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“Botanica marina” is a new international thnmnion cruciutum (Ag) Naegeli cc

journal devoted to the taxonomy, morphol- genuine Kolderup Rosenvinge
ogy, ecology, physiology and chemistry of Bergquist, P. L., A statistical approach
seaweeds and other marine algae. Each to the ecology of Hormosira banksii
yearly volume will have four issues of 32 Schmid, 0. J., Marine Rotalgen. Chem-
pages: additional issues will be devoted to ische Zusammensetzung
the industry and technology of seaweed
Manuscripts should be sent to: Professor
products. The first two issues include the
following interesting papers : T. Levring, Marinbotaniska Institutionen,
Biebl, R., Zellphysiologische Beobach- Botaniska Tradgarden, Goteborg, Sweden.
tungen an Blasenzellen einiger Rotal- The yearly subscription of DM.28 should be
gen sent to Verlag Cram, De Gruyter & Com-
Soderstrom, J., A Swedish find of Anti- pany, Hamburg 1, West Germany.


Sixty microbiologists-one half from for- ceuticals, and other important products of
eign nations-will present reports of their the oceans resulting from microbial activity.
research at a Symposium on Marine Micro- Dr. Jacques Senez of Marseille, France, a
biology in the Morrison Hotel, Chicago, marine microbiologist noted for his exposi-
April 20-24, 1961. tions on the philosophy of science, will de-
The symposium is being sponsored by the liver the annual ONR lecture as part of both
Office of Naval Research and the Society the symposium program and the S.A.B.
of American Bacteriologists in cooperation meeting. Dr. Senez also will serve as a sec-
with the American Institute of Biological tion chairman for the symposium program.
Sciences. Program chairman is Dr. Carl H. Other section chairmen include: Prof.
Oppenheimer of the University of Texas Wilhelm Schwartz, University of Greifs-
Institute of Marine Science, Port Aransas,
wald, Greifswald, Germany; Dr. E. J. Fer-
guson Wood, Commonwealth Scientific and
Technical papers will be presented on
autotrophic and heterotrophic micro-organ- Industrial Research Organization (CSIRO),
isms, nutritional symbiosis between marine Cronulla, Australia; Dr. Ronald Hayes, Dal-
organisms, mineralization activity, fungi, housie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia; Dr.
viruses, algae, protozoa and phytoplankton Luigi Provasoli, Haskins Laboratory, New
and their ecological relationships. Basic York, N.Y.; Dr. S. C. Rittenberg, University
research in these areas is expected to pro- of Southern California, Los Angeles; Dr. W.
vide information which may lead to more D. McElroy, Johns Hopkins University, Bal-
complete utilization and controlled produc- timore, Md.; and Dr. C. E. ZoBell, Scripps
tion of food materials, antibiotics, pharma- Institution of Oceanography, LaJolla, Calif.

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