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Online customers are arguing the determination of price factor based on online
business. The basic idea for buying products and getting online services has some hidden
cost savings. The research work is done with the investigations done through the customer
motivations for purchasing goods online. The factors that claim to influence the specific
process of online purchasing procedures and different studies on the same relevant topic.
The definite changes have been observed by the availability of Internet services. Online
shopping methods are dominating the traditional shopping methods. The E-commerce
platform is providing various opportunities to build up a business from staying at home.
Consumer behaviour also affects business for both online and traditional perspective. Some
of the behavioural characteristics also depend on the market done on the e-commerce
Factors which are also affecting the consumer attitude for an online shopping method are
security and privacy. Some other factors have been identified in the literature review
section. Different approach established with several types of ability to collect the price
information from the online services. The initial model provided with also affects the various
kinds of resource limitation, which is managed by building up the buying motivations
generated from the online customers. The price factor is considered to be the most
motivating factor for the people who mostly use online transaction methods. The
establishment of the initial model generates a relationship based on the elements of
security and trust. The model made by the actions of price creates a strong relationship
among e-commerce platforms and online consumers. There is a vast range of benefits
available by using E-commerce platforms. From the traditional point of view, products have
to search for through the shops. There are many exciting offers available for online shoppers
and accepting the several discounts offered through these services.
1.0 Introduction
Internet service is providing revolutionary changes in the shopping world. E-
Commerce is also increasing at a high rate for replacing the traditional shopping process. All
kinds of benefits, like home-based services, are provided for online shopping rather than
traditional shopping. The promotional activities are better in online shopping rather than
the traditional way. The consumer may also get many kinds of discounts through online
shopping. The unique style for online shopping is that there is no need for a physical store to
sell their products. The specific motivation theory reflects the satisfaction of the customer.
There are a large number of competitors present in the online shopping markets for selling
their products and services. The rapid growth of internet users also increases online
shopping traditions. The online shopping process is considered to be an easy way of buying
products and services in the daily busy life. In the last few years, the taste of the consumers
has changed due to the rapid growth and online technologies.
The best solution is an online shopping in today's world without wasting any time. The
system of trade and commerce has also become a very diversified channel for connecting
the business throughout the world. The increase and decrease of the commercial business
created a large impact on the economy of the specific country. Every online trading
business is networked with each other. The detailed information of the product is displayed
on the online website of the Company. Therefore the customers can choose as per their
tastes. Customers can explore different products through online stores by sitting at home
only. The choices of the customers have also diversified due to the availability of the
According to a survey, the e-commerce market has a worth 3 trillion dollar market in the
year 2019. The positive trend has been seen in raising the market for online shopping. The
expected growth of e-commerce business in 2020 is expected to be 4 trillion businesses. The
trend is increasing every year due to the reliability services provided to the customers. The
factor of customer satisfaction has also increased the profitability margin of this business.
The factors which motivate customer behaviour for online shopping based on the capability
of information seeking and social interaction. The increase in the speed of procurement will
also be able to increase online activities. The combination effect of dome kinds of
behavioural effects is generated through some ethical and technical issues. Online business
has some of the customer perceptions, which is mostly generated through the experience in
this field. The specific online shopping behaviours are created due to the research problems
based on online shopping. The better understanding and behaviour is generated through
the services provided by the e-commerce services.
The important factors on which online shopping is based on the issues of various pricing
theory. Some pricing strategies are involved and used by the Companies to sell their
business and services. The pricing effects also create a great impact on the minds of the
customers through various kinds of advertisement of products. The pricing strategies for
online shopping are different from the traditional way of shopping. The benefits provided
for the customers using online shopping facilities are different from the traditional shopping
procedures. The price search is considered to be the dependent value.
The different number of customers can choose their own way of transaction payment
method for buying the products and services. The vast way of methods generated for the
