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Bosnian Swearing English Translation

Jebem ti mater zguza! I fuck your mother from behind!

Jebem sestru! I fuck your sister!
Jebem ti staru! I fuck your mother!
Jebem ti starog! I fuck your father!
Jebem ti sve po spisku! I fuck you everything according to the list!
Nemoj mene jebat kad ti kazem ja! Don�t fuck me when I say!
Jebem ti ranjenog oca u stap! I fuck your wounded father in the stick!
Mongoloidnu sestru ti jebem! I fuck your mongoloid sister!
Dedu ti ucim karat! I learn your grandpa how to fuck!
Iscupat cu ti oci strujom! I'll pop your eyes with electricity
Spalit cu ti noge, ljubav i! I'll burn your legs, my love!
Jebem ti cijeli stan! I fuck your whole apartment!
Zenu ti jebem bez tebe! I fuck your wife without you!
Krvavu ti sliku poserem! I shit on your bloody picture!
Serem ti na dedu na samrti! I shit on your grandpa while he's dying!
Pisam ti ocu po glavi, majmune! I piss on your fathers head you monkey!
Popisam ti se u znanje, jebote! I piss on your fuckin' knowledge!
Daj si sidu kceri, svinjo jedna! Give your daughter AIDS, you pig!
Poserem ti se u ruku, pa nosi! I shit on your hand, and you carry it around!
Jebem ti kcerku, sina, a i tebe! I fuck your daughter, son and even you!
Poljubime u tamnicu! Kiss me in the calaboose!
Jebem ti krvavu mater u oko! I fuck your bloody mother in the eye!
Jebem ti mrtvog oca u glavu! I fuck your dead father in the head!
Jebo ti oca u glavu! You fuck your father in the head!
Majka ti izjebala mene! Your mother fucked me!
Jebeo ti svoju baku u oko! You fuck your grandma in the eye!
Jebacu ti majku majcinu I'll fuck your mother's mother!
Jebao ti mrtvu mater! Fuck your dead mother!
Jebem ti i dedu! I fuck even your grandpa!
Oca ti jebem u sise! I fuck your father in the tits!
Jebat cu ti bratovu mamu! I'll fuck your brother's mother!
Jebem ti mrtvog tebe! I fuck you dead!
Pusi mi mali kurac od sina! Suck my son's small dick!
Sisaj mi kurac kroz slamku! Suck my dick through the straw!
Sestru ti jebem u mozaik! I fuck your sister in the mosaic!
Jebem ti sina u mrtvu nogu! I fuck dead leg of your son!
Krafno bez pekmeza! You donut without a jelly!
Jebem ti tetku i patim! I fuck your aunt and I suffer!
Sanjam da prdnem na tebe! I dream about farting on you!
Trudnu ti zenu jebem! I fuck your pregnant wife!
Netko je prdno na tebe mala! Somebody farted at you, babe!
Rado bi se jebo s nojem! I'd gladly fuck with ostrich!
Sisaj mi pitoncica! Suck my little python!
Napusi se vrele karine Suck my hot dick!
Pusi ga crncu Suck it to the black man!
Cuclaj ga tati Suck it to your dad!
Dudlaj ga domacinu Suck it to your host!
Metnem ti ga seki medju oci I put him between your sisters eyes!
Govedo pohabano You shabby cow!
Sestra ti abortirala dok je ja prcim! Your sister aborted while I fucked her!
Prikljuci se na hidrant Connect yourself to the hydrant!
Picka ti se loz ulja natopila You cunt engrained with diesel!
Ti bi dreka jeo? You want to eat a shit?
Jebem ti krv mlade rode! I fuck you a blood of a young stork!
Jebem ti tatu u invalidskim kolicima I fuck your father in the crippled chair!
Jebo te led Ice fucked you!
Jebo te sakata I fuck you crippled!
Jebo te tata Your father fucked you!
Mama ti je drolja Your mother is a bitch!
Jebem ti sestru u karijes I fuck your sister in her ovaries!
Prikljuci se na kisik! Connect yourself to the oxygen!
Jebem ti grob u koji ces lec! I fuck the grave that you are going to lay in.
Poderem ti mater! I rip your mother!
Mesar ti satarom kurac drko! Butcher jerked your dick with the knife!
Mama te u ladno celo ljubila Mother kissed you in the cold face!
Mama ti brije brkove Your mother shave moustaches!
Krvave ti hemeroide jebem! I fuck your bloody hemorrhoids!
Krvavi ti supak jebem! I fuck your bloody asshole!
Odi u brda jebat koze! Go to the mountain and fuck the goats!
