Final Exam Social Science

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Santo Nino Academy

Taliwa, Malitbog, Southern Leyte

Final Exam

Discipline and Ideas in Social Science (11-R)

Name: ___________________________Yr. & Section: ____________ Date: _______________

Teacher: Vi Maris T Milagroso

I. Multiple Choice.
Directions: Encircle the correct answer among the given choices.
SRICTLY NO ERASURES! (Any kind of erasure/s incurred will invalidate your answer)

1. Political science was started by

a. Machiavelli b. Thomas Hobbes c. Robert Dahl d. Aristotle
2. Mainly concerns about how humans emerged and evolved through time.
a. Physical Anthropology c. Political theory
b. Cultural Anthropology d. Demography
3. The study of relationship among people
a. Anthropology b. Sociology c. History d. Biology
4. It is the perspective which describes the society as a social system that has a social structure of its own,
made up of different parts which are interconnected which works together in harmony to achieve balance
or social equilibrium.
a. Manifest b. latent c. structural functionalism d. none of the above
5. A result of a disruption in the balance of the society.
a. Society b. social structure c. dysfunction d. none of the above
6. The old institutionalism studies formal institutions that are supported by the ______. It is studied in the
field of Political Science
a. Church b. government c. family d. society
7. ______ have the capacity to interact with its environment.
a. Animals b. adults c. humans d. infants
8. ______can influence the culture of the society by means of creating norms and beliefs
a. Society b. environment c. surroundings d. humans
9. Sigmund Freud is widely known to be the father of______.
a. Psychoanalysis b. behaviorism c. psychology
10. In what order do the following areas of the psyche develop?
a. Ego, super ego, Id b. super ego, id, ego c. Id, Ego, Super ego
11. According to Freud, what is the function of the “Ego”?
a. To represent innate, instinctive desires and impulses
b. To be aware of the needs and feelings of those around us
c. To moderate our impulse, acting as the moral conscience of the mind
12. Refers to a set of interrelated concepts, definitions and propositions that explains, describes or predicts
events or situations by specifying relations among variables.
a. Empirical b. theory c. analytical
13. It defines institutions much more broadly than political scientist or economist.
a. Old institutionalism b. feminist institutionalism c. normative institutionalism
14. Ethel tries to understand the education system of the Philippines and how does it affect the growth of the
economy of the country as a whole. What kind of sociological perspective is she using?
a. Structural- functionalism c. conflict theory
b. Symbolic interactionism d. Psychoanalysis
15. Mhel is trying to understand how people’s concept of beauty is affected by means of the things that they
see in the media. What kind of sociological perspective is she using?
a. Structural Functionalism c. symbolic interactionism
b. Conflict theory d. Psychoanalysis
16. Katherine is analyzing how young people especially men behave sexually based on their childhood
experiences. What kind of sociological perspective is she using?
a. Structural Functionalism c. symbolic interactionism
b. Conflict theory d. Psychoanalysis
17. A. When the ego cannot manage or resolve the conflict between the id and superego, the person would
use defense mechanism.
B. The id is the source of our personal drives and instinct
C. Wilhelm Wundt was the first person to include the unconscious mind in a formal psychological theory
Which of these statements is/are not true about Psychoanalysis?
a. a and b only b. a and c only c. b only d. c only
18. It is an economic system that is in favor of class distinction between bourgeoisie and proletariat.
a. Capitalism b. socialism c. communism d. Marxism
19. This refers to the relationship between the system and its environment. In order to survive, social systems
must have some degree of control over their environment.
a. Adaptation b. goal attainment c. integration d. latency
20. It refers to the maintenance of the basic pattern of values, institutionalized in the society
a. Adaptation b. goal attainment c. integration d. latency
21. Geography: earth physical structure; anthropology: ______________
a. Allocation of resources c. human origin and adaptation
b. Society d. language and its structure
22. Natural science: chemistry; Social science: ________________
a. Biology b. Anatomy c. Society d. physics
23. Id: drive and instinct; Superego: _____________
a. Dreams and hope b. good and evil c. compromise d. sexual desires
24. Quantitative: Statistical data; Qualitative: ______________
a. Survey b. numerical data c. in-depth interview d. objectivity
25. Conflict theory: Karl Marx; Symbolic Interaction: _____________
a. Herbert Blumer b. Sigmund Freud c. Robert Merton d. Auguste Comte

II. True of False.

Directions: Write T if the statement is true. If the statement is false, underline the incorrect word/phrase and write
the correct answer in the space provided.

______________1. Psychoanalysis refers both to a theory of how the mind works and a treatment
______________2. The founder of Psychoanalysis is Charles Horton Cooley.
______________3. According to the founder of psychoanalysis, there are three structures of
personality, namely: the id, superego, and me.
______________4. The “id” is unconscious; it is the person’s drives and instinct; it operates on
“pleasure principle”
______________5. The “ego” operates on “moral principle”; it strives for perfection and not pleasure;
decides what is right or wrong.
______________6. Without a good person, most humans are capable of surviving.
______________7. Humans have the capacity to interact with its environment.
______________8. There are two dominant perspectives in institutionalism: the old institutionalism and
new institutionalism.
______________9. Sociological institutionalism uses institutions to find sequences of social, political,
economic behavior and changes across time.
_____________10. Structuralism is the term used that believes that it is a “must” that the human should
be part of a big structure.

III. Completion
Direction: Complete the table by defining the following terms in ONE SENTENCE ONLY.
Concept Definition
1. Social Science
2. Economics
3. Geography
4. Political Science
5. Sociology
6. Anthropology
7. History

IV. Essay
1. What do you think are the consequences of gender inequality in the Philippine society?5pts
2. Do you think theory of Human-Environment System would be able to address or solve the environmental
issue in our country?5pts
3. Which of the approaches discussed do you think is no longer relevant in today’s world? Why?10pts.

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