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Meat Science 74 (2006) 564–577

Application of an electronic nose for measurements of boar taint

in entire male pigs
Jannie S. Vestergaard , John-Erik Haugen c, Derek V. Byrne b

Mikkeli Polytechnic, YTI Research Centre, P.O. Box 181, FIN-50101 Mikkeli, Finland
The Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University, Department of Food Science, Sensory Science, Rolighedsvej 30, DK-1958 Frederiksberg C, Denmark
MATFORSK AS, Osloveien 1, N-1430 Ås, Norway

Received 14 October 2005; received in revised form 10 April 2006; accepted 8 May 2006


An electronic nose based on ion mobility spectrometry was used for boar taint measurements of entire male pig samples varying in
androstenone and skatole levels (0.09–0.88 lg/g fat and 0.01–0.26 lg/g fat, respectively). Sensory perceptible boar taint (especially boar
odour) was found to be more related to androstenone than to skatole, whereas a rancid note was determined more related to skatole than
to androstenone. Multivariate models implementing some generally prescribed cut-off limits for androstenone (0.50 lg/g) and skatole
(0.21 lg/g) indicated that the e-nose could be used for ordering samples with respect to low and high levels of androstenone and skatole.
Studying the direct relationships between e-nose data, sensory data, androstenone and skatole showed better predictivity of the chemical
compounds (androstenone: r = 0.948, RMSEP = 0.309; skatole: r = 0.629, RMSEP = 0.069) than for single sensory descriptors
(boar odour r = 0.409, RMSEP = 0.789). The results thus suggest that the e-nose technology based on ion mobility spectrometry as
in the MGD-1 may have a potential for future rapid sorting of boars at the slaughter line. The study provides new knowledge of the
applicability of ion mobility spectrometry for measuring boar taint and also confirms the challenge of measuring boar taint using chem-
ically determined cut-off limits for a sensory perceptible phenomenon. Thus, future development should be more devoted to developing
holistic approaches rather than focusing on the influence of single variables on boar taint.
Ó 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Boar taint; E-nose; Ion mobility spectrometry; Sensory analysis; Multivariate data analysis

1. Introduction Dijksterhuis et al. (2000) found that androstenone

related mostly to ‘‘urine’’, while skatole related mostly to
Boar taint is a distinctive and unpleasant taint perceived ‘‘manure’’ and, to a lesser extent, to ‘‘naphthalene’’. Sev-
through a combination of sensory odour, flavour and taste eral other compounds such as indole and p-cresol may also
in pork and pork products during cooking and eating. It contribute to the overall perception of boar taint (Gunn
has been described as ‘‘animal’’, ‘‘urine’’, ‘‘fecal’’ and/or et al., 2004). Also Babol, Squires, and Gullet (1996, 2002)
‘‘sweet’’ like in character. Traditionally, sensory perception gave, in studies involving both a trained sensory panel
of boar taint has been related to levels of androstenone and and a consumer panel, evidence that other factors due to
skatole in fat since they are the primary contributors to sexual maturity are involved in the development of boar
boar taint (Gunn et al., 2004). taint and that androstenone and skatole cannot completely
account for the occurrence of boar taint.
The boar taint issue is controversial and little agreement
has been reached so far on the relative contributions or the
Corresponding author. Address: Mikkeli Polytechnic, YTI Research
Centre, P.O. Box 181, FIN-50101 Mikkeli, Finland. Tel.: +358 40 569
interaction of androstenone and skatole to boar taint,
8919; fax: +358 15 3556365. which is often due to differences in characteristics of meat
E-mail address: (J.S. Vestergaard). samples (androstenone and skatole levels), sensory

0309-1740/$ - see front matter Ó 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
J.S. Vestergaard et al. / Meat Science 74 (2006) 564–577 565

methodology and cooking procedures, meat consumption androstenone and skatole and mixtures of both at different
habits and consumer sensitivity to particularly androste- concentration levels and real back fat samples from boars
none, e.g., anosmia (Bonneau, Kempster, et al., 2000; with different levels of skatole and androstenone (Berdagúe
Gunn et al., 2004). & Talou, 1993; Bourrounet, Talou, & Gaset, 1995; Di
Possible cut-off values for androstenone and skatole for Natale et al., 2003). Most of the published studies do not
sorting out boar tainted carcasses have been widely stud- involve any aspects of the relation to sensory perceptible
ied. Støier and Olsen (1998) have in large scale studied clas- boar taint. However, Annor-Frempong, Nute, Wood,
sification accuracy for different classification criteria for Whittington, and West (1998) found in a study that an
on-line sorting of Danish entire male pigs. They found that e-nose with a 12-conducting polymer array could discrimi-
classification criteria based on skatole with a cut-off value nate between different intensities of boar taint caused by
of 0.25 lg/g skatole resulted in a satisfactory classification different concentrations of both boar taint compounds in
(1.2% approved with off-odour and 4% rejection). When a model system. Comparing the e-nose responses to those
classification was based on both skatole and androstenone of a sensory panel they found high correlations between
it was found that the cut-off value for androstenone should the e-nose and the sensory panel (canonical correlation =
be 0.5 lg/g in order to obtain the same classification accu- 0.78).
racy. Criteria for skatole and androstenone levels can be With non-specific gas-sensor arrays there is a potential
tightened or loosened depending on the requirement for of detecting several compounds in the vapour phase related
classification accuracy. Similar cut-off limits are widely to boar taint. Accordingly, this could allow the measure-
used in Europe (Gunn et al., 2004). The cut-off levels from ment of the odour and/or flavour of the meat instead of
a Norwegian study, which are used in the present study, are analysing the specific compounds that might be responsible
for skatole 0.21 lg/g and for androstenone 0.50 and 1.0 lg/g for boar taint. This technique cannot completely replace
(Aldal et al., 2005). reference methods like the use of sensory panels, as the
Analysis of off-odours and flavour in meat and meat technique requires training and calibration against valid
products has traditionally been performed by trained sen- reference methods such as sensory analysis. Reviewing
sory panels or by headspace gas chromatography mass on-line methods for detection of boar taint in carcasses,
spectrometry (GC–MS). These methods for detecting Gunn et al. (2004) suggested gas-sensor technology as a
boar taint are time consuming and costly and it would potential technology. Progress towards specific gas-sensor
therefore be useful to have objective rapid methods in applications for boar taint has been limited and so far,
order to sort out the boars on the slaughter line based nothing has been published on boar taint applications
on both chemical and sensory criteria. New methods using ion mobility spectrometry.
should allow a high number of samples to be analysed In this study, it was therefore of interest to evaluate a
within a short period of time with a sufficient reproduc- commercial ion mobility spectrometer, the MGD-1 system
ibility and accuracy. (Environics Ltd., Finland) for the detection of boar tainted
Recently, there has been a rapid development of chemi- meat. Originally, the MGD-1 device was developed for
cal sensor technology for analysis of volatile compounds. detecting chemical warfare agents back in the 1980s. Since
Commercially available gas-sensor devices cover a variety the 1990s the instrument has also been applied to, e.g.,
of chemical sensing principles, system design and data environmental applications. In a recent study of warmed-
analysis techniques. Gas-sensors are based on physical or over flavour (WOF) in pork O’Sullivan, Byrne, Jensen,
chemical adsorption and desorption, optical adsorption Andersen, and Vestergaard (2003) showed that the
or chemical reactions of an analyte in the gas phase that MGD-1 could clearly separate samples on the basis of mus-
take place on the surface and/or in the bulk of the sensor cle type, treatment and degree of WOF development.
material. These interactions cause characteristic physical Repeating the experiment 11 months later in another labo-
changes of the sensor to be detected. A series of different ratory, gave good evidence of the reproducibility and
transducing principles can be used in chemical gas sensors: repeatability of the MGD-1.
heat generation, conductivity, electrical polarisation, elec- This e-nose study is part of a larger project carried out in
trochemical activity, ionisation, optical properties, dielec- Norway in 2001 with the purpose of investigating possible
tric properties and magnetic properties. quality changes occurring in Norwegian boars when not
Chemical sensor arrays combined with multivariate data castrated (Aldal et al., 2005). The electronic nose MGD-1
processing methods have demonstrated to have a potential was introduced as a possible rapid method for detecting
for rapid analysis of meat quality (e.g., Blixt & Borch, boar taint.
1999; Hansen, Petersen, & Byrne, 2005; Haugen & Kvaal, The overall aim of this study was to investigate the rela-
1998; Rajamäki et al., 2006; Schaller, Bosset, & Escher, tionships between electronic nose (MGD-1) data, sensory
1998). data and androstenone and skatole concentrations by util-
In recent years attempts to apply gas-sensor technology ising cut-off values for androstenone and skatole as a basis
to the detection of boar taint have been reported. The for estimating the effectiveness of the ability of the elec-
research in this field comprise limited feasibility studies tronic nose to predict sensory defined boar taint. Another
analyzing pure lipid phases (oils and fats) spiked with pure aim was to learn more about whether the perceptible boar
566 J.S. Vestergaard et al. / Meat Science 74 (2006) 564–577