payments procedures creates customer satisfaction. The perception of online shopping by
customers is very good due to the services and branded products delivered to customers.
There are also various technical factors involved in predominant the choices of the
customers. The method of accepting the payments from the customers is unique and
secured. The online transaction and also cash on delivery is also available for the Customers.
The choice of the customers has many options for their comfort zone. Some of the
competitor's offerings have some of the fundamental advantages as compared to traditional
capabilities. The prices of the traditional approach are mainly fixed, and qualities vary from
one place to another. But in online shopping, the products and services provided have
equality and same price control.
2.0 Literature review (given)_
3.0 Research questions_
The research of online shopping is done by following some questionnaires. These
questionnaires were asked to people who use internet technology for shopping. In this
research, the survey which is done has followed some objectives,
● Facilities of online shopping
● Factors that are motivating consumers to buy through online shopping.
● To know the buying concept that consumers follow for online shopping
● To find out which motivating factors are affecting consumers for online shopping
These few objectives are the main facts that need to be found out in this research. The
research so promotes the facility of online shopping, with its advantages and disadvantages.
However, a large marketing area is working in the background for servicing the best to the
consumers through online technology (Abayi & Khoshtinat, 2016). Application development
and other developing factors of the market are included in it, creating a vast demand for
For conducting this research, a survey has been done to find out the objectives goals, and in
the survey, few questionnaires have been used to know better about online shopping. For a
better understanding of online shopping, consumers' opinions have been used for making
an accurate analysis of this subject. Every age person is used as samples for gaining the
opinion, and the answers have been recorded (Zamzuri et al. 2018). Few questioning
examples are given below that are usually used for survey procedure.
1. Do you think a better product is available in traditional offline shops than online
shopping sites?
2. Do you think online shopping sites charge more than the offline market?
3. Do you prefer online shopping sites that are secure and safe for buying products?
These questionnaires are used to ask people about online shopping concepts. The questions
helped the research to know more beer of online shopping experience by the people (Pauzi
et al. .2017) The online shopping motivation source can be identified through this survey
questions. The survey opinions from people regarding the questions have even been boring
in a report, and that is analyzed here in this report. According to the report, various facts
came about online shopping, and that is described herein the report in detail. Online
technology has been described in this study report so that a brief description can be made
about online shopping.
The case of online fraud marketing nowadays is a common fact. It is also asked by question
form, to the consumers. This helped the researchers to understand better about the
negative side of online shopping. This negative side review is also taken in the survey report
to understand in more depth about the online shopping sites. This negative side effect is
required in this research to evaluate the negative impact of online shopping sites.
In some cases, few people were unknown to the fact of using online technology for online
shopping. There is a short description provided to them about the subject, and it’s utility.
This has also been used to note down so that in the report output, it is also mentioned that
home many people are not aware of online shopping utility. For that reason, few common
questions are there in this questionnaires method,
1. What is your age?
2. Do you shop through online websites?
3. Do you use the internet?
4. How many times do you use the internet in a day?
These questions are usually used to ask people to filter those who do not use online
technology. In the survey method there several people found who do not use online
shopping sites for buying products. They believe in traditional shopping (Singh & Matsui,
2018). Also on this survey, their opinion about online shopping has been taken, that
describes some tactful matter of online shopping. Internet utility for online shopping is a
good use of this technology, and it is a change in the modern world of marketing. In the
research, it has also been described that the era of shopping has been changed or it can be
said it has improved in some factors. But it is still a debate after much research, that online
shopping is not the development of the shopping industry (Lissitsa & Kol, 2016).
4.0 Current Insights
In a book, the journal describe that in the modern world, of online shopping, the
development of these sectors is still needed. Many more issues are there which need
development. Online security of payment is missing on various websites. Except for some
global popular websites, there is still a matter of payment issue. Delivering products at the
right time is the issue nowadays of online shopping and at this is required to make
improvements (Wahab et al. 2018) Still in the current situation of online technology utility,
some people do not feel secure and trust in online shopping websites. The online companies
have not yet reached the full requirements of the consumers' needs. Few factors are there
to improve this situation,
Chatbots Category of

