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Std. No.

Rev. No. 0
HSE PLAN Rev. Date December 2019


Std. No. :

Rev. No. : 0

Rev. Date. : December, 3rd, 2019

Effective Date. : December, 3rd, 2019

Department. : HSE Dept.

Prepared by Reviewed by Approved by

Signature Luky Fresly JS Kim

Date Nov 28th, 2019 Dec 1st, 2019 Dec 3rd, 2019
Std. No. HMS-AJ-103-ANJU-02
Rev. No. 0
HSE PLAN Rev. Date December 2019

Revision Control Table.

Rev. Date Rev. No. Description of Revision. Remarks.

Std. No. HMS-AJ-103-ANJU-02
Rev. No. 0
HSE PLAN Rev. Date December 2019

Table of Contents.

No. Contents.
Revision Control Table.
Table of Contents.
1. Purpose.
2. Scope.
3. Responsibility.
3.1 Project Manager.
3.2 Project HSE Manager.
3.3 Project HSE Officers.
3.4 Sub-contractors and Vendors.
4. Definitions.
4.1 HSE Management.
4.2 Safety.
4.3 Environment.
5. Instructions.
5.1 Project Policy Statements and Objectives.
5.2 Project HSE Organization.
5.3 Statutory and Contractual Obligations.
5.4 Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment.
5.5 HSE Management of Sub-Contractors.
5.6 Health, Safety and Environment Committee.
5.7 HSE Information and Training.
5.8 Communication and Reporting.
5.9 HSE Instruction and Supervision.
5.10 Emergency Response Procedure.
5.11 First Aid.
5.12 Environmental Control.
5.13 HSE Inspection and Audit.
5.14 Public Safety and Site Security.
5.15 HSE Project Construction Manual (Safe Working Procedures).
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HSE PLAN Rev. Date December 2019

Table of Contents.

No. Contents.
6. Reference.
6.1 The Corporate HSE Policy Document.
6.2 The Corporate HSE Manual.
6.3 The Corporate HSE Procedures.
6.4 ISO 14001 (Environmental Management System).
6.5 OHSAS 18001 (Occupational Health and Safety Management System).
7. Annex.
7.1 Figure 1. Typical Project Organization Chart.
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PT. Powertech (hereinafter referred to PEC), place a great deal of emphasis on
maintaining the highest standards of Health, Safety and Environment (HSE)
protection. Compliance with legislation is seen as a minimum objective. This Project
specific HSE Plan has been developed to provide the necessary guidelines to
enable PEC to effectively manage HSE requirements and conduct its undertakings
in such a manner as to minimize any potential HSE effect. The purpose of this
document is not to substitute the Contractual HSE requirements, but to provide clear
guidelines to members of the Project Management Team on the HSE criteria to be
applied during the Project cycle.

2.1 This procedure applies to all Contracts carried out by PEC and Joint Ventures. This
HSE Plan is designed to describe how PEC intend to satisfy all of its obligations to
manage and co-ordinate their operations and the operations of their subcontractors
on the project, during the Engineering, Construction and Commissioning. In order to
comply with any additional HSE requirements, the plan will be augmented and
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HSE PLAN Rev. Date December 2019

included in the work procedures specific to the operations that will be carried out on

2.2 As work progresses, the HSE procedures will be amended as necessary and further
developed to include the relevant sections from the PEC detailed HSE Procedures.
The form of appendices to this document will achieve this.

2.3 In addition to the HSE Plan and accompanying procedures, the Corporate HSE
Policy document for PEC, clearly specifies HSE responsibilities for departments and
all levels of personnel (Head Office and Project based), to assist them in constantly
achieving the highest levels of HSE control they and PEC are striving for.

3.1 Project Manager.

3.1.1 The Project Manager represents PEC at the Site and directs all the activities carried
out on the Project in accordance with the Contract requirements.

3.1.2 The Project Managers general responsibilities are defined in the PEC HSE Policy.

3.1.3 HSE responsibilities for the site include but not limited to: -
1) Assuring that approved HSE procedures are adopted for defining methods
and systems to be applied.
2) Issuing the HSE Manual for Engineering, Construction and Commissioning
and assuring that all activities at work sites are carried out in compliance with
the procedures included therein.
3) Assuring that all local laws, regulations and relevant requirements in matters
of HSE are respected.
4) Maintaining HSE relations with Employer, Sub-contractors, Vendors and with
local authorities and organizations for all items regarding HSE during the
Engineering, Construction and Commissioning activities.
5) Overall charge of the Project Health, Safety and Environmental organization,
including Medical Care and First Aid, HSE Training, logistics etc.

