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Organize Your Data

Third Grade Math

by Sanayya Sohail September 5, 2015

Collect and graph! In this lesson, your students will practice collecting, organizing, and interpreting data by
using real life examples.

Learning Objectives

Students will be able to collect, record, and interpret data. Students will learn to construct bar and picture
graphs for data they collect.

Materials and preparation Key terms

Board data
Markers picture graph
Data Collection Book bar graph
Quick Check: Organize Your Data x-axis
Eat Healthy Bar Graph worksheet y-axis
Class set of the Reading Pictographs: Eggplant
Cooking worksheet
Class set of the Reading Pictographs: Tomato
Fest! worksheet
Class set of the Getting Graphs: Gone Fishing!
Class set of the Reading a Bar Graph worksheet
Document Camera


Eat Healthy Bar Graph (PDF)

Quick Check: Organize Your Data (PDF)
Data Collection Book (PDF)
Eggplant Pictograph (PDF)
Gone Fishing (PDF)
Reading a Bar Graph (PDF)
Tomato Pictograph (PDF)
Data Collection Book (PDF)
Quick Check: Organize Your Data (PDF)
Eat Healthy Bar Graph (PDF)
Reading Pictographs: Eggplant Cooking (PDF)
Reading Pictographs: Tomato Fest! (PDF)
Reading a Graph (PDF)

Introduction (3 minutes)

Explain to your students that they are going to learn about representing data, or information.
Ask your students to give an example of a time when they had to collect and use data.

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Take data from your students by asking them to say what they brought for lunch or are planning to have
for lunch. Write this on the board in categories. For example, the categories could be salad, sandwich,
pizza, and other.


Allow students to use their home language (L1) or new language when sharing.
Have learners draw visuals to accompany their explanations of their lunch plans.


Provide a sentence stem/frame for students to use when explaining, such as "I had to collect and use
data when ____." and "I am planning to have ____ for lunch."

Explicit Instruction/Teacher modeling (15 minutes)

Display the lunch count data on the board.

Ask a volunteer to set up a picture graph, or a visual representation of data with pictures, and a bar
graph, or a visual representation of data with rectangles that represent numbers, on the board.
Explain that numbers are usually on the vertical side (y- axis), and what is being measuring is usually on
the horizontal side (x-axis). For example, in the lunch data graph, food would be on the x-axis, and
number of people that brought that food would be on the y-axis.
Invite someone to illustrate the lunch data on a bar graph. Have her use a different colored marker for
each item, such as green for salad and yellow for pizza.
Ask your students questions about the graph. Potential guiding questions include:
What do you think is a favorite food among our class?
Least favorite?
How many more people want salad compared to pizza?
How many fewer people want sandwiches compared to pizza?
Then, invite another volunteer to represent the data on a picture graph. Explain that for this picture
graph, each picture will represent two food items.
Remind your students how to count by twos, and explain that two pictures with two pizzas represent four
Explain to your students that a half picture represents one item.


Give students vocabulary cards for the key terms from the lesson. Include a student-friendly definition
and a visual. If possible, include information in their L1.


Display sentence frames for students to use as they answer each question about the data.
Ask students to share how to make a bar graph or picture graph. Allow them to talk to a partner before
sharing with the whole group.

Guided Practice (20 minutes)

Explain to your students that they are going to collect data for their favorite types of candy.
Go around the class and ask each student to name their favorite type of candy.
Record the responses on the board.
Direct your students to partner up and draw a bar graph for this data. Have them label the x and y axes.
Next, go around the class and have each student say their favorite animal.
Record this data on the board.
Instruct your students to partner up and draw a picture graph for this data, reminding them that one

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whole picture represents two animals.
Ask your students questions about the graph. For example:
What is the least favorite candy among our class?
How many fewer friends like birds compared to dogs?
Instruct your students to complete the Eggplant Pictograph worksheet, explaining that one picture
represents three items.