taint and/or chemically measured androstenone and ska- and abdominal cuts (2 pcs.) taken from the central part
tole can be predicted by the commercially available elec- of the flank were taken out at the slaughter line for chem-
tronic nose MGD-1. As there is a future demand for ical analysis. Abdominal cuts were cut into smaller pieces
rapid on-line sorting methods and as the MGD-1 is trans- at minimum 50 g (for skatole, androstenone and e-nose
portable and originally designed to operate in an open analyses respectively). Samples for skatole and androste-
environment the aim was also to investigate possible on- none analyses were vacuum packed and stored at 23 °C.
line applicability of the system. Samples for e-nose analyses were packed in aluminium foil
The study described here is part of a larger study where prior to vacuum packaging and stored at 80 °C (Aldal
the influence of a lower slaughtering weight on the occur- et al., 2001).
rence of boar taint was studied (Aldal et al., 2001). Studies have shown, that variations in intracarcass dis-
tribution of androstenone and skatole exist but are not sys-
2. Materials and methods tematic or significant (Claus, 1975; Haugen, Flåtten, &
Andresen, 2005; Malmfors, Lundström, Hansson, &
2.1. Sample material Gahne, 1976; Weiler, Denhard, Herbert, & Claus, 1995).
Since measurements of androstenone and skatole showed
A total of 205 male pigs of the Noroc race were slaugh- no significant differences in androstenone and skatole levels
tered at an average weight of approximately 55 kg (maxi- in fat of the two sampling sites used, i.e., abdominal and
mum age of 110 days). Eighty-five samples (carcasses) neck fat, we found it practical to use different parts of
were, on the basis of their androstenone and skatole con- the carcass for different types of analysis. Neck cuts (cut-
tent, grouped into categories according to some general lets) were used for sensory analysis and abdominal fat for
cut-off limits suggested for sorting boars in Europe and e-nose analysis.
applied in Norway (see also Aldal et al., 2001; Gunn
et al., 2004; Støier & Olsen, 1998) and chosen for sensory
2.3. Chemical analysis
analysis. The procedure is described in more details by
Aldal et al. (2005).
Samples of fat tissue (2–5 g) were used for the analysis of
According to these categories based on androstenone
skatole and androstenone content. The levels of skatole in
and skatole cut-off limits 18 samples were then chosen for
fat, or in fact skatole equivalents, were measured by a spec-
the e-nose analysis with the MGD-1. The samples varied
trophotometric method developed by Mortensen and
in androstenone and skatole levels 0.09–0.88 lg/g fat and
Sørensen (1984). The levels of androstenone in fat were
0.01–0.26 lg/g fat, respectively. The categories, androste-
measured by use of a commercial enzyme immunoassay
none and skatole cut-off limits and number of samples in
method (ELISA-Systems, 5a-androst-16-en-3on from Rie-
each category analysed in this study are shown in Table
del-de Häen, Seelze, Germany). The method is based on
1. This study included no extreme samples (high in both
the method described by Claus, Herbert, and Dehnhard
androstenone and skatole), which was due to the generally
(1997). The chemical analyses are described in more detail
low amount of extreme samples available in the larger
by Aldal et al. (2005).

2.2. Sample preparation 2.4. Sensory analysis

Neck cuts (2 pcs.) taken from the head joint to the fifth Frozen necks were sliced into 1 cm thick cutlets (40–
rib were taken out for sensory analysis and vacuum packed 60 g) and each piece was put into a plastic bag with a code,
at 23 °C. Backfat samples taken from the 6–7 vertebrae vacuumed and thawed over night at 4 °C prior to the sen-
sory analysis. The samples (cutlets) were heat treated in a
water bath at 75 °C for one hour before serving to the
assessors in which time a core temperature of 70 °C was
Table 1 obtained. The core temperature when the assessors received
The 18 samples analysed in this study divided into categories based on the sample was about 50 °C. Hot plates were used to ensure
some generally accepted cut-off limits for androstenone and skatole
applied in Norway (Aldal et al., 2001; Gunn et al., 2004; Støier & Olsen,
that the temperature of the samples was maintained during
1998) evaluation. The sensory analysis was carried out by a
Categorya # of samples Androstenone Skatole
trained panel consisting of 11 trained female assessors all
concentration (lg/g fat) concentration sensitive to androstenone. Assessors had been screened
(lg/g fat) and tested according to international standards (ISO,
LL 6 <0.50 <0.21 1985). Prior to each session pre-trials were performed on
LH 5 <0.50 P0.21 samples low and high in androstenone and skatole, respec-
HL 7 P0.50 <0.21 tively. The descriptive method used included the descrip-
LL = low androstenone, low skatole; LH = low androstenone, high tors overall odour and flavour, rancid odour and flavour,
skatole; HL = high androstenone, low skatole. boar odour and flavour, sour flavour, bitter taste and
J.S. Vestergaard et al. / Meat Science 74 (2006) 564–577 567