3.2 Project HSE Manager.

3.2.1 The Project HSE Manager shall

1) Ensure the development and implementation at Site on activities described in
this Plan.
2) Assist the Project Manager in all HSE related matters.
3) Manages the HSE Organization at Site.
4) Ensure that all activities regarding work safety and hygiene are carried out in
accordance with the HSE Manual for Engineering, Construction and
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HSE PLAN Rev. Date December 2019

3.2.2 The Project HSE Managers general responsibilities are defined in the PEC HSE
Policy Document.

3.2.3 Project HSE Manager's responsibilities for the site include, but not limited to: -
1) Ensuring that the HSE Plan and Manual is distributed to each individual Sub-
contractor or Vendor at Site and supplying the necessary information and
2) Managing the implementation of the HSE Plan throughout all phases of the
3) Organizing and over viewing application of the Project HSE Management
System, including planning, coordination, recording and control of HSE
studies and reviews.
4) Providing guidelines to the Project Management Team for further development
of the HSE Plan.
5) Assisting the Project Management Team in the analysis and approval of each
Sub-contractors HSE Plan, associated Method Statements and Safe Working
6) Coordinating HSE audits throughout the Project as defined in the HSE Plan.
7) Over viewing Sub-contractors activities as far as compliance with the law and
regulations and other relevant requirements.
8) Managing the accident, incident investigations and maintaining the records of
the Project HSE Statistics.
9) Issuing the HSE Committee Meetings Program and organizing HSE meetings
on work safety and hygiene with Sub-contractors involved in the Project.
10) Managing the First-aid and Health-care organization and facilities at Site and
ensuring any necessary liaison with relevant Organizations.
11) Providing assistance to the Project Manager regarding HSE matters.
12) Co-operating with HSE representatives for discussing and resolving HSE
issues related to the execution of the Contract.
13) Liaising with PEC Head Office Safety and Environment Department.

3.2.4 The HSE Manager reports directly to the Project Manager.

3.3 Project HSE Officers.

3.3.1 The HSE Officers shall assist the HSE Manager by ensuring that the provisions of
the HSE Plan and other HSE related requirements are correctly complied with by
PEC personnel and Sub-contractors in each working area. They ensure direct
supervision and coordination of the Sub-contractors activities and day to day
contacts with them to deal with any HSE related matters.

3.3.2 The HSE Officers general responsibilities are defined in the PEC HSE Policy
Document. Project responsibilities include, but not limited to: -
1) Verifying that all the workforce under PEC, direct or indirect responsibility
receive appropriate HSE information, induction and training, including
supervision and control on the HSE training program by Sub-contractors.
2) Advising the HSE Manager of any necessary required actions to improve
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HSE PLAN Rev. Date December 2019

working and living conditions in the field under their individual responsibility.
3) Organizing, managing and recording of HSE meetings with Sub-contractors as
per the HSE meetings program.
4) Ensuring adequate levels of working and living conditions by means of regular
inspections on housekeeping, hygiene, potable water system, kitchens and
canteens, sewer system and waste disposal etc.
5) Leading accident, incident investigations and attending any major accident
investigation in areas under their responsibility and reporting on them to the
Project HSE Manager as per the Accident Reporting Procedure.
6) Organizing and managing the medical and first aid facilities in areas under
their control.
7) Over viewing execution of the Waste Management Plan during Engineering,
Construction and Commissioning.
8) Liaising with employer's representatives on all relevant HSE matters.

3.3.3 The HSE Officers report to the Project HSE Manager.

3.4 Subcontractors and Vendors.

3.4.1 Every Sub-contractor / Vendor working on the Project shall: -

1) Comply with all Safety and Environmental protection laws and other
2) Adhere to this HSE Plan and comply with the HSE requirements and
Procedures included in the HSE Manual for Engineering, Construction and
commissioning. These are to be observed as minimum requirements.
3) Submit to PEC for approval, their own HSE Plan, including compliance with
this Plan and the Safety Manual as a minimum.
4) Sub-contractors may use their own procedures provided they are suitable to
ensure compliance with all the necessary HSE requirements.
5) Include in their Site Organization as a key personnel (directly reporting to the
Sub-contractors Site Manager) an HSE Supervisor whose function shall be to
assist the Site Manager in assuring that all activities in the Sub-contractors /
Vendors scope of work on site are carried out in accordance with the laws and
regulations in matters of HSE, the Project HSE requirements, this HSE Plan
and Safe Working Procedures.
6) Ensure that their own organization at Site include an adequate number (with
the respect to the total Sub-contractors workforce) of HSE Officers, entitled to
assist the HSE Supervisor and survey and enforce suitable application of HSE
procedures during the execution of the works.
7) Ensure that all of their own personnel are aware of HSE requirements arising
from laws, regulations and the Contract and observe them by planning
appropriate HSE training of their personnel and any Sub-contractors they may
use on the Project.
8) Identify and analyze all job hazards for their workforce, apply all necessary
preventative and protective measures and issue personal protective
equipment to them as necessary for the work to be performed.
9) Ensure regular recorded site HSE inspections are conducted and appropriate
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inspections for maintenance of installations, plant /equipment, work tools and

Personal Protective Equipment, with the objective of identifying early any
potential hazard.
10) Cooperate with PEC in investigating incidents, accidents to identify and
enforce corrective actions to prevent recurrence.
11) Attend HSE meetings and comply with the coordination procedures stated to
prevent or minimize risks that could possibly arise from interference between
different activities being carried out in the same areas.
12) Timely inform PEC of any incident / accident happening with the required
information for the Site HSE Statistics, as per the incident / accident reporting
procedure defined in the HSE Manual.

3.4.2 The Sub-contractors HSE Supervisor shall, ensure liaison between the Sub-
contractor and the PEC Project HSE organization.

4.1 HSE Management.
Part of the overall management system that facilitates the management of the HSE
risks associated with the activities of PEC, its Joint Venture partners, Sub-
contractors and Vendors.

4.2 Safety.
Freedom from unacceptable risk of harm.

4.3 Environment.
Surroundings in which an organization operates, including air, water, land natural
resources, flora, fauna, humans, and their interrelation.