Provide options for favorite candy and favorite animal from which students can choose. Include an image
of each option.
Pair students with supportive peers or an EL with the same L1.


Give students a template for a picture graph and a bar graph, and instruct them to fill in the information.
Provide sentence frames for students as they answer questions and explain, such as "The answer is ____
because ____."

Independent working time (15 minutes)

Give your students two of the following worksheets to complete: Tomato Pictograph worksheet, Gone
Fishing worksheet, Reading a Bar Graph worksheet, Eat Healthy Bar Graph worksheet.


Invite students to work in a small, teacher-led group. Prompt them to discuss the data and their answers
before writing them on the worksheet.


Have students complete the worksheet independently, and then discuss their answers with a partner.
Have them share their reasoning by explaining how they arrived at the answer.

Related books and/or media

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Divide your students into groups of 3, and pass out the Data Collection Book and Chart worksheets.
Instruct your students to collect data from the other students in the class to make their bar graphs. Have
them use the chart to collect data, and then direct them to transfer that information into the graph in the


Have your students compare only two categories in bar graphs and picture graphs. Instruct your students
to only practice one type of graph for the class period.

Assessment (5 minutes)

Distribute the picture graph on the second page of the Organize Your Data Assessment. Have students
complete the assessment.

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Guide students through the assessment by reading aloud the questions and having them respond on
their whiteboards.


Allow students to use reference materials in their L1 or L2 to determine the meaning of any unfamiliar

Review and closing (2 minutes)

Ask students to turn and talk to a partner about the question, "How would you organize data that was
collected about students' favorite hobbies?"
Remind students that collecting data and organizing it helps us have a clear understanding of a situation.
Using picture graphs and bar graphs gives us visuals, and we can answer many different questions just
by looking at the organized data.


Define the word hobby for students by providing a student-friendly definition, several examples, and
Pair students with a supportive peer or an EL with the same L1.


Provide a sentence stem, such as "I would organize the data by ____."

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Name Date
Lorem ipsum

Eat Healthy Bar Graph

Directions: Read the data in the bar graph below. Then, answer the questions that follow.

Favorite Fruits in My Class

Number of Students who Like
Lorem ipsu1m

oranges apples straw- cherries banana mango Lorem ipsum


Favorite Fruit
1. What is the title of the graph? ____________________________________________________

2. Which fruit do students like the most? _____________________________________________

3. Which fruit do students like the least? _____________________________________________

4. How many more students like apples than oranges? __________________________________

5. How many fewer students like oranges than bananas?_________________________________

6. How many students answered the question, “Which is your favorite fruit?” ________________

7. How many students total like apples and oranges? ____________________________________

8. Which fruit do 10 students like? ___________________________________________________

9. What information is on the x-axis? ________________________________________________ _

10. What information is on the y-axis? ________________________________________________

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Name Date
Lorem ipsum

Quick Check: Organize Your Data

Directions: Use the picture graph to answer the questions below.

Favorite Fruits in My Neighborhood

Number of Students Who Like It
Favorite Fruit (Each Circle Represents Three Students)


1. How many students like apples? _________________________________


2. How many more students like apples than oranges? ________________

3. How many fewer students like pears than oranges? _________________

4. According to the picture graph, which fruit is the favorite? ___________________________

5. According to the picture graph, which fruit is the least favorite? ______________________

Lorem ipsum

Quick Check: Organize Your Data

Directions: Use the picture graph to answer the questions below.

Favorite Fruits in My Neighborhood

Number of Students Who Like It
Favorite Fruit (Each Circle Represents Three Students)


1. How many students like apples? __________________________________


2. How many more students like apples than oranges? _________________

3. How many fewer students like pears than oranges? __________________

4. According to the picture graph, which fruit is the favorite? ___________________________

5. According to the picture graph, which fruit is the least favorite? ______________________

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© 2007 - 2019
(Your name here)

My Data Collection Book

Group Members:

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© 2007 - 2019
Data Collection Chart
Directions: Use the chart below to collect data about shoe color and hair color in your
class. Include your classmates’ names so you know whose data you have collected.