Table 2
Sensory descriptors for evaluation of pork meat (Aldal et al., 2001). Descriptors are presented in evaluation order
Descriptor Abbreviationa Definition Scale
Overall intensity, odour Overall-O Intensity of the overall odour in the sample 0 = No odour
9 = Clear odour
Rancid odour Rancid-O Relates to the odour of oxidised fat 0 = No rancidity
9 = Clear rancid odour
Boar odour Boar-O Relates to the odour of androstenone and skatole 0 = No boar odour
9 = Clear boar odour
Overall intensity, flavour Overall-F Intensity of the overall flavour in the sample 0 = No flavour
9 = Clear flavour
Sour flavour Sour-F Relates to a fresh, sour/sweet/fruitlike flavour 0 = No sour flavour
9 = Distinct sour flavour
Bitter taste Bitter-T Relates to the basic taste bitter (caffeine) 0 = No bitter taste
9 = Clear bitter taste
Metallic taste Metallic-T Relates to the taste of metal (ferrous sulphate) 0 = No metallic taste
9 = Clear metallic taste
Rancid flavour Rancid-F Relates to the flavour of oxidised fat 0 = No rancid flavour
9 = Clear rancid flavour
Boar flavour Boar-F Relates to the flavour of androstenone and skatole 0 = No boar flavour
9 = Clear boar flavour
Suffix to abbreviation indicates method of assessment by panellists: -O, odour; -F, flavour; -T, taste.

metallic flavour assessed on a linear scale ranging from no where (Utriainen, Kärpänoja, & Paakkanen, 2003). The
intensity (0) to clear intensity (9) (Table 2) (Aldal et al., MGD-1 analyses were carried out at MATFORSK,
2001, 2005). Norway.

2.5. Electronic nose analysis 2.5.1. E-nose sample preparation and system set-up
Fat from abdominal fat tissue was excised and 3 g were
The commercially available electronic nose MGD-1 weighed into a 250 ml stoppered conical flask and kept
(Environics Ltd., Finland) based on the principle of ion refrigerated (+5 °C) until measuring later the same day.
mobility spectroscopy (IMS) was used. Ionisation of mol- A system set-up was developed for this specific study.
ecules take place in the IMCELL with an Am-241 The sample was incubated in water bath at 40 °C for
5.9 MBq (160 lCi) radiation source. Electrical fields, 10 min. Head space (sample air) was transported to the
which can be set individually between three electrode electronic nose MGD-1 (internal pump) through a column
pairs, interfere with the ion flow. Since the polarity of heater (BAS – Bioanalytical Systems Inc., USA) at 60 °C.
the electric field is changed at short time intervals, ions The flow rate was adjusted to 1.5 l/min, IMCELL temper-
of both polarities can be detected simultaneously. The ature adjusted to 55 °C and the sampling time was set to
channel output of the electrodes is thus doubled to six 30 s. During incubation (e-nose system not measuring)
(IMC-1 to IMC-6). IMC-1 to IMC-3 measure signals ambient air was flowing through the MGD-1 (baseline
from positive ions and IMC-4 to IMC-6 measure signals adjustment). The duration of the sample cycle was approx-
from negative ions. Seven IMS sensor signals including imately 12 min. To determine the repeatability of the sen-
the signal sum for IMC-1 to IMC-6 (SUM) are obtained. sor response each sample was analysed by three
IMCELL temperature can be adjusted between 30 and consecutive runs. Analyses were carried out with two repli-
60 °C, and the flow rate between 1 and 2 L/min. Thus, cates of each sample in random order. All together 18 sam-
the electrical signals obtained (bits) are dependent on ples were analysed.
the size and the loading of the ions, on the flow rate
and on the settings of the electrical fields. The relative 2.5.2. Data acquisition and pre-treatment
and absolute humidity as well as the ambient temperature Data were collected in log-files in the programme MGD-
are registered during measuring. The MGD-1 is also Winuip, version 1.0.1 (Environics Ltd., Finland). Logging
equipped with a semiconductor, the SCCELL, (metal was adjusted to one data point per second. The data sets
oxide sensor, MOS) which is often used for further confir- were transferred to Excel (Microsoft, version 5.0) for visual
mation of the performance of the MGD-1 (e.g., sulphuric examination of the measurements and pre-treatment of the
compounds). A more detailed description of the opera- raw-data. The raw data were pre-treated by summing the
tional principle of the MGD-1 detector can be found else- signals from 0 to 20 s (summing of 20 data points).
568 J.S. Vestergaard et al. / Meat Science 74 (2006) 564–577