5.1 Project Policy Statements, Objectives and Organization.

5.1.1 Project HSE Policy Statement.

1) PEC will issue and bring to the attention of all personnel a written Project HSE
Policy Statement, signed by the heads of the Construction Divisions.
2) This will supplement the Corporate HSE Policy Statement and HSE Policy

5.1.2 Drug and Alcohol Policy Statement.

1) The following PEC Company policy relating to Substance Abuse will be
approved by Project Management and implemented at all work sites controlled
by PEC.
2) The transportation, use, possession, promotion or sale of Prohibited
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Substances, such as alcohol, drugs and other intoxicating substances, in all

work-sites, which are under the direct control of PEC, IS STRICTLY
3) Any person(s) found in possession, or under the influence of any alcohol, drug
or other intoxicating substances whilst on duty, other than approved bona fide
medical reasons, shall be subject to Disciplinary Procedures.

5.1.3 HSE Objectives during Engineering, Construction and Commissioning.

1) The highest standard of Health, Safety and Environment Protection are
recognized by PEC as criteria for good performance in the same way as
Quality, Cost Control and Productivity. HSE standards will be measured
constantly throughout the duration of the contract in a similar way as Quality,
Cost Control and Productivity.
2) The responsibility for identifying potentially hazardous aspects of the Project
rests with all individuals involved in the design, engineering, construction,
commissioning and operation of the Project.
3) Each member of the Project Management Team will aim to ensure that the
PEC HSE Policy is adhered to by: -
1 Complying with the requirements stated in the HSE Plan and any
additional guidance or instructions provide by PEC management and
representatives from the Employer.
2 Formally, drawing to the attention of line management and members of
the Project HSE Team any deficiencies in procedures, instructions or
guidance which could result in inadequate HSE considerations.
3 Bringing to the attention of appropriate personnel any feature which could
affect the safety of installations, to enable all reasonable precautions to
be taken to eliminate or minimize its effects.
4 Ensuring as a minimum, that the individual responsibilities under current
and proposed legislation are understood and complied with.
5 Ensuring that HSE objectives are known and understood at all levels of
the Project organization, by establishing effective communications
6 Supporting the HSE objectives by clear strategies based on continuous
Improvement goals that enhances the management of HSE at all phases
of the Project.
4) In particular, the HSE objectives during the Engineering, Construction and
Commissioning phase are:-
1 To comply with all applicable Health, Safety and Environment
Regulations, relevant to the local Regulations and employer's standards
as required by the Contract, supplemented by the PEC's operational
2 Identify all potential hazards associated with the execution of the Project,
and to develop prevention, control and mitigation measures to eliminate
or minimize harm to people, damage to plant or equipment, or adverse
impact on the environment.
3 Encourage the adoption of a positive, proactive, committed HSE culture
throughout all phases of the Project.
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5) The Project HSE objectives are reached by: -

1 Defining and maintaining effective organization, plans and working
procedures to manage the risks to all personnel involved (both from PEC
and sub-contractors)
2 Setting HSE targets and monitoring HSE performance through statistical
3 Motivating personnel at all levels on HSE issues and communicating
clear commitments.

6) Also verifying HSE performance by:

1 Monitoring that each activity is performed in accordance with the
specified procedures complete with all control and recovery measures in
2 Investigate incidents with the final objective to prevent recurrence.
3 Monitor that health conditions in the workplace meet all the applicable
laws and standards.
4 Ensuring that suitable plans and safe working procedures are in place for
5 Establishing and maintaining an emergency response plan to face
emergencies with trained personnel and suitable facilities.
6 Monitor that environmental protection measures stated for the Project are

7) The following HSE objectives for PEC personnel and workforce (including
Sub-contractors and Vendors) during construction and commissioning are as
1 Recorded incident rate of or lower.
2 Lost Workday Incident Rate of or lower.
3 Zero Major Injuries.
4 Zero Major Vehicle Accidents.

8) The aim of PEC is to complete the Project achieving the HSE target of ZERO
injury and ZERO fatalities during Engineering, Construction and

5.2 Project HSE Organization.

5.2.1 The HSE Management System ensures that the Project Health, Safety and
Environmental Objectives outlined in section 5.1.3 are met through implementation
of technical activities and procedures, a Project HSE Team will be appointed to
perform all the technical activities included in this HSE Plan and the HSE Manual.

5.2.2 The PEC Head Office Safety and Environment Department based in Seoul–Korea,
supports the Project HSE Team with specialist advice, consultation, inspection,
auditing and directions for the execution of the tasks.

5.2.3 The Project HSE Team interfaces with PEC Project Management, also with Sub-
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contractors and Vendors, to establish that all activities comply with the Project
HSE Objectives, this HSE Plan and the HSE Manual.

5.2.4 The organization of the Project HSE function is shown in the Annex 7.1 figure 1.
Typical Project Organization Chart.

5.3 Statutory and Contractual Obligations.

5.3.1 PEC fully appreciate its responsibilities to comply with all relevant statutory and
contractual HSE requirements and will ensure that these are adhered to as
minimum standards.

5.3.2 PEC have established and will maintain HSE Management Systems that have been
designed to ensure compliance. The HSE Management systems include, but not
limited to: - HSE plans, risk assessments, inspections, audits, safe working
procedures, HSE meetings and other applicable HSE communication systems.