Figure 1: Needs of Customers

(Source: Self-Created)
● Product Visualization - in many cases, it has been seen that the product description
is not enough or might have wrong information which creates misunderstanding in
consumer thoughts. Incorrect information about products and fewer depth details of
the products makes wrong item selling (Hwang, Lin & Shin, 2018). It needs to be
improved. Providing detailed information about the product and with meth user’s
review affects the consumer thinking and also creates a positive impact on the
consumer mind (Bretschneider & Leimeister, 2017). Visualization of products makes
a positive vibe in consumers that attract them to buy the item.
● Implementation of Artificial Intelligence- AI implementation in online websites is a
creative concept, and it is required in the current situation of the market. Through
the help of AI technology in the website, the algorithm of this programmed can read
all the behaviour of consumer and thinkings of the products (Noh et al.2017) This
will help the economy to analyze e more about the demand for the product, which
product is in demand. Various technologies need to be implemented in this situation
to know more about user behaviour and what consumers do need in tehmarjet at
this situation. Analysis of consumer needs and requirements can be easily identified
through this AI programming implementation.
● Category of product filtering - Product filtering is very necessary for online shopping
sites. It makes an easy path to guide the consumer for the requirement. Product
filtering is sometimes available in programming for and in option form. The function
is the same to make a filter of the product requirement for consumers. But
programming AI makes it automatically. That means this programming can judge the
requirements that consumers are looking for.
● Chatbots - This is also programming that represents the default store tracker, just
like the storekeeper in traditional shops (Quita & Nugroho, 2019). Through the
feature help, the consumer can easily find out the product on the basis of
requirement. Related basis products are shown sometimes, which marked the
consumer more comfortable to choose among the products.
● Delivery System - delivery service of online colonies, is an attractive feature for the
consumer to gain attention regarding products. At the current situation of online
shopping, companies are providing one-day delivery facilities, and in some
developing countries, they are trying to make it faster with the drone delivery
facility. Therefore this facility is required for companies to serve best to consumers.
5.0 Methodology
The process of identifying the initial model is related to the factor of interest
generated by the customers. A Different number of factors generated with security, price
and trust factors based on the literature review. The definite relationship established
between these types of factors based on online shopping. The specific proposed test
generated with some of the ethics approved by the e-commerce platform. The proposed
test model is based on the online e-business provided by the surveys of their responses. The
primary aim of validating the research work from the specific factors based on motivating or
demotivating the consumers from buying through online shopping.
Research approaches
The number of alternative models used to regard the specific price variable and also
online customer behaviour (Yuan, Lin & Zhuo, 2016). The researchers used the pilot studies
for the process of reviewing the collection of data instruments. The communication problem
can be identified and also be corrected before using the instruments. The random samples
are taken from different industries and shoppers around the world. The email has been sent
to the respondents for the process of sampling approach. The help from the business
community has been taken for receiving the information from the respondents (Maqhfiroh
& Prihandono, 2019). The samples have been determined with the help of using several
multivariate techniques like "statistical power analysis”.
Research method
The research is based on quantitative research and uses secondary sources of data
for analyzing the concept of the research. There are some of the key factors generated in
online shopping behaviours. The main study is based on various characteristics of online
shopping and also customer purchase behaviour (Herawati et al. .2019). The participants
around the world are surveyed in different perspectives through various stores. From this
survey, it has been found that online customer behaviour has mostly affected due to the
services and products and many kinds of security perception also. The main complex was
established due to the initial research model, which has been proposed in specific five
attributes through the online sites (Muhammad et al.2018) From this information, the
hypothesis is normally generated. The impact of the specific transaction frequency and
consumer trust is generated by the multi-dimensional research work. The result of the
research work has the ability to generate the behaviour of the online customer. Online
buying behaviour is tested through the process of trust-building strategies. The test
examines the trust effects of the online customer’s willingness to buy the product or not.
This will validate the process of collecting various data from the respondents around the
world. The customers of online shopping frequently use internet services for comparing the
services and different price opportunities. There are also some of the factors which
influence the online price of products and services available. The path relation also
perceives some of the benefits and motivations based on using the price model.
Research Design
This case study shows in some of the subsections which have different ways
displaying the issues of online shopping and the price factor. The major contribution done
for the research is the stages of the methodology itself. Research designs have some of the
similarities and various types of a systematic process of answering the questions and also
reporting various outcomes. The identification of main entities, properties and identities are
established in the area of online shopping. The main time resource which is available for this
study is considered to be very limited. The content of the research work also has to be
decreased to meet the completion in the fixed period of time. The intention of the
researcher is to follow the established path in the field research but present among the
resource constraints. The model generated is normally operational zed by the use of
surveying instruments which includes Questionnaire. The survey will be done on the sample
of online shoppers. The sequence of the research and made of designs are specified. There
are some of the key factors generated in online shopping behaviours. The main study is
based on various characteristics of online shopping and also customer purchase behaviour.
Data collection method
The data is to be collected from the information based on the customers using
primary research. The secondary data has been collected from the source of the library of
IIMA and a few Journals, Magazines. Some of the information is also collected from
attending seminars and conferences. The main instrument which is used for this survey is a
structured questionnaire used for collecting the primary data. The various numbers of
responses received and measured through the use of a nominal scale and also through a
Likert scale. Therefore the nature of the data is quantitative. The number of questionnaires
collected is also pre-tested before the final use.
Journals Magazines

