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Name: Faisal Fauzan

Applicant for PhD

Personal Statement

As a lecturer in financial management and Islamic accounting and who had been lecturing for
6 years, I feel its something urgent to improve my ability, specialization, and network. It is
mandatory and to avoid my limited knowledge in the future. Globalized world and fast
development of subject research influences all lecturers should be adapt and attend to the
recent progress of knowledge. These are factors that I was considered to continue my study to
a Ph.D. degree through an appropriate university that can support my research interests.
I have observed phenomena regarding my specialization and my previous research in
Islamic banking operational especially through financing activities. Some facts were presented
by the research results but the core of the problem is there are weaknesses in the Indonesian
Islamic financing system which involve the limited function of the sharia advisory board. To
support my extra-knowledge in this field, I need to take training that discussed sharia
economic principle, the sharia mechanism in institution operational and others. At the final
examination, I received a distinction mark.
In the past, before I was an Islamic Insurance officer. That was started several months before
giant tsunamis destroyed Aceh in December 2004 and after I worked for 7 years when my
duty as an operational coordinator I resigned from the company. As the biggest Moslem
country in the world, Indonesia should be a model for a better Islamic banking system. The
model has to presents the value which is to combine the Islamic principle compliances and
also provide the opportunities to approach profit effectively.
This is huge hope from all community levels that I have been joining for a long time. I
also part of the Islamic Though Community Committee and member of the Alumni
organization for Indonesian Islamic Student. The existence of people misperception related
the Islamic banking also reflects several limits of the current operating system of Indonesian
Islamic Banking. Enormous student research in the shariah economic law department reveals
these conditions. I managed and listed the problems due to my duty as a supervisor and as the
department secretary from 2018 to 2019. I believe through my research associated Fraud and
the weaknesses of sharia advisory board roles in the Islamic Bank financing system would be
an important input to Indonesian financial authorities to evaluate and execute the better
system in the future.

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