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Shri Guru Gobind Singhji Institute otr'Engineering and Technology.

Vishnupuri, Nanded-431606
Academic Calendar for Semester-Il (Academic year 2019-20)
Acadcmic Activities Date s l.-isl ol'llolitlar,s
Srnrcstcr Bc[ins (( ornrnctrrcillcnl ol ('larscs) l6 l)eccrnbcr 2019 Date Holidav Datc Holidav
Subn,ission o1'1brms and paynent offees for Re-registration and Re-appearing 25 Dec.2019 Christmas Anril 2020
Decernber l6 2 Shri Ram Navmi
strrdents to exarnination section - 2) ,2011)
Ch. Shivali
19 Feb. 2020 6 April 202i) IVlahaveer Jayantt
Decernber 28. 20 I 9 Maharai .lavanti
Last date ( rvith Iate lees ) 21 Feb.2020 Mahashivrarlri I0 April 2020 Good Fridav
Selection of clepartmental electrve(s), institute open elective(s), rf any December 26,2019 Dr. B.R. Ambedkar
I0 March 2020 Dhulivandati l4 April 2020
Display ollist olReregistered and Reappearing Studcnts by Students' Section /
Examination at examination section notice boards and concerned departmcnts December 30,2019
25 March 2020 Gudipaclwa I May 2020 Maharashtra Divas

Alurnni Vlcet 2020 and Industrv lnteraction l)eccrn ber 2 I -22. 2(l I I
Feedback of strrdents llelirrr l\lidtcrrn lanuary 27-31.2020 Note:- The schedule given above may change as per circuiars tiom Government of
N'Iid'I'crnr lixlmination Fcbruftry l0-15, 2020 Maharashtra, SRTMU Nanded, District Collector. Nanded and Director of the Institute
Zcnitlr (lreb. 22-21. 2019), Pragya:r and IItsar, (l'cb. 25-27. 20 I 9) li'elrrurrrr, 22-27, 2O7o
Showing of Mid'l'erm answer sheets to Students ancl subrnitting to Exam. Section 5 March 2020

Iietdback of students Bofore llndterm I3 - l7 April

Acadturic ,,\ctivitits only for Final Year li.'l'ech. CA'I-II Fonrm course
Classes End attcncling rcgistercd stu(lents aud rvith courscs
I6 Aoril 2020
Iind 'l'erm 1'heory Ihurnination April 20 *30, 2020 Start Classes (or Intemshin) February 1 1. 2020
Mid Semester Examination ( at Det)artment level' April ()-1 l, 2020
CAP duration for End Term Examination :\pril 20, 2020- IVIav 9" 2020 Classes End Mav 23. 20 120
ResLrlt (Display of Final Grades in the Departments and Subrnission hard and soft Irn(l Semcslcr Fxanrination lTheorl
May I l, 2020 .1 Mav 25-30. 2020
copy ofGracles to Exam Section)
Project Exantination June l-3.2020
Receipt olApplication fbnn lor shorvrng End Tenr answer sheets to students wth lees May- 12-13,2020
Showrng answer sheets to the students Result (Display of Final Grades in the Departments and
May 15, 2020 jnne 4, 2020
Subr.rrission harcl and soll copy ofGrades 10 Exant Section).
Regrstration, Payment o1'Fees for Surnrner Tenn Exaurination & subrnission of
documents to Exarn Section. May I 5-23 . 2020
Ileceipt ofApplication lonr lbr shorving End Tonn answcr
B.Tech. Farewell ( Issue of departure documents) l3 June 2020 sheets to students with fees and Jrure 5,202U
Start of next senrcstcr ll July 202(l Showing of ansrver-sheet(s) to students

Dcc-2019 to June 2020

l)ec. .tir n. I.clt. Nl nrch ,,\Dril Nlrrl ,l'iilr Julv
hI otrdr s l3 30 6 13 20 0 t1 24 C)
t6 2i -l
i) 2A 1 4 18 25 8 29 6 I l0 1'7
I'nrsdiry ).4 3l 1 14 I 23 l8 25 L1 l4 .ll 28 26
5 2 ? 9 30 t4 28
lV crl r csd nv 8
l5 22 29 26 t8 rI E I rs 22 29 o I l: 2A 21 3 0 1 )9
l-h u rs(lx\ 26 t6 3 i0 6 3 2t) 21 ) 2 | ro :6 l0 )1 4 L] 8 25 l0
rlro -

liridrl 6 ?0 1 3 l0 1',7 24 31 4 18 o )1 ESd*l ] 24

Sxturdilv 4 28 l1 8 2ql
.$ffi* ,s 25 II
li:':iEAIiB *i$e t*sN.&,*:rs w 23 21

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.,n,W#W*nations Dean (Academic)

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