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Lesson Plan for Science

Grade 8C
2 term 2019-2020
January & February
Chapter 5 (Energy changes)
Exothermic reactions
Endothermic reactions
Chapter 6 (Reactivity)
Metals and their reactions with oxygen
Reactions of metals with water and dilute acids
Reactivity series
Displacement reactions

By : Sir Tazeem Abbas

Lahore Grammar School
Lesson Plan Grade 8C
Date: Day:
Subject: Science Topic: 5.1 Burning


Am I able to identify
Intro/Starter: thethe
Analyse process of burning?
objects: What is chemical reaction?

How chemical reaction take place?

Main Activity; .

 When something burns a chemical reaction is taking place.

 Burning is a chemical reaction in which a substance combines with
 Energy can be changed from one form to another.
 The substance that combines with oxygen is called fuel.
 Reactants and products of combustion.
 Carbon and oxygen react to form carbon dioxide

Glossary: Charcoal: it is a form of carbon.


Q1 to 3 of page 70
What is needed for combustion to take place?

What is an exothermic reaction? ( a reaction in which energy is given out)

How can you tell that burning is an exothermic reaction? ( in this energy is given
out and temperature rises)

Students will be assessed on the basis of their class work.

Lahore Grammar School

Lesson Plan Grade 8
Date: Day:
Subject: Science Topic: Burning other substances

Objective: Am I able to learn about oxidation reaction?

Intro/Starter: Write a dictionary: Students will be asked to

create their own dictionary of 5 keywords and complete their
definitions from previous lecture.
Main Activity;

 Teacher will proceed by explaining The burning of other

substances (with ref to pg 72 of txt bk), Hydrogen can be
used as a fuel in a model rocket. Hydrogen and oxygen reat to
form water energy is released in this process so it’s a exothermic

Oxidation reaction.

Any reaction where oxygen combine with other substance , loss of

electrons or removal of hydrogen is called oxidation reaction.

Glossary: Exothermic reaction. A reaction in which energy is


C.W: Questions A+I given at page 72 of text bk will be done in

class. H.W. Skill book page 33 to 35

Students will be assessed on the basis of their class work.

Lahore Grammar School
Lesson Plan Grade 8
Date: Day:
Subject: Science Topic: Reaction of metals with water and acid.

Objective: Am I able to learn about reaction of metal with water and

Intro/Starter: Pick any question: Ask students to write down any
question they have regarding the topic you are studying. Let any other
student answer those questions. If they cannot answer then you’ll
the question.
Teacher will explain The reactions of metals (with
ref to pg 72 of txt bk), Reaction of metal is an exothermic reaction.

Potassium reacts with water to form potassium hydroxide and

hydrogen. When magnesium react with dil HCl test tube got hot.

C.W:Q1 to 3 of page 73
What are the products when magnesium and hydrochloric acid react?
(Magnesium chloride and hydrogen gas)
How did Noor and Hanif know when the reaction had finished? (When temperature of
thermometer stop rising after certain point)

H.W: Workbook page 46 and 47


Students will be assessed on the basis of their class work.

Lahore Grammar School
Lesson Plan Grade 8
Date: Day:
Subject: Science Topic: Endothermic reaction

Objective: Am I able to learn about endothermic reaction?


Recall the previous lesson:

What is burning? What is exothermic reaction?

Main Activity;
 Endothermic reaction is a chemical reaction that takes heat from
surrounding. It is a process in which energy is taken in for example
dissolving. During this reaction temperature decreases.


Q 1 to 7 of page 74 and 75
What are the reactants in the reaction shown above?(sodium hydrogen carbonate
and citric acid)

What are the products in the reaction?(sodium citerate water and carbon dioxide)

What is an endothermic reaction? (reaction in which energy is taken in)

Explain why eating sherbet sweets makes your mouth feel cooler?( there is a
mixture of dry citric acid and sodium hydrogencarbonate)

Why is ice melting called an endothermic process but not reaction?( bcz energy is
taken in from the surroundings)

Suggest a change of state other than ice melting that is an endothermic

process.(when potassium chloride dissolve in water)


Students will be assessed on the basis of their class work.

Lahore Grammar School
Lesson Plan Grade 8
Date: Day:
Subject: Science Topic: Usage of endo and exothermic reactions

Objective: Am I able to identify the function of nervous systems?

Intro/Starter: Pick any question:

What is endothermic reaction?

What is exothermic reaction?

Main Activity; Students will be taught: Exothermic reactions are
used to produced self heating cans of food.The chemicals used are
calcium oxide and water.Endothermic reactions used to make ice

.C.W: Q1 to 3 of pg 77
Explain why self heating cans are very exprnsive?(bcz of the difficulty of making
the compartments in the tin)

Explain why self heatin can can only be used once?( bcz two chemicals mixed with
each other and give heat and can not be reused)

Describe advantage of ice pack.(people use ice pack when they injure themselves,
some ice packs can be used when you don’t have refrierators)

H.W: Skill builder book pg 36 and 37 exercise worksheet will be given.

