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Story of the World:

Egypt is a country that existed in ancient times and still exists today.
It is a very hot country surrounded by desert which is a big sandy
area where trees and grass can’t grow because it is too dry.

 Draw an arrow to show where Egypt is.
 Draw an arrow to show where England is
Video 1 – Introduction to Ancient Egypt

We're going to travel to ancient Egypt. Egypt is a country that still

……………………today in north-eastern ………………………… but what we call

Ancient Egypt is a civilization that started more than

…………………………… years ago and lasted for

approximately …………………. Years. Its origin

commences with Pharaoh ……………………………… also

known as The Scorpion King, who in 3200 BC founded

this country at the Nile’s bank. The River …………………………… is the

largest river in Africa and

was the most important

thing for Egyptians since

they depended on its

waters to

………………………… The

whole civilization and

cities rose from the rivers bank. The Nile was so important because Egypt

is a country surrounded by ……………………… and the harvest could only

take place at its shores. But it wasn't only used for agriculture, the river

was also used to ………………… and ………………………… They also used it

as a great ………………………… to transport goods or large ……………………

blocks used for their constructions. All of this was why the Nile was

considered to be a ……………… Actually ancient

Egyptians had

hundreds of gods.

Some had a human's body

and an animal's head like

goddess Bastet who had a

…………………. Head or god

Anubis and his jackal head. But the most important of all was …………..

god of ……………. who had a Falcons head. The Pharaohs were Ancient

Egypt's …………………… there were many

………………………….. over 3,000 years but the most

famous one was Tutankhamun.

Ancient Egyptians believed in life after death

and therefore they were buried with their belongings

furniture, vases, …………………… and even

………………….. They believed that this way these things could be used in

the next life. Because pharaohs had the greatest power they wanted to

have the best tombs and they got them. These tremendous

…………………………………… were built for pharaohs tombs.

Inside them

there are many

tunnels and



When they

died, pharaohs

and some

nobleman's bodies were mummified to

preserve their bodies after ………………… these

are the famous mummies.

…………………………… were placed in a

sarcophagus, luxurious coffins that would be

covered in beautiful drawings and

hieroglyphics. ………………………………………………… were the mysterious





was a mystery for thousands of years but thanks to archaeologists, we

can translate them and partly understand what they say.

Question: Why are most Egyptian towns were built right next
the River Nile?



Task: Cut out these cards and stick them in the correct place
on the timeline
Video 2 –Ancient Egyptian Mummies

The ancient Egyptians believed in several

rituals in order to reach the

…………………………….. into the next world

and achieve immortality. Death was

seen as a temporary state and a dead person's spirit needed a

……………….. so, to preserve it, a process of …………

The brain was then removed using a …………………

through the …………………… The body was then slit open and the organs

were removed except for the ………………… which the ancient Egyptians

believed would guide the person into the afterlife. The liver, lungs,

intestine, and stomach

were kept and placed in four canopic

………… one for each ……………, these

jars each featured a lid sculpted of one

of the sons of Horus Hapi, who protected the ………………. Duamutef, the

………………………….. Imsety, the ……………………… and Qebehsenuef

the……………………………. The body was then filled with Myrrh and other
spices. Then sewn up together and packed with a special salt, called


for up to ………………… days. After this process, the

body was shrivelled and dehydrated so the

embalmers would …………………… the empty body

with sawdust and linen to bring it back to its original

shape, oil the skin

to soften it and add false ……………… and a …………………. to make the

body more lifelike. Then the whole corpse was wrapped in layers of linen

…………………………… A face ……………………. was made

to look like the person, then was placed on the head of

the corpse and the body

was placed into a wooden

case or if the person were

………………., a stone

sarcophagus. Mummies

would be buried with items

they might have needed for the after life including,

jewellery, ……………….. furniture. Even pet ……………. and ……………………

who were mummified as well to keep them company.

Canopic Jars
Canopic Jars
Hapi Imsety Duamutee Qebehsenuef
Head of a Head of a Head of a Head of a

……………………. ………………... …………………….. …………………..

Looked after the Looked Looked Looked after
lungs. after the liver. after the stomach. the intestines.

Mummies were buried in a complicated series of chambers inside a pyramid.

Try and match the label Where
with the did
part the mummies
of the go?on a whiteboard.
tomb. Answer
Ancient Egyptian
Phar aohs a Pha

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• The i n Eg or t ant
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• The of t he ol i t i cal an
Egy pt i d
peopl a n
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be a nsi de
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an, h e
al f - go
One of the most
famous Pharaohs was
Tutankhamun. He was
famous because his
tomb was filled with ………………………………………………….................
marvellous treasures… .