2.6. Data analysis

2.6.1. Sensory data Androste-

In order to study the relationships between the sensory none &
data and the main design factors (LL, LH, and HL) mean
panel data (n = 11) were analysed by Discriminant Partial
Least Square Regressions (DPLSR). DPLSR makes it pos- 2)
sible to investigate the predictability of the Y-matrix, e.g., 5)
category variables from the sensory data and chemically
E-nose Sensory
measured androstenone and skatole (X-matrix). Design
variables were included as 0/1 indicator variables in the
Y-matrix. A PLSR was performed in order to study the 4)
direct relationships between the sensory data (X-matrix) 3) 1)
and the chemically measured androstenone and skatole Category
(Y-matrix). Derived loading plots were replaced by bi-plots variables
of correlation loadings, which reveal and visualise both LL, LH,
structure in the data and degree of fit in the model and thus HL
provide a quantitative and easier interpretation of X and Y
data. Regression coefficients were analysed by jack-knifing
Fig. 1. Data analysis strategy for the e-nose experiment illustrating the
(Martens & Martens, 2000, 2001), which allows the deter-
relationships between the data and category variables. : performed data
mination of the regression coefficients with uncertainty lim- analysis; (1) DPLSR on the relationship between sensory data and
its that correspond to ±2 standard uncertainties under androstenone/skatole level on the category variables; (2) PLSR on the
ideal conditions. From these the significance (P < 0.05) of direct relationship between androstenone/skatole level and sensory data;
the variable relationship in X- and Y-matrices were deter- (3) DPLSR on the relationship between e-nose data and androstenone/
skatole level on the category variables; (4) DPLSR on the relationships
mined. Data were centred and both X- and Y-matrices were
between e-nose data, sensory data and androstenone/skatole level on the
standardised (1/Sdev). Models were validated using full category variables; (5) prediction of androstenone/skatole level and
cross-validation. sensory data by the e-nose data (PLSR). : other direct data relationships
not included here.
2.6.2. E-nose data
Principal component analysis (PCA) was used for initial
exploration of the pre-treated e-nose data and for deter- category variables on the multivariate models was investi-
mining the repeatability of measurements (centred and gated by studying the direct relationships between the sen-
unstandardised data). DPLSR were used for studying the sory and chemical data in a PLSR. Further DPLSR was
relationships between e-nose, sensory and androstenone carried out to investigate the association of the category
and skatole data and the category variables as described variables with the e-nose and chemical data and a DPLSR
in Section 2.5.2. A PLSR was performed to determine the was carried out to determine the relationships of the cate-
predictability of the electronic nose (X-matrix) to the sen- gory variables to all measured data. The corresponding
sory and chemical data (Y-matrix). In the regression anal- direct relationships between e-nose and sensory data and
ysis all data were centred and both X- and Y-matrices were e-nose and chemical data, respectively, are not presented
standardised (1/Sdev). Models were validated using full here. Finally, a PLSR was carried out to determine the pre-
cross-validation. All multivariate data analyses were per- dictability of the electronic nose to the sensory and chem-
formed with the Unscrambler version 9.1 (Camo ASA, ical data.
Oslo, Norway).
3.2. Sensory and chemical results
3. Results
3.2.1. Significance of the relationships between design and
3.1. Data analysis strategy sensory-chemical data
To study the relationship between the nine sensory
Data analysis strategy was chosen to investigate the rela- descriptors (Table 2), androstenone and skatole levels
tionships between the category variables LL (low androste- and the category variables, data were analysed by multivar-
none, low skatole), LH (low androstenone, high skatole) iate DPLSR. This resulted in a model with two significant
and HL (high androstenone, low skatole) representing PCs (41% explained validated variance). A correlation
some generally prescribed cut-off limits for androstenone loadings plot of the first and second principal components
and skatole (Table 1) and the e-nose, sensory and chemical (PC1 and PC2) is shown in Fig. 2. The category variables
data as illustrated in Fig. 1. A DPLSR was performed to spread out the data in a two-dimensional space and two
investigate the relationships between the category variables of the three variables are found between the inner and
and the sensory and chemical data. The influence of the outer ellipses representing 50% and 100% explained
J.S. Vestergaard et al. / Meat Science 74 (2006) 564–577 569

Fig. 2. DPLSR correlation loadings plot of the two principal components (PC1 and PC2; 41% explained cross-validated variance). Sensory descriptors,
androstenone and skatole concentrations in the X-matrix (m) and the category variables in the Y-matrix (d; LL: androstenone concentration <0.50 lg/g
fat and skatole <0.21 lg/g fat; LH: androstenone <0.50 lg/g fat and skatole P0.21 lg/g fat; HL: androstenone P0.50 lg/g fat and skatole <0.21 lg/g
fat). Ellipses represent r2 = 50% and 100%, respectively.

variance, respectively, indicating they are well explained by jack-knife uncertainty test. These showed that the vari-
the first two PCs in the DPLSR model. The variation in the ables androstenone, skatole, overall intensity odour,
first dimension (PC1) is explained by high androstenone rancid odour and flavour and boar odour are signifi-
(category variable HL) and skatole levels (category vari- cant (P 6 0.05) for one or more category variables.
able LH), respectively. The variation in the second dimen- The estimated regression coefficients and significance
sion (PC2) is explained by low levels of androstenone and of the sensory and chemical variables are shown in
skatole (category variable LL). The sensory descriptors Table 3.
are distributed across PC1/PC2 (from upper left corner From Fig. 2 and Table 3 it is found, that boar odour and
to the lower right corner as shown in Fig. 2) from sour fla- androstenone concentration are positively associated with
vour to metallic taste, rancid odour/flavour and boar samples high in androstenone and low in skatole (category
odour and flavour, overall intensity odour/flavour and bit- variable HL). Rancid notes (both odour and flavour) and
ter taste. Redundancy between odour and flavour descrip- skatole concentration are positively associated with the cat-
tors, i.e., overall intensity, rancid notes and boar is seen. egory variable LH and negatively associated with the cate-
Further studies of the relationships were carried out gory variable HL. Overall intensity odour is negatively
by calculating estimated regression coefficients from the associated with the category variable LL. Other descriptors

Table 3
Estimated regression coefficients and their significance as derived by the jack-knife uncertainty test from a DPLSR model (two significant PCs) studying
the relationships of the category variables (LL, LH and HL) to sensory descriptors, androstenone and skatole concentrations
Variable LL LH HL
ba Significanceb b Significance b Significance
Androstenone 0.089 n.s. 0.280 * +0.343 *
Skatole 0.041 n.s. +0.296 * 0.232 *
Overall intensity-Oc 0.117 * 0.023 n.s. +0.135 n.s.
Rancid-O 0.048 n.s. +0.192 ** 0.130 *
Boar-O 0.079 n.s. 0.094 n.s. +0.163 **
Overall intensity-F 0.075 n.s. +0.053 n.s. +0.024 n.s.
Sour-F +0.086 n.s. 0.033 n.s. 0.053 n.s.
Bitter-T 0.091 n.s. +0.010 n.s. +0.079 n.s.
Metallic-T 0.024 n.s. 0.044 n.s. +0.068 n.s.
Rancid-F 0.048 n.s. +0.206 ** 0.143 *
Boar-F 0.059 n.s. 0.010 n.s. +0.067 n.s.
Estimated regression coefficients, b.
Significant levels: n.s. – not significant; * 0.01 < P 6 0.05; ** 0.001 < P 6 0.01; *** P 6 0.001. Significant variables in italics (P 6 0.05).
Suffix to sensory descriptors indicate method of assessment by panellists: -O, odour; -F, flavour; -T, taste.
570 J.S. Vestergaard et al. / Meat Science 74 (2006) 564–577