Name Shoe Color Hair

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© 2007 - 2019
Bar Graph One
Directions: Use this page to create a shoe color bar graph. Be sure you have collected
enough data to create the bar graph. Then, draw and label your shoe color bar graph.
After that, answer questions about the data.
*Remember, label the x-axis and the y-axis, and give your graph a title!

Title: ___________________________________
y-axis: _________________________

x-axis: _________________________

1. What is the title of your graph? ____________________________________________________

2. Which is the most common shoe color among your classmates? _________________________

3. Which is the least common shoe color among your classmates? _________________________

4. What is the difference between the least and most common shoe color? __________________

5. What did you label on the x-axis? __________________________________________________

6. What did you label on the y-axis? __________________________________________________

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© 2007 - 2019
Bar Graph Two
Directions: Use this page to create a hair color bar graph. Be sure you have collected
enough data to create the bar graph. Then, draw and label your hair color bar graph.
After that, answer questions about the data.
*Remember, label the x-axis and the y-axis, and give your graph a title!

Title: ___________________________________
y-axis: _________________________

x-axis: _________________________

1. What is the title of your graph? ____________________________________________________

2. Which is the most common hair color among your classmates? __________________________

3. Which is the least common hair color among your classmates? __________________________

4. What is the difference between the least and most common hair color? ___________________

5. What did you label on the x-axis? __________________________________________________

6. What did you label on the y-axis? __________________________________________________

7. How many more students have ____________ hair compared to ____________ hair? ________
color color

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© 2007 - 2019
Eggplant Recipe: Reading a Pictograph
You can cook a variety of dishes using eggplant. See how many of them
the chef is planning for his restaurant. Answer the questions below.
Note: each eggplant in the pictograph stands for 3 eggplants.

Recipe Number of Eggplants

Eggplant Parmesan

Eggplant Lasagna

Stuffed Eggplant

= 3 eggplants

1. How many eggplants did the chef use for Eggplant Parmesan?

Answer: ________________________________________

2. Which recipe used the least amount of eggplant?

Answer: ________________________________________

3. Which recipe used the most amount of eggplant? How many?

Answer: ________________________________________

4. What recipe used 15 eggplants?

Answer: ________________________________________

5. What is the difference between the number of eggplants in Eggplant Parmesan and in Eggplant

Answer: ________________________________________

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Eggplant Recipe: Reading a Pictograph
You can cook a variety of dishes using eggplant. See how many of them
the chef is planning for his restaurant. Answer the questions below.
Note: each eggplant in the pictograph stands for 3 eggplants.

Recipe Number of Eggplants

Eggplant Parmesan

Eggplant Lasagna

= 3 eggplants

1. How many eggplants did the chef use for Eggplant Parmesan?

6 x 3 = 18 Eggplants
Answer: ________________________________________

2. Which recipe used the least amount of eggplant?

Eggplant Lasagna
Answer: ________________________________________

3. Which recipe used the most amount of eggplant? How many?

Eggplant Parmesan: 18 Eggplants

Answer: ________________________________________

4. What recipe used 15 eggplants?

Stuffed Eggplant
Answer: ________________________________________


18 - 12 = 6 Eggplants
Answer: ________________________________________

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152 Gone Fishing
Use the bar graph to answer the questions.







Math Skills

Reading a bar %
graph  B6N ?JC ?JA 6J< H:E D8I

Felix Flounder goes fishing every weekend from May through

October. The bar graph shows how many fish he caught each

In which month did Felix catch the most fish?

How many fish did Felix catch in June?

In which month did Felix catch the fewest fish?

How many more fish did Felix catch in July than

he did in June?

How many fish did Felix catch in May and June combined?
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Reprinted with permission from Brain Quest Third Grade Workbook
(Workman, 2008))
Reading a Bar Graph
Bar graphs are used to show changes over time or to compare items.
Can you identify the x-axis on this graph? What does it show?