The Derby Daily Telegraph wrote:

“ W hen at last , the excavat ors managed to squeeze t heir way in, an
ext raordinary sight met t heir eyes…”
What could these men have been thinking at this moment? Answer on a
Task: Watch the videos of the
An Extract from Quick Que
discovery of the tomb of
Tutankhamun 1.and read the
Howard Carter’s Diary I n what year was this t
diary of Howard Carter.
4th November 1922
Be an explorer!
11 After the discovery of the first step, we exposed fifteen more 2. Do you think Howard C
steps leading down to an ancient doorway, still sealed
Dress up as Howard Carter and
20 evidence from the text t
31 after all these years. The name on the door was clear: mummy will pretend to be an
41 Tutankhamen. They say this tomb is cursed; they say that interviewer asking you
49 the ancient pharaoh threatened anyone who disturbed his questions.
62 peace in the afterlife but that will not stop me. For five years
72 we have been digging through the inhospitable desert and I
3. Sum up the main point
80 am finally about to make the most important
words or less.
87 discovery of my life. At last, I
94 will be the one to unearth the
99 final resting place of Egypt’s Photograph of Connie
102 youngest pharaoh. I t dressed up as Howard Carter
106 will be filled with
108 treasures beyond
110 anyone’s wildest
4. What do you think hap
111 dreams. You are the excited archaeologist, Howard Carter.
You are going to be writing a diary entry, explaining the discovery of Tutankhamun’s tomb.
Here is an example of Howard Carter’s own diary (source 4) describing the event…

At first I could see nothing, the hot air escaping from the chamber causing
the candle flame to flicker, but presently, as my eyes grew accustomed to
the light, details of the room within emerged slowly from the mist, strange
animals, statues, and gold – everywhere the glint of gold. For the moment –
an eternity it must have seemed to the others standing by – I was struck
dumb with amazement, and when Lord Carnarvon, unable to stand the
suspense any longer, inquired anxiously,
‘Can you see anything?’
It was all I could do to get out the words,
‘Yes, wonderful things.’

Finish this sentence with your own ideas based on what you have found out.
Tutankhamun was…………………………………………………………………………………


The Egyptians didn’t use
letters to write, but different
pictures called hieroglyphics



Task: Can you use the hieroglyphic

chart to work out the names of these
animals written in hieroglyphics?




When Egyptians wrote the name

of someone important like a
Pharaoh, they drew an oval
around it. The oval shape with a
name inside is called a
cartouche. The oval is tied with
a picture of a rope, which
represented the pharaoh’s rule
over the universe.

Task: Can you write your name

in a cartouche in hieroglyphics?
Put the first letter of your name
at the top and write your name
How do we know how to read
hieroglyphics? For hundreds of
years it was a mystery until the
discovery of the Rosetta stone…

Video – The Discovery of the

Rosetta Stone

1. It was found in the year


2. Where did the soldiers who found

it come from? Written in:


3. Which language on the Written in:

stone could they read?


4. How many languages Written in:

were there on the stone?

5. Which army invaded and took control of

Egypt and the stone?


The British army took

the stone and it ended
up in the British
Museum… Video of
the British Museum

The big clue to

translating the Rosetta
stone was through the

…………………………………… By translating the name in Ancient Greek

they knew where to look for the names in
Be an explorer: Can you find the name ‘PTOLEMAIOS’ in
Ancient Greek? Put a circle around it.

Write the Greek letters in the box below

The Ancient Egyptians

worshipped over 2000 different
gods. They praised different
gods for different things, like
they gave thanks to the god
Thoth for writing or Osiris for
the harvest.

Draw an arrow to connect the

correct picture to the description

NAME: Horus NAME: Ra NAME: Anubis NAME: Nut and Geb

GOD OF: the GOD OF: the sun GOD OF: the dead GOD/GODDESS OF:
sky and the process of Nut – the sky, Geb –
Ra was the most embalming the earth
During the time of the Ancient Egyptian civilization some of the stories
in the Bible took place too. In 1900 BC the descendants of Abraham
came to Egypt.

Remember Father Abraham and his son Isaac? Isaac had a son
called Jacob and Jacob had son called Joseph

Task: Remind yourself of

the story of Joseph by
looking at the powerpoint
and then use the stick
puppets to act out the
Task: Colour in Joseph’s dream.

How did Joseph’s dream make his brothers feel?


How did his brothers

feel when they met
Joseph in Egypt?


Joseph’s brothers settled in the land of Egypt and one of his brothers called
Levi had a daughter called Jochebed and she had a son called Moses who
was born in 1525 BC he led the Jewish people out of Egypt in 1446 BC.

Write the names in

the boxes then dress
up as Moses and act
In the desert on a mountain called Mount Sinai God gave Moses some
very important rules to show the Israelites what was the right thing to do.
There were 10 rules and these are called The Ten Commandments
Task: Have a talk about the ten commandments. Discuss some
of these questions:
Why do you think God gave the ten
commandments to Moses?
Which do you think is the most
important rule?
Do you always do what the
Are there any important rules you have commandments say?
in your family?
Do Mummy and Daddy always do what
the commandments say?

Ancient Egyptian Vocabulary

A dry, hot place where very few trees or plants grow.


The four special jars where the organs from

mummies were stored.
Canopic Jar

The big river running through Egypt where towns and

cities were built. It was used for water, washing,
River Nile catching fish and transporting goods and stones.

A huge triangular shaped building made out of big

stones. These were built as tombs to put the
Pyramid Pharaohs mummies when they died.

The clue to understanding how to read hieroglyphics.

It was found in 1799 by French soldiers and had the
Rosetta Stone same statement written in three languages:
hieroglyphics, demotic and ancient.

Part of the same family line.


The name given to the kings and queens of Egypt.

The special way of preparing a dead body to preserve
it for its journey into the afterlife.

The name for the stone or wooden coffin that the

mummy is placed into.

The special writing of the ancient Egyptians made up

of little pictures.

The oval shape that the names of Pharaohs were

carved into.

The ten special rules that God gave to Moses on

Mount Sinai.

Moses: The Prince of Egypt

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