showing clear relationships to the category variables with- 3.3. Electronic nose and chemical results
out being significant are sour flavour, being positively asso-
ciated with samples low in both androstenone and skatole 3.3.1. Electronic nose measurements and repeatability
(category variable LL), and bitter taste which is negatively A typical profile of abdominal fat obtained with the
associated with the category variable LL. MGD-1 device (30 s sampling) is shown in Fig. 4. From
the profile obtained it is seen, that IMC-4 gives the highest
3.2.2. Sensory and chemical predictability response, IMC-1, IMC-2 and IMC-5 give intermediate
To study the predictability and causality of the sensory responses and IMC-3 and IMC-6 give the lowest responses.
descriptors and androstenone and skatole levels, a PLSR The response time for the IMCELLÒ is fast (1 s) and the
without the category variables was carried out. The PLSR recovery time is approximately 20 s. The MOS (metal oxide
resulted in a model with four significant PCs (15% sensor referred to as the SCCELL) gives intermediate
explained validated variance). The correlation loadings response and has a relatively longer response time and
plot with the sensory descriptors (X-matrix) and the recovery time (approximately 90 s). The MGD-1 also gives
androstenone and skatole concentrations (Y-matrix) in a response for the total bits measured (SUM), which also is
Fig. 3 shows, that the chemical components androstenone included in the analysis of the e-nose data. In total the
and skatole are separated by the sensory descriptors. Nei- MGD-1 gives responses for IMCELL channels, SCCELL,
ther of the two chemical components is found between the IMCELL temperature, ambient temperature, relative and
inner and outer ellipses (50% and 100% explained vari- absolute humidity (measured after the IMCELL).
ance, respectively) indicating a low fit to the calculated Pre-processed e-nose data analysed by PCA showed
model. The variation in the first dimension is explained good repeatability between measurements and sample rep-
by the sensory descriptors going from sour flavour to licates (explained variance 86.7% (4 PCs), results not
metallic taste to overall intensity odour/flavour, bitter shown). Repeatability was improved, when not taking the
taste and boar odour/flavour (from left to right). The sec- MOS into account. Thus, the results of the MOS were
ond dimension (PC2) is explained by rancid odour/flavour not used for further analyses.
and boar odour/flavour. Strong redundancy is found
between odour and flavour for the descriptors overall 3.3.2. Significance of the relationships between design and
intensity and rancid notes. Lesser redundancy is found electronic nose-chemical data
for boar odour and flavour. Estimated regression coeffi- E-nose data were analysed by DPLSR where e-nose
cients derived from the jack-knife uncertainty test showed, data, androstenone and skatole concentrations were used
that rancid odour is significant for skatole (P 6 0.05). as the X-matrix and the three category variables as the
Rancid odour/flavour show positive association to skatole Y-matrix. This resulted in a model with five significant
and negative association to androstenone. Boar odour/fla- PCs (40% explained validated variance). The correlation
vour are positively associated with androstenone (jack- loadings plot (Fig. 5) shows the design variables spanning
knife regression coefficients and significances not shown the two-dimensional space of PC1 and PC2 (24% explained
here). cross-validated variance). Two of the three category vari-

Fig. 3. PLSR correlation loadings plot of the first and second dimension (PC1 and PC2; 8% explained cross-validated variance) of the sensory descriptors
(X-matrix; m) and androstenone and skatole concentrations (Y-matrix; d). Ellipses represent r2 = 50% and 100%, respectively.
J.S. Vestergaard et al. / Meat Science 74 (2006) 564–577 571

showed that the variables androstenone and skatole were

significant (P 6 0.05) for one or more category variables.
With regards to the e-nose variables estimated regression
coefficients were in general low and not significant except
for IMC-4 and IMC-5 (Table 4).
Since the estimated regression coefficients (Table 4) are
based on a model with five PCs and the correlation loadings
plot only shows the first two PCs (Fig. 5) they are not visually
comparable. From Table 4 it is found that androstenone is
positively associated with the category variable HL and ska-
tole is positively associated with the category variable LH.
Both androstenone and skatole are negatively associated
with the category variable LL. IMC-4 is positively associ-
ated with the category variable HL and negatively associated
with the category variable LL. IMC-5 is positively associ-
Fig. 4. A typical profile of an abdominal fat sample from boar showing ated with the category variable LL and negatively associated
the sensor signals (electrical current, pA) of the IMCELL (IMC1-IMC6)
with the category variable LH.
and the MOS (SCCELL). Sampling time is 30 s.

ables are found between the inner and outer ellipses repre-
senting 50% and 100% explained variance, respectively, 3.4. Significance of relationships of design and electronic
indicating they were well explained by the first two PCs nose, sensory and chemical data
in the DPLSR model. The variation in PC1 is explained
by high androstenone and low skatole levels (category var- In order to study the relationships combining all data
iable HL to the left) and high skatole and low androste- against the design matrix a DPLSR was carried out. This
none (category variable LH to the right). The second resulted in a model with two significant PCs (33% of the
dimension (PC2) is explained by the low levels of androste- explained validated variance). The correlation loadings
none and skatole (category variable LL). The MGD-1 plot of PC1 and PC2 is shown in Fig. 6. The category vari-
channels IMC-1, IMC-4, IMC-5 and SUM are placed in ables span out the two-dimensional space and two of the
the upper left corner of the correlation loadings plot being three category variables are found between the inner and
more associated to the category variable LL. IMC-2, IMC- outer ellipses representing 50% and 100% explained vari-
3 and IMC-6 are distributed along PC1 being most associ- ance, respectively, indicating they are well explained by
ated to the category variables HL and LH. the two PCs in the DPLSR model. The IMCELL channels
Estimated regression coefficients derived from the PLSR except IMC-6 are all placed in the lower left corner and
model with five significant PCs (jack-knife uncertainty test) especially IMC-2, IMC-3, IMC-4 and SUM are positively

Fig. 5. DPLSR correlation loadings plot showing the first and second dimension (PC1 and PC2; 24% explained cross-validated variance). MGD-1
channels, androstenone and skatole concentrations in the X-matrix (m) and category variables in the Y-matrix (d; LL: androstenone concentration
<0.50 lg/g fat and skatole <0.21 lg/g fat; LH: androstenone <0.50 lg/g fat and skatole P0.21 lg/g fat; HL: androstenone P0.50 lg/g fat and skatole
<0.21 lg/g fat). Ellipses represent r2 = 50% and 100%, respectively.
572 J.S. Vestergaard et al. / Meat Science 74 (2006) 564–577

Table 4
Estimated regression coefficients and their significance as derived by the jack-knife uncertainty test from a DPLSR model (five PCs) studying the
relationships of the category variables (LL, LH and HL) to e-nose data, androstenone and skatole concentrations
Variable LL LH HL
ba Pb b P b P
Androstenone 0.759 ** 0.145 n.s. +0.867 ***
Skatole 0.840 ** +0.826 *** +0.053 n.s.
IMC-1 c +0.030 n.s. +0.006 n.s. 0.035 n.s.
IMC-2 0.060 n.s. 0.007 n.s. +0.064 n.s.
IMC-3 +0.018 n.s. 0.071 n.s. +0.047 n.s.
IMC-4 0.125 n.s. +0.008 n.s. +0.114 n.s.
IMC-5 +0.267 n.s. 0.234 n.s. 0.043 n.s.
IMC-6 +0.024 n.s. 0.051 n.s. +0.024 n.s.
SUM +0.016 n.s. 0.056 n.s. +0.036 n.s.
Estimated regression coefficients, b.
Significant levels: n.s. – not significant; * 0.01 < P 6 0.05; ** 0.001 < P 6 0.01; *** P 6 0.001. Significant variables in italics (P 6 0.05).
MGD-1 channels IMC-1 to IMC-6 and SUM.