5.3.3 PEC recognizes its responsibilities to other persons and will ensure that, protection
of the public and project personnel is given top priority during PEC activities.

5.3.4 PEC will implement an HSE audit system as briefly described in section 5.13 to
enable all of its obligations to be effectively supervised and monitored in accordance
with procedures for various hazards likely to occur on the project.

5.4 Hazard Identification, Analysis and Control.

1) All work activities performed on the Project will be executed in a safe and
controlled manner. To accomplish this, hazard identification, analysis and
control systems will be introduced where necessary for the type of work to be
carried out.
2) The following describes PEC arrangements for ensuring that risks arising from
hazardous activities are identified, eliminated or managed in a way that
reduces risks to an acceptable level.

5.4.1 Pre Task Planning / Risk Assessment.(See the Corporate Procedure 'Pre Task
Planning / Risk Assessment' HMS-AJ-104)
1) PEC, when considered necessary, will implement arrangements to assess the
risks of construction activities, which are likely to result in injury or ill health to
persons at work or to members of the public.
2) The purpose of these assessments is to identify the degree of risk associated
with the Construction activity and to determine the preventative or protective
controls required. Details of the assessments will be recorded and used to
formulate HSE site instructions for the personnel supervising and undertaking
the work.
3) All assessments will be continuously reviewed and where circumstances
change to such an extent as to render the original assessment invalid, a new
assessment will be carried out.
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4) Each task, where pre task planning is required, will be the subject of a study.
This will be undertaken by the Engineer or Supervisor in charge of the work.
The study will incorporate all recognized hazards and degree of risk
associated with them. Methods employed to complete the task will be decided
upon following a full appraisal of the information gained during the study.
5) The HSE Manager, or his designated representative will review the study and
provide additional instructions or requirements as necessary. They will carry
out Hazard Identification and the Hazards identified will be graded according
to their degree of risk: -
1 Those which have the potential to cause death or permanent disability to
people, or permanent damage to plant, equipment or structures.
2 Those which have the potential to cause serious injury or illness to
people or major downtime in the use of plant, equipment or structures.
3 Those which have the potential to cause minor injury or illness to people
or minor damage to plant, equipment or structures.
6) The Risk Assessments will then be formatted for each identified hazard, risks
will graded similarly: -
1 Those with high probability of occurring.
2 Those with a medium probability of occurring.
3 Those with a low probability of occurring.
7) Included in the Risk Assessments will be the requirement for Personal
Protective Equipment.
8) Where reasonably practicable, risks will be reduced by a change of design,
work methods and where possible engineering control.
9) The Risk Assessment will state the task(s) to be performed, the identified
hazards, the risks associated and methods to be employed in order to reduce
the risks.
10) The final part of the assessment will state the line of communication and
emergency assistance available if necessary.
11) Prior to work commencing information on the contents of the Risk Assessment
will be passed onto the workforce via toolbox talks and stand up meetings.
12) It is likely that the same risk will be performed in a number of locations or on a
number of occasions. Where this is the case, one assessment may be valid
for many instances, with only minor alterations and change of location.

5.5 HSE Management of Sub-Contractors.

5.5.1 To assist PEC in its quest to consistently achieve high levels of accident prevention
and decrease levels of pollution emitted from its operations, Sub-contractors to be
used by PEC on this Project will only be selected if they can prove that they are able
to execute their work in a Safe and Healthy manner.

5.5.2 PEC will check the arrangements that Sub-contractors have in place for managing
the Health and Safety of their employees and protection of other persons not
involved in their activities.

5.5.3 Questions asked to Sub-contractors to establish their HSE competency include but
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HSE PLAN Rev. Date December 2019

not limited to: -

1) Copies of Sub-contractors HSE policy and Employers Liability Insurance.
2) Accident frequency rates for the past three years.
3) Method statements for high risk activities.
4) Assessment for control of hazardous substances.

5.5.4 PEC imposes the same level of standards to works by Sub-contractors who are
expected to perform to the satisfaction of PEC in respect of HSE matters. They will
be subject to the same monitoring and assurance systems as works carried out
directly by PEC.

5.5.5 The relationship between PEC, Sub-contractor and Vendors will be no different from
the relationship between the employer and PEC, therefore, the Sub-contract
agreement requires the sub-contracting party fulfill all HSE obligations, which are
undertaken by PEC in the agreement.

5.5.6 Sub-contractors and Vendors will be held responsible for all persons employed by
them. There will be on acceptance during the tender stage the fact that they must
observe all ordinances, including the safety and well being of all their personnel on
site wherever they are involved.

5.5.7 Each Sub-contractor will be issued with a copy of the HSE Plan together with HSE
procedures applicable to their activities. They will be subject to the issuance system
of control for updating.

5.5.8 Major and specialist Sub-contractors will be required to produce an HSE Plan for
their section of the works. These will include detailed method statements for high
risk activities.

5.5.9 HSE procedures will be discussed at HSE meetings.(See the Corporate Procedure
'HSE Coordination and HSE Meeting Procedure' HMS-AJ-106)

5.5.10 Project Management will constantly liaise with Sub-contractors to establish the HSE
requirements of their work and make arrangements for them to work in a safe

5.5.11 Sub-contractors who do not perform to the satisfaction of PEC will be subject to
penalties and risk removal from site.

