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MANILA, Philippines — The outcomes of the first two years of implementing the senior

high school program have exceeded expectations, according to Education Secretary Leonor


In a press conference, Briones touted the success of senior high school – centerpiece of

the K-12 basic education reform program that added two years to basic education in the country.

“We are very pleased because our expectations have been far exceeded and perhaps

doubled; double in the case of enrollment, double in the case also of those who are graduating

and completing (the programs),” she said.



As time flies, learning are made easy, innovative, creative and skillfully transcend by the

learners, and teachers as our facilitators. At this day and age, Education is still matters for us to

have a better future, and be globally competitive.

As the government and learners are concern, references such as books, learning

materials are necessity to the learners regardless whether private institution or public schools.

Are the learners ready to face the challenges in terms of learning?


The purpose of the study is to assess the availability of books or learning materials of SHS

of JJDVSTVSS, stated as follows:

A. What is SHS and its importance in a global market?

B. How ready is the Government implementing SHS? Is there a support coming from the local


C. What are the factors affecting the learning habit of SHS learners?
D. Does resources available to the learners of JJDVSTVSS? If yes, does it suffice the learning?

If not, what action does the teacher or school head to inject learning?

E. In absence of references like books, is learning materials like modules done by the teacher

ready for implementation? Are the teacher-made learning materials content valid?


The results of these study will greatly benefit the learners of JJDVSTVSS to help them

escalate their grades in class most especially in improving and developing critical thinking and

analysis in preparation for their tertiary education.


In these research, highlights the scarcity of books and or learning materials of Senior High

School that will help them focused more on their studies as books or modules are being provided

by the school. Moreover, to test their abilities prior in learning.


SHS- Senior High School

Learners- these are the students who are involve in learning

Learning Materials- these are the reading materials, modules where the students need to



Gagne’s work has been particularly influential in training and the design of instructional

materials. In fact, the idea that instruction can be systematically designed can be attributed to

Gagne and a handful of others. Gagne’s instructional theory has three major elements. First, it is

based on a taxonomy, or classification, of learning outcomes. Second, it proposes particular

internal and external conditions necessary for achieving these learning outcomes. And third, it

offers nine events of instruction, which serve as a template for developing and delivering a unit of


According to Gagne’s theory, the way to determine the prerequisites for a given learning

objective is to conduct a learning hierarchy. A learning hierarchy (sometimes called a task

analysis) is constructed by working backwards from the final learning objective. Gagne and others

thought it was important for teachers and instructional designers to think carefully about the nature

of the skill or task they wanted to teach, then to make sure that the learner had the necessary

prerequisites to acquire that skill. 2agne also stressed that practice and assessment should match

the target skill. An instructional material is one of the important components of teaching. Through

the use of these materials teaching learning process will become productive. It also, develops the

skill and abilities of each individual. (Mharjhay A. Dela Cruz, Bulacan State University)

Learning is a complex process, it can however, be defined as a change in disposition, a

relatively permanent change in behavior overtime and this is brought about by experience.

Learning can occur as a result of newly acquired skill, knowledge, perception, facts, principles,

new information at hand etc. (Adeyanju, 1997) Learning can be reinforced with instructional

materials of different variety because they stimulate, motivate and as well as arrest learners’

attention for a while during the instruction process. Instructional materials are learning aids and

devices through which teaching and learning are done in schools. According to Akamobi, (1998)

instructional materials are those materials used in classroom or workshops for instruction or
demonstration purpose by students and teachers. Chauha (1973) saw them as actual equipment

used as “hands on” process by learners in order to develop the degree of skills sought by the

course of requirement. Examples of instructional materials includes visual aids, audio aids, audio-

visual aids, real object and many others. The visual aids in form of wall charts illustrated pictures,

pictorial materials, textbooks etc. thus audio instructional materials refer to those that make use

of the sense of hearing only like the radio, audio tape recorder etc. an audio visual instructional

material therefore is a combination of devices which appeals to the sense of both hearing and

seeing such as television, motion pictures and computers. From the above definitions of

instructional materials, we may gather that social studies as an area of education deals with

instructional problems and solutions through the use of various visual, audio and audio-visual

materials and equipment. There is the problem of inadequate preparation of teachers to carry out

reading instruction (Bello, 1980). This inadequacy translates in poor reading performance in any

subjects and by implication in other subject areas. Students in our various secondary schools

equally lack the basic textbooks and other important materials that will support them in the

learning of social studies at that level. Teaching any subjects without relevant instructional

materials leads to poor performance in the subjects.

Classification of Instructional Materials:

The Instructional materials could best be Classification in to three forms: audio, visual and

audiovisual aids. The audio (deal with sound only) the visual (as in sight) and audio-visual (a

combination of audio and visual i.e. sound and vision) for instance:

AUDIO. These include such things as radio, record players, cassettes gramophone etc. These

aid teaching through the sense of hearing. They can be used in teaching.

VISUAL. The category of this consist of maps, film steps, specimen, pictures, charts, blackboard,

posters etc. This category appeals to the pupils through the sense of sight, the saying that seeing,

is believing applies to some extent in this context. Until facts are presented in form of visual aid,

pupils may not readily grasp the meaning of ideas, concepts and facts.
AUDIO-VISUAL. This group consists of a combination of both audio and visual materials. They

are therefore things like television, films and projector, etc, the use of these aids learning greatly.

TEXTBOOKS. As a medium of instruction have two distinct functions-that of a reference source

of information and that of a sequenced medium of instruction or learning. Few standard textbooks

are approximately sequenced for independent study, and written in a self-instructional style.

Problems Facing in the Selection of Instructional/ Learning Materials

In spite of the advantages of instructional materials, there are problems confronting their selection

in Islamic Studies. Among these problems are:

Lack of Fund. There is no adequate support or patronage from the government and school

administrators to encourage teachers of Islamic 0tudies in preparing instructional

materials/resources. 0ome of the materials are very expensive to provide by teachers.

Learner’s Attitude. Many learners are not interested in choosing Islamic 0tudiesas a 3career,

hence, they are ashamed and feel unconcern in supporting the teachers in thenecessary training

on the use and preparation of instructional materials. "lso, the stealingof those instructional

materials and problem of the students mishandling thoseinstructional materials while teachers are

not in the classroom, there is the problem of notleaving the instructional materials in the

classroom, so that student can make use of themat their leisure and convenient time





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