Can you identify the y-axis on this graph? What does it show?

number of players on the field

American Football
Beach Volleyball
Ice Hockey


0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

1. Which sports have the most number of players on the field?

2. How many more players does the basketball team have than
the beach volleyball team?

3. Which sports have the same number of players?

4. Which sport has the least amount of players?

5. How many fewer players does the lacrosse team have than
the soccer team?

6. Which sport has 9 players?

Copyright © 2012-2013
2010-2011 by More worksheets at
Reading a Bar Graph
Bar graphs are used to show changes over time or to compare items.
Can you identify the x-axis on this graph? What does it show?
The x-axis shows the number of players on a team.
Can you identify the y-axis on this graph? What does it show?
The y-axis shows the different types of sports

number of players on the field

American Football



Beach Volleyball

Ice Hockey



0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
American football
1. Which sports have the most number of players on the field?
and soccer

2. How many more players does the basketball team have than
the beach volleyball team? 3 more players

ice hockey and volleyball (6)

3. Which sports have the same number of players?
American football and soccer (11)

4. Which sport has the least amount of players? beach volleyball

5. How many fewer players does the lacrosse team have than
the soccer team? 1 less player

6. Which sport has 9 players? baseball

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2010-2011 by More worksheets at
Tomato Fest! Reading a Pictograph
Harvest season has begun, and the farmers are busily picking their tomatoes. The numbers of
tomatoes are shown in the pictograph below. Note: each tomato in the pictograph stands for 5
tomatoes picked. Use the information provided to answer the questions.

Day Picked Tomato

Day 1

Day 2

Day 3

Day 4

Questions: = 5 tomatoes

1. How many tomatoes did the farmer pick on the first day?

Answer: ________________________________________

2. What day did the farmer pick the most tomatoes?

Answer: ________________________________________

3. Which days did the farmer pick the same amount of tomatoes? How many did he pick
in total both of those days?

Answer: ________________________________________

4. What’s the difference between the number of tomatoes picked on Day 3 and Day 4?

Answer: ________________________________________

5. How many tomatoes in total did he picked for this season?

Answer: ________________________________________

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(Your name here)

My Data Collection Book

Group Members:

Find worksheets, games, lessons & more at

© 2007 - 2019
Data Collection Chart
Directions: Use the chart below to collect data about shoe color and hair color in your
class. Include your classmates’ names so you know whose data you have collected.

Name Shoe Color Hair

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© 2007 - 2019
Bar Graph One
Directions: Use this page to create a shoe color bar graph. Be sure you have collected
enough data to create the bar graph. Then, draw and label your shoe color bar graph.
After that, answer questions about the data.
*Remember, label the x-axis and the y-axis, and give your graph a title!

Title: ___________________________________
y-axis: _________________________

x-axis: _________________________

1. What is the title of your graph? ____________________________________________________

2. Which is the most common shoe color among your classmates? _________________________

3. Which is the least common shoe color among your classmates? _________________________

4. What is the difference between the least and most common shoe color? __________________

5. What did you label on the x-axis? __________________________________________________

6. What did you label on the y-axis? __________________________________________________

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© 2007 - 2019
Bar Graph Two
Directions: Use this page to create a hair color bar graph. Be sure you have collected
enough data to create the bar graph. Then, draw and label your hair color bar graph.
After that, answer questions about the data.
*Remember, label the x-axis and the y-axis, and give your graph a title!

Title: ___________________________________
y-axis: _________________________

x-axis: _________________________

1. What is the title of your graph? ____________________________________________________

2. Which is the most common hair color among your classmates? __________________________

3. Which is the least common hair color among your classmates? __________________________

4. What is the difference between the least and most common hair color? ___________________

5. What did you label on the x-axis? __________________________________________________

6. What did you label on the y-axis? __________________________________________________

7. How many more students have ____________ hair compared to ____________ hair?

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Name Date
Lorem ipsum

Quick Check: Organize Your Data

Directions: Use the picture graph to answer the questions below.