5.5.12 Specific HSE duties of Sub-contractors and Vendors appear in the HSE Policy

5.6 Health, Safety and Environment Committee.

5.6.1 A Project HSE Management Committee will be established to monitor the

implementation of the HSE Plan in line with Statutory and Contractual HSE
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5.6.2 The Project Safety Manager shall be the chairman of the Committee Meeting and
representatives from the employer will be invited to attend these bi-weekly

5.6.3 Attendees at these meetings will include the Project Manager and other persons
from the Project Management Team nominated by the Project Manager, Site HSE
officers, Sub-contractors Site Managers and Safety Representatives.

5.6.4 The function and terms of reference of the HSE Committee are: -
1) To monitor the adequacy of the HSE Plan and ensure its implementation.
2) To study accident statistics and trends to identify unsafe practices and
3) To review emergency and rescue procedures.
4) To promote HSE requirements on Site.
5) To review results of HSE Inspections.
6) To determine that required follow up actions have been implemented.

5.6.5 Minutes of the HSE meeting will be circulated to all concerned within 7 days of the
meeting date.

5.6.6 The HSE Manager will if necessary via the Project Manager arrange an
extraordinary meeting to discuss any urgent HSE business.

5.7 HSE Information and Training.

5.7.1 PEC recognizes that the provision of adequate HSE information for all levels of
personnel makes a vital contribution towards an effective accident prevention
program and will ensure that a suitably structured schedule of HSE information and
training is adopted by all parties throughout the Project.

5.7.2 HSE Information.

1) PEC will adopt a variety of information techniques, such as poster campaigns
featuring the work activities during the next coming month. The distribution of
HSE information sheets, newsletter and bulletins in order to generally promote
HSE throughout the Project.
2) PEC will display relevant warning signs, emergency and rescue procedures,
notices and placards at strategic points in offices, workshops, welfare
facilities, accommodation camps, canteens and in the construction areas.
3) Such information sheets, bulletins, warning signs, notices and placards will be
translated into the required languages for all to understand.
4) PEC will also develop as necessary means of disseminating HSE information
including accident statistics, accident case studies, etc to employees through
effective means.

5.7.3 HSE Training.(See the Corporate Procedure 'HSE Training' HMS-AJ-105)

1) PEC will ensure that suitable ongoing programs for HSE training including
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accident prevention and other specific training courses are implemented to the
PEC Project Management Team, other supervisory personnel, including Sub –
contractors and the workforce.
2) All site personnel will undergo initial HSE induction training before they
commence work on the Project. An identification card and Safety Helmet
sticker will be issued as proof of such induction training.
3) All personnel will attend a refresher induction course at intervals not
exceeding six months.
4) Additional training may be necessary as Site conditions change or new HSE
Procedures are introduced.
5) PEC will also organize Toolbox training meetings during which, foreman and
their work group will discuss matters relating to HSE, including where
necessary circumstances and causes of incidents and accidents.
6) Toolbox training meetings for the work force will be held at least weekly to
discuss the next 7 days work including, HSE procedures, safety precautions
relating to the work and especially to promote individual HSE awareness and
7) Comprehensive and up to date records of all HSE training will be kept.
8) The Project Manager will be provided with detailed reports of HSE training
carried out on a monthly basis.
9) PEC will require Sub-contractors to implement HSE training programs.

5.8 Communication and Reporting.

5.8.1 PEC acknowledges the importance of establishing effective communication

procedures on HSE matters throughout the organizational structure of the Project.

5.8.2 Weekly coordination meetings will be held between the HSE Manager and
Managers from all departments including Sub-contractors.

5.8.3 In the interest of day to day operational HSE matters PEC will ensure that effective
radio communication systems are established and maintained, allowing instant
contact between the relevant on –site Managers, Supervisors, HSE personnel, first
aid, emergency personnel of PEC and its Sub-contractors.

5.8.4 All the foregoing nominated key personnel will carry their assigned radio with them
at all times.

5.8.5 All HSE information directed at the workforce will be in the local language or any
other language in use by a significant number of the workforce.

5.8.6 PEC will notify the employer immediately of any dangerous occurrences or
accidents which result in death, serious bodily injury or incapacity from work for
more than three days. (See the Corporate Procedure 'Accident Reporting and
Investigation' HMS-AJ-108)

5.8.7 The Project HSE Manager will provide a monthly report to the Project Manager the
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following items will form the base of this report.

1) HSE promotion and training undertaken.
2) HSE Committee and details from other HSE meetings.
3) HSE instructions and corrective actions.
4) Site HSE inspections.
5) HSE performance of Sub-contractors.
6) Monthly HSE audit.
7) Details of accidents and dangerous occurrences.
8) Safety and accident statistics.
9) Identification of high-risk activities for the forthcoming month.

5.8.8 Injury and Dangerous Occurrences Reporting and Recording.

1) PEC’s procedures for reporting and recording injuries and dangerous
occurrences are designed to satisfy both its statutory and contractual
obligations and will apply to all Sub-contractors engaged on the Project.
2) All accidents must be reported to the Project HSE Department immediately of
its occurrence verbally and later in writing. In the case of death, serious
accident, dangerous occurrence or injury to a third party, the HSE Manager
must be informed immediately.
3) PEC will also inform the employer immediately and in writing within 24 hours.
4) All accidents and dangerous occurrences will be thoroughly investigated by
the HSE Management Team with the objectives to:
1 Investigate to establish the root and contingency causes which
determined the accident or occurrence.
2 Take corrective action and monitor their implementation, in order to
prevent recurrence of similar situations.
3 Inform all appropriate personnel of the results of the investigation.
5) Scope, responsibility, procedures and organization for accident investigation
and reporting and recording injuries and dangerous occurrences are detailed
in the Corporate Procedure 'Reporting and Investigation of Accidents,
Incidents and Dangerous Occurrences' HMS-AJ-108.