Jebo ti morski pas mater! Shark fucked your mother!
Krvavo ti jaje tigrovo jebem! I fuck your bloody testicle of an tiger!
Ljubis mi mjehurice od prdeza u kadi! Kiss my fart-bubbles in the bathtub!
Dabogda te zgazila kola HITNE POMOCI! May the ambulance car hit you!
Dabogda ti se pas na majci zarazio! May your dog catch decease on your mother
Dabogda ti deca igrala u strujnom kolu. May your children play in an electrical
Djavo ti se ocima klikerao! May the devil play marbles with your eyes
Dabogda ti kolo na grobu igrali! May people dance on your grave
Dabogda te vozili sa nogama unapred. May you be driven with your legs in front
Jebacu ti prvi red na tvojoj sahrani. I'll fuck the front row on your funeral
Dabogda ti zena trudnu djevojcicu rodila! May your wife give birth to a
pregnant girl
Dabogda ti deca isla unatraske! May your children walk backwards
Dabogda miris'o ljubicice odozdo. May you smell the flowers from below
Dabogda te jebao nekrofil. May a necrophiliac fuck you
Da Bog da ti djeca citala prstima. May your children read with fingers
Dabogda ti sin zeta u kucu doveo! May your son marry another man
Dabogda te Rusi branili. May the Russians defend you
Odi u kurac! Go in the dick
Ne seri! Don�t shit
Jebi se! Fuck you
Pusi kurac! Suck the dick
Ko te jebe! Who screws you
Sisaj mi karu! Suck my dick!
Picka ti materina! Your mother's pussy!
Jebem ti mater! I fuck your mother!
Mars u picku materinu! Go to your mother's pussy!
Jebo ti pas mater! Dog fucked your mother!
Ma lizi mi jaja! Lick my balls!
Ko ti jebe mater! Who fucks your mother!
Mamicu ti jebem! I fuck your mommy!
Jebo sam ti mater! I fucked your mother!
Pizda ti materina! Your mother's cunt!
Dubre jedno! You trash!
Mars u tri pizde materine! Go to three mother's cunts!
Pederu usrani! You shitty gay!
Popusi mi kurac! Suck my dick!
Seres na sve strane! You shit in every direction!
Jebat cu ti mater! I'm going to fuck your mother!
Crkni stoko! Die cattle!
Kurac mi puca! My dick is breaking!
Kravo glupa! Stupid cow!
Kravo usrana! Shitty cow!
Jebe mi se! I don't give a fuck!
Glupi pederu! You stupid gay!
Jebem te ja u tu glupu glavu! I fuck you in that stupid head!
Usrani smrade! Shitty stink!
Debela kravo! Fat cow!
Bole me jaja! My balls are in pain!
Sisaj mi karu! Lick my dick!
Lizi mi supak! Lick my ass!
Budalo! Fool!
Idiote! Idiot!
Debilu! Moron!
Svinjo! Pig!
Supcino glupa! Stupid asshole!
Cmaru jedan! Asshole!
Majmune jedan! Monkey!
Konjino! You horse!
Crve jadni! Miserable worm!
Kravo jedna! You cow!
Kurvo! Bitch!
Psu jedan! You dog!
Gnoju jedan! You muck!
Smrade jedan! You reek!
Odjebi! Fuck off!
Otprdi! Fart off!
Serem se ja na tebe! I shit on you!
Jebem ti familiju I fuck your family
Jebem ti staru u supak I fuck your mom in the ass
Jebi se u rikverc! Fuck you in reverse gear!
Jebem te u usta! I'm fuck you in your mouth!
Glup si ko kurac! You're stupid like dick!
Jebo ti ja mater! I fucked your mother!
Jedi govna! Eat Shit
Koji ti je kurac? What dick is yours?
Kurcoglavac! Dickhead!
Picko jedna! You cunt!
Jebem ti Boga! Fuck the God!!
Jebem ti dan kad si rodjen! Fuck the day when you were born!
Jebem ti supu od Isusovih kostiju! Fuck the soup made of Jesus bones!
Jebem ti Kristovo raspece! Fuck the Crucifixion of Jesus!
Jebem ti sve mrtvo i zhivo! I fuck all your dead and alive family!
Jebem ti pitu od Kur'anovih listova! Fuck the pie of Qur'an pages!
Jebo te cacin caca! Your father's father fucked you!
Jebem ti mater u po picke! I fuck your mother in the center of her pussy.
Ko te prci! Get lost! (lit. who fucks you!)