Test of chapter no 5


Students’ response will reveal their clarity of concepts.

Lahore Grammar School
Lesson Plan Grade 8
Date: Day:
Subject: Science Topic: Energy changes

Objective: Am I able to perform well in this test?

Main Activity;

Test of 5 will be given from challenge book.

a. Write word equation for the reaction between potassium and

b. Explain the difference between exothermic and endothermic
reactions. Give one example of each.


Students’ results will assess their understanding of the concept.

Lahore Grammar School
Lesson Plan Grade 8
Date: Day:
Subject: Science Topic: Metals and their reaction between
Learning Objectives:
To learn about periodic table?

Intro activity
Can you name some elements of periodic table?
What are metals and non metals?

Main Activity:
Main Activity; Students will be taught: Elements are arranged in periodic
table. They are classified into metals, non metals and metalloids. Different
elements has a different atomic structure with different number of protons,
electrons and neutrons.
Describe them the atomic structure and its sub atomic particles.

Check students understanding via discussion.

Lahore Grammar School

Lesson Plan Grade 8
Date: Day:
Subject: Science Topic: Reaction of group 1
Learning Objectives:
To learn about group 1 elements.

Intro activity:
Recall the previous lesson.
What is an element?
Describe atomic structure of any element.

Main Activity:
Main Activity; Students will be taught: The metals in group 1 of periodic
table are softer than other metals. They are more reactive than other metals.
Metal and oxygen react to form metal oxide.
C.W: Q1-4 on page 81
Name two metals that have atoms larger than those of atom(potassium
Which property of sodium is not typical of metal?( sodium is softer)
Write word equation for the reaction of sodium and oxygen.( sodium +
oxygen______ sodium oxide)
.H.W: Learn C.W

Plenary/Check students understanding via discussion.

Lahore Grammar School

Lesson Plan Grade 8
Date: Day:
Subject: Science Topic: Reaction with water
Learning Objectives:
To learn about the reaction of metals with water.
Intro activity:
Recall the previuos lesson about reaction of metals with oxygen.

Main Activity:
Main Activity; Students will be taught: Group 1 metals react with water
vigorously. The metals nearest the bottom of group 1 in the periodic table
react more vigorously than those at the top. Some metals react with hot water
and steam,
C.W: Q5-8 on page 83.
What is the gas that is given off? How would you test for it?(hydrogen gas, a
piece of calcium is placed in beaker filled with water)
How could you tell if calcium or magnesium is more reactive? ( calcium is more
Write word equation for calcium and water ( calcium + water_______ calcium
hydroxide + hydrogen
H.W: Skill builder page 38 to 40

Check students understanding via discussion.

Lahore Grammar School

Lesson Plan Grade 8
Date: Day:
Subject: Science Topic: Reaction of metal with acid
Learning Objectives:
To learn about the reaction of metal with acid.
Intro activity:
Recall the previous lessons: Explain the reaction of metals with water.

Main Activity: Students will be taught: when a metal reacts with dilute acid
the products are a salt and hydrogen.
Different metals have different levels of reactivity in dilute acids.
Do activity 6.3 A and B in class.
H.W: questions of page 84
Test of 6.1 to 6.4

Check students understanding via discussion.

Lahore Grammar School

Lesson Plan Grade 8
Date: Day:
Subject: Science Topic: The reactivity series
Learning Objectives:
To learn about the reactivity series.
Intro activity: Ask students:
How metals react with dilute acids?

Main Activity:
Main Activity; Students will be taught
Reactivity series: The reactivity series is a list of metals with the most
reactive at the top.
Teacher will discuss the table on page 87

Check students understanding via discussion.

Lahore Grammar School

Lesson Plan Grade 8
Date: Day:
Subject: Science Topic: Displacement reactions
Learning Objectives:
To learn about displacement reactions.

Intro activity: Ask students:

What is reactivity series?
How elements place in reactivity series?
Main Activity:
Main Activity; Students will be taught: Displacement reaction is reaction in
which more reactive metals can displace less reactive ones from solutions
of salts.
When copper sulphate react with iron. iron displaces copper and form iron
C.W: questions on page 88 will be done on book

Check students understanding via discussion.

Lahore Grammar School

Lesson Plan Grade 8
Date: Day:
Subject: Science Topic: Test (pg 6.1-6.4)
Learning Objectives:
Am I able to perform well in test?

Intro activity:
Revise the given topics.

Main Activity:
Test will be given from challenge book.
Questions will be given from page 44 to 47
Check students understanding via discussion.

Lahore Grammar School

Lesson Plan Grade 8
Date: Day:
Subject: Science Topic: using displacement reaction
Learning Objectives:
To learn about the using displacement reaction.

Intro activity: Ask students:

What is displacement reaction?.

Main Activity:
Main Activity; Students will be taught:
The thermite reaction is a displacement reaction which can be used to weld
railway lines together.
Displacement reaction is used to extract some metals from their ores.
C.W: Workbook page 52 to 55
H.W workbook page no 56 and 57

Check students understanding via discussion.

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