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Construction of Underpass at Kubernagar by Retaining Wall Method

Construction of Railway Under Bridge


Item Item of Work Qty. Rate Unit Amount

No. in Rs. in Rs.


1 Box Pushing 60 255140 RMT. 15308400.00

1 Excavation for foundation in sand, gravel, clay, soft soils &
murrum including sorting, strutting & dewatering and
disposing the stuff as directed for Return walls, U-walls,
Sump for water collection & box below bridge portion.
a) 0.0 to 3.0 m. depth 8190 136 Cu.m. 1113840.00

b) 3.0 to 6.0 m. depth 6027 158 Cu.m. 952266.00

c) 6.0 to 9.0 m. depth 2048 174 Cu.m. 356352.00
2 Providing and casting in situ controlled cement concrete
M-25 for RCC returns & U-Type walls including form work,
vibrating, curing complete.
a) 0.0 to 5.0 m. depth 377 4444 Cu.m. 1675388.00

b) 5.0 to 10.0 m. depth 2844 4515 Cu.m. 12840660.00

SOR FOR ROAD & BIDGE WORK , I-64+215*1, P-160
3 Providing and laying in position TMT Fe 415 reinforcement
conforming to IS 1786 including cutting, bending, hooking and
tying complete as per detailed drawings for retaining walls,
U-walls, box below bridge & bridge. 257.68 43412.5 MT 11186533.00
As Per RA
4 Providing and casting in situ ordinary cement concrete M-15
for RCC Return walls and U-walls as levelling course, sump
for water collection & below PCC M-25 on slope portion
between returns including form work, vibrating, curing
complete. 410 3179 Cu.m. 1303390.00
SOR FOR ROAD & BIDGE WORK , I-52+215*1, P-156
Total Rs. 4,47,36,829.00
Project: Construction of Railway Underpass
(B) Quantity Calculations

Item No. Description Nos. Length Width Height Quantity

1 Excavation For
(A) 0.0 to 3.0 m
0 to 30 m return 2 30 10.5 3 1890 Cu.m.
30 to 80 m return 2 50 10.5 3 3150 Cu.m.
80 to 130 m return 2 50 10.5 3 3150 Cu.m.
Total Qty.= 8190 Cu.m.
Say= 8190 Cu.m.

(B) 3.0 to 6.0 m

0 to 30 m return 2 30 10.5 0.15 94.5 Cu.m.
30 to 80 m return 2 50 10.5 2.65 2782.5 Cu.m.
80 to 130 m return 2 50 10.5 3 3150 Cu.m.
Total Qty.= 6027 Cu.m.
Say= 6027 Cu.m.

(C) 6.0 to 9.0 m

80 to 130 m return 2 50 10.5 1.95 2047.5 Cu.m.
Total Qty.= 2047.5 Cu.m.
Say= 2048 Cu.m.

2 R.C.C. M-25 grade

for returns & U-Type
(A) 0.0 to 5.0 m
0 to 30 m return 2 30 10.5 0.4 252 Cu.m.
4 30 0.4 2.6 124.8 Cu.m.
Total Qty.= 376.8 Cu.m.
Say= 377 Cu.m.
(B) 5.0 to 10.0 m
30 to 80 m return 2 50 10.5 0.6 630 Cu.m.
4 50 0.45 4.9 441 Cu.m.
80 to 130 m return 2 50 10.5 0.9 945 Cu.m.
4 50 0.6 6.9 828 Cu.m.
Total Qty.= 2844 Cu.m.
Say= 2844 Cu.m.

3 Reinforcement for
returns, U-walls,
Box Below Bridge &
Bridge TMT Fe 415
1 30160 30160 Kg.

47296113.xls 2Qty Calculations

Project: Construction of Railway Underpass
(B) Quantity Calculations

Item No. Description Nos. Length Width Height Quantity

1 227520 227520 Kg.
Total Qty.= 257680 Kg.
Say= 257680 Kg.

4 P.C.C M-15 grade

concrete for
Levelling course
below return walls,
U-walls & Below
PCC M-25 for road

0 to 30 m return 2 30 10.5 0.15 94.5 Cu.m.

