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DISS – Long Quiz

Name: ______________________________ Yr. & Section: __________________ Date: ________

Teacher: ____________________________

I. Matching Type.
Direction: Match column A with the correct answer on column B, write only the letter on the space

______1. Influential figure in the field of symbolic interactionism a. Martin Heidegger

______2. Founder of rational choice theory b. Karl Marx
______3. Coined the term symbolic interactionism c. George Herbert Mead
______4. Formal institution that are supported by the government d. Herbert Blumer
______5. Social Conflict e. Kohlberg
______6. Psychoanalytical theory f. Robert Merton
______7. Interpretive of hermeneutic phenomenology g. Piaget
______8. Expanded the concept of social function h. Talcott Parsons
______9. Structural Functionalism i. Old institutionalism
_____10. Descriptive phenomenology j. Cesare Beccaria
k. Sigmund Freud
l. Edmund Husserl
m. Vygotsky

II. Enumeration
1-2. two function of social structure
3-7. sub fields of new institutionalism
8-10 stages in self-development

III. Multiple Choice.

Direction. Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. Sigmund Freud is widely known to be the father of______.

a. Psychoanalysis b. behaviorism c. psychology
2. In what order do the following areas of the psyche develop?
a. Ego, super ego, Id b. super ego, id, ego c. Id, Ego, Super ego
3. According to Freud, what is the function of the “Ego”?
a. To represent innate, instinctive desires and impulses
b. To be aware of the needs and feelings of those around us
c. To moderate our impulse, acting as the moral conscience of the mind
4. Refers to a set of interrelated concepts, definitions and propositions that explains, describes or
predicts events or situations by specifying relations among variables.
a. Empirical b. theory c. analytical
5. It defines institutions much more broadly than political scientist or economist.
a. Old institutionalism b. feminist institutionalism c. normative institutionalism
IV. Essay

1. What are the 3 elements of personality structure according to Sigmund Freud? What are the
key features of each element? How does each explain human behavior? 15points.

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