Fig. 6. DPLSR correlation loadings plot of the first and second dimension (PC1 and PC2) of the MGD-1 data, sensory descriptors and androstenone and
skatole concentrations (X-matrix; m) and category variables (Y-matrix; d). Ellipses represent r2 = 50% and 100%, respectively.

associated with high androstenone and low skatole levels. the category variable HL and negatively associated with
Sensory descriptors are distributed along the PC2: sour fla- the category variable LH. Skatole, rancid odour/flavour,
vour being positively associated and boar odour/flavour, overall intensity flavour are positively associated with the
overall intensity odour/flavour and bitter taste being nega- category variable LH and negatively associated with the
tively associated with the category variable LL. Rancid category variable HL. Overall intensity odour/flavour,
notes (odour/flavour) are positively associated with the cat- boar odour and bitter taste are negatively associated with
egory variable LH. the category variable LL, whereas sour flavour to some
The estimated regression coefficients derived from the extend is positively associated to the category variable
PLSR model with two significant PCs (jack-knife uncer- LL. The estimated regression coefficients for the IMCELL
tainty test) showed that the variables androstenone, ska- channels are in general very low for the category variable
tole, overall intensity odour and flavour, rancid odour LL.
and flavour, boar odour, bitter taste, IMC-2 and IMC-3
were significant (P 6 0.05) for at least for one or more cat- 3.5. Predictability of sensory descriptors and chemical data
egory variables (Table 5). from the electronic nose
The results of the DPLSR and the jack-knife uncertainty
test show (Fig. 6 and Table 5), that androstenone, boar In order to go into more depth regarding predictability
odour, IMC-2 and IMC-3 are positively associated with of the sensory descriptors, androstenone and skatole con-
J.S. Vestergaard et al. / Meat Science 74 (2006) 564–577 573

Table 5
Estimated regression coefficients and their significance as derived by the jack-knife uncertainty test from a DPLSR model (two significant PCs) studying
the relationships of the category variables (LL, LH and HL) to e-nose data, sensory descriptors, androstenone and skatole concentrations
Variable LL LH HL
ba Pb B P b P
Androstenone 0.054 n.s. 0.208 ** +0.243 *
Skatole 0.074 n.s. +0.271 *** 0.178 **
Overall intensity-Oc 0.108 * +0.026 n.s. +0.081 n.s.
Rancid-O 0.066 n.s. +0.185 * 0.107 n.s.
Boar-O 0.069 * 0.048 n.s. +0.111 *
Overall intensity-F 0.082 * +0.079 * +0.007 n.s.
Sour-F +0.091 n.s. 0.065 n.s. 0.028 n.s.
Bitter-T 0.100 * +0.051 n.s. +0.050 n.s.
Metallic-T 0.013 n.s. 0.029 n.s. +0.039 n.s.
Rancid-F 0.072 n.s. +0.199 ** 0.114 n.s.
Boar-F 0.058 n.s. +0.017 n.s. +0.040 n.s.
IMC-1 d +0.036 n.s. 0.033 n.s. +0.005 n.s.
IMC-2 0.009 n.s. 0.117 n.s. +0.116 *
IMC-3 0.031 n.s. 0.122 * +0.125 *
IMC-4 0.005 n.s. 0.059 n.s. +0.059 n.s.
IMC-5 +0.031 n.s. 0.038 n.s. +0.006 n.s.
IMC-6 0.012 n.s. +0.097 n.s. 0.078 n.s.
SUM +0.017 n.s. 0.084 n.s. +0.061 n.s.
Estimated regression coefficients, b.
Significant levels: n.s. – not significant; * 0.01 < P 6 0.05; ** 0.001 < P 6 0.01; *** P 6 0.001. Significant variables in italics (P 6 0.05).
Suffix to sensory descriptors indicate method of assessment by panellists: -O, odour; -F, flavour; -T, taste.
MGD-1 channels IMC-1 to IMC-6 and SUM.

centrations by the MGD-1 a PLSR with the IMCELL chan- (RMSEP = 0.309) as well as a fairly good correlation with
nels as the X-matrix and sensory descriptors, androstenone skatole (r = 0.629) and a good predictability (RMSEP =
and skatole concentrations as the Y-matrix was carried out. 0.069). Correlation with sensory descriptors were somewhat
Estimated regression coefficients derived by the jack-knife lower and the highest correlation was found for boar odour
uncertainty test showed significance (P 6 0.05) for the vari- (r = 0.409, RMSEP = 0.789).
ables IMC-4 and SUM (results not shown). An improved
APLSR model including these two variables was calculated.
On the basis of this model correlation coefficients and root 4. Discussion
mean square error of prediction (RMSEP) were calculated
(Table 6). The results showed a high correlation with 4.1. Boar taint, cut-off limits for androstenone and skatole in
androstenone (r = 0.948) and a fairly good predictability relation to sensory aspects

4.1.1. Boar taint in relation to generally prescribed cut-off

Table 6 limits
Predictability of androstenone, skatole levels and sensory descriptors The data analysis strategy chosen to analyse the results
derived from the improved DPLSR model including the significant used some generally prescribed cut-off limits for androste-
variables (IMC-4 and SUM) shown as the correlation coefficients (r) for
none and skatole levels also applied in Norway (Aldal
measured vs. predicted and root mean square error of prediction
(RMSEP) et al., 2001; Gunn et al., 2004; Støier & Olsen, 1998). The
cut-off limits were used to illustrate the relationships
Variable PCa r RMSEP
between the data and the sensitivity of the MGD-1 and
Androstenone 2 0.948 0.309
do not give any information about the applicability of
Skatole 1 0.629 0.069
Overall intensity-O 1 +0.146 0.352 cut-off values as absolute limits measured chemically. It
Rancid-O 1 0.116 0.908 should be kept in mind that boar taint is indeed a sensory
Boar-O 2 +0.409 0.789 perceptible issue, differently perceived across populations
Overall intensity-F 1 +0.292 0.210 and gender and also affected by anosmia (Gunn et al.,
Sour-F 2 0.314 0.606
2004). Therefore, the cut-off limits used here should be
Bitter-T 1 +0.302 0.326
Metallic-T 2 0.324 0.195 regarded as representative of values generally presented
Rancid-F 1 0.244 0.834 for discussion rather than absolute cut-off values for boar
Boar-F 2 +0.318 0.903 taint.
Number of principal components (PC) involved in the model for cal- A large European study involving consumers from seven
culation of r and RMSEP. countries (Mathews et al., 2000) found that, in general,
574 J.S. Vestergaard et al. / Meat Science 74 (2006) 564–577

