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Preparation of Detailed Project Report on physical condition of the National

Highways stretches

prepare project reports for maintenance and/or rehabilitation of the assets along the
National Highways for the identified stretches of National Highways (without capacity

Scope of Services

 Wayside amenities required on tolled highway

 local and slow traffic may need segregation from the main traffic and provision
of service roads

 prepare documents for TOT mode contracts for each assignment

Primary Tasks

 review of all available reports and published information about the project
road and the project influence area
 traffic studies including traffic surveys and Axle load survey and demand
forecasting for next thirty years
 Strip plan indicating the predominant features of the project corridor, location
of all existing utility services (both over- and underground) and the scheme for
their relocation;
 Design for upgradation of toll plaza and identification of their numbers and
location and office cum residential complex.

Quality Assurance Plan (QAP)

 The detailed Draft QAP Document must be discussed and finalised with the
concerned NHAI officers immediately upon the award of the Contract and
submitted as part of the inception report.

Review of Data and Documents

xiii. Historical data on classified traffic volume (preferably for 5 years or more);
xiv. Origin-destination and commodity movement characteristics; if available

 Consultants shall prepare a summary of the observations based on the review

of the various design reports and other necessary documents including the
remedial measures of identified Black Spot along the Project Corridor
Traffic Surveys

 methodology of collection and analysis of data, number and location of traffic

survey stations shall be finalized in consultation with NHAI.

Origin-Destination and Commodity Movements Surveys

 1-day (24 hours, both directions) O-D

Traffic Demand Estimates

 growth factors shall be worked out for five yearly intervals

Engineering Surveys and Investigations

 data derived from the reconnaissance surveys are normally utilized for
planning and programming the detailed surveys and investigations

Topographic Surveys

essentially include:

 Topographic Surveys along the Existing Right of Way (ROW): Carrying out
topographic survey using LiDAR
 bridges, culverts, existing roads, electric and telephone installations (both O/H
as well as underground), huts, buildings, fencing and trees (with girth greater
than 0.3metre) oil and gas lines etc. falling within the extent of survey.
 Surveys should extend a minimum of 30 m beyond either side of the centre

Road and Pavement Investigations

 The data collected through road inventory and pavement investigations

should be sufficient to meet the input requirements of HDM-IV.
Road Inventory Surveys

 details of all existing road, pavement features along the existing road
sections, along with the photograph and co-ordinates from GPS enabled
Network Survey Vehicle.

inventory data:

 Land-use @ every kilometre,

 Carriageway width, surfacing type @ every 500m and every change of feature
whichever is earlier

 Shoulder surfacing type and width @ every 500m and every change of feature
whichever is earlier

 Inventory, Condition and Adequacy of Highway Assets/ Roadside Furniture

including Road signs and signals; Kilo-meter stones; Guard rails; Crash
barriers; Delineators; Guide Posts; Road Markings etc
 soil type (textural classification) @ every 500m

 Road intersection type and details, at every occurrence;

 Retaining structures and details, at every occurrence

 Location of water bodies (lakes and reservoirs), at every occurrence

 Roadside arboriculture

Pavement Investigation

 Pavement Composition

 Road and Pavement Condition Surveys

 pavement condition - As per distress Manual provided in Annexure

 shoulder condition; material loss, rut depth and corrugation

 embankment condition
 drainage condition

Pavement Roughness - Advanced Laser profilometer

 expressed in terms of BI and IRI and shall be presented in tabular and

graphical forms.

Pavement Structural Strength

Falling Weight Deflectometer - IRC:115 Guidelines for Pavement strength

Test pits shall be dug at every 5km -

 DCP test conducted on the exposed base ;

 Number of layers encountered
 Description of each layer materials
 Layer Thicknesses
 DCP test conducted on the subgrade

Subgrade Characteristics and Strength

Test at least three sub-grade soil samples for each

homogenous road segment or three samples for each soil type encountered,
whichever is more

testing for subgrade soil shall include:

 in-situ density and moisture content at each test pit

 Field CBR using DCP at each test pit

 Characterization (grain size and Atterberg limits) at each test pit and,

 Laboratory moisture-density characteristics (modified AASHTO

 Laboratory CBR (unsoaked and 4-day soak compacted at three energy
levels) and swell.

Inventory of Bridges, Culverts and Structures:

 use of Mobile Bridge Inspection unit (MBIU). IRC-SP; 35

Condition Surveys for Bridges, Culverts and Structures:

 bridges identified to be in a distressed condition based upon the visual

condition survey, supplementary testing shall be carried out as per IRC-
SP:35 and IRC-SP:40.

 remaining service life of each retainable bridge or structure

Material Investigations

 quarry sites, sand source and borrow areas

 prepare mass haul diagram for haulage purposes giving quarry charts
indicating the location of selected borrow areas, quarries and the
respective estimated quantities

Design of Repair & Rehabilitation of Bridges and Structures

 Dismantling/ reconstruction of existing structures shall be avoided as

far as possible

 Suitable repair / rehabilitation measures - IRC-SP: 40

 rehabilitation and strengthening of existing bridges - IRC-SP: 35 and

IRC-SP: 40.
Traffic Safety Features, Road Furniture and Road Markings

 traffic signals, signs, markings, overhead sign boards, crash

barriers,delineators, ETC.

 The standard ATMS provisions as contained in NHAI Policy Circular-

Technical (214/2016) dt.15.09.2016 shall be incorporated.

Detailed Design of Toll Plaza

 Toll Plaza shall be designed as per IRC 84.

 The provision for requisite infrastructure for installation &

implementation of ETC as per the guidelines circulated by NHAI vide
Policy Circular-Admin/Finance (144/2014) dt.11.09.2014 shall be

Estimation of Quantities and Project Costs

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