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1:CELL-The structural and functional unit of life

2:Structure and chromosomes,cell cycle and division
3:Genetics-Some Basic Fundamentals
4:Absorption by roots
7:Chemical Cordination
8:Circulatory System
9:The Excretory System
10:Nervous system
11:Sense organs
12:Endocrine systerm
13:Reproductive system
14:Human Evolution
Q1:Table 1.1 (parts of cell and their main
characteristics and Chief functions).
the most frequently asked points are:
1:Endoplasmic reticulum
3:Cell membrane
Structure of chromosome cell cycle and
cell division.
Q1: What are chromosomes.
Q2:Structure of chromosomes?
Q3:The four nitrogenous bases in DNA?
Q4: The type of Bond which joins the
complementary nitrogenous bases?
Q5:What are genes?
Q1: Why new cells need to be produced (only
the points).

Q3: Mitosis and Meiosis(mitosis with

Q4: Differences in mitosis in animals and plant
Q5: The three phases of cell cycle
Q6: Differentiate between mitosis and meiosis.
Genetics–some basic
Q1:What is genetics?
Q2: What is meant by the term heredity.
Q3:Sex determination son or daughter(the two points).
Q4: Total number of pairs of chromosomes in each
body cell in humans.
Q5: An example of inheritance from parents to
children.(the tongue rolling example understand the
Q6: What is sex linked inheritance(go through all the
Q7: The three reasons for that the Mendel selected the
garden pea.
Q8: Define monohybrid cross and dihybrid
Q9: All the three cases with their genotypic
and phenotypic ratio.(Monohybrid ratiosand
dihybrid ratios).
Q10: Mendel's laws of inheritance(
frequently asked are 1 and 3).
Q11:Define mutuation.
Absorption by roots
Q1:Need of water and Minerals for plants.
Q2: Characteristics of roots for absorbing water.
Q3:Define Imbibition, Diffusion,Osmosis
,Endosmosis and Exoosmosis.
Q4:Experiment to explain osmosis and its
conclusions from the experiment (with labelling
of the diagram).
Q5:Define Tonicity,isotonic state hypertonic state
and hypotonic state.
Q6:Differentiate between diffusion and osmosis
Q7:Define active transport,
Q8:Define turgidity, flaccidity wall pressure and
turgor pressure.
Q9:A plant cell when kept in hypertonic salt
solution for about 30 minutes turns flaccid.
Q10:Uses of turgidity to plants (most
most frequently asked are burger in the
opening and closing of stomata and turgor
Q11:What is meant by guttation.
Q12:Forces contributing to ascent of sap
(most frequently asked are transpiration
pull root pressure).
Q1:Define transpiration.
Q2:The experiment of of three bell jars A,B,C
containing plants with the Cobalt chloride paper.
Q3:Define Potometer method (Diagram and
limitations in the use of potometer).
Q4:Kinds of transpiration.
Q5: Mechanism of stomatal transpiration( just
understand the concept behind it).
Q6:Cuticle transpiration and Lenticular
transpiration (just read it once).
Q7:External and internal factors which affect
transpiration( learn any two or three factors).
Q8:How does transpiration affect
Q9:Differentiate between evaporation
and transpiration.
Q10:What is meant by guttation.
Q11:Differentiate between
transpiration and guttation.
Q12:Adaptations in plants reduce
excessive transpiration(2-3 points
Q1:Definition and importance of photosynthesis.
Q2: Chlorophyll the vital pigment (only the diagram of a
chloroplast is important with labelling)
Q3:Opening and closing of stomata both the
theories(concept of it is important).
Q4:Process of photosynthesis (equation is important but
then also read it once).
Q5:Two main phases of photosynthesis light
independent(only the two steps and definition of
photolysis)and light dependent.
Q6:Adaptations in leaf for photosynthesis (only 2-3
Q7: End result of the products of photosynthesis and how
glucose is used in four different ways by the plants.
Q8:External and internal factors affecting
photosynthesis.(dependence can be asked
for external factors only).
Q9:Destarching and experiments on
photosynthesis( most frequently asked are
are 3rd and 4th).
The Circulatory system
Q1:Need for Transport inside the body.( just read
Q2:Functions of blood (in transport by blood first
3 points and in protection by blood 1&2).
Q3:Composition of blood.
Q4:Characteristics of RBCs and haemoglobin.
Q5:Life and death of RBCs (production,life
span,destroyed in, points).
Q6:What is meant by Diapedesis.
Q7:Functions of leukocytes.(1&2).
Q8:Clotting of blood.(remember the flow chart of
Q9:Basic characteristics of heart.
Q10:Why ventricles have thick muscular walls
and auricles have thin muscular walls.
Q11:The type of blood carried by anterior and
posterior Vena cava.
Q12:Functions of coronary arteries
Q13:All the valves with their functions.
Q14:What is an pacemaker.
Q15:Differentiate between arteries and veins.
Q16:Two functions of capillaries.
Q17:The hepatic portal vein system( from
where it arises where It Breaks).
Chemical cordination
Q1:What is apical dominance and
parthenocarpic fruits.
Q2:The table of plant hormones and
their functions at glance.
Q3:What are tropic movements.
The Table฀
1.Explain Excretion .
2.What is meant by bile pigments?
3.What do you mean by pelvis?
4.What do you mean by uriniferous tubules?
5.What are the structural as well as functional units of
6.What do you mean by Malpighian Capsuls?
7.Draw the diagram of longitudinal section of kidney.
8.How much blood flows through kidney per minute?
9.How much urine is produced per day?
12.What is a sphincter?
13.Define tubular secretions
14.What is the normal pH of urea?
15.Define DIURESIS and state the hormone responsible.
16.Define Osmo regulation.
17.Why do we urinate fewer times in summer than in
winter and the urine passed is generally thicker.
18.Define dialysis.
19.Write the function of renal artery.
1.Why there is a need of nervous system?
2.Draw and label the structure of a neuron.
3.Define: a) Stimulus b) Response c) Impulse
d) Receptors e) Effectors
4.What do you mean by polarized, depolarization and
excited region?
5.Define Synapse.
6.State the function of acetylcholine .
7. What are nerves explain the three kinds of nerves?
8.What is ganglia?
9.Explain the meninges and its types.
10.What do you mean by meningitis and cerebrospinal
11.Whay does they gray matter composed of?
12.What do you mean by gyri and sulci ?
11.White matter is composed of?
12.Describe corpus callosum and its functiones.
13.Give the main functions of cerebrum.
14.Give the functions of medulla oblongata.
15. Give the functions of thalamus and hypothalamus.
16.State the location of pons and its functions.
17.Guve 2 point difference between brain and spinal cord.
18.Give a similarity between brain and spinal cord.
19.Read cranial nerves and spinal nerves.
20.Give 6 point difference between sympathetic system and
parasympathetic system.
21.State the difference between reflex and voluntary actions.
22.Define stimulus.
22.Give any four examples of natural reflex.
23.State the difference between natural reflex and
conditioned reflex.
1.What is the main function of sense organs?
2.Define Receptors.
3.State the position of thyroid glands and the functions of
the tears.
4.What do you mean by conjunctiva? State the disease
related to it.
6.Expalin choroid layer and its functions.
7.State the function of ciliary body.
8.Who and how controls the adjustment of the pupil for the
regulation of light entering the eye?฀
9.State the position and differentiate between rods and
cones cells.
10.Give the characteristics of yellow spot.
11.What do you mean by lens fibres?
12.Define and state the function of aqueous chamber.฀
13.Define and state function of vitreous Chamber.฀
14.State the nature of image formed on retina.
15.Define power of accommodation of eyes.
16.State the conditions when the lens are made thicker
and thinner.