5.9 HSE Instruction and Supervision.

5.9.1 All Project Management and Supervisors will give clear, unambiguous instructions
for the work in hand to the personnel for whom they are responsible, to ensure that
all operations are undertaken safely and without risk to health and the environment.

5.9.2 These instructions will normally include, but not necessarily be limited to a
description of the objectives, the sequence of operation, the foreseeable hazards
and any precautions which must be undertaken. In many cases the instructions will
be based on Risk Assessments, method statements and written safe working

5.9.3 Sub-contractors will ensure that their respective managers and supervisors are
capable of giving such instructions to their personnel.
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5.9.4 Where it is considered necessary, Sub-contractors will submit work method

Statements or safe working procedures for approval by PEC.

5.10 Emergency Response Procedure.

(See the Corporate Procedure 'Emergency and Response Procedure' HMS-AJ-107)

5.10.1 PEC will implement suitable procedures to cater for emergency situations, including
rescue operations. The foreseeable emergencies would include, but not limited to: -
Fire, explosion, collapse of ground conditions, collapse of structure or plant, etc.

5.10.2 In case of any emergency, the HSE Manager will be immediately informed by radio
or telephone. The name and phone number of the HSE Manager shall be clearly
posted on the Site notice boards.

5.10.3 The PEC Safety Manager, when informed of an emergency, will proceed to the
scene and supervise the workforce to take appropriate action to avoid further
damage. The HSE Manager should prepare the scene for arrival of the emergency
services who can then commence rescue operations a soon as possible.

5.10.4 The appropriate action taken may be limited to ensuring that all persons are cleared
from the area of danger and kept at a safe distance. It is not expected that the HSE
Manager or any other person put themselves, or other persons at risk to contain the
emergency situation.

5.10.5 It is envisaged that the major rescue and emergency force will be the local
emergency services. The PEC emergency team will act as support to the services
by providing information, any plant or equipment and render any assistance as
requested by them.

5.10.6 In the case of any emergency in the work area, the work will be suspended. The
HSE Manager or Officer will check that equipment has been made safe and ensure
that unauthorized persons move out of the area.

5.10.7 Before returning to work after an emergency, the Project Manager shall direct all
managers and line supervisors to check damage and loss facilities, and also take
measures to rectify any unsafe conditions.

5.10.8 Unusual Weather / Conditions.

1) In order to protect and minimize loses from unusual weather or conditions
(flood, heavy rainstorm, earthquake etc.) PEC recognize the importance to
take into account the local data for extreme weather.
2) PEC will establish an adequate alarm or paging system.
3) When strong gusts of wind are expected, the necessary measures to prevent
the collapse of temporary facilities or structures shall be provided.
4) When flood warning and heavy rain storms are expected PEC will alert all
personnel and its Sub-contractors. The site will carry out the necessary
actions and precautionary measures.
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5) A standard for work suspension will be established by taking into

consideration site conditions and ongoing activities.
6) Unusual weather / conditions.
1 Strong wind : More than 75KPH (average wind velocity in 10
2 Heavy Rains : More than 10mm/hr or 50mm in one continues rain fall.
3 Visibility : Less than 500 meters.
4 Earthquakes : All personnel shall stop work and evacuate to safe
locations from areas where collapse of facilities or
falling objects can occur.
7) If a rainstorm is expected, the site will continue its normal operation. Outdoor
work may be suspended in exposed places at the discretion of the Project
Manager in conjunction with the HSE Project Team.
8) Supervisors will arrange for the personnel concerned to take shelter
temporarily and resume duties only when weather conditions permit.
9) The Project Manager and the HSE Manager will at their discretion, close the
site in case of a very heavy rainstorm and a forecast for more inclement
10) Employees and Sub-contractors may be released but an emergency crew will
remain on site to undertake all reasonable measures to minimize damage.
11) After any unusual weather conditions, an emergency crew will carry out, with
members of the HSE Team and Project Management a thorough inspection of
the site and prepare a report for the Project Manager for circulation to all
section supervisors. The report will detail damage to any permanent or
temporary structures, plant, scaffolding, ladders or access that may adversely
effect safety.
12) The various supervisors will ensure that arrangements are made for the
affected areas to be made safe before re-opening those areas of the site.

5.11 First Aid.

(See the Corporate Procedure 'Medical and First Aid Facilities HMS-AJ-103-ANJU-

5.11.1 To comply with its contractual and statutory obligations, PEC and its sub-contractors
will provide adequate First Aid Facilities and suitably trained personnel within its
working areas.

5.11.2 Additional local first aid facilities will be provided to various work locations in order to
render immediate first aid treatment as necessary.

5.11.3 Advice on what is considered adequate and appropriate will be provided by the PEC
HSE Management Team.

5.11.4 All First Aid Facilities will have suitable signs displayed to indicate their existence.
These facilities will normally be under the charge of a trained first aider.

