Chapter 2

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Chapter 2


This chapter presents the designs and methodology and procedures to used

and followed in the conduct of the study. This covers the researcher design, locale

and population, data gathering tools, data gathering procedures, and the treatment

of the data.

Research Design

In this study, a quantitative inquiry will be undertaken in gathering data on

using coconut oil and pandan oil as an aromatic mosquito repellent candle. The

data will be gather is through experimentation. This study will use experimental

quantitative research design

Locale and Population of the Study

The study will be conducted in Eyeb, Poblacion, Bontoc, Mountain

Province. The coconut and pandan however, will be collected at Tocucan, Bontoc,

Mountain Province.

*Insert Picture of Location*

Each treatment will be measured properly in grams. There will be

4 treatments in this study and each treatment will have 3 replicates. Treatment 0

will be the control variable which will comprise of the commercial aromatic
candle and incense. Treatment 1 will have a proportion of 90 grams Soy wax, 30

grams Coconut Oil, and 8 grams Pandan Oil. Treatment 2 will contain 72 grams

Soy wax, 48 grams coconut Oil, and 8 grams Pandan Oil. Treatment 3 will have a

mixture of 60 grams Soy wax, 60 grams Coconut Oil and 8 grams Pandan oil.

Data Gathering Procedure

A. Pre-experimental

The researchers will utilize first the following important materials in the


Data Gathering Tool

To gather data, the following materials will be utilized;

Table 1 List of Materials

Materials Quantity Function

Weighing scale (grams) 1 Used in weighing the ingredients.

Soy Wax 1,620 grams A main ingredient in making the

aromatic mosquito repellent candle.

Coconut Oil 1,620 grams A main ingredient in making the

aromatic mosquito repellent candle.

Pandan Oil 216 grams A main ingredient in making the

aromatic mosquito repellent candle.

Double Boiler 1 Material used in melting the soy wax

Shot Glass 27 Container where the mixture will be


Stove 1 Used for heat

Candle Wick 2 meters

Filter 1

Thermometer 1

Spatula 1

I. Preparation of Coconut Oil

i. First, the researchers gathered enough dried coconuts form

Tocucan, Bontoc, Mountain province.

ii. These coconuts were then broken into 2 pieces.

iii. Each piece will be grinded in order to obtain the meat of the


II. Preparation of Pandan Oil

B. Experiment Proper
I. Making of the Aromatic Mosquito Repellent Candle

i. The first step in making the Aromatic Mosquito Repellent candle is

to melt 280 grams of soy wax in a double boiler for treatment 1.

ii. Stir the wax with a spatula and wait for 10-15 minutes for the wax

to melt or use a thermometer to see when the temperature of the

wax would reach 160-170 degrees.

iii. When the coconut oil hardened, put the container in a hot water to

melt it. Same goes for the Pandan oil.

iv. While the wax and oils are melting, stick the wick at the bottom of

all the containers.

v. After all the ingredients melted, wait for the soy wax to reach a

temperature of 130-140 degrees then pour 90 grams of soy wax

into a filter then in each container.

vi. Add 90 grams of Coconut Oil and 8 grams of Pandan Oil into the

container while stirring the mixture to ensure it is evenly


vii. Secure the wick so that it will stay in the middle in order for the

candle to burn properly.

viii. After the candle hardened there will be a possibility that a

sinkhole in the middle might occur and it might pull away from the
edges. Melt the extra soy was left then add the coconut oil and

pandan oil to top of the candle.

ix. After the candle fully hardened, trim the wick to .25 inch.

x. Do the following steps in treatments 2 and 3.

II. Testing the Effectiveness of the Aromatic Mosquito Repellent Candle


C. Post Experiment

After the experiment, the materials to be used will be cleaned thoroughly

as well as the area where the experiment will be held. The excessed

ingredients will be kept for future experiments or when needed.

Treatment of Data

The data to be gathered will be subjected to an appropriate statistical tool

analysis. To determine the effectiveness of Coconut Oil as a Mosquito repellent,

one-way ANOVA will be employed.

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