1.State the defects.
2.State the cause of the defects.
3.State the formation of images due to defects.
4.State the correction of defects with the help
of diagram.
1.Ear drum
What do you mean
2.Ear ossicles
by static equilibrium
and dynamic
equilibrium ? state
5.Semi - circular canals
the parts of the ear
6.Utriculus and Sacculus.
concerned with them.
7.Auditory Nerve.
1.Why are endocrine glands called ductless glands?
2.Define Hormones.

3.State the hormone secreted by adrenal medulla.

4.Give the functions of adrenaline.
5.State the hormone secreted by adrenal cortex and
state its functions.
6.What are the effects of hyposecretion of adrenal
7.What are the effects of hypersecretion of cortisone
8.State the hormone secreting cells of pancreas.
9.State the two functions of insulin.
10.State the effects of hyperglycemia or diabetes
11.State the effects of over secretion of insulin.
12.State the functions of thyroxine and name the gland
where it is stored.
13.Name the term and state the side effects of Under
secretion of thyroxine.
14.Name the term and state the side effects of
hyposecretion of thyroxine.
15.State the position of thyroid gland.
16.State the function of thyroxine.
17 State the effects of Under secretion and hyposecretion
of thyroxine.
1.Why pituitary gland is called a master gland?
2.State the hormones and their functions secreted by
anterior pituitary gland.฀฀
3.State the effects of under secretion and hyposecretion of
of growth hormone.
4.State the function of ADH. What are the effects of under
secretion of ADH?
5.State the function of oxytocin.
6. Differentiate between GNE diabetes insipidus and
diabetes mellitus.฀฀
1.Define Evolution
2.Inheritance of acquired characters was stated by?
3.Define vestigial organs and give three examples of it.
4.What do you mean by speciation?
5.Differentiate between Lamarck's Theory and
Darwin's Theory.
6.Name the six ancestral forms in their correct
sequence through which modern man has evolved and
state specific characteristics of each species. ฀฀฀
7.State characteristics of Cro-Magnon.