5.11.5 First aid facilities will be properly maintained and inspected on a frequent basis by
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members of the Project HSE Management Team.

5.11.6 PEC will arrange First Aid Training courses to ensure that adequate numbers of
trained first aiders are available.

5.11.7 First aiders will also be responsible to maintain records of the first aid treatment
rendered including date, time, name of injured person, identity card or passport
number, address, telephone, injury, circumstances, treatment rendered and action
taken etc.

5.11.8 Depending on the nature and seriousness of the injury, the first aider will either
arrange site transport or request for the ambulance to assist in transporting the
injured person to hospital. In the event of any doubt, and provided the injured
person is not in a dangerous area, the first aider will await the arrival of the
ambulance to transport the injured person.

5.11.9 PEC will maintain liaison with the local Emergency Services to ensure that,
emergency services arrive at the incident in the shortest possible time.

5.11.10 Notices in the necessary languages will be posted at each workplace providing the
telephone number of emergency services and the Project Management HSE

5.12 Environmental Control.

(See the Corporate Procedure 'Waste Management' HMS-HK-107-ANJU-07)

5.12.1 PEC and its Sub-contractors will take all necessary measures to prevent any
discharge of substances which might cause pollution or be deleterious to life or
environment, in violation of local laws, rules or regulations.

5.12.2 The Project will be subject to PEC’s Environmental Management System which
acquired certification of ISO 14001 (Lloyd’s Register Quality Assurance Ltd.) on
December 20th 1996.

5.12.3 All waste will be categorized into one of the following classes:
1) Hazardous Waste.
Wastes which are corrosive, explosive, toxic, oxidizing etc. and constitute a
high degree of hazard to the public or the environment.
2) Non-Hazardous Waste.
Wastes which are biologically or chemically active in the environment.
3) Inert Waste.
Wastes which are not biologically or chemically active in the environment.

5.12.4 The Project Waste Management Plan will include a strategy for managing waste
based on the principles of: - Reduction. Reuse. Recycle and Recover.

5.12.5 Prior to the commencement of construction activities PEC will submit to the
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employer a waste material storage and treatment plan based on the various
categories of waste.

5.12.6 Material should be stored in an orderly and safe manner. Storage or disposal will be
clearly defined and located on the plan.

5.12.7 Frequency of waste disposal will be based on job site conditions.

5.12.8 Disposal by burning of any waste materials at the job site will be prohibited.

5.12.9 Garbage containers will be kept clean and emptied when full.

5.12.10 Waste storage facilities will be regularly inspected by members of the Project HSE
Management Team, they will also: -
1) Inspect housekeeping standards in working areas during day-to-day
2) Identify waste classification and keep records in the waste register.
3) Estimate the amounts of wastes.
4) Agree with the employer designation and use of appropriate waste disposal
5) Ensure that all Sub-contractors are aware of the waste management
6) Control that all Sub-contractors in charge of waste management and disposal
are provided with required licenses and approval.
7) Ensure that all environmental incidents (accidental spillage or discharges) are
properly managed, reported and recorded.

5.13 HSE Inspection and Audit.

5.13.1 HSE Inspection.

1) All Project Management and Supervisory personnel are required to carry out
continual Health, Safety and Environmental surveillance’s as they go about
their day to day business and take immediate steps to rectify any defects or
unsafe practices they observe.
2) HSE Inspections designed to identify defects, unsafe conditions/ practices and
breaches of statutory or Site HSE Plan requirements, will be conducted on a
regular basis by the HSE Manager and HSE Officers. These inspections will
be carried out without any previous notice and at intervals of no more than
one week. The Project HSE Inspections will be planned by the HSE Manager.
3) The HSE Inspections will be carried out using the HSE inspection report form
which will be completed by a comprehensive checklist as soon as possible
after the inspection. A copy of the inspection results will be distributed to the
Project Manager, appropriate Section Manager and Sub-contractors within 24
hours of the inspection. Areas of particular concern will be brought to the
attention of the appropriate persons immediately.
4) All HSE checklists / Inspection reports will incorporate a follow–up procedure
to ensure that any recorded HSE contraventions have been promptly attended
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to in a satisfactory manner.
5) Should there be under compliance to the HSE Plan or Statutory regulations,
or imminent risk to any persons, the work will be stopped and an HSE
instruction Issued. The HSE instruction will take immediate effect and work
cannot re-start unless compliance with the HSE instruction has been carried
out and accepted by members of the HSE Project Management Team.
6) In addition to conducting regular HSE inspections, the HSE Department will
establish and maintain a HSE audit program designed to provide an in depth
examination of all operations and activities, including those of Sub-contractors
working on the Project.

5.13.2 HSE Audit.

1) The PEC, HSE Management Team will conduct monthly HSE Audits to make
itself aware and members of the Project Management Team of hazards
inherent in the site activities and evaluate those hazards.
2) An audit check list will be used for inspection by members of the HSE Project
team. This will subject each area of the sites HSE activities to a systematic
and critical examination. Every single component of the system of site
operations and HSE Management will be examined to verify its effectiveness,
assess HSE Performance and highlight any short comings.
3) A copy of the HSE audit will be attached to the monthly HSE report sent to the
Project Manager.
4) In addition to the HSE audits conducted by the Project HSE Team, PEC Head
Office Safety and Environment Department based in Seoul-Korea, will plan
and organize HSE audits to monitor correct implementation of the Project HSE
Plan, HSE Manual, HSE Management systems and compliance with statutory
regulations and contractual HSE requirements.
5) It is foreseen to perform at least three Head Office HSE audits according to
the following schedule.
1 15-20% of activities.
2 45-50% of activities.
3 70-75% of activities.
6) HSE audits by Project HSE members and PEC Head Office members are
described in the Project HSE Manual.