30 to 80 m return 2 50 10.5 0.15 157.5 Cu.m.
80 to 130 m return 2 50 10.5 0.15 157.5 Cu.m.
Total Qty.= 409.5 Cu.m.
Say= 410 Cu.m.

47296113.xls 3Qty Calculations

( C ) Rate analysis for Complete Item of box Pushing :

Item No -1: Box By Push Through Method

Single Box
L= 60 m.
Inside ht.= 3.5 m.
Clear Span = 8 m.
Th. of top slab = 0.8 m.
Th. of bottom slab = 0.8 m.
Th. of side wall = 0.5 m.
Haunch 0.15m x 0.15m


A Quantity : 1076.7 cum

Amount 1076.7 x 3380 = 3639246.00 Rs.

B TMT Steel for box

1076.7 x 125 kg/m3 134588 kg

Amount 134.59 x 37750 = 5080678.13 Rs.

C Total length of Box Pushing = 60 mt

Provide 8 equal segement of 7.500 mt

Length of Thrust bed = 10.0 Size of Pocket = 0.50m x 0.50m x 0.60m

Width of Thrust bed = 10.0 No of pocket = 56 nos

Thickness of Thrust bed = 0.9

Length of Thrust Wall = 10.0

Avg Width of Thrust Wall = 1.50

Height of Thrust Wall = 3.0

Quantity of Thurst bed = 10.0 x 10.0 x 0.9

-( 0.5 x 0.5 x 0.6 )x 56

= 90 - 8.4

= 81.60

Quantity of Thurst wall = 10.0 x 3.0 x 1.50

45.00 cum

Total Quantity for Thurst bed +Thurst wall

= 81.60 + 45.00

= 126.60 cum

Concrete grade for Thrust Bed and Thrust wall = M 25

Amount = 126.60 x 3015 = 381699.00 Rs.

D TMT reinforcement for Thrustwall and thrust wall

126.60 x 115 kg/m3 14559 kg

Amount 14.559 x 37750 = 549602.25 Rs.

E Excavation within box = 9.0 x 5.1 x 60.0

= 2754 cum

Amount = 2754 x 100 = 275400.00 Rs.

47296113.xls 4Rate Analysis Box Pushing

F Excavation for Thrustwall and thrust wall

Depth of excavation 2 + 5.100 + 0.9 = 8.00 mt

Width of excavation @ bottom = 10.0 + 1.00 = 11.0 mt

Width of excavation @ top = 11.0 + 8.00 + 8.00 = 15 mt

----------------- -----------------
4 4

Length of excavation @ bottom = 10.0 + 1.00 = 11.0 mt

Width of excavation @ top = 11.0 + 8.00 + 8.00 = 15.00 mt

----------------- -----------------
4 4
Qty of excavation for thrust bed =
( 11.0 x 11.0 + 15.00 x 15.00 )
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- x 8.00

= 1384.00 cum

Say = 1384 cum

= 1384 x 50

= 69200.00 Rs.

G Qty to be Refilled after completion of pushing work

10% of Qty of excavation for thrust bed

0.1 x 1384.00

= 138.40 cum

Say 139 cum

Amount = 139 x 25 = 3475.00 Rs.

H Carting of surplus earth = (( 1384 - 139 ) + 2754 x 1.5

= 5998.50

Say = 5999 cum

Amount = 5999 x 75 = 449925.00 Rs.

I Necessary structural steel for front shild rear shild,sliding channels,jacking pins jacking rings,spacers etc.

Amount = 15 Ton x 44200 = 663000.00 Rs.

J Epoxy coating between boxes and @ top of boxes

((( 9.0 x 5.1 ) - ( 8 x 3.5 ) ) x ( 7 x2+ 2

+ 60 x 9 ) x2

1652.8 Sqmt

Amount = 1652.8 x 250 = 413200.00 Rs.

K Grouting
( 9 + 5.1 ) x 2 x 7

197.4 Rmt

Amount = 197.4 x 300 = 59220.00 Rs.

L Labour for pushing 60 x 20000 = 1200000.00 Rs.

M Hydraulic oil = 100 liter x 80 = 8000.00 Rs.