POPULATION- the increasing numbers
and rising problems
1.Why there is need for adopting control measures for
population growth ?
2.State any five factors responsible for population
explosion in India.
3.Define -a) Resource b) Demography
Density d)Natality e) Mortality
f) Growth rate of
4.What what do you mean by tubectomy and
1.Define waste.
2.Differentiate between biodegradable waste and non
biodegradable waste.
3.What is the difference between pollution and pollutant.
4.Define air pollution and state its types with example.
5.State the control for vehicula air pollution.
6.Define SMOG.
7.Name any two small scale industries that can be the source
of particulate air pollution.
8.Define water pollution and state its sources.
9.Define oil spills.
10.How dangerous is thermal pollution?
11.Define soil pollution.
12.What are sanitary landfills?
13.What are Biomedical Waste? and state its harmfulness.
14.Define Radiation.
15.State they harmful effects of X rays.
16.Define Noise pollution.
17.State be harmful effects of noise pollution and mention
the measures to minimise noise pollution.฀฀
18.What do you mean by Acid Rain and state harmful
effects of acid rain.
19.What is a Greenhouse? Which are the gases responsible
for warming the air?
20.Which compound is responsible for ozone layer
21.Mention any three measures for control of pollution
22. Explain swachh Bharat Abhiyan in two points and and
mention any three of its objectives.
1.Policy of Appeasement
•According to the policy of appeasement it means that accepting
the hostile demands of an aggressive to gain peace.
• Britain and France followed the policy of appeasement towards
Germany and Italy as they felt that the dictators had the real
cause of grievance due to do you humiliating terms of the Treaty
of Versailles lease and if their grievances remove they will not
disturb the world peace.
• they wanted to check the rise of communism and Russian
• Britain and France fear that Germany world divert towards
Russian Bolshevism.
• hence they allowed Germany rearm and Remiliterise the Rhine
land and capture Austria and Czechoslovakia.
•Hence without the policy of appeasement fascism and Nazism
could not survive so long and would not be able to contribute to
Second World War.
1. After after the first world war Japan was
determined to dominate the Far East.
2.In 1931 , Japan intervened in manchuria in spite of
League's opposition occupied it and set up a
government there
3.It also started an undeclared war against China.
4.Japan join the Berlin - Roman axis and formed
Berlin - Roman -Tokyo Axis to further its policy.
5.In 1933 Japan left League of Nations and started
occupying British and American properties in China.
6. Britain and France followed the policy of
appeasement thinking that Japanese will be used to
weaken China. does the war was unavoidable under
the circumstances.
3.Hitler's invasion of Poland.(Immediate Cause )
1.By the Treaty of Versailles, Germany was divided into
two parts to provide a line route up to the sea for
Poland and the poet of Danzing was also given to
Poland. Germany wanted to regain her lost territories.
2. Germany signed and non aggression pact with Russia.
Poland was accused of committing atrocities against
Germans living there.
3.On September 1 ,1939 German armies marched into
4.Britain and France gave an ultimatum to Germany.
Germany attacked France.
5.On September 3 Britain and France declared war on
Germany. Thus the invasion of Poland marked tge
beginning of the world war.


• America followed the policy of strict neutrality.
• Japan feared the US Pacific fleet at Pearl Harbour in
• On December 7 1941 Japan Honda the premiership of
general Tojo order a surprise aerial attack on the Pearl
• The battleships was sunk and the important airfield were
• Japanese made to crucial mistakes at Pearl Harbour - they
did not destroy the ship repairing system nor they seek out
and destroy the US carriers . Hence many ships for Back in
1.The American started the offensive against Japan.
2. The American navy and Airforce destroyed the
Japanese fleet.
3.The American scientist working on the most deadly
weapon the nuclear bomb which was tested in the
desert of Mexico.
4.Before the bombing American planes drop leaflets of
warning about the Deadly weapon.
5.On august 6 1945 America dropped atomic bomb on
Hiroshima which to cut toll of half the city. Then to
Japan refuse to surrender.
6.On august 9 1945 the second bomb was dropped on
7.On September to 1945 Japan surrender
1.Defeat of the Axis Powers
1.The Axis powers made remarkable success initially.
2.By the end of 1942 they were defeated by the allied
3.Allied powers force Italy to surrender & sign armistice.
4.Allied forces moved across the rain and given death
blow to the German forces.
5.Hitler was disappointed with the defeat of Germany
and committed suicide.
6. America drop the first atomic bomb on Hiroshima
and Nagasaki on 6 August 1945 and august 9 1945
7. Japan surrender on the terms of potsdam declaration.
2.The Cold War

1.After Second World War the USA and USSR emerge

as the two great powers with contrasting ideologies.
do both the country did not actually entered into the
war but there was extreme political tension between
the two Nations and adopted policy is designed to
strengthen itself and we can the other without arm
conflict which is known as the cold war. the divided
the world into two rival blocks :
a) The capitalism block also known as Western block
led by USA.
b) The Communist bloc led by USSR also known as
the eastern bloc.
Formation of UN

The horrors of the two world war and the failure of

the league of nations that tour meeting of the three
Roosevelt Churchill and Satin at Yalta in Feb 1945 .
They resolved to convince a conference of the
representatives of all Nations at San Francisco to
built-up character of United Nations.

2.The UN was established on October 24 1945 with its

headquarter at New York to prevent further wars.

1.The Federal Republic of Germany known as

the west Germany was administered by UK
France and us with Bonn as capital. It came
under the capitalist ideologies of the
anglo-american and their allies became the
part of the capitalist bloc.

2.The German Democratic Republic known as

East Germany administered by Soviet Union
with East Berlin as capital. it came under the
influence of political ideologies of Communist
Russia and became part of Communist bloc.

1.THE access password Germany Italy and Japan.

2.The allied forces word Britain France the Soviet
Union and USA
3.The two countries which became independent
of the second world war war Egypt and Ethiopia
Note:This product will damn sure provide you very good value, but there is not any
guarantee that you will get results ,because for reults you have to work hard
Q1: Factors affecting the turning of a
Q2:Measurement of momentum of force
Q3:Units of momentum of force with
Q4:Defination of couple, with examples.
Q5:Definition of equilibrium with two
kinds.Conditions for equilibrium
Q6:Principle of moments only the blue
Q1:Only the definition of
centre of gravity.
Q1:The uniform circular motion
meaning with example.
Q2:Difference between uniform circular
motion and uniform linear motion.
Q3:Definition of Centripetal force with
example (example a planet moves
around the sun in a circular path imp)
Q4:Centrifugal force (just read it ) and
the experiment.
CHP-2 Work,Energy
and Power
Exercise (2A)
Q1:Define work
Q2:Two factors on which the amount of work
done on a body depends.
Q3: Only the expression of work (below only
concept is imp for numericals not for theory)
Q4:Special cases (only read)
Q5:Conditions for the work done by a force to be
Q6:Units of work with relationship.
Q7:Two factors on which the power spent
depends by a source.
Q8:S.I unit of power and definition.
Q9:Units of energy (read it).
CHP-3 Machines
Exercise (3A)
Q1:Functions and uses of simple machine.
Q2:Define machine.
Q3:Technical terms related to a machine (only the italics
part and the formulae's.
Q4:Three reasons which leads to loss of energy in a
Q5:Relationship between efficiency, mechanical
advantage, and velocity ratio.(for numericals).
Q6:Define lever.
Q7:Principle of a lever (italics only)
Q8:Kinds of lever (only definition M.A and examples)
Q9: Examples of each class of levers as found in the
human body (Read it).
Exercise (3B)
Q1:Diagram of pulley with proper labaelling.

