. Multi-story system, growing of crop
and trees in different layers of stories. It is done to lessen the impact of rainfall and so that
first layer of crop would initially take in water or erosion agents. Another crop would still
remain for cultivators. Alley cropping system has the following : Sloping Agricultural Land
Technology(SALT 1), Simple Agro-livestock Land Technology (SALT 2), Sustainable
Agro-forestry Land Technology (SALT 3) and Small Fruit and Livelihood Land Technology
(SALT 4). In alley cropping system, the use of hedgerows as way to lessen erosion and trap
particles is common for farming. A-frame is used for creating contour in steep slopes. 5
meters in between is considered the advisable distance between alley and hedgerows while 3
meters is steep. Crop rotation is also practiced alternating crops per row.

Structural soil and water conservation has contour and diversion canal in which a canal is
artificially dug for water to flow straight to the alley. Check dam refer to temporary
constructed dam usually bamboo to trap soil and slow down its velocity. Another one is
fascine is an alternative for hedgerow that broken branches can be used to reduce soil erosion.
Erosion plot measures the strength and effect of soil erosion determining the area of most
erosion site. Tinning, rock walls and balabag system are also used under structural soil and
water conservation.

Vengineering, such as bench terraces which uses a series of level steps or benches for
example vetiver grass to control erosion and retain water. For this exercise, the students
establish contour lines A-frame and measured the slope using measuring tool.

Topography is the measurement of height and elevation of lands and slope is the change of
elevation over distance in percentage. The topography of the farm is a mountain where the
usual steepness is higher. It is indicated that places with higher elevation is prone to soil
erosion that could damage crop production by the loss of nutrients in top soil. In that case,
soil and water conservation methods is done so that it minimizes soil run-off. The general
condition of the soil is good as it was a mix of clay, salt, and sand that is ideal for farming
and cultivation of crops. It has a balance of of water and nutrients that allows plants to
grow. Few exposed roots and parent material in the soil are seen as students go around the
field. In terms of crop production, shortage and excess water plays a vital role in crop
development as well as its yield and quality. It is needed for various plant processes such as
photosynthesis, respiration, utilization of minerals and nutrients and cell divisions and
development. Therefore, water management is essential both in irrigation and prevention as it
directly affect production. The effect of rainfall sometimes render crops unproductive thus it
is best to utilize water resources for maximum productivity.

Based on the data gathered, the average slope of the area is 24.51%. this indicated that it is
an upland area meaning that crops planted are rainfed dependent and is more susceptible to
soil erosion. In this cases, it is best to design cropping system and cropping calendar on
effective rainfall. For upland areas, it is advisable to incorporate various soil and water
conservation methods to mitigate the risk and effect of erosion of soil that could affect crop
production. Controlling the effect of rainfall on wearing of soil by the use of vegetative cover.
Using contour lines, terrace factors, canals, and hedgerows are also effecting in decreasing
run-off velocity. Soil characteristic could also improve with the addition of animal manure,
organic matter or recovering the top soil back to the area where it was eroded.

Slope of the area calculations:

Slope= run/rise x 100

71 65
1. x100  24.40 6. x100  25.90
291 251
75 68
x100  25.38 7. x100  27.31
2. 296 249
8. x100  27.56
71 254
3. x100  24.32 69
292 9. x100  25.56
74 270
4. x100  27.41 65
270 10. x100  24.34
98 267
5. x100  38.43

24.40 + 25.38 + 24.32 + 27.41+38.43+25.90+27.31+27.56+25.56+24.34 / 10
= 24.51%

Photo 1. Agro-Forestry Photo 2. Agro-Forestry

Photo 3. Fascine Photo 4. Balabag System

Photo 5. A-frame Photo 5. Measurement of slope

Photo 5. Rockwall
Photo 6. Check dam

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