N Hydraulic pipe = 60 Rmt x 500 = 30000.00 Rs.

O Generator Rent Total working days 75 for pushing

75 days x 500 Rs/ day = 37500.00 Rs.

47296113.xls 5Rate Analysis Box Pushing

P Generator diesel = 8 hr x 4 lit/hr x 75 day x 40 Rs

= 96000.00 Rs.

Q Labour for packing gang = 5 labour x 100 x 75

= 37500.00 Rs.

R Depriciation cost of jacks-lump sum 50000.00 Rs.

S Less recovery of structural steel used = 7 x 10000 Rs./MT

70000.00 Rs.

Total cost of box cost/Rmt/box

A M 350 concrete for box 3639246.00 60654.10
B Steel for box 5080678.13 84677.97
C M 30 for thrust bed and thrust wall 381699.00 6361.65
D TMT Fe 415 steel for thrust bed and thrust wall 549602.25 9160.04
E Excavation within box 275400.00 4590.00
F Excavation for thrust bed and thrust wall 69200.00 1153.33
G Refilling 3475.00 57.92
H Carting of extra earth 449925.00 7498.75
I Structural steel for front shield, rear shield
Sliding channels, jacking rig, jacking pins, spacers etc. 663000.00 11050.00
J Epoxy painting on top, sides between segment of boxes 413200.00 6886.67
K Grouting 59220.00 987.00
L Labour for pushing 1200000.00 20000.00
M Hydraulic Oil 8000.00 133.33
N Hydraulic pipe 30000.00 500.00
O Rent for generator set 37500.00 625.00
P Generator diesel 96000.00 1600.00
Q Labour for pushing gang 37500.00 625.00
R Depriciation cost of jacks 50000.00 833.33
S Less recovery of structural steel used -70000.00 -1166.67
12973645.38 216227.42
add 3% Design charges 389209.36 6486.82
add 15 % contractor profit 1946046.81 32434.11
Total cost of box 15308901.54 255148.36

Cost/rmt 255148.4 Rs/rmt Say 255140 Rs/rmt

47296113.xls 6Rate Analysis Box Pushing

(D) Rate analysis for box Pushing works:

Basic rates for different materials used:

Cement 215 Rs./bag

Sand 200 Rs./Cum

Aggregates 600 Rs./Cum

H.Y.S.D. reinforcement 35000 Rs./MT

T.M.T. Fe 415 reinforcement 35000 Rs./MT

Structural steel 38000 Rs./MT

Shuttering 150 Rs./Sqm

Tools & plants for concreting works 50 Rs./Cum

Miscellaneous for concreting works 10 Rs./Cum

Curing for concreting works 20 Rs./Cum

M-35 Grade concrete for box (Controlled concrete)

Cement 10 bag x 215 = 2150

Sand 0.5 x 200 = 100
Aggregates 1 x 600 = 600
Labour charges for Pouring = 150
T&P = 50
Curing = 20
Shuttering 2 x 150 = 300
Miscellaneous = 10

Total 3380

Add 0 % Contractors profit and overhead charges 0

Grand Total= 3380 Rs./Cum

TMT Fe415 Reinforcement for box

Basic Rate 35000

Wastage 500
Binding wire 250
Labour charges 2000

Total 37750

Add 0 % Contractors profit and overhead charges 0

47296113.xls 7RA For Pushing work

Grand Total= 37750 Rs./MT

M-25 Grade concrete for thrust bed & thrust wall (Controlled concrete)

Cement 9 bag x 215 = 1935

Sand 0.5 x 200 = 100
Aggregates 1 x 600 = 600
Labour charges for Pouring = 150
T&P = 50
Curing = 20
Shuttering 1 x 150 = 150
Miscellaneous = 10

Total 3015

Add 0 % Contractors profit and overhead charges 0

Grand Total= 3015 Rs./Cum

Structural Steel Work

Basic Rate 38000

Wastage @ 5% 1900
Transportation 300
Labour charges 4000

Total 44200

Add 0 % Contractors profit and overhead charges 0

Grand Total= 44200 Rs./MT

47296113.xls 8RA For Pushing work

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