Q2:Define single fixed pulley .

Q3:Define single movable pulley.
Q4:Way to change the direction of effort using a
movable pulley.
Q5:Differentiate between single fixed pulley any
three points.
Q6:The combination of pulleys in two ways .
with this diagram ฀

Q7:Using several pulleys in two blocks (read only

italics part.
Q8:The diagram of block and tackle system฀

with its Mechanical advantage part (for numericals).

CHP-4 Refraction of
light at plane surfaces
Exercise (4A)
Q1:Define Refraction of light.
Q2:The three experimental points in italics
or the three cases.
Q3:Cause of refraction.+ the note( for angle is
incidence i=0*
Q4:Laws of refraction.
Q5:Effect on speed,wavelength and frequency due to
refraction of light.
Q6:Define refractive index.
Q7:The two examples 1: speed of light in air and in
2: refractive index of Glass with respect to water
Q8:Conditions for a light to pass undeviated
Q9:Factors affecting the refractive index of a
Q10:Factors,diagram and definition of lateral

Q11:The image A2is the broghtest image because it is

die to the light suffering a strong first reflection at
the silvered surface PN(its a point keep in mind)
Exercise (4B)
Q1:Define Prism with proper diagram and labelling.
Q2:Define angle of deviation.
Q3:Factors affecting the angle of deviation.(also
the dependence of all factors only the italics part.
and fig 2.24)
Q4 The diagram below the diagram below shows a
light ray of green colour incident on the prism A B
and C. in each case, draw the path of the ray of
light as it enters and emerges out of the prism.
mark the angle wherever necessary necessary.
Q1:Define real depth and apparent depth
with diagram.
Q2: Only formula of apparent depth.
Q3:Factors which leads to shift .
Exercise (4D)
Q1: Transmission of light from a denser medium to
rarer medium at different angles of incidence only
the three cases with diagrams.
Q2:Define critical angle.
Q3:Factors affecting the critical angle with
dependence(only italics part).
Q4:Define total internal refraction and the
essential conditions for it.
Q5:Uses of total internal reflection and the diagram
(here only the concept is needed to draw the
Q6:Distinction between total internal reflection and
reflection from a plane mirror.
CHP-5 Refraction
through lens
Exercise (5A)
Q1:Kinds of lenses with their first paragraph.
Q2:Just read the convergent action of a convex lens
and diverging effect of a concave lens.
Q3:Technical terms related to a lens (only the
italics part of it and diagrams with proper
Q4:Note on pg 107(read the note once and the
diagrams and the factors on which the focal
depends need to be done).
Q5:Difference between convex and concave
Q6:Question no:26&27 From the exercise.
The note฀
Exercise (5B)
Q1:Three pricipal rays for the construction of the
ray diagrams.
Q2:Kinds of images (read it ).
Q3:Difference between Real image and virtual
Q4:Construction of ray of diagram (juz go through it
Q5:Characteristics and location of images for a
convex and concave lens (with diamgram very
important and uses also).
Q6:The table in blue box on pg no:116&117 (very
Q7 :Difference between image by convex and
concave lens.
The table฀
Exercise (5C)
Q1:Sign conventions of measurement
of distances.
Q2:Lens formula (only formula).
Q3:Linear magnification (definition
and formula)
Q4:Defination of power of lens and
formula also.
You can leave exercise 5D.
CHP-6 Spectrum
Exercise (6A)
Q1:Factors on which the angle of deviation
depends.(with dependence)
Q2:Define dispersion.
Q3:Define spectrum.
Q4:Cause of dispersion of white light (only
otalics part).
Q5: Which of the most colour of the
spectrum of white light deviates the most
and the least.
Exercise (6B)
Q1:6.4 in classification on the italics part.
Q2:The complete electromagnetic spectrum
in the increasing order of their wavelengths
Q3:Electromagnetic spectrum
table on page
Q4:Properties common to all
electromagnetic waves.
Q5: Properties and uses of different
radiations of electromagnetic spectrum.
(learn only 2–3 uses and properties and
Q6:Name the high energetic invisible
electromagnetic wave which helps in the study
of structure of crystals.
Exercise (6C)
Q1:What is scattering of light (blue
box only).
Q2:6.8 Some applications of
scattering of light (1,2,3,4,5,6 most
frequently asked are 3rd and 6th.)
CHP-7 Sound
Exercise (7A)
Q1:Define ultrasonic and infrasonic waves and
audible range.
Q3:The mechanical waves and their two kinds
with explanation.
Q4:Distinction between the light and sound
Q4:Define echo and the conditions for hearing an
Q5:Determination of speed of sound by method
of echo.
Q6:Uses of echoes any two(in which sonar is
Exercise (7B)
Q1:Define natural,damped,forced vibrations
with one or two examples.
Q2:Difference between Natural and damped
Q3:Define Resonance and condition for
Q4:Demonstration of resonance experiment
Q5:Difference between forced and resonant
Q6:Some examples of Resonance (1,4&4).
Exercise (7C)
Q1:Three characteristics of sound.
Q2:Define loudness and intensity.
Q3:Loudness depends on.
Q3:Define intensity.
Q4:Subjective nature of loudness and objective
of intensity
Q5:Factors affecting the loudness of sound 2-
Q6:Units of Loudness and level of sound(first
two lines ).
Q7:1 decibal is definesd as.
Q8:Noise pollutuion the limits.
Q9:Define pitch and its dependence.
Q9:Subjective nature of pitch and objective
nature of frequency (read it).
Q10:Define quality and wave forms.
Q11:The quality of musical sound depends
Q12:Factors on which the loudness, pitch
and quality depends on.
Q13:Define Noise and difference between
Music and noise.
CHP-8 Current
Exercise (8A)
Q1:Unit of charge.
Q2:Define of current and unit.
Q3:1st point of note.on pg 176.
Q4:Drfine potential at a point.
Q5:Note on pg 177.
Q6: Unit of electrical potential and
the italics part.
Q7:Define potential energy and unit
of potential difference with the
italics part.
Q8:Concept of resistance.
Q9:Cause of resistance.
Q10:Define ohm's law and its unit.
Q11:limitations of ohm's law.
Q12:Ohmic and no-ohmic resistor's
with examples and difference between.
Q13:Factors affecting the resistance of
a conductor with its dependence.
Q14:Define specific resistance.
Q15:For choice of material of wire and
superconductors do the following
questions ฀
Q16:Two wires one of Copper and other of iron are
of the same length and same radius which will
have more resistance give reason?
Q17:Name a substance of which the specific
resistance remains almost unchanged by the
increase in temperature.
Q18:Name the material used for making the
connection wires give reason for your answer
(B)why should a connection wire with thick?
Q19:Name of material which is used for making
the standard resistor. give reason for your answer.
Q20:Name the material used for making a fuse
wire give reason.
Q21: name the material used for filament of an
electric bulb and heating element of a room heater
Exercise (8B)
Q1:Define e.m.f (read both the definitions
but learn the sdcond one).
Q2:Factors affecting the e.m.f of cell.
Q3:Define terminal voltage and voltage
drop in a cell.
Q4:All the formulas in the blue box.
Q5:Difference between
e.m.f of a cell and terminal voltage of cell.
Q6:Define internal resistance.
Q7:Two facts to be noted about series
combitionand parallel combination.
Exercise (8C)
Q1:All the formulas in the blue box.
Q2:What is one watt,watt-hour,kilo-
watt hour.
Q3:The three factors on which the
Heating effect of current depends.
CHP-9 Household
Exercise (9A)

