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Ipv6 Fundamental By Subham Sen

Topics Covered

• 1) Ipv6 address format

• 2) Global Ip prefix,subnet,interface id part
• 3) Type of ipv6 addresses (global,link local)
• 4) Ipv6 packet format
• 5) Link local EUI64
• 6) RA details
• 7) Manual,Stateful Dhcp,Stateless dhcp,Slaac
• 8) DAD and Solicited multicast
• 9) Neighbor discovery
• 10) Prefix delegation
Ipv6 address format

• Ipv6 address consists of 128 bits

• 128 bits are divided into 8 groups(Hextet) and
separated by “:” symbol
• Each group has 4 hexadecimal value
• In Ipv6 consecutive 0 s can be replaced
• By :: sign but for only 1 consecutive 0s
2001:abcd:0000:0000:0000:0003:0000:001b can be replaced with
2001:abcd::3:0:1b but not 2001:abcd::3::1b
Another example is 2005:abcd:0000:0000:0001:0000:0000:0005 can be replaced with
either 2005:abcd::1:0:0:5 or 2005:abcd:0:0:1::5 . Note: only leading 0s can be omitted not trailing like b000 cant be b it has to be
3 b000
Global Ip prefix,subnet,interface id part

• Ipv6 global routable unicast address

range is 2000 to 3FFF of first Hextet


Link local address and EUI64

Device MAC address is 00-04-56-AF-03-E0.Link local address prefix is fe80::/10. So address is made by fe80::+64 bits of mac address
E400-AF03E0(config)# sh ipv6 int br
VLAN1 3001:abcd:0:15:204:56ff:feaf:3e0 64 00 global (Global address)
VLAN1 fe80::204:56ff:feaf:3e0 64 c8 link (Link local addrress)

Ipv6 packet format

Solicited multicast addresses

List of well known multicast address:-

• ff02::1: All IPv6 devices

• ff02::2: All IPv6 routers

• ff02::5: All OSPFv3 routers

• ff02:16: mld report

Solicited Multicast address:-

A Solicited-Node multicast address is created by taking the

last 24 bits of a unicast or anycast address and

appending them to the prefix ff02::1:ff00:0/104

Ipv6 Ra details and a typical ipv6 deployment scenario


Ra packet is heart of Ipv6 network. Ra packets are sent by router periodically and also is triggered by an Ipv6 capable client.
RS packet is sent from a client to get RA packet in response.
In RA packets following Flags and options are most Important.
M- Managed , O – Other , A- Autonomous
Prefix- It Gives the information of prefix part of the network.
RA’s link local address is taken as default gateway if it has non zero Router Lifetime value. In below example
Router lifetime is 1800 seconds so it is eligible to be a default gateway.

Client will install this RA’s link local address as default gateway i.e fe80::66d154ff:fe13:7ae4

Manual Ipv6 address configuration

• It is manual configuration of ipv6 address and does not depend on RA’s flags to operate

• E400-AF03E0(config-vlan-25)# ipv6 address 3001:abcd:0:25::10 64

• E400-AF03E0(config-vlan-25)# save

• To install default gateway and dns configuration

E400-AF03E0(config)# ipv6 route default 3001:abcd:0:25::1

E400-AF03E0(config)# save

For Dns configuration

E400-AF03E0(config)# ipv6 name-server 2001:4860:4860::8888

E400-AF03E0(config)# save

Dynamic IP address configuration – SLAAC(Stateless Address Autoconfiguration)

• In SLAAC client configures its IPV6 address on its own after receiving

prefix information.

• For SLAAC below should be the combination in RA packet

M= 0, O= 0, A= 1

Dynamic IP address configuration – DHCPV6 Stateful

• In Dhcpv6 stateless clients gets prefix information from RA and it configures it own Ipv6 address.

• DNS information is received from an dhcpv6 server

• M-1, O-1,A-0 this should be the combination in RA which will decide

that Ip addressing

Should be stateful DHCPV6.DNS ,Ip address will be received from an external dhcp server.


DHCPv6 stateful
Dynamic IP address configuration- Stateless DHCPv6

• In this mode client learns gateway from RA .

• Derive ip address automatically after receiving prefix information from RA but gets DNS

• Information from external DHCPV6 server

• Flags in the RA will be M-0,O-1,A-1

Duplicate address Detection (DAD)

• Duplicate address detection is an Ipv6 implementation of Gratuitous ARP. Its use is to find out uniqueness of the Ip

• DAD has to be performed for link local, Global address both. DAD is mandatory for all Dynamic and manual IP configuration.

• A NS (Neighbor solicitation) packet is sent to the solicited multicast address. This solicited multicast address is derived from

• Target IP address which the client is trying to install for using as Link Local or Global Unicast address.

• If there is no NA(neighbor advertisement ) for a particular timeout then the IP will be used.

• In the example client wants to use 3001:abcd:0:35:945d:305:1819:3c01 so solicited multicast will be ff02::1:ff+last 6 bytes of

• address. That is ff02::1::ff19:3c01

Neighbor Discovery (ICMPV6 ND Discovery)

• ICMPV6 neighbor discovery is replacement of ARP protocol of IPV4.

• To find the mac address of destination device a NS(Neighbor Solicitation) message is sent to solicited multicast address

• A client with matching target Ip address will respond with a unicast NA(Neighbor advertisement)


14 NA
Prefix delegation (Replacement of NAT)



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