Favorite Fruits in My Neighborhood

Number of Students Who Like It
Favorite Fruit (Each Circle Represents Three Students)


1. How many students like apples? _________________________________


2. How many more students like apples than oranges? ________________

3. How many fewer students like pears than oranges? _________________

4. According to the picture graph, which fruit is the favorite? ___________________________

5. According to the picture graph, which fruit is the least favorite? ______________________

Lorem ipsum

Quick Check: Organize Your Data

Directions: Use the picture graph to answer the questions below.

Favorite Fruits in My Neighborhood

Number of Students Who Like It
Favorite Fruit (Each Circle Represents Three Students)


1. How many students like apples? __________________________________


2. How many more students like apples than oranges? _________________

3. How many fewer students like pears than oranges? __________________

4. According to the picture graph, which fruit is the favorite? ___________________________

5. According to the picture graph, which fruit is the least favorite? ______________________

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© 2007 - 2019
Name Date
Lorem ipsum

Eat Healthy Bar Graph

Directions: Read the data in the bar graph below. Then, answer the questions that follow.

Favorite Fruits in My Class

Number of Students who Like




Lorem ipsu1m

Lorem ipsum

Favorite Fruit

1. What is the title of the graph? ____________________________________________________

2. Which fruit do students like the most? _____________________________________________

3. Which fruit do students like the least? _____________________________________________

4. How many more students like apples than oranges? __________________________________

5. How many fewer students like oranges than bananas? ________________________________

6. How many students answered the question, “Which is your favorite fruit?” ________________

7. How many students total like apples and oranges? ____________________________________

8. Which fruit do 10 students like? ___________________________________________________

9. What information is on the x-axis? ________________________________________________ _

10. What information is on the y-axis? ________________________________________________

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© 2007 - 2019
Eggplant Recipe: Reading a Pictograph
You can cook a variety of dishes using eggplant. See how many of them
the chef is planning for his restaurant. Answer the questions below.
Note: each eggplant in the pictograph stands for 3 eggplants.

Recipe Number of Eggplants

Eggplant Parmesan

Eggplant Lasagna

Stuffed Eggplant

= 3 eggplants

1. How many eggplants did the chef use for Eggplant Parmesan?

Answer: ________________________________________

2. Which recipe used the least amount of eggplant?

Answer: ________________________________________

3. Which recipe used the most amount of eggplant? How many?

Answer: ________________________________________

4. What recipe used 15 eggplants?

Answer: ________________________________________

5. What is the difference between the number of eggplants in Eggplant Parmesan and in Eggplant

Answer: ________________________________________

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© 2007 - 2019
Tomato Fest! Reading a Pictograph
Harvest season has begun, and the farmers are busily picking their tomatoes. The numbers of
tomatoes are shown in the pictograph below. Note: each tomato in the pictograph stands for 5
tomatoes picked. Use the information provided to answer the questions.

Day Picked Tomato

Day 1

Day 2

Day 3

Day 4

Questions: = 5 tomatoes

1. How many tomatoes did the farmer pick on the first day?

Answer: ________________________________________

2. What day did the farmer pick the most tomatoes?

Answer: ________________________________________

3. Which days did the farmer pick the same amount of tomatoes? How many did he pick
in total both of those days?

Answer: ________________________________________

4. What’s the difference between the number of tomatoes picked on Day 3 and Day 4?

Answer: ________________________________________

5. How many tomatoes in total did he pick for this season?

Answer: ________________________________________

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© 2007 - 2019
Market Graphing

1. Where are the cherries being sold?
2. Where is broccoli being sold?
3. How far are the oranges from the broccoli?
4. How far are the strawberries from the lettuce?

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Market Graphing 2

1. What can you buy at A7?
2. What can you purchase at J8?
3. What is being sold at H9?
4. What’s being sold at G9?

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