Figure 2: Instruments used in Surveys

(Source: Self-created)
Research ethics
The research is conducted with the following rules and regulations to justify moral
and ethical principles. This will help the researcher to use other research papers as well as
development in the field of research. The researcher uses Google scholar as the main source
of information to be gathered in the desired field of online shopping. However, the research
is based on primary methods, but those online articles help the researcher to step up in its
research with quality improvement in online shopping patterns. Moreover, the researcher
follows all principles and standards that are needed to be done in conducting research with
the help of previous adopted research.

6.0 Data Analysis

Data analysis of this research has been done according to the output report of the
survey, which is done earlier for identifying consumer demand. The data information is all
analysed in the form of graphical and chart output files. That produces a report which can
be used in further requirement of research.

Demographic Distribution
The number of respondents is categorized with the age groups between 20 to 40
years. The survey has been taken from the random sample. The people with online shopping
methods have conducted a survey taken within two weeks. There are a high number of
respondents which have been analyzed through online shopping websites. SEM mainly uses
the model to link between the variables and the indicators for the specific structural studies
generated through a theoretical model.
Frequenc Percent Valid Cumulative
y Percent Percent
1 52 61.9 61.9 61.9
Valid 2 32 38.1 38.1 100.0
Total 84 100.0 100.0

Frequenc Percent Valid Cumulative
y Percent Percent
1 20 23.8 24.4 24.4
2 24 28.6 29.3 53.7
3 38 45.2 46.3 100.0
Total 82 97.6 100.0
Missing System 2 2.4
Total 84 100.0

Use of internet
Frequenc Percent Valid Cumulative
y Percent Percent
1 62 73.8 75.6 75.6
Valid 2 20 23.8 24.4 100.0
Total 82 97.6 100.0
Missing System 2 2.4
Total 84 100.0

Frequenc Percent Valid Cumulative
y Percent Percent
1 60 71.4 73.2 73.2
Valid 2 22 26.2 26.8 100.0
Total 82 97.6 100.0
Missing System 2 2.4
Total 84 100.0
Table 1: Frequency
(Source: SPSS)
The variables of demographic factors have been accessed by the data view for entering the
data view. The use of online websites by the respondents has a frequency from 60 to 82.
The valid percentile is to be used with 73.2 per cent. The cumulative per cent is 73.2 and for
second frequency are 26.8. The use of the internet by the respondents is 75.6 for the valid
percentile. The user can access the data by entering the values of each variable. The
cumulative frequency for the age respondents is 53.7. The Cumulative percentile for the
three frequencies is a total of 100. The second frequency is 20, for which percentile results
in 45.2.

Case Processing Summary

Included Excluded Total
N Percent N Percent N Percent
onlinewebsites *
82 97.6% 2 2.4% 84 100.0%
onlinewebsites *
72 85.7% 12 14.3% 84 100.0%
onlinewebsites *
82 97.6% 2 2.4% 84 100.0%
onlinewebsites *
82 97.6% 2 2.4% 84 100.0%

Table 2: Mean
(Source: SPSS)
There is a dependent list which contains the continuous numeric variables which are to be
analyzed. The mean calculation of online shopping per cent is 97.6%. The traditional shop's
per cent estimates to be 2.4%. The online shopping products also estimate to be 97.6%
details taken from the respondents. The independent lists are also present in the calculation
of the mean. All the independent variables are likely to depend on these dependent
variables for mean calculation. The trustworthy percentile depends on the 82 respondents,
which has a per cent of 97.6%. The mean calculations are used to compare with various
layers of production that are used in the Split File Technique. This procedure is mainly used
in Descriptive statistics.