go through this once฀

Q1:Power distribution to a house (only th three
cable with their some of their description).
Q2:Advantages of ring system.
Q3:Advantages of Connecting appliances in
parallel and disadvantages of connecting
appliances in series.
Q4:from exercise Qnos:5,7,9,11,16
Q5:At what voltage and frequency is the
alternating current supplied to our houses.
Q6:(A):Name the three connecting wires
used in household circuit.(B)which of the two
wires mentioned in part a are the same
potential? (C) in which of the wires stated in
part a, the switch is connected?.
Q7:Where is the main fuse connected in house
Exercise (9B)
Q1:Define fuse and material of fuse.
Q2:Current rating of fuse in a circuit
=total power of fuse in a circuit
voltage of the supply.
Q3:What is meant by earthing amd
benefits of earthing.
Q4:Safety precautions for plug and
socket and while using electricity
Q5:From exercise Qnos:
Q5:Draw circuit diagram using the dual control
switches store light a staircase electric light and
explain its working.
Q6:Which wire is a metallic case of an electric
appliances connected? Give the reason.
Q7:What is the colour code for the insulation on
the live,neutral and Earth wire.
Q8:How does the colour code of wires in cable
help in house wiring.
CHP-10 Electro-
Exercise (10A)
Q1:Note on pg 230.
Q2:Go through the obsevations and explanation.
Q3:Magnetic field lines due to current in a straight
wire(only the 3 points on R.H.S).
Q4:Rule to determine the direction of magnetic
Q5:The magnetic field lines due to current in a loop
wire (only the points on pgno.233).
Q6:Clock rule.
Q7:Magnetic field lines in a solenoid.(only the
points 4 point is very imp).
Q8:Similarities between a current carrying
solenoid and a bar magnet.
Q9:Dissimilarities between a current
carrying solenoid and a bar magnet.
Q10:Dissimilarities between a current
carrying solenoid and a bar magnet.
Q11:Define Electromagnet.
Q12:Ways of increasing the magnetic field
Enter your text
of an electromagnet.
Q13:Advantages of an magnet over a
permanent magnet and uses of
Q14:How is the magnetic field due to a straight current
carrying wire affected if current in the wire is decreased or
Q15:Draw diagram to represent the magnetic field lines along
the axis of a current carrying solenoid. mark arrows to show
the direction of current in the solenoid and the direction of
magnetic field lines.
Q16:State two ways by which the magnetic field due to a
current carrying solenoid can be made stronger.
Q17:How is the magnetic field due to a solenoid current
affected if a soft iron bar is introduced inside the solenoid.
Q18: what is electromagnet name two factors on which the
strength of magnetic field of an Electromagnet depends and
state how does it depend on the factors affected by you.
Exercise (10B)
Q1:What is flemings left hand rule.
Q2:Simple D.C motor (everything is
imp with diagrams).
Exercise (10C)
Q1:Observations and conclusions on pg 247.(these
imp through the point of view of concepts not ,only
this question).
Q2:Define electromagnetic induction and faraday's
laws of electromagnetic induction.
Q3:Fleming's right hand rule.
Q4:A.C generator (in the working part just learn
the position of coil,flow of current. diagrams also).
Q5:Both differences on pg 253 and advantages and
similarities of a.c over d.c.
Q6:Define transformer and its type.
Q7:Uses and difference berween transformers.
CHP-11 Calorimetry
Exercise (11A)
Q1: Define heat.
Q2: Define 1 kilo calorie.
Q3: Define temperature and unit of it.
Q4: Difference between heat and temperature two to
three points only
Q5: Define heat capacity and its SI unit.
Q6: Define specific heat capacity and its SI unit.
Q7: Difference between heat capacity and specific heat
Q8: Natural phenomena and consequences of highest
specific heat capacity of water the important ones are
Exercise (11B)
Q1:What is meant by melting and fusion.
Q2:Change in volume on melting and effect of
pressure and impurities on the melting point.
Q3:Waht is mean by vapourisation or boiling.
Q4:Change jn volume on boiling and effect of
pressure and impurities on boiling part.
Q5:Define latent heat and specific latent heat.
Q6:Some Natural Consequences of high
specific latent heat of fusion of ice. (3 is imp).
CHP-12 Radioactivity
Exercise (12A)
Q1:Define atomic and mass number.
Q2:Define isotopes with example.
Q3:Note on pg 285.
Q4:What are isobars and isotones with
Q5:Define radioactivity.
Q6:Properties of alpha,beeta and
gamma particles (Do the common ones
Q7:Alpha,beeta and gamma emmison
with equations.
Q8:Uses of radioactivity isotopes.
(medical use 1&2 point,scientific use 3rd
point,industrial use 3rd&4th point).
Q9:Sources of harmful radiations and
harmful effects of radiations (only 1st para
for harmful effects).
Q9:Safety precaution while using
Enter your text nuclear
energy.(2-3 points).
Exercise (12B)
Q1:Define nuclear fission with the diagram
and equations on the next page.
Q2:Difference between radiations decay and
nuclear fission.
Q3:Define nuclear fusion.
Q4:Difference between nuclear fission and
nuclear fusiin (2–3 points).