Stoko nevaspitana Stupid cow
Jebo te onaj ko te napravijo Your father fucked you
Mars u picku materinu Go inside your mother's pussy
Jebem ti krvavim kurcem defektnu kcer na grobu mrtve matere dok tvoj paraplegicni
otac drka na taj prizor a ti mu lizes zadrkana jaja. With my bloody dick, I fuck
your deaf daughter on the grave of your dead mother while your crippled father
jerks and you suck his dick!
Jebo ti konj krvavim kurcem nevinu kcerku na grobu mrtve matere May the horse with
the bloody dick fuck your virgin daughter on the grave of your dead mother!
Kurac mi se usmrdio od jebanja tvoje mame u cmar My dick is smelly of fucking
your mother in her asshole for so long!
Stroj za mljevenje mesa ti kurcic popusio! Meat grinder sucked your dick!
Mama te hrdjavom kukom po savi u rikverc trazila! May your mother search for
you with a rusty hook through the river!
Jebem ti mamu krvavim jajima u povrcu I fuck your mother with my bloody
testicles in the vegetables!
Glupo je od mene da te ne izjebem u cmar It would be stupid of me if I didn't fuck
you in the ass!
Jebem ti sve pospisku (i tebe!) I fuck you everything according to the list
(and you!)
Guram ti ja krvavoj mami u usta penkalu! I push a fountain-pen into your bloody
mother's mouth!
Umrlu ti sestru jebem po sred zmazane picke! I fuck your dead sister in the
middle of her putty pussy!
Jebat cu ti oca ocevog u dedu! I'm going to fuck your father's father and his
Oprosti sto ti jebem mater i sestru tata! Forgive me for fucking your mother
and sister, dad!
Majka te medu cevapima prepoznala May your mother recognize you in the grinded
Jebem ti krvavu mater na dnu groba I fuck your bloody mother on the bottom of the
Djeca ti hodala unatraske i cijeli zivot kupovala retrovizore May your children
walk in reverse and buy rear-view mirrors for her whole life
Naso ti sestru nabijenu na kolac koji viri iz majcinog groba I found your
sister on a pole which is on your mother's grave!
Baka ti tatu, a tata ti seku Your grandma fucked your father and your father
fucked your sister!
Jebem ti majku tako da joj picka place I fuck your mother so that her cunt is
Jebem ti mater i od materine matere materinu mater! I fuck your mother and mother
of your mother's mother!
Dabogda ti majka prdnula na roditeljskom sastanku! May your mother fart at a
school meeting
Jebo ti krvavi digimon pokemona na sred dnevne sobe Bloody Digimon fucked Pokemon
on the floor of your dining room!
Dabogda ti pas povratio na sred sobe kad imas goste! May the dog throw-up in the
middle of the dinning room while you have guests!
Dabogda te majka nasla u pasteti. May your mother recognize you in the food can
Dabogda ti deca igrala skolice po minskom polju! May your children jump around
in the minefield
Dabogda te majka trazila kukom po rijeci. May your mother search for you in
the river with a hook.
Da bog da ti svi u kuci plakali, a samo svestenik pjevao! May everyone cry in your
house, beside the singing priest
Da Bog da te majka trazila Gajgerovim brojacem. May your mother look for you
with Geiger's device.
Dabogda se pretvorio u zabu, pojela te roda, i posrala sa 500 m visine! May
you turn into a frog; a stork eat you, and shit you from a 500 meter height!
Dabogda ti zena rodila ves masinu (zahrdjalu)! May your wife give birth to a
washing machine (rusty)
Dabogda ti devojka bila kao Grand kafa, mirisna, ukusna i jeftina. May your
girlfriend be like a Grand coffee: smelling good, tasting good - and cheap.
Dabogda ti zena bila harmonikas, pa cijeli zivot igrao kako ti ona svirala. May
your wife be a harmonica player so you can dance your whole life as she plays.
Dabogda ti muzu Monika Levinski bila sekretarica. May Monica Lewinsky be your
man's secretary!
Dabogda ti dzep bio prazan kao rezervoar. May your pocket be empty like your
car tank.
Jebem ti trudnu zenu na majcinu grobu konjino neodgojena! I fuck your pregnant
wife at your mother's grave you horse ignoramus!
Konju komunalni! You communal horse! (used to describe a stupid yet public person)
Da Bogda ti bio zadnji zalogaj! By the grace of God that this would be your
last slice!
Sprcim ti majku u usta! Fucking your mother in her mouth!
Poserem ti se posred face! Shit in middle of your face!
Jebem ti majku krvavu! Fuck you bloody mother!
Mater te u cevapu prepoznala May your mum recognize you in kebab meat
Baja pojela ti jaja! I hope a bug eats your balls!

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