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Initiative for Reconstruction the Chakma Rajbari

Complex and Preservation the Glorious Heritage of

Chakma Circle
An Appeal

Dear Sir/Madam,

Perhaps you are already informed about the dreadful fire incident at the Chakma Rajbari,
Rangamati on 10 November 2010 evening, when the Palace of Chakma Chief was gutted by fire.
The Chakma Rajbari was a symbol of our pride and testimony of the rich History of Chittagong
Hill Tracts. Within an hour of fire incident many precious and invaluable archeological artifacts
and historical documents were lost, including the irreplaceable ivory made Royal Throne of Rani
Kalindi (Queen Kalindi). The loss
cannot be measured in monetary

The destroyed Rajbari is not only

the residence of Chakma Circle
Chief but also a symbol of tradition
and unity of different ethnic peoples
of CHT who have been living there
for hundreds of years .

Fortunately, some of the valuable

objects survived the drastic fire
incident. It is urgent that we make a
joint effort to preserve these
precious assets for the sake of the
people of CHT and the diverse
cultural heritage of our country. We
intend to exhibit the preservations to
the public at a later stage. Old palace of the Chakma Chief submerged under the Kpatai lake

In line with this initiative and with kind consent of the Chakma Circle Chief Barrister Devasish
Roy, a 19 member committee of the Chakma Circle Heritage Council (CCHC) was formed,
convened by Mr. Goutam Dewan, with representation of different ethnic communities and peoples
of CHT. Professor Mong Sanu Chowdhury, Ms. Anjulika Khisa and Mr. Ching Kew Roaza are
designated as co-convener of the committee and among other general members there are Ms.
Nirupa Dewan, Mr. Ranglai Mro, Kirti Nishan Chakma, Mr. Mathura Tripura, Hari Kishore
Chakma and Md. Nizam Uddin. (Complete list of the committee is available at

The primary objectives of the Committee are as follows-

01. To facilitate reconstruction of the destroyed Rajbari.
02. To prepare a master plan of the entire area of Rajbari island/compound.
03. To preserve properly the surviving historical documents and other archeological artifacts
under Museum & Archive centre to be built.
Undoubtedly, the rebuild of
Chakma Rajbari and the
implementation of the above
mentioned initiatives will require
a large sum of funds which will
only be possible with your
support and contribution.

In this regard, the CCHC has

opened a savings account in the
name of Chakma Circle Heritage
Council with the following
details: Account no: 1071379,
Agrani Bank, Banarupa
Branch, Rangamati.

In this regard, we would like to

request all well-wishers and
friends to send contribution to the
above mentioned account.
Chakma Rajbari before the arson

The progress and updates regarding

the contributions and all other relevant
information shall be published
regularly at the Chakma Raj website
( For any query
you can directly contact us via email:
om or telephone: 01715-902798.

You will be delighted to know that a

team of local architects, with the
guidance of Raja Devasish Roy, have
already started working on the design
of the Chakma Rajbari complex that
will carry the Cultural Tradition and
History of greater Chittagong Hill
Tracts. We hope that this will be the
place which will represent the
diversity of culture, history, traditions,
heritage of the CHT.
A part of the Rajbari after fine

Finally, we appreciate your generous support and cooperation towards the initiative to preserve the
remaining heritage and historical documents.

Goutam Dewan Mong Sanu Choudhury Ching Kew Roaza Anjulika Khisa
Convener Co-Convener Co-convener Co-convener

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