5.14 Public Safety and Site Security.

5.14.1 Visitors and Members of the Public.

1) PEC will implement arrangements designed to prevent, as far as is reasonably
practicable, access to the Site by any unauthorized persons and vehicles.
2) This will include erection of barriers, fences, warning signs and notices,
provision of security guards etc, depending on the Site conditions.
3) Visitors through the main site office compound will be requested to sign a
visitors book.
4) PEC, in respect of the HSE of any authorized visitors to Site, will provide them
with the necessary personal protective equipment for their use and inform
them of the hazards that may exist on the Site complete with the basic HSE
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Site Rules.
5) Visitors will not be allowed onto the Site unless they are accompanied by a
Site representative.

5.14.2 Site Security.(See the Corporate Procedure 'Site Security' HMS-AJ-103-ANJU-28)

1) The HSE office and Security Station will be established next to the main gate.
2) At least two security guards shall be on duty during night time, and four
security guards on duty during the day shift.
3) An ID card system will be introduced to control authorized access to the site.
4) For material control in and out of the main gate a checking system will be
5) Visitors will be controlled via the introduction of a badge system and records
of their visits, company , name, arrival and departure times etc, will be
6) A vehicle entry / exit log will be maintained to include: -
1 Date and vehicle register number.
2 Number of persons in the vehicle.
3 Material shipping document and brief description of the vehicle load.
4 Person or department to whom the material is consigned.
5 Time in and out.
6 Material gate pass number for material leaving the site.
7 Security guards signature.

5.15 HSE Project Construction Manual (Safe Working Procedures).

5.15.1 The purpose of the Project HSE Construction Manual is to provide the Project
Management Team and all parties involved in Engineering, Construction and
Commissioning work activities on site, namely Sub-contractors and Vendors, with a
complete set of Safe Working Procedures to ensure that, the works are carried out
in compliance with the Project HSE requirements as required by the Contract, PEC
HSE Policy, PEC HSE Plan and PEC HSE Management systems and principles.

5.15.2 Written Safe working procedures for the Project have been and will continue to be
developed for the subjects identified below.

5.15.3 The Project HSE Department in conjunction with the Project Management Team will
approve and monitor all Sub-contractors HSE work procedures and method
statements. Should these procedures not comply with the Project HSE standards
the HSE Project Manager will assist Sub-contractors in improving the procedures
with the necessary advice on compliance.

5.15.4 As a minimum the following activities will covered by the Corporate Procedures and
included in the Project HSE Manual.
Personal Protective Equipment. Lifting Operations.
Avoidance of Overhead and Underground Construction.
Underground Services. (Tunnels, Shafts and Caissons)
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Excavations. Confined Spaces.

Hydrogen Sulphide (H2S). Working at Height.
Scaffolding. False work.
Mobile Working Platforms. Welding Operations.
Working over Water. Diving Operations.
Control and Use of Plant and Woodworking Machines.
Abrasive Wheels. Portable Tools.
Site Radiography. Explosives.
Manual Handling. Heat / Cold Stress.
Night Working. Temporary Electricity.
Office Safety. Laboratory Safety.
Medical and First Aid Facilities. Site Security.
Road and Traffic Safety. Pre Task Planning / Risk Assessment.
HSE Impact Assessment. HSE Training.
Control of Substances hazardous to HSE Performance Measurement and
Health. Monitoring.
HSE Management of Subcontractors. Emergency and Response Procedure.
HSE Signs, Signals, Barricades and Reporting and Investigation of Accidents,
Information Board. Incidents and Dangerous Occurrences.
Fire Prevention. HSE Audit.
Permit to Work System. HSE Coordination and HSE Meeting.
Noise. Waste Management.
Housekeeping. Sanitation and Food Hygiene.

5.15.5 The Project HSE Manual is a ‘live document’ and the Safe Working Procedures will
be modified, or additional procedures added as required to cover any other
hazardous activity or Occupational HSE concern that should arise during
Engineering, Construction and Commissioning of the Project.

5.15.6 The PEC Project HSE Manual will be included as an integral part of the Sub-
contractors and Vendors Contracts.

6.1 The Corporate HSE Policy Document.
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6.2 The Corporate HSE Manual.

6.3 The Corporate HSE Procedures.

6.4 ISO 14001 (Environmental Management System).

6.5 OHSAS 18001 (Occupational Health and Safety Management System).

7.1 ProjectChart.
Figure 1. Typical Project Organization Manager

[ANNEX 7.1 Figure 1. Typical Project Organization Chart.]

HSE Committee HSE Manager

Section Section Section Section

Manager Manager Manager Manager

Civil Mech. Arch. Elec.

Supervisor Supervisor Supervisor Supervisor

[HSE Department]

Safety Security Environmental Nurse

Supervisor Supervisor Supervisor

Safety Security Env. Foreman

Foreman Guards

Project Manager ◎

Section Chief O
O HSE Manager

Labor O Assistance/Advise

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