Thank you..

For numericals
Exercise (1A)
Q1:The diagram in figure 1.29 shows two forces F1= 5 and and
F2 i = 3 and acting at points A and B of a rod pivoted at a point
O, such that OA is equal to 2 metre and OB = 4.
calculate 1: the moment of force F1 about O
2: the moment of force F2 aboutO
3: total moment of two forces about O.
Q2: Figure 1.1 shows two forces each of magnitude 10Nand
acting at points A and B at a separation of 50 cm in opposite
directions. calculate the resultant moment of two forces about
the point first A second B and third of situated exactly at the
middle of the two forces.
Q3: Uniform metre rule balances horizontally on a knife edge
place that 58cm mark when a weight of 20 GF is suspended
from one end
1: draw a diagram of the arrangement.
2:What is the weight of the rule.
Q4: Figure 1.33 shows a uniform metre rule place on the fulcrum
at its midpoint O and having weight of 20gf at the 10cm mark
and a weight of 20 GF at the 90cm mark.1: is the metre rule in
equilibrium? If not how will be the rule turn 2: how can the rule
be brought in equilibrium by using an additional weight of 40
Q5:When a boy weighing 20 kg sits at one end of a 4 metre
long see-saw, it gets depressed at this end. how can it be
brought to the horizontal position by a man weighing 40
Q6: The diagram in figure 1.34 shows a uniform metre rule
weighing 100 GF, pivoted at its Centre capital O. Two
wieghts 150 gf and 250 GF hang from the points
A and B of
the metre rule such that OA is = 40 cm and OB=20 cm
calculate 1: the total anticlockwise moment aboutO, second
the total clockwise moment about O, 3: the difference of on
clockwise anticlockwise and clockwise moments, and 4: the
distance from O where a hundred GF weight should we
placed to balance the metre rule.
Q7: in figure 1.35, a uniform bar of length L m is supported
at its ends and loaded by a weight W kgf at its middle. In
equilibrium, find the reactions R1 and R2 at the ends.
Exercise (2A)
Q1: A body, when acted upon by a force of 10 KGF, gets
displaced by 0.5. Calculate the work done by the force,
when the displacement is
1: in the direction of force,
2: at an angle of 60 degree with force and
3: normal to the force.
Q2: A man spends 6.4 KJ energy in displacing a body by
64 m in the direction in which applies force, in 2.5 s
1: the force applied, and to the
2: power spend in HP by the man.
Q3: A machine raises a load of 750N through a height of
16 m in 5 second full stop calculate
1: the energy spent by the machine,
2:the machine if it is 100% efficient.
q4:An electric heater of power 3 KW is used for 10 hour. how
much energy does it consume? Express your answer in
1:kilowatt hour
Q5: An ox can apply a maximum force of 2000 Newton. it is
taking part in a Cart race and is able to pull the card at a
constant speed of 30 metre per second while making the best
effort. calculate the power developed by the ox.
Exercise (2B)
Q1: two bodies of equal masses are placed at Heights
H and 2H. find the ratio of the gravitational potential
Q2: A box of weight 150KGF has the gravitational
potential energy stored in it equal to 14700. find the
height of the box above the ground.
Q3: A vessel containing 50 kg of water is placed at a
height of 15 metre above the ground. Assuming the
gravitational potential energy at ground to be zero,
what will be the gravitational potential energy of
water in the vessel?
Q4: A Block A, Weighing 100N, is pulled up a slope of
length 5 by means of a constant force F = 200N
illustrated in figure 2.15:
a: what is the work done by the force in moving the
block a v along the slope?
B: What is the increase in potential energy of the block a?
C: account for the difference in the work done by the
force and the increase in potential energy of the block.
Q11: If the speed of a car is halved, how does a child
energy change?