there was a greater degree of disliking with increasing rancid notes. However, jack-knife uncertainty tests showed
androstenone/skatole levels. Skatole had a greater effect variation in significance levels (e.g., Table 3) for all odour
than androstenone on disliking and the effect was more and flavour descriptors which in turn would allow no
pronounced for odour than for flavour. However, the descriptors to be left out of the analysis.
results did not provide any evidence for a ‘‘consumer’’ In this study, boar odour was found to be more signifi-
threshold, or cut-off limits, which could be used for sorting cant than boar flavour (Tables 4 and 6) indicating, that the
out unacceptable carcasses. In a companion paper, Bon- human is more sensitive to boar odour than to boar fla-
neau, Walsstra, et al. (2000) simulated consumer dissatis- vour. The same indications were found in a consumer
faction with entire male pork and the effect of sorting study, where sorting of carcasses on the basis of cut-off val-
carcasses. It demonstrated that sorting carcasses with ues for androstenone and skatole and consumer dissatisfac-
respect to androstonene and skatole levels reduced, but tion with entire male pork resulted in higher percentage
could not eliminate, the differences in consumer dissatisfac- rejection when sorting was based on odour than on flavour
tion between entire male and gilt pork. With maximum lev- (Bonneau, Walsstra, et al., 2000).
els of 0.10 ppm for both androstenone and skatole, the
difference would still be 0.4% for flavour and 2.3% for 4.2. Boar taint in relation to the electronic nose
odour. Also from other studies it has been concluded, con-
sumers do detect differences in the sensory quality of pork The obtained DPLSR model for the relationships
meat and that it has influence on their liking, consumption between the MGD-1, androstenone and skatole levels
and purchasing of pork (Bryhni et al., 2002, 2003). From and the cut-off limits was complex (involving five signifi-
these results it could thus be argued, that in order to reduce cant PCs) and did not reveal any significant relationship
consumer dissatisfaction with pork meat from entire males, with regards to specific IMCELL channels even though
future efforts should be put into sorting carcasses on the the estimated jack-knife regression coefficients were rela-
basis of boar taint odour. tively high for IMC-4 (with respect to LL and HL) and
IMC-5 (with respect to LL and LH) (Table 4). Including
4.1.2. Sensory perceptible boar taint the sensory descriptors in the model did not provide as
The relationships of the sensory descriptors to the cate- good a model for the predictivity of the cut-off limits by
gory variables found in the DPLSR models (Figs. 1 and 5) the MGD-1, especially with regards to detecting samples
showed a systematic pattern. The first dimension related to below the cut-off limits (Table 5). The IMCELL channels
skatole and androstenone levels and in the second dimen- IMC-2 and IMC-3 were significant in this model and were
sion sensory descriptors were moving from sour towards positively associated with samples high in androstenone
metallic, rancid notes, boar taint and overall intensity and low in skatole and negatively associated with samples
odour/flavour. The sour flavour is defined as fresh, sour/ high in skatole and low in androstenone.
sweet and fruitlike flavour (Table 1), thus the dimension When studying the direct relationships between e-nose,
could be related to a ‘‘freshness’’ dimension with no boar sensory and chemical data (Table 6) a better predictability
taint, which also was confirmed by the correlation between of the MGD-1 was obtained for the chemical compounds
sour and samples low in both androstenone and skatole than for single sensory descriptors. Using the obtained mod-
(Tables 3 and 5). els the prediction of androstenone with the MGD-1 was very
The sensory descriptors overall intensity odour/flavour good (r = 0.948, RMSEP = 0.309). Also the predictability
were in this study found to relate more to boar taint than of skatole was fairly good (r = 0.629, RMSEP = 0.069),
to rancid notes (Figs. 2 and 6), indicating perceptible boar whereas predictability of sensory descriptors was lower
taint has a greater influence on the overall sensory percep- (boar odour r = 0.409, RMSEP = 0.789).
tion than rancid notes. The results also showed that boar These results thus indicate that, the MGD-1 could detect
taint was positively associated with high androstenone and order the samples on the basis of the category variables
and high skatole levels indicating that both compounds (high and low levels of androstenone and skatole). On the
are contributing to boar taint. Boar taint (especially boar basis of this study there is no evidence of single boar taint
odour) was found to be somewhat more related to andros- specific IMCELL channels, but depending on the data
tenone than to skatole, whereas the rancid note was more analysis approach different IMCELL channels were found
related to skatole than to androstenone (Figs. 1 and 5). significant. Furthermore, the results confirm the problems
Previous studies have been inconsistent in their conclusions of measuring boar taint using chemically determined cut-
as to the relative contribution of androstenone and skatole off limits for a sensory perceptible phenomenon, which also
and their possible synergism (Gunn et al., 2004). has been stated in earlier studies (Bonneau, Kempster,
A certain redundancy between odour and flavour et al., 2000; Gunn et al., 2004).
descriptors (overall intensity, rancid notes and boar taint) In a recent attempt to apply gas-sensor technology to
was found indicating that either the odour or flavour boar taint measurements Berdagúe and Talou (1993) ana-
descriptor could be left out of the analysis without influenc- lysed backfat samples from female, castrate, and entire
ing the results. A visual inspection of the correlation load- male pigs with a prototype solid state based gas-sensor
ing plots (Figs. 2, 3 and 6) showed most redundancy for (MOS) array system. The measurements showed different
J.S. Vestergaard et al. / Meat Science 74 (2006) 564–577 575