Variables Entered/Removeda
Mode Variables Variables Method
l Entered Removed
1 s, . Enter
a. Dependent Variable: Productprices
b. All requested variables entered.

Model Summary
Mode R R Square Adjusted R Std. Error of
l Square the Estimate
1 .894a .799 .790 .207
a. Predictors: (Constant), trustworthy, onlineservices,

Model Sum of df Mean F Sig.
Squares Square
Regression 11.544 3 3.848 90.209 .000b
1 Residual 2.901 68 .043
Total 14.444 71
a. Dependent Variable: Productprices
b. Predictors: (Constant), trustworthy, onlineservices, Shoppingreliable

Table 3: Regression
(Source: SPSS)
The study is based on the multiple regressions which are based on the performance of
attendance and gender category. The Annova Test is conducted to carry out the multiple
regression process. The interpretation of results is estimated to be reported by several
results. The variations in the total exam performance can be explained with several types of
relative contribution, which is explained by the variance process. The Sum of Squares for the
regression is 11.544, and the mean square is 3.848. Here the dependent variable taken is
product prices and other variables like trustworthy and online services are independent

Descriptive Statistics
N Minimu Maximu Mean Std.
m m Deviation
82 1 2 1.29 .458
82 1 2 1.15 .356
productdelivery 82 1 2 1.12 .329
82 1 4 1.82 1.008
82 1 4 1.82 1.008
Valid N

Table 4: Descriptive
(Source: SPSS)
The sample of the respondents has taken for N=82. This will be created to compare the
means with two specific layers of the averages of factors described above. The maximum
mean value is 1.82, and the standard deviation is 1.008. The reliable shopping strength is 82
and a minimum deviation value estimated to be 0.329. The other factors generated for the
82 respondents are product delivery factors and online shopping factors. The dependent
variable is mainly measured on the specific ordinal variables, which also includes Likert
items. The ranking of these kinds of categories is also explained by liking and disliking of the
products and services.

7.0 Conclusion
The study report of this research has explained the matter of online shopping and its
utility factors. The research analysis is based on a survey report which has been conducted
among people who use online shopping usually. Survey method is a part of this research
that is conducted to evaluate the consumer opinion regarding the fact of online shopping. In
the survey method, a questionnaire has been followed to understand the requirement of
consumers regarding online shopping better. It is very important in this research to find out
the objectives that are made earlier in this research report. The analysis has been made
based on this survey report, and the details are described according to the opinion of the
consumers. Various types of questioning are made to consumers who use online shopping
and are reported in the research. The whole research is based on the property method. That
means the data and information is collected directly from the consumer needs. Vast analysis
has been made in their research to conduct the whole procedure. No other secondary or
journal data has been used in this research to continue the report. The study's main motive
is to find out the objectives that are made at the beginning of the report. Finding all the
objectives of this research study will make a proper outcome through the whole Metric.
Survey procedure is also a part of this research that describes the source of information.
The motivational factors are described in this report that is directly affecting the consumers
to buy products through online shopping sites. The motivational factors are also
encouraging the online companies to serve the best concept to the consumers, about the
products. In detail, it had been described in the research report that how the colonies scan
better performs through consumer needs. Various technology implementations have been
mentioned that is related to the improvement of online shopping. Requirements of
products are easier these days as using the programming features in online websites.
The output of this respect has described the usage of online shopping. In the research
output, it has been detailed how much people trust in the services of online shopping. Many
more factors have been described regarding online services through people's opinion.
Graphical analysis has been made for a better understanding of the requirement of products
through online sites. The factors that are making a positive vibe in consumers have been
described well in the report outcome. All the data and information that is analyzed here in
this report has been done on the basis of the survey research report. Every age of people
has been used in this research so that the use of online shopping can be identified better.
This report analysis can be used in further research wherever it is required. In some
situations and cases, this report outcome can be used to improve the online service of
companies. Consumer analysis for requirements and products need has been down in this
research. The data and information theory graphical presentation, in this research, is an
important analysis which can be sued in various future research requirements.
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Appendix 1:

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