Q6: A Cannon ball of mass 500 gram is fired with a speed

of 50 metre per second find one its kinetic energy and its
Exercise (3A)
Q1: A pair of scissors is used to cut a piece of a clock by keeping in a
distance of 8.0 cm from its rivet and applying a force of 10 KGF by
fingers at a distance of 2.0 cm from it. find
1: the mechanical advantage of scissors, and 2:
the load offered by the cloth.
3: how does the pair of Caesar Act as a force multiplier or a speed

Q2: Figure 3.17 below shows a lever in use find

1: to which class Lever does it belong? if FA is =80 to AB = 20 cm, find
its mechanical advantage. 3:calculate the value of E.

Q3: 3.18 below shows a wheelbarrow of mass 15 kg carrying a load of

30 kg at the centre of gravity at A. the points B and C are at the centre
of will and type off the handle such that the horizontal distance a b is
equal to 20 cm and ac is equals to 40 centimetre find first load arm,
effort arm, the mechanical advantage and minimum effort required to
keep the leg just off the ground.
Q4: A 4m long rod of negligible weight is supported
at a point 125 cm from its one end and a load of 18
kg is suspended at a point 60 cm from the support on
the shorter arm find 1: if a weight W is placed at a
distance of 50 cm from the support on the longer I am,
find W. 2 : If 5 kgf weight is kept to balance the rod,
find its position. third to which class of lever does it
Q1:A woman draws water from a well using a fixed pulley.The
mass of bucket and water together is 6kg. The force applied by
the woman is 70N.Calculate the mechanical advantage.

Q2:A pulley system has a velocity ratio 3 and an efficiency of

80%.Draw a labelled diagram of this pulley system.Calculate:
a:the mechanical advantage of the system,and
b:the effort required to raise a load of 300N.

Q3:A single fixed pulley and a movable pulley both

are seperately used to lift a load of 50 kgf to the same
height.Compare the efforts applied.

Q4:A block and tackle system has 5 pulleys .if an effort of 100N
is needed in the downward direction to raise a load of 4500N,
1:the M.A.,V.R
2:the efficiency of the system.
Exercise (4A)
Q1: The refractive index of water with respect to
air is 4/ 3. What is the refractive index of air with
respect to water?

Exercise (4B)
Q1: what should be the angle of incidence for a Ray of
light with suffers minimum deviation of 36 degree
through an equilateral prism?.

Exercise (4C)
Q1: posted Sanket below a rectangular glass slab of
refractive index 1.5 when viewed from vertically above it,
appears to be raised by 7.0 mm. calculate the thickness of
the glass slab
Exercise (5C)
Q1:A: at what position a candle of length 3 cm be
placed in front of a convex lens so that its image of
length 6cm be obtained on a screen placed at a
distance of 30cm behind the lens?

Q2: A lens forms the image of an object placed at

distance 15 cm from it at a distance 60 CM in front of
a full stop find
1:the total the focal length
2: the magnification and
3: the nature of image.

Q3: An object is placed at a distance of 20 CM in front

of a concave lens of focal length 20cm. find
1: the position of image and
2: the magnification of image
Q4: A convex lens forms an inverted image of size same
as that of the object which is placed at a distance 60
cm in front of the lens. find 1 the position of image
second the focal length of the lens.

Q5: The power of lens is + 2.0 D. find its focal length

and state the kind of lens.

Q6: The power of a lens is -2.0 D. find its focal length

and its kind.
Calculate the frequency of yellow light of
wavelength 550 nm. the speed of light is
3×10^8 ms^-1.

An Electromagnetic wave has a frequency of
500MHz and a wavelength of 60cm.
a) calculate the speed of the wave.
b) name the medium through which it is
1.In a SONAR, ultrasonic waves are sent into the
sea water and the reflected waves from a sunken
ship are received after 2.0 s. If the velocity of
waves in sea water is 1450 meters per second find the
depth of the sunken ship.

2. The wavelength of waves produce on the surface of

water is 20 cm. If the wave velocity e is 24 metre per
second calculate -
a) the number of waves produced in one second
b) the time in which one wave is produced.

3. a man standing 48 metres away from the wall fires a

gun. calculate the time after which an echo is heard.( the
speed of sound in air is 320 metre per second)
1.A solid of mass 50g at 150°C is placed in 100 g of
water at 11°C , when the final temperature recorded
is 20°C . Find the specific heat capacity of the solid if
specific heat capacity of water = 4.2J/g°C.

2.Calculate the mass of ice needed to cool 150 g of

water contained in a calorimeter of mass 50 g at
32° C such that the final temperature is 5°C.
Specific heat capacity of calorimeter = 0.4 J/g°C
Specific heat capacity of water = 4.2 J/g°C
Latent heat capacity of ice = 330 J/g
3.Calculate the power of an electric heater
required to melt 2 kg of ice at 0°C in 40 s if the
efficiency is 30% . Take specific latent heat of
ice = 336 J/g.