gas-sensor signal profiles for the different sexes and they gested that other volatile compounds also may contribute
were able to discriminate the boar samples from the to the sensory perception of boar taint (Annor-Frempong,
females and castrates. In another study with solid state Nute, Whittington, & Wood, 1997; Salvatore, 2003; Solé &
based gas sensors (Bourrounet et al., 1995) where backfat Regueiro, 2001). A complete characterisation of the profile
from entire male pigs was measured (androstenone ranging of volatile compounds in boar fat would be very useful to
from 0.1 to 15 lg/g) a correlation of r = 0.9 between the reveal possible marker compounds correlated to boar taint.
sensor readings and androstenone levels was obtained. By This could also be a fruitful basis for the development of
selecting two classes on the basis of androstenone content, a dedicated gas-sensor system for the detection of boar
<0.7 and >1.7 lg/g, they obtained 85% correct classifica- taint.
tion. Annor-Frempong et al. (1998) applied a commercial Since the first evidences of the importance of androste-
12-conducting polymer sensor array on the measurement none and skatole for the development of boar taint were
of pure lipid samples spiked with different levels of skatole given three to four decades ago (Patterson, 1968; Vold,
and androstenone and entire male backfat samples. The 1970) the complexity of boar taint and the controversy of
responses of the gas-sensor array showed a significant ‘‘how’’ to measure boar taint has been widely studied and
canonical correlation with the sensory panel (boar taint was latest reviewed by Gunn et al. (2004). Taking also pre-
odour, r = 0.78). In addition, the sensor system was able vious e-nose results into account the results of the present
to discriminate pork samples with low (<0.2 lg/g skatole study adds to the thought, that in addition to the impor-
and <0.5 lg/g androstenone), intermediate (<0.2 lg/g ska- tance of getting more insight in the sensory and chemical
tole and <1.0 lg/g androstenone) and high (>0.2 lg/g ska- characteristics of boar taint, more effort should be put into
tole and >1.0 lg/g androstenone) levels of androstenone developing a method with a holistic approach rather than
and skatole. In another study, using a commercial conduct- looking at individual variables and that the e-nose technol-
ing organic polymer sensor array, they showed that the sen- ogy could provide the basis for such an approach.
sor system could discriminate between samples with
different levels of boar taint (belly fat from female, castrate 4.3. The electronic nose and boar taint; future on-line/at-line
and entire male pigs, 0.2–2.8 lg/g androstenone and 0.03– applications
0.7 lg/g skatole). In a Norwegian study, the incidence of
boar taint in young boars was investigated (Aldal et al., Sampling is a crucial issue related to gas-sensor technol-
2001) using a hybrid commercial solid state gas-sensor ogy. The substances to be measured in the vapour phase,
array system with MOSFET and MOS type sensors (back- androstenone and skatole, represent lipophilic compounds
fat samples, 0.06–0.8 lg/g skatole and 0.02–3.3 lg/g with a relative high molecular weight compared to other
androstenone). The sensor readings showed a significant odour active compounds. Due to their low volatility, boiling
correlation, r = 0.7, with androstenone levels and r = 0.5 points above 250 °C, and their presence at low concentration
with skatole. However, a low correlation was obtained with in pork fat tissue, only small fractions (0.1–1%) may be pres-
boar odour and flavour. In a recent study a prototype of ent in the vapour phase. Direct sampling at ambient temper-
four different porphyrine coated quartz resonator sensors atures will therefore not be sufficient to allow the detection of
(QMB) were used to detect androstenone in pure pork these compounds due to the limited sensitivity of gas- sen-
fat and pork fat added androstenone from 0.7 to 10 lg/g sors. In order to enhance the sensitivity, other sampling
(Di Natale et al., 2003). The difference in sensor signals approaches will be required. Heating of the pork fat or apply-
of the androstenone added fat and pure pork fat showed ing enrichment techniques (purge and trap) using adsorbents
high non-linear correlation with androstenone concentra- combined with heating of the fat would be a more appropri-
tions for the single sensors. By using the sensor signal of ate way of gas sampling for the application of boar taint
all four sensors, they obtained a correlation of r = 0.98 (Mitra, 2003; Pascale et al., 2002). However, by heating fat,
with androstenone concentration. It was also demonstrated other volatile compounds present in the fat may be released,
that the sensor system was able to discriminate the samples which may interfere with the skatole and androstenone deter-
with different levels of androstenone. mination. In particular, volatile, secondary lipid oxidation
The high correlation found for androstenone with gas- products may be generated at high levels in the vapour phase.
sensor arrays may not necessarily imply that the sensors This may partly be overcome by applying oxygen free condi-
are sensitive enough to detect this compound specifically tions during heating and sampling.
in the vapour phase of real fat samples, since there will also In the literature, it is often not possible directly to com-
be other major volatile compounds present in the gas pare results because of differences regarding the measure-
phase. This may indicate that other major compounds ments such as reaction time, recovery time and time
present in the gas phase are highly correlated to androste- consumed for baseline adjustments (time between measure-
none and that this could be an indirect way of measuring ments) of sensors of different electronic nose methods, but
androstenone levels and boar taint. This has been sug- clearly these are aspects to look into, when developing on-
gested in a previous study where it could be demonstrated line or/and at-line applications for the industry.
that androstenone was highly correlated to a few major The boar taint method developed in this study was rela-
volatile compounds (Viallon et al., 1992). It has been sug- tively fast involving a low degree of sample preparation and
576 J.S. Vestergaard et al. / Meat Science 74 (2006) 564–577

low incubation time (10 min at 40 °C) prior to the mea- uting with the skatole analyses and the Norwegian School
surement. The measurement itself was the lesser time con- of Veterinary Science for performing the androstenone
suming part of the method including fast reaction time analyses. Author Byrne would like to acknowledge the
(approximately 1 s) and low recovery time for the IMCELL ‘‘Sense-Index’’ project and the financial support of the
(approximately 30 s). The method and the pre-processing of Directorate for Food, Fisheries and Agri Business (DFFE),
the raw data were not automated and thus demanded a lot under the Danish Ministry of Food, Agriculture and
of manual work. The results indicate that the MGD-1 with Fisheries.
improved experimental set-up could be an alternative to the
traditional boar taint measuring methods. However, the References
validated multivariate models are not optimal suggesting
the need for further development of the method and mea- Aldal, I., Andresen, Ø., Egeli, A. K., Eikaas, J. L. H., Fjetland, O.,
surements of large numbers of samples. Grødum, A., et al. (2001). Levels of androstenone and skatole and the
In order to come up with an automated on-line system occurrence of boar taint in fat from young boars. [Mellomgris av råne.
Kan man unngå rånelukt ved å slakte ukastrert hanngris ved lavere
based on gas-sensor technology this would require the
vekt/alder?] Report in Norwegian, Norwegian Meat Research Centre,
development of a tailor-made dedicated sensor system Norway.
including optimized gas-sampling unit, sensor module, sig- Aldal, I., Andresen, Ø., Egeli, A. K., Haugen, J-E., Grødum, A., Fjetland,
nal processing and alarm system. The system should be cal- O., et al. (2005). Levels of androstenone and skatole and the
ibrated with respect to the sensory perceptible boar taint occurrence of boar taint in fat from young boars. Livestock Production
Science, 95, 121–129.
and chemical substances related to boar odour/flavour.
Annor-Frempong, I. E., Nute, G. R., Whittington, F. W., & Wood, J. D.
This would not necessarily imply the need for a skatole (1997). The problem of taint in pork – III. Odour profile of pork fat
and androstenone specific sensor array, since also other and the interrelationships between androstenone, skatole and indole
possible compounds may be involved in the sensory per- concentrations. Meat Science, 47, 63–76.
ception of boar taint, but rather a broad-selectivity sensor Annor-Frempong, I. E., Nute, G. R., Wood, J. D., Whittington, F. W., &
array that matches the sensory perception of boar taint, West, A. (1998). The measurement of the responses to different odour
intensities of boar taint using a sensory panel and an electronic nose.
which in turn should be calibrated against national con- Meat Science, 50, 139–151.
sumer thresholds. Babol, J., Squires, E. J., & Gullet, E. A. (1996). Investigation of factors
responsible for the development of boar taint. Food Research Inter-
national, 28(6), 573–581.
5. Conclusions Babol, J., Squires, E. J., & Gullet, E. A. (2002). Factors affecting the level
of boar taint in entire male pigs as assessed by consumer sensory panel.
The results from this feasibility study showed significant Meat Science, 61, 33–40.
correlations between the sensor signals and levels of Berdagúe, J. L., & Talou, T. (1993). Examples of semiconductor gas
sensors applied to meat products. Sciences des Alimentes, 13, 141–148.
androstenone, skatole and sensory attributes related to Blixt, Y., & Borch, E. (1999). Using an electronic nose for determining the
boar odour and flavour. The sensory perceptible boar taint, spoilage of vacuum-packaged beef. International Journal of Food
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