Demand Note

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Transmission - Vapi-Division
Vapi- Ph.: 0260- 2400024
Fax :- 0260-2400020


Damaging the BSNL Optical Fiber Cable-interruption of services- Avoidance of
such incidences in future-reg.


It is brought to your Kind notice that BSNL Optical Fiber Cable has been damaged by
your contractor …………………………………………………………………………………...
On dated……………Route………………… of ….. Fiber cable at …….. KM from
……………. ……………Exchange.
This cable carries traffic of state importance, connecting one city to another and is
providing vital infrastructure to the nation. This cable often carries hot lines of Hon’ble Chief
Minister, when ever they are on tour.

It is a matter of deep concern that though the cable exists since last ……Years. The
Contractor …………………… ………………………………..who has undertaken the work of
……………………………………………. has not taken care of OFC Cable of BSNL even
after showing the cable route about the said digging activity, If we were informed, This
damage of cable by your agency has cost BSNL Rs. 1,50,000/- (Rupees One lakh fifty
thousand only) as restoration cost of the OF cable.

It is expected that in future, your Company/ Site in-charge/ Contractor will take care to
inform our office well in advance to avoid occurrence of sabotage to national property and
national telecom traffic. This will help us in reducing the inconvenience caused to the public at
large. We solicit your co-operation in providing fault free telecom services to the area, district,
state, nation.

Thanking You,
Yours Sincerely

Encl:- Copy of the Demand Note for Rs.1,50,000/- for issuing instruction regarding making
payment to those who are responsible for above damage.

Location of Damage

Date of Damage

Details of Damage

Full Address
Name of the Agency
Mobile No.
Name of the representative
(Site Engineer/
Supervisor) Of the Agency
with Mobile No.

Name of the JCB/ HDD

machine number and
Mobile No.

Signature of BSNL Office Signature of Agency representative

Name:- Name………………………….

Designation SDE Trans vapi. Designation…………………….

Mobile 9408706970 Mobile…………………………

Transmission - Vapi-Division
Vapi- Ph.: 0260- 2400024
Fax :- 0260-2400020


(Compensation for Damage of optical Fiber Cable of BSNL)

Damaged by:- …………………………………………………………………..

Location:- ………………… ……………………………………………………

Date & time of Damage:- …………………………………………………….

Damage Charges as prescribed by BSNL;- Rs. 1,50,000/-

(Govt. of India Enterprise) (Rupees One lakh fifty thousand only)
(Restoration cost of OF Cable)
(This is the minimum estimated cost which does not include loss of credibility in the public
due to interruption of service)

Payment may be made to Accounts Officer (Cash), O/o the GMTD, Ground Floor, New
Telephone Exchange building, Halar Road, Valsad 396001 within a week from the date of
receipt of this letter.

JTO Trans Vapi SDE Trans Vapi

Mob 9408706633 Mobile-9408706970

Copy to:-

1 ……………………….

2. DGM (CFA-1) Valsad

3. AO, O/o the GMTD Valsad.

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