4.The specific latent heat of fusion of ice is

336 J/g . Explain the meaning of the statement.

5.A bucket contains 8 kg of water at 25 degree

2 kg of water at 80°C is poured into it .
Neglecting the heat absorbed by the bucket
calculate the final temperature of the water.
Specific heat capacity of water = 4200 J/kgK
The 50 marks you need to solve of the section B of
the paper includes 4 such sub questions which are
from Climate , soil resources, water resources and
natural vegetation and other combined questions of
different chapters.
Therefore we made the question bank for 5
questions only which includes 7 chapters.
So before you start its our request that you should
only learn these chapters for geography and only
solve these lessons in boards also.


1.Mumbai is warmer than Kanpur in December.

2.Central Maharashtra receives little rainfall.
3.Rajasthan receives very little rainfall.
4.Goa receives heavier rainfall than Puducherry.
5.Mawsynram receives highest average annual
6.The northern plains of India do not freeze in
7.The coromandel coast gets most of its rain
during winter season.
Answer in short
1.What type of climate does India has?
2.Which is the state which receives the first rainfall?
3.Define climate.
4.Why are Himalayas so important for India?
5.Why are the winter winds in capable of producing rain?
6.Which state gets rainfall from winter monsoons?
7.Give the starting and ending seasons of :
a) The hot and dry summer.
b) South West monsoon season.
c) The Retreating monsoon.
d) North East monsoon.
8. In South India the hot weather is not intense as in North
India. Explain.
9.Give the economic importance of :
a) Kalbaisakhis in West Bengal and Assam
b)Mango showers in Kerala and Karnataka.
c) Cyclonic rainfall in Punjab .
d) Relief rainfall on Coromandel coast.
10.What do you mean by break of monsoon and burst of
11.State the difference between Arabian Sea branch and
Bay of Bengal sea branch.
12.Why does Cherrapunji receives the highest average
annual rainfall in the world?
13.Which is the coldest place in India ?and state its
14 Differentiate between tropical cyclones and temperate
12.State 3 point difference between Southwest monsoon

1.Differentiate between Bhandar Soil and khadar soil.

2.State the source of Inland Alluvium , Deltatic
Alluvium and Coastal Alluvium.
3.Why is alluvial soil so fertile ?
4.State any 5 characteristics of alluvial soil.
5.State the best suitable crops grown in it.
6.Which are the state where alluvial soil is found
7.How is black soil formed?
8.Which is the best suitable crop for black soil?
9.State any four characteristics of black soil.
10.How is red soil formed?
11.Why is it red in color?
12.Where is red soil largely found in India?
13.State any 4 characteristics of red soil.
14.State any four crops widely grown in red soil.
15.How are Laterite soils formed?
16.What do you mean by Leaching?
17.How are Upland laterites different from lowland
18.State distribution of laterite soil.
19.Give any 4 characteristics of laterite soil.
20.Define soil erosion.
21.Define sheet erosion , Rill erosion and gully erosion.
22.Give and describe any 5 measure to prevent soil
erosion .
22.State any two needs for soil conservation.
8.Mention any 2 states where dry deciduous forests are
9.Name any two trees found in in dry deciduous forest.
10.State any three states where tropical thorn forests
are found.
11.Mention any two characteristic features of tropical
desert forest and mention any two trees found there.
12.Where are tidal forests found?
13.Mention any two places where tidal forests are
14.Give any three characteristics of tidal forest.
15.Why are sundarbans so called?
16.Mention the relief of Montane Forests.
17.State the distribution of tidal forests.
18.State the characteristics features of tidal forests and
mention any two trees found there.
19.What is the interrelationship of forests with the
20.Why does the trees in moist deciduous forest shade
there leaves for about six to eight weeks during March
and April?
21.Which are the forests found in Vindhyas and Nilgiri
Hills and state it's characteristics.

Just read the forest

conservation and
1.Name any three surface water resources.
2.Why there is a shortage of water in India?
3.How much water does agricultural sector in India
4.Define irrigation .
5.Name any three states where well irrigation is widely
used in India? State any two advantages and
disadvantages of well irrigation.
6.Mention any three states where tube wells are widely
used state any three of its advantages and
disadvantages.Also mention ideal conditions for it.฀
7.Differentiate between inundation canals and perennial
9.Why are tanks widely used in Deccan Plateau?
10.Mention any two advantages and
disadvantages of tank irrigation.
11.Name the four modern means of irrigation.
12.State advantages and disadvantages of
sprinkler irrigation.
13.Define rainwater harvesting and mention any
two of its importance.
14.Why there is a need to conserve water India
mention any two points.
1.Iron ore
Name explain the three varieties of iron ore found in
Name the mineral which is converted to aluminum and
state the largest integrated aluminum plant in India.


Conventional sources of Energy


• Coal
• Petroleum
• Natural Gas
1.Where is coal widely found in India?
2.Why is petroleum referred to as liquid gold?
3.Give 3 advantages and 3 Disadvantages of Hydel
4.Where is Bhakra Nangal Dam situated?
5.State the advantages of Bhakra canal system for
Punjab, Haryana and Rajasthan.
6.Where is Hirakud Dam situated?

1.Define non conventional sources of energy.

2.India advantages location to harness solar
energy . Explain.
3.Mention any three advantages of the
a) Solar energy
b) Wind energy
c) Tidal energy
d) Geothermal energy
e) Nuclear power
f) Biogas.

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